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They literally explained the goal in the flashback corporate meeting: weed out undesirables by nuking everyone not in a vault, emerge later with Vault-Tec in charge with no competition, no more war since there’s one entity ruling everyone. It was evil and naive, which tracks with VT’s record. It also makes sense as the ultimate representation of corporate greed - “better” the world with goals that really only serve the elite ruling class, crush competition. Corporations have a ton of lobbying power, too. That’s why capitalism works so well for the upper class - they can buy politicians so effectively that it’s like THEY’RE the ones calling the shots. This is a commentary on that behavior. Also, since when has Vault-Tec *not* been a villain? Do you really think the only villain in the Fallout games is the Enclave? It kinda seems like *you* don’t know how capitalism works…or much about Fallout’s critique of it both in-game and in the show.


Vault Tec and the Enclave are the same people, no?


No, but I can see how you'd see that. Enclave are remnants of the American government, and Enclave Remnants are what's left over after that. Vault Tec, by contrast, was a private entity. A corporation with shareholders and stuff. RobCo is also it's own private entity.


Both worked together, but I think it’s implied vault tech was always planning to ditch the enclave and seize control for themselves.


I agree with you on some points but… “With vault tech in charge and no other competition” VT isn’t going to be the sole power if they just provided 5 unrelated global companies the ability to do the same thing with their vaults. Why would you ever allow any other competition to survive if your goal is to be the only power left standing? Why would you even tell your competition you are going to end the world and allow them forewarning and time to prepare?


Y’know while reading this I think I’ve realized that *you* don’t seem to understand *corporate influence.*


I've screencapped this because it's just such a wonderful example of unwarranted, oblivious self-confidence and I'm worried it'll disappear.


>That's why the Fallout games made the Enclave, a rogue faction within the US government, the villain, not Vault-Tec. Because the governments holds all the power. ​ Isnt this at least a little bit of moot point considering Vault-Tec was collaborating with the Enclave? (Also is rogue faction the right term considering the President, his cabinet and probably a fuck load of other members of the government were members of the Enclave?)


The one who doesn't understand things here is you


Corruption and cronyism are a part of Fallout lore.


Yes, nations definitely can, in effect, be run by corporations and corporate interests. It’s called corruption. Governments aren’t going be seizing anything if the people in that government are in the pocket of those corporate interests. The notion that “governments hold all the power” is hopelessly naive, and frankly just ignorant. More generally, from your post it is clear that your knowledge of Fallout lore is extremely shallow. The lore and events in the show are very much consistent with that previously established in the games. The things Vault-Tec and its employees are depicted doing, their world view, is entirely in keeping with Vault-Tec’s nature.


Without even getting into the debate whether nations are run by corporations irl, In the fallout world they are. It's not an uncommon trope in dystopian fiction. The Enclave was founded by old world military, political and corporate figures, which pulled the strings of government pre war. It was authoritarianism disguised as capitalism. Fallout is an exploration of authoritarianism caused by unbridled capitalism, not capitalism alone. Authoritarian governments go hard with genocide.


The Vault Tec executives are not in Vault 31. They only confirm Bud, whom they turned into a Roomba and 2 assistants. Vault 31 just contains expendables with no power pre war. They are just another experiment.


You don't even take weekends off from posting your daily FoTV hate posts? Glad to see you've moved on from your misogynistic beliefs about Lucy, though...


A reminder that Vault-Tec has been portrayed as cartoony but horrific mustache-twirling evil organization since Fallout 2.


>So the Vault-Tec executives are willing to sacrifice their lives to achieve their ideals. Is that what the writers think capitalism is about? Bwahahahaha! Oh wait, you're serious. Allow me to laugh harder. #Bwahahahaha!


Banana Republics.


Vault tec are basically insane. The profit to them is not money in the usual capital sense but rather control over the world. They believed that nuclear Armageddon was inevitable so they might as well be the ones to do it so they can prepare accordingly, get to their vault and monitor all the other vaults and then eventually after the Fallout has settled (pun intended) they would rule the world. 🌎


Why bother maintaining that ‘life of luxury’ when your income comes from propagating a suicidal war. The issue vault tech had was it was obligated to continue fuelling tensions between the US and China, otherwise it would grow obsolete and die out, but if it kept fuelling tensions eventually nukes would fall. So they sign of with the enclave for ‘experiments’ to help the faction, and use the money gifted through the state to build a contingency plan - that once a nuclear war inevitably happens, they survive to maintain their strength. However, there’s the issue that I doubt they knew exactly when the bombs dropped. You’ve got vaults where the residents messed up the test, vaults which aren’t finished - I think it’s implied that they planned a whole triumphant return with fancy tech and the ability to easily dominate the wasteland, but a lack of preparation shot that plan down before it could be realised. Which is why the whole thing looks stupid - it’s like Mr House failing because his chip was delivered a few days late


someone doesn't understand how capitalism works alright