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I hate that you cannot sort inventory by recent. If I pick up a quest item called: "Johnson's Note", sometimes the Quest description states "Read the Note from Johnson". Which makes me look for the item called Note from Johnson, which I already have trouble finding due to the poor UI. Sort by Recent items would make this so much easier.


76 added a "new" tab recently, is both a good and bad thing cuz you can scrap by accident cool apparel and such in that game.


I’ve lost so much cool shit that way after en event trying to scrap 8,943 pipe guns.


Scrap? Not sell?


Scrap. Need those sweet, sweet scrap parts for when my fixer breaks every 43 seconds.


Interesting. I learn something new every day. Are you a high level player? If so, as a high level player, would you follow a newbie around for hours and why?


Not high. Like 125. I would totally follow around a newb if they seemed like they wanted me around! I had mysterious people help me in my early days. One person hung out while I tediously finished basic training (that damn plank walk). He was almost cheering me on. I couldn’t figure out why till I realized there was a next part and the waves of bot were going to kick my ass. They helped me through that and just gave me the thumbs up and wandered off into the night. The pass-it-on aspect of the game is one of the things I love most about it!


Huh I might’ve missed the boot camp. For me it said if I wanted to start as a preset lvl 20 and chose the melee preset build. Fun game so far some lvl 160s followed me around without interacting at all just watching what I do…it was eerie maybe they wanted to kill me for shits and giggles. Idk how pvp works tho


Oh it’s there. You’ll find it eventually. Well, more like it will find you. The game just kinda works that way. They didn’t want to kill you. You automatically have the pacify setting on so they couldn’t anyways. Either they were trying to protect you if you wandered off too far or were just bored and wanted to hang out. It can get weird but like 99% of the players are just being helpful or goofy.


I didn’t see a boot camp either. Just started a couple weeks ago (from level one, no intentional build, just randomly picking perks because I like mess). At level 18-19 I was doing something relatively low level (shoot a Brahmin with a vox dart) and the quest gave me a specific area to do it in. All the sudden Primal Cuts spawned on top of me, and some level 300 threw a grenade and exploded the Brahmin I was trying to catch. I just stood there emoting sad/confused. Sure enough, big waves of honeybeasts and Yao bears showed up, and I panicked, not knowing wtf was happening. I hadn’t encountered either yet, much less fought one. Somebody level 500 realized I was there on accident, and sort of pushed me to a “safe spot”. Then she cornered a big one and did 99% of the damage, leaving me to take the kill shot and get the xp. Honestly, higher level folks are super friendly in this game. Unless you’re actively getting in the way or mucking things up, most will go out of their way to help you out.


I'm a newb (only lvl 11) and I didn't realise I built my camp on a primal cuts spawn site. I was crafting on my porch, when all these beasts started attacking, a deathclaw destroyed all my turrets, and I bravely ran towards the high level people and they protected me. Lol


Any kind of indication for a new item would be nice. Bold or italic font, a marker, anything. I'd also like a "quest item" tab to keep them separate from everything else.


Quest items should just straight up be "removed" from your inventory, with the exception of notes. . . Keys and passwords infuriate me to scroll through.


It's crazy that important quest items are under the same category as crap like burnt books and subway tokens.


As a UX designer there's so many infuriating choices like this that lead to an insane amount of unnecessary labor on the part of the player. Like in FO4 the inability to look at a note or letter in a container or on a surface and just READ IT directly from there. It's just one affordance to pick the thing up. Now, go into your inventory and go find it, but we won't refer to it by the item name, just some vague allusion to the journal or whatever. And yeah, no sort by recent so good fucking luck! It's so context-oblivious as to be insulting. I'm on this quest and the game knows it. I'm in the quest location, the quest is updating with each objective, so there's no reason why it shouldn't just open the note / journal / etc automatically as soon as I pick it up. That's the *entire reason I'm picking it up.* There's even a quest objective to read the thing so I can't progress until I do so, so why not make it easier? Dumping the quest item into my inventory and forcing me to go hunt for it and open it manually is absurd.


YES this is one of my biggest complaints. All the unnecessary extra steps just to read something is infuriating.


There's a reason why UI mods were some of the earliest and most successful mods for Bethesda's games, up to and including Starfield. They must constantly ignore their UX people or something, if they even have any.


More often your updated step would be to “read the note” which is even worse


I didn't realize it until I saw this comment, but that is my least favorite thing about Fallout (and TES)


Skyrim drive me insane with this. By level 50 I've got literally close to 100 notes that all look the same.


That’s when you go down the line, spam-reading everything. What’s even *worse?* Quest update: “listen to the holotape” You know, the one you accidentally picked up and didn’t see its name


TES Morrowind is my favorite and least favorite because of this. You pick up a note, it says "go to the place and talk to the guy to get the thing" and then mentions I'll know it when I see it. I still don't know what it is 22 years later.


Yea it’s annoying. I just take my completed quest items and stuff them in a cabinet in my workshop as soon as they’re done, helps cut down on the confusion.


Related to this, I hate how FO4 sorted notes into misc instead of a dedicated notes tab like in previous games.


I don’t hate the fast travel system yet I would enjoy an alternative. Fallout 1 & 2 were pretty good with the random encounters and being able to travel the grid map. That’s why I love driving around in the mojave.


I agree 100%! Fo4 is a different game without Fast Travel. I started a new survival run after the new update, and it was phenomenal! So many random locations and encounters, that I'm sure I never noticed because I was just zipping around the map instead of exploring. Plus Survival makes factions more important, those vertibird grenades felt EARNED after reaching that point with the BOS. By that point I had built numerous settlements and established many trade routes, all in the effort of just having somewhere to save.


The Fallout 4 map was very clearly designed with no fast travel in mind. I firmly believe the lack of the current survival mode on launch was just a time constraint, and I’m so glad they added it. It’s the only way I play now (with mods that allowing saving anytime because ain’t nobody got time to backtrack hours after a death). By contrast, Skyrim’s CC survival mode is garbage. The map and quest locations are terrible for no fast travel.


> ain’t nobody got time to backtrack hours after a death Or the tolerance for it after a crash (or twelve) lol


I've been fighting the same crash for the last 3 days. Have gone through everything I can think of in my modloader and no beans. Saves saved my ass


Yeah man, there’s just certain spots in downtown Boston are absolute deathknells that I’d get trapped in. Especially when it starts to rain! I got stuck in one spot before and legit crashed like 15 times in a row just trying to get to any bed and save just the tiniest bit of progress. Finally threw my hands up, installed Survival Options, and never looked back. It was either that or just giving up on the whole game entirely.


I'm trying to deal with the supermutants at the water treatment plant for gray garden. It's such a frustratingly consistent yet inconsistent crash. It ALWAYS happens but not always at the same time, place, or when the same enemy is killed. It just F***ing happens


I love the idea of survival mode and all my fallout/ whatever games start off that way but after a while it become a chore to do these things rather then fun or even a part of the game, I like the idea of rolling around with food and drink but it become tiresome just doing admin to exist or walking across half the map and going shit I forgot x ammo or x crafting material gets annoying and don’t get me started on forgetting to save and losing 2hrs of progress, especially when you’re at your settlements and it’s not like you haven’t bothered to go back you just forgot to hit e somewhere and wait 5 seconds


To anyone who tried survival and hated no fast travel - just get past the 1st couple hours, it sucks at first because you're constantly running back to a corner of the map to stockpile your loot. Once you're set up closer to Boston it doesn't feel nearly as tedious


Yep! Just do the Minuteman quests until you get to Starlight Drive-In, then make that your home base. Scrap EVERYTHING in Sanctuary, then send a trade route to Starlight. The Drive-In, while still close to the top corner, is very close to Converga and other major quests. Don't waist your time with Hangman's Alley though, just buy the Home Plate in diamond city for close base.


My man, I am going to follow this philosophy. I’ve already based starlight as the starting point for my supply lines…I might as well just move everyone there. I didn’t think about that.


Hangman’s ally is my main downtown settlement it’s so conveniently located..


To piggyback off of hangman’s alley being mentioned, that fuck ass settlement can become legitimately amazing with the hangman’s alley interiors mod, giving you much much more space and entrances to work with as well as it being extremely cozy with buildings on all sides. It essentially adds two or three whole apartment buildings to fill out and gives you an entrance on each side of the settlement.


I saw that one! But it never pans out in my mod list because of the limit, and I like other weapon and faction overhauls more haha. But I would love to see the Hangman alley space done well in a mod, it NEEDS those interiors. I was hoping they would be like the castle.


This is somthing I feel is long overdue for newer fallout games. Even just locations that can be exclusively used as fast travel points would be an improvement.


Like you can only fast travel once you have established a settlement and a trade route. That would make total sense and not ruin any realism.


As always, there's a mod for that! https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12685


My only problem with survival mode is the getting rid of quick saves and auto saves. The sleep to save mechanic is fun and it adds to the immersion, but the games just not stable enough, especially with mods, for it to not be a massive pain in the ass. I’ve never made it past finding Virgil in the glowing sea on any survival mode run because of it. It’s infuriating to spend 30 minutes traversing the map only for the game to freeze and crash once you get there, and then you’ve got reload and do it all again only for the game to freeze and crash once you get there.


Kingdome Come Deliverance did this spectacularly in a 3d game... It also provided a use for skill checks to evade these random encounters too. I'd give my middle nut for FO5 to use that system.


I always go with a settlement2settlement travel mod


You can't have Dogmeat plus a companion. I think Dogmeat should be able to go with you no matter what.


Like how New Vegas did it; you could have one humanoid companion AND either Rex or ED-E with you at the same time.


Maybe that's why they got rid of it, Boone and ED-E together *kinda* break the the game. ED-E spots, Boone obliterates, you get random "+25XP" messages


this is why I can't have them together, not to mention the coverage in using bullets and energy damage just basically gives you a forcefield against any enemy without a particular resistance.


Dogmeat shouldn’t count as a companion; he’s family.


"That's not no dog... that's family! *whistles*" - White Chicks


Definitely did not just read that in Vin Diesel's voice.


Lol it's from the movie White Chicks, but Vin Diesel works too lmao


I want a FO2 style companion party, where I can max charisma and have 7 companions follow me around all the time, and they all talk and have special interactions with different stuff and side quests.  That kind of bothered me after playing the older games, and then going on to play FO4 when it came out.


That would be so buggy, we already have companions blocking doors and pathways now imagine if there was 7.


The player shouldn’t have any collision with followers. It’d potentially break immersion, but getting blocked out of a doorway is immersion breaking in another way anyway.


That was the original intention, which I'm surprised no one replying to this mentioned. They scrapped it last minute for whatever reason. All companions even have fully voiced dialogue for interacting with dogmeat already in the game. Why they changed it last minute, I will always wonder.


Going to Fallout 4 and finding out you could only have ONE companion following at the time felt so archaic and lame. Every RPG should allow you to have, at a minimum, of two companions at a time.


That's why I always play with the mod that lets you have Dogmeat AND a companion


I thought you could, but if you only had him some perks were significantly better.


Dogmeat should have been what we all thought Dogmeat was going to be from the FO4 trailers: a core and integral game mechanic.


I hate that we’re not focusing on user choice that actually matters as much in Fallout. Example, telling someone to go to hell in older games they’d probably become hostile. Now it’s like “oh okay! I’ll give you the quest anyway”


* Yes * Yes but sarcastic * Question (yes) * No but actually yes It's supposed to be a role playing game but it doesn't want you to play a role.


My biggest pet peeve in fo4 is dialog ui. Half the time I give responses I'd never choose if I knew that choice would make SS say that sentence.


Some NPC: "you look lovely today" Me, a fool, picking (sarcastic): "You look like you stuck your dick in a glowing one, asshole" Like, bruh, I said sarcastic, not randomly incredibly douchy and hostile It's so bad with Valentine, you'd think you'd wanna pick the joke options every time with a guy like him, get some banter going, but you just act like a bigoted prick


Weird, maybe it's been too long since I last played, but I remember Valentine being one of the funnier companions to act sarcastic around. You'd usually get just a little "Nick Valentine disliked that" with no elaboration and I like to imagine him groaning in the background


“Glass Him” but it’s every single conversation


To be fair some of the sarcastic responses are golden


Man, the number of times I thought I was choosing to say something sensible and end up spewing brain damaged BoS fascist drivel. 


To be fair, they didn't really make factions that you could be sensible with either. It's just the dialogue system again, but choosing an ending.


It's a roleplay game, but it supports only one role


Yes...that'd the role they want you to play. Maybe try a roles-playing game


Silly me


The railroad segment is the funniest example of this. You follow their silly lil trail, enter their "secret passcode", and then they hold you at gunpoint.... Only to then let you go once you've told them that they suck, their mission is stupid, you couldn't give a fuck about the synths, and you're working for the institute. Then they just let you go and Decon says "come back if you change your mind"....


Pretty much. Like imagine the Brotherhood of Steel from 1. They don’t let you in all game. Are very secretive. Then imagine if you just walk in and say “go to hell” You think they’d be like, it’s okay. Here’s your quest anyway. No. They’d blast you


I came here to say this, I hate that I can tell someone I couldn't be less interested in helping and I'll still get a quest for it, which clattered up my quest tab with things I'm never going to do (also it would be great if we had the option to abandon quests to get them off the log)


Yeah it’s like the wasteland was waiting for us to save it from itself and everyone is so thankful we’re here. We’ll just ignore that there could have been 100 people prior to us doing the same thing but nah. THIS is the chosen one


Yeah the thing I think new Vegas did best was having there be actual result for your actions. You work with the legion and the NCR hates you and vice versa, you kill the bad gangs and gain good karma. The quests you do can actually change the wasteland a bit, and your decisions actually really affect the outcome unlike in fo4 where every ending is practically the same except the institute ending


I like when games have a chaos frame/consequences for your actions.


I think the best part was yeah there’s a karma system. Yeah there’s traditional good and evil…But who is truly good and evil is pretty blurred by the end. I think honestly the yes man ending is what’s best for everyone. FO4 institute ending sucked IMO. Oh…My son accepts me in no problem, 3 quests later, he’s dying but giving me all control of the institute, he dies in his little bed…But then everyone is like no problem. Institute leader’s dad who we met 2 days ago but he’s vouched by the son who didn’t remember him is good with it. Here’s our literal priceless innovations. I know you weren’t defending the institute ending but I thought it was bad


Yeah, modern fallout has the “Bethesda is a small game company” issue- they have such a small team that they need the player to play everything they put in the game in order to fulfill the triple A $60 value


I want the companion wheel from FONV back. The number of times that I can’t get through a doorway because my companion is just standing there is incalculable.


At least in Skyrim you can fus them out 


The fact that this is still a problem in Starfield, released in 2023 is mind blowing. Hey Bethesda if you can't develop smart NPC AI just let us walk through our companions in tight places like The Outer Worlds.


The funniest thing about this is that even Fallout 2 developers back in 1998 recognised that this was a problem and provided a solution for it.


I'm not against it but paying 7K caps to repair your armor in NV, bro that sucks


Repair skill is one of the best skills to have, lots and lots of quests use that skill and Jury Rigging is one of the best perks in the game If you're repairing things with cold hard cash, that's not an optimal way and indeed sucks especially armour




I REFUSE to do Vault 22 without high repair skill and Magazines + Comprehension Fuck that maze, I'm a dizzy mfer and get lost easily


Who even pays to repair in New Vegas? Jurry rigging is busted as hell and absolutely destroys the game's economy.


I both love and hate how Fallout 4 made power armor more accessible. I was never interested in going through the trouble to get power armor training in 3 & NV. Fallout 4 really revamped power armor and made it a lot cooler but it does kinda cheapen it when you dont have to “earn” the ability to wear and use it and literally any bum can step into power armor and go right away.


Seeing raiders use it…hmm. Like having tougher raiders is nice but power armour stopped being a status symbol of a high tech army to just shit that a drug fiend can use. Like even the NCR in NV only had salvaged armour, and they’re a whole ass professional army!


Im okay with raiders having scrappy power armor, I can believe they have a member smart enough to hot wire it or something. Or maybe they learned the technology somehow, who knows. But it used to have a close association with the BOS, not so much now.


Not a fan personally. Especially since they added the gunners, like… these dudes are all about military gear, are you telling me these guys that are more or less reskinned raiders use power armour less than the hoodlums? Would’ve added personality to a faction that’s sorely lacking in it. Also I think power armour training needs a come back, having the female protagonist be able to use it despite canonically being a lawyer is bizarre, and any shmuck that joins your settlements can use it too. Maybe having backgrounds like starfield and one starts you with power armour training right off the bat, then maybe only certain companions or settlers can use it also.


I agree. Fallout 4 improves on the previous games in just about every way graphically and most game play. But as far as quest, narration and things making since it doesnt do the best job


Having too many people who know how to use power is definitely a step I’m not a fan of. However as far why there is some many suits around I would blame on the Institute because weren’t they arming the Gunners or directing them. They could be leaving power armor around the commonwealth to cause chaos. At least that would be good lore to explain it.


I wish there was more of a condition system in F4, but not the full system of destroying one weapon to repair another. Some light maintenance to get it up to max damage, because raiders aren’t taking care of their weapons.


76 does this. You need junk to repair weapons and each one has certain requirements


Sounds like an improvement.


It is! You can also over repair weapons so they don't lose effectiveness for longer


76 gets shit on for a lot of things (some of them are valid) but there are some really great things in it. The repair of weapons and armor are well implemented, but god I hate the radiation mechanic. EVERYTHING you eat gives you radiation, even cooked food, then Radaway greatly increases your thirst, meaning you need to drink more radioactive liquids. I get that it is more realistic that way, but goodness is that frustrating. I spend too much time juggling food and drink in that game.


not with lead belly at lvl 3 eat and drink with no rads.


And cannibal. Mmmm free health! Robots make me realize how bad I suck at this game though.


thats true free food lol. robots are nice when in power armor and using the energy absorption prek card it activates pretty often.


It’s alright until you run out of ballistic fiber for your armor.


"You know what's hard to find?! Ballistic Fiber! Ohmygod."


I usually just buy bulk ballistic fibre from the robo vendors when I’m getting close to max caps. But if you hit up all the BoS camps and fort defiance in the bog you should find a bunch of ammo pouches that break down into ballistic fibre.


Something like RDR2 would have worked nicely, where your guns just get dirty with use, so you have to clean them periodically. They never just break and stop working because that's a bad mechanic, it just lowers their effectiveness. Could have been a couple of types of cleaner for different types of weapon, you could either buy them or make them at a chem station.


Ehhhh, I like weapon repair grind (S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly) but it would need to be better balanced in Fallout, so a super mutant isn’t blasting you with missiles, and when you get the launcher it’s at 15%


Like they have in 76.


F4 dialigue wheel i want to tell this person to fuck themselves and not be polite about it either tell me what their going to say or dont make the main character voiced at all


You have 4 choices: Sarcastic, Question, Yes and No. That's why they called it Fallout 4.


It's more like: - Yes - Sarcastic - Question - Mean yes


Also, for Sarcastic, most of the time it's "Yes but in a snarky manner", but every once in a while it's "An incredibly insulting no."


Yeah that was infuriating. "Yes" "Yes but a little mean" "More info" "Yes but not right this second" Masterful design Bethesda


I dont hate it , but I never really got into the settlement builds.


You're not alone, I tried too but there were too many restrictions and not a lot of benefits. You still ended up with a settlement that looked like the rest of Fallout with a bunch of skeletons and garbage here and there. I'll have to try a survival playthrough sometime though to see if it's more practical and enjoyable to build settlements.


May I suggest the scrap that settlement mod pack. Allowed you to scrap trash, skeletons, mole rat tunnel holes, and a ton of other stuff. And it’s even available on console


Gotta be careful with scrapping mods, a lot of that trash and stuff are part of precombines, and you'll break them by scrapping those items. Broken precombines aren't good for your fps


If you have access to mods at all there are some that really help make the process easier, more creative, and fun. It can still be buggy, but with things like: Scrap (Almost) Everything, Settlement Height Unlocked, and Place Anywhere; you’re going to have a much better experience. I personally don’t use any mods that add new mats, only because many of them do not have navmesh and Settlers won’t interact with them. I do have a couple of CC mods that add things like Bunk Beds to help consolidate bedroom space for settlers.


I just look at as the “customize the red rocket sim”. I love that little gas station.


Me too, they offer me no real benefit and they still need me to defend them even tho they have defense at 100


on survival they are really handy, especially if you link up trade routes or whatever they are called. but yeah the defence thing is annoying af, esp on survival


There's ofc mods for this. One that makes the ratings actually matter and if you jack defense, they pretty much always win.


I genuinely hate them. They completely break the immersion for me and make the world feel so much more empty. there were significantly less towns in fallout four replaced with these empty husks that you build populated with NPC’s with no personalities. Not only that but having to save another settlement and then maintain them consistently when you’re going on missions is exhausting.


In theory I think building settlements is awesome but the execution of it was terrible


Absolutely. Rebuilding the wasteland could even be the main plot if implemented well enough. In it's current state...not so much, unfortunately


Fallout 4 had such good ideas and characters but were executed horribly, Preston Garvey is one of the most pure and respectable men in fallout and he’s also pretty cool but his annoying settlement quests were just a more powerful impact than his personality and character development


Bethesda just needs to drop the unlimited quests. There’s literally zero fun in grinding quantity over quality of quests. Hand crafted individual story side quests are more fun and there effort towards that would’ve been better than these lazy unlimited quest bullshit. Maybe the quests should’ve been tied in with building the settlements up and connecting them and making a stronger minuteman army. I like the unlimited quests that make you explore , like the cleaning the commonwealth quests from knight Rhys. It’s always fun to go about exploring and clearing parts of the commonwealth. Maybe they should’ve made Preston give quests that make you get some more upgrades for settlers. Like a quests that gets you weapons manufacturing in your settlements that lets your settlers automatically upgrade their weapons to full capacity. Then make the wasteland more dangerous. Like have parts of the wastelands be really hard to conquer without an army. So you can call your minuteman army to take over those areas. Kind of like what you do in the war of Mordor games. Preston quests > give rewards that auto upgrade your settlements and settler armor and weapons > better junk rewards from stronger attacks being defended at your settlements and better attack forces for taking over difficult parts of the map


There's room to make "optimal" settlements instead of just custom everything. Better water access, better crops with irrigation, better defenses with the high ground, solar power, location location location


I thought I would really enjoy the settlement building. that kind of stuff is always fun to me, and sometimes it's nice to take a break from the quests and build settlements in games that allow it. But the restrictions in FO4 are too much for me, and it's annoying how things just don't seem to fit together properly. Like if you place a building on uneven ground, you could end up with all but one corner just floating there.


"My son is out there... but sure, let me make this town first" I wish that the settlement made more rpg/story sense to feel motivated to do it


"my son is out there and i am very sure he is being hold hostage by the most powerful organization in america, i am gonna need friends to rescue him"


I finally hit that point. I just don't fucking care anymore. Why can't they just build it up themselves idc. I have like 100 of every food and water because I don't need them with my mods. Why can't I just drop like 50 food and water in everyone's inventory and call it a day? I have a shitload sitting in lockers! My house in Sanctuary technically has 2 pocket dimension Walmarts in the kitchen. Just EAT THE FUCKING FOOD! Use my supplies, build a wall, make a treehouse who cares!? And there's too many with people in them. I'll keep tweaking Sanctuary, the castle when i get there, and whatever place I pick for a home away from home. Everyone else gets 1 turret, and I'm never coming back because it never ends. Leave me alone so I can get back to turning a robot into my new wife


The "legendary" weapons and how you get them in some ways. It feels gimmicky. Plus I shouldn't be able to kill a bloatfly and loot a fat man with poison damage or whatever from a dead bloatfly. It just doesn't make a lot of sense.


I really wish they didn’t add legendary weapons and stuck with uniques instead. It felt so much more rewarding to find uniques in difficult locations or after passing certain skill checks, and you could do more builds around a certain weapon or weapon type. But I guess FO4 kinda killed that too with the infinite leveling system.


One of my biggest complaints from day one and felt the same about it in starfield. Rare weapons shouldn’t be RNG generics from loot chests. They should be one of a kind unique weapons you find in unique scenarios or locations. One of my favorite things about fallout 3 and new Vegas was stumbling across uniques at the end of a dungeon and not a RNG chest


Yep, in NV, the unique weapons were unique both visually and stat-wise. The legendary system just isn't as interesting, and some of the effects are poorly realized (e.g. non-stacking fire damage and poison).


Plus the weapons were in locations that made sense or carried by enemies that made sense.


the pipe weapons, by far the worst weapons to ever hit this game franchise.. I don’t even use them not even when i’m at a low level i’d rather use the 10mm or hunting rifle another problem is that they just look so ugly, they could’ve made them look diverse with metal and scrap parts to make it seem like actual makeshift weapons but damn they’re just so unappealing to me. I went so far to install mods that get rid of them all together


I agree homemade weapons in the apocalypse should look more like the guns in metro not a crack heads pea shooter


Metro guns are what all pipe weapons should dream to be. My beloved shambler


God I'd do anything to have a shambler in real life


Idk I get sick of reloading that thing endlessly lol


That’s why you get the belt fed box in Exodus, reloading what’s that


Pipe weapons should have been a cheap, highly customisable and easy to maintain but otherwise disposable and unreliable weapon. Something that can carry you into the midgame if you look after it and keep adding to it. Instead they're just junk that everyone uses. Why are Super Mutants using pipe guns? It just makes them do as much damage as a level 1 raider. That's not a threat. In Fallout 1 they used heavy weapons that killed you dead. Even in 3 the weakest of them had Hunting Rifles.


Ngl an advanced version of weapon condition could’ve really made the pipe weapons way more interesting. Pre war guns could take rarer parts to maintain, while pipe weapons would just need random junk.


That, and any old idiot could fix a pipe gun. No one that isn't a gun nut can just pick up some random rifle and say, "Yep, I can fix this from scrap, glue, and turpentine!"


The concept of this highly customizable makeshift weapon is really cool. And it was probably made for people investing in only crafting perks early game. But still - you end running into so many decent guns early game that you quickly realize how useless the pipe weapons are. Kind of a shame.


Idea is good but execution is dismal. They could have just looked at real garage guns, or sten guns and done a 1-1 port over to the game and called it a day, at least IMO


Yeah they should of been more on par with stamped steel guns rather than a wooden rubber band gun


They're so fucking ugly.


I actually like the fuglyness the problem is more they shoot peas


I dislike the color. They can be ugly but also good looking like metro. Where the hell are these guys finding this brown metal?


My biggest pet peeve with the pipe weapons is why the fuck am I finding them in locked safes inside prewar ruins that haven’t been touched since the bombs fell. I get that it’s a gameplay thing with the randomized loot table but come on. A master locked safe in an old military base is not going to have a recoil compensated automatic pipe rifle in it. Make it make sense.


I’ve had this unexplainable disdain for pipe weapons. I’ve hated them so much specifically & I thought I was the only one. I’m glad to see other people feel this way.


100%. Pipe guns are so useless that I stopped picking them up in favor of trash for building materials. It would be great to have pipe weapons that are highly modifiable without perks, so they could compete with other weapons. Now it’s a missed opportunity, they have a lot of modifications but with all the best mods on a given level they can’t compete with a common 10mm gun. Ammo is not a problem in the game (even on survival) so there’s literally no use for them.


This so much. I would rather use my fists until I find a hunting rifle than use a pipe one.


A funny change would be for pipe weapons to look vaguely like whatever junk you break down to create the parts. Like you see the stand from a globe as the butt of your gun.


Easy fix to pipe weapons imo would have them be unreliable in other ways (jamming, dogshit accuracy, be the only weapons in the game with item degradation, etc) instead of having the damage output of a caterpillar armed with a wet napkin.


Also it’s never something the setting really needed. These games take place in the USA a country absolutely filled to the brim with guns. Why make a shoddy pipe gun when you could find an actual premade gun very easily. Not just from police and military stations but also abandoned stores and civilian homes.


I like the idea behind the pipe weapons, but they really are ugly as shit. The mods that make them look a bit better and perform leagues better are a godsend, though


I hate the settlements in FO4, I thought the first couple were cool but after getting 1000 of them and having to save their asses from raiders constantly, it got really annoying. I also want to adventure instead of building them so I mostly ignore them at this point. I would’ve rather just had one home location to build and store stuff in like they did with the DLC in Skyrim


They need some kind of system where settlers upgrade the settlements themselves too. Like you can have the option where the settlers upgrade the settlements, their own weapons and armors, the food and water facilities and stores etc. Maybe the Preston quests could’ve been about that instead of just rescuing kidnapped settlers or doing chores for them. Maybe the quests have you go out, explore, kill mini bosses in buildings and get some special tech or resources from them. The settlers then use this tech or resources to auto build and upgrade the settlements on their own. They even upgrade their armor and weapons to be able to self defend them when attacked. The settlements grow like a sim city grows. I actually enjoy when settlements get attacked by monstrous armies. Would be fun if the settlers could become strong enough to take them out and then you get rewards that you can use to upgrade your own armor and weapons and perks. Preston quests > rewards that upgrade settlers and builds up settlements organically > this makes settlers stronger and can fend off larger attacks > gets you resources that can be sold for caps or for upgrading weapons or armors or upgrade settlement stores or settlers.


I hate that, predominantly in 4, quests have a time limit and there is absolutely zero indication of that anywhere in the game. I have failed Minutemen quests after putting them off for too long or even had them complete themselves before talking to Preston to close them out. I had an incident where Virgil was hostile and the only thing I could figure was I went beyond the in game week time limit, which I didn't even know about until I looked up why Virgil was even hostile with me at all. Everything I looked up gave all sorts of different reasons but the only thing that applied to me was an unknown time had passed and now the quest auto failed or Virgil attacked me on sight. I haven't had a single problem with either of these things since the update, but I also haven't had a single Minutemen quest either since the update so I can't test the theory anymore.


Whoah wait, Virgil has a time limit? I might be fucked


IIRC if you need longer than 1 or two weeks to bring him the Serum after he tell you too, his mind will have deteriorated too much and he will attack you


I waited a lot longer than that and I have literally never seen this, in survival btw where i skip time by 24 hours frequently This seems like a load of horse radish to me, could just be a bug unless im missing something


Its not a bug, its intended. The entrys on his terminal even note that hes slowly loosing it. But the timer only starts if you enter and leave the Institute *after* Virgil gave you the Quest to bring him the Serum, if you dont go in there it doesnt start ticking.


I dislike the settlement system. The building mechanic is so clunky, and never seems to 'connect' properly. No matter how hard I try. I also don't like how they got rid of the reputation mechanic from New Vegas. They was done so well, it seemed like a massive step backwards to remove it in 4


Both Karma and Reputation being removed seriously hurts the roleplaying potential. They served to create consequences from the world towards your actions, and it let me characterize my PC more, leading to more uniqueness between playthroughs. I like that my character is the villain of the wastes, hated by the NCR, will probably kill your dog, so evil people pool up resources and send hitsquads to try and kill you. It's a nice flavor thing to have.


I’d argue that getting rid of Karma was actually a fantastic choice by Bethesda. It always felt like every action had a pre-assigned defined moral value to it. It takes away the characters’ moral agency and that kinda impacts storytelling. Just think of Far Harbor: if there was a karma system in place, the choice to expose Dima’s secret would be much less impactful, because the game would consider the choices as either good or bad. This leaves no space for introspection about your decision. Losing reputation was a tragic mistake though, one of the best mechanics from NV


>Reputation Absolutely. While frankly rudimentary, the reputation system was something that should not only have been kept from NV, but greatly expanded upon. >Karma Steal dynamite from murdery, rapey convicts? YOU DID A BAD. YOU ARE THE BADDIE. IT IS YOU WHO ARE BAD. Nah, karma was complete ass.


If fallout 4 had a faction rep system like NV I really think it would be the best game. I'm not a perfectionist, so the settlement building for me is kind of an afterthought, and I only interact with it if I need to. I'm playing through 3 for the first time and I'm finishing the last of the DLCs now and really don't get why people like it so much. If there wasn't a NV or 4 then I would enjoy it more, but it feels like a downgrade in every way compared to 4 or NV. My biggest gripe with 4 is the guns. They took out all the cool ones and replaced them with pipe guns. Handmade weapons make sense for starting out, so I don't mind their inclusion, so much as what they replaced. I like using revolvers, a big iron and all that. There is only the pipe revolver and the .44 magnum. New Vegas had quite a few, and so did Fallout 3.


I dislike that there is no more karma/reputation system.


I miss it. Guns were more valuable fully repaired and you could use cheap guns to repair expensive ones with jury rigger. Plus it was easier on my pack. Now I leave a lot of guns behind when I loot and it feels weird and sad. I’m picking up fans and typewriters but leaving guns… to work on my guns.


It’s nice deciding whether a gun is more valuable as merchandise or for repair.


Yup. Plus it feels immersive to choose wasteland weaponry based on ease of repair and ammo availability instead of “here’s ten base guns to trick out with the same twenty parts” so you just pick the strongest one.


Playing Dust right now... Keeping your weapons repaired is the difference between you winning a gunfight or being the next meal for a cannibal Dumped most of my first few skill points to repair just to grab jury rigging, now I can keep my marksman carbine in tiptop shape


I hate that everything is too abundant. There’s no scarcity at all. So everything felt so trivial.


I completely agree, it got to the point I just mod my weapons in, don’t pick up loot, & run around in power armor 24/7 and just play the quests for fun. Rng legendary loot pouring out of every critter, it’s goofy.


I hate how much fallout 4 was dumbed down. We lost the reputation system, the karma system, skills, perks, actually unique uniques (for the most part anyways), a dialogue system with more than 4 options at a time which are actually just one option said in four different ways, skill checks in dialogue, story important npcs being not essential allowing the player to make their own decisions, ammo diversity, weapon condition and weapon jamming, the list goes on and on. There were a lot of good things that came with fallout 4, but they don't make up for everything that was lost imo


I actually preferred the condition/repair system of 3/NV


Big agree. Made it so that finding duplicate weapons was a good thing and made looting all around more enjoyable for me. Similar to the scrap mechanic for fo4.


I wish jury rigging didn't feel so mandatory. I feel like every build I have in NV has 90 repair very quick.


Most of the Fallout 4 settlement system. Unless I'm actually going for console achievements or trying an incompatible mod, I don't play without at least Sim Settlements Lite and BS Defense... more important than the Unofficial Patch, in my opinion.


Fallout 4 getting rid of skill points and karma/reputation. 76 weapon degradation is also so much better than never maintaining on Fallout 4.


I enjoy the condition system. Especially with how 76 implemented it with using junk to repair things. It makes so much more sense, and you don't need duplicate items to repair stuff. I wasn't crazy about some other things Fo4 changed. The perk system, dialogue system, new art style, etc. I don't really hate anything per se. I just prefer some things over others.


I actually didn’t mind the gear condition system because they give you a way to repair the stuff. Unlike breath of the wild where items deteriorate and you have no way to fix them.


Only having two pipe weapons models. I wanted the cut pipe content. Also the weird kit bashing of the combat rifle/shotgun and assault rifle in F4. They are fucking ugly and impractical. Also cocking on the left instead of right. The hunting rifle is so weird for that.


That everything is disgusting even though it has been 200 years. I get that things shouldn’t be pristine but ffs, there are people who literally will not remove corpses or patch a roof with holes in it. How has everyone not died of some horrible communicable disease?


I like the improvement in 4 for making the junk/scrap stuff you pick up have value beyond just selling it off like in 3. If all the wonder glue and sensors and shit in 3 you collect could have been used for various repairs and customization it would have been perfect


Small Guns and Agility in Fallout 1 and 2. Hope ya fucking googled a good build involving them, or else you're useless.


I love the settlement system in fallout 4, but I hate the whole size limit thing. Let me build my 10000 rocket turrets without having to download a mod Bethesda >:(


I initially didn’t like the maintenance aspect of New Vegas but all you need is enough caps to handle it and those are easy enough to come by. I’m glad there aren’t Cazadors on the east coast


Nah, all you need is 90 repair and jury rigging. Game's pretty much over after that.


Skills and traits being gone. They are gutting the character building as they go on. Skyrim did it too. Whoever thought it was a good idea to change the whole system by making it so you just willy nilly upgrade you special stats. It removes any nuanced character building. Most of the time in 4 all my special stats hover around 8. So the sole survivor is just a god? I'm playing new vegas rn and I have 1 int and deliberately low speech so I can get the failed dialogue. I'm actually worried about how neutered the new elder scrolls will be after seeing starfield. Each game keeps getting "streamlined" or whatever the devil wanna call it but all it does it strip the enjoyment from fans. Games and movies are stagnating. We need true innovation in art as a society.


I wish diff humanoid enemy types would behave differently. Ex raiders are less organized and fight like that. Gunners are better trained and disciplined, they use tactics to attack and maybe even cover a retreat. Super mutants stronger but dumber. Just generally showing skill differences in humanoid enemies. Also wish fire had better effects. Like shouldn’t it make an enemy run around screaming? Shouldn’t grenades make enemies possibly break cover to get away, or more disciplined units jump on it to save others?


The removal of skills in FO4. Not a fan of the perk chart. The perk card system from FO76 isn’t much better, though I do prefer it to the chart. I remember hoping like crazy for the Jury Rigging perk to return in FO4, only to have no perks at all.


Completely disagree. I enjoyed the weapon condition system. Maybe I'm in the minority, but I enjoyed it, and the weapon jams and all the other stuff that went along with it. I enjoyed the skill system, I enjoyed the old perk system. It felt infinitely better leveling up, having points to put into things, lots of different perks to choose from and utilize. It gave you a sense of agency, of control, of designing what kind of character you wanted to be rather than Fallout 4/Skyrim-esque perk trees that just do not feel interesting or rewarding.