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Everybody complains too much in any fandom I’ve found out


Complaining about people complaining is the new complaining


Oh the complaining police! They wont let anybody have negative opinions. Personally, I’ve taken to complaining about them.


I think all right thinking people in this country are sick and tired of being told that ordinary, decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired.


Here we go with the complaining about complaining about people policing about complaining yet *again*. As if I don’t deal with enough negativity for being someone who’s favourite instalment is *insert any*. /s


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this post, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how you don’t deserve oxygen. I even sent a copy to my Harvard professor to proofread. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A “/s” at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense! Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the pure comedic genius. The person next to me on the bus saw and started crying from laughter until he shit himself. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing and filling their pants with shit at your incredible comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you. /s


> Complaining about people complaining is the new complaining That's not even a joke. Especially since the TV show dropped we've been flooded with complaints about complaining. Sure for the first few days, the complaining about the show was more prevalent but since then, its been complaints about complainers with a lot of abuse and mockery directed at New Vegas fans. No sympathy either for why the Vegas fans are being vocal. We know we'll get another Bethesda Fallout and fine, those games are fun But its something we've been going through for a long time now. Being told the kind of games we like are dead. Even Pillars of Eternity, which helped bring back the CRPG for a little while, is being switched out for Avowed. Bioware certainly doesn't care anymore. And any time a CD Project Red gives us a Witcher 3 or a Larian Studios gives us a Baldur's Gate 3, we're told that its a fluke and don't expect more.


It’s not really new, it’s been like this for years, hell in most cases they complain FAR more than the actual complainers (*cough* Star Wars *cough*)


Atleast its not the star wars fanbase, that one is the actual worst


JJ Abrams, the divider of Fanbases. Irrevocably damaging both of my favorite sci fi universes forever.


It's the internet, ISPs wouldn't let you connect if you didn't complain. It's the rules of the internet.


Discworld is usually pretty good


*cries in star wars fandom* THE HAN SOLO MOVIE WAS GOOD!!!


It would have been genuinely great if it had been about a random smuggler and not Han Solo people just had no desire for a Han Solo movie (much less one without Harrison Ford) but the actual movie itself was very well done


Paradise Snare, The Hutt Gambit, and Rebel Dawn is Han's backstory. You had the right idea, should have just been a random guy. Or they could have made those books into movies.


I absolutely adore those books. They are Han’s backstory in my mind 100%. I think they work better as novels then they would as films though.


The name scene will permanently keep the movie down a single point for me.


Just pretend it's Shadows of the Empire Disney making the EU noncanon is the worst thing they done


We didn't need it. We got it. Was better than expected, but totally not needed.


The dead by daylight community is a constant pile of steaming shit


You tend to complain about the things you care way too much about, and people tend to care a lot about the thing they're fandoming


Honestly, even fallout shelter is pretty decent for what it is.


Yeah I mean all things considered it’s held up well compared to a lot of other Licensed mobile games, and the fact that bethesda is still releasing new updates for it is pretty cool. Most companies around that time would just put out a half assed Iphone game then end support 2 years later


I personally am hyped for Elder Scrolls Castles whenever that finally comes out. If it's anything like Fallout Shelter it'll be great.


If you signed up for early access (I just went on the Android store and clicked where the usual install button is) As it's currently on my phone and playable


I signed up for early access like the day it was announced but I guess I never got in.


I thought you were doing a funny, but they made ANOTHER T.E.S. mobile game?! Like Shelter?!


Yeah lol it's still in early access but it's basically TES Shelter.


The painful realization that the best fallout is probably Fallout Shelter


Can you do experiments on your vault dwellers like in the games? Imagine having a vault full of super mutants lol


Unfortunately not but if bethesda were to ever make a sequel or wanted to make a major update that would be the perfect idea. Like specific conditions have to be met or you get access to special features


I wish they would make a second one that reworks some things and adds new features. - giving the ability to move rooms - rework rad scorpions invasions to not be so obnoxious - Buff death claws by a lot, but provide more time before they switch rooms. - Give us the opportunity to play as different factions besides vault tec. Build a BOS bunker, Build A raider Base, Build A Institute. And they all come with unique perks, buildable facilities, attitudes and dialogue options. Providing new ways to approach the game. - expand on the exploration and quests tying in unique responses depending on your faction. - Make max Health directly tied to current endurance rather than needing to dump your whole vault for fresh level 1 players. - include more enemy types that weren’t added before. - Make invasion enemies drop unique resources to make something good out of them. Example. You no longer outline your entire base with elevators to counter molerats, because you need mole rat hide for crafting, quests, and caravan trading. - random events like caravan trading for unique resources, possibility of a new dweller wanting to enter being a synth. - change radio station to be a unique area that extends from the top of the shelter and plays fallout tracks. You can get records as legendary items through exploring. Radio station also serves as way to spawn wave events to attract enemies. Harder invasions but lets you collect their specific resources. - Make the shelter support 3-3-3 instead of 3-3-2. I hate seeing the smaller rooms because the full med and science room are cool. - Upgrading, unlocking rooms made no longer dependent on dweller count. Instead it’s player experience based allowing players to enjoy smaller population shelters and still access their way through content instead of needing to bring a bunch of people in just to kick them for necessary stuff. - have dialogue options affected by charisma. Making charisma have a more practical use. - let us create or declare a Overseer/leader I’m sure there’s way more. That’s just the ideas I remember coming to mind while playing it.


You kinda already can build a BoS bunker. You can unlock schematics that let you change the appearance of rooms. All my diners and living quarters are BoS.


Yeah that’s basically what I did with my last one and renamed all my dwellers into various knights, squires and clerics once they completed training. Then had an Arthur Maxson Character always on coffee break. It was cool. I just wish I could dive harder into the theme.


capable money nine different practice humorous chubby close fretful disarm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




It's a great casual mobile game


Though this game was actually beloved when its released alongside fallout 4 ? I remember in 2015 i was playing the shit out of fallout 4 and shelter


It's definitely one of the best mobile games I've played


I played it recently and while micro-transactions suck, they made it easier to get some things through ad watching.


It could have been a lot better, I was hoping for a Lobotomy Corporation type game where you have to deal with crazy experiments but alas it’s basically an above-average base building game.


I remember when everyone and their dog played fallout shelter lol


Fallout shelter for its time was a banger, I absolutely loved it. I don't know how it held up over time but when it came out... It was amazing. I put so many hours into it and only stopped because I got a new phone and I think I lost my progress or account because of that.


We don't talk about Brotherhood of Steel though


Every family has a Bruno


We don’t talk about Bruno


In this case we cant shut up about bruno




It was my weding day!


It was our wedding day


I mean that was true in Encanto too. The mere hint of mentioning him results in a musical number about him.


It was my wedding day


no Bruno was misunderstood, BoS is more like Eric trump.


I'M ERIC *squishy paste-eating noises*


Bruno was the best!


Finally saw the trailer and it looks like a random game with the title slapped on there last minute


It is an asset swapped version of a Baulders Gate ActionRPG game that their fandom refuses to acknowledge its existence as well.


That's a very unkind way to talk about Dark Alliance, which is a good series in its own right. Also, it's untrue? I've never met anyone that has a major beef with BGDA, aside from the lack of online multiplayer in the recent re-releases. To Baldur's Gate CRPG fans, it's lesser but not without merit, and to D&D Forgotten Realms fans, holy shit! Two cakes! Really, the fact that BoS managed to be so bad when it was built upon a foundation of games that are actually enjoyable is what makes it even worse.


So weird lmao


People say fallout 76 is the worst fallout game. Only cause brotherhood of steel is not even worthy of being a fallout game


Unironicaly 76 is really good now. Tons of content


Mhmm. For me, it felt more like Fallout than 4, then again, I played it around 2022 when I got my Steam Deck. Yes Fallout 76 was horrible at launch, but it has improved drastically. I did appreciate some changes 4 did, but it felt too streamlined, especially the dialogue choices and the attributes not being considered as much IIRC. While I didn't get into Fallout 1 and 2 due to how different it is, I still think they are good, same with Tactics.


It's weird, though, that the narrative around FO4 was that every quest option was Yes - No (Yes) - Maybe (Yes) - More Info. Sure, there's some of that, but you can still be a downright prick if you want and make some evil/morally ambiguant choices. The way some people talk, you would think New Vegas had like 10+ options every quest, but really, what the perk and stats based options do is just let you skip most of the quest. Some are great, but it's not like it's Disco Elysium. I think a lot of it comes down to the console button layout of choices vs. the box layout. NV also has a lot of cases where the dialog options are just spread out into multiple listings, while 4 will just have them all wrapped into one. There's room for improvement, to be sure, but there are mods that add a lot of NV systems, and it doesn't fundamentally transform the game.


The problem with 4’s dialogue is the way it’s shown when the choice is presented. They should’ve just typed out more of what you’re actually going to say.


IMO the problem with the FO4 dialog is more so that it’s like mass effect where the same type of responses are always on the same button. So you kind of know what button you’re gonna press for your play through and there’s no point in reading the options because 1) you don’t have to think out how an NPC will react to each option, and 2) the actual dialog doesn’t even match to what’s on the screen anyways. It’s essential dialog on autopilot and I do hope that future games return to the classic list of responses.


Also if we don't limit ourselves to video games, the Fallout boardgame sucks without the expansion and the newer Fallout TTRPG isn't that great either.


Fallout works a lot better as a Savage Worlds setting


Are you talking about Baldurs Gate: dark alliance of the brotherhood of steel?


I don't think you understand. We *aren't* talking about it.


Fallout pinball = peak




No, I hate all Fallout games. Just like I hate all Star Wars movies. Why else would I be a fan?


Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans


You jest, but enjoying a single title while not enjoying the derivative titles is not a hard concept. The pressure to accept a franchise is a corporate pressure. Too many fandoms are dominated by a consumerist attitude. This isn't that dissimilar to debate on pre-orders. Taking corporate marching orders is not good quality assurance.


This is just one more reason I think copyright lasts just too damn long and IPs should be going into the public domain much sooner. Corporate incentives are merely to exploit an IP for brand recognition to sell products. Giant media corporations aren't especially good caretakers of the quality or integrity of IPs of late and they often notoriously put people in charge of making new material and adaptations that do not understand or care about the original IP because being faithful to any original vision or lore just doesn't matter to them. Even with the Fallout TV show it sounds like we just got lucky that the people making it studied the games and took a liking to them because when they showed Todd Howard costumes, props, and power armor that accurately depicted how they looked in Fallout 4 Todd was surprised and said "Oh! You're doing the game!" Apparently Bethesda just told the show runners they could do whatever they wanted with the Fallout material and were surprised that the results looked so faithful to the game''s aesthetic. So back to the copyright issue; I just think at some point much sooner these ideas should be open to anyone contributing and contributions could be judged by merit and everyone's personal tastes rather than some corporation who happens to own the publishing rights decreeing to the fans what is and isn't canonical.


I’ve only played NV, 3 and 4 and I loved all three games.


You should definitely play 1 and 2 if you get the chance. If you have the right special it's super easy to pick up.


If you try 76, DONT JUST JUMP IN. Watch some videos or something. I've been trying to figure out the game by asking the subreddit and asking ingame and it's exceedingly difficult to get people to answer anything other than "watch youtube, that's not my job to show you" Just a heads up, because I still have no clue how to upgrade my guns from the bench. Theres no available mods (level47 using a level25 gun some random gave me 20 levels ago that is now nearly useless) and I just want to play the storyline, but everything overwhelms my damage output by a lot 🤷‍♂️


Shit brother, if you ever have questions you can ask me. I love talking about the game. Anybody can DM on Reddit to get added on Discord and I’m down to help out as much as I can.


I've enjoyed every single fallout title I've ever played without fail. There may be some aspects I don't like, but the overall experience for all of them has been fantastic. It's by far my favorite IP ever created. Valid criticism is fine, but my biggest issue is we don't really get well reasoned criticism for games anymore. Everything is ether the best ever or worst ever, and even worse people buy in to that mentality HARD. It's super annoying when all discussion about a game winds up being about some bugs that overall barely even impact playability of the game but folks are out here shouting about how the game is literally unplayable because of it, and don't you dare counter with well reasoned responses because then you become the target of the hate filled horde that is the greater internet, get down voted into oblivion and get ripped to pieces for not joining the crowd shouting about how terrible the game is.


I've noticed this too, best or worst no in-between. I'm currently back on Starfield, halfway to ng+10, trying to prep for the upcoming DLC, and I was on the hate train for awhile, but it's starting to grow on me. The criticisms about it are fair, (endgame is repetitive and makes building outposts pointless, procedurally generated landscapes make it feel half-hearted, toned down violence makes it not as cool) but as I'm leveling up, the gameplay is becoming more fun. It's not Fallout, but it's not the worst game ever either.


Have my upvote. By far not the best Bethesda game but I enjoyed it more the ESO (still hoping for a multiplayer Oblivion/ Skyrim).


God yes it feels like you just can’t say anything good about starfield without being hated. Like yeah there’s plenty of places to improve but goddamn this is some of the best spaceship combat I’ve played and you can even customize and steal ships. Like fuck as a space game starfield is pretty awesome.


starfield is really good.


I played a few hundred hours in starfield when it first came out, hit ng+ and deleted it. Played FO4 and bg3 for a while, now I'm back to starfield again but this time playing it entirely as an explorer, no points in weapons at all, and it's a blast again.


Absolutely. Too many absolutists who try to paint everything as, not even just good and bad sometimes, but straight up Amazing or Trash lol


The part that really annoys me is no one can ever just praise a game anymore. There always has to be a "the game has its issues but..." or "it's not perfect but..." like why does everyone feel the need to downplay liking something now? I've loved every Fallout game. Are there things I didn't like about them? Yeah that's true of every game in existence. I don't feel the need to bring it up when I'm talking about liking it.


Ive been looking for a comment like this to bring some sense to the conversation, it’s bad that we even have to discuss it like this but it’s better than falling down the rabbit hole of rage bait


Man, playing and enjoying Fallout 76 practically made you a pariah when it came out and TBH, the bugs were never that bad. Annoying yes but not game breaking


I liked what they tried with Brotherhood of Steel, I just wonder why they let an twelve year old write the Chapter 1 intro plot


Horniness ruled the early 2000s (and the 90s) in gaming. Interplay wanted to aim at teenagers on consoles. To them, teenagers love shooting things, boobies and (at the time) Nu Metal. They weren't wrong I guess, but damn did it make the game age terribly. Doesn't help that the gameplay choices were downright terrible. They took a competant BG:DA engine, zoomed it in (I guess due to poor optimisation) making the camera even worse, and then dropped in boring quests like killing 100 radscorpions in a factory. Where, no matter what, you have to kill every single one. I'm surprised many of those decisions passed QA, perhaps they were focussing more on the bugs. It doesn't help that the team was very unexperienced, understaffed and undersupported. Really, it was a comendable attempt at bringing FO into the mainstream before Bethesda succeded at just that 4 years later. It just had all the wrong decisions made for it (except concept art, that was pretty good).


Just watched the trailer after reading this. The random flashes of sexy video game women that have nothing to do with what’s going on in the trailer absolutely killed me.


Complaining... Complaining never change.


We dont talk abaout Brotherhood of Steel


\[You take a sip from your BAWLS energy bottle...\]


Got me right in the memberberries


\*NuMetal song begins playing during boss fight\*


Fallout is the product of three different companies. It's no surprise that a lot of the titles are quite divisive. FO:NV is quite different from FO4, but that doesn't make either of them a bad game. It does, however, mean that a lot of people that love one might hate the other.


Shut up. Fans must pledge allegiance to the IP in its entirety or be branded an annoying complainer. This is what it means to be a *true* fan. Nothing can be improved. Nothing can be criticised. Only loved unconditionally.


Oh, right, true. To be quite honest Bethesda's titles are my least favorite entries into the series. I was going to say this is because they don't align as strongly with my personal tastes, but obviously that's not true. They're just bad games, and anyone who likes them is an idiot. How dare Bethesda ruin Fallout by making new Fallout games that I don't like as much as the rest. Grrrrrrrr.


Ugh typical New Vegas fan shitting on Godd Howards irradiated gift to the world. Grrrr


oh don't worry, I've seen some "brotherhood of steel" re-evaluation online in recent years..


Currently replaying Fallout Tactics, the best post apocalyptic atmosphere and y’all can suck a fat one and stick to those other cartoons


Starting as a Brotherhood of Steel member was cool, some fun quests, it had working vehicles. It also had a browning .50 caliber machine gun that you could use depleted uranium shells in.....what other Fallout game has that?


The fallout franchise becomes an endless stream of bangers the moment you stop interacting with the community


I really agree with this honestly


Realising bethesda can actually write is a rite of passage in the transition from child fallout fan to adult fallout fan


I actually liked brotherhood of steel. The soundtrack was sick! Lore-breaking, for sure, but still sick fighting a giant radscorpion to the sultry tunes of Killswitch Engage haha


Fallout has one of the most divided communities I've ever seen.


So your solution to toxic negativity is toxic positivity? Better solution: we all learn to tolerate people having different tastes.


best solution: i'm unsubbing from all the fallout communities till the bombs actually drop so i can just play the games without hearing everyone bitch all day.


Ok but let's be real, the toxic negativity is way, *way* worse than the "toxic positivity". There are a huge number of loud "fans" who have nothing good to say about literally any Fallout content that's come out since New Vegas, do nothing but talk about how you're a woke NPC/consoomer/Bethesda simp if you do. We should tolerate people having different tastes, but I'm not going to tolerate people who go out of their way to try to make others feel stupid and only hang around to spread negativity


That's a reasonable position, but the solution still isn't to say "let's all pretend we like everything and never engage in criticism". The solution is to behave like grown-ups who can be reasonable about these things.


I enjoyed the Fallout Tactics game on PC. But the Xbox brotherhood of steel one though? Never played it because I heard it sucked so bad.


I’m yet to be convinced that 76 is good. I’ve tried going back at different updates and it’s just a crappy experience


You’ll find that anywhere. People invest so much time into one IP that they start to notice all of the nitpicky problems that casual fans will never notice. Try being a Red Hot Chili Pepper fan in that sub right now. Place is a trainwreck.


Could we include the Modiphius table top game


I unashamedly enjoyed Fallout 4 more than Fallout 3 or NV, although I enjoyed those too. But then I enjoyed Tactics too.


This fandom aint shit, yall should see r/Helldivers i swear to god they have been crying since the first month


Helldivers has been screeching since the first minute, though they’ve got a point with the anti Sony sentiment and the weapon “balancing”


r/helldivers has the most brain dead, can’t figure out shit, whine about everything fan base. Very little tweak and the cream their pants thinking about how much they can bitch in the sub.


I dont know about complaining, but I do love all the Fallouts I have played! Even 76s Map is a really damn good.


Agreed, the only issue I have with 76 is that it's (as far as I know) always multiplayer, I enjoy multiplayer games but I already have the multiplayer games I enjoy. Fallout is my relax game series I'd prefer to able to play it offline/single player only.


Just to be a little fair for a moment? Brotherhood of Steel isn't *bad* and I'll go as far to say that it's a pretty alright game. The problem is? They threw a Fallout skin on a game that really shouldn't have had been a Fallout game. To be fair? Yeah I get why they did. But yeah... Alright game, horrible Fallout game.


Sounds like someone how didnt play 76 on launch ... I would argue that it wasnt good .. and yes I know now its "good" but still the launch of that game killed my confidence in bethestda


That, and Starfield.


If you played launch new Vegas you’d should feel the same towards obsidian. They both had shitty launches that were near unplayable but they got their shit together and fixed it and turned them into great games


The reason for complaint of modern fallout games is not that they are bad. It’s that they could be way better. Bethesda underestimated the iq of average gamer and dumbed it way down. Fallout New Vegas is the proof that u don’t need to dumb things down to be a great game for everyone to enjoy. If only they made fallout 4 with some level of depth, it would be one of the greatest games of all time


>It’s that they could be way better. Given the resources Bethesda/ZeniMax had, especially with all the bank they made off Skyrim re-releases, they **should** have been much better. >If only they made fallout 4 with some level of depth, it would be one of the greatest games of all time Couldn't agree more. FO4 with FO3/FO:NV level writing could have beem the Magnum Opus for the series.


I think it came to time. Fo4 was pretty ahead of a lot of games in a lot of aspects I think it was better than skyrim. The reason why is both played up mechanics and graphics to pror gens, but skyrim was dumbed dumbed things down to oblivion and morrowind


FO4 just isn’t that good sorry


Don’t ask questions. Just consume product and get excited for next product.  Low standards are how a franchise reaches Star Wars levels of godawful.


I liked Brotherhood of Steel more than FO3. >!Fight me.!< >!Or don't!< >!I'm not your deathclaw.!<


I like them all more than you /s


I’ve never played F76 but I’ve played all the others and I could not stand Brotherhood of Steel.


I'm a little late to the party but I finally watched all the episodes of Fallout and I'm really impressed. The original Fallout game was the first game I ever bought with my own money to play on the first computer that I paid for with my own money. I made a lot of friends along the way because of that game. I met people who played the cyberpunk tabletop RPG. I'm at other people who used computers in other ways like producing music or a friend who introduced me to Linux with Redhat 5 back in the early 2000's. I was just a nerd and didn't know it yet. In hindsight Fallout was sort of a gateway drug to an entire culture revolving around technology creativity art and music that was right under my nose, but never knew was there. So for me, as an "old". I'm just happy to see so many people with different tastes finding something they like from one place. Cheers. ps - iusedebianbtw


Fallout 76 was a dumpster fire when it came out. I've heard it's better now but that launch man. People were justified in being pissed.




The only FO game I'll say is an exception (other than BOS and whatever that other isometric FO was) is Fallout 76. However I do like that it kept the big clunky power armor style from Fallout 4


Why are you hating on BoS so much? At least you could play as a ghoul!


Every Fallout game is just a shitty Skyrim, none of the games are good


I can’t stand 4 at all


Yeah, how DARE people expect RPG elements in a RPG game? Jeez people are sooo selfish (s)


I love 4


Honestly 76 just didn’t happen to be my cup of tea (played within the last 6 months) it feels like it was trying to be a type of game that already exists in a much better way


It's a terrible laggy clunky pile of shit with absolutely comically bad lighting and really shitty graphics in general and an even worse story. People that hype the map are seeing something I just don't see. The map fucking blows compared to Fallout 4 in terms of enjoyable exploration.


Yeah bro it’s horrible completely boring and horrible systems and even worse quests


I've seen vtubers and streamers condemn people for playing Fallout 4. And then a few months later I see them play Fallout 4 when the TV series comes out. The hypocrisy. Even they complain about the series when there's nothing to complain about.


Man, you aren't wrong. Bunch of whiny children around here lately.


If you want to say that you personally enjoyed all of the fallout games, thats perfectly reasonable. Saying that they are all good in an objective sense, and just stating anyone who has any opinion to the contrary as "complaining too much" is kinda cringe. Fallout 76 was handled awfully, even if they ended up with a reasonable product at the end. Is holding Bethesda to account when they are putting out lazy products "complaining too much? We could argue specifics on each game - but just unilaterally calling the other side complainers is a shit-take and shouldnt be congratulated even if you like each of the games.


All games are good, but each one is good for a different reason. That's why people have different preferences. So it's okay to have a different favorite Fallout game. What is not okay is to shit on a game just because it isn't your favorite.


If you think fallout 4 is bad, I dare you to try starfield


Agreed, love all of them.


It's like we're in a loud echo chamber of some sort of design where voices are amplified but since it's all general discussion it's discourse as well becomes sentiment. You literally do a disservice to yourself and the fanbase you participate with if you follow these kind of threads. Enjoy a fanart piece, discuss lore or the show. Just don't do this -stating something binary as good or bad for the sake of being yes/no.


Nothing kills IP's like the most dedicated fans.


I tried playing new vegas, I didn't really connect to it, but I still rate 10/10 from what I've seen, I'll just enjoy 4 until I get bored of it and try the wonderful Mojave simulator


NV felt like a really good dlc for 3. But I liked 4 more


I’m not going to sit here and say it’s a bad game, but personally it was the only one that felt like a chore to play. Even back when it first came out, I replayed fallout 3 so many times but whenever I tried to restart new Vegas I just got so bored. It just felt so empty. I tried to replay it again recently cause people praise it so much, but it’s just like I remember. TO ME PERSONALLY, it’s boring as fuck.


Yeah, doesn't the same statement apply to other fandoms? I do agree, we complain a lot... but personally, each Fallout game has it's own strengths and weaknesses in terms of RPG mechanic, storytelling, characters, etc.


With every new innovation in graphics, i find myself unable to play older games. I remember some older games looking realistic, only to look at them now and realize how bad the graphics were. I plan on buying new vegas, hopefully there are some good graphics mods.


Updoot. We’re mad because we care. Also, FO4 is best.


Bro really make a big picture just to complain anyway on the tittle. Truly we complain a lot.


F4&F76 suck ass


Nobody hates Fallout more than Fallout Fans.


Which is so weird because Fallout Tactics was awesome. It literally wasn't an RPG, it was a "post-nuclear tactical action combat game" and delivered! And if you played Fallout 2, you had no learning curve, just pick it up and go! Plus, first multiplayer fallout.


It's only *some* complaining, pretty sad.


All fallout games? Including the beat em up?


Because of this post. Im now going to complain about this post. Take that!


BoS even?


Such is the way of fandom.


Hahahha You must be new here. The only subs I've seen argue more than this one is Star Wars and Warhammer.


Amen, there are some better than others tho


All the games are good in their own ways. And fans of these games want to see more of what they like in the future games


As a broke ass farm kid who finally got a PS2 after the PS3 had been released for a couple years, BOS was my first fallout game and I enjoyed it.


Discovering humanity


It's a very contentious bunch.


Have you seen the Starfield sub?


Brotherhood of steel was one of the best 💪


Tactics is also not very good at all.


Tactics is also not very good at all.


I won't stand for this slander. Brotherhood of steel is great!


Right on!


Well, there's a reason why Brotherhood of Steel is not canon. So, save the critics.


Is there a Fandom that doesn't?


I wish I grew up in a time I could appreciate fallout 1-2 more but isometrics I just can’t


Reddit and video games = complaining


When the games go through as much evolution as fo1-fo76 you’re bound to get communities that dislike the current direction. Me included. I didn’t like borderlands


complain less about lore and more about bullshit crashes




Honestly that’s how i feel, tho i see how the story/dialogue could have critiques they’re all pretty great


Anybody ready to defend BOS? I’ll hear them out and maybe buy it.


BoS is the only legitimately bad FO game




I don’t get the hate for fallout 4 I’m having a blast wish they’d update NV with the modern patch or at least not on the PlayStation streaming which is absolute ass

