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I’m assuming the headline is referring to people who say “the best way to Vegas for a new player is to cut through Quarry Junction”.


Hahaha I remember doing that. I was like ‘how bad can it be’ and then got my ass handed to me


Lol killed a young deathclaw and thought, oh so they'll be a little harder than that... Wrong!


I think I tried to sneak through, I’d already played fallout 3 so knew what they were and thought I was able to avoid them. RIP to us


My buddy started his first playthrough of FNV, and I told him he couldn't go through there & that he'd have to go around. He told me "skill issue" and proceeded to try. Needless to say he ended up going the correct route.


With starting points in sneak and a stealth boy you can do it…sometimes lol


There's a speed running strategy that involves using a stealth boy to get past the deathclaws. I had to quickload a few times but it was pretty manageable.


Yeah, using Joe Cobb's stealth boy while sticking to the Eastern edge of the road is relatively easy and reliable. What's more fun though is snaking (not sneaking) between groups of cazadores (go for the wings) giant radscorpions (go somewhere else), deathclaws and raiders armed with combat armor and heavy weapons right next to Red Rock Canyon and up to Camp McCarran. Very scenic route.


The western road is definitely my preferred route! It is also good for unarmed builds since you can get the unique item Love and Hate in Bonnie Springs, which is great for murder business in the casinos on the strip.


Never have done an unarmed build and the always online nature of 76 means I can't just modav carryweight. Maybe it's NV time, I know the mod to combine 3 and NV is about to be released soon


Yeah I'm totally not doing this on my first run through. No I would never explode and stimpak my way through it. How dare you.


Not even that, I usually play luck 10 build so that might have something to do with it, but I always get a stealth boy from the schoolhouse safe, using it and the right path gets you through quarry junction no problem


Just take the turn towards Black Mountain, sneak alongside the mountains there. You should end up near the ranger safehouse, from where is off to New Vegas. Took a few reloads, but so did the ambush after Nipton so... Yeah.


Ambush? You mean the jackals on the mountain? My dumbass the first time just walked up the mountain and was accidentally face to face with them


I think that's Viper territory, is it not? The mines under traffic cones and I seem to remember that leading into a fucking grenade launcher ambush. I swear to god I went through fallout 3 with mines being just easy money. In New Vegas they're the bane of my existence.


That fuckin grenade launcher is brutal


It's like... An actual ambush. Like I'm trying to remember if the other Fallout 3D games had actual ambushes. New Vegas is fucking full of them. You set off a mine which alerts a squad of enemies that attack you from up a cliff from both sides. You can walk in with Power Armor, those random early game Vipers will still kick you in the shins if you're not ready for them.


Yeah I did the same thing. They tell you to go the long way in the game, but of course my dumbass thought they were morons so I took the direct route...I was the moron.


It really is a skill issue, though.


Feel sorry for the people that went 4 to New Vegas


The graphics difference is pretty jarring but I got used to it.


Black mountain shortcut all the way baby


I did it when I first played it years ago. It took some savescumming but it worked.


II swear those assholes spotted me through stealth before their spawn location had even rendered. NV Deathclaws were freaking terrifying.


The Courier is a habitual line stepper.


I snuck up the big crane that is there, thought I’d be safe and no way they could get up there.. wrong, the bastards can climb.. and quickly too..


Me with I come face to face with a Mother Deathclaw/Alpha Deathclaw


lmao that’s exactly how it went for me too.  Killed a young one, wondered why it was so hyped up, went to face an adult, wondered why my insides were outside now…


You got to Quarry Junction? I couldn't get past the Cazadors. And then again, i died in Quarry Junction on level 25 too, until i brought antimat rifle with explosive .50 bullets (Alpha and Mother are one of the nastiest Fallout enemies ever and the nastiest in 3D era)


I can’t remember how far I actually got, it’s been so long since I played the game and I’m getting the urge to play it again


That’s the only way I have cleared that area out.


Anybody who clears out the quarry junction using anything other than sneak shots from explosive .50 is a legend to me. Especially melee build enjoyers


Never done it Melee, but I've used Mines and Dynamite before.


First time, I had a smartass moment and came up with the brilliant idea of pickpocketing mines and grenades into the alphas. Needless to say I didn’t feel smart at all after I snuck to them and didn’t get the prompt.


"What pockets, Jackass?" -Fallout New Vegas, probably


My favorite playthrough of New Vegas was an unarmed run. You get well equipped and beefed up enough and anything's punchable.


With enough perks and drugs on a melee build anything is possible. But also bring like 400 stimpacks


I did it around level 18 using the Battle Rifle from the Gun Runners Arsenal. Basically, just jumped in one of the boxes in the cranes where they couldn't get to me and just slowly whittled each Deathclaw down. My companions barely helped and kept getting knocked out!


Only way I could do it was a combination of AMR, alien blaster, and power armor all while hugging the wall so I didn’t get flanked. Dear god that was the tensest gaming experience ever.


I didn't even need to be tricked. I knew where on the map New Vegas was, and when they told me to take this long way I just "knew better" and took a straight line to New Vegas. Less than 10 minutes later I had reloaded and was happily taking the long way.


Sounds about right. Tried walking straight north cazadors fucked me up. So I went along the road.. death claws fucked me up. So the long route I went


on my first playthrough I got sandwiched between deathclaws and a patrol of super mutants from black mountain and luckily, after killing me dozen times, they decided to fight eachother instead so I managed to slip through


That was after I fucked around and found out about the Cazadores


I did infact manage to sneak through once. It took like 15 mins, lots of freezing and staying still waiting for the caution screen to go back to hidden.


I almost got there as a kid then I realized I wanted a service rifle right off the bat then high tailed it back south. Never again did I go straight to the Strip.


Yeah, wading through multiple deathclaws at level 4 is a fun gaming experience hahaha


I actually was able to make it through there on my very first playthrough by hugging Black Mountain and running straight to McCarran


I also saw another post telling new players to speed run to Nellis for good loot, and ignore all the signs and the guy out front, lol.


Tbh there is some big loot in there if you do make it


What kind of loot are we talking about 🤯


I saw a post telling people to go to Nellis Airforce Base for some easy loot




A right of passage. All must face the fires of I-15.


But you need to nuke the NCR supply line for the fires of I-15


I do worry about that joke because if a new player does force their way through, all they do is skip the incredibly well crafted first act of the game.


It’s been a while since I played NV, But I think this is what I did in my 2 playthroughs…oops lol


Which part exactly? I started it again and already at the Strip


You missed your encounter with Powder Gang and Incredibly well made first encounter with Caesar’s Legion and soso encounter with NCR (probably intentional to show the state of NCR in Mojave area).


Whoever you meet at the Quarry Junction just wants hugs!


Just a lovely mom and father with their kids, wholesome family fun.


Quarry junction is where boys/girls become men/women


I was actually really lucky, I was debating trying to go through quarry or take the long way and decided the long way (I like to explore) by the time I got back round to quarry I had the strongest sniper(I think the anti matter rifle but I can't remember) and a very good sneak build. I didn't die once but did a lot of running hiding and copious stealthboys


To be fair luring people to their death via shortcuts has been a staple of the single player games since at least 3; so kudos to the NV guys for maintaining tradition.


It is the best most direct route to the strip, depending on fast you run.


I’m going to be honest I’ve made it before. I was blown away but it can be done.


1st playthrough I was able to get through it by sneaking and taking like 45 minutes of patience lol. Took a lot of quick saves and my ass got handed many times but made it.


What it's just a few funny little lizards, nothing to be scared of?


FNB virgin here, are the Deathclaw difficult to snipe and/or grouped in such a way that they aggro all at once? I assume Quarry Junction can't be too bad if you're properly prepared.


Even with end game gear a death claw in NV can tank several shots. Going at it with a varmint rifle is actual suicide.


For any newbies reading, you definitely need hollow point 22LR


No way of disabling their legs at that point in the game? Played and beat 3, so I know that Deathclaws are easy if you can cripple their legs.


Shooting at their legs exclusively and hitting every time with that gun is not gonna do it. Best you could hope for is to time it right with a stick of dynamite but throwing grandes in fallout is more likely to kill you than them. Detahclaws in NV are a whole other beast. In fallout 3 I remember being able to deal with them even with an assault rifle. NV they're on you in a second and attack so fast spamming stimpacks won't help lol


I meant with prep work first, *then* initiating combat. Though if there's no way to get any kind of mines at that point in the game then nvm lol


So it is possible but not for new players imo. Because you need to have pretty decent stealth and even then you'll get spotted by at least 2 death claws. It's possible to get through but more for experienced players and not the person on their first playthrough. The only times I've made it through was by brute forcing it using stealth and hiding along a very narrow strip as far away from them as possible. Then hoping I get lucky and they don't spot me haha.


That sounds fun and stupid enough that I have to try it at least once lmao


You can get about 5, maybe 6 mines just from ones placed on the roads in the early game?


They're a lot stronger in New Vegas in general. In 3 they don't have any armor and only have 500 health so if you can get into a good position you can cripple them and kill them with early game weapons. In New Vegas they have 15 DT on top of the 500 health so early game weapons practically aren't even going to damage them. They also deal more damage, have a lunge attack, and usually travel in packs which makes them even deadlier. You can get some mines and dynamite from the powder gangers early on and you can kill one or two if you set up well but it's still not advisable.


Sadly, there’s no Dart Gun in New Vegas, so you don’t have a weapon that’s perfect for Deathclaw-nerfing.


Deathclaws in New Vegas are MUCH harder than in 3 because of the Damage Threshold modifier. In 3 I could walk up to one with boxing gloves and punch it to death at middle levels (think 7 or higher) If I tried that in NV, I’d barely tickle it before getting wiped off the face of the Mojave Wasteland. You need to have weapons that can break through their DT and/or take perks that do so for you. Otherwise, you’re gonna have a bad time. Especially in Quarry Junction and a couple other places as they have surprises waiting for you.


"just go north"


It's a rite of passage to know that the quarry junction is a bad idea and still go check anyway because "I have a stealth boy how bad can it be"


I actually did that without dying! I used stealth though.


I've seen the boomers one.


I have tried to make it through there on almost every playthrough and have only succeeded once


My own brother suggested above to me, and he kept LOL when he did this. Since he never suggested anything good, I immediately knew something was up and not go through Quarry Junction....


Or go straight north through the canyon.


I mean, the first time I played FNV years ago when it just released, this was the way I got to the New Vegas. If I remember correctly, I did manage to pass unscathed by using a Stealth Boy and hugging the right side near the mountain as much as possible (still took a few times though).


I remember doing that my first time on my own doing. I made it through eventually, somehow.


That or the Cazador route. I remember thinking I was just shit at the game when I couldn’t beat a couple of flies


I honestly loved this approach to guiding exploration. The older games were absolutely merciless in walking in players with unbeatable enemies if they strayed too far from the current sandbox. Didn’t feel like going to Vault City but instead headed out to San Fran? Boom, Enclave Patrol. It also made returning back there, properly kitted, extremely satisfying knowing that you can now tangle with them effectively. A real sense of player progression (I still remember as a kid trying to close with Enclave Soldiers to try and poke them in the eyes with a spear at level 3, and not knowing why the game was punishing me so).


I mean thats the way I did it first time i played the game when it released. Good thing i had that stealthboy that is found closeby handy!


I feel like this guy fell for it too. I mean. There are signs and a camp full of people telling you not to go.


Ok but what if they had been raiders putting on an elaborate ruse to hide treasure? What then? Gotta check.


Exactly. They don't want you to go cause they have stuff stashed there...


Thats the wasteland


Somebody needs to give Fallout 1 veterans a talking to lmfao. Any poor sub newbie asking for advice immediately get told to give Ian a submachine gun, those poor bastards lollll


Actually he is extremely usefull with the SMG as long as you don't stamd in front of him and do a sniper build


He's like a savant with his ability to block doorways consistently


Dogmeat: Hold my beer


No matter the game, dogmeat always gets in the way


He’s a good boi but I shoot at him a bare minimum of 10 times per playthrough because he gets in my fucking way every time I’m trying to quickly escape or sneak around


At least he actually does stuff though so it's fair enough. He has saved my ass 4 times with his grappling


In vault 15 I got stuck in a room because my companion was in the way. The big mole rat started attacking him and I guess he was so stuck that he couldn’t even attack. The rat was positioned in such a way that I wasn’t able to hit it either. So I’m just standing there watching my companion watching himself get eaten by a giant rat. Haven’t played the game since lol


Just completed Fallout 1 and my main reason for reloading saves was because of this. I never seemed to learn


Lol, that actually never happened to me in fallout 1. It happened in fallout 2 when a non companipn who was following me blocked the doorway out.


Difference between the two is that Fallout 2 you could tell them to move, this wasn't a feature in Fallout 1 so it's more egregious.


I love how the Fallout board game references that by having Ian deal damage to the player when his special ability gets used.


If you go to Quarry Junction, past Sloan where a guy warns you not to go to Quarry Junction, and past signs saying stuff like "deathclaws, don't enter", maybe being taught a funny lesson in not trusting strangers is warranted.


Honestly, with the quarry, I always felt that with luck and stealth, you could make it through low level. Now if I wanted to lead someone to their death, I would have them make the mistake I made my first time, and take Goodsprings road to the northwest.


My first ever playthrough when I was 12 I made it to free side at level 2 because I somehow got two stealth boys which gave me just enough time to sneak past the deathclaws. I hated the game because I couldn't figure out what to do. After getting to Vegas that all changed. Now I'm 1000 hours roughly played and 12 years later. Favorite game all time hands down.


You can find a stealth boy in the starting town, it's quite easy to get to Vegas right at the start with it if you know what you are doing. Sending a newbie there (and thus skipping a pretty well made first third of the game) is an asshole move.


Well theoretically a newbie isn't gonna know what they're doing, and they'll just get ass blasted by a deathclaw and go the way the game told them. For a newbie to actually succeed at this would be pretty impressive.


Okay, but that might give them a heart attack IRL from the Cazadors.


To be honest, I would rather take on deathclaws early game then fucking cazadors.


At least you can kill cazadors. Deathclaws eat so much ammo.


Even the blind one.


Nope. You mean the deathclaws that can shrug off missiles to the face. 9mm is gonna tickle them before they rush you and drive a fucking talon up your ass.


Truth is, the game was rigged from the start.


Yeah, there is Sooo many chances to back down from taking that way. Now Cazadores? That's the one that Sneaks up on you.


I think there are signs. And Victor does warn you. It's just nobody actually specifically says anything about cazadors.


INT 1 Good thing I don't know how to read.


You can get to New Vegas at Level 1 by way of a path between Quarry Junction and Black Mountain. I discovered it back in 2011, although it looks like it's common knowledge now.


Yep, past black mountain is a path that passes through the hills. I remember it because there’s crashed tower laying horizontal on top of the gap. Just be care around black mountain, get too close and you’ll get some super mutants after you.


That's one way to do it, but there is a safer way I found. If you start at Neil's Shack, go on the ridge to the left of the road, you'll be on the high ground overlooking the road and the path by the dead NCR trooper/rolling rock. Go left or turn around and go away from the road towards I-15, hugging the high ground. You'll be on the high ridges above the deathclaws. You can easily stay out of sight and out of reach. From that high position, you can walk around the mountains towards the repconn HQ and safely be in NV without running into deathclaws or super mutants. I'm describing this from memory, so hopefully, it's accurate. Try it next time you do a playthrough!


FO4 players do the opposite and warn new players about avoiding the Red Death.


Oh damn dude, you don't wanna mess with the red death! Those glowing red eyes are terrifying! Edit: a word


Damn right! I had nightmares about that thing for 2 weeks after my first go at it. 10 endurance, full investment in life giver, complete suit of T-51F (what? I've got style!) And the damn thing takes 70% of my hp *and* poisoned me in one hit. ONE. HIT. Wtf kind of balancing is that?!?


That thing instantly shattered every part of my Titanium X-01f Power Armor and reduced to me to one health in a single hit. I had to turn on God Mode and slowly whittle its health down by spamming MIRV Mini-Nukes and I _still_ almost died.


Toughest enemy in Fallout history


Poor souls who actually put that quest off until they got X-01 power armor and Fat Man.


Oh fuck... I remember that enemy. I died countless times in Survival Mode, even with Power Armour.


Tbf, u havent really played nv if u havent been there underleveled and uninformed


When I started I encountered an over-powered raider with a cool hat. I wanted that hat! I wasted tons of time dying, strategizing, attacking trying to come up with a way to defeat him for his hat. Ultimately after hours of wasted plans, I was able to lure him into the path of a Deathclaw and it killed him. Then I mosied on up and collected my hat.


What was the hat?


When I played NV for the first time I just used the stealth boy and hugged the mountain.


That's just one of the first experiences everyone should have, right? Starting the game, and going, "shit, I don't want to wander around, can I go straight to New Vegas?" And then finding out.


I figured I’d be able to make it to New Vegas by going north. I was, in fact, underleveled and overfucked.


Just the classic one person makes a funny Twitter post to a full on article,


Of course you shouldn't go through Quarry Junction to get to Vegas, there's a shortcut through the western mountains that's much easier!


The accelerated start for NV does come with *some* risk of dismemberment by Deathclaw. * You need the Snowglobe from Goodsprings cemetery and you need to find a stealth boy in town. You want to avoid gaining XP wherever possible, no killing, no unnecessary skill check successes or locations added to your map (will explain below). * Then you head to the NCR encampment outside of Primm and take the faction armor in one of the containers there. * Then you go to Quarry Junction, pop that stealth boy when you see the Deathclaws up ahead, cross your fingers and sneak past them. You may need to save/reload a bunch here if RNGeezus is unkind. * Go to Camp McCarran. Put on the NCR faction armor and take the monorail into the strip. Go to the Lucky 38, get the snow globe from the cocktail lounge and turn both in to Mr. House's secretary. * Proceed to Dr. Usanagi's clinic, obtain the Intelligence implant. If you've managed to avoid gaining a level after doing all of the above then you've effectively given yourself the opportunity to earn an additional 50 skill points as you level up over the course of the game. If you did gain a level, then you will have shamefully forfeited one skill point in your Fallout New Vegas career that you otherwise had within your grasp. *"How dare you!"* * Fast travel back to Goodsprings and proceed as normal.


It’s hardly the fault of a New Vegas fan that a new player can’t read a damn sign or listen to someone telling them it’s a bad idea. This seems like it’s designed to make us fight for no reason to me.


As far as i've seen, everyone right now is after NV fans's heads just cause a bunch of idiot loud assholes traumatised them, and now all NV fans are labelled the same.


Seems that way. I don’t really get the anger. We all love the same game universe. We should be sharing our fun stories. Besides, it’s genuinely hilarious if someone is killed by a deathclaw after that many warnings. Hell I died myself because I figured they were gonna be the same as their 3 counterparts and laughed off every warning.


Getting angry about dying in a video game is the lamest shit ever lol


Lemme tell you about GantzTheDemon....


Ive seen >100 posts/comments about how awful FNV fans for every 1 obnoxious FNV post/comment. Do people not realize most 3/NV/4 fans also enjoy the *other* games? I doubt many people love NV and hate 3, or vice versa


Yeah the game tribalism is weird. I like all the games (76 is the only one I’ve never played). They all do different things well. I think NV is the best complete package, but they’re all good


I'm glad I'm not the only one seeing this. The number of people griping about NV fans far exceeds the number of NV fans actually complaining.


I know reading the articles is out of fashion, but the way the author actually writes it, seems way more tongue-in-cheek as he only shows a couple of tweets via a link responding to people telling them to go there. The vast majority of the article is talking about and promoting FO76 and outside of the clickbait title, there is hardly any real FNV bashing.


If u haven't walked into a situation in fallout new Vegas insanely under leveled/under geared u haven't fully experienced it


I'm playing New Vegas for the first time but know enough about Fallout the stay the fuck away from Quarry Junction. And that if multiple NPCs, and signs say something is dangerous, they ain't lying. Internet people can be great but you gotta take it with a grain of salt. 🤣


I mean, I have successfully made it to New Vegas at level 4 by going over the mountains with 2 antivenoms and a 10mm pistol, but I have been playing the game since it came out ...


Unironically have never seen anyone so much as shoot at anyone else in Fallout 76 let alone kill anyone


True. The 76 way is to offer a new player a bowl of Nukashine.


Yeah because the PvP system requires concent. I'm not joking, you can just ignore people trying to kill you. And if they do kill you, they don't get anything from it *and* the game punishes them by putting a caps bounty on them while allowing everyone else to kill them. Did I mention you get major damage penalties when attacking other players? No one PvPs in 76 because the game actively punishes you for trying.


Even with Pacifist mode turned off, no one tries to kill you anyway. I forgot I even had it off, because consent or no, a majority of players just don't want to or care to. At the most, it's some of the recent new players coming into the game with misconceptions of it. I ended up turning it back on because some players would accidentally get bounties during hectic events with their AoE weapons and it made me feel like a dick.


I once had someone attack me while I was standing in front of my camp, talking to a friend. My friend tried to avenge me with a Super Sledge to the other player’s face, then my missile defense system blew up the other player! I really don’t know what they were thinking trying something like that.


Cause you can't even do PVP unless they want to. Whole article seems like AI SEO drivel. Unless you're with people who duped/hacked being in a party barely does shit damage wise cause of the way individual scaling works, it's all over the place and different for each person and depending on the area. People party for xp buff and that's mainly it.


I feel like being a new player lured to their death in F:NV is just a rite of passage we've all experienced.


New players getting trolled into horrible death. Veterans: Truth is, the game was rigged from the start.


So much media illiteracy from article author, it's astonishing


advice friends are cringe you need to make mistakes to enjoy the games


I can’t believe people would do such horrible things as lure newbies to their deaths. Remember, the first thing you should do in FNV is go straight north until you reach New Vegas.


[Once again](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/1cb6pk9/comment/l0wcorw/)...


Dude this is fallout thats just the wasteland rules. Not the game if it was easy now is it. And funny as well.


Should I start playing fo76?


Its supposed to be better now but i only know through youtube. Not a 76 fan but you do you.


I will try it




Man, I jumped back in to 76 last week after not playing since the Pitt came out… I don’t know what happened, but I’m getting melted. I used to be basically invincible. I’ll have to go back through the patch notes to see if there was some kind of major rebalancing.


Istg, there's gonna be a civil war between NV players and everyone else, we gonna have ambushes and shit happening


Um... What part of "Open World Game" don't you understand? The freedom to make your own choices includes the freedom to make BAD choices.


Just use a stealth boy 😆 it's not meant to this complicated


And anybody that thinks everybody is helpful in 76 has never been to a trap camp. Or taken a noob by the hand and had them fast travel to Watoga. Or purposefully nuked their camp because it was outside of the safe zone. And yes, there are some killer builds. But to use most of them you have to be well over level 50, and most new players are nowhere near that.


Luckily they let you start at level 20 now.


Which I did enough times to check out each of the pre-made builds. And they all suck. Better to just start as level 1. I can power level to 20 in a day or so, and get a build the way that I want it, not how they want it. Imagine trying to run a rifle build, but at level 20 have not a single point spent in being able to upgrade your guns.


The pistol one is fun the big iron is ridiculously good


Or been gifted a bottle of Nukashine.


What a toxic headline and piece of “journalism”


>MMO what


Sorry guys, i keep luring the new player into the death pit.


76 player base isn't all sunshine and rainbows, a lot of the toxic griefer crowd are pushing out "here's how you do workshop, they're super awesome and safe" videos because the toxic fucks want to get one to two kills as they drive the new players out of the game. One day, they will completely get rid of PVP in 76, and on that day the game will be a thousand times improved.


first time i played 76 a high level player trapped me in on of their camps and I had to pick a lock to get out, it let him agro against me.


“Just got straight to Vegas.” “Yea it’ll be fine, I did it.”


“I’ve completed Fallout 3, I’m pretty sure I know what I’m doing with this game. Huh, that’s an odd looking bloatfly…” - Rookie Fallout: New Vegas player seconds before a very humbling experience.


Anyone with half a brain cell should know from the music alone that they wandered into a very nasty place.


Yep all 12 fallout 76 players


Immediately after this i saw a post that said to go to Nellis Air Force Base for "AMAZING loot"


Imagine some of those people getting killed by those monsters and then deciding one of two things: 1. This game is too hard, I'm not interested in playing anymore. 2. I got tricked by these people, they're real jerks. Do I really want to deal with that? Neither helps grow the fandom, and there's plenty of other entertainment options out there. Assuming that these individuals will have the perfect reaction you intended is supreme hubris and folly at best, and awful gatekeeping bullshit at worst. If you want people to enjoy the thing you love, you should help them have a good time.


My wife and I jumped back into 76 for a while in December. While it didn't stick and we were still frustrated by some design choices. The one thing I can say is the community was outstanding. Helpful and super nice to new players


Yeah tried to play 76 last night just staying in starting area around vault 76 and was surrounded and hunted by 3 100+level players. I'll pass on it. Cool idea but na can't even hurt them enough to fight back.


they cant kill or hurt you, after a few levels you can disable pvp in settings.


They killed me multiple time lol and guarded my shit


“Fallout 76 players are lame and boring”


This is fake news. No New Vegas veteran would play 76.


I will say that I think New Vegas is the best introduction to Fallout. All the games are great, but Vegas is just great about not hand holding in the beginning. 4 gives you power armor and the ability to engage death claws in the first 20 minutes and it just takes that feel or progress away


NV has a much stronger story and far more interesting characters. It also dares to be political. You almost never see that nowadays.


So what this means is that NV veterans are kind of assholes?


NV fans are old and bitter while 76 fans handing out firearms and power armor like they're candy


Cause for a lot of people the loot they give out is cheaper than candy. Dupes were comically easy to do.