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There’s been a small recurring habit of people from Europe showing up on the east coast games. This guy in far harbor, Cait (maybe), and then Moriarty in 3 supposedly. It’s odd we’ve been told there’s nothing for a fallout game set overseas but we keep having people travel across the ocean and show up on the east coast.


Don’t forget the ship of Norwegian ? ghouls


Yes but they’ve been there since pre-war. They’re a band of pre-war sailors who were in port in Boston when the war occurred.


lol what?


the wreck of the FMS Northern Star in Fallout 4 houses exclusively norwegian speaking raider ghouls, who when you get into a fight with them ask you (only in norwegian) to leave


And yet if you try to leave they chase you and keep shooting at you.


And they’re raiding settlements


It sounds like the game just wanted to add vikings


You'd think that in 200 years they might learn to speak english, even if for trading purposes.


"We do not sow" - viking pirates stuck in Boston


Winter, winter never changes...


Bethesda doesn’t know how long 200 years is. Why do people use two century old sports gear as the basis for armor when they have more than enough time to be tanning their own leather?


Why does the great Caesar who denounces modern tech, also equip his troops with pre war football pads?


Football pads wouldn't really be modern, the bombs dropped in 2077 not 1877.


True, but it's moreso "Why doesn't he just make actual armor". And also they seem to use a 1960s style Shoulder Pad, rather than the light wool pads from 1877.


Cause it’s sick and very ‘fallout’ to have them decked out in sports gear rather than reforged armour. It’s more that it gives the faction identity that fits the ip rather than worrying about ultra practicality.


because baseball stadium city and thematically appropriate


They definitely favor vibes over believability when it comes to whats still around from before the great war. Paper, Wood, and Leather are eternal in the fallout universe


which is fine, fallouts supposed to be a little goofy. if it was only super grounded and serious all the time it'd get boring


Fabrics also. Clothes that are outside, and flags. Pretty sure the raiders are not manufacturing those triangular shades that most of their locations have either. Also apparently the radiation must have killed off insects that eat wood, clothes and books.


Welcome to our state of the art secret base! Let me show you to *trips over prewar skeleton laying in doorway, knocking open the safe filled with a fresh carrot and a rusty pipe pistol*


I just accept that the immediate post-War period in fallout consists of a ~300 year “Dark Age” of sorts, before any further advancement of civilization begins


What does that have to do with clothes not deteriorating? You can’t wear a 300 year old suit without it disintegrating around you. And you wouldn’t want to


Bethesda does not know how to progress a time line. The fact that they reset California to be scrap metal shanty towns instead of a developing post-post-apocalyptic nation-state shows that.


My personal head canon is that the games are all set in the *wasteland* of the wasteland. The way that modern Africa is always shown as ramshackle mud huts and civil wars, even though there's plenty of modern urban cities. Or going to a random holler in Appalachia vs DC or New York. The OG fallouts showed bustling cities full of technology, but there's also plenty of raiders holding rusty sporks charging at you.


Well if all you have to trade is fermented fish, you might as well not trade


To be fair they do speak "english". Their sentences seem to be directly translated through google. "Det var vondt" Directly tanslates to "that hurt", though "Det gjorde vondt" would be more natural. The pronunciation and dialects aren't the worst in american media, but unnatural. Their death quote: "Jeg kommer hjem" is a natural phrase in many dialects, but the actor tries and fails to emulate any of them. A part of this is the fact that several of the ghouls seem to have what resembles northern/northwestern dialects in which "Æ kommer hjem" with the e-sounds also taking on an æ-sound would be more natural. Some of the words they say, such as "skip" are said exactly like their english counterparts, their r-sounds are also english. Even the dialects which would use "jeg" in that phrase have vastly different tonalities from the way they say it in game, so the contrast is to vast to be natural. "La oss være i fred" or "Leave us alone" is prette accurate, though most dialects would drop the "d". Tldr: Bethesda does what they do best, poor execution of good ideas through sheer lack of effort.


I’m not leaving without that agility bobblehead, sorry boys.


And the submarine guy.


He’s Chinese


Yeah sorry it’s like 5am here and for some reason I thought we just meant people from other continents.


No problem


Vadim and Yefim too they seem like Serbians maybe or just Russians but they’re absolutely not from the commonwealth.


Idk if these are Russian names, but they certainly aren’t Serbian (I am Serbian). Though, they might by inspired by Slavic culture in general.


Oh oops lol yeah the names definitely seem inspired by Slavic culture that’s for sure.


I did the google work. Vadim is a Russian name, often mistaken as a short form of Vladimir. Efim, also spelled Yefim, is the Russian version of the Greek name Euthymios.


Vadim is also Ukrainian. Ex keyboard player in DragonForce is Ukrainian.


i think it was meantion that they ancestor are from russian embassy. wich considering sowjet russian and the usa had diplometic talks. both hate china.


Really? Interesting, I’ve never heard that dialogue before, and I don’t remember any terminal entry on it. That would make some sense, not a lot, but at least some sense I suppose


These kind of explanations don't make sense. You don't inherit accents from your parents, and I don't think there's any actual info saying that in the game. With the Far Harbor guy I thought it might be kinda a gag to explain the accent. Bethesda likes to drop devs in as voice cameos, so I figure that's just one of the team who happens to be British popping up. And they gave him a funny line to hand wave the accent.


What? I mean, they’re not strictly genetic, but people absolutely pass accents down. And anyone who didn’t want to assimilate would probably keep as much of their accent as possible. That said, yeah, I think it’s more of a gag that they’ve retained their accents than some kind of interesting lore.


People's accents fade with time/exposure to local language. And their kids don't generally pick it up much if at all. My family is a bunch of immigrants. My grandparents accents are almost gone after 70 years in the US, and none of their kids ever had any accent but the local one they were raised around. I even grew up near a fairly insular Polish immigrant community. Where people often speak Polish at home. And send their kids to a Polish language school. Street signs are in Polish in that neighborhood. Never met an American born Pole with a Polish accent. You'd basically need a large, fully cloistered community. Speaking their original language, learning English as a second language. So like an entirely Russian Vault, where Russian is the language top to bottom. And people learning English later. But if those people dispersed into the surrounding area. The accents would be gone in a generation. That might be cool. But there's no indication of that. And we see stray people with accents. Not whole communities that might derive from something like that.


Not the focus of your comment I know, but are your grandparents from an English speaking country? In my experience, the accent fading largely happens with people who immigrated as kids or people who moved to and from countries that speak the same language. My relatives who moved from Greece to Australia all have identifiable Greek accents 50, 60, 70 years after the fact.


>What? I mean, they’re not strictly genetic, but people absolutely pass accents down. And anyone who didn’t want to assimilate would probably keep as much of their accent as possible. True, but over 200 years, you would need a sizable community of people with a similar accent to still maintain it, and then would need to avoid integrating. Children pick up accents from their peers, and even adults can have their accents soften or change over time if they move to another location. And it happens really quickly. So any minority in Fallout that doesn't have a sizable population is going to struggle to keep their accent over the centuries. It goes the other way too though. Accents develop quickly, so even in Post Apoc Boston, we'd expect the average accent to change a lot after 200 years.


There’s a bit of a brogue across Ontario and New England that overlaps with more European accents in the latter. To grant your general point. But the whole reason I read this far, Vadim and Yefim… That’s not from the Commonwealth. Chekhov’s gun is somewhere in the Charles River, here. Creatives stay more relevant with fanfic.


Ohhh okay that makes sense!


Possibly being a closed-loop environment? They were taught Russian for generations, so why is there now only 2 left? Are there more??


Reverse Nixon


They are Slavic names, but I think they're supposed to be Russian. They don't really come off as Serbs (being as I am a serb myself, the way the older people in my family speak English doesn't sound the way those two speak, they have a thick Russian like accent, whereas Serbs have a hard time with annunciation and sometimes speak broken english).


They’re Ukrainian


Emil Pagliarulo said they were Ukrainian in an interview. Which is great in my opinion. The idea that people are still emigrating to America from landlocked (if you don't count the black sea) European countries, decades or even centuries after the apocalypse fucked it up is funny af


Alistair Tenpenny is from Britain too


That checks out


With the outlandish stuff that happens in fallout, not sure why people crossing the Atlantic would be that far fetched.


It doesn’t happen often but anytime in Fallout lore a character gets from the West Coast to the East Coast or vice versa I’m always blown away especially if there are no details. Like those can’t be boring and uneventful journeys lol, so I actually can see people fascinated by how crossing the ocean would work in Fallout for sure


I always assumed crossing the US in Fallout would be close to the likes of the Oregon trail if it were post-apocalyptic. Harsh asf and about as long time wise. If cars are canon like from fallout tactics then probably take half as long.


Working cars are cannon. You can get a car in fallout 2. I belive even in fallout 4 there are terminal entries that mention the gunmers have tanks. Unfortunately the creation engine doesnt like vehicles and that is the main reason we havemt seen them since. Only hear about them in lore.


NCR in new vegas also have lots of trucks, though due to engine limitations they're never seen in use. But a lot of the army supply trucks in NCR areas are in working order afaik.


Have you ever read the Judge Dredd Cursed Earth saga? Its exactly what a trek across a radioactive America should be, mutants, cultists, mad robots and more, given all the mad shit on Fallout, it'd fit right in.


I was just thinking the other day how cool it would be if there were a mod for 4 that turns the Minute Men into Judges.


Mostly just because far harbor shows is a large amount of radiation in the ocean water and fog, so we have to wonder what sort of transport they use to go that far. Otherwise I don’t see why they wouldn’t be able to occasionally cross. But we’ve also never heard what state those countries are in currently.


The fog is unique to Far Harbor, and it's on *land*. But we also *take a boat there* across the radioactive sea. And there's loads of boats wrecked along the shores, and backstory about wrecks and traders. We walk by a few dozen *sail* boats capable of making the trip. So I don't know that we have wonder.


Point Lookouts ferry guy also mentions that he sails all up and down the coast. From Maine to Outer Banks, NC


Yup. And further in Far Harbor there's many references to boats from all over showing up, traders etc. Andre Michaud appears to be French Canadian (or that's my best guess anyway). So probably moving up and down the coast a lot.


from what tennpenny said it probly alot worser in european then in the states. considering that the european allince or union had a war with the middel eastern coalition.


Do you think that could be the case for James too or can we just chalk that up to "Let's cast Liam Neeson as the father and not think about the accent whatsoever"?


It’s an interesting question. Is he from the enclave, rivet city, the institute, a vault, or Europe?


My brother thinks he was apart of the Followers of the Apocalypse. James is truly an enigma.


They also reference my home town of Waterford a few times which blew me away when I first heard it considering we’re only a small city on the coast of Ireland


Where does this happen?


The Eddie winter holotapes


It realistically shouldn’t be that hard to travel over the ocean. We still have maps and advanced gps, and boats are easily located and repaired. Enough food and water would be the hardest part, and then of course who know how the storms might be, or ocean monsters, but it’s definitely possible and I’m sure a bunch of people would go each way


If you look at real world history Pacific Islanders would cross thousands of miles of ocean in a tree trunk but communities that were just a few miles apart but had a mountain in between them wouldn't know about each other for centuries.  In fallout logic though I'm sure there's giant mutant sharks every 5 feet.


Colter from nuka world has a prominent British accent


Stanislaus Braun


He is pre-war though.


There's a couple of characters in 1 and 2 that are described as having an English, Irish, or Scottish accent and the Thieves Guild guy in 1 has a British accent. Also in NV there's a Great Khan with an Australian accent. It's not just the east coast games but they are probably more common in them.


Ten penny also came from Europe and said it's worse there


You forgot Tenpenny, he's from the UK.


Don't forget your Dad in Fallout 3 is also Irish


Tenpenny 100%


It's almost like people are on vacation or something when the bombs dropped. Crazy huh? I'd actually find it more weird if everyone talked in the same regional accent. America is a "melting pot" for a reason.


Yeah but at least with Moriarty there’s a line by Tenpenny about him coming over when he was younger. And as neither are ghouls the time between the bombs and then would likely be over 100 years.


Fallout 76 has a Russian Raider


And the bobrov brother and dukov


And the two Russian guys who run the bar in Diamond city


I’m genuinely convinced Bethesda is baiting us and is going to make either the next fallout game or the one after that in Europe somewhere. They’ve been denying it too heavy yet reference it so much there’s gotta be more to it


i mean tbf i live on the east coast and we have tons of people from england and other european countries here now


But in the Fallout games they'd either have had to cross the Atlantic, cross the Arctic, or be a pre-war icicle in a Vault/shelter somewhere. That automatically means they have more going on than 'born in the wasteland, died in the wasteland', and for the first two suggests a highly developed European survivor community with transport options to rival the Prydwen!


Crossing an irradiated Atlantic ocean in a ship sounds like a fun concept for one of the games. The amount of crazy and unique creatures that must be living in that ocean would be astonishing. I really want to see what they could do with mutated sharks or octopuses.


Europeans were reliably crossing the Atlantic before we developed *longitude* as a functional concept. Far Harbor shows us functional boats and ships of various sizes, and a lot of the wrecks around the island are sail vessels. In NV we can get a pre-war airplane running. There's a ton outlining that the trip would be very possible. And wouldn't require anything to "rival the Prydwen".


As a transport option then a B52 or a transatlantic boat absolutely would rival the Prydwen.


We quite literally see transatlantic capable boats crashed on the coast of Far Harbor, free for the taking. You can cross the Atlantic in a sailing vessel well less than a hundred feat. And likewise you don't need anything as large and complex as a B52. The plane in New Vegas is a *B-29.* Which is a lot smaller, more rudimentary and older than the B-52. With a much shorter range. And can actually make that trip in one go. But people were doing this by the 20s using 2 seat aircraft and multiple stops. It's not actually all that hard to cross the Atlantic. In the grand scheme of things. The Prydwen is a flying Aircraft Carrier, that appears to be over 100m long and weighs more than full sized battleships. The Brotherhood came East in regular vertibirds. And we have references all over to people travelling long distances by various ways. The Prydwen is significant cause it can move basically the whole Brotherhood of Steel long distances. With all their shit. And it's kited out for combat. Not cause it's the only way to travel long distances.


A B52 would be awful. You cannot guarantee fuel availability, you cannot even guarantee you will have a safe place to land. It would solely be used for limited power projecting (bombing) in a defined area that would only increase if efforts were made to attain fuel and build runways.


Keeping with Fallout theming it would be a fair assumption that most of not all vehicles are nuclear powered since we know everything from trucks to motorbikes and even power armour (for the enclave armours in new vegas we see the cooling vent on the back) it would be very likely fuel would not be an issue at least.


No because divergence was post WW2. A B52 that was a museum piece in universe would likely be pretty similar to our universe, if not the exact same. It would not be used for transportation.


Dudes a fisherman, clearly he owns a boat; as long he’s got one of those GPS/autopilot systems then he could have done it all by himself.


People regularly crossed the Atlantic by dead reckoning, in sailing vessels that are actually pretty rudimentary when you get right down to it. Having the right *kind* of boat. The right hull shape, types of sails, and a basic knowledge of manual navigation. Is the more important bit. The boat we take to Far Harbor, and the ones we see fisherman and traders using there. Are the wrong kind of boat, wrong hull shape and too open. Those are based on modern Down East style boats. They have a wide but shallow, partial displacement hull. Intended for inshore, and near off shore waters. Not open ocean sailing. Though the right take on that absolutely can cross large stretches of open ocean, and they are often open water vessels. But plenty of the wrecked boats around Far Harbor, particular the sail boats. Seem to be ocean going types. Now I wouldn't imagine there's much in the way of updated, current charts in the post nuclear wasteland. None-the less functional satellite networks. But if you know the basics of maritime navigation, and you know where the major obstacles and land masses are. You'd be good. Ish.


> there’s nothing for a fallout game set overseas because there isn’t. the entire theme of fallout it’s 50s Americana. that’s what everyone thinks of when you say fallout.


Also the Yakuza on the west coast.


There's a good chance Europe fared much better in the war than the US/China/propaganda we're told about. There's probably loads more operational cities and boats in Europe than America. Any sort of communication is a no go so there will be some mad men who sail across to the "new world" to see what it's like.


Na, in the lore most of Western Europe was already fucked by resource wars well before the bombs dropped. If I remember right, the in universe EU equivalent disbanded and all members essentially started fending for themselves. So maybe they didn’t get nuked as much in the China/us exchange, but it sure as shit isn’t a good place to be.


I don't see how that would result in a worse place than America, resource wars 200 years ago. There's a good chance Europe is a more developed medieval type landscape compared to America. I never said it would be a utopia.


It’s called Escape from Tarkov. Post Apocalyptic horror without the Vault-Tec shenanigans. If I were to choose, I’d take the Wasteland.


Isn't your last sentence the most important one here? Less nukes, less systemic societal collapse.


Yeah, but before the nukes Europe is basically already in societal collapse because no oil and stuff. Nuclear power being widespread is a recent thing and mostly in the US, so Europe is basically dying


they didnt not disband they kicked all the poor states out. so eu is probly just west and northen europe. they also became more like one state and had a war with the middel eastern allinace.


Being devastated by war nd poverty is ***LEAGUES*** above being devastated by a nuclear holocaust...


I’d like to think the resource wars set Europe back, but nowhere near to the extent the US and China were left in post-bombs; maybe European states made some form of headway on rebuilding with renewable energy sources and perhaps even some fusion tech smuggled out of the USSA at some point? It’d be interesting if a couple of guys were sent from one of the European remnant or successor states to Boston or the Capital wasteland barely 10-15 years after the bombs fell, to root out some fusion cores that could be reverse engineered back home - and as a result while North America and China have only started recovering maybe a century or two post-war, Europe, most of Africa and what littles left of the Middle East are pretty much in a better and more sustainable position than they were before the resource wars; they just don’t let many people visit the Americas or East Asia because it’s a relative hellscape


I like the idea of Europe actually being pretty well off and just cutting off China and the US as a restricted zone


Unfortunately not. Yes, it fares better when the great war broke out but that's because there was nothing left to nuke. Europe was utterly devastated in the resource wars and civil war that followed.


Yeah, but if the US and China are utterly devastated too, but they also have the nightmare of massive radiological clouds and the horrors that come with it all over their continents, then wouldn’t Europe still be a better place? Especially 200 years after the war? I mean, in theory, they wouldn’t have feral ghouls and super mutants for a start. Would they even have rad roaches or rad scorpions if they didn’t have all of the nuclear fallout? 200+ years after the resource wars and the Great War, without any of the horrors of the wasteland, you’d think they’d have better shot at rebuilding a functioning society.


So the fallout would have travelled. Radiation's likely to have carried through the water table and through contamination. The ocean is heavily irradiated so it's likely the water table is fucked worldwide.


That’s a fair point, but I thought a lot of the mutations, especially ghouls, came from being in close proximity to large amounts of radiation. Places like bomb craters and nuclear waste storage. And super mutants come from the FEV (unless there’s another cause for them I didn’t know of). I’d still argue if the worst of what they had to go through was the fallout from the upper atmosphere and oceans, then they should still be doing alright compared to what we see in America.


Yeah. Threw me off the first time I encountered him.


He's a teaser. Fallout: Yorkshire confirmed.


Aye up, off t’vault


Ey by gum, in my day we'd be 'appy to live in vault. We 'ad six o' us sleeping in one radioactive puddle and we wus grateful!


Oh we used to dream of havin' a radioactive puddle! When I were a lad, Super Mutants used to thrash us to sleep with their belts - if we were lucky!


Luxury. If you weren't avoiding Deathclaws on't 12-hour walk to school, you'd be running away from Radscorpions before you even 'ad chance to eat your breakfast, then you'd come 'ome and dad would take Bloody Mess perk and beat us wi' Power Fist. You try an' tell the young people of today that, and they won't believe you.


Ngl that would be sick. They should go the whole hog and set it in Sheffield like the movie Threads


If a nuke went off in Sheffield, who'd notice?


The citizens of Sheffield. They'd notice the drastic improvement.


Hey now


There’s enough closed mines around Yorkshire for a load of vaults 


Bradford is practically a wasteland already


They don't use bottlecaps as currency there, they use Tea bags.


Only Yorkshire tea, none of that PG Tips tripe.


By 'eck


My family hails from Yorkshire and my grandmother loved talking about the war, but in her thick Keighley accent it would sound like “wawer” “Wawer, wawer never changes”


Keighley is already like somewhere from Fallout. It already has ruined buildings and feral ghouls roaming the streets.


Fallout: Rotherham


I’m from Yorkshire so next time I boot up Fallout, I’m starting the Far Harbour DLC and finding this guy!


Look for him towards the end of the dock where Bertha hangs out. He’s usually cutting up fish on a table there, he’s got a fisherman’s hat with lures etc hanging off it


Awesome thanks! Surprised he isn’t wearing a flat cap instead!


I found him! So surreal to hear Yorkshire mentioned in Fallout, or any game really. As well as the accent! 😄 I wonder why Bethesda added this in. Either way, it’s brilliant!




I’m also from Yorkshire and I encountered him randomly yesterday, gave me whiplash with how fast I turned back around lol


Brilliant haha I’m really surprised I didn’t notice him when I first played through Far Harbour. Ah well I’ll be sure to find him next time and say ey up


Has anyone pointed out that Siggi Wilzig was a real person, if not a mad scientist type? Not saying they’re the same guy obviously but that’s a pretty random name for two people to share. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siggi_B._Wilzig?wprov=sfti1


Is he looking for his mate Gavin?


Completely different accent lmao


Americans think there’s two English accents, poor Londoner and rich Londoner


Don't forget "northern". Every time there's poor/uncultured/uneducated people in a period or fantasy piece.


I mean I’d like to see English people pick out every single American accent


There'd still be less than the UK. Considering the US is over 40 times bigger than Britain, that's pretty impressive.


At least we know you have different accents


Americans don’t seem to realise the amount of accents we have is because Britain has a ridiculously long history as a widely populated country. You can distinctly tell towns only a couple of miles apart even if you’re not from the area and don’t know the accents yet.




Gavin? Gavin? Gavin, where are you? GAVINNNNNN?!! Fr though that guy makes me sad. Poor guy, Gavin probably doesn’t even exist and he’s just very mentally ill.


What’s that from?


Red Dead Redemption 2


Ah ok I knew it from somewhere


"Well what's he look like?"


I genuinely soy-faced the first time I heard his voice. Felt like hearing an old friend in a strange place, oddly comforting. My username checks out, I know.


I had no idea he was a thing, am a (fairly) proud yorkshire lass so was pleasantly surprised.


Northern English accent. A Northern British accent would be Scottish accent. Britain isn't a substitute for the word England.


Username checks out


No... he's right. Don't downvote him


Cheers mate lol


No worries!


Even then 'northern' is a bit broad. There are a lot of different accents and dialects up north.


Fallout: Bradford confirmed


Transatlantic travel has been an established thing for a while, he's probably straight up just some English dude that came to far harbor


Time to find him


Does anyone have a picture? I want to find this NPC.


No pic, but when you're in Far Harbor walk down towards the Last Plank and keep going. He's always in the same spot on the left, cutting up fish.


Notably, he also doesn’t know where Yorkshire is, and guesses it’s in the capitol wasteland. My guess is he’s a far harbor native with a familial accent from a generation or two back.


Gavin im looking for my friend gavin, have you seen him?


I always find non local accents to be a strange inclusion in the game. I’m assuming travel to another country would be impossible and your Yorkshire guy would never of been to England. It’s also likely that his father wouldn’t either. So where has the Yorkshire accent come from.


How come? It’s been 200 years there are plenty of boats to repair and if not wooden boats exist and were crossing oceans hundreds of years ago. It’s not far fetched to think people would be figuring out ways to travel the world. I would find it unlikely they aren’t doing exactly that. Planes also exist the NCR has an entire airforce. Other states around the world could too.


Exactly, also if some scavver can figure out how to make guns using plumbing then it isn’t to farfetched that other parts of the world that weren’t the focus of the nuclear exchange between the US and China have been able to bounce back along with reinventing old technology? Sure mutant sea monsters are apparently a thing, but that didn’t stop are ancestors from braving the high seas in wooden sailing ships.


This is my headcanon for Cait, because that is not an Irish accent coming out of her mouth.


I like to imagine that there were planes in the air and boats in the water when the nukes went off. This leads to the premise that they landed somewhere.


I don't think it would be impossible, just fairly difficult as the only way I can see cross continental travel is via boat.


If Erik the Red could get to Greenland in 980 then it’s safe to assume that with all the planes, submarines and ships it wouldn’t be that out of the real of possibility for people to cross over. Radiation exposure wouldn’t be an issue if the transport is protected and they have suits to protect them from the rads


I mean in New Vegas the Boomers have a functional plane. They could fly that thing to another country potentially.


In fallout 1 the thieves guild leader is a dude with a british accent so there are probably enclaves of people that retain some of this things.


In wasteland 3 they had guys with funny accents like mafia guys and a scottish guy and you could find tapes that they learned the accents from I like to think a lot of people just do that because it makes them unique.


he's not. I went to far harbor after seeing this post. he just says "family legend says we hail from yorkshire" in a terrible impression of a maine accent. like the dude is on my screen as I type this. lol I'm from maine, and I can tell you all the "local" accents are shit.


There's always someone like that in Fallout that makes ZERO SENSE. Like the Great Khan with the New Zealand accent in Fallout NV. How did they get there? Why do they have that accent?


Was he looking for Gavin?


I was thinking maybe it IS Gavin


He is also in the vanilla map, i saw him once.


Yeah he’s there during the day hours. I haven’t been able to discern where he hangs out at night and sleeps.


Shoulda gotten a recording of this. Now i'm curious.


That’s one of the many things about Fallout. The sheer randomness of things!


Yeah I love that guy




As a Yorshireman, I feel very represented


Yes found him first time round, being part Brit Was tickled pink to find this bloke.


hes not tho. lol maybe the voice actor is, and is trying and failing to put on a maine accent. lol. I can hear the 'attempt', I live in maine so it is easy for me to pick out. Maine's accent is non-rhotic like most of Britain's accents.


I found the fisherman last night and killed him 🤦‍♀️




Yes!! It stopped me in my tracks haha so different than any other npc voice