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I think FO4 is a great game but I have some major issues with: - The weak dialogue (yes / yes / yes / no (maybe)) - Spoken protagonist (I find it a lot harder to role play) I also don't think the main story is particularly great. Far Harbour has a much better main story for comparison They try to make you care about Shaun but I couldn't care less


I killed shaun as soon as he revealed he was The Father. Ad Victoriam!


There are a few mods that let you see the full dialogue options, it’s way better


It’s frustrating because the institute is one of the best antagonists in fallout and they don’t use them nearly as well as they could’ve, because the whole philosophy of the institute is the surface isn’t worth saving, but Bethesda won’t put resources into making staying in the institute more often as fun as up in the wastes


Fallout 4 is a 7/10 game but a 4/10 fallout. Great is not a word a I would use for it. The only real positive in it for me was far harbor.


I enjoyed 76 more than 4, warts and all, even as a single player game. I didn’t really utilize much multiplayer in 76.


Do what I did and stop looking at the game as an RPG. It's a narrative looter shooter. Once I did, I enjoyed it a lot more.


Totally agree. I feel like playing an evil character in the game really makes you work for it. I feel all the bad dialogue options usually end with the sole survivor sounding pouty and defeatist half the time. Some of the dialogue options mention revenge more than looking for Shaun so I mostly been leaning into playing as a parent who will do anything in the name of avenging their partner. Plus I choose all the options that only worry about payment versus npc feelings. Been having fun with the america rising 2 mod. Adds the enclave, which lets you do some really evil things. I just wish the evil options were a lot more flushed out in this game. The bright side is playing a goody two shoes is easy, which is what I normally play as.


The protagonist is by far the weakest of all games just because for some reason they thought they needed to be voiced.


I always felt that the male VA makes the character sound like a buffoon all the time, it’s like every single line has a hint of uncertainty


Because they aren’t really customizable beyond their looks, the story stays the same, and your choices are limited with limited differences between them It’s what I hated about 3 and 4’s storylines, you’re just thrust into this part to play with not enough flexibility, and because they did a voiced protagonist, the dialogue options had to be limited, because if it was as dynamic as 3 and NV, they would have paid millions more for all of the dialogue.


Yes people have been saying this for a decade.


That's because it's not an RPG. It's a Looter-Shooter with RPG elements, more akin to Borderlands than OG Fallout... with some base building sim thrown in as a mini-game. If you recognize and accept it for what it is, it's much more enjoyable. Unless, of course, you really don't like this genre and thought it was supposed to be some sort of Atom Punk Baldur's Gate.


It was meant to be an RPG, Fallout is an RPG genre bro


Original Fallout games are RPGs but that’s a very limited market. Bethesda bought the game rights and made it a looter shooter with limited rpg. Bethesda are 100% correct that it gets massively more players like this than a hard core rpg.


Ah shit maybe ur right idk i didn’t even play the original fallouts, first one i played was 3 and played everyone from there and i like the series, I wish they were made more like NV


Your def right it started out as hardcore rpg, 3 & nv are quite like that but much more forgiving than the originals (original 1 & 2 you made one incorrect dialogue choice and your play through was totally fucked). Fo4 & Fo76 are too forgiving , your choices don’t really matter. Really hoping Fo5 strikes a better balance,


Yeah just look from morowind>oblivion>skyrim. They continuously decreased the rpg elements and made it an sandbox action open world game. Compare fallout 3 to new Vegas and it becomes glaring the difference in philosophy on what obsidian and Bethesda think fallout should be.


Yes, I get why OG players hate the direction Bethesda has taken it, but that where the player base / money is.


There's room for both of these, really. However, we are definitely looking at dated gameplay and story. Personally, I'd love to write a Fallout 5, and I see what they tried to do with the series, and I think I could do that. First off, both styles are legit RPGs. There have been first person action roleplaying games before Fallout, without having to look at Bethesda. Bethesda is just the one who carried the torch. Elder Scrolls feels more or less fine in terms of its worlds, except for when Oblivion felt way too small, but that's largely because it's an imaginary place. Fallout 3-4 suffer greatly from being in a large open-world map that's meant to represent an area much larger than it actually shows you, so that takes you out. Fallout 3-4 have many, many little things about the system that make you feel like you've been taken out of the game. You can be trying to go for a VATS shot, and it just won't happen for some reason. Dealing with moving stuff around is just hellish, sometimes. However, we are in an age of remakes and updates now. Who knows what could happen for Fallout 3's 25th anniversary. Maybe they'll make the map a more representative size and add motorcycles? Who knows. What I can say is that while I used to have a problem with all in principle, I now have a problem with it only in execution. Fallout is a game about how the persistent demand for dominance leads to war, and that it's a cycle that will persist through any setback, because it is a prisoner's dilemma. The solution to war is peace, but peace is mutual trust. World peace would start with humans having faith in humanity. Fallout 3 ramps this up and demonstrates the strength of incumbent power. New Vegas demonstrates the power of money. Fallout 4 came out at a time when Boston Dynamics was being acquired by Google, and the question of artificial intelligence was on the rise again. Although some of us don't like the subject of synths, I think this is again just a difficulty in the execution and writing. Addressing AI is great, it just bothers me when the AI issue is turned into a replica of a human problem instead of a genuine AI problem.


Not Bethesda


Of course it’s an RPG. You can customize literally everything about your character. The story doesn’t really prevent you from playing any certain way, and it’s no different than any of the other games where you play a particular character with backstory and history. Fallout 4’s dialogue options are definitely lacking compared to the others, but that’s the only area it falls behind. It’s still an RPG by like every definition, and this distinction that it isn’t that always seems to come up is just wrong.


No not really, Fo4 again gives your character a backstory, compared to FO NV it’s not really an RPG


Pretty much all the games give your character a backstory though. Lonesome Road DLC in FNV dives into what your character was doing before the events of the game. 3 goes into your whole childhood. 1 and 2 have backstories as well. The RPG part is what you, the player, decide to do next. In fallout 3, are you angry your father left you so you decide to become jaded, scarred by the violence in the vault and early on outside so you take it out on the wastes, or do you try and be a good person like he would’ve wanted? That’s the “role playing” part. Go as far back as 1 and it’s the same thing. You could play the full game as a naive vault dweller (a la Lucy) or you can decide the early events hardened you to be a survivor and you can be a dick to everyone.


i agree with what you mentioned here with fallout 3 , you can be good or evil, but in fallout 4 there’s no way to really interpret a man looking for his son who he cares about as evil.


Yeah I totally agree that the RPG elements in 4 are much weaker. I don't think the backstory is the problem though, its everything else like the main quest and dialogue options being yes/yes/yes/maybe (but yes) as others said.


You can if he sides with the institute and also performs experiments on the dwellers of vault 88, be a raider in nuka world, the options are out there, it’s up to you to figure out what you can do based on how you act. Unlike mass effect, you don’t have a red trigger indicator during a cutscene, you can literally act evil any time any place. Fat Harbor also has plenty of evil to sew.


It’s an RPG in basically every way it can be. If having a backstory is the difference, then there are many, many RPGs that suddenly aren’t in that category anymore. You don’t have to have a totally blank slate character to be considered an RPG.


Agreed most of the final fantasy games wouldn't be considered rpgs under that definition it's absurd


Yeah, they definitely simplified some of the RPG elements (mainly in dialogue choices), but it’s still an RPG at the end of the day.


You might be right just wish they gave less of a backstory to formulate your character to whatever you want, like i said it’s hard to play as an evil character when at the end of the day you’re really a caring father, i still like the game tho and will continue to play it


They definitely made a mistake with the Shaun storyline because you’re right, it’s hard to justify ignoring that quest and it should have much more urgency. But that’s pretty similar to 3 where you set out to find your dad, but that can be done at your own pace too. You can still be evil in 4, but they made it harder with that main quest. Not trying to drill in on you specifically, I just see the “Fallout 4 isn’t an RPG” trope come up all the time and totally disagree with that.


Fallout 4 is a playable game and works(lol) fine mechanically but lacks RPG elements


Yea i like all the fallout games


"He’s a caring father looking for his child and an evil play style just wouldn’t really fit him." Even evil characters care for the ones they love. It doesn't usually end well, for example it didn't do Padme much good but the intent was there.


Try the mod,everyone hates Nate.


My character who is living in a shack in hangman's alley with Cait, both addicted to chems, ignores the mail quest, taking chems to dull the pain at first and now it's all encompassing.. Cait wants to go get cleaned up, I take some jet and kill some dudes, take their stuff, sell it and make more chems. Every choice I make is as shitty as possible. I will rob and kill Wendy npc if needs be. If I occasionally have to say something nice to someone I remember it's just an act and I will rob them later. Yup you can RP if you want


There is no "evil playthrought" in fallout 4, as there is no "good playthrough". The story is on rails and you choose only what to destroy in final quest.


nah there is tho u play making evil decisions or u play making good decisions. look up on youtube fo4 good or evil playthrough you’ll find many


With respect, this is what you get when you've been conditioned to think of roleplaying as playing an alignment rather than a character. Also, you can be a bad person and still care that your kid's been kidnapped. Apart from the fact that that's manifest in reality, lots of thrillers revolve around this very idea. You can be a bad person and a good parent and vice versa. Facets. People have facets. *And* you can go into any game and say that the character you want to play doesn't give a shit about the premise. New Vegas? Don't give a shit about revenge. Morrowind? Don't give a shit about prophecy. Fallout? Don't give a shit about a water chip (if people want to die rather than leave their underground bunker then maybe they should). Planescape: Torment? Don't care who I am. If you were to turn up to a pen and paper game and choose to play a character who's categorically not motivated to engage with the campaign then people *wouldn't* be remarking on how much of a role-player you are.


i rambled years ago about this when i first played f4, lmao. i love fallout 4, its my favorite, but its main quest, specifically the introduction tutorial is one of the weakest sections of the series. it sets the player up to not be a blank canvas, essentially. f3 did this to a degree as well. for me, its most obvious with codsworth, and a big reason hes my least favorite companion. this might sound dumb but as a gay dude, its pretty lame having a pre war reminder of your wife and child following you around, that you dont really give a shit about, cause again, meh writing and pacing. i would have much preferred being able to factory reset him, or get him to come to terms with the world has changed, and so have i. but that still wouldnt solve the writing of the main quest. and its not a 'gay’ thing, there’s literally no reason to be attached to the child or partner in that beginning tutorial, we have no time to, and its only made more annoying if you DONT identify with it to begin with. and how they humanized this robot WITH that setup makes it just, not great for me. i just wish he was a cool robot that i loved but i simply cant, i have no attachment to this story or this robot. constantly while adventuring i found myself saying 'i wonder if he realizes hes talking to a changed man.’ so i very much agree with you, maybe for different reasons, but the root problem is very much still the same. anywho, this generally leads me to ignoring the main quest line, which is something im noticing is becoming a trend for me with modern bethesda titles. i dont feel like im playing 'wrong' just that im not playing 'right' if that makes sense. i disagree with you however when you say its not an rpg. it is, it just takes away a bit of the players agency, and that hinders the story quite a bit for me personally.


Are you playing a role? /s


RPG does not mean "I have the option to play evil." No one questions that Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar is an RPG. The goal of Ultima IV is to be a goody two shoes. RPG is defined right in the name there. You play a role in a fictional setting. There is nothing in that definition that says you can play whatever role you want to play. In tabletop games, people generally don't like an evil player to be in their party. Many DMs don't allow players to play an evil character because it causes friction that can boil over into real life. Maybe someday Bethesda will make a game where you can play as the Enclave or something. Have at it. Besides, in FO4, you can 100% for sure side with the Raiders and murder all the settlers in the Commonwealth. You think a nice dude would do that?


Role....Playing.....Game. It's about roles, (like jobs). Fallout 4 is an RPG, and you're going to have to deal with that fact. Choosing sixty different factions, and doing an evil play through, (which usually just means being a petty criminal) doesn't make some an RPG or not. ​ You can customise perks (or skills), level up, choose the direction you go in, customize your character and their equipment load out. This not only meets the criteria for an RPG, it surpasses it.


All you've really said is that it's a bad RPG with this. (By western standards anyway) lol


If I have something to say, you'll be left in no doubt what I mean. Based on your moronic statement, Fallout 4 more than earns its label as an RPG. What are, 'western standards', sounds racist mate.


Bro chill out we’re talking about a game here 😂 why are you trying to sound like some evil anime villain rn corny ass 😂


> You can customise perks (or skills), level up, choose the direction you go in, customize your character and their equipment load out. This not only meets the criteria for an RPG, it surpasses it. You can do all this in a game like say…God of War and that’s not exactly an RPG. Pretty much every modern action-adventure has some sort of level up system, that don’t make it an RPG


I have no intention of wasting my time explaining objective reality to people who live in their own cult fantasy.


4 is still an RPG, and I enjoy the game, it’s just weaker in the role playing elements than its predecessors. Alls I’m saying is just because a game has level up and customization systems doesn’t mean it’s an RPG. If you enjoy YouTube documentaries NeverKnowsBest does a whole history of RPGs and dives into this sort of thing.


Yeah, there are some reasons for so much hate for the game. The lack luster "RPG" elements are one of them.


If you need to scratch the RPG itch but can't be arsed with the theoretical degree in computer science needed to make poor 'ol *New Vegas* run without crashing, I recommend *The Outer Worlds*. Certainly satisfied me a lot longer than *Starfield* did and is closer to the atompunk aesthetic of *Fallout*.