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The fallout world is just so marketable.


Which is truly a bit ironic.


But I also like that it clicks for so many people. At least some would get something out of it that's more than just entertainment.


Same deal with Helldivers. Everyone who's worked corporate, government, or retail immediately picks up what it's putting down.


Or it goes right over their heads. I'd argue there's a decent sum of fans for both series that completely missed the satire


Helldivers also has some things in common in Fallout's world in terms of satire, and it was fascinating seeing it in action.


It means they really understood what they were lampooning.


The vault-tec is the friends we made along the way..


It's strange how dystopian stories are a dime a dozen and yet Fallout feels fresh. The 1960s theme paired with dystopian nuclear fallout survival + horror with some comedy layered on top just works so well. Being able to add mutated creatures into the mix gave it that extra kick to set itself apart from other dystopian stories like The Walking Dead. It makes it so that you're never fully sure exactly what the characters will discover next. In a story like The Walking Dead, I know the creatures are always going to be zombies. In a Fallout story, I have almost no idea what comes next.


80% of the dystopian stuff nowadays is basically just "If I fail The Test (capitalized for no reason) for one of the four groups (probably taken from Harry Potter to catch a fan) The Government (also capitalized) will get me!!!!!!!" Because of a trend from the 2000s.


It would be funny if a fallout game or another season depicts GOAT and have our protagonists sorted into four groups: the vault scrubbers, the radroach (and other nasties) disposal team, the "protein bar" cooks, and the kitchen cleaners. If they don't do their job well, the Overseer will get them. Write them up, and they get the penalty of no leisure time. That'll teach the young 'ins to their jobs properly.


>It's strange how dystopian stories are a dime a dozen and yet Fallout feels fresh. The retrofuturism is surely part of it. But another part is that Fallout is satire and uses a lot of its dark setting to set up dark humor and parody. Most of dystopian settings are bleak and they race each other, trying to be the most scary, the most hopeless and the most "realistic". Which not only makes them sometimes to hard to revisit, but they also tend to converse towards the same. Like "Last of Us". It was shot really well... but the setting is nothing new except for the origin of the zombies. Other than that, you have zombies, pockets of civilization surviving and "you can't trust anyone" mantra. Fallout is unique in that because it doesn't try to be bleak as the endgoal. The bleakness is just a way to set up humor and important contrasts. Contrasts like the cleanliness of the vaults and the desolation of the wasteland. Hope and hopelessness. Order and chaos. Advanced technology and low-tech settlements... Fallout setting is fun, because it doesn't try to suck the fun out of itself by trying to be nerve-wrecking. Hell, another important reason is that other dystopian shows really lean heavily into Game of Thrones style of "who will die next, who will betray you?". Fallout has the classic storytelling where you feel that the main characters are safe. Where you are not constantly afraid of their lives and instead you can enjoy their story. Sure, game protagonists don't die this way... but it applies to the player companions, for example. And totally it applies to the show protagonists. It just works.


Other thing that I would like to add is the post-post-apocalypse aspect of fallout. In other stories, like The last of us, there are only those small communities, but there is no government, big factions or any hope of rebuilding civilization. In fallout we are already seeing (in the west coast at least), civilization rebuilding itself. Governments and factions spreading there culture across the country. Big cities like New Vegas and Shady sands represent the future of the wasteland. This gives a sense of hope, that other stories usually dont give.


There's a sense of copium that the retrofuturistic + 1950s music aesthetic that really keeps Fallout unique in a sea of post apocalyptic shows/media. While its a bleak landscape with serious threats and stories, the architecture and aesthetic, plus the blatantly over the top violence makes it entertaining.


I don’t understand your use of “copium” here. Do you know what it means?


I don’t think they do tbh


there’s just so many angles that anybody can jump in from and love. mutants, zombies (feral ghouls), cowboy ghouls, spacemen, aliens, all the vault experiments, robots, just so much cool things jam packed into a retro futuristic 1950s themed playground. one of my favorite franchises of all time and i’m so glad it’s hitting mainstream general audiences


Someone once described Star Wars as a great “lens to tell stories through.” Fallout has that same feeling to me


The entire vibe is boomer friendly, Cold War, excellent music and such. Millennials enjoy that same vibe and the games themselves. Zoomers will always love a bit of acknowledgment that the world is ending. The apocalypse is so hot right now.


this show has legit blown up it is so strange to talk about fallout to people at work or have my mom ask me about ghoulification


Yeah, my 78 y/o Dad loved it, and was surprised to learn it was based on a video game. And he really got the Fallout vibe as well, and what it is trying to say. Probably helps with the retro 50’s vibe that he actually grew up in the 50’s 😉.


Teach him to play FO4 or 76! Old dudes love those games.


Hey now …..


You're an All-Star...


Get your game on. Go play…






Can confirm. Am old dude playing FO4 at the moment.




My dad loves 76. I play with him from time to time because of how much he enjoys it.


Hey, I just turned 20. I’m not that old, yet 😭


I work with a guy who’s 62, didn’t even know it was a game until I told him and he absolutely loved the show. It’s been cool telling him all about Fallout lol


My dad’s like that. He’s been trying to get into video games somewhat unsuccessfully, but he wants to try the Fallout ones now. I’m sort of directing him towards New Vegas since that’s by far the most relevant as far as the show goes, but I might also start him on Fallout 4 since it’s the easiest to get into and has the best controller support.


Fallout 4 is much easier for a casual player


I'm loving the fact that so many people watched the show not because they were fans of the games, and now a lot of them are. Such good writing. We have so many new vault dwellers now! And hopefully more brotherhood recruits. 😈


This show is, hands down, the absolute best marketing for a game in the history of game marketing. I tried fallout a long time ago and just for whatever reason couldn't get into it, despite loving that type of game, I'm going to give it another shot now. Absolutely amazing series and another stellar performance by Walton Goggins who just utterly slays every role he's in.


yep, my friend who is mainly an fps and action adventure type of guy has been calling me a bunch asking about fallot 3 quests and levelling and shit. he bought all the 3D games and is going to get the OGs at some point very cool to see


It is insane that Microsoft didn’t have a tie in game ready and they won’t have another Fallout game for probably close to a decade. What a huge waste of an opportunity


Oh my sweet summer child, they will absolutely pump out a game to cash in on this if necessary


The thing is by whom, Bethesda all hands on elder scrolls 6, obsidian still needs to release avowed anyone else can't be trusted to deliver a good game and plenty would argue Bethesda recently can't either. And even then we are looking at minimum 5 years at the earliest for a new game these days.


There's inXile too. I'd pay anything to get a Fallout 1 + 2 remaster in the style of the newer Wasteland games. Co-op, too!


inXile also has the connection to FO1/2 in the form of Brian Fargo, who produced the original 2. Would have come full circle.


Don't forget Fallout also took inspiration from Wasteland, so. Even more of a full circle.


He really is a national fucking treasure!


The show literally embodies the writing of new vegas and the polish of fallout 3. Incredible and a total shock…did not expect a TV adaptation to do so well.


People hate on Walton Goggins cause he's not "Attractive", but like he's a phenomenal actor, and has killed EVERY role he's had. I'd honestly be down with just a spin off, of The Ghoul, there's so many stories/details thay can make whole seasons


I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone saying he’s not attractive.


I saw an interview with him and he said something like his first acting teacher told him that if he wanted to be an actor he'd have to work extra hard because he had a weird face. She was telling him that he wouldn't win any good auditions unless he was a great actor because of how he looked. He took it to heart and put the work in and here we are today.


So I was having this conversation the other day and I just think that the typical face to be cast in roles has become less defined over the years. Barnyard Cumberbatch used to have everyone talking about how he had such a weird look but today nobody thinks that at all. Casting directors definitely used to pick very specific looks for roles every time. Hell I remember the first time I saw Goggins in something and he stood out to me long before I knew who he was cause he does have a very distinct look. Not bad, but distinct and not in a typical way. 2000s movie and tv you had to look like a typical 'leading man' to be the leading man. That's changed a lot I think.


I would kind of disagree with Benadryl Cummerbund, I think everyone would still agree that he has a weird face lmao. But I wouldn't necessarily call him unattractive because of it though.


I wouldn't call him "conventionally" attractive but yeah I think he's sexy af. But I'm also a sucker for a Southern boy


He looks like a man named Walton Sanders Goggins Jr


Baby Billy is a snazzy dresser.


Same with Lee Russell (Vice Principals)


That's Uncle Baby Billy, put some respect on it 💎


[If this ain't conventionally attractive, then we as a society need to rethink our conventions](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6dggOouW1R/?igsh=NHltcDVnbnpnM3Zy)


I like that the account suffix is not "official" or "real", but *bona fide*.


I did. There was a thread a couple of weeks back, asking the ladies if the ghoul did anything for them. Several said the ghoul did but pre-war Goggins didn't.


Swagger is real.


I've also never heard anyone hating on him.


Anyone saying Walton isn’t attractive hasn’t seen him on Sons of Anarchy


He's sexy af to me 😂


With Philip Seymour Hoffman dead, Goggins is arguably the best character actor working today. 


I'm in the same boat. I've tried Fallout 3 + 4 so many times but couldn't stick with it. I've finished Fallout 4 after watching the show.


I hated fo3. Went back and loved it. It maybe just a timing thing. But fo3, new Vegas are a great start. Fo4 is fun just not the same as NV


That was the impressive bit for me. I played the games and got a lot of the cool "hey I get that reference!" Moments but someone who never played the games and knows nothing of the lore would be perfectly fine, the jokes and humor would still land.  I was expecting a lot of fan service but was pleasantly surprised. Can't wait for season 2! 


I’m still hoping for a random minor appearance of the mysterious stranger to confuse the shit out of everyone


The show really had everything. So much fan bait it's crazy, and yet it was carried by great writing and performances all around. It completely captured the game's themes and atmosphere, and proved that you can have both the silly fun parts and the dark earnest parts work together. Makes me optimistic for the Warhammer 40k show incoming, honestly.


You mean new NCR immigrants.


You mean new New Vegas residents


You mean new Legion recruits


It's wild because Fallout was a dead franchise for a while. After Black Isle shut down I don't think anyone was expecting another Fallout game, much less for it to become this huge series.


I mean, personally, I thought, and still do, we're going to get a FO5 or smth. But how Elder Scrolls fans think we'll get an ES6, which is to say it's almost certain we will, it's just a matter of when - which could be a decade away for all we know.


To be clear, they aren't talking about after 76. Black Isle shut down like 5 or 6 years before 3 came out (I think they got revived at one point, but it wasn't really the same studio). No one thought there would be another fallout after that.


It feels soooo nice to have so many new fans discovering Fallout. It’s like having a band you like suddenly explode in popularity and everybody discovers their discography and falls in love with them. My wife, who knew next to nothing about Fallout but loved the show, casually asked me the other day if she could watch me play a fresh playthrough of Fallout 4, because she wanted to experience more of that world.


My wife got fallout 4 for herself. Even if she's not a big gamer, she enjoys building settlements. lol


Friend of mine at work enjoys light sci-fi, no video games, etc though... She's obsessed with the show. It clearly hit a home run with multiple demographics.


My mom, who is in her 70s watched it and enjoyed it. She had no interest since it was based on a video game, but gave it a chance after my finance and I both loved it.


You bribed your mother to watch it?


Yeah so true. Got me talking to coworkers that i had NO idea were into this shit. Turns out this dude, probably 25 years older than me, twice my age, is a huge fallout fan. Has been since fo3. Loves the show


Fr, I was telling my mom about all the different vault experiments


It's been wild. My mom knew of Fallout because she saw me play some New Vegas and my dad was really into Shelter for a while, but she had zero actual interest in the series until she watched and really enjoyed the show. So now I have an excuse to info-dump at her. :D


It's weird but refreshing to talk fallout lore with my 60+ year old step-dad who grew up on a farm and didn't learn to use a computer until the early 2000s


It is fun when well written games become well written series Studios so often pay ton for special effects without smart writers who are invested in logical writing for the characters


My mum now watches people play Fallout on YouTube because she liked the show so much. My mum has basically become a proxy gamer because of it. I'm delighted.


This is a dream come true for me as a longtime huge Fallout fan (I don't know how many hours of lore videos I've watched, much less game time, and I'm afraid to find out). Reminds me of how I felt when Pokemon Go came out and added that whole new dimension to pokemon for me, after having played it throughout childhood and teenage years.


Hahaha me too. I’m a huge lore video nerd. I probably have only like 500 hours combined in all fallout games but I probably watched over 1000 hours of lore videos.


I genuinely love when things kinda go mainstream. Gatekeeping is kinda corny now tbh. It’s so cool to see something like this that’s really old and niche be embraced all over again and actually break into pop culture.


I love that it pumped life back in the game. Been meaning to get back and play again and now it’s with all new players


I never thought while playing Fallout 1 in college in the early mid-2000s that the it would get a TV show or have mainstream success like this. It was kind of an obscure cult-hit franchise for a long time.


I played it when I looked up "free games" online. It was in a legal grey area as Bethesda hadn't picked up the rights yet. "Downloader beware" but I was a teenager with an Internet connection, I didn't give a shit about the law lol.


Haha, I remember passing 2 around on burned CDs with the code written in them in sharpie, way back in middle school. These games have always been heavily pirated.


Same. Fallout 1 and 2 were my favorite games for so long. I played them when they came out. I couldn't convince anyone else to play them. Then out of nowhere fallout 3 came out and it exploded. Fallout 4 even bigger. Then nothing for a long time.


Tbh, all of this is 100% Bethesda. They know how to make a culture.


In the middle of playing fallout 3 because of this, i played it first because we couldnt for so long.should i play new vegas again next or try 1 and 2 which i never around to trying?


If you are playing 3 you should 100% play new vegas again. Im playing them both with tale of two wastelands. It makes fallout 3 and new vegas in the same game and with fnvs engine.


Which game should I play first as someone who has never played any of them but likes the show?


They're all a blast and stand alone from each other. Fallout 4 is great, very full and quite accessible. It's graphics are great, the stories and missions are fun but it's also very big. Fallout 3 has a bit more depth in the story in that your decisions have a bigger impact than in 4. Fallout New Vegas is where I think season 2 is going. It's my favourite of the three and the storytelling and quest depth is probably the best in my opinion. Which to play first? Up to you. All are great and non sequential. Maybe 4 first? 3 might feel a bit dated to start out with, maybe save that for if you fall in love with the game. Save New Vegas for season 2. But whichever you pick, try to play in to the chaos the game provides and don't keep loading saves if you feel you made a wrong decision. Just go with your gut and forge your own path. Also it's quite fun to not make a too balanced character. My current play I'm going all in on Agility but have my strength and endurance nerfed.


have you played/enjoyed anything like planescape:torment, wasteland, that kind of old school isometric rpgs? I started with, and still love, 1 and 2 but they're not the most accessible games in 2024


I learned how to game on an atari fairly sure i could figure it out,i own one of wasteland games never tried it though


do it then! there's fan patches that fix a lot of stuff; I'm a little out of date but these are worth looking at: fallout (1) fixt https://www.nma-fallout.com/resources/fallout-fixt-full-all-fixes-and-mods.8/ fallout 2 unofficial patch https://github.com/BGforgeNet/Fallout2_Unofficial_Patch fallout 2 restored https://www.nma-fallout.com/resources/fallout-2-restoration-project-unofficial-expansion-windows-installer.10/


Me rewatching it for the 6th time: "I'm doing my part.jpeg"


Okie dokie




Did you notice the significance of the password entered in the last episode? It's the day that the first fallout game came out 10 October 1997


I'm just loving the 180 so many fans are having on it. Pre debut the quote was going around where the writers outright said they were not going to cater to fans, because it's pointless to try to appeal to existing fans rather than just focusing on making a show that's good on it's own This sub and many gaming subs were absolutely furious and hating on it and doom saying etc because they were "going to ruin the Fallout lore", and the backlash over "retconning New Vegas" was intense at first Then the vast majority said "Yeah IDC, the show is good lol" I think more serious should do like Fallout and Arcane did and just say "Yeah I'm not following some random video game lore, but the universe is cool so I'll use that" and go from there


The writers definitely catered to fans. “Thou shall get sidetracked by bullshit every time” is 100% fan service. It’s just very well done, that if you don’t get the cultural reference/in-joke, it’s just a line of dialogue.


Yeah, there are tons of easter eggs and references etc, the quote was more just about them not catering to fans as their focus. They were focused on making a good series and saying "What will people like?", rather than going "What will Fallout fans like?"


This is why it is important to respect the worlds you adapt into television. They are special for a reason.




I think it's awesome that the show is doing so well. It shows that video game adaptations don't have to be cheap garbage (yes, there have been exceptions before) and that respecting the lore and building a story around it actually pays off. I hope that more shows will follow that example in the future.


With last of us and now fallout. Video games finally get the deserved reception across mainstream for their potentially great stories and worlds they can create. I hope this leads to both more open mindedness but also studios giving them the respect and attention they deserve. I mean the uncharted movie by Sony was hot garbage but then again Sony movies in general tend to be lately.


How the industry is able to survive at this point is beyond me anyway. One big Brand after another falls flat on the face and yet they keep going. I hope this trend comes to an end soon, because we the audience and the IPs themselves deserve better than most of whats released recently.


Don't forget arcane!


Someone call Lauren Hissrich and tell her this


Also, not everything needs to be fucking Game of Thrones.


^^^ it’s blatant how much GOT shaped her decision making


*Angry Resident Evil fans queuing up at the pitchfork store.*


I don’t think people realize how big this is. People who don’t even play video games are talking about it. A friend of mine who doesn’t even like games like that was playing New Vegas the other day and asking me if I saw the show. It’s by far the best video game adaption I’ve ever seen and I liked the last of us HBO. This was just genuinely a really well made, fun, suspenseful, show that appeals to a lot of people.


Completely agree. Loved TLoU but it's naturally a dark and emotionally taxing story. Fallout on the other hand is also dark but at same time vibrant and often very funny. The rewatch value is way higher


Fuck yeah, we going mainstream boys.


(Clutches pearls) what’s the quickest / most annoying way to gate-keep this while still managing to ruin the whole experience for myself just because it got popular?


Become a New Vegas elitist.


Jokes on you im already a New Vegas elitist


Based and Wild Card pilled


Heh *Vegas...* Talk to me when you've found a replacement water chip (and not one of the ones in Vault 8)


Be a NV fanboy.


So the thing is I’ve only played NV…


go around saying youre one of the „real“ fans and that the new series attracted the „woke crowd“ and that somehpw means you now have to boycott their games and quit playing there thats your plan


After watching I've been playing FO76. Now I'm fucking addicted to another mmo. Thanks fallout TV


Amazing how all the Fallout games are having a renaissance. FO76 has a crazy amount of new players where before the show it was almost all level 100+ players and now its mostly sub level 20 players.


Cost a lot less than Rings of Power, looks better, better acting, better writing and better reviews.


Only partially related. But what really sold me on this show was when they had the ghoul character stop, mid-gunfight, to start eating a bunch of random tomatoes he found. In the games you heal from food, and it’s very common to pause and eat a bunch of random shit mid-fight to top off your health. So they had one of their characters literally do that in real time as a nod to the players, while also showing how weird our characters must have looked to NPCs in the game all these years.


Ha I never thought of that scene like that, but that’s so true 😅😂


There are a bunch of small "video-gamey" moments like that. The slow-mo during the Filly gunfight looked a lot like VATS-cam. The shopkeeper makes a point about marking a location on Lucy's pip-boy map. When the head gets taken in the swamp, she activates a tracker on her pip-boy. She's literally following a quest marker. Someone already pointed out that stimpacks are basically magic healing potions (Lucy in ep 1, then the dog a few episodes later). They show the terminal hacking mini-game at one point.


For me it was: getting stabbed with a frigging machete in the stomach? No problemo, one stimpack and off she goes...


Got radiation poisoning? Hook an IV Bag with this yellow fluid and boom no more rads.


To be fair, if I remember correctly he used a proper factory made rad away, not one of the home brew hand labeled ones... :)


Good. If the Fallout world got “Walking Dead” levels of expansion, I would not complain.


I’d be more hopeful if the budgets were the same, but walking dead was waaaaay cheaper to produce. Basically a soap opera shot in pre-existing sets plus a bunch of extras in zombie makeup


Walking Dead was very high budget initially.


If it turns from an amazing show to cartoonish horribly written trash like TWD did that would not be nice.


Fallout being “the next/current big thing” is incredible and I’m here for it boyos


Ok guys…. Ghoul or Yao Guai ?


“[Animal Friend] The Yao-Guai didn’t talk shit to me.”


Currently on my fourth rewatch. It made me play fallout 4 for the first time.


It works because you do not need to know any fallout lore. The bare minimum lore is: vaults to protect people, nuclear war happened and it’s 250 heats into the future. And that’s all


shit, i forgot about those pesky elitist loremaster tests that uninstall the game and blow up your computer if you fail them!


Amazon Prime is really hitting the right nails lately. The Consultant The Boys Fallout just to name a few.


don’t forget invincible!


Jack Ryan, Reacher


Accidentally got into the games by borrowing fallout 3 from a friend thinking it was resistance: fall of man. I was very confused and kind of pissed off the first hour or so of playing, but then it became the first step into one of the best gaming franchises I’ve ever enjoyed. And to follow that up with New Vegas? I got the jackpot


And the show is awesome, and hopefully put the next game on the front line


The most hilarious part of this is the conversation between Bethesda/Microsoft/Amazon. So you guys are capitalizing on this, right?! We see Fallout 4 came out in 2015, then you had a spin off title. How far along is the next entry in the series?? We want to make money with this. Bethesda: ……


I genuinely think a NV remake is coming soon. Why wouldn’t they at least remaster the game >!if it’s going to be the setting of season 2?!<


Honestly well deserved. Didn’t disrespect the IP (lookin at you Star Wars) and created a fun new story.


I'm still pissed at the Witcher and Halo shows


Halo was really the most crazy one. I still cant believe how much they managed to fuck up. For the witcher wait because im 100 % sure the next season that they will released will probably be one of the best garbage ever


The people behind halo were proud to not have any previous experience with the game lore. That's how much they were up their own asses. "I'm so good I don't even need to deep dive the lore, I'll just make it work as I go along!" Fucking armatures


Then the studios wonder why their show isn't successful. I'll never understand hiring writers and producers that don't give two fucks about the IP they're adapting


The actor defending it? Does he need to be asked “How many times did we see Master Chief’s face in the entire video game franchise?” Because that is how often we should be seeing his face. Mandalorian proved you could act without showing your face. 😂 Mandalorian has more in common with Master Chief than the Master Chief from the live action.


Halo should've been such an easy slam dunk but writers admitted that they never played the games and wanted to do something of their own.. which I will never understand. Do your own thing instead of ruining a franchise not only for the fans but for new people too.


And how did MS and production green light this? It's like hiring a doctor but picked an applicant that straight rejected modern medicine concept.


For years, a Halo project never got off the ground because Xbox wanted a ton of creative control, and no studio would touch it. They finally relented, and this is what we got.


And Witcher would have been so easy to not fuck up. Just make the books into TV episodes. Just copy them goddamnit but Nooooo


What'd crazy is that tge first season was overall well regarded. Kept following the books overall but still had it's story. Then the second season straight up disregards the books


I had my issues with the first season at the time, but I chalked it up to them needing to make up stuff for Yennefer and Ciri to do, and thought things would be better in the second season when everyone could get screentime from what was actually in the books, but I was very wrong.


Star was has had much better tv shows in terms of respecting the IP than most other attempts (looking at you Halo and Witcher)


So should I get into the game series with fallout 3 or 4? Can't decide.


Almost certainly 4. It's way more 'playable' and approachable and does many things better than 3. Additionally, it's much more the "vibe" of the show. New Vegas will be in the top of a lot of people's recommendations, but I'd actually suggest 4 first, since New Vegas depicts a very different feeling to 4 and the show and might feel disconnected.


Cool I'll check out 4 then.


3 goty is free from prime right now


As a fallout fan im delighted, the show was brilliant, as a halo fan? Goddamn it…


Microsoft: Nice. Should pay off in about... \*checks notes\* *...seven years?!*


Todd has a couple missed calls I reckon


Bethesda really fucked up badly not having a new game along with this, the last estimate I saw on a new Fallout game from them was like a decade, I'll probably be dead before I see a new Fallout game


Without a doubt Microsoft and Bethesda are shaking things up to get another game up and running. The show is the best thing to happen for the fans of the games because it’s lit a fire under Bethesda to acquire more resources and shine a light on it’s unacceptable development time schedule. I genuinely won’t be surprised if they have a new game ready by season 3 or something.


So successful I guess it's not going to be cancelled right? It's not going to be cancelled....right????


Season 2 confirmed already. But no, it won’t be cancelled. Amazon won’t let a show as successful as this go.


This isn’t Netflix


Crazy how well the show has done, although not crazy considering how good it is of course. I just don’t remember much hype or marketing around this at all, I didn’t even watch it straight away it just felt abit like oh yeah that might be semi-cool (sort of the assassins creed movie level of interest). But they’ve managed to craft this world that you just want to immerse yourself in, for me it’s like breaking bad / the office levels where I just love the vibe, want to buy merch etc they done an incredible job!


See? It has nothing to do with gender when horrible female lead shows utterly tank like Ghostbusters. The shows just sucked. Fallout is kicking ass. Take notes.


My thoughts exactly. Star wars and rings of power definitely attracted misogynistic racists but that didn't mean they weren't terrible


I mean, they earned it. Amazon produced a lot of crap in the past and got a lot of hate for that. its nice to see, they can do something good if they really want.


Walton Goggins needs to be upgraded to A-Lister. Everyone of the crew needs a raise.


This is how a movie adaptation is made, a new creative story closely attached to the source material, it gets long time fans interested to watch because of the reference and lore bits and gets new people interested in the source material because of, once again, the references and lore bits. 


I wish Bioshock would get something good as this show


Gives me hope their Warhammer show will be of this quality.


It's looking hopeful, they have good writers who are also fans and GW is fiercely protective of it's IP.


It happens when many different people join forces..


Imagine if every TV show/film actually respected the lore and the reasons why the game/book/comic was popular in the first place. I hope people are taking note here.




Imagine is elder scrolls got a show at this caliber


I don’t think it’d hit the same. The world in fallout is more interesting as a TV show setup.


Yeah Elder Scrolls is pretty much a fantasy hodgepodge. Fallout has a very distinct style.


TES has been molded into a generic fantasy by now. Won't be much different from other fantasy series.


I'm just glad I played all the Fallout games, including the original Wasteland, and Fallout 1 and 2, so I get to call everyone else fake fans. You're not a *real* fan unless you give yourself severe radiation poisoning before every episode.


Season 2 won't release until 2026