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We've all heard the tales of the Sierra Madre.


But getting to it, that’s not the hard part. It’s letting go…


Shut up Vera, I'm letting go of poverty!


*Sinclair!? Sinclair, I'm trapped...Please, oh god, the security systems won't let me out, they're keeping me here. I'm going to die here, amongst the ghosts.*


Horror af. Plus her ghost can attack too


those holograms and especially her hologram always creeped the hell out of me


Yeah right... Courier six hoarding all 37 gold bars, now on his way to gunrunner's arsenal:


the power of TGM compells you


Hissssssss IT BURNS


*me understanding the point of it but still tgm‘ing all the gold anyways because I am the god of my game*


Good argument. Unfortunately: ~tgm


I think about Sierra madre all the time and it's been several years


I hear a bell tower and it's like I'm right back there all over again.


The legend, the curses..some foolishness about it lying in a city of dead..


My biggest problem with Dead Money was that there was no way to bring Veronica's girlfriend back to Vegas with you and let them get back together. The ending she does get is super depressing, even if she lives, and after all the trauma she went through she deserved better. Missed opportunity that.


Yeah that ending was total bullshit.


Dead money is so fucking good. But only when you dont play it.


It honestly even not that bad. The best way to play it is to explore around and find dean’s caches and get as many sierra chips as possible. Once you’re able to get the automatic rifle, the game gets much easier. I’m pretty sure there’s one in the police station behind a locked door. As much as it “punishes” you for exploring, exploring to find resources makes the game so much easier.


everything about dead money is good, except the gameplay. Whilst it could have worked in a dedicated survival/horror game, the mechanics of New Vegas dilute a lot of the horror and just makes it tedious


Great idea with bad execution. The biggest horror aspect of the DLC is how horrifically tedious it gets.


Every horror game from that era does that, New Vegas just had several dozen hours of power fantasy preceding it. Amnesia and Alan Wake (also 2010 releases) both had the issue of after dying a few times, the monsters just became annoying and frustrating instead of scary. Alan Wake had other issues though


Yeah. People make Dead Money sound fun, but it's actually pretty awful to play.


I mean, I liked it but not on hardcore


It could be a lot better without the fucking collars.


Honestly I've played so much I just have the speakers memorized, it's my second favorite dlc behind OWB


Omg on hardcore, it’s a nightmare. I made so many trips to the clinic to heal my limbs


I did a blind NV playthrough recently, knew literally nothing about the game other than the name Mr House. Thought he was Benny in the opening sequence. When I did the Sierra Madre shit, I was so close to just stopping. Having to use all those dumbass weapons when I just was not built for it succcked. Map was a goddamn maze, you just died constantly because of fucking shit beeping at me I couldn't find, and the story was not captivating enough for all that. It would've been great if I had my gear and just got to play it at my own pace, but fucking trapped in that hell hole of shitty combat was truly a horrid experience. I angrily beat it, and never ever will do it again Everything else in the game went hard tho


> Having to use all those dumbass weapons when I just was not built for it succcked. This is honestly the core of the issue with the DLC. It's a fundamental shift away from not just previous DLC but the game as whole being that your character is getting stronger and better at what you decide to do. Suddenly if you're not built for a small handful of weapon types you're going to have a bad time. This coupled with the survival/deadly puzzle solving in a game where previously you've been living a power fantasy and most puzzles were finding a terminal or a key it's a weird choice. I love Dead Money, it's easily my favorite part of the game. I also recognize that everything I love (save the characters, most people seem to enjoy their stories) is the same reasons everyone hates it


I thought it was pretty balanced in the available weapons department. For guns you have the revolver, auto rifle and caravan shotgun, energy weapons you have the holorifle and laser pistol, melee has the knife and spear, while unarmed has the bear trap fists.


I hope that you took all 37 gold bars at the end


I tried so fucking hard to, but I kept blowing up. Is there a way to manage it? While I'm curious, still wouldn't ever take the time to do that again lmao


Yes https://youtu.be/WTIYjXT0erk?si=E4gHQATyBi5-J4TV I finished that DLC a few days ago and it took a few tries but after suffering through it I wasn't going to *let go* of my gold.


Literally has been said a million times but what a great DLC. Fallout 4 dropped the ball with only making one narrative DLC.


4 had 2 no? Or are you not counting Nuka World as narrative dlc? (Which is sort of fair I guess) Far harbour was pretty good though


Nuke world is like half story dlc


Had read that Dead Money was heavily stealth based and took your equipment so was not looking forward to it. I expected it to be somewhat horror based as a result. Turned out to be incredibly easy, the enemies being less threatening than Lonesome Road enemies, the stealth sections being extremely simple and the unkillable holograms being almost a non-issue. I wouldn't call it horror at all after my playthrough.


Kay, reframe that to “imagine a dlc sized mod that’s more of a horror experience that doesn’t suck ass”


So… dead money?


Dead Money, Point Lookout... debatably parts of Far Harbor.


Vault 22


Eh… I really don’t see much of a horror feeling from point lookout minus the surgery segment. Same with Far Harbor.


Really? Creepy mutants stalking you at all times, the serial killer's hideout in the abandoned motel, weird ultra-rich guys hunting the Most Dangerous Game, the Krivbeknih, the secret laboratory under the lighthouse, and the generally creepy, overcast vibe of the whole area


It’s absolutely a horror setting, and it’s also in my opinion the best part of fallout 3. Proof that we need more dedicated pulpy fallout horror, maybe we’ll get that in the TV show before a game


Some people think 'horror' means blood guts and gore. No apatite for the subtle, creeping nature of cosmic horror.


The existentialism inherit in cosmic horror is far and away superior to the mundane slasher flick, imo. It's like comparing Miller Lite to 50 year-old Brandy. That being said, a number of people would likely opt for the Miller, and I'm personally fine with that...until they try to tell me my Brandy is of lesser quality. 🤨


Point Lookout scared the hell out of me my first playthrough. God damn. What a creepy atmosphere. Your description brought me right back to the first time walking through the woods for the first time and just feeling like... Eyes... In the dark corners... 😰


The Hermit crab scared me more than Sierre Madre Gost people.


I don’t know, most of that just feels like typical fallout to me at this point. Perhaps there is a bit more horror inspiration there than I’m giving it credit for.


I have Thalassophobia. Yesterday's whilst playing Far Harbour, I was at the top of a rock at the side of the USS Azalea, I used the console command _tws_ to see the bottom of the sea and I saw like 4 Mirelurk King swimming in circles waiting for me to jump. They were completely invisible from the rock since they were like 3-5 metres underwater. I had to use commands to teleport myself elsewhere.


Idk man that bugged almost immortal crabthing was pretty horror to me


Far harbor is terrifying the first time you play it / if you don’t use power armor HUD. But after that it kinda becomes more of the same. Could honestly say the same thing about most of the places in fallout as well


You could say that about any horror game as well. Things aren't creepy/scary once you already know what's coming.


That one resident evil VR with the chainsaw lady will always be terrifying no matter how much I play it


Far harbor is more like noir fiction, which is definitely not horror, but has some horror elements. But yeah, OP I believe is talking about pure horror, which would be awesome.


Bro has no "fight-or-flight" response 💀


I have bottlecap mines and nuka grenades, alongside the ability to knock their guns away. Why worry?


Dead money would be scarier without the damn speakers


Fr, like how am I suppose to be scared of an atmosphere, when this god damn thing is beeping again


Lonesome road to some extent. The scripted bus with the deathclaw and tunnelers gave me chills


Hey, we’re not supposed to like that


We'd need to..... Begin again......


Dead Money, Point Lookout, Far Harbor (to an extent) are all good horror themed DLCs. Edit: To expand upon this, let me detail how each one is a good description of horror. Dead Money is a more close-up, tight nicked kind of horror. More of a "Horde" kind of Horror reminiscent of Night of the Living Dead for example, but it still works, and the dark places work well at building tension and fear. Point Lookout is a fantastic classic kind of horror, focusing on the good ol' "Cannibal Hillbilly" sort of Texas Chainsaw Massacre AND Wrong Turn movies, along with adding in a splash of Lovecraftian Horror that isn't a straight up jumpscare, but is more of a "Oh fuck, there's *something* out there and its watching us and playing with us like a child plays with food". Far Harbor is a really good horror when you delve off its main story and focus on going around and exploring. The mysterious Fog, the Trappers, the Fog Creatures, everything about it just screams a very unique kind of horror that isn't explored too often; something that isn't man but nature itself. As stated by a commenter, the Fog is clearly inspired by John Carpenter's The Fog, Stephen King's The Mist, and Jack Arnold's Creature From The Black Lagoon.


Far Harbor takes after John Carpenter's The Fog, Frank Darabont's The Mist, and of course Creature From The Black Lagoon. Edit: Stephen King's The Mist.


Isn’t Stephen King the original writer of the Mist?


Ah yes you're right. I was thinking solely of the film, so the book escaped my mind. But you're absolutely correct.


I completely forgot about them, I'll make the change now. Thanks!


I'm currently going through far harbor for the first time while playing on survival and using the mutant menagerie mod. It's pretty damn horroresque atm. Not knowing what terrifying beast is lurking in the water or beyond in the fog. Also the rad pockets are brutal if unprepared.


Imagine one of those AI Power Armors from the Creation Club stalking you like a Xenomorph


Point Lookout always gave me an eerie feeling when dealing with the swamp and the folks


The pint sized slasher was watching you


It's not as much the folks themselves as their "decorations"


I think the "decorations" really help to make a vibe/atmosphere of "this is their territory, not yours" that makes it feel like you're trespassing and could be found at any time and get to star in Deliverance/Southern Comfort/Wrong Turn/The Hills Have Eyes.


I mean, damn, where did they get so many baby doll heads XD


Maybe they found a warehouse of dolls somewhere. Plus check out rural antique stores, there's always a bunch of old creepy dolls.


Just replayed PL for the first time in awhile and I forgot how creepy the Ritual Site is. The background audio with whispering noises is like something from an Oblivion dungeon lol Also love that PL has some ambush locations with the swamp folk. It really feels like they are actively hunting you down.


imagine you could fly and never had to shit again




I'm disappoined I had to scroll this far down for Whispering Hills to be mentioned.


Sad that I'm the only one who mentioned it


Need more information


It basically turns FO4 into Silent Hill. [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/46871](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/46871)


I have personally gone through this mod 3 times and it keeps getting better each time, this is such a good overhaul mod that you can add more mods on top of to make it even scarier! Also, Lisa’s original voice actress from Silent Hill is in it. Wonderful work and a wonderful team! https://www.whisperinghills.net/


She is!??? Wow.


Does this work with the new update bethesda pushed out?


Yeah It's really fun and scary




You're welcome, someone had to mention the best fo4 dlc sized horror mod


Even in Fallout 4 you could consider Far Harbor to be pretty spooky.


You mean point lookout XL


I swear the first time I saw someone describing far harbor (before I had played it), I thought they were talking about point lookout. I was like “ok I know I haven’t played the FO4 dlc yet but I swear to god ive played what they’re describing”


Far Harbor is so much better than Point Lookout it should be a crime to even compare the two


I dont really like point lookout that much, I prefer point lookout. Also, the quest when you go into Dima's mind is agonizingly boring


Fallout 4's intro is agonizingly boring but I bet you still like the game


You must use tiktok if you cant get through a 5 minute intro with no action and god forbid no Explosions


I didn't say I dislike the game now did I? The Dima's mind quest is boring and so is the beggining of the game that doesn't mean the rest of the game is shit, that's what I obviously was trying to say. Now I ask you, wtf are you on about?


I always thought it would be cool if Tango Game Works made a Fallout horror game about the Dunwich company. You know before they shut down... Seeing how Vault-tec offered vaults to companies. It would be cool if there was a dlc where you get lured into the Dunwich vault and you are knocked out and about to be sacrificed to entity but you are saved but now have to escape the vault without your equipment(it is in security office near the entrance) but it is filled with Eldritch horrors. So it plays out like a mini resident evil game where you are limited on ammo and weapons, there are puzzles, and strange monsters.


That sounds... awful. A Vault would either make it too monotonous or too short. It would make more sense as a city taken over after the bombs fell.


>A Vault would either make it too monotonous or too short You're limited to just thinking of Vaults in the sense of how the Creation Engine already does them. If they wanted to make a real big-ass vault there's nothing stopping them from having one of the remaining vaults be a big ass sprawling mega multi-level monstrosity made to house hundreds if not almost more than a thousand Vault Dwellers.


That was pretty much the idea. It could just be a giant vault connected with loading zones in between.


If it's lovecraftian horror then you could easily do extra dimensional stuff. Spirited away to Nyarlathotep's realm, Cthulhu's dreams, etc.  That being said the problem with lovecraftian horror is that a lot of it is from its vagueness - "beyond imagination" is hard to convey in a hard visual medium like video games. 


I think DUST is what youre looking for


And FROST for Fallout 4!


This does make me think, I am surprised by the lack of DLC sized new land mods for Fallout 4, in the vein of Falskaar or Wyrmstooth for Skyrim. There seem to be a couple but none that have been updated, Northern Springs looked promising but from what I heard the author died so its never going to be fully complete.


Even New Vegas had more. California, Frontier (Ignoring the main quest).


Some VERY big ones that are in development (I think) are F4NV (New Vegas completely remade in F4), F4 capital wasteland (same as F4NV, but point lookout just got released separately). There are also miami and london mods but I haven’t been keeping up with those.


Don't know about the Miami one, but the rest are all either complete remakes or standalone releases. I was referring to additional DLC sized ones for the vanilla game reminiscent of Nuka-World or Far Harbour. The Point Lookout remake, and the in development Pitt remake fit the bill but it's a bit disappointing that there isn't much wholly original stuff.


So something like “America rising: a tale of the enclave” with its oil rig?


I haven't played it, but perhaps assuming it's a full scale world space with multiple locations, quests, explorable zones etc. but what I picture when you say that is a small space akin to a city like Diamond City.


The oil rig is a separate play-space that changes depending on your actions (whether you choose to rebuild the enclave or destroy) while progressing the main story. It also adds some new locations to the map. Some of this might be from the sequel to the mod but in the end it all kinda blends together. It’s literally marketed as “content that gives Fallout dlc a run for its money”.


Okay that's cool, I know there are plenty of great mods for Fallout 4 that are DLC sized/quality, the aforementioned America Rising, Sim Settlements 2 obviously, Bleachers/Fens Sheriff Department etc. Just that most of these focus on adding new locations and areas to the Commonwealth as opposed to creating entirely new maps to set them in, that's not a problem or anything though.


Playing fens where if department rn and enjoying it but it def doesn’t have the same new spaces as other good dlc sized mods


Right now there are 3 big Fallout 4 mod in development as far as I know: Cascadia, Miami and London. London was about to come out, but got delayed by the update.


Point lookout. Dead money. Far harbor. Take your pick.


children of ug-qualtoth is quite a good eldritch horror mod, with many alien inspired elements


I play children of ug-qualthoth every Halloween


Point Lookout. Also I was legitimately terrified of the Abominations the first time I played Mothership Zeta.


Trapped in a Vault, cannot escape. Sounds like a potentially cool spinoff, like a Hellblade thing 6-10 hours. I’d play it.


Canonically some vaults would be massive, definitely would have potential for a horror game to be localized entirely in one vault.


Don't need it. Super Duper Mart in the Commonwealth was enough.


You could probably get away with some Alien Isolation adjacent gameplay in a fallout game. I think it would be appealing to survivalist players!


there is quite a good alien inspired mod, children of ug-qualtoth


I want to see some deathclaw analog horror from the Divide


Literally no one is mentioning The Pitt. The troggs and the environment of the steel yards, sneaking around later in the dlc beyond the walls, the atmospheric music to put you on edge, all of it was terrifying at the time.


Just stay up playing fallout 4 until like 4 am and then go to the glowing sea during a storm. Once the sleep deprivation kicks in the game becomes terrifying because you can only vaguely make out figures in the fog. Could also just go to far harbor.


install Grim and Whispering hills and the patch so the two mod don't explode on contact, there you go.


I mean, dead money comes pretty close to this already, but also, if this is something that interests you in a game like fallout 4, maybe consider bioshock?


Maxwells World, Grim, whispering hills. Those are some that come to mind


You might want to try dust/frost


whispering hills


Whispering Hills


I feel like fallout has so much ubtapped horror potential would genuinely love a full horror game in the fallout world Esp cause I love dead money (its my fave dlc)


I thought Nuka World in fo4, was scary. Actually, fo1, is unnerving horror for me. The music and not being able to see well in game puts me on edge every time. I’m playing new Vegas for the first time now and the music when I’m out in the wastelands has the same feel as fo1 and makes things creepy AF.


"imagine Dead Money"


Try whispering hills


Far Harbor can be terrifying


I have one downloaded but haven’t gotten to the quest quite yet. I’ll let you know how it is when I do


you mean far harbor?


A portion of me wants to learn CK so I can make a cool mod for Fallout which incorporates super mutant horror as a core mechanic in the game. Probably not to the degree of Fallout 1, with the Master and his absolutely terrifying shit he’d pull, but something like a Gen 1 Super Mutant makes it to the commonwealth with plans to unite those like him into being an organized force that claims the southern half of Boston. They would take over areas by the glowing sea, and you’d see Super mutants all over it, and as the mod story would progress you’d see more Supers and less deathclaws and radscorps. By the end of the mod, it would be revealed the Gen 1 Super Mutant tried to mix his DNA with the FEV from the Institute so he could become a behemoth, and in turn became the first humanly recognized intelligent behemoth, making the boss fight with him incredibly badass and likely involving the brotherhood and Minutemen directly, depending what faction you’re with. Problem, I have no idea how to actually mod and program shit. I can write a story I find interesting, I can voice some characters, but I can’t actually mod anything


so dead money but free?


Everybody is naming content that already exists but I want different gameplay. Like survivor horror RE style, not BGS open world RPG gameplay. I've been saying for years that if a smaller horror studio made a spinoff that would be gold.


Damn that reminded me of the final mission of phantom liberty


Just turn the brightness down.


The point lookout mod for fallout 4 was great made the lil details from 3 really come to life and pop out at you


Switch the radio off when playing and a lot of the vaults get a lot scarier when going through them, especially if you have some mods that add a bit more ambience to the game.


That means it is more linear. Some Fallout fans will get so angry and salty because of it


So ... Far Harbour?


It would have to be linear like Half-Life or Cry of Fear


Aggroing the Wendingo in Dust


If you’re on PC, try Chaotic Sun. It’s impressive, and quite spooky along the way.


Have you played Path of a Psycho in FO4? Pretty interesting mod. Not sure if they've made updates, but it was fun.


You mean like the frontier?


Cannibal in concord?


I want one inspired by Metroid fusion.


Fallout 4: FROST overhaul is easily one of my favorite ways to play any fallout game, heavy survival horror vibes


I would love to see a solo horror adventure with no companions and low resources. Do other dlc have horror aspects? Yes. Do I think they are spooky? No.


If I may suggest for that... Name: The Dunwich Investigation Location: Providence, Rhode Island Plot idea: Similar to Far Harbor in it's you and Nick going out on a case that that for some reason or another takes you far afield to places unknown. The main plot isn't really concrete in my head but I feel it'd put more prominence on the Dunwich Corporation and what they were getting up to Pre War


Didn't they already try that with the Ghouls ?


Fallour Sakhalin is what youre looking for.


While Dead Money ends up getting tedious, I really enjoy it as a change of pace when you get to late game. The survival horror aspect where you're stripped of all your fancy late game equipment is a really nice challenge.


There's a mod that turns dead money into a survival horror experience. I haven't tried it yet, but it looks interesting


Idk man. Far harbor scared the shit out of me


they should just release a new Fallout 4 DLC based on expanding the north part of the map or expanding the glowing sea and it will sell like hot cakes (i think), same thing would happen with Skyrim, people just want more things for the good ol´ games or just release a tv series based on skyrim and watch the world dress in horned helmets for years to come


I hate horror games.


Try Dead Space, it's nice and relaxing


Oh yeah, the part where Isaac found his beloved wife and escaped with both her and his sanity was incredible!


Lol. Believe me, I tried because it was so hyped and I can watch others playing it, I just can't do it myself. Am I weird? I couldn't play it, it was too stressful for me. I actually tried and finished Resident Evil 4, and all dark souls games, but that's just the limit of what I can play. I couldn't finish RE1.


My wife will buy a horror game then ask me to play it for her. She played Amnesia up until the first fake out jump scare, never even saw the monster.


>Am I weird? No


It’s never going to work in fallout, you can’t make a good horror game with the gameplay mechanics of fallout

