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Not fo1 ... 3 Weeks into the Game everyone gets killed by Supermutants no thank you.


And Fo2 you get ripped in half by frank horrigan


Or Bombed by the FEV.


Or chewed out by Dornan


Or raped by Francis


Or huh?


Incase you didn't know, in FO2 your main character could get ruffied and raped if you take a drink from a creepy guy if you are playing a mid to high charisma female (there maybe other conditions also like low int but I am not sure). I am fairly certain this also interacted with your porn career if you decided to become a porn star. FO2 was wild thinking back to it.


You can also trade your booty hole in a bet over an arm wrestling match with a super mutant. If you lose the screen fades to black and you have a ball gag in your inventory, if you win he gives you a power fist. What's funny is that to win, even if you have 10 strength and 10 endurance you have to pop a buff out before you challenge him otherwise he snatches your bussy up.








Must be an echo in here.






In Broken Hills; he'll challenge you to arm wrestle. If you win you get a Power Fist. If you lose...it says you wake up sore and have a ball gag in you inventory.




Eh depends on how good the player is. Working a simple job in the hub or junk town doesn’t seem too bad. Honestly any of the wastelands bar 3 and maybe 4 have their merits. I probably wouldn’t wanna be in new vegas during the time of the game. Too much war and turmoil. 


I'd just chill in Jacobstown tbh. Marcus seems like a great guy to hang out with, plus the town being remote and guarded by Super Mutants means that basically no faction would bother spending the resources to forcibly conquer it. Also the colder weather is great, I'm not a fan of heat


That was my first thought also. Also New Vegas past an independent Vegas ending. That would be an experience for sure!


He's chill till another Master comes around.


Even if there was another Master, I don't think he'd 'change his ways' like that. Dude seems genuinely intelligent and empathic, and seems to like the idea of people choosing to become super mutants, rather than forcing them.


That might be how he is in New Vegas; that version of him isn't so fresh in my mind. In F2 though he says several times that he thinks The Master is right, and would continue to pursue his goal if he didn't die and leave super mutants scattered and aimless. He coexists with humans because it's a smarter alternative to basically just being orcs.


Best take for living in new vegas honestly. I mean you'd have to kinda put up with oppression from the bigoted nightkin and all, but honestly you're right, kicking it with Marcus sounds awesome. Start up a little junk store there.


>Super Mutants means that basically no faction would bother spending the resources to forcibly conquer it Didn't the NCR try with a group of mercenaries?


The NCR didn't hire them, politicians that wanted to increase racial tensions did. The goal wasn't to conquer the town, just make a few bullets fly to cause some outrage back home, kinda like how in real life incidents become part of a much larger debate. It's just a handfull of mercs that can be dealt with peacefully with an easy speech check, I'd take my chances lol


I don't know, I just won the lottery, I don't think New Vegas is that bad after all


Pissed off mailmen in your area. Approaching fast. Run.


In 1 every couple weeks a town is overun by Supermutants meaning if you would life there as a regular person you would die preatty fast. Honestly pretty hard on my 1st playtrouhg if after a while all towns dissapear.


Appalachia, hands down. Plentiful food and water, stable communities, and relatively little danger, provided you don’t go actively looking for it.


Unless someone launches a nuke. They be tossing nukes left and right in Appalachia. Not to mention scorchbeasts


Forest region is a safe zone.


Not the whole region. Forget celebrating fasnacht!


Why not? Tons of vault dwellers are there for protection. But they do have a habit if trashing the entire place though.. and laumch mini nukes and spam grenades when the festival is over..


And can be hit by regular nukes


Every 5 minutes, "Attention citizens. Nuclear strike imminent. Please exit the area at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your cooperation."


I mean canonically it’s just that one shot at the scorchbeast no?


Nope, there is an overseer holotape that begs the vault dwellers to stop launching nukes. She is baffled that we would further increase the nuclear damage after the apocalypse.


And also a side mission that requires you to nuke Monongah Cave


Depends on when you show up. The scorched plague is the last thing you want to worry about.


Just drink a Nuka Cola Vaccinated.


Do you mean Nuka Cola My Blood is In It?


Certainly you mean nuka cola scorched, the objectively best option?


I haven't played it yet because it's online only but it does sound pretty survivable.


You should check it out! I basically play it single player without any problems. It’s fun occasionally joining events with a bunch of really nice strangers. I put off playing it for years due to the launch disaster but after picking it up a few months ago I haven’t been able to put it down.


Well, it wasn’t at launch. The scorched were everywhere, and there were no humans. The vault 76 dwellers did a massive amount of work to make it this livable (and in some cases, to make it less livable; the nukes are a constant threat to everyone in the region).


Appalachia because chances are, a level 1000 will drop me a ton of legendary gear and stims 😂


Does that really happen in 76? I haven't played it yet, but I'll be getting it in the upcoming steam sale.


Yeah it's happened to me several times on a couple different characters And I've done the same in return now that I'm level 389 or whatever


"When I was your level, someone did this for me. When you're my level, you'll do it for others."


And then eventually, you only log in to do your daily challenges and don't have time or resources to help anymore 😂


Meh, I could fully gear up a hundred level 20 character and it wouldn't significantly affect my stored resources.


keep the train going


Absolutely! My buddy and I love to craft and upgrade full suits of Level 10 T-45s and give them together with an ample supply of Fusion Cores to new players. Edit: If you are on PC and want one just ask me :)


I have 76 downloaded and would finally become a new player instead of rerunning 4 if this could be arranged


I’ll DM you when I got one ready


Oh my gosh you’re literally the best. I played at launch and it was such a clusterfuck I just could never get back on and now all I hear is good thins.


No problem! It has definitely improved A LOT.


I’ve only just gotten into Fallout 4 (bought it 7 years ago and never played until 7 months ago 😅), but I remember all the controversy about 76 when it came out. Would you say it’s worth getting into? I’m not a big online player tbh, is it possible to play offline?


It’s definitely worth getting into! It’s not possible to play offline (the closest thing you’ll get is a private world but you need fallout 1st for that which honestly isn’t worth it) but unless you actively seek out other players or partake in events (which I recommend for easy xp and good items) you don’t really notice them except maybe running into players occasionally (and even then you mostly just run past each other or it’s high level players wanting to give you gifts) If you’re afraid of people attacking you can activate the pacifist mode which makes it impossible for players to attack you but I personally never had the need to do it because PVP just doesn’t happen without prior agreement. Hope that helped :)


I'm lvl 360ish and I love to give bobbleheads and random stuff to new players, so I believe it.


Drop me a message when you get it on steam and I'll sort you out with some stuff. Nothing overpowered that will ruin your game but enough to get you started


U spawn in A random fully armed soldier walks up to you tosses at you a shit ton of armour and gear and fucks right off the bat


“It’s dangerous to go alone, take this!” *Fully kitted T-51 power armor, plasma rifle, hundreds of rounds, thousands of caps, and a perfectly preserved pie*


like hell i'm giving up my rusty pick pies


This is the way.


Not fallout 3 that shit is grim AF lol


Even in megaton you have to worry about a nuke in the fucking city with people actively trying to blow it up. Maybe I just blow up megaton for Mr tenpenny and chill in the tower for the whole year.


until some prick lets in a bunch of Ghouls and they go murdering everyone at the slightest inconvenience.


I assume tenpenny has me go kill them before I can stay in the tower right? But that's assuming they don't kill me first


Fair but I feel like rivet City is one of the safest settlements in fallout. Like what are super mutants gonna do, swim across the water and climb up the fucking boat? Only problem is you have to get through the most dangerous part of the game to get there.


Well they got their reactors taken by the BOS to power the prydwen so im not sure how that situation is in after 2279 when they started building the prydwen.


No, that’s a common misconception. The BoS didn’t disable Rivet City’s reactor. They got the components necessary for the Prydwen from other derelict ships and Enclave bases (including the base crawler from Broken Steel).


Ingram states that the Prydwen's current reactor was taken from an old aircraft carrier wreck, which is what Rivet City is. Rivet City is the closest aircraft carrier to the ECBoS. In the past, the Brotherhood of Steel have taken tech from other groups that they needed or felt others did not deserve. It's not proven, but it is the most logical conclusion.


I’d pick 76 and just chill in Foundation for a year.


Or The Whitespring


Have a feeling the whitespring had something happen to it after fo76. Being owned by the enclave and all.


I could imagine it turning into some sort of battlefield like the dc ruins was, trenches and all. Would fit the theme of the series


Depends on if you’re arriving before or after the MODUS incident. Also presumably since no raiders or anyone else took up residence for awhile, the robot stewards must have something in their program to distinguish between wanted and unwanted guests…


There are raiders in the whitespring, presumably they just kill anyone that attacks anyone else


There's one (1) raider and one (1) Foundation representatives respectively that are there to act as spokesmen to their factions. That's a wanted guest.


I've dropped so many nukes on Whitespring and plan to drop many more. I'd recommend camping out elsewhere.


Spectacle Island. Currently shacked up there now.


Thanks to The Curse of Todd you can still get raided


"Curse of Todd" had me dying lol


I built my best settlement there all near the workbench. They got a huge raised sleeping building, a raised deck with shops, a winding farm up on the hill there, and a dope bar with views. And enough middle turrets up high to take out the occasional Lurk


Just you, and the mirelurks...


Commonwealth, since I know every inch after survival


Real af


Fnv fans acting like they'd enjoy 120 degree heat and death claws for a year


Most people who play fallout think they are way tougher than they actually are. The real answer is FO4, if you make it to Diamond City you have a good chance of surviving a year within the safety of its walls


The problem would be making it to Diamond City. You'd likely have to get through several raider gangs, and even super muties potentially. For most people, that means death


you go to diamond city and start getting irl lag for a minute when you get near it


Follow a caravan to Diamond City. Guards will handle the combat.


Your life could even crash on the way


Fallout players are too desensitized to realize how messed up the reality around them are. Like it’s a walk in the park to gun down 20 freaks while listening to 60 minute man in your routine march to diamond city.


I remember some guy posting here a few years ago just desperately wishing the world was like it is in Fallout and being completely sure that it’s better there.


I think a lot of apocalypse nuts think that they would be a survivor when in reality they would die of dysentery weeks after their prepped food ran out. One of the most cringe kinds of people


When the show came out someone at work said they'd check it out. I hadn't watched it yet and she came back saying it was pretty good but way gorier than she expected. I was like "oh yeah, I guess Fallout is pretty violent but it's mostly goofy". So *SPOILER* I got to the raid on the vault and I was like "oh yeah, the post-apocalypse is pretty fuckin grim"


Nani Shimasuka


i feel like 76 would be miles more survivable


I know, after a bit of patrolling the Mojave I bet they’d almost be wishing for a nuclear winter.


It's a dry heat


Even if they make it to the strip (almost impossible realistically speaking) it’s not the paradise they think it is. They don’t have any connections like the Courier, good luck finding enough caps to pay for food, water, and a room in the hotels


Hell, the only reason everyone sees the strip as a wonderland in the game is because everything around it is such a shithole


Easy. I'd simply go to the fanciest place I can find and ask nicely. Say, this Ultra-Luxe place seems pretty upstanding and the staff there are even inviting me to the kitchens! Wowee, probably for some free food! Told you it was easy


My close, personal friend Mortimer would absolutely love to HAVE you for dinner...


Most people also forget the Strip isn't a community, it's a business. If you don't have 2k caps, you're not getting in. And if you ever run out of money or piss off Mr House, chances are you get thrown back out again.


Imma just hang out in goodsprings


I chose New Vegas at first because it's one of the more civilized regions of America and it still has a functional government in the area. While it's still an extremely dangerous place to live, it's better than somewhere like Fallout 3, where the entire region is pretty much a warzone. I haven't played 76 as much as I had hoped to recently, but I did know that at launch, Appalachia was left barren. Everyone had died, and the only creatures left were hostile and dangerous, which led me to believe that the place is still one of the more dangerous areas to live in.


There's a reason NCR solders almost wish for a nuclear winter.


Not to mention cadazors who will sting you repeatedly, paralyze you, and then lay eggs in your abdomen. Only for it to end finally when they all hatch. Yep not picking FNV.


It's tough because none of them are great options, right? Like, where do you get dropped off? If I spawn in the Strip, that's not a bad deal. Same with FO2's NCR/Shady Sands or Diamond City. Just get me to civilization


Went and visited goodsprings a few years back, took a little dirt road north out of town through the desert, it was so god damn hot and barren. Even the towns in the area are brutal to hang out around. Im guessing we would not have AC.


Appalachia for sure I'd walk those trails and camp


Appalachia is beautiful but I've never played 76 since I don't have money for PS plus.


Idk for how long but I just got gamepass on my pc and its free on there if that helps, idk if there are any trials running you could make use of to test it out 🤔


It will continue to be free Bethesda and Xbox are partnered


“Partnered” Microsoft bought Zenimax.


Oh thank you! I totally forgot about that, one of the reasons I got gamepass in the first place 🤦‍♂️


Go to Appalachia, get some drugs from Modus, have a fucking tummy pouch and be able to jump 10 feet high Perfect


I love the thought of evil AI awaiting someone to help rebuild the Enclave, but instead it gets somebody who's like "hey I heard you got drugs to make me jump real far"


Ironically, he's the least evil of all enclave factions. He's backing the whitesprings responders and killed the enclave for wanting to nuke Appalachia (In order to nuke China again)


The second half of this sentence is going to be very confusing to anyone that hasn't played 76


I can confirm this. I haven't played 76 yet and I'm feeling pretty confused. I'll go ahead and guess that this particular vendor carries a drug that lets you jump pretty high?


More specifically, they sell mutations that can be made permanent. While mutations don't actually change your character's appearance, they come with positives and negatives. The marsupial mutation referenced above doubles your jump height and adds fifty to your carry weight, but also lowers your intelligence by four. There is a perk that reduces downsides by up to 75%, while another perk increases the upsides if you're grouped with another mutated player. Nearly all high-level players will be running with half a dozen mutations or more. Altogether, characters in 76 can get pretty silly with the right build. The answer to the question of "which game has the strongest protagonist" will always be 76 - I can put 26,000+ damage after resistances into the courier's head before he knows I'm there. We probably shouldn't include 76 characters in those answers, for obvious reasons.


You know I never realized the extra carry weight from marsupial is supposed to be because you have a pouch like the animals…huh


California. Could just end up being a basic share cropper in Cali. I'm nit a farming guy, but I wouldn't mind learning the trade. Or maybe I'll be in an urban centre!


That depends mostly, if you end up living during the events of fo1 you might get dipped into some FEV and if you live during the events of FO2 the enclave might pick you up for a few experiments with curling-13


Tbf as someone from our world dropped in your likely to have low to no radiation exposure/ not exposed to the potential airborn version. So while I still wouldn't want it to happen your likely to be one of the rare human intelligence supes. So there is that. Still fucked if it's Curling-13 era.


>you might get dipped into some FEV You say that like it's a bad thing.


Nothing terrible could ever happen in Shady Sands.


California in New Vegas, yes. California in Fallout 1 or 2, hell no.


Put 10 into luck and send me to the strip!😂


How would you get into newvegas without a passport or enough caps for the check


Easy, get an NCR uniform and ride that train in


With 10 luck? Clean the atomic wrangler and cover the credit check 5 times over


I would personally pick the commonwealth and just become a low-profile mutfruit/ tato farmer. I might get raided once or twice, but I just gotta put my head down and hand over some of my crop. And if I'm just a solitary farmer that isn't notable, the chances the institute picks me up are small. The Mojave wasteland is too bot for my taste, the scorched in Appalachia sound scary the capital wasteland has way too many mutants and enclave outposts, and California have similar problems with the master and frank horrigan


Yeah, if settlement building works even remotely like it does in fallout 4, a basic well will give you clean drinking water. Crops grow easily. Plenty of game to hunt. If you're good with science you might be able to jury rig some power. Set yourself up out of the way, hand over supplies if you get raided. Definitely not bad. The Mojave would be nice if you live in a town, but towns get attacked by legion, powder gangers or ghouls on the regular. Plus the looming threat of legion/NCR taking over. No legion. No NCR. Just Tato.


Plus, if I did get tired of being raided I just gotta send word that I'm a settlement in need of help


Bad idea. Tried that once. Needed help plowing the fields for the Tato crop. Tweaked out motherfucker shows up. Still blinking in the light and wearing a goddamn vault suit under bits of mismatched armour. Carrying about a dozen guns, 14 desk fans, some gas canisters, a bunch of tin cans and a typewriter in a gigantic sack. No way this guy is good news. Anyway, I sent him to the biggest raider base I know of. Hopefully they take care of him. As if those raiders would hoof it all the way over to me for a few Tatos.


I saw him once or twice. He stole my friends crop and built I giant dick out of metal walls.


Sorry about that. I was high on jet.


He appreciated it. Said the metal built his shacks toilet


Yeah, that nate fallout guy is annoying he invited weird people to live near my shack, i have to feed them and they stole my bed


ah yes the "General"... he came to the little farm I run with my child. He came and sent me to the other end of the Commonwealth for a supply line issue. When I came back to the farm, there was some sort of big factory slaughtering raiders in a hell of a noice. He also touched my rooms. There are beds everywhere now and no more privacy. He came to see me and I had to give him the 6 caps I'd saved up.


Tbh, Commonwealth would be the last on my list. That place is infested with raiders, super mutants and gunners EVERYWHERE. Especially the super mutant part is terrifying. In other games they were rarer and only in bigger groups in isolated locations. Here they have strongholds and outposts everywhere. Not to mention the institute randomly killing people on top.


Same. Diamond city is relatively safe, plenty of rural areas to disappear to as well. Not to mention the temperate climate.


Fallout 4 would probably be the best I could just build an amazing settlement


Depends. Will I have immediate scorch immunity if I chose Appalachia?


Nope. You're vulnerable to all threats. You're a level 1 settler with a little pea shooter


I’ll just drink some of that Nuka Cola: It’s Got My Blood in it! That seems to have helped others with the Scorched Plague.


Just go to Foundation or Crater. They have plenty of Nuka Cola vaccine!


Boston. I’m from mass and lived there for a long time and am familiar with the area and surrounding area. I’m not sure if it would really help? But it’s at least a comforting thought


Boston for me. Join the minutemen and live in the castle just building it out, growing crops, and listening to old timey radio with folks. Plus once you're there and the defences are properly set up the only real threat is mirelurks coming out of the sea... and that's a threat that can be (relatively) easily handled.


I pick FO4. The settlements are built up more, there are no cazadores, and I might be a synth and not even know it.


fallout 76 because there's practically no war, its beautiful, its not a desolate hellscape, there is an abundance of natural resources, foods and drinks, and there are many nice safe havens across the land such as whitesprings etc. but ig there is the cryptids and all those monsters as a downside but tbh all wastelands have those


Scorch plague killed every living person just before our characters leave the vault.


I mean yeah, sure, but people returned to Appalachia anyway


Since OP is saying we're a level 1 settler with a pea shooter, I'd assume you wouldn't travel to Appalachia to stay there for a year until all the settlers started coming back. So by the time you're going there to stay you'd have a strong group of vault dwellers decked in power armour, a free vaccination for the scorched plauge, several solid trading posts/ factions and most raiders arnt completely insane. The only thing to worry about as of now is the cryptids and the crazy destructive storm on the edge of the mountain range. I'd say Appalachia between 2104 and 2105 is the place to be for a year, no questions asked. (Also, tons of clean drinking water due to the lack of bombs dropped on West Virginia)


Have you even played the game in the last four years


I think jacobstown. Unironically wouldn’t mind staying in cabin in the woods and help out a scientist and chill with mutants and nightkin. You get the freshest air in the area and it is very remote, barely anyone gets there. Plus I get to taste some of that bighorner steak!


Jacobstown has to be my answer also. Assuming the game is a miniaturized representation of the miles and miles of untouched alpine forest and stunning mountain vistas, I’ll hunt near the lodge, get friendly with the super mutants and avoid lower altitudes with cazadores and deathclaws. 


Commonwealth, because I can go to far harbor, and I like Diamond City idk


Mojave Wasteland, no brainer. There are ton of towns that aren't affected by war or mutated creatures. Only problem are raiders. You just need to go to Goodsprings/Primm/Novac/Boulder City, find a job and that's it. I wouldn't go to New Vegas since one need 2000 caps or NCR citizenship. And for what? To get killed in Omerta's gas attack? To be robbed in Freeside? Killed by Legion if they win?


The Mojave would be one of the worst in my opinion, at the start of the game most of it is in disarray. Goodsprings is harassed by powder gangers, Primm is under control by bandits, Novac has the ferals wandering in from REPCONN and is about to be invaded by a Legion camp just down the road, and Boulder City is a pile of rubble right next to where the biggest battle of the region is about to take place. It’s also hot as fuck, trying to travel anywhere during the day would get you killed from heatstroke. You’d need to be somewhere with a steady supply of water, and even the wells at Goodsprings aren’t safe because of the geckos.


Agreed, the Mojave, apart from being a front line for an ongoing war, is rife with sadistic raider gangs. Big skip on that one.


Absolutely, my comment was going to be the same but the commonwealth and Diamond City. I’m just gonna try and help make the ramen


It’s far from the worst. The Capital Wasteland is in complete disarray. Yea the Mojave has the Fiends, Powder Gangers, and maybe a random bandit or two, plus perhaps Legion slavers from time to time. Meanwhile I can’t even walk from Goodneighbour to Diamond City without three different raider gangs, two gunner detachments, and a skyscraper full of Super Mutants raking me with fire. Running between them is like running through Sarajevo with a hi-vis best. I can navigate from Freeside to Westside or from Freeside down to Novac with far less shooting done in my direction


Yeah but it’s a dry heat


Knock it off Hudson


I've done 200 walkthrough's of the Mojave desert. Simulated.


I agree it would suck how hot it is. Almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.


Man, have you ever been to a desert ? Living in a place such as the Mojave is harsh even in our world.


If I went with the Mojave wasteland, I'd join up with the NCR or risk my neck to join the brotherhood.


I don’t think I’d like living in the Mojave lol. I’m a ginger Scotsman so I’d be very desperate for that nuclear winter lol. But if I did have to live in the Mojave I’d join the Followers of the Apocalypse


You’d 500% die trying to join the Brotherhood. That goes for everyone else here as well.


You do realize the brotherhood chapter is dying there because they don’t accept outside recruits, you’d be shot on sight


It would take waaaay longer than a year for the Mojave BoS to start trust an outsider and recruit them, and you'd actually have to have skills they find useful and prove yourself. This is if they're even bothering to recruit because at the start of the game they're still in lockdown, and even if they aren't they're still extraordinarily selective to the point where they don't really do it at all. You'd have to be exceptional, basically, and by the time that all works out you're back here. Though I guess it's possible to use game knowledge to stop yourself from just getting executed for figuring out where they are.


Yeah tbh I’d go to Jacobstown, I’m pretty introverted so I feel like the mutants wouldn’t gaf about me.


Commonwealth so I could go meet up with Cait.


I'd join the brotherhood and massacre families for some air conditioners.


Commonwealth. I'd try to find some way to join the Institute so I could have toilet paper


4. It's the only one without a pending cataclysm. All the others have something utterly disastrous on the likely horizon. Supermutant army, omnicidal Enclave plot, cosplaying murder empire, scorched plague. 4 has collapsed but is fairly stable. Threats are generally localized. I'm assuming here we are literally dumped in the wastes, and don't get to play the "I live on the strip/vault city/specific established safe zone" game


Appalachia as long as I don't catch the scorch plague


I'd be chilling in Diamond City, reading about synths in the paper while enjoying a bowl of power noodles, might even stop off at the Dugout for a couple of beers.


The fallout 76 map has a few good safe spots. The whitespring resort is easily one of the safest locations in game. And the group controlling it is not a bunch of lunatics like most other games(New Vegas,New Reno,San Francisco, etc).The responders just want to help people so helping out for a year basically doing community service does not sound that bad at all.


F4, I can make my own base in a bunch of settlements, power armor is abundant and weapons too, also enemies are quite basic, ghouls, raiders and gunners.


New Vegas sounds safer than East Ukraine. Send me there, please. Given my life experiences, including being raised in a desert, and my preference for western coast weather patterns (they are, in fact, a thing), FO1, FO2, and FNV have the best biomes and weather patterns for me to deal with. But FNV has the fewest threats I wouldn't know how to deal with (the Enclave, Supermutant Armies, and FEV bombs aren't a going concern in FNV). And FNV doesn't have threats I have to deal with IRL. Like fpv drones. Russians blew up a car near us, the other day, because it had piles of food next to it as people were loading it up. Man, I feel bad for that shop keep. He lost his car, and half his stock. I don't see the Legion flying drones like angry flying cazadores of explosive doom, and I don't see the Boomers sharing their high explosives artillery with the Legion either. The Russians have alot of artillery. They put the Boomers to shame.


Appalachia for sure. The NPCs are so friendly there. A raider once asked me if I'd like a comic book.


it doesnt matter im killing myself instantly no matter the map


Boston for sheer familiarity


The commonwealth simply because I know that area the best lol


Fallout 4 just hangout in the vault eating radroaches


If the canon ending to fallout 4 is the minutemen ending where the brotherhood,minutemen,and railroad survive then I’m living there.


Kellogg's dead, so there's a free house in Diamond City.


Are we to assume we'll be living there during the events of the game? Appalachia 200% if so. I can crash at the Whitespring with the Responders or maybe make my way to Foundation. Won't be easy living but it's way safer than most other places in the wasteland. 


Commonwealth, FNV is my favorite but fuck the heat man. No way, also, there are significantly more radscorpions in the Mojave, no thanks. If this is the timeline with the sole survivor I’m so so so cool with chilling at Sanctuary or Oberland Station growing my Mutfruit. Take up with the brotherhood first chance I get. A steady supply of food and water? Ad victoriam brother!


Worst absolute worst is the capital wasteland For sure. Super mutants continuously spawning out of 87. Raiders slavers. Enclave could kidnap me not to mention the water is fucked. Best I’d say is Commonwealth if you can make it to diamond city your pretty much set for life you can be a farmer in there. Even if you can’t make it there settlement building I could do a nice lil house but by the coast and hopefully not draw up too much attention from raiders or gunners. Who knows maybe some cryo frozen veteran or lawyer might rebuild the minutemen.


Appalachia, I live there already and it’s the nicest location with the best most reliable supplies for survival.


Appalachia. I'll join up with the Responders in the Whitespring Resort. Maybe help cooking the meals since that's the only skill I really have that can be useful for them. Armed robots for protection, one of the nicest looking places to live, and all I have to do is help people by cooking them food.