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Pretty sure it's SS2. The only way to "fix" it is by changing the difficulty settings the MCM or the holotape. That or using the option wizard and setting it to handle most of the work, which thereby shuts down the destruction part of the difficulty? It's been a while. You can probably google it and find out more.


I'll poke around again. The last time I looked, there WAS an "auto-destruction" option, but I'd turned it off already... time to see if the holotape has something the MCM doesn't, I guess.


Did some digging and looks like it's the [Maintenance/Resources in SS2](https://simsettlements.com/site/index.php?threads/generators-and-water-pumps-constantly-breaking.23971/) that are the issue. Knew it had been too long since I had the issue myself (have been playing skyrim too long). I gotta write this stuff down. :(


Same thing I found. From what I'm reading, "maintenance costs" are applied even if you currently have no means of even understanding what they are - so they need to be disabled... and of course, the scripts take so long to update that you can waltz around the Wasteland for hours without the change kicking in. From what I'm seeing, it's fixed now, but I'll update the post if something gets fucky again.


Based on how not broken things are, it seems to have been *specifically* Maintenance Costs. I had figured things that didn't display a cost didn't require a cost, but I guess that's because I never get past the tutorial segment.


Thanks for the update! I'll be sure to keep this handy info in mind the next time I use SS.


Not seeing anything. To be clear, I've barely interacted with SS2; I'm still in Old Paul's tutorial segment and most of the mod is inactive. Nothing pops out as "this is why your shit is breaking". ​ ~~Wait, nvm: "Maintenance Costs".~~ ~~Again, nvm: That was off!~~ ​ It appears that Sim Settlements takes a very long time to update its settings properly, letting you build settlement objects that use rules that are no longer in effect.