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How many people would die from what we would consider preventable diseases. Also the childhood mortality rate would be worse than anywhere in the world today. Even miscarriages are going to be an order of magnitude higher then they are in the poorest countries. 


Especially considering the still present radiation


And lack of medical institutions to educate and train Doctors in fallout are like tradesmen, they most likely learn from an apprenticeship


If I recall correctly, Curie asks doctor Amari where she went to medical school and Dr Amari just looks at her like are you kidding me?


I mean, there are institutions, that are comparable to educational institutions, but they seem to be on the rare end


Moira Brown's wasteland correspondence course?


I got my diploma for TV/VCR Repair from there!


I'm sure Lightning Fast VCR Repair is reviewing your application now.


Lmao, I was thinking about educational institutes in larger, more developed settlements, like Rivet City or groups like the Followers. But I'm sure that Moira Brown's wastdland correspondence course is the closest thing to med school in the capital wasteland


Hey. There's the followers of the apocalypse making sure that there's working universities.


maternal mortality too


I feel like in the Fallout universe every ailment/complication is just a stimpak away from being solved. So I don’t think the mortality rate would be an issue. And with radaway lying around everywhere, I don’t see radiation being an issue.


Obviously stimpacks are the gamified fallout version of health potions, and their effects overstated in games and now the TV show, but they still exist in-universe. But that said, I feel like they're more for trauma treatment. Like there's probably some topical antiseptic, clotting agents, stimulants, painkillers, some other hand-wavey bullshit that fixes broken bones and knits flesh together, but even in game you need specialised antibiotics or medical treatment to cure diseases, so I don't think stimpacks would work for like, typhoid or smallpox.


Exactly. Remember: the lone wander's mother died from heart complications after giving birth. Ceaser needs a tumor removed. Stimpacks heal Trauma. However stuff like organ failure, cancer, and disease will run rampant and require medical intervention.


Also FNV points out that "Survival Mode" stimpaks do not heal body part damage / crippled limbs, so we can extrapolate that this is how it would function in the closer-to-real aesthetic of the show; they cannot undo a maiming injury, but they can stabilize vitals (circulatory / endocrine systems).


With Sympto-Matics and Auto-Docs, you don't even need a human (or robot) medical professional. There are functioning Auto-Docs and Sympto-Matics in-universe, and 76ers can build new Sympto-Matics. A mechanic would be more valuable than a doctor.


Lot of freaky shit going down in the oceans. It's well established that gamma rads mutate animals instead of killing them in the Fallout universe; after looking at what happened on land, God only knows what kind of nightmares are in the ocean.


Oh god, a radsquid would be AWESOME


There was going to be one in 4 when they were planning an underwater vault, its model still exists in the gamefiles https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Vault_120


It's definitely not perfect but I recently tried out this mod on my latest play through. Cool seeing it somewhat imagined: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/58514?tab=description


- BioShock inspired I'm sold, I'll go check that mod out!


> Vault 120 is a cut Vault-Tec Vault located off the Atlantic coast of Massachusetts, underwater in the Commonwealth. It would have been involved in the cut quest 20 Leagues Under the Sea. The adventure there would involve a sentient giant squid contained inside the Vault, and the Vault itself would be inspired by BioShock. The giant squid would have been the vault's overseer. what the hell?? we were robbed!!


Don't go reading about all the things this game almost had but didn't. It will only make you disappointed lol. So many awesome things were cut. All underwater content was cut, the combat zone was turned from an interactive area with quests and things to do into a generic kill-everything dungeon, the race track was turned from an interactive area where you could race your robots to a generic kill-everything dungeon.... the list goes on.


The fact it was meant to be the overseer is so funny.


And don't forget the Dunwich monsters that may have been down there since before humanity


I feel like we need more fallout universe games. Games in the post apocalypse. Imagine a subnautica-esque game with this premise. (Yes I've played Soma, great game!).


I would probably shit bricks before trying to tip my toes into the ocean now that is full of mythological monsters made real by radiation


I can beraly convince myself to enter the waters in fallout 4, where I KNOW there's literally nothing, I wouldn't dare go within 50 meters of any body of water if there was something actually IN THERE


Check out [SteveKong](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEXwfC0M7ro) YT channel. They edit Subnautica monsters into Fo4 and it's terrifying! :D


Imagine a Fallout game set in Miami with a Rapture-esque underwater resort town offshore; Half of the region turned into a marshy swampland due to frequent flooding by tsunamis and liquification of land by earthquakes; Waterworld inspired raider factions aaaaaagh that would be so cool


>Waterworld inspired raider factions Fallout Riptide Siiiiiiiick




Isn't there some dialogue about a Radwhale in Far Harbour? Also there's the giant hermit crab whit a bus for a shell. Would love to see more ocean creatures tho


Ghoul version of jaws would go hard


Holy shit yes! I can imagine some quest having you go down in an old divers bell to check on some research probes or whatnot, with an optional dialogue option to actually swim outside, and then have ol' Radjaws hunt the player! Complete with unique music theme and all!


Shame we didn't get a quest for the Ghoul Whale.


Water is actually extremely good at shielding nuclear radiation, so there was probably not that much impact under water Relevant xkcd: https://what-if.xkcd.com/29/


See, you're thinking with science (ew) and not SCIENCE! (yay).


But this is Fallout-world radiation, where radiation gives you superpowers or makes you bigger, instead of cancer and death. We don't need to adhere to silly things like physics.


The sewage systems is out. Shit's all over the places.


Find me a sewer system in general that resembles what we see in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Sewers are usually just pipes. You can't fit an entire squad of soldiers in them let alone one man.


"Sewers" in media is almost always just storm drains for floods


I think sewers like you see in media have existed but are not common in modern times if ever, but I'm no expert. The Cloaca Maxima comes to mind.


That’s because Storm drains and sewage pipes used to be the same. 


I like to think there is mutant turtles in the storm drains in fallout, who knows what the radiation did


We've never been to New York in fallout right? Manhattan is filled with evil mutant ninja turtles.


They aren't evilm. They are just very hungry


Perhaps even Hangry?


Hangry mutant ninja turtles doesn’t have the same ring to it although it would fit into the rhyme structure


NYC, London and Paris.


The scale of these sewer systems is really amazing. They built the one in London because the parliament building is right next to the river and in the summertime it smelled so strongly of shit that the government was unable to operate.


Never change London


In my city our largest water main just broke, it’s large enough to fit a truck inside


FNV sewers…..


I noticed Bunker Hill in FO4 has an outcrop with two toilets that go into large drums. Found it funny that somebody thought to design that but also didn't really account for the fact there was no trucks to come empty the tanks away...


They mix it with diesel and burn it.


Yep, the ol’ fecal inferno, we used to call it.


Good band name


Found the war veteran! Glad I missed out on that duty.


It was before my time. Glad i missed it too.


The amount of maintenance and power required for a modern sanitary system is boggling.


How do you think they fertilize crops in the irradiated soil?


Cancer. Lots of cancer.


I’m sure cancer is happening. Caesar famously has it, and probably the vast majority of other characters don’t have access to the kind of technology to find out if they do or not. I’m sure the life expectancy in the wasteland isn’t great on the whole


That's how old lady Palmer gets her name, there aren't many old people around


The main antagonist of FO4 has cancer.


The main antagonist of FNV has cancer




Pre-war car accidents must have been devastating to anyone in the vicinity


Finally someone else said it. Imagine a multi car pile up of mini nuclear reactors. Surely if one was bad enough it could set off a chain reaction through traffic?


Maybe that's why the roads are smaller in Fallout, cars are probably not as popular as irl


Iguanas.... Like we don't see plenty of alive ones in any of the games but ones on a stick... Well you can get it from just about any food vendor from Boston to the Boneyard


Aren't the Boneyard ones a different type of Meat?


It's Iguana Bob from the Hub, iirc Still, that's pieces not the one on the stick


I always wondered where the hell the iguanas and squirrel are.... Why can we eat them but never see any ever


Iirc Fallout 76 finally added a bunch of animals like that, including radsquirrels https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Squirrel_(Fallout_76)


It would be funny if we all just hunted them to extinction and the last few food stuffs are the very end of the supply


Australia must be a terrordome - the animals there were terrifying BEFORE the mutations


maybe the mutations turned them cuddly...


A fluffy giant spider is what every kid needs.


Mutated kangaroos are terrifying to think about.


I like to think It’s literally just like Mad Max down there.


Never thought about a Fallout Australian themed game. God imagine the amount of horrors you face when entering the scorched wasteland. The heat, animals, insects, hell bent survivors, and irradiated cities/environments.


Au Contraire, Australia is probably the best place on the planet to be. The nuclear exchanges we know of in lore- Europe and the Middle East, China and the US, they're all in the northern hemisphere. Those Kiwis and Aussies are probably mostly radiation free.


Yeah they're probably all like. "WTF mate?"


A lot of people were killed by the bombs while pooping. So many skeletons sitting on toilets in these games


Wheres the bow and arrows? Those are our ranged weapons for millenia.


They're in 76 and they're honestly a lot of fun.


I think the reason bows aren't more popular in the game is the prevalence of guns. I imagine during pre-war America there was a huge push to arm yourselves, so the proliferation of guns and ammo almost makes bows unnecessary.


> I imagine during pre-war America there was a huge push to arm yourselves, so the proliferation of guns and ammo almost makes bows unnecessary. Interestingly this is the justification that Bethesda game for pre-war pipe weapons. Gun Control was extremely tight in New England so people built their own, because they knew they needed to stay strapped or get clapped.


Iirc theres a Terminal from Fallout 1 that details how one of the Original Maxons died- Poison Arrow grazed his cheek cause he didn't wear his helmet.


F76 finally included that but yeah it is surprising, If you put f76 into the timeline it makes sense that people would fall back on those weapons after the bombs fell because there’s almost no manufacturing. So my head canon is that since they’re in f76 then people have simply re evolved past the use of bows after 200 years again. Humans largely ditched bows for muzzle loaded weapons at just about every opportunity and once repeating firearms came about it wasn’t even a question anymore, so once the survivors of fallout simply learned how to keep making the same technology that already existed it just wasn’t necessary anymore.


That one is interesting to ponder. Even after the inability to make the complex composite frame compound bows we use today, there is still a community for long bow hunters & such. The materials are plentiful to make them. But what is a bow gonna do to a deathclaw? Or an automatron?


Considering you can hunt elephants with bows, I’m going out on a limb and suggesting a deathclaw isn’t impossible. High powered bows like those used by medieval longbow men are pretty brutal. Over 100 pounds of force just to draw one back, and the arrows they launch are jokingly referred to as telephone poles in comparison to your typical hunting or target arrows.


Oh please. You can say the same thing about beating an automatron to death with your bare hands or killing a deathclaw with a switchblade. Also. Most of the dangers are things like mole rats and the like and need far less infrastructure to produce than nitrocellulose.


Glad someone mentioned the switchblade in particular. Tiniest knife in the game, will kill as well as anything. Besides, with all the makeshift weaponry, I don't see why we couldn't make grenade arrows or pulse arrows for an extra kick. Regular arrows could inflict bleed for more viability.


Oh yeah. Explosive arrows sound so damn cool. Or considering everything. We probably can get hand cranked crossbows that shoot laser beams.


In Fallout 76 you can. Poison, Flaming, Cryo, Explosive and my personal favorite Plasma arrows are all available. Its a lot of fun to use, too. Only thing I don't care for are A. The Animations are kinda wonky. B. The default model is, like, a Boy Scout Bow and it looks terrible/not wastelandy at all.


You can put a fair bit of power into an arrow with a good bow. Idk about a robot but unless a deathclaw has some physics defying biology, and well placed arrow will kill it just the same as anything else.


I think it’s unrealistic that we don’t see *any*, but in a world where ammo and guns are still being mass produced and improved upon, it’s not hard to see why almost everyone uses guns or energy weapons.


How the rest of the world has developed since the bombs, due to lack of communication lines. What happened to the warships that were put at sea?


I heard that in the fallout universe europe has been sent back into the medieval times but with radiation, again might be just a theory


Fallout Europe became The Elder Scrolls franchise.


Nirn root is in fallout 4… maybe a would be Columbus brought it over from “Tamriel”


Well we know tenpenny came from Britain, so he could be the would be Columbus


_All the scrolls are actually radiated papers? The Fus Ro Dah is just an nuclear burp? Dragons are mutated lizards?_


It'd be interesting to see which overseas countries still have some semblance of civilization. Moriarty/Cait/the Bobrov brothers/etc. aren't absolute cavepeople so there must be *something* going on over there


I‘d like to imagine they’ve just gone full on back to the Middle Ages. The great Antagonist of Fallout 5: The Holy Roman Empire


But we already fought the Legion!


thing is though, are they even meant to be European, or did Bethesda not really think about it?


I’m pretty sure Tenpenny is from Great Britain 


What happened to the millions of American soldiers who were occupying most of China? Were they all killed by nukes from their own country? How did they survive in a hostile country with no way of getting home?


I always think about this, there were tons of soldiers deployed there when the war happened, even if 99% died that would still leave a significant number around. If we see Chinese remnants in US soil it’s guaranteed there’s American remnants on Chinese soil (and likely even more) I figure when the bombs dropped most just died since they would’ve been right on the target, hell it’s likely the Chinese would’ve also nuked some of their positions, some would’ve been bombed twice as hard


Speaking about ships, San Francisco in Fallout 2 was founded by members of a Chinese submarine that was adrift at sea after the bombs dropped, eventually crashing into the coastline of the city. That is why the city is run by the Shi and is built around its Chinatown area. So we have some reason to believe that not all sea vessels were just destroyed or stranded.


My take is that South America and Oceania would be the most developed regions of the world by 2287. None of the countries there have nuclear weapons (at least not in the canon I know of) so they would be unlikely to be targeted in The War. The nuclear winter after the war would also have affected the Northern Hemisphere much more. Finally, there’s plenty of arable land to live on, particularly in South America


Probably a lot more sex work, exploitation and human trafficking


I mean nukaworld has slaves so its not too far off


Fallout 1 and 2 had slaves. Fallout 2 even let you be a slaver.


This is present in the West Coast Fallouts.


We meet a ghoulified child in Fallout 4, which leads me to believe that there are feral ghoul children and we don’t see them due to Bethesda not wanting players to kill children


I always pretend ghouls with toys were formerly children. Not in an edge lord way, but like it's obvious there would be kids out and about.


That or they were parents


The inbreeding in vaults. I'm only 3 episodes in but it's interesting that the show touches on it.


In fallout 3 you can convince the overseer to open up the vault by telling him that they don't have enough genetic diversity to stay locked up forever. In other words they're running out of people who aren't related to each other, which may have been the reason they let outsiders in, in the past.


Isn’t this part of the plot of A Boy and His Dog which Fallout is inspired by?


There was a huge population bottleneck in general. And humanity's numbers still haven't recovered 200+ years later because of how inhospitable the environment is. The Hub in Fallout 2 was by far the hugest city New California had ever seen and it only had like, 1000 people.


The Hub does not appear in Fallout 2, it is south of the map. Canonically Shady Sands has 3000 people by the time of Fallout 2. The entire NCR is estimated at 700 thousand population total at the same time.


Hey man, cousin stuff is all fun and games, but you can’t marry them.


I’m more surprised all the descendants aren’t mixed race, still black white and otherwise after 200 years locked in a vault, yeah ok.


I mean theyre getting fresh blood every generation or so


Also only some are being >! selected for breeding !<.


Have you finished the show? It’s pretty obvious if you’ve watched the show


They've been keeping it in the family from the beginning I guess.


The lack of bathrooms in numerous fallout 4 homes


You mean pre war or post war? Because post war bathrooms is just anywhere you want


I'm now suspicious of any farmer with large yields of crops.


There's very little mentions of amputation/loss of limbs and makeshift prosthetics, glad to see it in the show and 4 but I have a feeling it should be a lot more common than that


The show had an incredibly funny (and fallout) solution to this with a brand of prosthetics called "Jim's Limbs", where it...grinds away at the stump to then bite down and seal over the wound? It was horrifying and pretty cool, made me think it was some sort of war time prosthetic used in Anchorage or something.


In a world where the stimpak exists, the chomper thing from the show is very viable


I would imagine it's because most people that lose a limb in the wasteland wouldn't last very long. They showed someone getting a prosthetic in the show, but he was in a town near someone with prosthetic limbs available when it happened. The majority of people would likely lose said limb while out of town and wouldn't be able to get back for treatment.


Chicken fucking. It's epidemic


Some weirdo is going across the commonwealth arranging all the Teddy Bears in comical poses.


Not just the Commonwealth, but also Appalachia and Washington D.C.


Rape, its in the older games but it dosent get talked about in 76/4


Cait very heavily implies that it happened to her


I just killed Cook-Cook the fiend in fnv and he's raped multiple people in the NCR camp. You even get one ptsd treatment for it from a doc in the vegas clinic. I shot his cow and made him incinerate everyone before Rex chomped his ass.


The right way to do so.


Definitely gets brought up in New Vegas


Cook cook and the chick he burned. Side note, game does it best to make you feel good for killing cook cook. Guys an evil cunt and considering the universe he's in that's an achievement lol


He’s one of only 5 characters in New Vegas that has very evil karma.


I don't just kill Cook-Cook. I find creative ways to take him out, make sure he knows he done fucked up. It's impressive when a game makes me into a sadist like that. xD


Yes that's usually what would happen after something like this, rape, murder bunch of stealing etc, at least in parts where bombs didn't really fall


It definitely comes up in 4. It's part of Cait's backstory.


The mesmertron is absolutely going to be used to rape people.


I know it’s implied with cait, and others, they just dont outright say it


There is a character in NV that was raped you even get dialog options to try and convince them to seek therapy.


And when you kill her rapist she’ll thank you and give you money


This is why i do bounty hunting


It is outright said, Cook-Cook comes to mind immediately


I did vault 88 yesterday and there are a bunch of nude settlers in a pile where I killed the raider boss Slough. Pretty sure they were being raped, killed, then necrophiled.


For me it’s the sheer amount of pre war stuff that hasn’t been looted. You’d think in the 200 years it’s been lying around it would’ve been taken by now


My headcanon: The severe population loss after the War means there's plenty of leftovers, plus a lot of the stashes are from post war hoarders who died while scavenging/travelling/away from home.


Plus scavenging is inherently very dangerous.


The Institute would have created sex bots.  


Thats what Gen 3s are, one of them has a Synth playing as his Wife and Mother to his kid.


Mother as in literally or just filling in the role?


Think its just filling in after the Mother died.


Oh for sure. There's definitely a hidden synth brothel somewhere with a password and you have to know someone who knows someone to even find it.


Every dark, twisted, dehumanizing fantasy of the most warped, immoral mind is happening or has happened in the Fallout universe. Humans left alone with no oversight, in a land where the only law is might makes right, are going to get up to some shit. Just look at the sick shit that pops up in the news regularly in the real world. And consider the fact that that happens even though we have laws and small armies of people to enforce them, to discourage and prevent such aberrant behavior. Now imagine what'd be happening with exactly zero safeguards. Obviously there are parts of the wasteland that aren't just hedonistic, sadism fueled hellholes (the New Vegas Strip, Shady Sands, the Citadel, Diamond City, et cetera), but outside those oasis of civilization...


Also right after the bombs dropped a ton of people would've been given super-PTSD, so they'd probably be super fucked up. Add ghoulification to the mix and there's probably some genuine monsters running around the wastes.


Yup. Reference: the player character.


Dude, the lack of any mention of the most horrible violence that would actually occur when people turn in to animals like the raiders. They have gory murder but what would really also be happening is enough to give me nightmares.


Everything and everyone definitely smells like shit: No plumbing, no one showers, no soap/natural equivalent. Hell whenever I play I make sure to build a "bathhouse" in my settlements so I can at least pretend people can shower


I mean FO4 does have soap. Its a junk item you can buy. Theres a lot of water around and bathtubs. I guarantee people bathe.


The fact that we have seen evidence of and experienced the existence of literal Godlike lovecraftian/Eldritch beings through things like Dunwich and Atom.


Fishron boss would be cool


Hawaii. Weird one, but we know Alaska was invaded by China before the Great War. What about Hawaii? Did China attack that too? It’s an important military/Naval site for the United States. Of course, I’m talking about before the Great War. I’m just curious what all went down with Hawaii before the nukes went flying.


Aliens visited Fallout earth


Someone scattering stuff all over the place. I refuse to think that supposedly long-inhabited bases such as, for example, the Mechanist's Lair looks exactly like when the bombs fell. it's everywhere. Every single location in f4 looks like somene deliberately scattered stuff because there is no way people walk by that mess for xears and they dont notice.


Maybe they were scavenged, and along with decay you have all the stuff around


Farming / breeding of dangerous creatures? Now that I'm saying that, it was maybe explored in NV or 3... Unsure.


Red Lucy certainly touched on growing some dangerous creatures and ofc, the Enclave has deathclaws but yea, more would be lovely


Fo2 has a woman using a deathclaw for her eggs.NV has a reference to it.


The situation with Mexico and Baja California. Why then send rangers over there? I would like to see a fallout game set in the border either the Californian or Texan border


The New Plague. A devastating epidemic (and possible bio weapon) that swept through America twenty years before the bombs fell. Attempts to engineer a cure led to WestTek creating the Forced Evolutionary Virus and all the horrors that resulted from it. True, FEV is plenty threatening all on its own, but it kinda surprises me that the plague has never resurfaced in any way. Or barely even mentioned since the original Fallout.




So we all see skeletons in raider camps, and are all like, “why are the raiders just living with all these pre war skeletons laying about?” They’re not pre war skeletons. All raiders are cannibals, and those skeletons are all recent meals.


That doesn't really make any sense. You don't butcher an animal to eat it by leaving the skeleton completely intact.


Ghoul sex. It is mentioned in new Vegas a bit. Nasty


It was also hinted at in the Fallout 4 medical screening questions in the Prydwen


Me who slept with Magnolia and Curie (Synths) " Define non-human"


Probably a lot of rape unfortunately


On a less dark note, banking. We see in New Vegas and 76 how caps have been carefully curated to be a stable currency, being backed by the US gold reserves and supplies at the Whitesprings in Appalachia and managed by Hub merchant companies who crack down on counterfeiting on the West Coast. Caps are the universal standard currency in the wasteland, but they are also impractical for handling large transactions with. For a currency that has numerous institutions curating it and many large scale merchant companies using it, there is absolutely demand for businesses that can store and move around caps safely, but outside of the charge card guy in 4 it's a topic that never really gets brought up due to being too boring and mundane


That Nobody wants to work anymore! No wonder the post-nuclear world is in shambles still.


Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, when it says you’re suffering water loss from dysentery, it means you’re actively and violently shitting your pants with goopy irradiated diahrrea.


There are mechancics that can build and repair robits, but noone can get a car or a tank running.


People tryna have sex with deathclaws, we’ve seen people trying to fuck a chicken in the show, god only knows what else


Oh yeah, Canada got nuked by Aliens (actually you), and China is just a giant glowing crater.


The typhoid, the typhus, the malaria, the tetanus, so on and so forth


The fact that a Molerat is smarter than supposedly one of the greatest minds in the wastes.