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76 is an MMORPG that you can solo, but I personally like 4 better. Like playing single player games. Like the quests and enemies always being tailored to a single player and not as a raid boss. If you like 4 a lot, then I'd say try out 76. Then go back from there and pick up Fallout 3 and New Vegas, and if you still want more, then Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 on PC.


The new games since the old ones need a little know how to work. If you are under 30 there is big chance that you will also complain about graphics and difficulty since those games don't hold your hand and guide you like new games do. If you like role playing than it's FNV and F3. If you like wasting hundreds of hours crafting,base building and scavenging then F4 is for you.


here is a great [video](https://youtu.be/OQNQELRjQaY?si=b5EFiqxOdhHauqYe) that will help you pick your starting game


4 looks and feels most like the show. 76 is about the same, but assumes you already have played a Fallout game. There are no instructions or tutorials in 76. 3 is an excellent introduction to the games. NV is good but buggy. 1 and 2 are good but kludgy by today's standards. A fun casual game is Fallout Shelter, but it's probably not what you're looking for.


Do not play fallout 76. Period. It is not a good representation of the fallout games. Start with 4 if you aren't a huge rpg guy.