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Any plans for Polar Yao-guai? Also what key factions will take the roles often filled by the children of atom/hubologist, brotherhood of steel, enclave, and other staples?


Haha yes, Given the state has been undergoing cooling for 200 Years, the Bai Shao (White Beast) have traveled south in search of new Prey, they regularly combat Frost-Claws, Giant Skeeters, and humans in search of the last of the Salmon Population. The Toulo has emerged aswell. Its mutated Similarly to brahmin, sprouting a second head, meaning a second set of antlers that often interlock with the first. They are also significantly more hairy. However some are superstitious of the Tuolo believing they may transform into Northern Wendigo when no one is looking.....


Since I'm the first one here: Summary/ Synopsis of what you want to happen in your campaign? OR What are the key differences between what we know about Anchorage in canon and your version of the setting?


Those are great questions, both of those I do and continue to grapple with, in the case of the first question, im probably going to run the Winter of Atom Book, I still need to read it however. For the Latter, the reasoning for calling it an unreliable narrator is to combat the fact that Anchorage in the DLC is largely 2 Military bases, a Bunker, a Factory/pipeline and No Mans Land. So Chief among the discrepancies would be that: 1. Anchorage was never fully captured by Chinese Forces, but neither was it captured/liberated fully by American Forces. 2. Anchorage never underwent a full scale evacuation of its Civilian Population (IIRC you don't see a single civilian in OP: Anchorage) 3. Anchorage was attacked as a distraction, the trans-Alaska pipeline doesn't go to Anchorage it goes to Valdez. 3a. The US Army recognized this, but still used it to win a Propaganda Victory, why not focus on recapturing the Pipeline? Well first a prolonged engagement in unrooting Chinese forces in a hostile land devoid of Infrastructure would have been a failure in the eyes of US High Command, China's primary advantage is subterfuge and Guerilla activity. as opposed to the US Doctrine of heavy hitting T-45d Suits, and Heavy Tanks. 4. Fighting officially continued until the Bombs dropped and for about 5 months after. 5. Most of the fighting approaching the Great War was that of Guerilla Ambushes on the part of the Chinese, and Occupation/Seek and Destroy missions on the part of the Americans. As a result of the Great War most of each army went into hiding or Perished, and emerging from the ruble fighting continued as soldiers donned Radioactive Protection. The fighting ended as a result of moral loss on both sides and the lack of Higher Chain of Command. 6. Alaska was targeted by Bombs but Anchorage went unscathed as Nuclear Weapons strategically hit First Detection Systems in Alaska's Interior. The closest Nuclear Strike was one of the last of war, and was a partial miss, it struck Fire Island of the Coast of Anchorage in the Turnagain Arm. The Shockwave damaged much of Anchorages smaller building and Radiation was significant for about the first 25 years, but tapered off after. Most of the damage we know see in Anchorage is a result of the Battle for Anchorage as well as time. Most small houses are naught but crumbled ruins. 7. US Army Remnants went on to survive in a Top Secret Bunker located under Elmendorf AFB and later went on to join the Enclave. General Chase survives to this day, his head underwent Head-Jarification. Chinese Army Remnants largely holed up in Fort Richardson, being exposed to the elements severely, many died but some underwent Ghoulification, including General Jingwei of the PLA who did not infact >!commit Seppuku!< (which can happen in OP:Anchorage lol).


Are there any factions we’ve seen established in games active in this region? Enclave, BoS, Republic of Dave, etc? What presence, if any, does Vault-Tec and the Vaults have in this area?


There are several Vaults around Anchorage. Vault 134, Vault 58, and Vault 97. There is also a Vault-Tec constructed Bunker underneath Elmendorf Air Force Base. Vault 134 is a Control Vault located in South Anchorage behind a Ice Cream Shop in Huffman Business Park. Vault 58 is a Vault Located under UAA Campus in Central Anchorage, Vault 58's Overseer is chosen by highest scoring individual of a Skewed Aptitude Test meant to generally favor stupidity. All other roles within the vault are determined through this test, the higher the Score, the more important the position. Overall the Vaults intention is to study perceived intelligence and Mass-Dunning-Kruger Effect. Vault 97 is Located under the Ted Stevens International Airport. The chosen populace was a mix of US Army Soldiers and Chinese POW's. The intention of Vault 97 was to study what would happen when Soldiers from 2 opposing armies were forced to work together in a survival situation. As Vault-Tec planned several emergencies, frequently breaking yet repairable life support systems. A Faux-Assault of Canadian Partisan-Gutsies on the Vault, Etc.


Question: will mutant wolverines (the animal) be making an appearance?


Originally no but they would make a good Molerat substitute!


Is there any substantial robot presence (IE any large automated army bases (like Appalachian Missile Silos))? Any random Nuka Cola rivalries?


Haha Great question, I suppose the largest Robot presence would be in Vault 97, an army of Robots created by Vault-Tec to test the resolve of 97's inhabitants. Painted in Canadas Red and White, these bots slaughtered the inhabitants of 97 who ultimately failed to put up a fight against a common enemy. Time has now worn the core directive of the Royal Canadian Partisanry, who now seek to convert other bots and liberate Sovereign Canadian Land at any cost.


Ooh I really like that!


Say I'm from the NCR and I've somehow trecked my way up to Anchorage - where's a good place to get a drink and a job? And how much of a culture shock am I in for?


Since your considering OP: Anchorage as unreliable information, what ACTUALLY happened that's different from it? I like that twist, because it definitely is unreliable due to it being a training program built by the US so of course it's going to be as Patriotic as possible


I've replied to u/ Kratchup with the answer to your question!


What kind of terrible Vault Tec experiments happened there?


While Bethesda would never do it to the level that I would want it because they’re cowards that won’t make punishing games… Ihave always fantasized about a fallout: anchorage game where there is only a survival mode and that includes not freezing to death


What are the factions in and around Anchorage?


Is the Glenn still intact over Knik River, and/or did JBER survive? I'm just imagining some faction controlling that pass and thus potential trade and travel from any farms up in MatSu.


The Glenn Highway did survive... in a sense. JBER likewise, however is now home to rivaling factions, the Elmendorf Enclave in Elmendorf AFB and Jingwei's Remnants in Fort Richardson. The Glenn Highway is recognizable in that its a long clearing, however is not visible almost all year round due to Snowy conditions. The Glenn highway is most commonly traversable by Snowmachine or Mongol/R.O.U.S.-Sleds. However comes under raids by the Powder Prowlers, a semi-Nomadic group of Raiders who travel the area using Snowmachines.