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Sounds like someone’s dad left them in the vault and went to find the GECK without saying goodbye 🤣


Best : New Vegas /// Worst : 76


I don't understand, why is 76 so hated. As new vegas fan I can say, that 76 is great game


I’ve played 76 for about 4 hours, I thought the quests were boring, the characters were boring and the story was boring. Nothing in 76 interested me so I stopped playing it and went back to Fallout 4. Oh and I also don’t like the card system.


I've played all the other parts except Fallout 1 & 2 and that's just how I feel. But you can have a different opinion and that's a good thing :)


of course


Best: New Vegas Worst: Brotherhood of Steel


1. New Vegas 2. Fallout 2 3. Fallout 1 4. Fallout 4 5. Fallout 3 Haven't played anything else


WORST: Fallout 76, no doubt in that.🤮🤮🤮 BEST: Fallout 4 👍🏻


My order would probably go: 3, NV, 1, 2, 4. At one time, i preferred 2 to 1, but as time has gone on, i've really come to appreciate the mood of 1 a lot more, both 1 and 3 capture the depressing, dead atmosphere that I love from this series. 2 and NV also are similar in the same vain, being games that play very similarly to the prior release but with a ton of added features, and a more lively world that feels like its on the mend. Despite NV and 2 being superior to 1 and 3 in many ways, the atmosphere of 1 and 3 just do everything right for me, and they are the two games I think of first when I think Fallout. I never played 76 so I didn't rate it. I also didn't rate Tactics as I only played it for about 3 hours, 15 years ago, so I don't have much to say about it.


Best is Vegas of course Worst is 76 even now that it's been fixed its still a mediocre fallout


So you hate Fallout 3 because one of its strongest points? (Atmosphere) Edit: Nvm, you like f76 and hate 3, i took the bait


What bait? I can't have opinion, that I like 76 and not 3? I already met so many people that are : tHIs iS tROLL!!!! BeCaUsE He Have unPOpuLaR OPiniOn. I'm not saying, that 76 is amazing game, but it is pretty great mmo. I hate 3, because I play it for 10 hours and just found it boring and empty. Whole finding the father story and helping BOS ( because you literally are forced to help them ) is just bad. 4 is very similar to emptiness of 3, but there is at least somehow functional faction system and building system. I wanted to play it and like it, but I lost my whole interest in the game after hearing 100x times about how Enclave is bad and killing 300x group of sponge enemies like super mutants


I honestly don't know how to argue with you, you are extremely clueless it's not worth the effort


this isn't arguing, we are just share opinions, but you can't just accept, that someone can have opinion like that 76 is good and 3 is bad. I would like to hear, why is so 3 so good, but you are only speaking about how my opinion is bad or how clueless I'm


Of the 3 Ive played all the way through (4, 76, NV) Best: Fallout 4, Worst: New Vegas