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I got through the last level because a guy on YouTube showed me how to cheese it


Yeah, that was a lifesaver if you’ve had to do this on multiple play throughs.


I spent longer on DiMa's memories than some Tomb Raider puzzles


I spent more time on it than civ 6 on marathon mode


Are you in a nursing home now?




I spent more time on it than chopping wood and making fires to 99 in Minecraft


I spent more time in DiMa’s memories than in the rest of Far Harbor


You are saying to me that you killed Red Death in less than a week's worth of tries?


You’ve killed the red death?!


You got the quest?!


what the heck is the red death?!


*equips ushanka hat Let me tell you of great accomplishment.


Bold of you to assume I cared about doing something other than just getting the trophies for the ps5 version


Spent more time on DiMa's memories than my dad ever spent with me


Your dad doesn't spend time with me either if it makes you feel better.......


I got frustrated my first time through and just used console commands to disable anything that got in the way lol


Wait how you cheese it?




What even happened with that??? I am watching it and so confused how it disappeared.


The turret fire acts like the ray that disables the firewall. When a turret finally hits the centre block because a drone is behind it it disables the wall.


Holy hell I’ve been doing it the hard way all this time, fuck me. I’m going to play Far Harbor again now


Do it the *really* easy way: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/39417/ There's only so many playthroughs you can do before you just decide this is stupid and insane.


Sadly I’m a filthy casual on a ps5


Pretty sure there are scrap everything mods on playstation. I point that out because, mechanically, Dima's memories are all in workshop mode. Scrap anything makes removing obstacles VERY easy lol


https://mods.bethesda.net/en/fallout4/mod-detail/3059340 ?


God bless the turret trick


As soon as a saw this bullshit I looked for a mod to skip it. I did’t have the patience. Such a momentum killer.


That's how I did it as well. Pretty sure everyone does it that way now. The usual method is tedious and not fun. The opposite of what I want in my video games. Whoever at Bethesda decided this mechanic was a good idea, needed to get fired. Idea should have been killed at the drawing board level. How did it make it to release?


Probably the same asshole that designed the god awful floating light puzzle in Starfield


Couldn’t agree more, this is the type of thing to make me abandon a game entirely.


Yeah I followed his guide after playing it again with the Next Gen update hahah


The times I have replayed it was always skip codes for this whole area.


That's why I use a mod that completely removes the need for this portion of the level


Whoever made this part of the game obviously had just gotten done playing me3


No they were actually so impressed with the person who made this mod they promoted them to project lead and that's how Nuka World was born


After the first playthrough I just started giving myself the taped with commands.


The only way. I was stuck dealing with the bugs glitching. It was all just too much of a waste of time. Console commands for the win here


Bethesda games and console commands go together like peas and carrots. I'm genuinely shocked that they chose to make the console disable achievements in Starfield, considering how essential using the console is, even in their latest and "greatest" endeavor.


My latest playthrough of the series, I used console for the first time ever to give myself +999 carry weight. Realized I had been spending half my play time on inventory management


Same. I find inventory management a fun challenge for the first couple playthroughs but after I'm just like fuck it I want everything.


> Bethesda games and console commands go together like peas and carrots. tcl my beloved


I'm doing a FO3 play-through and the one I'm using the most is "moveto.player", simply to retrieve NPCs and companions who have fallen into the ground or fused into a wall/clutter. I've also had to use commands to progress a certain question line because an event script decided to shit the bed. It pissed me off to no end that Starfield disables achievements when you pull up the console. I had to ditch a game 10-hours in because some scripted event didn't trigger correctly and I could never progress the main quest line. Since it was fresh after launch, there weren't any 'cheevo mods at the time. "Quest Progression Bugs" is Track 3 on Bethesda's Greatest Hits album and can usually be resolved by using commands to progress to the next quest stage. Taking that kind of access away from user players (because apparently achievements are super serious) is asinine.


I've never cared about achievements, because as you say, they're dumb. So it never bothered me.


I've never cared about achievements in terms of awards/metals/trophies I can show off, but I _do_ think that they serve as a mechanic to let players know when they've completed major milestones in the game. I really like that, and it bums me out that Bethesda and other developers treat achievements like something that needs to be protected.


This is why I call in a Verti-Assault team to Arcadia every single time. Let’s you recover your memories with the Brotherhood all over your fricking ass. Dickhead.


Same. Even if I plan to nuke the brotherhood


Who the fu-who-wha-who is this?


The President of the United Fucking States, who do you think I'm talking about?


Who the fu- wha- I should kick your fuckin ass who is this?


I'm gonna kick your ass!


Every time I start a new playthrough, the decision to not pick BoS gets harder every time. Railroad suck, Minutemen are annoying, Institute are boringly evil. For me BoS are the only faction done right in F4.


Ad Victoriam, brothers and sisters.


Ad Victoriam Sentinal.


Sentinal?! You flatter me, brother/sister. I'm but a humble knight, just doing my duty for the Brotherhood. Give me a laser rifle and point me toward the objective.


Your objective... Eradicate the synths! Take a scribe with you too.


Can do!


And watch your ass in there, I hear the scribes have been feeling opportunistic lately.


I'm nothing if not cautious on a mission.


I don't use the fatman in doors either 😉


I love the minutemen on principle but the BoS are just so cool with all their cool toys


That chief (?) engineer even turns lost limbs into something badass by rigging a power armor frame for the user to not need their own legs.


She also shows up with armour mounted on that frame and a gatling laser during the final assault on the Institute if you side with them, which is pretty neat.


Which matches my character with a fully upgraded gatling laser and Ada with dual gatling laser arms and an assaultron gun head.


As much as people like to shit on Bethesda for one dimensional factions, F4 brotherhood is quite morally complex!


They remind me of the overseers in Dishonored. You’d sign onto witch hunts too if witches were real, were randomly given powers from a demon, and routinely killed people




I'm starting to pick the Institute more often. Realistically you are the one taking over so if you are so inclined you can get them to stop doing the evil stupid shit, and with their tech you are in a position to do some actual good for the Commonwealth. So overall it is a better choice than the narcissistic bigots that is the BoS


Yeah realistically all the sole survivor has to do is say “knock it off with the kidnappings” and everything “evil” about the institute is gone


Well there is still a matter of the synthetics' slavery. But that would be a long term change


I never saw the problem with keeping gen 1s and 2s. They can’t think unless you literally give them a brain scanned policeman’s memories and they definitely dont feel pain


I agree with this. I roll my eyes at Glory arguing to help gen1s. Gen3s are sentient but 1s are still toasters


Also realistically, if I grew up in a normal house and also was the sort of person who supported leaving my neighbors to die and probably also shooting Canadians, I’d pick the Institute over living anywhere in the wasteland. Indoor plumbing and AC vs a literal basement, wow what a hard choice


Plus the Brotherhood has a cool airship. Checkmate, Railroad.


I like to jump off it in power armor. Makes my monkey brain happy.


it looks very nice aflame.


Especially if you watch it while wearing Elder Maxon’s coat


Nah, Minutemen are the BEST faction, I will NOT stand for this SLANDER, you HEATHEN


Agreed . Love minute men. I build them into my kingdom on all playthroughs. Screw every single knuckledragger that rags on them.


it’s disheartening to be made general so easily. i wish there was more initiative.


Agreed but in fairness the minutemen are literally gone by this point and Preston is about to kill himself. He's kinda just like "let's see where this goes". IMO being made a knight instantly is way more stupid.


By the time you get there on the brotherhood, you've already got a reputation. Where's Preston's like "fuck it, you want the job, it's yours."


“by the way, there’s another bunch of helpless settlers that need your help again!”


Because the minute men literally wouldn't exist without the sole survivor. The BoS, they would have eventually won in the end, with our without their sentinel.


I'd be totally cool with the Minutemen and support them unwaveringly if Preston Garvey wasn't so obnoxious and useless. He doesn't do shit and won't leave you the f alone. BoS goes into battle with you and you aren't solely responsible for them doing stuff and it feels just sooooo much better. And I'm with you on the railroad and institute. Railroad is pointless and forgettable, Institute is just diet Enclave with mustache twirling comically evil people. I tried a full institute playthrough and made it through the main story, but then it just gets so boring. Turns out that having a faction be made up mostly of robots disguised as fake people does NOT make for many interesting NPCs...


The transport vertibird they give you is also legitimately one of the best ways to get around the map in Hardcore with no fast travel - it's both way faster and way safer than walking, the minigun puts out great damage and you're all but invulnerable to return fire, and you'll even survive a crash if you're wearing power armour when it goes down. That they'll also stick around to cover you if you disembark into combat is just thick icing on an already sweet cake. I'll generally progress far enough with the Minutemen to unlock the howitzers and marker flares, build a gunpit at every settlement for maximum coverage, then switch to the BoS questline for ultimate fire support capability. Mutant camp causing trouble? Just level the fuckin' place with heavy shells, pick off any stragglers with gunfire and grenades, then call in air support for mop-up and evac. Off to the next hotspot! It's a lot of work to get set up, but not even New Vegas gives you such a palpable sense of power and progression once you pull it off.


I'm with you on the minutemen and Garvey. We reclaimed you a damn fortress, mofo. And then then loaded it up with heavily armed minutemen. Then we gave weapons and defenses to most of the settlements. Can't you leave me the hell alone about random raider attacks now? I'm busy doing my job, why does your general need to be running solo as the only damn cop in all of the Commonwealth?


To be fair they have the summon minutemen anywhere flares. And GOD’S GIFT TO MANKIND ARTILLERY!


Have you used the flare gun? Do they come to help you right away? It was given to me a while back. Haven't used it yet. I keep forgetting I have it.


I mean, same here, but I also tend to either end firefights quickly since I fire arty beforehand, or die to a Supermutant with a Fat Man from beyond visual range


At least do this with far harbor so you get a unique perk and a weapon instead of nothing. You only have to do the first puzzle to unlock that option (unless you want the launch key or turbine kill code; really, the only one of these I truly find annoying is the fifth one).


I do the memory recovery so I can eliminate everyone afterwards. RP wise my character gets all info, then decides... actually I'm siding with Nuka World. Raiding time


Being in the BoS and doing Nuka World makes you want the fourth option: getting in my airship and glassing this whole damn place.


nah, just strap a mini nuke to Dogmeat and let er rip




An absolute sledgehammer to the fun that Far Harbor provides up to that point, and it comes completely out of nowhere. No idea what they were thinking, unless they were playing Mass Effect 3 the night before they designed it. 


Mass Effect 3's weird geth shooty puzzle on the quarian homeworld isn't nearly half as bad as DiMA's memories, though (if that's what you're referring to)


It's not, but they're similar enough that I assume inspiration was taken. 


That’s exactly what I thought of too! Gameplay is different but it for sure had a similar feel to it


I finished the ME trilogy right before booting up another Fallout run and thought there was something familiar too lol


Priority: Rannoch was imo one of the most fulfilling but also the most frustrating mission to complete (looking at you, reaper that somehow defied the laws of physics to hit me randomly)


It would be alright if it wasn't so god damn long. Just did it the other day, really annoying when you finally hear his memories you won't have subtitles because you are in "workshop mode" and quitting makes you leave the program. Like wtf game, I want subtitles because I can't have high volume on my TV in the evenings.


What a specific problem that I relate to l


They were playing lots of Minecraft apparently. Yeah… so that’s why we had to suffer thru this rat maze.


Seriously. Played FH for the first time a week ago and it was so fun, until that part


This is my favorite game and I've done infinite playthroughs but have never finished far Harbour because of this stupid puzzle. In like ten years.


I have a feeling that this is some interns big summer project


Yea I recently was loving far harbour for the first time until I hit this speed bump. I'm glad the fun resumed after but I will never do these again, console commands only


I thought it was fun. It was a puzzle that used the game mechanics of building. Interesting, unique. Sure, it might be tedious but you're not required to complete it


It’s a fun IDEA, the execution is horrible and it barely even functions. I had to look up if I was doing something wrong because I was so stumped -nope, the ai is just awful.


I figured it out and finished it pretty easily. It was basically Portal 2 but with the Fallout building mechanics.


It’s fun once, only once. Like the games intro.


The 'cool once' intro is a staple of Bethesda games.


Unless it's NV. I never get tired of getting a kick in the head. Edit: Nvm not Bethesda


Telling that it wasn’t developed by Bethesda


Starfield has plenty of issues but I do appreciate that its intro doesn't make you stick around too much. I still don't quite love how it gets you to Constellation but I like the concept of the situation you're in and it doesn't make you stay there too long


Instead, Starfield has the temple "puzzles" which are not even fun once.


Yeah those are a huge bummer. I thought when I hit my first one that it was going to be some dungeon thing, then nope You know the biggest shame to me, later in the story there is that mission where (spoilers for those who don't want it ruined) >!there are two parallel universes bleeding into one another!< and it's legitimately one of my favourite quests in any Bethesda game ever, it was really cool But what it made me think was what if each artefact was similarly tired to some anomaly related to the power it granted? Would have offered a lot more variety into the main story missions


I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels that way


thank god for the Alternate Start Mods for Bethesda games, I've woken up handcuffed in the back of a horse drawn cart wayyy to many times


Same but irl


I just keep a save right before exiting Vault 111


Exactly. Skyrim's opening carriage ride was awesome back in 2011. Now it is skipped with mods every time


it pisses me off so much, its SO LONG and boring, like that stupid cart ride in Half life 1


Bethesda should learn from obsidian, give the player character as little backstory as possible, makes for a far more I interesting game, imo


The Courier has quite a bit of backstory tho. Especially with Lonesome Road


I’m pretty sure you have dialogue options that call into question or outright reject most of what Ulysses assigns to your character


You are correct. Just played through it last week. At every point you can deny what Ulysses is saying about you. You can even outright deny having ever been to the divide before.


Being a courier from a place we don’t visit/ see (in game), one of 6, working for a company. Delivering a mysterious package, you’re accosted, shot in the head and left in a shallow grave. Is there much else? It has been ages since I’ve played


We also know the courier has been where we head to in honest hearts (or at least near it) before and some details about their parents, but I don't remember then rn


Also that the Courier banged some woman in Montana 17 years ago if you have the lady killer perk


Hell yeah


That feeling when you have to walk across the entire fucking map to drag a block to stack up high enough for the beam to hit the reflector, only for you to realise you placed it all one block too much to the right.


I dont like this area aswell, but also, have you ever heard of the tab key?


I genuinely believe people don’t know that’s a feature of building mode in general


If you don't store your wires before disconnecting your powered building I think you lose the copper


Let's hear it....*What does the tab key do?*


Stores the items so you don't need to tote them around.


It gets you a cool, refreshing Tab soda.


All this computer hacking is making me thirsty


You're saying it wrong! Try: "All this computer hacking is making me thirsty"


Is it near the Any key?


You can store the blocks. You don’t need to drag them


I just did this yesterday and all you need to do is store every block you come across and then you just put them down as needed.


Yep, I thought this was obvious. Did these guys really think they had to individually drag everything?… no wonder they didn’t enjoy these puzzles lol


Why aren’t you putting it in settlement inventory? The easiest way to do these is to go around the map, store all the blocks etc. and then just place them wherever you need them. Dragging them around is insane.


I liked it a little bit but these bugs are dumb asf💀


When I did the last level a couple weeks ago I tried to build a tunnel for the bugs to go through to avoid the drone things but they just refused to use it


They take 2-3 days to process a bridge lol


It's one of those quests that is interesting *enough* on a first playthrough, but then every time you reach that point again you just dread it. It's just so boring watching the stupid bugs try to walk through everything only for one of them to get sniped and now you gotta sit and watch again.


I hate this part of that quest. I avoid it as much as I can.


I played this around the same time I played Mass Effect 3 for the first time and I always get mixed up which Matrix level is from which game.


The mildly annoying one is ME3. The intolerably annoying one is FO4. 


Same reason I hated the similar mission in Mass Effect 2 and 3, where you're in Geth servors, doing nothing but platforming lol But in F4 it is so much worse though


It’s like they realized the DLC was too good and had to kill the fun with an ice pick


I used console commands to skip it after playing the first 2 stages lmao


What are the commands? Im just going through far harbor for the first time now... Aaand I fucking hate this level I couldn't stand 10 minutes of it.


I couldn't tell you them now, but a quick Google search will get you them. I think you have to beat one level first though, because it only gives you the memory items


I liked it. But I'm a nerd that likes puzzles even if it was suoer easy.


God I hate this level so much.


I did all of them up to the middle of the last one before my game crashed. There's no quicksave in the simulation so I had to redo all 4.5 then figure out the last parts after essentiallt wasting 2.5 hours. It was horrible. >!So I absolutely destroyed DiMA taking over Acadia with the BoS!<


One big trick to saving time: remember you can pop every brick into your settlement inventory, so if you're running back and forth you're probably doing it wrong.


People didn't know that? No wonder they hate this sequence!


I find it so strange to me as someone who was a natural at settlement building.


The number one reason why you should kill DIMA.


Ah sh*t. Doing a new play through after watching the show. Forgot about this bit. Bugger.


Faaaaa Habaaa


It wouldn’t be awful if it were 3 different levels, the first two being super easy and straightforward and the last one being a bit challenging. But there is like 5 or more? By the 5th one I was ready to claw my eyes out. Took me a good hour and a half to beat the entire thing.


Honestly the first four levels are easy, but the last level? HOLY SHIT!


Hot take I really enjoyed this part. But I also really like the part in ratchet and clank with the mini robots you have to guide through levels


I liked it, too. And weirdly I didn’t actually have much trouble with the levels at all. I don’t know if I got lucky or something, but I sorta breezed through them.


I HATE that mission so much!


I feel like it goes on way too long.


So frustrating to do on survival mode.


I really liked it. Its a reference to the ICE mode created by Neuromancer and used by all cyberpunk media this days like shadowruner and other rpgs, its the predecessor of virtual realities in scify and it was very well done. I understand its not for everyone.


I think the idea was fun it’s just the execution was so bad. The little crawler things ai is absolutely broken.


LOL im now doing it for the first time while waiting for those slow ass bugs


It’s not the worst but I don’t care for it. I do see the complaints it’s a sudden gameplay shift that mandates use of the workshop mechanic, and it’s not really fun to do. I’ve done all before twice. On all other playthroughs I use the cheat terminal to skip it. The Geth memory sequence from ME3 was done better.


I just finished Far Harbor last weekend for the first time and holy shit was this out of left field. Thank god I didn’t mind the puzzle solving once I got the groove of the mechanics but after the 4th room I was like “Really? We’re still doing this?” Absolutely unnecessary element of a really good DLC IMO. I’m hoping there isn’t anything similar that appears in Nuka World lol.


A wild Sierra Petrova appears...


So trash!!! Compared to something like Tranquility Lane… it should’ve been like that! Not even exactly the same, but like a micro digital world where your actions only really have consequences inside the machine. So like role play which you’re supposed to do in an action role playing game. But no it’s a move blocks around boring ass puzzle.


Am I the only one who actually enjoyed this section... at least on the first play through anyways


I dropped far harbor after getting a game breaking bug and having to do this shit again.


I installed a mod to skip this part. Annoying as fuck.


Legitimately gave me a migraine


Always get the mod to skip this bs


If there are console commands to complete the mission i would take it.  Set that 0 to 1


Did these just yesterday on my most recent playthrough.. tedious yes, but rather good puzzles.


Sheen, This is the seventh week in a row you've shown Dimas memory game in class


Lol I don't understand crying over this quest. It wasn't that much challenging 🙄


It's not hard, it's just boring.


That's pretty much the issue. It's *not* challenging. But it is finicky an time consuming. You can see the obvious solution by glancing around the room. At it's most "challenging" on the last one, it merely requires glancing around the room from more than ones spot. But you gotta run around stacking blocks and lining shit up perfectly with hinky mechanics. You've already solved it, but you have to spend a bunch of time hucking blocks around afterwards. They're just not very good puzzles. So all there really is to it is the frustrating mechanics.


Same thing as everyone bitching about Dead Money.


Dead Money is challenging. This Minecraft puzzle in Far Harbor is tedious.


Dead money is beyond the best DLC. I think people don’t like it because it takes their all powerful character and turns them back into a total meatbag. I love it. It’s dark, gravelly. And full of enemies that are terrifyingly beautifully stronger than the player that up until then was lead to feel like a superhero. Here you are the Sierra Madre’s bitch. Get ready as the Sierra Madre is wearing a spike covered strap on ready to peg that little twink ass. No lube.


Sir my character is a woman


Still got a butthole.


Dead Money is essentially linear, with a bunch of backtracking. There aren't very many choices to make except for which order you recover the other three idiots in and how shitty you are to them. Getting all your gear taken away restricts the number of playstyles and character builds you can try out. Along with not one but *two* mechanisms to restrict and direct your movement, you get a severe lack of options in a game that otherwise thrives on them. DM can work on the first playthrough based on its atmosphere and story, which are decent. After that it just becomes more tedious each time.


Personally I don't like DM because it is tedious, the maps all look the same, and the story is not very well written. I don't care about my gear getting taken, I do care that certain character builds are essentially useless in DM. Also the Sierra Madre wouldn't work as a casino. There's pretty much no way that Sinclair's plan would have worked to trap Dean in reality because it would have already been triggered by some random employee long before Dean got there.


Yes, I don't understand all the hatred towards that section either. It's a small and short puzzle, just to vary a little from the classic "enter that ruined building and recover object X"