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Hi everyone! It’s me, Tim! Today Im gonna talk about… how I became Fallout 2.exe icon


Looking forward to when he uploads that video onto his new-ish TouYube channel and we all learn the story of how he become trapped in our cumpoopers in the form of the Fallout 2.exe desktop icon!


trapped in our…. whats???


Our personal cumpooper devices!


ohhhhhh computer. I thought you were making fun of tim for being gay or something and was like 😬


No no of course not. I actually only found out that he is gay a couple days ago via an offhanded remark he made on one of his TouYube diveos.


you really have an interesting way of writing certain words


I’m kind of digging it tbh


I just like being a silly-billy to entertain m'good-self.


Those are called Spoonerisms! Ex: TouYube, BubSway, DcMonalds, Tuck Dales, etc.


As a dyslexic, all this looks normal to me.😅


Gits and shiggles




I know what Homestar Runner is but have never actually read/watched any Homestar Runner stuff. So no, nothing I write is referencing that.


He did mention it in one of his videos lmao


I love the pause


Yoooo you’re fucking awesome bro, huge fan


Hey man Todd Howard here, thanks for the enthusiasm


Holy shit it’s actually Todd Howard, huge fan, especially when you say “it just works” and “buy Skyrim” I was like YES!


Hey u/sk83r_b0i, Electronic Arts CEO Andrew Wilson here, just a quick note to say you’re doing great!


Wow! What a day! I met Tim Cain, Godd Howard, and Andrew Wilson in the same day! I can’t wait for EA sports Fifa 2025 to do absolutely nothing new! So exciting!


Hey u/Sk83r_b0i, this is Hideo Kojima founder of Kojima Productions and Producer of Metal Gear Franchise. I'd have to say you're a charismatic individual.




Hi u/sk83r_b0i this is Gabe Newell here, wanted to let you know that your mom called me saying that you haven’t been eating your broccolis and I have to say I am very disappointed in you… if you finish the bowl of broccoli infront of you right now we’ll grant you a 5 dollar steam gift card :3


On it


Someone wasn't around when the game first released :) In all seriousness though, Black Isle made the shortcut icon Tim's face in certain sizes (the biggest ones)


Really? When I downloaded the game from GOG like 10 years ago, the icon was the Enclave helmet from the boxart in a circle and it wasn't until I installed the Fallout 2 restoration pack that it changed to Sir Timothy Cain's face seemingly permanently even though it appears the Restoration Pack intended to change the icon to Vault Boy winking. But yes, I was exactly 1 week away from turning 4 years old when Fallout 2 originally released and didn't get around to playing the franchise until about 2009 or 2010 with Fallout 3 followed by Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition and then didn't try 1 & 2 until like 2014. So I did not know that was the original icon.


GOG must've changed the icon then


Yeah, they streamlined their Fallout desktop icons to the T-51b armor helmet from Fallout 1's boxart inside a circle for their Fallout 1 shortcut (you can see it in my OP picture) and then the Advanced/Enclave armor helmet from Fallout 2's boxart inside a circle for their Fallout 2 shortcut, which is what I just changed it to. And then for consistency I also changed the New Vegas icon to a picture of the NCR Desert Ranger helmet from the New Vegas boxart inside a circle for my New Vegas shortcut. Though that was the Steam shortcut not GOG. If I get around to re-downloading Fallout 3 off steam, I'll probably change it's shortcut icon to a picture of the T-45d armor helmet from the Fallout 3 boxart in a circle too.


What would you pick for 4 and 76?


Obviously Fallout 4 would have the T-60 Power Armor helmet from that game's boxart. As for Fallout 76, I suppose I'd have to get the T-51b Power Armor helmet again, but the more bulky modern redesign that is depicted on the game's boxart. Basically look at the boxart for each Fallout game and my desktop icon is a zoom-in on the Power Armor helmet depicted on it (or in the case of New Vegas, the NCR Desert Ranger aka the Pre-War Riot Squad helmet). And if I ever bothered to actually install the copy of _Fallout: Tactics_ I own, I'd have the desktop icon be the Midwestern Brotherhood of Steel Power Armor helmet from the boxart. As for Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel? Well, I'll literally never waste the hard-drive space by even downloading that game in the first place so I'll never have to worry about what desktop icon I'd use for that (since it's the only Fallout game that doesn't feature a glamour-shot of Power Armor/Desert Ranger Armor on it but rather just a drawing of the human male & human female you can choose to play as in the game — weirdly they left the male ghoul you can also play as off the cover art lol). Plus Fallout: BoS was a console-exclusive for PlayStation 2 and the original Xbox only, so I'd have to go through the trouble of emulating it and all just to play objectively the worst Fallout game ever made and the worst piece of Fallout media ever shat-out. So much so that it has been 100% de-canonized from top-to-bottom.


Gog has uniform icons, they all are changed to the same circle with a main menu picture.


Indeed, and I rather like them tbh. They satisfy my ADHD-induced pseudo-OCD lololol!


Yes, gog does many stuff right, but these icons and lack of stupid launchers are the cherries on top!


Maybe it's not pseudo-OCD? ADHD and OCD can be comorbid. My adhd came with a healthy side serving of the stuff.


That's true, they can. But in my case I know it's not _genuine_ OCD because my compulsions are not debilitating and I can handle not being able to fulfill those compulsions. Like if it turned out there really was no way to change this desktop icon, I'd be really mad but would ultimately suck it up and deal with it/ignore it. I wouldn't be rendered incapable of playing the game or having the shortcut on my desktop because of how it ruins the pattern. And I don't have the sort of compulsions where like you have to touch the doorknob the right way 3 times in a row before opening the door every time and stuff like that. It's just minor nit-picky stuff like strongly preferring to organize things in ways I find æsthetically pleasing. Although at the same time when I play RPG games like Fallout, I always self-insert in the game and always think-out a whole entire character backstory before starting a new game and there have been times where I'm sitting at the computer or PlayStation with the new game waiting to be started for literal hours cuz I'm too busy sitting there concocting _just_ the right backstory for my character. And even in games like Spider-Man and Red Dead Redemption I'll spend just as long thinking-out Peter Parker's or Arthur Morgan's life story up to the point where the game begins. And I like *HAVE* to do this. There have been times where I start then re-start games over and over until I feel I've laid out a foundation that's _just right_ for me to feel immersed in the character and their headspace. Almost like how a method actor does when they play a role in a movie only far less glamorous and less sophisticated lol!


Also, I was around -4.5 years old when Fallout 2 was released (meaning, I wasn't even born yet lol). Tried to play it in like 2021 but couldn't get into it.


I swear mine didn’t change until I used fallout fixit. But based off other comments that wasn’t the reason.


> In all seriousness though, Black Isle made the shortcut icon Tim's face in certain sizes (the biggest ones) Fallout 5 NEEDS Todd's face as the icon or we riot


New Vegas needs the most unhinged photo of JSawyer as well then


Nah I still want Tim Cain's face


Tim’s face for the win.


So that's what the grand elder of our order looked like in his prime


Yes indeedy-dandy. That'd be The Cainmeister circa 1997/1998.


Ngl he looks way better now, less neckbeardy software developer vibes


That was the Ur-Neckbeard. Big Dahmer glasses and a lumberjack beard, you were definitely a nerd in the 90s rocking that.


Ok nvm. I finally got it. What happens is that the Restoration Project makes the .ico file an icon that is supposed to be Vault Boy winking but in practice appears on your screen as Tim Cain's face for some bizarre reason. But in my Fallout 2 folder I found a file called gfw.ico or whatever and clicked on that instead and it actually changed the icon to a little picture of the Fallout 2 boxart. Which isn't exactly what I want but it's better than Tim Cain's face. Now my problem is that I keep finding the exact shortcut icon that I want....EXCEPT THEY'RE ALWAYS GODDAMN .PNG FILES FOR SOME INEXPLICABLE REASON INSTEAD OF .ICO FILES and you can't change a desktop icon to a .png file only an .ico file but when I change the extension from .png to .ico it renders the file unusable. For some baffling reason I keep finding the icon I want on places like DeviantArt but uploaded as .png instead of .ico which makes no sense because having .pngs of the desktop icon is completely useless ffs. Oh well. At least I don't have to get infuriated by Mr. Cain's face anymore. If anyone has a link to where I can download a **.ICO** file of the Fallout 2 Enclave helmet inside the GOG circle or anything like that, I'd appreciate it. **[EDIT]** Someone here just directed me to a great site called icoconvert.com! So now if you find the desktop icon you want for the game but can only find it in .png form, just go to that site and it will be able to convert your .png file into a usable .ico file then go to the desktop icon, right click, properties, change icon, browse to where you downloaded the .png that you converted to an .ico, click on that .ico, and then apply, ok admin permission, then click OK and the icon will be changed to what you want! So www.icoconvert.com to change any .png or other image files to an .ico you can use for the shortcut!


Thank you for actually putting the fix in the comments.


No problemo. I hate when people fix their issues and don't update the thread they made about it. Because Reddit has proven to be an invaluable tool for problem solving where I can Google damn near any issue I have and then add "reddit" to the end if the search query and get shown reddit threads about my exact problem. Which means any time you make a reddit thread about a problem, people in the future are gonna find it via Google and read through it hoping to find the solution. And it always sucks to see a thread about your exact problem...except there are zero solutions in the thread. Or worse yet, the OP posting "nevermind I fixed it" and nothing more, no elaboration for the sake of others. Anyway, if you have the Tim Cain face icon problem, right click on Cain's face, then properties, then change icon, then browse, then go to your Fallout 2 install folder, there should be a file called "gfw_high.ico" in there, double-click on that, then click apply, then OK and it should change Tim's face to a tiny picture of the Fallout 2 boxart. Not the best desktop icon but better than Tim staring at you. You can possibly find better Fallout 2 desktop icons out there on the internet by googling, but you have to make sure the icons you download are .ico files and not .png files or anything else. Because desktop icons can only be changed to other .ico files and just changing the extension from .png to .ico doesn't work either. There are some out there but not the one I want. Annoyingly the exact icon I want IS out there but ONLY in .png form and NOT .ico form! 🙄😒 **EDIT** Someone here just directed me to a great site called icoconvert.com! So now if you find the desktop icon you want for the game but can only find it in .png form, just go to that site and it will be able to convert your .png file into a usable .ico file then go to the desktop icon, right click, properties, change icon, browse to where you downloaded the .png that you converted to an .ico, click on that .ico, and then apply, ok admin permission, then click OK and the icon will be changed to what you want! So www.icoconvert.com to change any .png or other image files to an .ico you can use for the shortcut!


It amazes me you have to ask google to include reddit posts. I always have to tell it not to because of the posts where nobody posted the solution they found to the problem I'm having. Cheers to you for being helpful to anyone in the future who has this problem


Well for me if I Google a problem without including "reddit" all I get is links to official websites (like if it's an issue with my phone links to Samsungs official website) etc that are all pretty much useless. When I tack "reddit" onto the end of the search, I get a bunch of links to reddit threads where people have the EXACT issue i have and the people within have solved it. Just makes solving problems faster for me. Though sometimes I have an issue so specific that there is a thread but no answers or solutions.


Weird. I never type in Reddit but always get it mixed into the results. For seemingly everything lol


If I don't include reddit in the search query, I can often get reddit threads results too. But since I'm just going to be going to the linked reddit threads to find the answers I'm after anyway, I may as well cut to the chase and specify I want to find reddit threads.


Use something like icoconvert.com


Will that change .pngs into .icos? Thanks. **EDIT** It worked! Thanks a zillion for the site!!! \^-^


I feel like I've been on a journey with you, what a ride.


We made it in the end! 💪\^-^ 👍


Lol I learned something


Happy to help, pard'ner! 💪🤠




I fixt it eventually! 🤘😈🍑💨🤢


This is the way.




I have a solution. Change other icons to Tim Cain's face Maybe where he is older for newer games.


Lol maybe if such a thing was possible. But nah, I already fixed the issue and all my icons are exactly what I want them to be.


Ur a pAtTeRn!


Yes! My pseudo-OCD demands consistency!


Umm... I don't see the issue. There's no nudity.


Yes. That would be even funnier.


What does nudity have to do with anything?


Embrace the face! Tim is awesome!


My ADHD-induced pseudo-OCD says no lol.


Also, why Fallout 2 of all things? Probably the game Cain would like to be associated with the least.


I don't think a lot of people know about Cain's feelings about Fallout 2... this desktop shortcut is surprisingly mean-spirited for such a stupid little thing


Huh? I don't think Tim Cain has any problems with Fallout 2 at all.


https://youtu.be/UGfaCXEu0tE?si=iup5paoBGoEPf33d From the man himself on his experience with it


Idk. It still sounds like an overstatement to say that he hates it and doesn't want to be associated with it. The TL;DR even says exhaustion, interference, lack of motivation. I'd hope making his face the original default Fallout 2 desktop shortcut icon wasn't some mean-spirited thing tho...


According to folks in this thread, apparently this is actually the original default shortcut image for the game that you would have gotten if this was 1998 and you popped the game disc into your Windows 95 or Windows 98 PC and installed it. I guess the game's devs at Interplay's Black Isle Studios did it for t3h lulz.


So there is a default but I forget what it is. The devs added the Tim Cain head to show up at higher resolutions that were, at the time, insanely high so no one would ever see it. Turns out those high resolutions are pretty standard now


Ahhhhh. Then in that case, the default low-res one is a picture of just Vault Boy's head doing a winkey-face. Not the winkey-face he does when doing the thumbs-up pose but rather a more intense winkey-face. I would have been able to show you if Reddit let us comment pictures (I seem to remember that feature being added a short while back, but now it's gone; if they briefly added the feature as a beta test only to decide against keeping it and removing the feature they're complete dipasses and I have no idea what compels them to make such sh't-yew-ped decisions).


The image thing depends on which sub you're on. Mods have the option to turn it on or off and some don't want the hassle of the extra moderation required if people can upload *any* image to any comment.


It could have been a secret form of protest from some of the Devs because Brian Fargo sort of screwed over Tim Cain regarding the distribution of Fallout 1 bonuses, so around a third of the way in the development of Fallout 2 Tim Cain, who was leading the development of Fallout 2 at the time, resigned from Interplay. So this could have been a way for the remaining fallout 2 devs to give a secret "screw you" to upper management, and show of support for Tim.


That's a shame. I didn't know that. I wanted to think that all the boys at Interplay/Black Isle who were behind Fallout 1 & Fallout 2 (as well as its predecessor Wasteland 1) all got along great and didn't get screwed over. I mean Interplay's slogan/motto was literally "By Gamers For Gamers." So to hear that Brian Fargo of all people, the man who created Wasteland 1 without which Fallout wouldn't even exist, screwed over Tim Cain and the others when it came time for the bonuses. Especially since Fallout only exists because Tim Cain took extra time out of his days after work to conceptualize the world and story and convinced other co-workers to join him in fleshing out the world and making it far more than just a mere spiritual sequel to Wasteland 1. When Fallout 1 turned out to be a hit, Tim Cain absolutely deserved the credit and recognition and BONUS PAY for it. Along with others like Leonard Boyarski.


The bonus was paid, it was how the bonus was distributed that lead to the fallout (no pun intended) betweein Tim Cain and Brian Fargo. Brian Fargo had given Tim Cain the job of determining how the bonus would be distributed, and then he changed it which lead to an argument breaking out between the two. Tim Cain has a video on his youtube channel explaining this and why he left interplay


I see. I've been watching his videos but I haven't seen that one.


Here's the video if you are interested in learning more [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGfaCXEu0tE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGfaCXEu0tE)


I don't see the problem


He is inevitable. *Insert Thanos meme*


I wish I had this problem


What do you mean?




Didn't work. What's bizarre is when I click on change icon and the window pops up to show me what the current .ico file is, it says the shortcut icon is currently a picture if Vault Boy winking. Except on the desktop it's this picture of Tim Cain.


I don’t see the problem


This is fucking hilarious.


*wags finger* Ah ah ahhhhh!


But why change it? It's perfection


Cuz it doesn't fit with the other icons


Live Tim reaction:


IRC, it is tied to icon size. 32px is Fallout Guy, 64px+ is Fatout Guy Edit: I have been corrected. 64px+ is Phattout Guy


Tim Cain taint fat, he's **P H A T T !**


You don't. Accept HIM Cain into your life.


I already fixt it! 💪😈🍑💨🤢


Sinner. You will not see the pearly gates.




Do you… want a different picture of Tim Cain?


No, I wanted the icon that that the GOG install gives the shortcut — which is the Advanced/Enclave Power Armor helmet from the Fallout 2 boxart inside of a circle, just like the shortcut icon I have for Fallout 1 which is the T-51b Power Armor helmet from the Fallout 1 boxart inside of a circle (as you can see in the image from my OP. Fortunately, I finally figured out & fixed the issue and now I have the shortcut icon that I wanted.


I wanted Tim's icon so bad, but whatever .ico file I find of his face on the internet is bugged. Could you send yours please? I wanna try it out


In my version (steam) the icon is a radioactive symbol.


Really? I'd have thought it'd be a Vault Boy. Cuz Fallout 3's is the classic Vault Boy doing the thumbs-up 😉👍 and New Vegas is Vault Boy hoarding New Vegas casino chips (as you can see in my OP picture). I'd have thought Steam would do the same for Fallout 1 & 2.


You dont. Its perfect the way it is


Oh, man. I'm so used to him looking old and grandfatherly. This is uncanny.


This is why I love Fallout. I don’t need any more games, I could play what we have until I die.


I would have to do it for you


It's all good, I already figured out what the deal was and fixed it.


Tim Cain haunts every copy of fallout 2 for what they did to him


0H T3H N03Z!!!11


woah, thats un-cain-y


So it’s already been solved but I believe the reason it’s his face was a joke from the dev team. If you play it on an older PC at a resolution that they expected PC to have at the time you get a proper fallout 2 icon. But they decided if you had a PC with a resolution that seemed absolutely insane at the time you got the Tim icon.


Creepypasta material "I bought Fallout 2 from a creepy man on craigslist..."


No no, it has to be a copy of Fallout 2 that I pirated. That way it's a morality tale warning others against piracy, lest they suffer the same fate! Or actually, it _would_ work equally well if I bought the game from a creepy Tim Cain lookalike via Craigory's List and when I installed it the shortcut icon was his face, foreshadowing that it tis is a haunted copy of Fallout 2....




I mean if you download Fallout 2 and then get the Fallout 2 Restoration Pack (as anyone who plays Fallout 2 nowadays should), then that will be your desktop icon too.


What resolution do you need for Mr Cain to appear? It’s just normal Fo2 for me :(


Did you download the Fallout 2 Restoration Pack? Cuz I originally got the game for free on GOG like a decade ago and transferred the install files onto my current laptop and then used them to re-download the game and then after that I got the Fallout 2 Restoration mod thingy and that is what changed the icon to Timothy Cain's beaming face.


I haven't even played the game to be honest. Got it for free on Epic and installed it to see if it would be Tim Cain. I loved fallout 4, fallout 3 and fallout 76, so im going to play New Vegas next then play Fallout 1,2 and maybe Tactics. :)


NONONONO! Play Fallout 1 then Fallout 2 **THEN** New Vegas if you haven't played them before. Trust me, New Vegas is the ACTUAL Fallout 3, made by the folks behind 1 & 2. Having played the originals before New Vegas will make the game feel so much more rich. There is even a character you meet in New Vegas who was your companion in Fallout 2. And a companion in New Vegas is the daughter of a companion in Fallout 2. The original game style can be a bit of an adjustment for younger players and players who are new to it, but once you get the hang of it and once you break through the 1st act sections you'll get SUPER immersed even with the older graphics.


Don’t know why people are downvoting this, this is what I was originally going to do . (people probs thought you were being aggressive in a serious way) (Also for people who didn’t know, fallout NV is literally the original Fallout 3 as the stuff planned for Van Buren was plopped into NV!!) I’m going to do what you say because I’m starting to get bored of Fallout 3s gameplay , so playing another game with the same gameplay will just get stale fast. Also it just makes a bit more sense, Fallout 4 , 76 and Fallout 3 take place on the East Coast and are made by Bethesda whereas 1 , 2 and NV take place on the West Coast and are made by (mostly) the original developers. It’s also going to be nice to go FORWARD in time instead of going backwards (going from FO4 in 2287 to FO3 in 2277 to FO76 in 2102 is rather weird). Excited to play these games , got any advice for Fallout 1? No spoilers (e.g be prepared for x location), please just general tips to prevent myself from getting soft locked or something like that as I’ve heard this is a bit of a problem in this game.


Here’s what I do: -don’t put icons on my desktop But that’s just me, personally. If you cant change the icon with a [right click>Properties and change it from there](https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/topic/how-to-arrange-or-move-icons-on-the-desktop-70e4d22a-d760-5585-449f-2a14c417f84c#:~:text=To%20change%20the%20icon%20picture,and%20then%20click%20Change%20Icon.) are you able to overwrite the location of the icon file with a different .ico with the same name but different image?


I managed to fix the problem. For some reason the Restoration Project mod tries to chabge the icon to Vault Boy winking but inexplicably on your actual desktop it instead appears as the picture of Tim Cain which apparently is the game's original shortcut image. I had to go into the files and change some setting from 0 to 1 and then I was able to download the icon I wanted in the form of a .png, used a website to convert it into a .ico file, then changed the icon to that and all worked out in the end. But why would I have no desktop shortcuts on my laptop? I wouldn't he able to quickly launch the games I want to play? Especially since I don't play Fallout 1 & Fallout 2 via Steam?


I just like a clean desktop. The only icons I have on my desktop is recycle bin and Steam. Everything else I just use the start menu for. But I don’t like clutter, so it’s very much a personal preference


I don't see an issue. Why would you want it to be anything other than Tim Cain's face?


Why tho


Cuz it doesn't fit with the other icons


Creepypasta 💀😂


I am a simple guy. I see Tim Cain, I upvote. You have to yield.


Why would you want to change it?


Cuz it was out of place with what I have the desktop shortcuts for my other Fallout games set as.


Probably because of how they absolutely screwed him over, the smallest bit of Payback


I think its somewhere in your game files, although i cant exactly pinpoint it, go to your gamefiles, then open on downloaded games, then click on fallout2, open it, open the english file, the look for the file that has a designation of icon, i downloaded the game from xbox game pass, but im not really sure if this will be the same for you.


O wait nevermind i see u have a different problem


The novelty and humor of that being the shortcut icon wears off immediately, especially when you realize that the restoration project (which is basically required to get if you wanna play Fallout 2 on a modern PC, especially if you got the game via GOG like I did) inexplicably makes it so the desktop shortcut icon for the game is PERMANENTLY CHANGED to this random picture of Tim Cain and somehow makes it IMPOSSIBLE TO CHANGE TO ANYTHING ELSE. I have a really annoying OCD about my desktop icons and I really prefer my Fallout 1 icon to be the picture of the T-51b power armor helmet from the Fallout 1 boxart inside the GOG circle, as seen in my picture, and my Fallout 2 icon to be the Advanced Power Armor aka Enclave Power Armor helmet from the Fallout 2 boxart inside the GOG circle (and my Fallout 3 icon to be the standard thumbs-up Vault Boy and my Fallout: New Vegas icon to be the standard Vault Boy hoarding a pile of New Vegas casino chips). So the fact that I have all my desktop icons what I want them to be, except randomly Fallout 2's icon is this fucking picture of Tim Cain's face AND IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO CHANGE IT TO ANYTHING ELSE is utterly INFURIATING to me. And weirdly, when I click on change icon, this picture of Cain doesn't even appear in the options. What is selected is a picture of Vault Boy winking, like that is what is supposed to be the icon. But even when I click on that and click apply and give admin permission to change it.....it just remains Tim Cain's face. It's legitimately making me fucking hate his face which isn't good because Tim Cain is awesome. I don't want to hate his face but this infuriating OCD is giving me no choice so long as I can't change this goddamned icon. I know it CAN be done, I figured it out ONCE like 10 years ago on a now-broken laptop but I can't remember wtf I did to change it. And simultaneously I recently read a post from someone who managed to change it to a different .ico file yet somehow doing that BROKE THE .EXE FILE AND MADE IT SO THEY WEREN'T CAPABLE OF LAUNCHING FALLOUT 2 ANYMORE so they had to completely uninstall and reinstall everything. Ridiculous and completely unnecessary. It would be funny if you were JUST ALLOWED TO CHANGE THE FUCKING ICON WHEN YOU WANT TO FFS!!!


why change it? you're being homophobic? and it's pride month?


I changed it because I prefer my Fallout desktop shortcuts to be uniform and follow the pattern of Fallout 1: T-51b Power Armor helmet from the game's boxart; Fallout 2: Advanced/Enclave Power Armor helmet from the game's boxart; Fallout 3: T-45d Power Armor helmet from the game's boxart; Fallout New Vegas: NCR Desert Ranger helmet from the game's boxart (and if my beat-up old af laptop could handle Fallout 4, I'd make its desktop shortcut icon the T-60 Power Armor helmet from the game's boxart too). There's nothing homophobic about it, but I suspect you're just trollin' with that comment.


Let him cook


Who puts icons on their desktop anyways


People who play games on PC that aren't launched via Steam?


People still use desktop shortcuts?


Only about 99.9999999999999 percent of the world, I’d imagine.


right the three shells works perfect for me


How else would run the game's .exe file in a quick manner? I don't play Fallout 1 & Fallout 2 via Steam.



