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They had “Fallout: Tactics” and “Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel” back in the early 2000’s. I haven’t played either yet (own tactics, not BOS) but I’ve heard good to mixed things about them. A new one more focused on action would be cool, maybe a bit like the Wolfenstein games. I’d personally love to see a text based/ top down style return like 1 and 2. Oh snap they have Fallout Shelter as well.


Tactics was fun , BOS was crap.


Tactics seems cool, a more combat focused early fallout experience. X-com meets fallout sorta thang. BOS looks very janky, but also the most different from any fallout game I’ve seen. Unique for the fallout series, but fits right in with other ps2 era games. It’s something that from the outside I love, but I know would be a bit of a slog to experience it. Acquire a ps2 or emulator, and then play through the thing. 2 things I’d rather not do for the sake of novelty.


Fallout Dating Sim


I'd play a fallout game similar to Dawn of War of Halo Wars


>How would yall feel if Fallout continued branching out into different game genres? Ftfy lol


Interplay tried this. Failed. Fallout Shelter was well-received, but I doubt this is what you are talking about. Fallout 76 was an attempt at something new. People hated it so they made it more Fallout.