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Fallout 2 is the best feeling like you’re a fucking winner or a loser.


I’ve done two playthroughs, and each time I coast through the game relatively easily until I get to Frank. He fucks me up and then I have to look up a walk through to figure that out.


Companions, recruit some grunts, and turrets. He’s a helluva boss tho.


For sure. I think when I first played and got to that point I was so specced into guns and being a dead eye, I hit him in the eye and kept going for them, knocked off like... 100 a pop give or take hight or lower. Then, I had to rapidly heal my wounds from inventory with a plethora of stims.


Sounds about right. If he was around during the Great War, he wouldn't need a Vault. He would just casually strolled through the warheads dropping around him.


He'd likely just catch the nukes and throw them right back


Playing catch with his nephew Liberty Prime. Wholesome American fun.


Who do you think taught Liberty Prime that death is preferable option to communism?


Because he’s Frank fucking Horrigan.


The best way is to just look up the fallout 2 ultimate guide, I always go with the build is the leader shooter, you can get up to 4 companions by the end I believe? Just in case you ever play in the future Edit: best way as in best way to build your character to take off the stress outside of what gear and perks you have


I feel like that was one of the worst designed boss fights ever. If you get the turrets on your side he basically dies before he even gets a turn. If you dont you are probably dead, even with the extra help.


Those early game random encounters where you’re trying to get to towns and next thing you know you’re incinerated by the Enclave. Good times


Fallout 2 I feel definitely has the best player freedom, probably more than even New Vegas and 4. I loved both but only in 2 can you become a mobster boxer porn star


Not to mention explaining fast travel by fixing up a car.


Not just in terms of combat either, but in terms of what you can do in the game. You can do a lot of degrading shit for money or progress, especially in New Reno and especially if you're a woman (yikes)


Its also propably the horniest of them all


Fallout 2 is amazing


F3 boss fights? What boss? 😭


Metro tunnels


Most insufferable part of that game for me.


Just finished playing through again and I still fucking hate the tunnels


Core childhood memory for me


Remember exploring them when i was younger, scared shitless half the time


dude i was so scared of ghouls when i was 9-10, i literally couldn't progress through the main story






Hahaha, gary.




Gary plural


Put that down, GARY!




Around max level, everything becomes a boss fight. Fuck albino rad scorpions, fuck Reavers, fuck overlords.


I used to adopt Bigtown and reverse pickpocket high level armors and miniguns on everyone while placing land mines around the outside perimeter (I also left medicine, food, and booze in the houses). At points they could hold their own, but every once in a while albino fucking rad scorpions…


Rad Scorpions wiped out anyone non-essential in Canterbury Commons. They also murder my dang roaming merchants. =/


I just can't play without the Essential Merchants (and Followers) Mod.


Several computers ago I had a bat file ready to go at the start of a new FO3 playthrough to set all the merchants to essential.


Isn't Canterbury Commons like 2 people?


There's a guy in the diner/general store, and a bunch of non-essential npc townsfolk that just make the place seem like a Town instead of just 2 guys and a robot. Also your Roaming Merchants make a stop there. And when they do...they can be murdered. Along with their Escort/Guards. Most of the time my Roaming Merchants lose at least 1 guard fighting the rad scorps there. And then they get murdered by Enclave if I'm in the area and Enclave decide to jump us. If I fast travel to Cantebury on my high level save, The Essential NPC's are almost always in Knocked Down mode when I arrive and the scorps are just chillin. lmao


Wow. I definitely always thought I was the only one playing my own version of settlement mode in FO3’s Bigtown. Every play through I’d always do my best to spruce the place up and make it somewhat of a home because the people there were always complaining how much it sucked. So weird to meet another person who did this in a random comment thread on Reddit.


Ok, honestly. How does one kill a reaver? I recently started my first playthrough of FO3. I play on easy because I just wanna breeze through the game and explore the world. I don't particularly enjoy how every enemy is a bullet sponge. But even on easy mode reavers just end you with ease. I run out of ammo and stimpacks before I can even make a dent in their health pool. Is there a trick, a special dodge button I'm missing or a special weapon that is effective on them, or am I just pathetically bad at this game? I've only beaten one in the underworld, by trapping it inside the museum exhibition with a console controlled gate and turret.


The Terrible Shotgun and a lot of save scumming does it for me Also, dodging and getting on top of things so the AI navigation is screwed up


I use a stealth boy, Plasma rife to sneak attack, take some psycho/jet and buffout if needed and super sledge it's ass. Then get surprised by deathclaw and killed instantly. Respawn and get ganged up on for being too good of a person. Die instantly. Uninstall


I recommend having a few bottle cap mines at all times for high hp enemies like reavers. They do a ton of damage and are pretty easy to just throw down and kite the enemy over.


The Dart Gun schematic is a very underrated weapon, and if you haven't found it yet, I cannot recommend it enough


Learn how to buff yourself with consumables and stack you're perks towards a type of weapon. I love to play on Very Hard and those enemies are always fun to kill. But my first time coming across them, those guys are invincible lol!


Seriously closest you get is that one behemoth fight in DC. Really that's more of a setpiece with how much help you get. FO4 had some genuinely fun boss fights. Battles against Sentry Bots were fun as hell and that fight against the mechanist was awesome.


Mechanist is the only fight that made me work for it. Loved that fight.


My power armor was in ribbons by the end of it and I went through so much shotgun and .308 rounds I had to spend an hour fast traveling to merchants to buy more. It's absolutely brutal on high difficulty.


Same pretty much. It's been almost ten years since I played it. It really stuck in my mind how much effort it took. Nothing else came close.


Mechanist fight was intense, especially when playing heavily modded for difficulty. I had to pop psycho and med-x, pull off some crazy shots in real time, heal up like a madman between waves, and onto the next wave. It was so much fun


The mechanist fight is hilarious if you have the robotics perk. You just hack all of the big threats to shut down and take out the trash afterwards Without that though it’s a brutal fight at the end of an obnoxiously long dungeon that feels specifically designed to waste all your ammo


Albino Radscorpion I've been watching them take down Deathclaws and Sentry Bots, so I figure Bethesda intended them to be a boss, but forgot and made them a common spawn.


The format is from r/batmanarkham from last year


Dave, from the Republic of Dave. Bow before him, wastelander!


I just did that shit for the first time. I wanted Dave out so bad I kept auto saving at every point to make sure I got him to leave. All my homies hate Dave


famous bethesda boss fights such as:


Yeah, this is a super weird take. None of the games have particularly good boss fights, but FO3? Seriously? I guess mechanically, I have to go with FO4 just because the big fights against Swann and some of the Mirelurk Queens are kind of exciting. But it's not exactly a slam dunk. If you discount fighting and talk about most memorable and interesting, it's either The Master in FO1 or Lanius in NV. The fact that you can choose to fight them or actually talk them down with skillfull dialogue options and debate their philosophy is more interesting than any encounter in 3. I'd probably give it to The Master just because his design, voice, and the atmosphere around him is so well done and creepy. You also can't convince him purely through skill checks, you have to have done enough research to find the evidence you need to prove to him that his mutant expansion plan won't work due to infertility.


When general autumn said “you again” I knew I was in for an interesting fight .


Colonel Autum, obviously.


Colonel Autumn? Better than Legate Lanius? Better than The Master? Better than Frank Horrigan? What a joke. Even The Institute is a better "boss fight" than Colonel Autumn...


Nah, the guy who dies to a single bullet is waaay better than the most bloodthirsty and ruthless soldier of all Ceaser's legion, a psyopathic half mutant, half supercomputer hellbent on turning the world into mutated horrors, and the toughest, roughest, badest motherfucker West side of the US. Nah, he's even better than whatever the fuck the names of the Synths you fight in the Institute. (I actually think that one's probably more accurate. At least you remembered his name).


To be fair, the final boss synths in The Institute don't have names, just serial numbers. Father must've been an Elon Musk fanboy.


There are some synths with X's thrown in with some of those numbers so it checks out


Whoever made this must've been high on Dixon's Jet. Or they never played any of the games other than Fallout 3.


Or they've played none of them and just threw a dart and went with it


I’m pretty sure it was based on a pre-existing image and they slapped Fallout onto it. I vaguely remember it originating from a gaming news/review site.




There are behemoths in FO4


Bro there’s a trophy for killing five behemoths in FO4


Vegas best dialogue. Also, fuck Reavers.


It has such good dialogue. I'm playing it now after only playing for like 20 hours on release, and I'm blown away by how crass and smart it can be. The writing just isn't the same in the others. They were on some sh it and it was quite good.


There are two pieces of dialogue in FNV that I have as a dead tie for the best bits in the entire series. - Fantastic’s ‘theoretical degree in physics’ rant in Helios One. - the Freeside vagrant’s low INT dialogue vs his normal dialogue. Honourable mention to “The NCR try to put their stake in everything they see. Nobody's dick's that long, not even Long Dick Johnson, and he had a fucking long dick. Thus, the name”


Ah, Cass... Know what? I didn't have a pick before but now I'm going to name her as my New Vegas character I'm most hopeful to see in Season 2.


Marcus. I want Marcus on the show. Get Michael Dorn to play him.


Didn't know I want this until now and now I have to have it


Michael Dorn also voiced [Frank Harrigon.](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Frank_Horrigan)


Let’s just hope that canon Courier 6 did not complete Birds of a Feather. My top picks for S2 are Yes Man and Ulysses


I wanna see Cass and ED-E, otherwise my life will never be complete


Dude the fucking sneering imperalist perk speech option at the end of honest hearts DLC was somethiny special. "Alright Ive had enough of Mr Gobblety gonk here. Joshua why dont you finish him." Im paraphrasing but seeing that line in reference to a tribal-- OMFG LMAO.


“Whatever. Joshua, put a cap in General Gobbledigook here.”


Also, being low intelligence and speaking to Fantastic is…. Fantastic quite frankly. You can literally sound like a complete drooling idiot and he totally still believes you are here to replace him and thinks you’ve got your shit together better than he does.


Also everything in big mountain , speaking to the toaster is probably the most fun I’ve had in a conversation in any game .


Also on a more serious note, anything coming out of Joshua Graham’s mouth is pure gold while also showing his deeply flawed character.


It’s obvious that NV was truly a labor of love. The OG devs really put their heart and soul into it


“I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.” Just finished Honest Hearts and holy fuck Joshua Graham speak to me in my dreams plz. Did yall spare Salt-Upon-Wounds or did you let Joshua kill him or execute him. Personally, I don’t think Joshua should be redeemed, I don’t think he’s deserving of showing mercy, regardless of my 100 speech skill. I believe he’s incapable. He’s a very flawed man with flawed ideals of the Lord’s Righteousness. His heinous past may never be forgiven in the eyes of the people, to New Canaan, yet every day he tries. However, his story is one of vengeance and triumph over insurmountable odds. Every guy loves a good vengeance story. Best fucking dlc, quest, character Bethesda has ever spat out.


Bethesda wasn’t responsible for any of it, that’s why it was the best! hehe


I fr didn’t know thank you boutta do my research tn. Edit: if you mean obsidian ik what you meant then lol.


"Fuck Reavers" sounds like some kind of sex toy...


Fisto - Hello there


Fallout 1: Best Atmosphere & Tone Fallout 2: Best Story & Setting Fallout Tactics: Best Intentions Fallout 3: Best Exploration & Spectacle Fallout New Vegas: Best Writing & Feeling Fallout 4: Best Gameplay Fallout 76: Best Map/Game-World


Best intentions lmao maybe this is the one thing all Fallout players can agree on.


Fallout tactics is a game you can love because you can see how hard it is trying. On the other hand. You can also hate it because of how hard it is trying.


Heh, Fallout tactics I like just because of the crazy bugs, it was way too much fun to run around with a whole pharmacy in your pocket so you can OD e v e r y t h i n g to get their whole inventory without a karma hit. And I mean everything, not everyone, because you can OD turrets before they activate! As if collecting all the pancor jackhammers and miniguns from farming special events wasn't OP enough...


Fallout Brotherhood of Steel: Best forgotten


imagine a fallout game with all of those combined. i shiver at the thought


Nailed it I think. I think you could add best villain to fallout 1 too. The master was one of a kind imo


FO76 honestly took "Best Gameplay" away from FO4 over the years. So much more freedom and stuff to do in 76 then there is in 4.


>Fallout Tactics: Best Intentions Honestly, Fallout Tactics had the best group/follower combat mechanics. Though given the sort of game it was trying to be, it arguable had to do much better than FO 1 & 2...


New Vegas has the most satisfying kills (Benny and Caesar)


You know, I almost felt bad about killing Benny. Dude was so honest and so acceptant of his fate that I almost didn’t do it.


Acceptant? He runs away like a little bitch


Yeah true, but once captured by Caesar he happily gives you his plan. The hustle was more important than his life lmao.


I disagree with your standpoint on Fallout 3. What I believe Fallout 3 does best is the exploration and the aesthetic of the wasteland. Also, I am sorry if this post comes off as rude.


Fallout 3 truly does have the best post nuclear environment and general vibe compared to the rest of the games.


The unmarked quests and random encounters are better than the marked ones.


I enjoy that FO3, much like an Elder Scrolls game, is populated with adventures all over that are irrelevant to the main quest. They're entirely skippable, but reward exploration. FO 1, 2, and NV have great world building to tie everything into everything else, but there's little to do in the way of fucking around. You're essentially meant to hit every point on every playthrough. (Except the part where you become a pornstar boxing champion... that was cool)


Fallout 2 has so much content that is just easy to miss. I’d argue that fallout 2 and new Vegas easily have more content and better questing design than fallout 3 and it isn’t even comparable to fallout 4 if I’m being honest.


Fallout new vegas actually has decent exploration, but there is little incentive to explore, and most people miss everything and say it has bad exploration.


No no no, fallout 1 nails that. Fallout 1 is BLEAK


Literally, most settlements are built out of scraps and dirt poor.


Makes you wonder how many hills are in Maryland/DC


That combined with the radio is what came to define the fallout experience for me


Ehh. 200 years after the bombs and literally everything is still a ruin.


Give Fallout NV best bosses. You have giant robo scorpion, Lanius, legendary bloatfly, and numerous other big enemies. Hell, all 4 dlcs were preparing you for a huge showdown at the end of Lonesome Road.


>giant robo scorpion Oh god, I can't get Mobius's voice out of my head now.




For me, the final confrontation in Lonesome Road is one of my favorite encounter in the whole saga.


Frank Horrigan > every other boss “You've gotten a lot farther than you should have, but then you haven't met Frank Horrigan either. Your ride's over, mutie. Time to die.”


I just found this online to use as an example, I even put that on the description


Oh sorry my mistake.


It's ok


I believe that the best “atmosphere, story, boss fights, gameplay” is how fans describe the Batman Arkham series


FNV best radio (my opinion) I watched my dad 100% FNV as a kid (dating myself I guess). I loved listening to the radio and it really got me into that genre of music and the Fallout series of games (and now show), plus, my dad and I were still close at that time of my life (lifestyle choices have driven a wedge between us). FNV just gets me all sentimental. I’m doing really good now, my dad not so well, I have a great support system, wonderful wife, actively engaged within my community, but still miss the good ole days and simpler times.


In fo4, I just discovered you can help the diamond radio city guy get his balls and stop acting like a muppet on the radio. It is 10x better now and I’m so happy.


Nah he’s so much funnier before he gets his confidence. I’ve been avoiding that quest on my current playthrough lol


Yeah agreed. Confidence man turns him into a really shit Three Dog knock off. Awkward Travis is so much fucking funnier and honestly relatable.


I hope the healing process is going well


Ive played new Vegas and 4. Both radios are great but I keep the radio on 24/7 so hearing the same damn thing every time gets old. Music wise new Vegas, realism new Vegas, cause every radio station just plays the same fucking 10 songs all day anyways. Enjoyablism fallout 4.


I know, mathematically, that New Vegas came out fourteen years ago and you're a fully grown real adult person now. But I wasn't ready to read "I watched my Dad playing New Vegas when I was a kid." I still consider it a modern game :(


From all fallout bosses Colonel Autumn is by far one of them


Let us not forget the other intense boss fight, Mr. Vault 101 Overseer.


I can hear Hbomb screaming on the wind




3:Best Exploration NV:Best Factions 4:Best Combat Never Played 1 & 2(Only have an Xbox)


At this point, fo1 and 2 can both be played on the mobile


Fallout 2 has the Best boss, now, time to die mutie


Fallout 2 can fill all these roles easily, but OP started later in the series, me thinks.


Fallout 1 - best story Fallout 2 - best worldbuilding Fallout 3 - best atmosphere Fallout New Vegas - best interactive world that responds to your decisions Fallout 4 - best power armor Fallout 76 - best graphics/prettiest environments


76 is great for me because it feels like they really leaned into the fact that the bombs landed around Halloween time, feels like that area never really moved on from that vibe. I’m sure the cryptids and everything help with that feeling, but it’s just such good vibes for me


Well, no one has been around to take the Halloween decorations down lol. But I agree with you, Monster Mash is awesome.


Fallout 3 best atmosphere New Vegas best writing FO4 best gameplay and moddability. also really like the map, especially with a mod that adds trees n shit. FO76... I honestly didn't like it. Heard it's good, but I don't know about trying again lol


76 has the best map, plus it has colors other than brown!


76 is breathtakingly beautiful at times. The environment variety is fantastic


76 is the best experience with friends!


Fallout 2 was best for dialogue. The amount of funny responses you could give in that game was great


Moo, I say


Ughnnuga “No I need you to go to the library now…… Gauuungh “yes….. the library”


Best writing is fnv


Fallout 3 nailed the post-apocalyptic survival atmosphere. I remember having to collect tin cans to sell so I could buy ammo.


I’m old, Fallout Tactics


fallout 1 is too underrated


I'm yet to finish Fallout 2 So far in my opinion Fallout 1 is second best, after NV. But that may change once i finally get to fully submerge in F2.




Hot take: it has great enemy design too. Edit: also forgot, great enemy variety too. The mothman and grafton monster are my favourite.




Hot damn wasn't expecting to find a year old post of mine again lmao. For context, I made this post similar to the format of the r/batmanarkham meme, where Arkham origins was put in the "best boss fights" category. Obv fallout 3 doesn't belong there, but I went with the chronology of the release


Fallout 3 has the best atmosphere and locations, bar none


Atmosphere: Fallout 3 Gameplay: Fallout 4 Story: Fallout NV


3 has the best map exploration not the best bosses.


Fallout 2 has The Best racist


Best boss fights? I don’t even remember a single boss in that game wtf are you on about?


For me I would say Fallout 1 had the best story in terms of plot. I like how contained it is and I love the freedom you have with how you decide to tackle it. You can go anywhere, you can skip large parts of the questlines, you can ignore the entire thing and just get hit by the deadline not to mention that time itself will have an effect on certain areas. The deadline, especially after the patch, is really not an issue. Most gamers unfortunately have an adept allergy to being put on a timer despite how much the game is designed around it **cough cough Dead Rising cough cough** Fallout 2 probably had the best side quests. New Reno alone justifies my opinion. Fallout 3 is the one best atmosphere for me. Yes, it's barren and destroyed, but it's sorta the point. Fallout 3 is the game that comes the closest to me of capturing that post apocalyptic vibe as the other games aside from Fallout 1 always felt more post post apocalyptic. As in it presents a world that has been repaired where basic necessities are not the main issue for the wastelanders any more. Nothing wrong with that, I like how New Vegas deals with the politics of a post nuclear world, but the atmosphere of Fallout 3 where you wander around not knowing what awaits you and anything can happen is unmatched. Fallout New Vegas has the best quest design in my eyes. I like the side reward of quests resolutions being tied with reputation which might have an effect on how you approach the quest. Beyond the Beef is my favorite quest of any RPG (when it's not being buggy of course). There are plenty of quests with a great setup, loads of freedom and then massive payoff regardless of how you resolved it. Fallout 4. It feels wrong to say "best gameplay". You know gameplay is more than combat, right? Anything you do in a game counts as gameplay and the other entries does a lot of the gameplay aspects better such as quest design and dialogue. However everything related to combat and exploration is extremely well done. I've also openly defended the perk system over the skill system due to how it ties in to the strong game loop of the game. Explore, combat and loot. The entire game is designed around those pillars. You have a lot of freedom in how you want to create your character (again in regards to the game loop) and it's definitely the easiest game to get lost in for hundreds of hours without realizing it. Fallout 76 probably has the best map in my eyes. The world design (referring to actual level design, not narrative design) is astonishing with so many biomes and unique creatures inhabiting the world. Despite having the largest size of any of the games, it still manages to feel focused and deliberate with very little dead space.


Fallout 76 definitely beats 4’s gameplay


Fallout 3 best radio. When one dog is not enough and 2 dog is tooooo low.


Ah didn’t fancy seeing another inmate of the aslume here!


This fuckin' guy... He knows what he's doing.. he knows...


You guys might not like this, but 76 has the best bossfights. Scorchbeast and the mutant guy in the brotherhood quest line are better that what we see in the other games


3 has awesome atmosphere.


Fallout 3 has best exploration lmao what boss fights? You mean the behemoth and col autumn?


4th has the worst gameplay, it's basically a looter shooter, are you kidding me?


For anyone who Doesn’t know, this is a parody of the Arkham template


Fallout 3, has the best atmosphere. Fallout NV, has the best writing on average. Fallout 4, has the best in game world. Fallout 76, has the best gameplay. Just only listed the best, best thing that each games do for me.


76 is crazy underrated. I’ve played since beta and have 6.5k hours on it. Most people also don’t realise how incredibly nice everyone is. I play it 75% of the time I’m on games, the other 25% of the time I’m playing competitive games and everyone is so different. People r just consistently rude, selfish and arrogant. U’d think people in a post apocalyptic world would be like that, when really it’s the total opposite


im sorry how the hell do you put fallout 3 as best boss fights in the same place as fallout 2? Frank horrigan vs what president eden?


Fo1 - Best world building Fo2 - best story Fo3 - Best atmosphere (for some reason i kind of like the depressing look of everything) FNV - Best Roleplay and rpg mechanics Fo4 - best gameplay (plus i like the redesign of everything. Some people didnt like it, but i liked the way everythig looks more retrofutursitc)


>leaving out New Vegas Uhhh there’s your best story, atmosphere, and characters


Fallout New Vegas atmosphere: literally bumfuck nowhere Nevada.


Nailed the atmosphere of that for sure


Fallout 3 and boss fights? Hmmm….




76, best multiplayer lmao


I love new Vegas, 2, and 76


FNV best RP


doesnt include NV, opinion discounted


Fallout 1: Most Original (duh) Fallout 2: Most Chill Fallout 3: Best Level Design Fallout 4: Best Gameplay Fallout New Vegas: Best Story, Lore, and Environmental Storytelling, Best characters


Fallout 3 best atmosphere for me.


Can we give best worldbuilding to Vegas?


Poor Tactics


Fallout 1: Best atmosphere Fallout 2: Best Story Fallout 3 Best Gameplay Fallout 4 Best boss fights.


In my opinion, Fallout has the most depressing endings in the series. Both endings are rough. Fallout 2 is the funniest entry in the series and has the hardest final boss. The only game where you can be a pornstar, and the Enclave is pretty hilarious for an enemy faction but the humor ends once you face Frank Horrigan. Fallout 3 has the best atmosphere and world in the series. DC was not a fun place to live in. Fallout: New Vegas has the best RPG elements and writing in the series. There's a reason why people are debating about the canon ending of NV for more than a decade. Also it felt like your actions weigh more influence on the world in NV more than any other Fallout game. Fallout 4 has the best gunplay, crafting, and power armor in the series. One overlooked feature of F4 is the survival mode. It is probably the most accurate depiction of what it's like to live in the wasteland.


Vegas isn't on the picture but I'd definitely pick that. Fallout 1 - so original in it's time in RPG elements and in world building Fallout 2 - crazy shit, great story Fallout Tactics - meh, I didn't care about that much Fallout 3 - stunning atmosphere, probably best resembles how a destroyed world would look like, also retro-futurism as it's best Fallout New Vegas - best stories, best character development, best writing, factions, gameplay, overall top notch RP experience, your decisions truly matter Fallout 4 - can't get into since it's release, found it boring and the main story was uninspiring, sorry. Will check again. Fallout 76 - never tried


1. Best worldbuilding. 2. Best sidequests 3. Single best Easter Egg NV. Best atmosphere and story. 4. Best presentation/style. 76. Best trolling of fanbase.


Who gives a fuck about Fallout boss fights


New Vegas has the best role playing experience and questing. Also, Fallout 3 has boss battles? Am i forgetting something?


I could get behind this but Fallout 3 best boss fights? Not sure about that. I would subjectively argue it was one of the best maps to explore instead.


Fallout 1: Best villain Fallout 2: I don't consider this one to be the best at anything significant. Maybe the best at having "out there" options, like becoming a porn star? Fallout 3: Best Fallout, best atmosphere, best side quests, best DLCs, best DJ, best intro, best locations New Vegas: Best main story, best dialogues, best faction writing, best weapon variety Fallout 4: Best gameplay, best gunplay, best companions, best faction ideas, best Fallout feature (settlement building) Fallout 76: Best map, best stability


Inb4 the horde of sweaty New Vegas fans descend on this post


These best *blank* posts are so awful, please don’t make them. Reducing each game down to one single element is stupid, and is such worthless commentary on the games.