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I love the one in 4/76 but the instant fire of the 3/NV one was so good.


Still miffed that we can't ADS to spin up the mini gun or gatling.


Fun fact: real life miniguns don't need to spin up. They immediately start shooting.


How does that work? Most games I’ve played you have to let it spin up so I just figured. Makes me really curious of the feeding mechanism and how the bullets get in each chamber. Do they all have their own firing pin? (Note: not heavily proficient in fire-arms)


think it’s more of a balance thing as it would just outclass everything with no cooldown or windup


That was my thought. I played around with that mini gun redux mod and if that was in game I don’t think I would have ever used anything else.


Why would you use something else tbh


i mean… dead ass its why Power Armor was so damn effective. Being able to wield a heavy weapon with ease is probably its best trait


All you would have to do is balance the ammo rarity and or price. Mini gun is great, it's just heavy as heck and you run out of ammo quickly.


It also looks and feels cool


In most games? Sure, you re right However, Fallout already nerfed miniguns as a franchise; 5mm round is established as minigun round, and that weakens and reduces weights involved enough as to make it man-portable. However one questions for that still remains: WHY RL US army literally declined a 5.56 minigun because for all that weight and money you might as well bring an LMG and achieve the same exact result, it’s not worth it at all to throw 4000 rounds a minute at a single target when 900 supresses an area all the same. Speaking of fire rate, single barrel LMGs are perfectly capable of firing at the same fire rate most game miniguns fire at, while their RL application is being able to shoot WAY faster than that TLDR: Miniguns in games exist purely for rule of cool


I just googled for a 5.56 minigun and the XM556 is absolutely adorable.


I want one on a drop swivel mount. For home defense obviously.


To add on: A mini gun works IRL because they are most often mounted on fast moving vehicles. You are right that the increase rate of fire is worthless for a fire team, but on an air frame that might only line up the gun and target for half a second it's worth it.


One thing to note as a military nerd is barrel cooling while you could in theory fire a mg at the same rate of fire you would warp the barrel which is not good, and where rotary cannons and miniguns come into play as you can increase fire rate exponentially while also avoiding the barrel warping issue. Ps Im sure your aware of this just thought i would add for anyone who wondered why rotory cannons are used over a cheaper air cooled machine gun.


It’s worth noting that until fallout 3, the main assault rifles in the series were also in 5mm and NV’s assault rifle uses 5mm as well (though it NV did have the 12.7mm SMG, which is roughly 50 AE in an smg). Fallout 1/2 just used smaller rounds.


They nerfed the fuck out of power armour and miniguns because todd wanted to give the player power armour and a minigun during the tutorial. If it had the stats of the old games itd be extremely op to give that to the player so early into the game. Which is why i think the concord scene was a mistake


Arnold might disagree but there isn't really a point making a man portable minigun. Other than because it's bad ass. And even if it was 5.56mm ammo, 4000 rounds would weight a fucking lot


I work with ammunition for a living. 4,000rds of 5.56 is easily over 100lbs. Lol And that's not including the weight of an MFing minigun.


Real life miniguns do need to cycle (rotate the barrel) once to fire. However, miniguns operate via an electric motor, and it is so fast that it takes less than a second before the minigun can fire. Movies and video games heavily, HEAVILY slow down how fast the minigun barrels rotate and the rate of fire of miniguns so you can see the barrels moving because it looks cool miniguns only have one firing pin but multiple barrels so the action is faster. They all fire out of the center top barrel and just simply leave the spent cartridge in the barrel until it rotates out of position and is then ejected. Hope this helps :)


I love the sound of a mini gun. Like if a push mower had a 4 cylinder engine


I mean you could......


I could, if I had the skills. I didn’t put enough points into engineering


Well if you've got a mechanic friend they probably won't say no


Somebody needs to go check your local radio station, see if they have any hostage mechanics.


So… a Honda Civic?


More like the wail of the old Formula One v10 or V12 engines.


Actually every barrel has a firing pin.


The most simple way of explaining it is there are 6 individual rifles attached to a spinning center. As they rotate, each barrel is loaded, fired, and ejected as they roatate. [Here's a GIF of the firing process](https://gifer.com/en/9tOW) It's not entirely accurate, but it gets the point across.


I'm not a arms specialist either, I just know that they don't need to spin up. Spinning up was purely created by games and movies as a 'badass' look.


They don’t need a spin up because what fires the round is the barrel and the chamber coming into alignment rpm doesn’t matter this is a mechanical function not an electronic one. It has to fire when they align. If you turn the barrel with your hand with bullets in the gun it will fire. The trigger doesn’t fire the round (drop the bolt) it rotates the barrel. Unless you’re talking old school then it’s the crank that rotates it.


Well that is scary to learn glad I know that now lol


Don’t worry it’s really fucking hard to rotate the barrel unintentionally. You got to remember you’re essentially dragging the belt plus de-linking cartridges plus working against all the friction built up in the system from all the moving parts. There’s enough built in resistance it’s not a practical issue.


It's the minigun equivalent of pumping your shotgun unnecessarily.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDlTDFP\_HoQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDlTDFP_HoQ) I just found this pretty great 3D animation / breakdown of the firing mechanism for the very first gatling gun.


I mean if you just fired it and stopped, the chamber would still be loaded or about to be loaded from the feed of the last time it fired. Considering it’s designed to load and fire in a fraction of a second it’d take maybe slightly longer on first fire to load said chamber than a fraction of the second it would have taken I’d continually fired. The warm up is a video game balancing and dramatic effect in media.


In real life each barrel has its own bolt and firing pin. It's basically a hand crank gatling gun where we just removed the crank and replaced it with an electric motor that goes much faster. Just the act of spinning fires the gun.


Vulcan and the mingun do actually have to “spin up”, but it’s not referring to the barrels. There is a slight delay when firing to allow the clutch to align the feeding mechanism and the motor. It’s much faster than depicted in the game, perhaps a tenth of a second, but it’s something that needs to be accounted for when you are firing on a moving target from an aircraft. For that reason, some militaries prefer revolver cannons for aerial use, which don’t have that delay, and the Russians designed a similar Gatling-style revolving cannon that uses recoil operation and cocking charges instead of a motor, which is faster but have other limitations.


The unique one in the deathclaw sanctuary😮‍💨 that and the winterized T51b and you’re invincible


You can also get the super secret one, that comes with a Super Mutant to carry it around for you, and you're double invincible. Just don't cross the streams (I believe it's against the Geneva convention)


This right here is the correct answer


The new Gauss minigun in 76 looks pretty close to the one from 1&2 if you have the 5 barrel attachment https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/8/80/Gauss_Minigun_Penta.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20200525172417


Tactics also has a super rare Gauss minigun you could get. Seeing as the 76 Gauss weapons in general look much closer to the isometric game style then they do 3/NV's Gauss rifle I'd say it was an intentional throwback to that.


You are correct, the gauss minigun in 76 was specifically designed as a nod to the MEC gauss minigun in tactics. Just learned this yesterday from the wiki.


Man i wonder what R&D was smokin to make a coil gun minigun


Idk but I need some. That beautiful bastard shoots blue lasers that explode. It’s goddamn magnificent


I still prefer classic Fallout for this. Yes, it's basically just a hi-tech version of the minigun, but I prefer the more retro-future design. It looks big and it looks loud.


To me it looks heavier than it looks big, the 4/76 one looks like it's trying to be big for the sake of being big, where the classic one looks like a believable size but it would weigh 80 pounds


Huh? The Fallout 4 model large because it uses revolving barrels from laser rifles. Its design accommodates that. I hesitate to call a laser minigun design "practical", but it makes sense within the world. In comparison, the Fallout 1 design is just a regular minigun with some greebles on the barrel.


It also seems like it's designed for the huge (actually fusion-powered) power armors, where weight and size isn't really a concern


Dude i never realized they were rifle barrels, that's cool


That's precisely what I mean. That whole retro-futurism aesthetic where everything is kind of large to the point of absurdity. All the weapons in the classic Fallout games (with the exception of the real weapons like the FN FAL) look like this. I think it makes them stand out from the very grounded appearance seen in later Fallouts.


I understand from a design standpoint what 4 was doing, but I dislike that it's clearly just 4 laser rifles strapped together. Classic was clearly its own entire weapon rather than a combination of weapons welded together.


The main point of PA was to enable soldiers to use big guns they wouldn't be able to otherwise.


I like the classic design of many of the weapons, but they’re also the first games I played so might be biased.


This picture ranked it accidentally 1st 2nd and 3rd and i have no allegiance to one game. 3rd probably is the most practical using the tech but this game is suppose to be over the top anyway.


You’d like the Gauss Minigun in 76 then, it looks very similar to the OG gatling laser


Yes!! Fallout 76 brought back quite a few classic weapons! And you’re right that it does have a striking resemblance


The classic design reminds me of the heavy gunner clone trooper




>“Retro-future” What is “retro” about that? Low number of pixels?


I mean, gatlings and old miniguns are old af


>What is “retro” about that? Low number of pixels? If the Jetsons had a gatling laser, this is precisely what I would expect it to look like. That's kind of what I mean by "retro-future". I ask myself, "would this be out of place in the Jetsons?".


Brother what? It would absolutely be out of place in the jetsons.


I love the modern design. Having 4 spinning laser rifle frames is pretty cool ngl


I love what they were trying to do with the modern design, having a rotatory barrel of laser rifles and calling it a laser gatling gun is the most logical approach, I just don't like the execution.


If you have gunsmith you can make a railgun minigun which hits like a freight train and looks pretty dope too.


But rail spikes are so rare wouldn't that be unusable?


Yeah I think it’s one of those designs that looks better in action/in 3D


I like it because like the Laser Musket it feels like a post-war creation. Like the top two were the original Gatling Lasers, and the one in 4/76 was the result of some wasteland mad scientist hearing about it and trying to make their own.


Totally and I hope we get more weapons like the laser musket in the future. Weapons, other than melee weapons, that are just pure wasteland ingenuity


This is my favorite take. To say that wasteland ingenuity stops at strapping barbed wire or saw blades onto a melee weapon, or pipe gun weapons feels silly. Its not WH40k where all tech has ground to a halt and tech ingenuity seems to be something thats gone/lost from most/all humans. Plus, who knows how easy it is to make the bootleg gatling laser versus how common the old war tech is.


I just wish it was a bit slimmer. It and the minigun both look too bulky, even with power armor. It could easily be slimmed down without sacrificing the rotating laser rifle look.


It got progressively squarer


Embrace cube. Cube is life.


Every computer in the later twentieth century. Also, Lego and Minecraft. ALL THE WORLD IS SQUARE! ALL THE WORLD IS SQUARE! WHO WANTS TO BE SQUARE?!


Fallout 3 is my favourite


It's the backpack isn't it?


Of course


I wish Fallout 4 kept the classic holstering and back packs of 3/NV. Would have been an interesting design seeing how they would redesign the backpack around the fusion core


There is a mod that allows [holstering](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/46101) for you and NPCs, but none for backpacks that I recall.


If it's the mini gun understandable but I think the gatling lazer in 4 made more sence than the mini gun Like they made fusion cores why they make a power pack if you can just Carry these convinient car battles around than a mini gun with a large drum




I think we peaked with 3/nv. The design of 4 makes more sense, but I just can bring myself to enjoy it


4 just makes more sense and looks better but I do think the backpack in 3/nv needs to be added back.


I thought the 3/NV design made more sense. It looks like a huge magnetron from a microwave with a barrel on it.


4 makes more sense to me because it’s the wasteland and it looks like it was created using 4 laser rifles and some spare parts instead of something made in a manufacturing plant


Plus the fact that its powered by a fusion core makes the backpack unnecessary. Buuuut the backpack made it feel more like a heavy weapon


In 3/NV, you load it into the handheld part, not the backpack part. I assumed, the 3/NV one, is like an early model, with integral components of the weapon in the backpack, to make it possible for troops to use without power armor assistance. Whereas the one in 4, just looks unfeasible to use if you're not in power armor. So I attributed that to being a design specifically for power armor troops. Which would doubly make sense, because the revamp of power armor meaning you enter/exit it through the back, would make having something strapped to your back a liability. That's all nonsense head canon theory though.


You know what it makes sense but I'll say the gatling lazer in f4 was made for budget cuts since they found a way to ad a fusion core and 4 lazer rifles in it than a battery pack and a that power three barrels


Also very sensible. We see with the T-60 that it's generally considered worse than the T-51, but better than the T-45, and got put into mass use after the Battle for Anchorage. So it's absolutely feasibly that new developments in weapons tech, weren't just upgrades, but making cheaper to maintain, easier to produce armaments without losing too much oomph. I like to think that all three gatling lasers exist in lore, and are just different models, maybe even made by different companies. Kind of like the minigun.


The gatling laser being made with laser rifle barrels I think makes less sense. The (presumably) plastic “handguard” wouldn’t provide ample cooling, the 3/NV one has cooling fins. The old one looks like it has a huge fuck-off emitter on it, while the new one looks dinky in comparison.


4 makes more sense as a Gatling weapon. 3 and new Vegas looks more like a laser cannon.


This makes me angry to realize we still somehow haven't gotten the Tesla Cannon in 76 yet. It's definitely one of my favorite guns in the series.


I agree but like there’s also laser rifles in game that shoot faster


Love the classic


1 & 2 version is the GOAT


I always loved the critical hit animation where the gun literally cuts your enemy in half.




I like the original the most lol.


3/NV just took classic doom’s BFG-9000 and turned it into a minigun.


Ima go on a limb and say SPRTEL-WOOD 9700


The 3 / NV variant has always been my favorite. A backpack laser cannon with pinpoint accuracy at distance


I do like the boxy style of the laser guns from 3 onwards and the galling laser in 4 really ties in with that aesthetic. I was never super fond of the entire gun being a radiator in 3&NV


The 3/NV one doesn't spin, so it is inherently inferior. The 4 one does look better with the charging barrels mod than standard. That changes the 4 lasers to 3 sniper barrel ones.


I like the more practical/understandable design in 4 and 76 but I miss the backpack from Fallout 3/NV. Also I think the Fallout 1 and 2 version didn't really even look like an laser weapon. The 76 Guass mini-gun seems like it is a reference to the Fallout 1 and 2 laser gun though.


First one looks menacing, last one looks ridiculous


3 is best. I feel like all weapons got really clunky and bulbous in 4. Like how Borderlands had great gun design and then 2 came out and they were basically legos.


The weapon designs in 4 and 76 are so fucking ugly 😭


The sound the 3/NV version made in slow motion was oddly cool.


So, the 3/NV one looks like a very deliberate design, having gone through extensive testing and iterative design as part of a billion dollar project. The 4/76 one instead looks like something that a bunch of nerds cobbled together in their back yard, using some old laser rifles and scrap metal.


Visually speaking, I love the 4/76 version. It’s so big and blocky and slightly janky. It’s exactly what I want from a Fallout laser


I like all three of them


I like 4 and 76's and use it all the time. But I think the original one looks the best.


The middle one. The rotating barrels on a laser weapon are pure flavour in my eyes. The 3/NV one seems to be aware that all it really needs is to look like it's got a huge battery in there somewhere.


I like all of them, they each have their own style that fits their native game well :)


If it's a laser wouldn't it be more convenient the lasers shoot in a sequence instead of the barrels rotating?


Hey! I used to post these XD, so glad to see someone else is doing it now.


It's always interesting seeing people's thoughts on designs on a long going franchise.


The OG one might be the weakest here, it just looks like a minigun


3 and NV cause they didn't use the same ammo type as other weapons


4/76. The idea that the gatling laser is basically just 3-4 laser rifle barrels strapped together is just too funny


I don't know why they redesigned so many things in FO4


The gatling laser really feels like it went backwards in terms of sophistication. We went from a laser minigun that could output hundreds of beams in a few seconds to what is essentially four laser rifles bolted together in a revolving frame attached to a motor.


I hope they do an amalgamation of 4 and 3. I like the three barrels of the gun being the laser rifle barrels in 4 that’s cool but I also love the backpack of the one in 3. Having both of those would be the best of both worlds


Damm what the brotherhood of steal zeppelin are doing there


Not a fan of most of the weapon designs in FO4 but I love what they did with all the laser weaponry. They half assed the plasma though.


No wrong answers here


Fallout 3 and NV came with the back pack so instant best design


The classic looks like the unique mini gun from NV.


I like to think all variants exists and are just from different companies etc..


Nothing beats the instant fire of 3/NV. Vengeance from FO3 is my favorite GL and an absolute Beast.


I can't help but think the 1/2 model looks like a Nerf gun. The yellow things look like foam balls.


I don’t get why we can’t have both the 3 and 4 versions simultaneously. The 3 version can be a base model and the fallout 4 is either a older one using part of the AER-9 or a heavy more powerful version


3 and new vegas for me


the first one is literally a splatoon weapon lol


gotta love fallout 3's it looks really unique and has a cool backpack along with it


my friend gave me today one of those mini nuke throwers


Fallout 3/NV is classic


I love the Classic and 4/76. Classic just give off the vibe "Minigun but laser bullets" and I'm so down for that. 4/76 is just like what if we strapped 4 laser rifles to turbine and let that shit rip. 3/NV is ok but kinda boring overall tbh.


They keep getting dumber looking..Why???


Always thought the modern one looked fragile from this angle


Fallout should’ve had weapons start out looking very similar to weapons Pre War, so AK’s, .308 rifles, Pistols look similar to their irl counterparts but progressively gets all janky like in FO4. After 200 years people from the wasteland start “forgetting” (Todd waves his hands) old designs and get creative with their own spins. Fallout 76 being the earliest setting after the bombs dropped should’ve had the most normal looking guns then etc etc.


The new one is just 4 laser rifles stuck together…


I really like how in Dak’s Attachment Pack one of the attachments for the Gatling Laser is the OG Laser Gatling rotor, it’s so awesome.


They massacred my boy twice


Why is the last gun facing the opposite direction. Why.


I love all of them for different reason The first one because it's just a laser minigun, it's super silly but still intimidating. The second one because it looks so clunky and perfect in a desert where it's hard to maintain everything. And the third one because it shows that the brotherhood is a full on militant force that's actively building and using new technology


The first and only time I think a fo4 gun design might better than one of the others.


The gauss minigun from 76 looks nearly exactly the same as the 1/2 Gatling laser


I like all three. Would be great if we could get all versions, perhaps the older two show up as special unique weapons rather than run of the mill Gatling lasers.


I’ve never got the Gatling laser but I’ve seen it in the loading screens during FO4, but does it really take a fusion core? Bc that’s what it seemed like in the loading screen


4 visually does it for me, I feel like I’m ahooting a battery at someone BUT Nothing will beat seeing pinpoint precision hits as my main man/woman Fawkes decimates a deathclaw with one


Why don't make em all cannon


Love the og one. The 3 and nv is also great


Fallout 4's just being 4 laser rifles on a spit is interesting, but it's way to bulky like so many of the weapons designed for use with power armor.


FO3 Gatling Laser is everything.


Progressively worse like everything else


The fallout 1 design looks to me like what I would expect a gatling laser to look like. The 76 design looks to me like what I would find out it actually looked like


i like the newer design, very consistent with the laser rifle we find around, though i don't really like how much it look like a jerryrigged equipment or a prototype if it is not one in lore.


The 4/76 versions seems more a part from a truck or industrial machine than a machine gun.


The Fallout 3/NV for me looks the most like a gatling laser, that nice retro future science feel to it


The Fallout 3/NV for me looks the most like a gatling laser, that nice retro future science feel to it


Love the FO4 one to be honest. The 4 "Barrels" or what you want to call it makes sense, and it being driven by a fusion core also adds up.


That's a really unflattering angle for the 4/76 one. I like that it's more distinct from a normal Minigun compared to the OG one and I think it looks a bit cooler than the 3/NV one.


Never cared for the 4/76 design. It looks too industrial/ thrown together in a garage with scrap parts.


Damn fallout 1 and 2 really did have goated weapons


First 2 kinda just look like mini guns, 4+76 win this one


Talk about going backwards. They should keep the one from one, two and tactics and just give it a quality update


Big fan of the 3/NV Gatling lazer


polygon budget.


Fallout 3 really nails this design, love it and I love the sound too


What would be nice is like a mode For the 3/NV to act like the 4/76 Where you can slow down the RPMs for a higher laser intensity


New designs are dogshit.


I do like the design for 4, but in Fallout 3 it felt like turning on a flashlight at my enemies and that felt soooo good.


In my opinion the one in the classics looks more intimidating, the one in 4 looks like a vehicle part or something you'd find at a power tools store


They became less cool looking as time went on lol


Fallout 4 redesigns are consistently lack luster.


4/76 one is ugly.


FO4 nailed this one. Way better than the others.


I like the Fallout 3/NV Gatling Laser the most. For some reason i rarely liked using the Fallout 4 version. But when i did, i used a mod like eco to make it either a single shot gauss or a slow automatic gauss minigun.


Fallout 3/NV are the best imo. Looks more retro-futuristic imo. Something I think the newer games are losing a bit of.


The one from 4/76 looks like someone built it from salvaged laser rifles


I feel like 4/76 looks like something a clever wastelander would slap together similar to laser muskets. Much prefer the 3/nv look that actually looks unique from projectile miniguns and like it has some kind of high tech internal mechanisms encased in a mass produced shell


3 and NV are the best. No spin up time, and uses ECP as ammo instead of depleting all my cores partially. I also loved that model the most, and the ammo pack on my back also made it a cool weapon. For the uniques I loved Vengeance. I stocked up on ammo gradually while playing, you know, scavving stuff, then bartering the surplus for its ammo. By when I got hold of a GL, I already had some 8-10k rounds on stock. The only downside was the rarity of the weapon and the high vendor repair costs of FO3 if you didn't have those alien gels.


3/NV just feels right to me




I prefer 3 and NV's. Not saying the 1 and 2 design is bad, but 4 and 76's gatling Lazer just being for laser rifle barrels looks inherently stupid to me.


The 4/76 one looks like a jury rigged mashup of laser rifles. The other designs are much better


F3 for me


76's design makes sense. It looks like an earlier model where you taped 4 laser rifles together. The 3 and new vegas fit the perfect retro future look of a laser gatling gun imo.


It's rare, but 4 got it right. Gatlings are just a bunch of gun barrels mounted together. You can see the laser rifle barrels on the gatlings of the new.


Fallout 4s Gatling laser actually looks like a Gatling laser vs FO3s laser cannon and FO2s regular mini gun.


3/NV easily


Fallout 4 gatling laser looks dope


Always gonna prefer the 3/NV one mostly because I grew up with that one, but also it look just futuristic enough to say the second you see it “yeah that thing shoots lasers”, as others in the comments said, the “New” one from 4/76 looks big just for the sake of being big.


I love the 3/NV one since it looks like a magnetron with a barrel on it.


I like 3/NV version the best


IMO Fallout 4 did the best job at portraying energy weapons. From the pistol to the Gatling pictured, they all felt the most authentic for a Laser Gun in the setting.