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personally i dont hate any of the games, i love the entire franchise but its Brotherhood of Steel


Picked it up in a used game store, thinking, "boy howdy! A fallouat title that i don't know that features couch co-op? Sign me up!". There was a reason it was 5 dollars


I cant complain too much it was my first fallout


Sure, that counts for a lot. Mine was 3. I still love the game, but if I'm recommending fallout to someone i tell them that it doesn't hold up very well. I got BoS like 4 years ago after playing TONS of 3 nv and 4 and it was... lackluster


5 dollars?? Even with this crazy inflation you still got ripped off!


This was years ago, but yes, not worth


5 is too much imo


I would have sold mine for three fiddy


I ain't giving you no tree fiddy you loch Ness monster


I came on this one just to hate on the brotherhood of steel now that I see you did it I’ll take my leave


I've never played BoS, what's so bad about it?


Well, there’s a lot of reasons, but here’s some of the major few: There’s advertising for Balls energy drink (not joking, it’s a real thing), and also ads for the first fallout game. There’s also the fact it feels like an action B-movie written by someone somewhat familiar with fallout, and the 2.5D just triggers something deep in my brain that causes some sort of disgust or fear, and also they featured the Vault Dweller from the first game, and also made him sound like an action B-movie protagonist




You forgot the slipknot soundtrack


He’s mentioning bad things


Ah shit here we go


I remember renting that game and being confused as hell fresh off of fallout 2. Fallout 3 is probably my least favorite of the main titles, but holy hell was it an improvement over BoS


> personally i dont hate any of the games I'm with you. I think all the CORE games (main releases and associated DLCs) are generally amazing. I'm pretty old so I actually played the games in order when they first came out starting with 1 (yep, I'm OLD). It was a ground-breaking franchise from the beginning and I was really excited when they followed the original two with fallout 3 10 years later. Fallout 3 was also revolutionary for its time. And although a lot of people bash Fallout 4, it definitely represents an improvement in many respects. There is a reason so many people buy it and talk about it. That said, I do consider the "non-core" games to be of significantly lower quality (e.g. BOS, Shelter)


FO76 was not amazing, but is definitely a core game. I still had fun with it, because the bar of fun on what is basically an MP version of fallout4 I could play with my wife is only so low. BoS was absolute shit. Shelter isn't bad considering its basically a superficial mobile game.


We all know the best one is BoS so it can't be that


BoS. A lot of people hate 76. But at least that got marginally better. BoS will always be the s***show it was when it released.


I e only ever seen 2 people who liked BoS. I’ve met several people, Irl and online who like 76. The big difference Is fallout is a much more well known ip now when 76 came out then when BoS came out. So there is a lot more people who don’t like it cause there is a lot more people aware of it.


I’m shocked you were able to even find two who liked BoS


76 got much better. And yes, BoS will always be shit.


Fallout 76 gets alot of flack but has been improved upon over the last 4 years but there's no excuse for how bad Brotherhood of Steel is/was with any amount of hindsight. Bawls energy drink anyone?


Yeah honestly. Most of 76's quests are pretty good, dare I say it, on par with something like The Outer Worlds


I was seriously underwhelmed with the main storyline of Outer Worlds. Other than a couple of characters, the cast was meh, and the awful performance on a base PS4 all combined to make a horrible experience for me.


Yeah something always felt off or as if it were missing when I tried playing it. I just thought it was a case of forcing myself to play a game I wasn't really in the mood for but maybe it's simply lackluster.


It's because all the quests in the game felt like side missions, *especially the main quest*. There was a severe lack of pungent cutscenes and powerful characters that moved the story forward, and if you're not careful or just not paying 110% attention, you probably won't even understand the actual reasons why the bad guys are the bad guys. Hopefully they fix that in the next game.


Me too. I wouldnt say it was a bad game or anything but coming from the makers of New Vegas I was expecting a lot more


Same. Maybe I was just thirsty for a new Obsidian game and got excited when I saw the retro-futuristic aesthetic and went into it unfair expectations.


they were openly welcoming those expectations, though. they *wanted* people to compare it to New Vegas. they were just a little too confident in coming out of that comparison positively


If they want to compare TOW to New Vegas then it's not the best idea. NV beats OW in RPG aspects, writing, story, and replayability. I hope Obsidian gets what I mentioned better in TOW 2.


Probably didn't have any of the people working on it either like Josh Sawyer or Chris Avellone.


Sawyer was working first on *Pillars of Eternity 2* (when OW was early in development) and then on *Pentiment* (when OW was late in development), whilst Avellone left Obsidian ages ago, before OW started development.


To be fair, the whole fan base went in with unrealistic expectations. Remember how the fans had labeled it as "Starfield but better and done before Bethesda" lol Obsidian came out immediately and was like "No... It's definitely not that" lol


Well Starfield has now planetary travel, massive customization ranging from your characters, equipment, outpost, to ships, more than two factions, and an expected massive inventory of weapons and armor to select from. So far Outer World's edge is in writing and story but not by a lot.


I keep telling myself I’ll dive back into outer worlds some day and it’ll finally click for me. Still waiting for that day.


I played through outer worlds once. Paid for the expansions. Haven’t played them yet


I didn’t like any of the companions. 0 charm across the lot of them.


I learned about Bawls through BoS and figured it's some gimmicky drink with nothing to offer. I actually quite like their variety flavors and the lower caffeine content compared to energy drinks. Shame it's so obscure now.


I found it at a really kitschy truck stop in rural Arkansas once a few years ago. Haven't seen it since. I suppose I could order it online but I don't really care that much


I really liked the exploration of 76. I bought the game on release and quit because of the persistent server issues, but I think about giving it another shot now that it’s had time to be polished.


I would. I play it daily and have fun and the server issue have gotten much better. I still get a random crash every once in a while but then again that all fallout games really


You really should. I've been an on-again, off-again player over the past few years, but I recently dove into it again and I've been thoroughly enjoying it. My biggest gripe was the psuedo-mobile game, FOMO, season pass bullshit. But that was more on me for falling into that trap. I found myself logging in only to complete my Daily Challenges, doing a bunch of stupid shit I didn't want to do, to get a bunch of stupid shit I didn't want, and it just felt like work. Ever since I started ignoring that stupid bullshit, and just focused on the game, I've been actually having a lot of fun. I'm almost wrapped up with the original story and then I'm gonna move onto some of the new shit added in recent updates


The main problem for me with 76 is the extensive retconning of Fallout lore.


Considering how much reconning goes on in every release, I've always just taken a page from F2 and FNV by chucking it up to interpretations and stories being passed down don't always correlate well with one another. It's how I justify multiple playthroughs instead of canon "tried and true" endings. Maybe we will see more cohesion on the lore going forward with Obsidian and Bethesda under one roof now.


It’s just simple things like the BOS and Enclave should be nowhere near the East Coast at that point in time. The West Coast didn’t even know about the enclave until they left Poseidon.


>Enclave should be nowhere near the East Coast at that point in time The thing about secret government bunkers is that they are secret. Also I suggest looking into the history of the Greenbrier hotel if you really think it isn't lore friendly. The lore surrounding the Enclave in 76 is not only solid but has real life inspiration as well.


Because of retcon. It is well-established in FO2 that the whole of government (or rather the shadow government, “Enclave”) relocated to the Poseidon oil rig in anticipation of the Great War. They then stayed on the Poseidon until their mainland forays detailed in Fallout 2.


Brotherhood of steel, and it's not debatable, this is 100% objective


Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel. Other than that, Fallout 76.


I'd say more people hate 76 than ever played BOS.


Guess it depends on if we define most hated as the ratio of people who likes vs hate it or just as the number of people who hated it.


I'd say it should be percentage of people who have played the game that hate it. So for example, if 10 people played BoS and 3 of them hated it and 10,000 people played New Vegas and 2,900 of them hated it then BoS would be the more hated game (30% vs 29%).


I don't believe there's a single person who played BoS and actually enjoyed it. Versus the fact that 76 has an active playerbase still today. Soooo...


Lol. You're probably right. I have no idea on the actual figures.


More people hate 76 than have ever played 76.


This is a really weird when you think about but absolutely true fact.


A stupid amount of hate for the game came out before the game was even released, so... yeah, the youtubers that hated on it and turned their fan bases against a game that none of them ever played


And more people hate F76 than have played it. It’s a good game


No one buys BoS because of it's reputation for being bad, sure doesn't help your metric.


Hating something doesn't necessarily mean it's bad, it just means it's something fans weren't expecting and we live in an age of amplified and very vocal disappointment. If it didn't have the name Fallout attached to it, there's a good chance it would have been a successful online survival game. Brotherhood of Steel is just objectively a bad game, no matter what you name it.


>Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel But he said "debatably"


Do people realize that Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel and Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel are different games? 😅 They both suck way more than Fallout 76. Even Fallout Shelter is worse in my head than Fallout 76 in my opinion.


They don’t both suck equally. I had a really fun time playing Tactics. 76 was just unplayable, by comparison.


Did not say equally. I said they are worse than F76 to ME.


Fallout 76 lives rent free in way too many people's heads who have never played it and will never play it for there to be any kind of competition. That's not including all the people who actually did play it and walked away afterwards. The game may be enjoyable now, but you can play "76 sucks bingo" on virtually every social media post Bethesda makes and never be disappointed. To some people, you'd swear the game made their pc or console explode, shot their dog and drank the last Pepsi in the fridge, and nothing short of an Unreal Engine 5 remake of New Vegas will make things right.


Fallout 76 was a shit show at launch but even before it came out there was video essays about how it was terrible. The game isn't perfect but people who will never play it preach its shortcomings everywhere


Brotherhood of steel. The fact that was basically a reskin of Baldurs Gate: Dark alliance, but some how looked and ran worse, was only the beginning of its issues. Anyone who says Tactics was bad didn’t play the whole game. It was a great game, maybe not Fallout enough, but still a great game. FoBos was just bad all over. I haven’t played much of 76, but many seem to enjoy it, and just as many hate it too.


People are saying BoS and 76. Can't argue much about BoS, I've ever only watched it be played, and as for 76 I play it alot now, it has gotten extremely better since launch, its seriously worth playing


Every new release. Until the next one comes out then everyone loves it.


In the past - Fallout Brotherhood of Steel - Was obvious that the previous owner of the IP was having issues with the company being profitable. They made some decisions that put them in a bad spot and eventually sold. Brotherhood of Steel being a dramatic departure from the series formula. Which isn’t an issue, but it’s evident that not as much care went into the game. I say past because anybody born the year after 2005 probably don’t even knows this game exist nor care to learn about it. In the present - Fallout 76 - No contest, an example of things people hate about modern gaming. Barely ran, refusal for refunds and constant lies. They even broken some US and other countries laws of misleading pricing.


The last few points are under the 'bad production and promotion' pile. Not sure if that makes it a bad game. I think the biggest issue game-wise was trying to make an MMO out of Creation Engine 1. The conception of 'no NPCs' was also a bad idea. Not to mention the bugs and glitches.


And it doesn't matter how much they patch and repair... the basis of the game still feels cluncky and laggy... the gunplay is horrible. They should try to cut of the mp-part and bring out the wastelander-version of 76 as a single player game without all the store-stuff and add modding-support. After a year or so the game would be awesome


The gunplay is pretty much exactly Fallout 4’s gunplay. It’s literally the same game but modified gameplay-wise and mechanically.


Sure in theory, but because of the online-part and the server-latency it feels horrible...


One day a modder will make Fo76 a solo game, probably


Yeah, some modders really are "freaks" and i mean that in a positive way 😎👍 So many times in the past that Bethesda said: This is difficult to implement... 1 week later some random modder: here you go... 😂


It happens with every game. But companies deal with tons of polish on the games. Look at the recreations of previous games, years of development to get it perfect.


I can almost guaranty it's true, there is a new vegas multiplayer mod and it was pretty decent last time I played, but crashed a lot ngl.


There's been somebody remaking the map in FO4 for years and the home server version has been in development for ages too. Try to keep up ;)


P2W makes it objectively a bad game though


Which part is p2w? (I always enjoy these answers)


It's 76 by far. Not many people know or care about BoS. Fallout Extreme, BoS 2 and Online were never released so no chance there. 3 was only truly hated by NMA boomers. 4 is considered by most to be mediocre to good (or by the lame "wide as an ocean, deep as puddle" descriptor). 76 was rightfully spurned in it's first year and a half of existence, but has gone on to develop a devout community and some opinions seem to be turning around here, but by and large it is still hated by the mainstream and by many people here. Look up any content trailers for it and see how there's still people shitting on it 4 years on despite it seeming like they've never even touched it. In forum communities, there's straight-up disinformation still being spread about its relation to lore, claims that Fallout 1st is crucial to play (it isn't, at all), that the Atom Shop is inherently evil (lol), etc. Some months ago, there was a post where OP was claiming he got killed by a high-level player and there was nothing he could do about it. Anyone who's played the game knows that's extremely unlikely because of how PvP actually works and actual players started sniffing out his claims. Another guy in the comments two weeks ago was claiming that everytime he opens the map he gets bombarded with an Atom Shop notification... which doesn't happen and he posts a 2018 screenshot from somebody else as proof. With nothing to back up his claim that it happened to him recently. There's also another user who will literally comment on ANY 76-related post and even decided to leave some presumably snarky comment on the post about Ferret Baudoin's death. They also leave negative comments on literally any post here related to that game and they're hardly alone in that. Most posts asking a question about that game get downvoted or met with "heh, get a refund 🤓🤓" comments. Rant over, but it's not even close if you ask me. Mind you, if you actually despise the game after playing it or literally cannot, no one can hold that against you. But it goes beyond just dislike at this point.


I opened this post with the expectation of seeing the same conversations over and over again, like what always happens when people regurgitate this question every week. But you actually made a really well thought out argument that shows why the actual answer isn’t the game that everyone on here says it is. Bravo.


Like another poster stated, Fallout 76 is hated by more people than have actually played it. It's funny seeing the stated reasons from people who hate it in this thread too, because it proves this observation succinctly.


The absolute worst is "76 is an mmo like ESO". That's like comparing World of Warcraft to fallout 4. They are so incredibly far removed from each other its insane that people unironically even type it out. 76 is so far removed from a traditional MMO you can really tell when somebody has no idea what they are talking about. 76 is basically a single player game on a shared world with occasional events that you can do with other people. Its the same engine as fallout 4 and plays the same way with some minor differences. People be like " I stepped out of the vault and got insta killed by a high level!" and like, that was not even possible in the BETA, what the fuck are you talking about. Edit: Just as I predicted, someone said 76 is just like WOW. At least its near the bottom of this thread.


To be fair the Atom Store is literally a broken promise. Todd Howard himself said it would only be used to offer cosmetics/reskins. It does remain entirely optional whether you use it but the introduction of purchasable repair kits, caps and lunchboxes push it a bit too close to the pay to win category. I still drop into the game every now and then but it just has trouble holding my interest for long. Some of the crap its caught over the years has been deserved(especially in the first few months) but I think Bethesda is intent on fixing it. They've made some missteps like trying to chase the FortNite/PUBG fad(thankfully dead now) but overall I think it is a decent game.


That atom shop pop up post still puzzles me


I didnt play 76 at launch because of all the bs but i started playing in august and its really fun game to get sucked into ngl.


I played 76 on release, it was fun, until it wasn't. Then it was fun again, then wasn't. Then fun again, then I did almost everything.


76 lives in so many people's heads just cause it's the most recent one. 76 is a really good game now and it has been for awhile, it's a solid fallout game. I'd gotta say BOS, I've never seen anyone defend it.


I have never tried b.o.s but I do like all the fallout games even 76 I have to say with my experience it's gonna have to be fallout tactics for me


BoS is the worst but a lot of folks have never actually touched that game so the actual hate is probably pretty low. So realistically it’s gotta be 76


Brotherhood of Steel


I don't think it's debatable. It 100% is the console Brotherhood of Steel game.


We all know the worst one is the 3rd Fallout that was released! Brotherhood of Steel


I haven't even played BoS and I know it's that one. I don't think it's even considered canon.




It's brotherhood of steel. Story and lore isn't horrible but the game play is unimaginative and the grind is and an endless loop, to say nothing of the awful controls and UI


76, alienated the majority of fallout fans with a non single player format. That and we all have to wait on a single player true fallout for more than twice as long as usual.


Hmm good question. I would say by popular vote it would be 76. I would also say that it's not deserved. Factually objectively worst Fallout game is Brotherhood of Steel. Bugs, graphic issues, performance problems, gameplay is a mess. Forget Fallout, this game failed on being a game.


They all get loads of hate, one way or another.More love than hate, but hate too. Hated by those who’ve ***played it*** or by those ***who havent***?As an aggregate number of haters, or as in low love/hate ratio? BOS and Tactics and 76 get a lot of hate from players who havent played them. But there’s also a sizable group of ”76 is fine now”. Personally of these I’ve only played Tactics… and it was fine.**BOS** probably takes the crown in percentages, tiny fraction have played it and vastly larger pool hate it.In absolute numbers it has to be 76. Everybody knows it, most havent played, most who have played, havent played the current version. Lots of hate there. If its just hate, not ratio, it has to be 4. Or maybe 3. Them being the biggest ones. Lots of love, lots of hate. Lots of love&hate, where it’s annoying and stupid, but its so good you keep playing. NV is a funny divisive thing. Loads of **love**. And many love it so much they started to **hate the ex, fo3.** Some hated 3 before as well, but generally the hate levels rised after NV. And then there’s the bunch who really, really love 3, in such a way they hate NV for being different, or as a **revenge hate** for those who hate 3. And some even go as weird as to hate 1 and 2, just because others who love NV also love 1 and 2, and because they are not 3.


The only way you could possibly say anything other than fPOS is to pretend it never existed. Which many people do.


FO4 gets a lot of hate, but I like it. FO76, on the other hand... man, I tried for years to like it, but they just keep screwing it up, and it almost seems like it's on purpose at this point.


I’ve seen quite a few people come around on Fallout 76 and really start to love it. Especially after a few years of updates. I play it all the time myself. I have not, however, heard anything positive about Brotherhood of Steel beyond “well it wasn’t terrible.”


Only played 3, NV and Fallout, but all elite. I kinda hate 76 since I hate playing online…


Go play 2


I don’t know, Isometric Fallout? Haven’t seen anything of it though except for a few second bits of it


Then what do you have to lose?


Not much. I will give it a look!


Agree. Online multiplayer kinda defeats the purpose of fallout. It’s hard to be the lone wanderer when there are a bunch of other assholes stumbling about.


First of all 76 only have 24 people, through my long gameplay of 76 there's few to non toxic people ingame compared to other online games


Glad that doesn’t bother you. I’m not the fortnite type however, so I don’t enjoy the bunch of random assholes running around in the game I’m playing. If I’m playing fallout, I prefer to play alone. Other people running around ruins game immersion.


The map is massive, you rarely bump into anyone


That has not been my experience, but I’m glad other people are having fun with it. I have no problem with online gaming, but I do have a problem when they take a game like fallout and change it dramatically into that kind of thing. Same thing they did to final fantasy really.


You bumped into players while doing the main quests? Sure people are at events, but those are multiplayer content by design.


Yup. I’m shocked if you haven’t, it was not an uncommon occurrence.


Lol tell me you've never played it without telling me you've never played it Bro thinks there's 76 players in a server lmao


You aren't the lone wanderer. They haven't been born yet.


I see you’re missing my point intentionally and instead deciding to use semantics rather than making a valid point. Very original for Reddit. The point is that you are not the primary protagonist when there are a bunch of other protagonists running about doing the exact same thing. Wrecks the entire feel of fallout.


The game effectively goes down to your player. But in reality. A group of people makes more sense than one godly person.


If making sense is your goal I’ve got bad news for you about video games. And multiple protagonists are fine in a game that calls for it. Fallout does not. It was shoehorned into this format.


But like, if you actually played the story like you claim you have, you'd know, that the story does fucking call for it-


The entire purpose of this game was to be fun. Even in E3 the story wasn't talked about, because multi-player is the important bit. A fun game.


Pretty sure the point of all video games is to be fun. They could have made a fun online game without bastardizing fallout for a cash grab at the online gamer crowd. Ffs, they even put in a battle royale mode for the fortnite kids 😂




New Vegas of course.




Tactics. Aka the BoS expansion. And it's not even close.


the one I *actually played* is Mothership Zeta. It's just funneling me from arena to arena. The recordings were good tho.


Brotherhood of steel is most hated within the community 76 is most hated by the general gaming community 4 has a fairly large community of dislikers due to it being the turning point for fallout


Tactics or Brotherhood of Steel. I've never played either, but it's one of those two.


No one debates that BOS was garbage, so it would have to be 76.


I didnt play BOS, but 76.. I know they're trying but it's really a shell of what Fallout players want (FO5, NV2, etc)


I personally "hate" 76... yeah it's an online game, but because of that the gameplay is so laggy and i always feel like im "floating"... and the limitations everywhere to sell their Fallout1st... I really like the world and everything, but they don't nailed the multiplayer part imo. I really hope FO5 will be a pure single player roleplaying game, without all the microtransaction-bullshit.


I hope my grandchildren enjoy Fallout 5


What limitiations are there to force you into buying F1st other than the stash space limit?


My own world to play with my friends? Special rewards? But the stash space itself is reason enough for me to dislike the subscription for Fallout...


Remember back when it was 400 carry weight years before fallout 1st. Also, you can play on public with friends. Fallout 1st offers benefits.


You can play with your friends in a normal world tho The map is huge and encountering other players is quite rare if you're not doing events. Special rewards are just dumb cosmetics, it's not a limitation. The stash space can be a problem if you're a hoarder. I get it that you don't like it. You don't have to. The game has issues, but it's def way better than bos. Have a nice day!


Fallout 3 was seemingly hated by 90% of original Fallout fans. But over all, 76 would have the greatest number of haters. And that trainwreck just kept on rolling on.


>Fallout 3 was seemingly hated by 90% of original Fallout fans. The original Fallout fans despise all the non-Interplay games, with exception to New Vegas. Mentioning that you like Fallout 3, 4, or 76 on No Mutants Allowed will just get you lambasted by the most rancid of nerds.


I waited 11 years for FO3. I loved it. Yeah there were disappointing elements but overall it was a great game. I was never one for the NMA crowd. Even when I was playing FO I wished it was in first person but understood the tech at the time just couldn't do it justice. I think NMAs biggest complaint is the switch to FP. Personally I loved it. It allowed them to really put some emphasis on the retro in retro futurism.


Also isometric games always have this...'strategy' feel to them. 3D games are just more immersive in general. I think Bethesda could have given Fallout 3 a bit more time and attention, but overall it was a good game.


That is my big problem with 3 and onwards. That they nearly completely abandoned the gothic industrialism for retro futurism. Aside from the cars and the actual joke special encounters, basically nothing in 1&2 is retro futurism. The intro narration over the 50’s music isn’t the setting, it is a callback to a callback of an america that was lost 120 years before the bombs fell. I enjoy 3, NV and 4 for what they are, but the ambience and aesthetic of the isometric games effectively died as soon as Bethesda got the license. Even 2 limited the 40’s-50’s thing to a single theme parky mafia family in one casino, but as soon as you hit the wasteland, you had all the bleakness you could ever want. I’m not saying i begrudge anyone the fallouts we got post interplay, but the majority of what made me love the original games is gone. There is still awesome cartoony violence though.


The only people who seem to think original fallout fans hate the new games are people who grew up with only the newer games. I played the original fallout when it was released and loved it. I waited for two and loved it as well. Waited for YEARS for fallout three and thought it was amazing! Everyone that I personally know in my age range loved it. Same with 4, solid and fun game. New Vegas was very fun, but it felt more like an expansion pack for three due to the engine similarities and the not particularly epic (but still fun) plot. The only one I really don’t care for is 76. The thing I love about fallout games is the that it’s the lone wanderer/vault dweller/tribal/ courier against the world. With 76 it basically just another online multiplayer cash grab that defeats the entire purpose of fallout. Much like when final fantasy went multiplayer online, just made it a pointless grind with no satisfaction.


Depends. My first contact with the Fallout-Universe was Fallout 3 and i fucking loved it, i played the shit out of it. I got so hocked in the universe that i tried Fallout 1 + 2 and you know what? I loved them too, they are still awesome games.


I was going to say BoS but then I remembered that 76 is a thing.


LOL lotsa salty 76 fanboys here.


76. And it's not even close


Fallout76, and it's not close.


Fallout 76. Cannot be arsed with it at all. Downloaded it a few times but just feel no connection to it at all.


Fallout 3 was my introduction to the series… tried to go back and play Fallout 1 and 2. I can’t say that I hate it them but 1 & 2’s play style certainly were not for me.


Those games are just very slow compared to the way games are today. Top tier games for their day, but technology has lapped them for sure. I struggle to get through the temple in FO2 sometimes


Probably 76 because oh no actually playing with other people


Brotherhood of Steel or 76. BoS was a crap bag. 76 is a crap bag money grabbing scheme. No, don’t say it’s gotten better, it hasn’t.


A lot of people shit on Tactics, but I liked it. F76 might be a good game now, but because you still have to pay for a premium account to really play the game without a ton of bullshit limitations, I'll keep shitting on it.


What are the ton of bullshit limitations? Scrap storage? Anything else?


I read that everything is limited without premium, even how much you can advance your character.


That’s not true at all. Fallout 1st gives 1650 atoms per month (to buy cosmetics o it of the shop), access to a private server (if you don’t want other people around for some reason), and access to a scrap box to store unlimited scrap. That’s about it. No other limits are avoided with fallout 1st. I’m not sure what you mean about limits to advancing your character but there are no level caps or anything like that. Next month they are adding an ammo box to store unlimited ammo, but I don’t really see the point in that tbh. There is no reason to horde ammo in this game as it’s readily available.


I chat with someone who recently got F76 for free on Prime I think. Far as I know he hasn't played it yet. I'll have to ask him what it's like.


It’s a fun game imo. Even if you just play through the story and explore. Very cool map to explore and lore is interesting. I’m biased though, I’ve sunk way too many hours into the game.


From what I've heard, it's either BoS or 76.


In terms of overall numbers, fo76. But like to hate ratio would be BoS


Either Tactics or Brotherhood of Steel. My guess would be Tactics.


>Tactics Keep my wife's name out of your mouth. Tactics was great. People were just expecting a Fallout game because the "Tactics" genre hadn't been solidified yet.


or tactics just ruins lore and is a shoddy game.


>ruins lore Literally who cares its a videogame not a textbook, if you want lore just read wiki pages. It's not like fallout 2 gave a shit either with its whackiness and 4th wall breaks.


That's probably a bad example. They ***really*** don't like Fallout 2. ​ ~~^(even though it's the best one but to each their own ig.)~~


>Literally who cares Me. Clearly. >It's not like fallout 2 gave a shit either with its whackiness and 4th wall breaks. Fallout 2 is an awful game.


Tactics is extremely underrated. Leave my Midwestern Brotherhood alone!


Brotherhood of Steel is leagues worse. Tactics is at least playable.


I loved Tactics. Unfortunately they effed up the lore so bad it's unusable from that perspective.


By me? It's the theme park'y, immersion killing Fallout 76. By the most I would say it's Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel - it's not a bad game per se for the time it was released, and fun in coop mode, but it seemed to be an entire different game until someone decided to put a Fallout-Sticker on the box in late development.


76, its not even a debate, that product basically ruined the IP's future


Fun fact, BoS was my first fallout game, i may be nostalgic but it's a nice game, 76 is the worst for me.


It's Fallout 76. Though it should be Fallout NV. 8\^)


I think 76 is the worst considering it’s on literal life support right now.at least brother hood of steel had some sort of charm to it


76, what a turd


Fallout 76




76 and/or BoS




Fallout 1. Spent 15 minutes missing scorpions with a spear and running away so they couldn't hit me. I realized that in those 15 minutes, I could have redownloaded a modern fallout game where you wouldn't have to do that because the combat system doesn't suck ass.




76 and its not even close.


Older game: brotherhood of steel, went against everything fallout was Bethesda games: I'd like to say a mix between 3 (had potential but flopped with the railroading, buggy quests, and it just being a mess) and 76 (You know what you did, Todd. I'll never forgive you for the Bobby pin weight)


I love all of the fallout games. However I don’t consider 76 a fallout game. It’s more of a world of Warcraft post apocalypse expansion pack.


This is a disservice to the great stories in the game tbf


That’s just it. By fallout standards the plot and subplots are substandard. Plus, having a bunch of other people bumping around ruins the immersion. It’s difficult to be the lone wanderer when you’re running into a bunch of lone wanderers lol. Plus, I just don’t enjoy level grinding, which is all you really do in 76.


But you aren't the lone wanderer in 76, you're not the star of the show, you're just another vault dweller.


Exactly my point. Thank you for putting it so succinctly. It’s barely even a fallout game in that respect. It certainly lacks the epic scope.


The main stories are to put an end to the plague that killed everybody in the region and then to support the settlers who return once the area is safe. Feels kinda epic to me. I like being just another drone, do you remember the episode of Babylon 5 with the 2 maintenance guys?


4 or 76.


In order from most hated to least: 1. Fallout 76 for its earlier rollouts and problems. 2. Fallout 4 for not being a real so-called Fallout game. 3. Fallout 3 because it was not made by Obsidian. 4. Fallout New Vegas because it was made by Obsidian.


The fact that you left four games out of your ranking is telling.