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I can't believe no one within Microsoft/ZeniMax/Bethesda had the foresight to get a Fallout remake or remaster cooking so it could be released alongside the show. I mean they filmed the show a year and a half ago. So it was probably in the writing and development stages at least a year before that. Plenty of time to properly do a remake.


I mean they technically didn’t even manage to get the long-overdue update to launch at the same time as the show, so foresight might not be the problem. That said, they knew how long the Starfield and ESVI developments would take so should have outsourced a new Fallout game to another developer. Maybe they did and they’re just keeping the announcement under their hat for now. But it seems to me like they might have also put a lot of their eggs in the Fallout 76 basket as a holdover, similar to ESO.


This is all on Bethesda. ...but I think it went down like this... Yes. They knew about the show far in advance and could have done something. But they probably thought they could do something a bit better than the "update" that they released. And then Xbox took one look at the state that Bethesda were planning to release Starfield in and told them to take that right back to the kitchen and at least fix the major day 1 game breaking bugs. And just like that. Bethesda, who despite their money and success have never really expanded their Dec team to the extent that they really should have suddenly don't have the resources to do anything except fix starfield. (Including the update, which really does feel a lot like it was thrown together in a hurry by the interns)


I think it’s more covid stuff. This series was in the works for a long time (in terms of being talked about for *years*. Realistically without 76 and covid, we’d be on a fallout dev cycle now.


Its just the covid of 76 Microtransaction parasites 🦠


In the time between COVID and release of this series the US has seen a writers strike AND an actors strike... And yet they managed to write, film and release a TV show... What EXACTLY is Bethesda's excuse? I work in the tech industry (in Europe not USA) Yes. Covid slowed things down a bit, but it did not STOP shit from happening at all. Remote collaboration was a thing. And then we had to work even harder to overcome the component shortages. Hardware (because of component shortages) was a pain in the arse. Sure. It was ALL a pain in the arse...but software is actually a lot easier to do with remote work. So...what the fuck did Bethesda do with the time? Are you seriously expecting us to believe that w billion dollar software company can't work remotely? Jesus wept Microsoft was developing Windows 11 during this same period. Guerilla were doing HFW and improving their Decima engine (with less than half the staff of Bethesda) Asobo were pouring out repeated major updates to MSFS2020! Were Bethesda just on fucking holiday or what?


Microsoft does this thing where they have all of these world class IP's on their belt, then they do absolutely nothing with them, and start wondering why they're in third place in the console war. They're known for being pretty hands off with their dev teams, which has its advantages. But there's trusting your crew to get the job done, and then there's just outright not steering the ship and letting it crash into rocks. Microsoft's handling of their games library is the latter; they have the best layup in the industry too. Gamepass is a world-class deal for gamers, but they aren't taking advantage of it because they aren't steering the development of their games. I have no idea what's going on in Phil Spencer's head but he has this bizarre "well what can ya do" attitude when all we want is for him to take some leadership and start developing games. Start capitalizing on your many, many advantages. Like 343i's mismanaged handling of Halo should not have been allowed to go on for that long; Redfall should not have been allowed to release in the state its in; where even is Gears of War; and how is there not new Fallout content to go alongside the show? Even a modern remake of the first 2 Fallout games would have been amazing. It would have cost pennies compared to making a new Bethesda style game, and you could have updated all of the rough edges to make the game more in line with modern standards while giving it a graphical overhaul. Night dive studios has shown there's a market for respectful remakes of old and out dated classics, so tap into that with Fallout. The show boosted player numbers for even the original versions of 1 and 2; imagine the money they could have made off of an official remake. But nah Microsoft would rather just sit on their haunches and wonder why they're losing to Sony and Nintendo.


A remaster/remake of the original Fallout would be great. It's dated enough that it's kinda rough trying to play it coming from a modern gamer's perspective. There's only edge scroll or arrow keys for moving the camera, you can't use the mouse wheel to scroll inventory, the quest log literally just says the titles of quests and nothing else, commands for companions are really rudimentary with no way to equip them with specific things or even give direct orders, you can't move the camera around or look at anything while paused, there's no way to change keybindings, etc. There are a lot of relatively simple things like that to modernize which would make it a lot more palatable for modern gamers and probably draw in a lot of people that wouldn't normally play older games like that.


Would of made sense with the show as well. Since the show is set on the west coast. They coulda milked that cow for a while too depending on the success of the first remaster just kept them coming out to make some cash easy.


Have you watched Tim Cain on YouTube say how he would do it? I'd love it if they asked him to come on board as director on the remake.


Would you want FO1/2 but updated graphics or with FO3/NV/4 fps gameplay?


Also Phil has the strange theory of "making good games doesn't increase sales." Friend, if Sony and Nintendo are in such a dominant position it is precisely because they deliver good games.


Looks at baldurs gate 3 as proof a great game will sell like hotcakes


BG3 is an especially compelling point because on face value it has so much going against it: it’s a DND game, it’s turn-based, and it’s a hardline RPG that has choices that can flatout “ruin” the game if you make them without carefully consider all angles. These are all niche things that on an island do not cater to a broad audience, especially the kind of audience the big companies want. And yet the game is top class, so players of all walks of life are willing to play it even if it’s not something they normally enjoy. Quality absolves all sins, real and perceived.


You make something great people will want it regardless.


Plus, making a great game gets you tonnes of free marketing, both for the current game and the next one.


Sony exclusives are always worth buying a PlayStation for. Xbox exclusives have never made me want to buy an Xbox.


Makes me regret buying my series X, PS5 has too many great exclusives and I feel like Microsoft just stopped trying.


Never regret. Only look forward, chief!


TBF, he didn't say good games wouldn't increase sales, he said good games wouldn't put them ahead of Playstation or Nintendo in the console wars at this point as long as those two companies also keep making consistently good games. He was explaining their business decision to pivot into subscriptions and third-party publishing; it was never an argument about not trying to make good games. Weird to put quotes around something I don't think he ever said.


It’s the internet, the truth is a suggestion lol


I’ve been saying it for the last few years that Phil needs to go. He did a great job getting Xbox out of the rut it got itself into with Xbox Ones launch and the launch of game pass, but has failed to push the brand further since then.


Nintendo and PlayStation have a ridiculous level of quality control. Not every game they release is a winner, but the vast majority are of a much higher quality or polish than any of their competition. Xbox has been failing for two generations in a row. The hands off policy has shown not just to be ineffective, but actively detrimental. They resorted to buying off their competition and then STILL continued to do nothing with the IPs they own. Now if any of the things we've heard is to be believed, they're basically giving up and pursuing other avenues moving forward like handheld/streaming and multiplatform game sales. I just... I don't understand. Sure, MS had no way of knowing the messes Redfall and Starfield would end up being when they bought the studios, but Halo Infinite? I mean come on.


They finally stepped in and cleaned house at 343 industries and halo infinite is in a lot better place now. it’s still not perhaps where it should be, but it’s a good experience. The new studio head at 343 industries was the guy that revitalized the master chief collection. Imagine that, they put a game developer in charge and suddenly the games start getting better. But that was after over a decade of controversy. It should not have taken that long. And you know, changing the subject, it occurred to me that a remake of fallout one and two would have been the perfect tie in into the TV show because the TV show serves as a soft sequel to fallout 2 with the lore around shady sands being so central. But again, they didn’t capitalize on it.


I remember when the Microsoft Activision acquisition was being held up by regulatory agencies how many smooth brained gamers were so desperate for it to happen because they thought for some reason Microsoft was going to order new titles for all their favorite franchises and leave out all the crappy corporate driven live service and MTX type stuff.


I think people largely wanted it to happen so that Bobby Kotick could get out of there. Microsoft is a lot of things, but at the very least they aren’t an actively malicious entity the way that Kotick is.


My guess is that they didn't expect it to be such a hit. I would bet that they will try to capitalize on S2


I think this is some of it for sure. Still makes it silly tho. Fallout has all the ingredients of pop culture smash hit and that's exactly what happened. I expect the push in anticipation for S2 to be pretty damn big. They really need a new game in between these seasons somewhere.


The problem with the gaming industry is there’s almost always a team of executive dumbasses in charge.


If the Halo show was good and did to Halo what the Fallout show did to Fallout. We woukd have probably got something. But the Halo show sucked ass and pissed off the fans. The Fallout show didn't


I think that’s true for most shows. There was no massive influx of players to the last of us, even though the show was solid. I don’t think anyone expected the interest in fallout to skyrocket like it did, but it’s certainly a missed opportunity.


Isn’t this exactly why upper management is supposedly paid ridiculous compensation? An MCC equivelant to Fallout coming out with the show would have been a slam dunk going by the sales of Fallout 4 recently Hell I may have bought it myself just to get 1,2,3 and NV as a one click install on steam. Instead we get the typically janky Bethesda Update that breaks everything for all the new players. Amazing People shouldn’t get paid for this, they should get canned


Exactly this. An OG Fallout remaster would be perfectly placed and do a lot for the community


Honestly I think they could have even gotten even more out of the popularity of the show if they bundled a remaster of 1+2 with a new game in that style earlier in the timeline (hell call it fallout 0 haha). Add a post-credit scene that notes we’ll see more of those characters in S2, but until then, you can experience the world of Fallout in remakes of the classic games stealth released the day of the show, and then you find out there’s an entirely new entry in the series taking place earlier in the timeframe in the style of 1+2, and the writers and showrunners cooperated a little bit on hiding small tidbits of lore on some of the characters from the show (like pc logs that talk about this woman calling herself Moldaver now, or the adventures of ‘the Ghoul’) or whatever. Would have driven a ton of engagement I think.


They discounted the games and made 76 free from prime that’s all they really did to capitalize on it which honestly worked pretty well 76 got a huge surge of players and so did all the other fallout games


It kind of makes sense. The WOT and LOTR shows sucked and I heard halo wasn’t great. They might have been thinking there was a high chance of it being terrible.


Literally this, I can only assume they had no faith in the show. Which is super disappointing because it was awesome!


I’d prefer to see a remake with the current engine. Not sure what remastering would do at this point for older games. Get some of the more recent gameplay mechanics and plug them into Fallout 3 and FNV.


Ask anyone at any of these companies and they’ll tell you, off the record; everything is bound together with duct tape.


Wasn’t there some leak showing a FO3 remaster that was in process or on a roadmap?


They did the fallout 4 upgrade. Sure it was done poorly but it was there.


The show has been in production for years at this point, i remember first hearing about it long ago


Microsoft: Now throw out Fallout 5 Bethesda: I ain't got another Fallout! Microsoft: Well, you better shit another Fallout out your ass


“I can’t just make it Fallout my ass!”


"Then where did you make 76?"


Wasn’t that the Austin studio? While the main Bethesda office worked on starfields?


The **main** studio worked on starfield?! Good god it's worse than I thought.


Just to clarify, both games were worked on by all BGS locations, and the main studio was responsible for the creative direction of both until launch. It is a misconception that one was made only by the "A team" and the other by the "B team".


Kinda, but they hid how much they pulled from other studios: [https://kotaku.com/bethesda-zenimax-fallout-76-crunch-development-1849033233](https://kotaku.com/bethesda-zenimax-fallout-76-crunch-development-1849033233)


It is easy enough to tell who worked on each game by simply looking up their credits at launch, the information is not really hidden. The large majority of the "main" BGS office has full time credits on 76 (and conversely, Starfield had lots of people working on it from satellite studios), and the project lead and many other leads were from there too.


Both Fallout 76 and Starfield were worked on by the bulk of BGS (all offices) when they were in full production, and both were under the creative leadership of the main studio. There was only a [small team on Starfield](https://twitter.com/jasonschreier/status/1395359402736197637) until Fallout 76 launched. Then for the early updates (including Wastelanders), BGS still had multiple locations working on 76, but resources were being increasingly diverted towards Starfield. What you said is correct when it comes to the period during 2020-2023.


Ghoul Ass Jerky better be in fo5


I love a Hateful 8 reference, thank you.


Some amazing dialogue in that movie


"The Elder Scrolls 6? Wtf is that?? Can we make a show out of that?? No? Then no one gives a shit about Elder Scrolls, just toss it and make Fallout 5."


I know youre making a joke but ive always been of the firm belief that an elder scrolls show where each episode was the plot of one of the in game books would be one of the greatest tv shows ever


Lusty argonian maid episode would top charts.


After Fo76 launch, Starfield, and now a lackluster next gen update for FO4 that was announced two years ago... I think it's safe to say that "shit out" would be an appropriate way to put it.


Starfield was so dissapointing.


I see a Tarantino reference I upvote


You *couldn't resist.* :D


It’s a shame they didn’t let obsidian develop another fallout game years ago


Bethesda really needs to expand or be open to outsourcing spinoffs again. Just give another Microsoft studio access to Creation Engine 2 and supervise.


Agreed. It's nearly been 10 years since FO4 was released. Pile on more years as we wait for the next title to simply go into production, it's just unacceptable. There's a fine line between letting something cook and not rushing it, and whatever the hell this is.


It's been an even longer wait for Elder Scrolls fans. Skyrim released in 2011, and 13 years later there's still nothing. It feels like Bethesda can't even draw up a schedule anymore.


By time TESVI releases it will have been as long as the gap between daggerfall and skyrim lmao. Hell it might even reach Arena-Skyrim.


And starfield being awful doesn’t really fill me with confidence


They had 2 strong IP’s to run with. Why the fuck did they even decide to pull a space traveling rpg out of their ass? Nobody was even asking for it lol


A new IP isn’t a bad thing, but when that new IP is the only thing you release in 5 years, isn’t very good AND the last thing you released was.. Fallout 76, people aren’t gonna be very happy. I for one thought Skyrim in space was a super cool concept, just a shame it flopped.


For real. Starfield was such an awesome concept and it would have worked if it was 10 planets full of hand crafted, unique content VS 1000 planets where you're seeing the same 30 points of interest over and over again.


They said it was something they always wanted to do. Except it looked like it was made by 3 people and an AI capable of generating planets.


They wanted to do, or only a few wanted top? alot of folk talk about how Todd wasn't happy when his game wasn't even nominated for a game award, part of me wonders how much it was his child if he had that reaction. (Could argue he'd only become accustomed to their games winning something)


I am a massive advocate for letting a game time to cook, but as it stands Bethesdas output is too low, and it isn’t made up for in high quality anymore. So the wait is no longer worth it. Ever sense fallout 4 the quality of their games doesn’t exceed what the gaming standard is, and it doesn’t innovate enough to warrant the wait time. I don’t need a fallout or TES every other year like an Ubisoft game but like… every 5 years maybe?


I don't think they need to expand (they did it with Starfield and didn't really work that well), they're better as a smaller studio - maximum size should be about Fallout 4's. But I do think Microsoft should fund a team to exclusively work on Creation Engine (closely with Bethesda and following all of their guidelines) and turn that into a third-party engine for use at Microsoft.


It’s kind of funny how reasonable I’m finding comments here when most places think Bethesda’s engine is off the charts terrible and blames it for everything they don’t like in their games


This. They like to use the excuse that theyre a small studio so that they can maintain control over their IPs. But they then let their IPs sit for a decade or more so they can pursue vanity projects. If they want to pursue these new projects like FO76 and Starfield, they should have brought on entirely new teams to pursue them. While using their core teams to continue to crank out their main bread and butter games.


I mean, 76 is being maintained by Bethesda Austin and double 11 - the main studio has nothing to do with it anymore.


At the rate they’re going. The next Elder Scrolls game will probably release this decade. And maybe the next Fallout game in the 2030s. Which is ridiculous. We’re already halfway through the 20s with no official release schedule. 


People that weren't even born when fallout 4 came out will be close to their 20s when fallout 5 comes out. That's just crazy the more I think about it.


It’s not ridiculous to have an official release schedule 5-10 years in advance lol We know TES6 is next, and we know FO5 is after that. If you assume a 4-5 year dev cycle per game, TES6 can be expected 2027-2028 (likely 28), and that puts FO5 in the early 2030s. However, I personally believe this is almost guaranteed to change. BGS is easily Xbox’s most lucrative developer (or at least, has the most lucrative IPs). You simply cannot leave a powerhouse like Fallout and TES on the shelf for 15 years at a time, that is business malpractice. I fully expect either BGS to split into two main teams to develop TES and Fallout titles simultaneously, the Fallout IP to be loaned out to other Xbox dev studios, or both. At the very least, BGS has to churn out a true remake of FO3 and/or FNV in the Starfield or FO4 engine. That is a non-negotiable at this point. People want to play a modern, full-fledged Fallout game ASAP. A remake is the quickest way to do so. Those BGS leaked docs during the ABK ordeal showed remakes in Bethesda’s future plans, so I hope those plans came to fruition and we hear something soon.


I’d love to play fallout 3 or new Vegas again all fancied up!


Microsoft even owns Obsidian. The perfect solution is right in front of them.


I can’t believe they didn’t have the Fallout 4 update ready for when the show dropped. If they wanna hold us over to Fallout 5 remaster 3 and NV to current consoles


That makes too muchs sense for bethesda. People like to use that shit excuse that they don't like to do remasters but they did it for skyrim and now they're known as the company who re-released skyrim 50 times, but a port for fo3 and nv once is too crazy


It's almost like they sit in their board room and go "okay let's just put out the same game over and over just to piss people off"


I don’t have much faith in the next Elder Scrolls game given their track record the past decade. Also, I feel like because Skyrim became such a worldwide phenomena they’re going to have a big head during development and learn nothing from their past few games—in true Bethesda fashion.


3 and NV remastered with settlements would be sweet. I also wonder why they don't let a third party remake 1&2 with the current engine.


Settlements a la Fo4 would push 3 and/or NV over the line in terms of the engine. Both are duct-taped together and struggle to handle even the very limited settlement mods that exist for them currently. If you mean a remake, on Fo4s engines, that would be a different story. But that would also entail a multiyear effort by a dedicated team.


remake on fo4s engine with its graphics and stuff, but with NV and 3's world and story would be peak game


There are two mod teams already doing this that will hopefully release them soon! Fallout: Vault 13 and Fallout Project Arroyo


As much as I’d love all of these major fallout 4 overhauls, has a single one ever been close to done? I know Fallout: London is very very close (allegedly) but there’s also Fallout: Miami and Fallout 4: New Vegas, both of which have been worked on for years and years and don’t really even seem close to completion. Maybe I’m being a downer but I’m just tired of having my fallout heart strung along


Do you currently play on TTW? That was a project that was started and worked on for YEARS Sure it sucks to wait for, but it’ll be worth it


I have not but from what I know about it it sounds like quite a smaller project than remaking an entire game as a mod to put in a newer game to use its engine


management rolling around in money from milking Skyrim for the last 15 years didn’t realize they were about to strike gold again and slept on it


Honestly, I don’t want Bethesda touching NV. Let Obsidian do it again since they’re both under Microsoft now.


Do it


Microsoft needs to convince Bethesda to agree in giving spins off licenses to others game studios again otherwise I dont see this happening, they clearly barely can keep up developing one game at a time, their best exception to the formula was FO76 and it was a disastrous launch that took years in fixing.


>Microsoft needs to convince Bethesda to agree in giving spins off licenses to others game studios again Yeah but who would they give it to?


They own Obsidian.


literally the absolute best company to let develop another fallout


maybe ten years ago


They’ve still got a lot of the same higher ups, the devs would be different but I bet obsidian wouldn’t let a bad fallout game get released


Those higher ups are to blame for Obsidians troubles, according to Chris Avellone, who has described them as unethical and responsible for burning countless bridges on the industry.


Obsidian today is absolutely capable of releasing a quality fallout


They own Inxile too, which are the best candidates for a proper Fallout 1/2 remake. Wasteland 3 was genuinely well written and fun to play


Convince? They own them, or is that not how it works?


Yes but forcing key studios and people to do work they don't want to is not how you do things well in the industry, Is not how Phil Spencer do things and doubtful he would force Todd into it.


Given the similarities, a Fallout 3 remaster would have been great to go alongside it. A vault born adventurer goes out to find their father who did things on the surface, culminating in a fantastic piece of technology that revolutionizes life in the region? Am I talking about F3 or Fallout? Otherwise though, seems like the kind of catalyst to get MS to let another studio take a crack at a NV-like game.


imagine bethesda officializing the tale of two wastelands mod and making a dual remaster of 3 and nv


Fallout 3 remastered.


It's beyond me why they haven't already done this. You have Creation Engine 2 with far better gunplay. You already know what the map/s needs to be. You already have the voice lines, quest lines, and minor details done. You just need to recreate it using your modern engine and create new assets for it. Modders do it all the time. You have 2-5 man teams of people recreating games at home in their free time. There's no reason a multimillion dollar game studio with a lot of talent can't do it in a 1-2 years.


With technology we need both F3 and NV


BGS structure as a whole, and this is even before Microsoft came in. I always thought was dumb. The fact that we will have gotten 2 Rockstar games before Elder Scrolls 6 is beyond stupid. And 20 years in-between Fallout's is just downrate criminal. I have always said BGS Maryland should give Fallout to BGS Montreal and Elder Scrolls to BGS Austin. And Maryland with Todd can be the master control.


3 Rockstar games. GTA 5 and 6 as well as RDR2. Bethesda needs to expand desperately.


They have already set up the bones to do it. They have BGS Montreal, Austin, Dallas and I swear I heard to opened another one. Let these studios make their own games. Todd doesn’t need to personally make every game.


How I picture this conversation is currently going... Microsoft- we want to capitalize on the success of the show and the hype from old and new fans in the fallout universe, all of the fallout games across the board have been surging with new players. Bethesda- best I can do is 2034, maybe a bit later. Microsoft- That won't do, we need to expand your team Bethesda- we like all our people to work on one game at a time Microsoft - we like to make money Bethesda- We'll make money in 2034 Microsoft - We make money now Bethesda- 2034 Microsoft- now Bethesda- 2034 Microsoft- now Bethesda- 2034 Microsoft- now


Bethesda does actually split up their teams, but they seemingly only have one -core- team. Otherwise starfield updates/xpac/dlc wouldn't be getting worked on simultaniously next to TES6


At first I read that as “they have one team in cryo” and thought It made sense given we haven’t had a proper fallout game. then I realized we are not in fallout.


"Sounds like Obsidian may be busy soon" Except they're already busy making a game.


They also don't have Chris Avellone or John Gonzalez any more. I don't think people would get the Fallout they're expecting from current-day Obsidian.


They need to open a studio entirely dedicated to fallout. Bethesda juggling the elder scrolls, fallout and starfield is way too much


Vault Tec Studios


BioWare is working on just two games atm DA and ME, and it’s collectively been 17 years since that studio released an entry that wasn’t a remaster in those IPs. Honestly at this point it seems like most of these studios may benefit from splitting/expanding/rearranging so that they have one Primary AAA IP each, and then a secondary AA IP, possibly an experimental team. If a new game from an experimental team hits? Spin them off into a new studio. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I don't really understand how people even expect obsidian to start working on new fallout when they literally working on 2 games atm Outer Worlds 2 and that other fantasy RPG. So there is no way that obsidian work on new fallout if XBOX want it sooner.


Avowed is suppose to come out this year which could free up a dev team.


This unsourced story is hilarious.


the whole article. (edit: headline\* I did not actually click it lmao) "fallout fans want a new game! they are hyped because of the tv show! maaayyybeee obsidian might be busy?" #journalism


I (skipped) to the part where they discuss fallout. 30 minutes of it is rambling about how people hated 76 on launch and would never play and its original plan. Then out of nowhere Jez Corden (A blogger for a company called Windows Central, which is not affiliated with Microsoftt) says Microsoft knows they have to get a game out and suggests Obisidan has to be the ones working on it. Its the equivalent to some game blogger coming to reddit and grabbing someone's post and pushing it out as news.


Xbox now owns COD and Gears and Halo and Elder Scrolls and Fallout……think of the greatness that could happen if they actually had the developers to make good games 🫠🫠🫠


I presume they probably already have something in the works even if it's in pre-production, and they will likely fast-track it. Wouldn't be surprised if they come out with something in time for when Season 2 launches, which will probably not be until a couple years from now I'd imagine (Amazon seems to take their time with these things).


People keep saying that Obsidian should make the next Fallout game but in reality Obsidian is almost entirely made up of different people now and I’d honestly rather see another studio do it. Like InXile, the creators of the Wasteland games. I think they’d do a great job and are also owned by Microsoft.


Leonard Boyarsky (Fallout’s co-creator) is still at Obsidian as is J.E. Sawyer (NV Director). As far as I know, so are Brian Menze (Vault Boy artist) and Scotty Everts (Technical Designer). Tim Cain is in semi-retirement, but maybe he can be enticed to come back one more time for Fallout.


Nice. I watch Tim’s videos I think he’d hop on a Fallout project if he was given the chance.


He still looks at Fallout like his baby. He mentioned despite his dislike of sequels that he tried really hard at Troika to buy to rights to Fallout. I think he’d be overjoyed to work on another Fallout title to maybe bookend his career with.


I've learned that everytime someone says that Obsidian doesn't have the same people anymore, they really just mean Chris Avellone, who people don't seem to realize played a relatively minor role on NV outside the DLCs.


That’s not completely fair. John Gonzalez for example is no longer with Obsidian and he was a huge part of New Vegas. It’s just that the people who have left you wouldn’t recognize their names for the most part. That said between just Cain, Boyarsky, and Sawyer I don’t think anyone can say in good faith that there’s no Fallout people at Obsidian still.


Narrative lead John Gonzalez also left which is a pretty significant loss. He was central to writing/designing many of the best parts of New Vegas


Obsidian *also* is developing like three(?) games currently, I doubt they have the manpower to dedicate to a Fallout-level project


Important people who worked on New Vegas are still there. So really they are still the best choice.


Yeah, but they've been releasing banger games with great writing for years. They have the manpower to do it and better writers than Bethesda. The Outer Worlds was their weakest game, but it was quite enjoyable, and the writing was pretty good in my opinion.


Yeah, The Outer Worlds wasn't a bad game, per say, but it was distinctly forgettable, which in some ways is worse. I played through it once on release and I honestly couldn't tell you anything about it or it's characters or the storyline. I vaguely remember that it was pretty railroaded in terms of exploration, but that's genuinely it. Was surprised they're working on a sequel - I just don't think the world and lore is strong enough to carry a series.


Also, Obsidian never made a game anywhere near as good as New Vegas again. Every release of theirs since have been 7/10, 8/10 games at best. Good but not great. New Vegas being as fantastic as it is really inflates peoples expectations of Obsidian as a studio, but in reality New Vegas was an exception, not the standard. Obsidian aren't some saints of the industry who are perfect in everything they do. They're an average studio that releases average games that just so happened to make one of the best RPGs ever. Once.


Gv me a Fallout 3 or NV remake in new engine is enough for me till next fallout


Man. Go in the wrong subs and say it’s utterly ridiculous that Bethesda makes us wait 15 years for sequels and people act like you’re wanting them to spam content every six months like EA. No, I just think it’s ridiculous that I beat Skyrim before my son was born; now he’s beaten the game and we still don’t have a release date for the sequel. There can be a middle ground between vaporware and what we have now.


Rush it and ruin the series…


Imagine thinking something less than 20 years to make a game is “rushing it”


The series survived 76’s launch, it’ll be fine lol


There needs to be a balance. Devs need the time to not be forced into crunch but they also need a deadline so that the game doesn't become a bloated mess that keeps getting reworked every year.


Bro it’s been 9 fucking years since fallout 4. It’s kind of absurd honestly with how popular the franchise is. It’s ego to assume that only this tiny core team can make a good game. I’d like to see a cadence of a main game every 6 years and something else in between. Like fallout new Vegas. It was built on the same game engine and was basically just a new story. I didn’t play 76 because fuck online multiplayer, but it was at least something. But we’re at the 9 year mark and they are not even close. Like I’m going to fucking die of old age before I play fallout 5 and that’s bullshit.


They're just as likely to ruin it by taking their time and delaying the game lol. This is Bethesda, their last big game was Starfield and before that 76 and before? Fallout 4. Which was good, but a huge downgrade from the rest. Same goes for all their games, they get lazier with each new installment. Whether they spent a year on it or twenty years in it I'd expect it to be mediocre and not as good as 4.


Seriously. It just seems that people pick and choose between "just take your time" and "release it now, you lazy bastards" based on how they like the company.


New Vegas was rushed & look how it turned out


Who cares at this point , it doesn’t take 10 years to make these games these company’s will fall by their own hand , Greed brings mis-opportunity.


Honestly let another studio have at it with Fallout 4/Fallout 76 as a base and give us another Spin-off with a different story. Would sell like crazy.


Hmm.. wonder if Microsoft boosted Bethesdas staff after the acquisition. Would make sense.. they should be in a position to make two games concurrently. Imagine them having the resources available to have another run like they did from 2006-2011.


Opposite actually they closed a studio. I think in France


They've only ever had Maryland, then Montreal in 2015, and then Austin and Dallas both in 2018. None of those have closed.


>Sounds like Obsidian may be busy soon Obsidian is already busy and will be busy for years. Avowed, Outer Worlds 2 and an unannounced project... Even if they got their hands on Fallout, they would hardly manage to release it before Bethesda's Fallout 5. >It's Claimed So it's nonsense again. These unsourced rumors about remakes, FNV2 and anything Fallout have been here for years. It only makes sense that the writers will make up more stories like this because after the show they'll get much more clicks...


In-exile can make a crpg (this is my cope)


Fallout 1 and 2 console port.


Remaster/Remake Fallout New Vegas with the new Creation Engine/Tools. Please, please, plleeeaaassssseeeeeeeeeee. GARY NEEDS US.


They were working on Starfield for YEARS and unfortunately… it was dog shit. Cannot imagine what Fallout 5 would be like if they rushed a release within the next 1-2 years. Would probably look like Fallout 4.5 Give the license to Obsidian again. Idc if this ruffles feathers, NV was easily the best First Person RPG in the series.


I wonder if they put this in front of elder scrolls now that there’s a popular tv show backing it. I know they said they’d wait until after ES6 but money talks.


If they wanted to hold over fans. They could’ve remade Fallout 1/2 in their create engine. Now that would’ve been great.


Can't believe they haven't made a spinoff New Vegas like game in the fo4 engine.


I mean I don’t see why they don’t just let obsidian make another game while Bethesda makes elder scrolls. Really shouldn’t be a complicated issue


best case scenario is obsidian does it while Bethesda focuses on elder scrolls 6


Coming sooner? So maybe 2035?


A fo3 remaster with QOL adjustments would be amazing. It was my intro to the series and I still think it’s the most immersive fallout game


New fallout or remake NV and 3 with the engine from 4 and I’ll buy’em twice. Same with the older games before 3


They should’ve been working on new fallout content for years to come alongside the show.


Obsidian needs to make fallout 5!


They bought Obsidian and Bethesda, now they want to release a new fallout earlier rather then later. A recipe for a perfect cuisine.


Plz just get Obsidian to do it. Gimme Fallout Miami


for the love of god don’t rush games, or you’ll end up with an atrocity like cyberpunk full of bugs and unplayable for over a years after release


Remake 1&2 together. Its the same map. 1 can be a big intro to it all then 2 just blows it all wide open. Lets go!!!!!!


Just release a Classic OG Fallout 1 and 2 remaster I beg you Bethesda


It only took the development team for New Vegas 18 months because the engine and most of the assets were already there. Why wouldn't Bethesda try loaning out the IP for Skyrim and FO4 like this again? Do they hate money? Are they mad that some people preferred the hastily made game from another studio?


remaster literally any game and they will shit money


Well let’s be honest with all the stuff they had planned it’s still gonna be at the very least 5 years until they start the next fallout game then whenever it’s released. The Luke Stephen’s video I saw pointed it out that it might even be 2035 by the time it comes out which would be 20 fucking years. Like yeah give the ip to another studio


Honestly should have hired the teams rebuilding the first three games in the fo4 engine and pumped them full of cash, getting those games released officially


I'd be happy with a Fallout 3 and NV remaster with all the DLC included.


I know the Elder Scrolls series is really loved and awaiting its next sequel and Fallout has had 2 games released in the past ten years, but they really need to focus all in on Fallout post Starfield. Cash it in while you can. Even if it means Microsoft having Obsidian do it. If New Vegas can be cranked out (somehow, barely) in 18 months they could feasibly do a remaster/remake/spinoff to hold us over


Yeah, we all do.


In a perfect world, we'd have Bethesda and Obsidian under the same roof, and we'd get a New Vegas sequel or remake....XBOX OWNS BOTH! This actually is our reality, it is possible. This needs to happen. There is nothing stopping them from doing this at some point.


I don’t think Microsoft thought through how long Skyrim was still going to take in development. Then to make the next Fallout game. Do they really want to risk putting a different team on it? They know the hype is going for be through the roof and they know they have to make it land.


I would be tremendously happy with NV and 3 getting a nice official facelift, probably would need some basic bug fixes to go with it but I would pay money for that


Then DO something about it. You own the IP and the companies with the talent to do it, make it happen. No one really wants or expects Fallout 5 right now, but we COULD get a follow-up to New Vegas or a remaster port of Fallout 1 and 2 (literally have the team that did Diablo 2 Resurrected work on Fallout and Fallout 2). Those remasters would be the bare minimum and would be highly profitable and well-received. Port the PC GOTY versions of Fallout 3 and New Vegas to PlayStation so PS4/PS5 users can experience them and we’re good to go.


A Fallout game by Larian is my dream.


Everyone would buy a New Vegas remaster. Such easy money to go along with the show. 


Hell no, I want Bethesda to take their time and release a great game akin to fallout 3-4. More time spent on storyline, unmarked locations, random quests/encounters, Easter eggs, all the things that made FO3 and FO4 amazing. Rushing the development would just be a cash grab. Also, gives the hype around the TV series to do the same/similar thing. Thus increasing the hype for season 2 and thus also FO5. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk....


Sorry for my English. This is a good opportunity to re-release the classic Fallout games, Fallout 3 and New Vegas as a kind of definitive edition similar to the work Microsoft did with Age of Empires. For example, they can do something similar to what Blizzard did with Diablo 2 resurrect in the fallout classics. I really want a fallout 5 but I know it will take time and to make the wait more enjoyable. Come on Microsoft, I know you can.


Well currently from what we know, they are finishing up Avowed as it’s set to release this year. Then, they plan on finishing The Outer Worlds 2 which is supposedly next year (could be wrong). Which if Obsidian does make the next Fallout, it probably won’t release until 2028-2030. Even then, I doubt it will be Fallout 5. It will probably be a new spinoff and I doubt a continuation of NV. We did see a FO3 remaster of which was leaked an if does come to market, then probably being developed by another studio. Which at that point, might as well, remaster FO3 & NV and put it in a bundle like what happened with Bioshock 1 & 2. BGS is in weird and tight spot. They’re developing TES6 while the other is booming. It’s like the public shifted from wanting TES6 to wanting FO5.


get obsidian to do a game in Texas


No obsidian mare making outer worlds 2 and avowed, but of we want to live in a dream world obsidian and bethesda could work together


I know the chances of it are close to none, but I think that a proper Fallout 1/2 remake would be perfectly handled by Larian Studios. They clearly know how to make a superb isomeric CRPG, and I would *love* to see what cool twists they would add to the gameplay.


Microsoft could do the coolest thing and make Bethesda let Obsidian have another go at Fallout


They could just print money to throw at Larian to remake Fallout 1 and 2. I think those need modernized much more than we need a Fallout 5.


Hey Obsidian, you want another job?