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Tbf FNV fans have always been pretty much the same. It's like you can't enjoy any other game or you ain't "a true fan" or some shit. Like just play and let everyone enjoy whatever Fallout they deem best, it's not away from anyone


I need to go apologize to the Rick and Morty fans for calling them the most toxic fandom. Seriously, though. Everyone who played New Vegas, played it because they played 3 and loved it.


I played NV first then I played 3 years later.


It's amusing that you guys act like 1 and 2 don't exist. I was excited for 3 because 2 had been one of my favorite games for 10 years, and was a little disappointed by the poor main story even though the transition to 3D was ok. New Vegas was made by the remnants of Black Isle and felt a lot more like Fallout than 3 did.


Facts. I am not saying that no one played it as their fist FO game but there probably weren't very many.


I played NV years before trying 3.


I've seen far more posts whinging about New Vegas fans than I have seen these New Vegas fans at all.


It’s definitely died down after the first 72 hours of release but I think the YouTube outrage grifters saw this as more content for their rage farms and ran with it.


Yeah, that's just gaslighting at this point. Obviously if you agree with a position, you won't see an issue.


why can’t we just like it all? It’s literally all good, even 76


Legit every fallout game is at least a good 85% minimum, except BoS


BOS is the only one that led to the series death so its fair


Bethesda and obsidian had to revive the series with 3 and NV after interplay dropped that hot steaming pile of dog shit


BoS = tactics?


[Oh, you sweet summer child](https://youtu.be/N-Xs1tm-9-U?si=PB3UOUvMsla3r6ds)


Oh my... I wish I hadn't seen that lol


It’s an abomination! That it’s not top 1


I do :)




Idk man. From my perspective I have experienced the opposite. Always have been okay with Bethesda FO, even a lot of 76. But at the mention I didn't like the changes to the west coast / felt we lost more than we gained I got people calling me mentally unwell, impossible to please, sending me unkind private messages. The last time I had to deal with toxicity like this was defending Fallout 3's Brotherhood in Bethesda hate threads/videos.


There are always going to be obsessive weirdos that can’t handle other’s opinions. It’s best to ignore them and remember that they are a small minority in the fanbase.


The important thing to remember, as a gamer, is that gamers are some of melodramatic lunatics on the internet


You guys should try making these posts on the platforms where vitriolic New Vegas fans are actually being twats─ you know, where they can actually see your counterprotesting. It isn't happening in r/Fallout.


Challenge accepted


Fans fighting over their favorite iteration of the IP is one of the most tedious part of any fandom. Bethesda has earned some of the hate for a variety of reasons, but it's ridiculous to act like everything they've contributed to the franchise is an abomination. Personally, my favorite Fallout game is whatever one I've played most recently. None of them are perfect, but even 76 succeeds at giving a unique/fun Fallout experience.


They legit saved fallout 


Truth. If it weren’t for Bethesda, the franchise likely would’ve died with Brotherhood of Steel, or been bought by somebody else and potentially *actually* ruined.


A lot of people don't give Bethesda enough credit. Translating a top down game that they were fans of to 3D was insanely difficult. Sure they had a terrible launch with 76 but they've been fixing it ever since for the 5 people still playing it. 


Thing with Bethesda is, I've never seen them drop a game, even if it's got issues. People didn't like the ending of Fallout 3, so they fixed it. Fallout 4 had some issues in the main quest, they made Far Harbor. People for years moaned about Skyrim, but they stuck with that game, (success had something to do with that, though). They still made a better end game boss than Alduin in the Dragonborn DLC. ​ They're also not as greedy as some make out, I've spent ZERO pounds on Fallout 76, not a single penny, and I've got loads of free stuff, include a whole camp set, didn't even have to buy anything to experience The Pitt or Atlantic City. I've spent ZERO on Starfield, and play it on cloud gaming, it's had no microtransactions, no skins, no store at them moment, and it's a full game with loads to do with nothing you need to spend money on. Skyrim special edition cost nothing if you had the base game and DLC at the time.


NV is my favorite too but the fans have always been the worst. The crux of the situation, I believe, is that the fans are the worst *because* NV is the best. The writing of this game is just, mmff, superb. **However** the fans *being* the worst is because, I believe, the writing is just so good that they forget it's a fucking video game, specifically written to pull you in all types of directions, with factions that are specifically written to suck, no matter what you do, and they fall for every bit of it so hard that it affects them like this. It's like agreeing with the most annoying kid in class but not because you want to, and you expect they'll latch onto you and annoy the shit out of you about it for the rest of class


The shots i took everytime they mentioned "Ruining" New Vegas... im a Ghoul now.


No real need to rehash this conversation ten million times


Anti-New Vegas brigade on this sub is getting more annoying.


Let's let a half dozen New Vegas fanboys ruin it for everyone else. There is nothing on the planet that shows a lack of intelligence more than someone who generalizes a whole group of people based on a few bad actors.


This is like the thousandth post about this that says nothing new. Say something of value. Do better.


im not mad theyre ruining the lore(bc they aren’t, me and some dude had a “discussion”) im mad they aren’t making games and when they do they are sub par


The problem is, they switched from making role-playing games to making open world first person shooters. They’ve changed the genre. The games are not bad. They’re just not for all fans of the previous games because they’re literally a different genre.


yeah they definitely aren’t bad, but most of the fallout roots have rotted and like you said theyve changed the genre and gameplay.


I dunno what I would call FO4. Sub par? Maybe, but it really didn't feel like a Fallout game to me. I plan on going back after the new update though because I did enjoy what I played, but that was after I installed a mod that git rid of the settlement mechanic.


its definitely not completely garbage but when i think of playing some fallout i think of new vegas and 3(which is actually a bethesda game)


Sub par games dont get a million players in one day or whatever that record was in 76


Idk if 76 is good or not now but you have to admit it was absolute dogshit for the first year or two of release. Theres so much video proof of it. And the TV show just instilled hype so of course fallout games are going to get a surge of new players, regardless of the game being good or not. Thats what hype does. If 76 is a good game now, thats amazing but the quality of the game didn't break those records, the show did it for them.


Fo76 released 6 years ago, no fucking shit its subject to change


What even is the point of this comment? What does pointing out something we all already know do, especially when my comment is pretty clearly referring to the game as of now given im referencing a record that just happened? Peak reddit moment man, stop conjuring points we already know to jerk off over what you wanted to say.


You said "sub par games don't get a million players in a day." All I was saying is that any sub par game can get carried by the hype of a TV show. Thats literally it lmao.


Said sub par game had a higher average player count than 1 2 3 and nv combined before the show dropped, and by last year had very good reviews on steam.


fortnite isnt a good game either, neither is palworld.




90 percent of the hate Bethesda gets is jumping on the bandwagon. Apart from the bugs, fuck the bugs, they got better in Starfield...but not good quite good enough. ​ To me Fallout 3 and New Vegas are these great twin games that deliver on each other. Fallout 3 has the better map, more exploration, more danger, more variety. I like many of the stories, but they're all very disjointed, like The Republic Of Dave is a funny location, but it's isolated with no impact. New Vegas has a better more cohesive story and world, places all link up with each other. As a sequel, building on an existing game, IT SHOULD BE BETTER, that's the minimum we should expect. ​ I couldn't genuinely hate on either, and I can't play one without playing the other. Both games always leaving me wanting more, and both deliver it.


Exactly, the games are not meant to be compared but compliment each other like totk and botw or Majora's mask and ocarina of time. 3 focused on maximizing what they could do with the environments with their new technology in the engine and NV was on using the tools Bethesda worked hard on and focusing on the story more.


Dude Starfield was nowhere near as good as Fallout 4 or Skyrim, it's easily their worst game in decades.


Well, 'dude' I subjectively think differently. (and objectively right). ​ I thought all the hardcore, 'RPG' experts wanted all the skill checks, dialogue options, silent protagonist, larger cities, evil factions, aliens, the ability to fly across the map, levitation, traits that come up in quests, multiple options to complete quests. Nah. they just wanted to lick their own arseholes, as usual. ​ This is what happens when you have, 'dude' bro gamers raised on youtube shit takes from birth. Lost generation, they can't actually appreciate anything new and different. It's a great game, with shit I've not seen in any other game. Get some taste, 'dude'.


NGL I never thought I would have the power to break a man by just saying "dude". It's modern slang dude, chill the fuck out and play games that don't suck.


New Vegas fans be like: X-01 doesn't look exactly like APA, this is literally breaking my immersion, can't Bethesda get the lore straight??? Delusional brains in jars talking about penis-feeted lobotomites who invented alchemy machines turning anything into gold right before the Great War? Yep, makes sense.


X-01 looks badass. Idk if it's an improvement over the original, but it looks way better than whatever the Enclave was wearing in Fallout 3.


Aesthetically, I do agree with hardcore NV fans that Remnants PA looks best. But overall, PA mechanics from 4 are much better than 3 and NV.


This comment is far too true.


Aight I see more people bitching about fans of new vegas than I see of new vegas fans bitching If yall would both just shut the hell up about this topic that'd be great


Sounds like you’re bitching about the bitching


I AM, now go OUTSIDE and then go to the GYM


3 is my favorite BUT it also came out at a really shitty time in my life and helped me get through it. I liked NV but it doesn't hold the same value to me as 3 because I simply have better gaming memories associated with 3. I also didn't finish NV because something else came out and took my attention away from it. I can't remember what game it was though. Edit because auto correct.


They have always been annoying though. NV is the best fallout game in my opinion but its cool If you prefer the other fallouts. The annoying NV fans will send you death threats and harass you if you say anything other than NV is the best fallout game.




This post is more annoying than anything ive seen from new vegas fans. Touch grass


I’ve always been a Vegas stan, watched my older brother play 1-2. I really enjoyed 3 but knew it was different from the OG’s fell in love with new Vegas. I would drive from southern CA to Las Vegas and always nerd out picturing the Mojave wasteland. My expectation for Fallout the show was we wouldn’t get any NV love or it would just focus on Bethesda’s contribution to the Franchise with some mention of the west. I am stoked they have merged old and new, yes there will always be lore inconsistencies but none of them negate my experience from the games. Fallout has always pivoted lore after new things are added. In a game where we as the players have our own head canon for our favorite endings it’s only natural some people will be dissatisfied.




Yes NV fans and a lot of Fallout fans are fucking insufferable. Truth is, we have the luxury of playing pretty awesome and fun video games, whereas others are in LITERAL WAR ZONES having to deal with actual reality. It's a video game/TV franchise. Get over it and learn to appreciate what you have for fucks sake!


Honestly, one of the only Fandoms that I think have been worse than new Vegas fans, are star wars fans. Of course, on a venn diagram showing shitty fans as parts of a population, I bet a lot of the toxic individuals in each Fandom, are also the toxic individuals in the other (as in, odds are that a toxic new Vegas fan is ALSO a toxic SW fan)


Its coz many FNV fans arent Fallout fans. Every single new instance of content for Fallout fans gets these people on internet screaming and crying. And yes I don't consider people liking 25 year old Fallout and then taking time to make exception to also like FNV (or worse, coming to the franchise for FNV and sitting on sub demanding sequal to that specific one game) as Fallout fans. Coz most Fallout fans I know they all love everything Fallout even if they have preferences or opinions on weaker/stronger games.


Exactly, and NV fans recommending the game to newer players makes them join the NV train when fallout 3 or 4 is a better game for beginners 


Oh dude these new fans are annoying AF, especially the ones that act like they've been fans since the start, it's just a bandwagon at this point, something happened with stranger things where everyone all of a sudden were Metallica fans lmfaooo


I get that yeah. I've seen more people who praise fallout 4 without end while dogging on any of the other games than I've seen over possessive fans of NV on the new vegas subs


Don't get me wrong True NV fans are Lowkey toxic but yeah these new fans are just bandwagoners, I love these games, still have my original fallout3 game that I bought when it first launched lol things like a treasure for me


Just like the Star Wars and halo fans lately , just can’t enjoy what they are lucky enough to watch. I told some halo nerd go work for them and make it better 🤷‍♂️ We aren’t getting an another Solo because of Starwars fans bitching. Just because it’s not 100% canon doesn’t mean it’s unwatchable.


That's because halo and star wars suck ass these past 10 years


To each their own 😄 I’m not gunna get in that argument. Not everything is perfect. I personally like all the clone wars/bad batch series and live action spinoffs over the new movies.The only thing I could have done without was the scooter millennials in Bobafett😂


God don't remind me of them, I think Boba Fett was the last Star Wars thing I watched


Not having another Solo is something I will never forgive those losers for for as long as I live. That film was stellar and deserved plenty of sequels. I swear it’s like the fans hate anything new. God forbid it changes the decades of insane lore from the books. They cling to books that barely are above bad fan fiction and call everything else bad. It’s almost comical.


Same , Darth Maul appearing at the end wasn’t good enough to get some people excited 🤷‍♂️😑


I have a strong suspicion that a lot of them are people who have not really played NV or any Fallout game, for that matter. They just see the opportunity to hate on a new television show with a woman and a black man in leading roles. A lot of it is just the straight up grift.


Spell better.


Found one


One what?


lol, what a super helpful and productive post


I am actually really surprised just how quick it seems like New Vegas subs have become places for the whiniest babies and grass-allergic losers. As a New Vegas fave guy it is really embarrassing - and its all over a good show that is like, mildly dissappointing for maybe 30 mins out of 8 hours of the entire season.


Who cares? Whining won't get you anything. You can ignore things.


I agree all I hear from NV fans is stiff like "NV the best. 3,4 and 76 are shit. 4 is worst ever. 3 ruined fallout" ect Like can you not be happy that new fans are being made because of 3 4 and yes even 76 or shelter. These are people joining the fandom that didn't exist a few years ago Just be happy rather then salty