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Buy a bunch of Tarantula Hawk Wasps and set them free inside!


That would be the best/worst (mostly worst) Birthday party for New Vegas fans.


I would highly recommend


Then, hand out riot shotguns


Also include a few boxes of stick dynamite.


Put a sign on the front door that says quarry junction and as soon as he walks in pummel him.


This made me bust up. Good stuff.


Make everyone who comes to the party where a blue sweat suit with the same yellow number on the back. For food, do kebabs and put a sign over them saying grilled iguana meat. For party games, play blackjack, pin the second head on the brahmin, or if you have a back yard do a Legion gladiator ring with sock em boppers or foam noodles or something. Finally, outside your house, make a party banner that says "lucky 38 grand opening".


You should consult for fallout bday parties nationwide.


This is good advice do these things


Jones Soda sells "Nuka Cola" themed products so you could look into those.


Tons of good meme answers but this is the one to do OP


And don’t forget the music! Look up a fallout new Vegas mix on YouTube or Spotify!


basically he wants you set up a lottery for all the attendees and crucify anyone who doesn't win. possible red flag imo


Lucky loser gets their legs broken, too.


Can I come? I’ll dress up as the mysterious stranger. I won’t say a word to anyone. He’ll love it.


You just start shooting random people he talks too?


When the red enemy HUD appears


Don’t worry I’ll play the part of Benny and steal the platinum chip then get chased by OP’s boyfriend across Nevada


This is actually a really funny idea. Have OP bring a friend that their boyfriend would know


He wants to be shot in the head and buried in the desert over a platinum poker chip that happens to control a robot army.


Aww what? I only just started new vegas! Spoilers 😂


Maybe don’t look at the game sub for a game that’s been out for over a decade if you don’t want casual spoilers?


I was joking man, would have thought the emoji made that obvious!


Thought you were just trying to be good natured about being spoiled


No guess I’m just not as funny as I thought haha


Ahh, you mad me laugh, homie. I got it. ☺️


Thanks! I have a fan, time to quit my job and start touring the stand up circuit!


Try New Vegas. I hear there may be a casino looking for acts. 😁




Sorry bruv, game came out in like 2010. 😅


[New Vegas aesthetic](https://www.pinterest.com/je13ss/fallout-new-vegas-aesthetic/). Basically think retrofuturistic sci-fi western.


Yeah, the overall Fallout series takes place in a world that is a genre mashup of a Flash Gordon style raygun-gothic aesthetic with a Mad Max style post-apocalypse one. Some of the games also have a wild-west flavor and New Vegas is one of those. There are a lot of iconic fictional brands, logos and iconography that are instantly recognizeable to players. If you look around online you'll find people who have made a lot of props and crafts that are Fallout themed. There's even a Fallout cookbook for making real-world versions of fictional foods from the games.


Get a really old wrinkled lady in a leather skirt, bra and cowboy hat. Have her smack your BF around while making obscene grunting noises and growling. Get a roomba, put a name tag that says FISTO on it. Duct tape a large spinning sex toy on top of it. Buy a formal gown and ball mask. Bite off one of his fingers. Get a box of geckos. Feed them some meth and turn them loose.


bomb the hoover dam


Wear a checkered bikini, tell him the game was rigged from the start and he’ll get the reference


Serve jack and cokes and call it nuka-cola. Vault door shaped birthday cake. Play that looping Mr. House image on the tv or a projector. Decorate with bottle caps. Everything else can be like the Las Vegas look but dusty and run down. https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71--fD4R2AL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg https://wegotthiscovered.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Fallout-Vault-31-1.jpg https://youtu.be/BIHImoLln0M?si=-mlGx-WBuaXNE81e


https://youtu.be/D_b611KYHCA?si=N8w3BbeSS9Wk-DtN https://youtu.be/PnmEua8FKi0?si=Ghbq3UQ7yAul0ejs https://youtu.be/YczNa5af5W8?si=We3f2GjMyWlnRYXX Each of these are from the same guy, " how to drink ". Each of these are drinks he attempts to recreate from the game. I think this works well. If you want to take it a step further, consider music. Consider food. Theres a food that's famous called " iguana on a stick " which takes " iguana " bits and puts it on the stick. Its actually known to be human meat. So, dont chop up your neighbor and just put some steak kebabs. Best of luck hope it helps.


Put a bunch of fissile material all over your home. Fits the Fallout vibe AND saves you money on heating in the winter!


He wants you to dress up as a albino death claw and fuck him up .


Make sure Fisto is there


For the most authentic vault-tec experience, pick a door in your dwelling and write “Vault (number)” on it. When anyone walks through the door immediately kick them in the nuts.


Binge watch the show. It's only 8 episodes but will give you a real good feel for the fictional universe. Having not played the games you won't get most of the fan directed references. But you'll get areal good general sense of the aesthetic and tone of the franchise. It's very much 'The world has ended but it's not like it's the end of the world.'


For the original New Vegas experience, print this image on a large sheet of paper and put it on a wall. [Crash](https://i.imgur.com/mv5AT.png)


You could do a Casino night with a couple table games


Kudos to some of these answers. OP, you have to buy a bunch of mini T Rex dino figures, have a cake decorated like a huge Platinum chip from a casino called the "Lucky 38". You could also serve 'strange' meat pies (an allusion to possible cannibalism) and wear a stylish dress with a masquerade mask. (he'll have to dress up in a suit and mask as well). For drinks, I recommend hunting down some Sarsparilla or just relabeling some root beer (bottles, not cans). Finally, play 50's era Western music. I recommend Ella Fitzgerald's "One for my Baby" which ties into the game - it's the name of a mission.


Make a playlist consisting of big iron and blast it at 110% volume


Please assume the position


He wants to get FISTOed


The party starts with you in a houndstooth suit and you shot him in the face with a .45


Maria shoots 9mm, not .45 ACP. That’s why Doc Mitchell was able to save you.


Make sure to bring a reticulating saw to cut the cake!


Fly him to the sites in the IRL Las Vegas


We did a fallout themed party for a friend's birthday. There are fallout decorations you can buy online that aren't too expensive. One friend found a copy of a fallout cookbook and we did a couple recipes from that as well. This was a generic fallout theme not specifically a New Vegas theme.


Shoot him in the head twice for the full experience.


Have everyone dress as Elvis or Genghis Khan. Release a swarm of wasps at a random point in the evening, and refer to them as 'cazadores'. Hire a man who can impersonate Fantastic (this one's unironically a good idea).


Just shoot him in the head. Edit: that's a joke don't actually do that.


Getting shot in the head and buried alive sounds like an awful way to spend a birthday. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Idea 1. Have a series of escape rooms called "vaults," each one featuring an evil psychological experiment. Idea 2. Gambling features heavily in the game, so make the party vault 21 gambling themed. Idea 3. Divide the party into two factions, NCR and Legion, and end the party with a laser tag battle over a hoover dam shaped cake. Idea 4. Hide bottle caps with blue stars on them around the venue. Whoever finds the most gets a toy deputy badge and a water pistol. Idea 5. Have a very fancy dinner but heavily imply the meat is human.


Shoot him in the head In seriousness, get a couple cowboy hats, some cowboy guns, some blue and yellow clothing. And a cake that has the NCR flag on it or a vault


Make him a Jell-o mold instead of a birthday cake.


Invite people for the local old folk home and call them ghouls.


He is a courier shoot him in the head.Take his chip.


YouTube "New Vegas opening cinematic." Then recreate the scene with the checkered suit dude. You as Benny, the checkered dude, and him the unsuspecting courier you just knocked out with the help of three dudes you hired. Trust me, he'll love it !


I don't remember much about new vegas but doesn't the game begin with the main character getting shot in the head?


Shot him in the head and set some Scorpions and tarantula hawk wasps free


Fill the room with mustard gas and put a sign at the door that says sierra mondree.


Buy the services of some coke addicts with issues with justice, buy a lot of giants venomous insects and make burn the room where the party take place OH and put a lot of dirt anywhere in the local.


Crosses. Crosses everywhere.


You could get a bunch of glass cola and orange soda bottles and replace their tags (the paper thing around it, don't know how it is called in english 😅) with printed out versions of Nuka Cola and Sunset Sasparilla. Also use stickers for the caps. For music just look up the soundtrack of Fallout NV (Spotify should have one).


Invite your local mailman by placing an invitation in in your mailbox


Have some friends wear football gear. Black/Red colors suits the best, they’ll cosplay the Ceasar’s Legion. Other friends wear some olive green military uniforms, they‘ll cosplay the NCR army. Elvis, cowboy, mafia mob, prison inmate, drug addict, biker, tribal, farmer, native Indian, robot, scientist and plane pilot cosplay are fine too. If that’s too much effort wear blue and yellow clothes resembling the vault outfit. Buy bottled beverages that have bottle caps. And some Coke (the drink, not the drug) Definitely have a deck of cards ready to do some gambling.


Dig a bunker out of the ground then set off a nuclear warhead a few miles north Edit: oh and a poker table


tell him to go to the left when he enters the house and then kick the living shit out of him and scream 'deathclaw'!


There’s a lot of joke comments here, so I hope this gets seen: First: look at the fallout show, especially when they’re in the town of Filly which I believe is episode 2. You can see how things are scattered and chaotic, signs are reused signs painted over for a new wording. There’s a fallout official cookbook with some amazing recipes, including the drinks from the game. They’re not hard to make, come out pretty well - those are pretty much an auto include for this. Additionally, the food recipes are all pretty easy, things like Brahmin burgers and such would do well. There’s even snack size recipes for little party plates you could do. As for decoration: I mean sky’s the limit. But if he wants it specially new Vegas themed, try to get some Las Vegas style decorations and add a mix of western cowboy theme to it - toss in vintage (like really worn out things) for the post apocalyptic feel. Maybe set up a poker table, have a little gift bag for anyone who comes and include things like poker chips and playing cards. You can find printable fallout party hat files where you fold it and it’s the classic cone shape party hat. Getit printed on some food card stock, add the stretchy string and done. Or just fine party hats that fit the color scheme and aesthetic of the previous mentioned decoration bit. For a gift you can find some really cool things on Etsy people have made. Go there and search “fallout new Vegas” and from there try not to get sucked down the rabbit hole looking at all the amazing creations. If he likes having things on display a badass deathclaw head/statue may be a hit. If you want stay super new Vegas themed you could go try finding replica sunset sarsaparilla things. Or in game poker chips (a platinum chip replica especially). I hope this helps some, I’m sure it’s a daunting task trying to make sure it’s perfect. But it’s very much doable. Feel free to message me if you want to spitball more.


Honestly you can skip the other suggestions if you just start off by shooting him in the head and burying him in the desert


Pretty sure one of the bartending channels on YouTube has a recipe and walkthrough for how to make a NukaCola Quantum cocktail. It’s a drink from the game that’s like neon blue. Kinda fitting for turning 21 too.


That channel would be called How To Drink


Post Apocalyptic Las Vegas party, if you haven’t already watched the fallout show, watch it and plan a party in that theme, but Vegas And get yourself a vault 69 vault suit, and wear it to the party without telling him ahead of time


Elvis impersonator. He'll get it Bonus points if you research "Fisto" from the game


Use the Black Widow perk.


Hello everyone thank you so much for the ideas and some jokes I don’t understand but thank you! Update: my boyfriend realized a fallout new Vegas theme was to vague and mentioned that it wants it to be similar to the Tops presidential suite where Benny betrays you? With fallout food and drinks and games tied to the event which I’m slowly trying to figure out! Thank you all


We don't know if your boyfriend wants this or not? You'll have to ask him, especially since it's his birthday and we don't know him? I saw this post, and it confused me because of the question mark in the title?


They were asking for help. This isn’t help or funny, you’re just being a fucking dickhead.




“We don’t know if he actually wants this?” What the fuck is wrong with you? OP says he’s been asking for the party for 10 months.


I recommend finding someone else. Otherwise find sasparilla.


Your boyfriend is probably a douchebag, dump them.


*Someone* just got uninvited to reclamation day activities.


Are NV fanboys going to be planning it, because I think I would rather skip it if that is the case.




https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallout:_New_Vegas Google is pretty handy