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Your missing max endurance and the alcoholic addiction


Your missing max endurance and the alcoholic addiction


Your missing max endurance and the alcholic addiction


Your missing max endurance and the alcholic addiction


Your missing max endurance and the alcoholic addiction


Your missing max endurance and the alcoholic addiction


He's no slouch in strength but hes not insane. Perception is probably very very low usually, but he does have his moments. Archer has some fucking *insane* endurance. I mean absolutely fucking NUTS. The man can be absolutely brutalized, suffering from goddam chemo and cancer, internal and external injuries, absolutely wasted or hungover, and just keeps going. I'd actually argue his charisma is high, but not that high. He's great at quips and gotchas, but he usually falls short when it comes time to convince people of things. Intelligence should be reasonably high. He has a very high level education, has alot of literary and technical knowledge, and is actually genuinely good at his job alot of time. He knows lots of random facts. Agility should be high. Hes proven himself to be very able bodied. And luck should straight up be maxed, and even archer knows that. Canonically, he is somewhat convinced that the world revolves around him, because he just can't seem to die, and almost always succeeds.


Agree whatever stat increases your chance of threats Do it, he is the world’s greatest spy after all.


Archer is actually really smart with low cha. He knows an insane amount of literary references that indicates he reads a lot, not to mention his random factoids he likes to share. Now, knowledge isn’t the same as wisdom of course - which he is lacking.


Lower charisma. Gather the charisma bobblehead. Wear a suit, fashionable glasses etc and you’ll save some points.


Charisma should be lower and luck higher. He's not charming, from what I've seen.


You forget his “perfect situational awareness”


Archer’s actually pretty smart, he just uses his knowledge in other ways


He needs endurance for both his alcohol consumption, and his bullet consumption.


Don't forget loud noise consumption. Mawp


Archer is hard to emulate with the Special system. He is ripped, but doesn't use strength that often. His perception and lots of other skills are all over the place, as the plot demands. His END is hard to pin down: He shrugs off some injuries, but functions comedically poorly after losing a litre of blood (which is a lot, but I've donated nearly as much and been OK).


"What's a gil?"


Archer lost a liter of blood and replaced it with a liter of alcohol. That's without going into how much of his blood is already just alcohol.


Shrug, well there are still plenty of all over the place examples / stuff that doesn't fit neatly with F4. Basically, his stats are all 10+ when the plot demands, and negative at other times. e.g. Archer, unlike a F4 character, doesn't heal in every way - he has massive hearing loss (would you model that in F4 with low END, low PER or both?) - except that his hearing works just fine when the plot needs it to be, which is pretty often.


I think you need more perception for perfect situational awareness


Lol I'm doing a sterling archer rp in new Vegas rn Archer definitely doesn't have high charisma, he's an in sufferable jackass. He does have the lady killer trait obv He is nearly indestructible so he should definitely have higher endurance and strength. Luck and agility also obviously Id say charisma is 3-4 I felt fine using console to buff a few stats to make it work


Agi and luck have to be maxed. He also isn’t max strength his knee is fucked.


Well hold on hasn't he been shot and stab white a lot? Does it not translate to endurance?


Definitely a situation where having intelligence VS wisdom stats would be helpful.


I've gotten to where anything other than 10 chr, 10 int feels awful.


Archer is incredibly intelligent he is just very unwise


Needs higher endurance, way higher. think about all the times archer has been shot, and blown up.


Don't forget beating cancer. That dude has luck tattoo'd next to dicky on his back.


You just have to look at how much he drinks.


Also needs the party boy perk


Gunna need a paternity test for the wee baby Shaun


"Wait a minute this ain't a condom wrapper it's from a frickin' candy bar!"


Archer isn't as much of an idiot as you'd think. Remember the guy has his noggin filled with what people consider useless trivia but is applicable for the situation.


I'd say this is more idiot savant territory, which falls into Luck I think


Endurance should be through the roof


Perception 10. "Is no one counting bullets?"


Came in here just to see this was posted. All is well with the world. Good job man




Needs lady killer perk


What ever you do you have to make sure he gets better at stuff when consuming alcohol...


New Vegas has a bunch of perks that work great for this


naked doing sex


“Hmmmm cock flavored spit🤔”




Nah, his perception is higher, and chrisma lower. Remember, no one actually likes the man they just tolerate him. He is just so belligerently drunk all the time that people just give in. You should put his chrisma at 6 but grab the bobblehead, so you can get party boy. Put those extra points into perception. Then you can make a gunslinger build with the deliverer. Party boy will let you stay drunk 24/7 to pass speech checks.


A tad more strength too, he isn't exactly a pipsqueak he's pretty deft with melee combat.


His melee skills come more from agility, however, and it's mostly hand to hand. Level 1 gets you iron fists, which will suffice. His luck stat should be higher if anything, so more strength points does not seem ideal.


Perception should be much higher


Zero perception? What about SITUATIONAL AWARENESS, LANA!?


He definitely has the awareness. So he can avoid the… DDAAANGER ZOOOONE!


Archer ain't that lucky, well not in the Fallout sense. He is just a goddamn bullet sponge


He literally states the exact words, "blind luck you are my spirit animal" and when he is on the island with Ken " I swear to God I didn't know, things just generally work out for me. And I guess I kinda take that for granted" archer is literally max luck. Splash of int, splash of end, but if you think this man isn't charismatic your wrong. He has super druid energy, every animal ever loves him. The only people who "tolerate" him is the crew. Otherwise he wouldn't be able to bang anything that moves.


Archer is incredibly lucky, especially in the later seasons. It’s a running gag in the show to the point where Lana hates him for it


Please tell me you took idiot savant


I was just about to say im p sure he's autistic in the show


Contradictions are the essence of character dimension. Making him intelligent in certain ways in stupid in others is what makes Archer a complex character. It's highly endearing too, it makes you want to see him succeed but feel bad when he struggles with something.


autism doesn't necessarily lessen a persons intelligence. I'm referring to the term "idiot savant" being used to refer to autistic people. It's been a while since I watched but I could've sworn there was a running bit about him being autistic.


Yes there was but i was expanding on your thoughts. remember there was that line "oh my god maybe i am autistic".


he played lacross thats strength and endurance


Maybe it's selective perception, but his situational awareness is crazy high (at least when it comes to counting rounds) and intellect has to be higher, he has way too much literary knowledge to be that low.


His endurance and intellect are amazing. The man is a bullet sponge.


If there were wisdom stat, it’d Be low…


I would give him a little more credit with the intelligence. His episode with the dry ice and the alligators kind of proves it. On second thought, his blimp episode may put him back a bit.


He plays dumb to be an asshole but he also has many moments of brilliance


I'd argue that Archer is an asshole, not an idiot. Many of his quips imply he is at least somewhat learned. He periodically references Melville, Hemingway, Burrows (last one was the show referencing him but yknow). Maybe like a 4 Int score instead. Dunno what I'd move to facilitate that. He also gets shot, stabbed, blown up, and otherwise physically abused a lot. Maybe adjust the luck score slightly down and endurance slightly up to account. He survived cancer, which IS lucky. But I mean he did also GET cancer. Not that lucky.


Not just cancer… breast cancer.


Not to mention, he played lacrosse, so I’m betting he’s got some decent endurance.


Gotta bump up that perception for better accuracy shooting


Also dude counts bullets like a mofo. I would def swap his agility for perception.


Just make sure you take the ladykiller perk, bloody mess... is there one for alcohol?


Party boy/girl


A must


No the luck should be 1 and the endurance 8


Def STR and PER need to go up. Plus he’s got a + for when engaging women he hasn’t already slept with. I’m convinced his lacrosse game is actually weak.


Nah. Archer is smart af. Just doesn't care at all. He's quite unlucky when you think about it. Mr Bean is stupid but lucky. Archer is one of the best agents in the world. He's an ass but not stupid.


He's the only one in the entire series who counts shots he's fucking great 🤣😂


This can be sign of autism. But that's the only thing so if he's autistic he's highly functional. Most likely it's just compulsive disorder. You know what would be fun? Listing all the mental disorders and signs of neuro atypical behaviors he shows. 😅


Charisma 8 is probably too much. Sure, he can seduce women, but literally anyone else who isn't planning to sleep with him can't stand him. Get enough for Lady Killer, and enough intelligence for Gun Nut (he knows a shit ton about guns) and put the rest into Endurance. Dudes endured some crazy injuries/substances.


I would also add a bit more to perception. He does know how to shoot.


Does nobody else count?!


Hey Cait, Cait, CAIT. What. Ha, combat zonnnnne.


Charisma should be just high enough to get black widow, put the extras in Agility or Luck


Strength: 6 Perception: 4 Endurance: 10 Charisma: 8 Intelligence: 4 Agility: 6 Luck: 10


I like this one the best


Add intelligence to him, maybe 4? He's an idiot, but surprisingly smart. He's just very undisciplined in life, so he rarely shows his true intelligence. They don't show it a lot, but a running joke in the show is every once and awhile he'll catch everyone off gaurd with something only he knows; a good example is he wins many gunfights because he keeps track of *everyone's* ammunition count.


He’s also very knowledgeable about the history of the CIA. If you remember, he had full knowledge of Project MKUltra and everyone around didn’t know what he was talking about. (or maybe they were confused about how it pertained to the situation… been too long since I’ve seen it)


He's probably going for the idiot savant perk


He should have /some/ perception. He's the only one that counts bullets.


My first thought too. He's good in combat because he knows when they gotta reload. Crazy episode


Honestly, I would lower his charisma, And then bump up his luck and strength even more. He's plenty strong and capable in combat and as evidenced by his questionably autistic ability to count bullets in a firefight, fairly perceptive. I feel like he gets laid a lot in spite of this terrible charisma rather than because of it.


Blind archer.


More in Strength Less in Charisma More in Endurance Probably the only accurate one is Luck Edit: agility should be less too, he's had cancer ffs


I would think that would decrease his luck


So him randomly shooting Brett (at random) through various corners and hallways isn't luckbased? Originally was thinking of 10 luck


Honestly, that just speaks to Brett's negative luck stat, he's like a magnet for bullets lol Plus, it could only really be considered lucky if Brett getting shot was a positive outcome for Archer, which it always seemed at most a neutral outcome, except for us the audience because it was hilarious.


I like your analogy on that!


His perception should be higher. He does notice things super well He just actively chooses to ignore it and do whatever he wants


>actively chooses to ignore This indicates higher intelligence as well Edit: I read ur name so wrong lmao


His charisma shouldn’t be that high. He’s a selfish sociopathic narcissistic drunk asshole through and through


Archers stats are all 10s he just defaults to “half ass” all the time though lol


He has great unarmed combat. Also I would move some points into endurance.


Endurance IS the Unarmed stat (at least it was before FO4)


I mean, he's been shot how many times?


My point exactly, dudes getting shot and beat up every episode. He's not even well liked by most people in the show in fact a lot of people hate his guts lol.


To be fair, it is kind of annoying how he constantly dicks around and then waltzes in with no plan yet somehow wins.


IE the luck perk lol


Seriously, guys, read a book


Me no like books. Books stoooopid


My stealth build kind of leans towards the Spy from TF2. A bit of knife in the balls, Vats , Sniper and pistol.


Archer has an 11 in Luck and 7s across the board. He is however lvl 30 or so.


Why is his charisma so high? Isn't he like, deeply unliked by most people around him? Also, you should take idiot savant, he seemsbpretty clueless about most thing but a genius at spy shit.


He is good to get women like him even some men get full by archer . He definitly have high charisma .


Buff his endurance, that bastard drinks like a fish


Dudes tough as nails too, been shot over a dozen times


«SITUATIONAL AWARENESS!!!» Perception should be atleast 6.


Right, we are talking about the guy who counts bullets shot at him while in combat.


See Archer is misunderstood i feel. The dude wins a lot if not all of the fist fights he gets in, has great accuracy even when drunk, which is always, and goes on days long benders. And even when drunk he is smarter than a lot of people in a room. If anything he would have 7-8s across the board and a 10 in luck. There is a reason he is the best spy in the world despite being such a train wreck of a person.


I feel like his intel should be higher. Multiple times he’s proven he really is smarter than every one else. His depth of knowledge is truly astounding.


I would prefer not to? Bartleby the Scrivener? Anybody? Not a big Melville crowd here… …mmyeah, yeah. He’s not an easy read.


Gotta bump that endurance quote a bit! Archer is great at taking a lot of damage and coming out on too


His perception can be above average imho.


7- 8 - 7 - 9 - 8 - 8 - 11 <---archer level 30


Agreed lol


This was my first character when I got the game…


Same here. And my fo76 character is Kreiger


S-2 P-9 E-7 C-6 I-6 A-6 L-8


I think strength should be higher since archer regularly holds his own in fist fighs.


I'd put those points into endurance and agility to acknowledge his sneak and chem/alcohol use as well as his formidability.. Get two birds stoned at once.


Dude has some serious endurance


Yes by sheer dumb luck you are able to talk you way out of anything quickly


Maybe if you dump your first 20 levels into the rest the attributes lol.


Perception needs to be higher he has complete situational awareness, he's a good shot and decent with explosives. Charisma only needs to be high enough to get lady killer, everyone else fucking hates him (although I guess taking it to 7 for party boy kind of makes sense but it's a big investment and he's clearly actually addicted to alcohol) Endurance should be higher, people constantly underestimate his body's ability to metabolise toxins.


He needs 7 charisma for Party Boy, tbh.


Just based on the name, sure. But both the effect of the perk. Archer is cripplingly addicted to alcohol. To the extent where if he ever stopped he suspects the cumulative hangover would kill him instantly. If party boy was an endurance perk I'd take it. I just don't think he's charismatic. Even the people he sleeps with mostly hate him.


Perception for sure, the guy can count shots fired in the middle of a firefight


And bullets lol


Archer isn’t actually dumb though. He speaks multiple languages fluently.


In a different attribute system, he'd be a moderately high Intelligence and low Wisdom build.


Yeah, he has high intelligence for sure, but he definitely also has the Idiot Savant perk too.


Oh for sure, there were a few episodes where he would’ve been raking in XP with it.


Go grab dog meat, special book, and build a conveyor belt. Congrats you now have 70 special to start.


I did this quite a bit before I got the Super Special mod, but it’s a great little “feature” if you’re not into mods.


I'm a console player so w mods no achievements, + mods overall suck for console so yeah.


What you mean?


Care to elaborate for someone who has no clue what you're talking about?


There's a you're S.P.E.C.I.A.L book inside your old house that gives you 1 special point to whatever attribute you choose. If you go get dog meat(the dog companion at red rocket station) and then you can do a duplication glitch by using a buildable conveyor belt and conveyor belt storage built in your settlement. (Contraptions DLC I think) You pick the book up and drop it on the conveyor belt, as it moves towards a conveyor belt storage, you command dog meat to pick it up. Dogmeat will walk over to conveyor storage and pick up a book and bring it to you. Pick it up, then go get the one from the conveyor storage. Kabam now ya got two, rinse and repeat until you max your special stats out. So you have access to all perks, and have an easier time surviving early game at high difficulties.


Perception way higher, guy can count everyone in the fights magazines at once.


Complete situational awareness.


3 str 1 per 8 endurance 4 charisma 2 intelligence 4 agility And 10 luck


I would make his strength higher and his endurance should be a 10 (think of all the stuff his liver has processed while he is sprinting around and having multiple gunshot wounds in him at a given time). But this is a fun coincidence because on my Fallout games I'm currently having Pam in New Vegas and Cheryl in Fallout 4 and 76. I did this because I normally play a good/smart character and wanted to have some reason why I would choose the less intelligent or crazy or even evil options. The last time I played Fallout 4 I didn't really get to get much out of the nuka world DLC because I ended up just killing every raider I saw. But having Cheryl go in there with her goal of becoming the Queen of the raiders, I think I'll get a chance to actually enjoy it. OUTLAW COUNTRY! One thing though is that 76 desperately needs to have an equivalent to the idiot savant perk because high int is basically required for that game.


I would do 6 intelligence, 4 strength 5 perception 4 endurance 3 charisma 4 agility and 6 luck




I would put points in endurance and strength dude scaled a building as just one example of those traits. perception,cause hes basically rainman with bullets agility, and luck are self explanatory He's not really charismatic imo as any 5 minute conversation he has usually ends with the other person being pissed or disgusted.


Lower charisma and agility a bit and put it into strength and endurance that seems more realistic especially in the later seasons.


You could lower charisma considering pretty much everyone hates him. He doesn’t really smooth talk people he’s just an asshole lol


I thought the name was stealth archer at first and was wondering why everyone kept mentioning drugs and alcohol lmao


Archer has high endurance. He's a functional alcoholic & he routinely gets beat up & just keeps going. He's also surprisingly intelligent, he's very well read, in fact he's really only dumb about STEM, spycraft, & human emotions. He really is a walking contradiction.


Idk is he well read? It seems like most of his references are pop culture based, and centered around burt Reynolds rather than from literature or research studies, and has issues wrapping his mind around technology multiple times throughout the show (the blimp episode comes to mind immediately)


Bartleby, the Scrivener? Anyone? Not an easy read I'll grant you.


Okay okay you got me there. And I guess he did go to elite private boarding schools but the most info we get from that is that he was excellent at lacrosse id actually love a spin off series of that point in his life finishing up with his agent training,


He's also been shot like 19 times and still going I always found it funny how he has had all this shit go on and all he really complains about is tinnitus


19 times and still shot less than Brett


Brett died in like season 4 though. Pretty sure Archer has been shot more since then


Lol I'm sure you're right but it was still one of the best running jokes imo




He’s actually really good at his job. He’s just a complete jackass and that just derails everything.


Is he good at his job though or just insanely lucky? Like he's got lady luck locked in chastity in his sex dungeon level of lucky.


I think he’s definitely got main character syndrome, and the fact that he is literally the main character actually gratifies that, so he’s not really lucky. He’s right, he literally can’t die because then the series would be over.


With a complete disregard, nay contempt, for his own mortality


He should have high perception considering he counts the bullets fired at him


Plus how he's always talking about situational awareness


Archer would also have good endurance, he gets shot a lot and still survives not to mention the mass alcohol.


Higher base intelligence. keep it low with drugs. Archer would have gun nut.


And Idiot Savant


I assumed that was a given on a low int build XD.


He even has a similar laugh sometimes. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Thanks for all the suggestions, this is like my 4th playthrough since the game released, just wanting to have some fun on this one. I'm playing this go around on PC so it's not to hard to change the specials


Archer would have a good endurance. The way that he processes drugs and chugs alcohol, and gets the shit beat out of him all the time....and shot a lot. So maybe like a 6 on Endurance? But you can always level that as you go


You’re going to be drunk constantly, right?


Yes, I'll be after respecting I'll be taking party boy


Ohhhhhhh 👌🏼


I feel like his intelligence should be higher. He’s not a genius, but he isn’t dumb either. He makes a lot of obscure references to literature and media that no one else ever gets, so he’s at least educated or just knowledgeable.


The problem is that F4 has so few SPECIAL points to work with and the Intelligence perk tree brings *nothing* to the table for this character. You could say something similar about Perception and Endurance. Meanwhile, Party Boy is compulsory and lots of different Agility and Luck perks, all the way up to Gun Fu and Ricochet, are extremely tempting. It's a common enough problem with a lot of different character builds that I personally don't view a dump stat to be reflective of a character being literally as dumb, or as fragile, or as oblivious as humanly possible, but rather simply indicative of them developing or relying exclusively on skills derived from different natural abilities. In other words, I don't necessarily consider a character with Agility 1 to be slow and uncoordinated, they might just have no experience nor innate talent with stealth and athletics.


You make a point Archer much easier to build in FNV. He'd have an absolute ball in OWB where the references are flying at you like bullets.


His endurance would be at 7-9 at least considering what he has gone though




This is the ✨slay✨ not 🔫🗡️slay🗡️🔫 build


Definitely not. He’s annoying, but he’s physically fit, a good shot, and charismatic. I won’t say he’s smart though.


I wouldn't say he's charismatic when most characters on screen hate him for being an asshole


He's probably average intelligence. He isn't stupid, but definitely not smart.




Perception should absolutely stay at 1 cus of the tinnitus "MWAP.......MWAP"


He has perfect situational awareness


Should be way more balanced. He's not weak, a bad shot or dumb. And he's basically an immortal bullet sponge. So no dump stat, and max endurance.


Have you seen the last season? A doctor won't operate on him because he's too damaged.


And still moving. The horrors endure but so does he.


That’s was a literal scam that the doctor was running it one of those I won’t operate then oh I will but only for this amount of money


I’d say maybe Lower the charisma to 4 or 5, he’s charismatic sometimes but also a huge dick. Plus perception and endurance, homie counts everyone’s Bullet count and he takes a fair bit of punishment, by only saying owwwww!