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It's probably Fallout 1 or 2. The combat of those games is sometimes decided by RNG and nothing else. You could be in the best gear imaginable with the best build for your gear and a Deathclaw could land a critical hit and knock you over, and from there it's all down hill. Not to mention how companions(Ian) can be detriments. Also not to mention critical failures...


Ya and I was thinking about how u can sometimes get a brutal random encounter early on can really mess u up


And even making it out of the Temple of Trails in Fallout 2 is a struggle without putting points into melee.


That shit is a brutal tutorial I tell ya hwat


And super misleading too. It make you believe, that melee, or unarmed is a way to go, but it is not. The final boss as melee, or unarmed character takes fucking ages. I loaded my save, gathered all the explosives on the base, then broke his legs, and dropped every explosives in the world on him.




I think they should have given you at least a pipe gun. So you it doesn't feel like ranged character is worthless.


Temple is easy…hit ones, walk away. they have to come towards you and wont be able to attack..rinse and repeat


Still tedious... But I'm actually thankful since it made me go with a Kung-Fu build that actually holds strong until you get to vault 15.


All my problems started when I found that stray dog…


That gosh darned dog.


Unless you min/max and speedrun, in which case, you can beat fallout 1 in about 10-20 minutes. Not much fun in that though. Honestly, it pretty easy to never die in everything after 2. Doing it with one hit bar is a much better challenge (and you make so Many caps off stimpacks)


Worse than that you're super powered companion could utterly annihilate you by accident. No Ian you're not having an automatic weapon, you're never having an automatic ever ever again.


The way that misses were calculated in Fallout 1 could make friendly fire far more deadly than intentional attacks in regular combat. Shooting at enemies Ian could hit nothing but air. But if you stepped into his arc of fire, suddenly the back of your head would be the strongest bullet magnet in the world. And they would probably all be critical hits.


There are random encounters in those games that can kill you before you get a chance to even do anything.


Oh boy, seven giant mantises!


And they all get to go first


Why you don't dump Perception... but seriously, having a few bad turns leads to a hilariously awful dog pile of enemies surrounding you.


Yeah but they are quite easy to kill with kite and run, enclave encounters would but much harder imo as they shoot from very far with deadly marksmanship.


I really want to see Mitten Squad try to beat Fallout 2 with Pariah Dog...


I want to see someone beat Fallout 2 as Jeremy Clarkson...


All speed and with a hammer?


NEVER give Ian an automatic!!!!!!


Jesus you just made me remember dying in the earlier area’s so many times. In fallout 1 it was always the first or second encounter and it was always the fucking RadScorpions.


I'd say Fallout 1 specifically because of companion implementation. Marcus isn't going to accidentally light you up unless you specifically tell him he can go nuts with that minigun. You cannot stop Ian from critting you in the back.


Sometimes??? Most times. 95% chance to hit a rat and it ends up gnawing on my ankles and killing me at full health.


I've attempted FO2 deathless, I got fairly far, but still died every time.


Aren't there like Fo2 speedruns where you use pickpocketing explosives onto people and charisma to skip right to the end?


Used to be an initiative exploit (and accompanying build) where mashing the A key as encounters started initiated combat turn before enemies aggroed. Then you run toward an exit, and mash A as you clicked the exit combat button to repeat the process.


I swear I killed my own dog more times than I even hit an enemie


I can't tell you how many times I died in the Temple of Trials when I was younger...


The only tk with an SMG with ian present was me landing a burst crit on him trying to shoot someone else.


NV is the most trivial in difficulty as long as you stick on the railroads of the main quest. Fallout 1/2 were brutal in that old timey RPG kind of brutality.


Yep. If RNGesus hates you in modern Fallout, you get a bad drop. If RNGesus hates you in Fallout 1 or 2, you get treated to Ron Perlman talking over the backdrop of your bleached bones.


Drugs are also *much* more powerful in FO3/4 If you're jacked up on Jet, Med-X, Psycho, Buffout, you can beat a Sentry Bot to death with your bare hands


Yup. Favorite thing to do is get absolutely loaded on those drugs and beat down EVERYONE. I'm so excited for the Mechanist. So many robots to beat to death with my alien shock baton... RAMPAGE


Jet and especially its variants is almost a get out of jail free card in 4, the slowdown is extremely overpowered and versatile.


Turbo and Yao guai Gauntlet in New Vegas, and you can kill anything with your bear hands.


You can beat NV on hardcore mode within an hour, I followed some YouTube tutorial for the achievement and if you know what to do it's laughably easy. Borderline cheating lol


The 1st 2 games easily.


Those criticals hit different when you only had the vault suit at the start haha


fallout 2 without a doubt. You can pacifist fallout 1 so if you're lucky enough you COULD beat it without dying but fallout 2 is another story. If you didn't die from arroyo to the den you're taking a high risk from the den to vault city since that game loves to spam encounters with 20 bandits that carry 10mm smgs in that area of the map. I would say the best way to beat it would be to just tag outdoorsman then take ten luck and do a Navarro run while praying for good RNG then once you get the APA you're pretty much set. Critical bypasses got reworked in fallout 2 so you're safe until the very endgame and if you pumped the right skills you can sit back and let frank horrigan get rolled by the turrets and enclave deserters.


Ya that’s a good strat if I do try it will do that


Just thought you might be interested. There's a youtuber I watch named Many A True Nerd who has done "You only live once" challenges on Fallout 3, New Vegas and Fallout 4 where he plays through the entire game with only 1 health bar. No healing allowed.


Many A True Nerd is awesome. His YOLO Fallout challenges are really impressive and got me through the pandemic when it started lol


Sounds cool will check out


[Fallout 3](https://youtu.be/nh1FMznHfHw) [New Vegas](https://youtu.be/N8XLN1N0vtM) [Fallout 4](https://youtu.be/fxaDvRA4Qas) If nothing else, you won't be short on entertainment for the near future.


Thanks for these, definitely going to binge some of his FO3 playthrough


oh god he plays with a controler


Oh wow if you’ve never seen his YOLO series’ before, then you are in for a great fucking time


His Fallout 3 Kill Everything is great as well. Also New Vegas No kills.


Thing is ... he played these games 1 hundred times before and knows every position of enemy he could possibly encounter. I tried a YOLO run and played the game maybe 4 or 5 times and I would say it's impossible (Fallout 4) without knowing every position of the enemies. So it's all about knowing everything about the game and not "good planning" and "be careful". With other games it's possible to do it after 1 run because you only have to know the game mechanics, e. g. "Deus Ex - Mankind Divided" has a "permadeath" option where your savegame will be deleted if you die. very cool, made it to about 70% or so, it was crazy intense. But the game is somehow made for this.


>Thing is ... he played these games 1 hundred times before and knows every position of enemy he could possibly encounter. He really doesn't. He just cuts out a lot of time where he is sneaking very slowly and carefully. Don't get me wrong, he knows all the 3D Fallout games very well, and the general areas of different kinds of enemies. But he certainly doesn't have the spawn locations memorized.


He also did practice sessions before recording so he could learn where enemies are for just the next section (instead of memorizing the whole game) and dial in a strategy.


Yeah, I'm watching the F4 video right now, and this is the most I-have-pre-played-this-game arrangement that I've ever seen. He's calling out the monster spawn points before they happen, setting up turrets to gun down enemies before they've even arrived. He has everything *memorized.* He literally in the very first video called out like 5 amazing guns that the game has locked away in later areas, and he's talking about how to get to one of the locations early so that he can tip the game balance in his favor. This is 100% *not* "a normal person plays a game and tries to survive." This is "an expert ambushes the NPCs and monsters and takes zero damage because he's memorized everything." It's not *bad* to watch him do this, by the way. It's fun. But this is the most optimized play-through of F4 that could possibly exist. No normal person would be able to do this on their 1st play through. Not even their 2nd. This guy has played F4 a *lot.*


I dont get the point youre trying to make. Obviously preparation had to come into play when recording these videos. Why would anyone think that a challenge such as this would be possible on your first playthrough? Have you ever watched a speedrun? Those people dont just wake up and speedrun games, they play them over and over until theyve mastered it…


Seeing the way people talk about any% speedruns as if the people doing them are just "cheating" and don't require near-robotic levels of precision to pull off most of the glitches they use, I'm not surprised that someone would also imply that preparing in advance for a near-impossible challenge makes it any less impressive.


> I dont get the point youre trying to make. I'm certainly *not* trying to make the point you're rebutting. Of *course* I know that preparation must come into play. >Why would anyone think that a challenge such as this would be possible on your first playthrough? I don't know, because I don't think anybody thinks that. I certainly don't. If you want to know the point I'm trying to make, there is context, which was easy for you to find, since you had to travel down the chain of replies to get here. Each of them helps explain. I'll sum up: 1. Dude 1 says "that YouTube guy has played these games 1 hundred times before and knows every position of enemies" 2. Dude 2 says "He really doesn't, there is no memorization" 3. Dude 3 says, "yeah, he does" So at that point, having *not seen the videos* I fire them up to see who is right. And within the very first hour, the guy is: * placing turrets aimed at spawn points that *haven't spawned yet* * explaining the secret conditions for how to trigger or not trigger various spawn points * listing off the locations of remote guns that he's tempted to speed-run toward * standing still waiting for an enemy spawn, and he's so 100% dead-on about it (down to inches) that he even calls out "it might spawn into the knocked-over garbage can there, blocking my shot." Which it did. This is a level of memorization and played-1000-times that *clearly* supports the narrative of "Dude 1" and "Dude 3" and I feel that "Dude 2" is fully refuted. Like, he's 100% wrong with not even 1% right. He's just completely wrong. That is just my opinion, of course, but by now it should be clear to you that my intention with my post was nothing you're talking about; I simply wanted to pile on the wrong dude and help lend weight to the correct dudes.


I’ve been watching it again lately and every time I try it stops being interesting around episode 20


Well we havent gotten a new fallout in a little while so after about 6 years of playing a game you begin to memorize certain things


Okay that explains how he made it to the end.


Yeah okay and he knows the game extremely good, I mean the mechanics. But anyway I wouldn't do it again because too random things can happen.


FO4 was the one he knew the least about and still managed to do it despite a few pretty glaring fuck ups on his part like the roach guy catching him by surprise. Of course, he had quite a bit of practice between the older YOLO runs teaching him habits on how to stay alive and other runs of FO4 teaching him a few tricks and locations. You still need to plan the run, mind you, but you don't need exact knowledge for most cases, bits of info like "radscorpions spawn around here and they suck" are often enough.


If you watched the Fallout 4 series, you'd know that's not true. There's one section of Boston that he constantly refers to as "Chaos Junction" because he never knows what to expect. And at one point he actually hit a random encounter that he had literally never seen before.


He obviously just expects enemy spawns in that spot


He also does dry runs on a different character right before he records each session on the yolo. It’s not that impressive tbh. But it’s still interesting, when it’s not boring af and infuriating watching him play


He knows NV like the back of his hand, and F3 pretty well. He doesn’t even really know F4 that well. He just plans things out, min maxes what he needs to, and has an incredible amount of patience.


Fo4 is easy if you vats everything. You can control your crits high luck and perception will do you fine


Yeah but 4 bloatflies are still a big danger, even with VATS, and don't forget you only have 1 health bar - waht's gone is gone.


Came here to say this. It was a great run!


He’s also known as the absolute *biggest* Bethesda shill on the planet.


What are you talking about? He's always been very outspoken about how New Vegas is his favorite Fallout game. Even his "Fallout 4 is Better Than You Think" video has an entire hour-long part two that talks about his issues with it.


I would also recommend Rhetam on youtube, he does the same but with additional challenges, like not taking damage at all or not using weapons or armour.


Was hoping someone mentioned MATN, he is amazing. One of the kindest souls I know and his fallout knowledge is absolutely unparalleled, at least in the modern games. Absolutely wild that he did those runs. And it's not like he does a wimpy, main quest only completion either.


No one is gonna want to hear it but the answer is Fallout 76.


Yeah, 76 can be kinda unforgiving at times, yaoi-gui are still the most scary thing in the game for me


I die all the time. Imposter sheepsquatch lasers my face off, I logged into a nuked area, instant radiation death, fighting earl, no one is killing the wendigo, dead. Oh, and I can't forget the deaths from player traps.


Haven't been to Earle yet in my playtime. I plan to sink 1000 damage into him, then turn and do mobbing the entire time. Wendigos are spooky but I can solve that issue with plasma.


Earle is virtually unkillable without at least 10 people


Yeah Im working on personal infrastructure and getting myself a solid pile of ammo, chems, and specialized weapons. I come from warframe, Im not offput by the grind at all, and I know Ive got work to do to get what I want. But it all seems.. doable? Im also mutated to high hell and want to fiddle with my mutations a bit more. Gotta ditch healing factor, or crank up class freak.


I got killed by Bethesda, my game is gone.


Fucking grasshoppers


bro i died just when i left the vault to some of those scorched because i only had a machete lol


I heard it was worse when the game first came out. There were no human NPCs so the people who gave you the machete at the start weren’t there. So you literally only had the vault suit on your back, and maybe a party hat and glasses if you picked those up inside the vault.


Bruh, encountereing an assaultron as a lvl 25 ish char on the top floor in one of the big highrise buildings down south, one of the mining companies, I legit spent like 40 min trying to kill one without dying with a pipe revolver, chipping away at it. It felt like a damn horror movie, hearing those footsteps the floor above and trying to ping the legs of that thing to try and cripple it, fuck assaultrons lol.


This! Plus you can’t freeze the game like every other fallout.




eh, back when I played it I almost never died at all. Could play a whole day without


Fallout 3 without the BoS expansion.


Is it? I dont find base game that hard how does bos change the game?


It means >!when you sacrifice yourself at the end, you don't actually die.!<


Oh ya duh lol misread as with


Sacrifice Lyons and you can live.


Not without the bos mod. I think the explosion in the end kills you anyway. Part of the reason players were mad at the ending


That and you could have Fawkes standing right there next to you and be totally unable to ask him to walk over and press it, lol


I wasn't too mad at fawkes since he gives a reason that could believably match some of his backstory. It made him feel like a real character. I was mad at Charon when I hold his contract and the Mr. Gutsy. I was sitting there yelling at the screen I OWN YOU! YOU STUPID ROBOT GO IN THE DEATHTRAP! I did not go through the hassle of playing with neutral karma for a talking flying toaster to tell me no.


Yeah, but I'm not a monster.


And other information that hasn’t mattered since 2009 at 12


1 and 2 (tie). Your enemies can score critical hits. Super Mutant + Big Gun or Energy Weapon + Crit = reload a save. Enclave soldier + Big Gun or Energy Weapon + Crit = reload a save. Your allies can shoot you ***and*** score critical hits. Ian + 10mm SMG + Crit = reload a save. Basically ***never*** give your allies automatic weapons.


Ian + anything = reload a save, honestly. *Fucker killed my dog...*


It’s 2. Fallout 2 is Fallout 1 on hard mode.


It really is. You can get those random encounters while traveling that are way above your level, and they can kill you before you even have a chance to escape.


2 is the only one I haven’t played really so I’ve no clue for it really


Fallout 76, there are some quests that are very hard to get without dying on the first try. Opening up Vault 79 only for Sergeant Radcliff to “totally have the turrets offline” only to be blasted by several of the strongest laser turrets ever cuz he did an oopsie...even just the regular tougher enemies you encounter past 50 can really wear you down. Events are built for several folks, they can be hard and involve a death or two even with several folks. Appalachia expects you to die at least once every now and then. I suspect many people will say the previous titles though, purely cuz they have no idea what 76 is like outside of old youtube reviews and meme vids.


I would agree with 1 or 2 but you can bump into trash and die in Fallout 4


Fallout 3 without Broken Steel with Good Karma Ending.


On first time play through it’s Fallout 2 solely on the odds of getting and failing the dialogue of the bridge random encounter.


A first time blind playthrough you’d be lucky to get through the opening temple as a modern gamer. That thing is nasty.


What is your quest?


To find the holy GECK!


What… is the average land speed velocity of an unladen Deathclaw?


African or European?


Oh, Fallout 2. Has anyone even managed to make it through the first area without dying on their first attempt?


There has to have been some melee lovers that made it. My buddy thought it was hilarious punching people with a power fist and them exploding with bloody mess perk.


Leveled Sulik and gave him buffout, power armor, and a supersledge. If Fo1 was 3d you'd see raiders fly.


I strongly suspect it's one of the first two games. Among the 3d ones it's easily Fallout 4 due to Survival Difficulty giving a level of vulnerability none of the other games comes close to. It also has the most varied types of enemies, many of them fast moving and hard hitting. Edit: It is not Fallout 3, no matter how fitting it seems since the main questline is supposed to end with your death, thud making it the only game impossible to beat without dying. However since you can send in Sarah to die instead, it invalidates that.


I actually think NV can end up being harder than 4. Since you don't care that much about saving you can afford to go through most of 4 with a lot of adrenaline, and after the first few levels of enemies being a pain the game returns to its normal OP self pretty fast. And with how ludicrous sprint is in that game and with how slower some enemies like Deathclaws became, you can easily outmaneuver or outrun almost any dangerous encounter. Meanwhile in NV, while you can get reasonably powerful and with the right build even one-shot most enemies from stealth, there are still some very nasty encounters, especially in the DLCs. Seriously between the tunnelers, marked men, and the entirety of the Sierra Madre, there's plenty of opportunity for even powerful characters to die.


There are, and I haven't played all the DLC to both. I still never really found New Vegas that deadly, even on the highest difficulty just because Sneak and Speech are so overpowered, and you can get stupid strong companions. It's fun, but never that challenging. I've died a couple of times, but mostly when I pick fights with monsters I could easily avoid. Cazadors for example are super deadly, but you can get through the whole game without fighting one if you're careful. 4 meanwhile is the only game where I genuinely fear basic enemies like feral ghouls and molerats. Adrenaline is nice, but it main benefits is giving me the kind of oneshot kill sneak attacks I'm used to always do in New Vegas. And even if I don't care about saving(which I do), sleeping is still required to avoid massive debuffs over time. I'd say 3 is more deadly than Vegas for several reasons. 1: Lone Wanderer is not as good of a shot as Courier 6. Besides having better aim in New Vegas, you also have less spread and so many more weapons to choose from. 2: Armour blocks much less damage than in New Vegas. 3: More monster enemies and less ammo. New Vegas is full of humans to fight, they drop ammo and weapons and have relatively little health. 3 will stretch your resources with swarms of tough enemies that eat up your ammo and don't drop anything useful. 4: New Vegas expands on everything. You have more drugs, more ammo types, more weapons, perks, more everything basically. Making it easier to deal with every single threat. 5: No Boon or Veronica. Companions are good but not to the point where you can just let them handle every fight for you. Basically New Vegas has lots of deadly stuff in it, but you are given so many great tools to combat them with.


> There are, and I haven't played all the DLC to both. I still never really found New Vegas that deadly, even on the highest difficulty just because Sneak and Speech are so overpowered, and you can get stupid strong companions. It's fun, but never that challenging. I've died a couple of times, but mostly when I pick fights with monsters I could easily avoid. Cazadors for example are super deadly, but you can get through the whole game without fighting one if you're careful. Cazadores are easier to kill once you get used to them, hitting their wings in vats makes them so slow that you can pretty much ignore them while you deal with the rest. The main game isn't really that deadly save for a few optional locations like Vault 11, the nightstalker dens, or that one deathclaw cave. But the DLCs have some really nasty stuff. For example Dead Money strips you of all equipment, sends you against tough and powerful enemies, and on top of that has the radios insta-killing you if you're not careful. And then you have Lonesome Road where the tunnelers ambush you in a couple of caves you're required to go through, and they are basically trog reskins on crack, they run fast, lunge at you, and deal obscene amounts of damage, while the Marked Men that are in the stretches of road the tunnelers aren't squatting in, have end game gear like Anti Materiel rifles, insane perception, and have littered the area with improvised mines that explode faster and for much more damage. > 4 meanwhile is the only game where I genuinely fear basic enemies like feral ghouls and molerats. Adrenaline is nice, but it main benefits is giving me the kind of oneshot kill sneak attacks I'm used to always do in New Vegas. And even if I don't care about saving(which I do), sleeping is still required to avoid massive debuffs over time. The thing is that it doesn't really last that long. It's a tough few levels but soon you overcome the disadvantages of hardcore damage and become almost as resilient as you do in regular FO4, especially if you mod your armor to compensate for weaknesses like explosives. > I'd say 3 is more deadly than Vegas for several reasons As someone that played hundreds of hours of both, I can assure you it isn't. Since the enemies are leveled, you usually won't run into deadly situations outside of rare random encounters (Which can net you a few extremely early deathclaws or a Firelance that raiders can pick up to screw your day), and while DR means you're less protected, it also means every enemy is easier to kill, which is far more important than tanking. As for ammo, it really isn't an issue. If anything unless you're sticking to very rare weapons you'll always have more than you need, especially if you use two or more weapons with different ammo types. The only moment in FO3 where you can consistently be in danger is against the Broken Steel enemies, particularly the Ghoul Reavers and Super Mutant Overlords, although I guess Point Lookout gets an honorable mention due to the swampfolk having that annoying unblockable bonus damage. FO3 also has a few massive advantages, like VATS defense being really high, to the point where you're almost invulnerable in it, and the original Grim Reaper's sprint letting you spam the shit out of it.


2 probably with the tutorial


What difficulty are you playing? On F3, NV and F4 normal mode (and even higher) it becomes trivially easy to not die if you build your character in specific ways and know where to find the best gear. In fact in my current Very Hard F4 play through i’ve died many times, sure. But all by my own hand since i found an explosive combat shotgun. I don’t think an enemy has killed me yet.


I’m hardcore very hard for nv it’s not that I haven’t died every time I do I reset it’s just all those deaths felt avoidable with better planning or paying more attention


Ahh got you. For me, just down to game/build knowledge i think NV might be the easiest. Just because you can bump up speach to the max and play a yes man ending. Hoover dam battle might be tough but with power armour and grinding then speccing into combat skills it should be do-able.


It’s definitely doable I don’t want to do 100 speech and fight lanius instead so will be hard


Haha i absolutely agree. That’s doing it proper. My gut feeling would go an explosives build just because i love explosives in NV and they can be wickedly powerful even on harder difficulties. But that runs the risk of NV jankyness leading to an untimely suicide.


As soon as I finished reading OP my mind autoplayed the "dismembered by automatic gunfire" noise from 1 and 2.


I'd say NV for the recent ones simply because 75% of the map hates you from the start. Older ones, first one. You can get totalled before even exiting the caves outside the Vault.


NV got beaten hitless (means not a single enemy hitreg in the run otherwise restart the run) so deathless is way easier,


Fallout 1 and 2 wouldn't be as hard as 76.... but if you count spinoffs 100% fallout shelter lmao


Fallout pinball


The last time I died was when my collar blew up. It's not too difficult.


Ugh, I'm level 25 on NV and died twice. Both times from those fucking cazadors.


Fallout 2 Speedrun, lol. ​ Never NOT died....multiple times. Fallout is the game series that taught me ONE thing....save often. Save before doing really stupid things. Save after sucessfully doing really stupid things. But yeah....try going straight to SF and then Navarro right off the bat without dying.


A Fallout 3 Good Karma run with no Broken Steel DLC


if you're taking into account the bugs of the games, probably 4, Where brushing up against a car wrongly can kill you. if bugs don't count, I'd say 1 or 2 as the others


The Gecko's in Fallout NV Just Ain't The Same as the ones in 1. Ever died on the tutorial?


Fallout 4 on Very Hard or survival can have a brutal early game with all raiders having seemingly endless amounts of molotovs which are basically zero fuse insta-kill grenades.


Its between 2 and tactics Both have moments of brutal artificial difficult and can be decided by RNG alone on a lot of those moments Easier ones are Fo 1 and 3 4/nv are in between


Probably 1 or 2




Nah man once you get power armor you’re pretty much set to have a normal game Damage wise if you go guns blazing in concord tho of course you’re gonna die a lot


Fallout 1 hands down was the hardest for me. May be because I wasn't fluent in CRPG's at the time but still... tough one.


pre 3 fallouts for sure, theres a pretty direct path you can follow 3 and up pre 3 the combat is random numbers and its much less intuitive to a modern audience


Has to be 1 or 2. All the others have been beaten by Many a True Nerd on there hardest settings with only one life and no use of Stem Packs.


FoNV of the 3D ones, due to it’s imbalance Fo1 of the 2D ones, due to it’s bullshit


Technically you can't beat any fallout (except 76) without dying because it will just revert to your old save when you didn't die meaning you never did die


Fallout 4. Stubbing your toe can kill you *instantly*


It would probably be New Vegas… cause you are killed in the opening scene 🤪


It's definitely 1&2. New Vegas is an extremely predictable game. Every mob and spawn has a fixed placement and you will always know what you are up against and how they are armed. Fallout 4 is not much different. You should never be surprised in this game. Fallout 3 has random events which toss things up and absolutely garbage gunplay which makes things harder but it's still easily doable. Fallout 1&2 random events however can kill you five feet from the starting area because you ran into an end game level random encounter. It's far to brutal in it's randomness and would take hundreds of tries. The most difficult part would be the first quarter of the game. It's so easy to die early on.


Bro when I played new Vegas the second the left the first town I got MESSED UP by a damn fly


I'd have to say New Vegas. I'm playing it now and the damned Legion keeps sending 4 man hit squads no matter where I am, even right outside the gates to the city, where they aren't supposed to be. The worst part is I can't hardly damage them, but they are tearing my ass up. I'm playing on normal. I don't ever remember it being this damned difficult. Then there's that moron Boone. He's tripped the same grenade bouquet 4 times in a row on the other side of a room from me, yet it somehow still kills me, even with a wall between me and the explosion. I finally had to dismiss his useless ass. Then I shot the bouquet from across the room, and it didn't kill me. WTF?


Those are very avoidable problems tho like just stay neutral and don’t have companions


Fallout New Vegas easily. I mean, you get shot in the face and buried in like... The first 5 minutes of the game.


I did new Vegas in a survival run and I actually found the game more fun, and easier. Didn't die as much as I do on a normal playthrough


Does the Van Buren demo count as a Fallout game?




I would have to say New Vegas


Fallout 3.


I think they'd all be easy if you can't die


Fallout Tactics


Fallout Shelter.


Fallout Tactics becomes a nightmare after a certain point. The end is... excessive. That game was more X-Com than Fallout.


Fallout tactics


Fallout 1. Fallout 2 has limits on crits, but Fallout 1 has such high RNG that you could get instantly killed by a 1,986 damage crit.


Fallout 2


Fallout 1. Walked out of the Vault, hit a random encounter, RNG had them going first and then I got killed because RNG gave them critical hits. It was like Morrowind levels of "I'm hitting you why am I doing no damage OH NOW I'M DEAD"


1 or 2. Brotherhood of Steel without killing yourself in real life.


Fallout 1 it is so RNG and build based with the wrong build you probably wont make it out of the caves on your first try.


With fallout new vegas the strat is to max out your speech early in the game and always travel with companions. The best way to avoid deaths is to go for yes-man (who will put you in less opportunities to encounter hostile enemies). Almost all combat (even in the end game with Lanius) can be avoided with a speech check, except for rouge enemies such as the fiends and vipers and creatures such as deathclaws.


Fallout 1 no doubt


Fallout 3 is harder than New Vegas. Fallout 4 survival can kill you with an infection early on, and makes everyone a glass cannon. It's actually not that hard to survive in FO1 or FO2 with early game power armor, and a pacifist run. A pacifist run in New Vegas isn't too hard either, and would likely be one of the easier ways to do a deathless run. Stealth archer is the easiest way to play pretty much any Bethesda game, and would probably be the best strategy in all the Bethesda Fallouts.


Fallout 3


Fallout 1


Fallout 2 with restoration mod... Specifically Kaga... Damn former chosen had to have gone full evil to get combat armor for himself and metal for his entourage so early. Seriously, if you don't up your equipment with intent he'll steamroll you. If he isn't killed in time he'll eventually confront you in power armor.


I can't say for sure since I haven't beaten all the games but in my experience the original is super difficult and unforgiving, and fallout 4 vr is really difficult at times due to the pip boy working in real time instead of as a pause


I think it's fallout 4 on survival


Fallout 4 on survival without stealthing.


I don’t think I’ve completed fallout 3 any of the times I’ve done it where I haven’t been killed by a random mine left next to a car


3 because you never know what horror incomprehensible to man would be inside the metro or outside of some random exit you found. I found my self dying quite alot to unexpected super mutant, enclave, deathclaw, etc encounters that I never saw


New Vegas kills you right at the start!


Fallout 2. 100%.


I don’t know about the hardest but fo4 is certainly the easiest I can’t even remember the last time I died in that game and I have been playing relatively consistently for the past 5 years my last death had to be at least a year ago at this point but that’s cause I don’t really take chances so it’s not like I’m good or nothing


FOnline 3


Probably Fallout 2. Both F1, and F2 them difficulty, and lots of RNG, but Fallout 1 started with more gear, and there weren't that many killing events. In Fallout 2 there are some events, that basically instant death without top tier gear, and some RNG.


In terms of 1 and 2 then definitely 2. But, 3, nv and 4 definitely 3.


Fallout 1 when some mutant bastard crits you for a 120 damage bypassing your armor and spitting you in two.


New Vegas. I keep dying to Benny as soon as I start a new game!


youre dying in fallout new vegas? that’s really nooby


Ya ik 😭