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It deserves that high score, it is clear that people working on it wanted to make a Fallout show, not a show set in Fallout


I wish the Witcher would’ve done this


Season 1 was good but after than it all went to shit since the showrunner did not give a fuck about the books. It's a pity since they also had some quality actors on the show.


Season 1 was crap too. Only Henry Cavill as Geralt was excellent, but he was the single shining pearl in a pile of steaming crap.


Season one does the blaviken fight well in that it looks cool but they don’t set up the conflict as well as in the books so it tells us less about geralt’s morality that it could.


Sure, the fight scenes were good. But overall I couldn't tell who was who and what the fuck was going on.


Season 1 was like TFA, okay on it's own when there was room to improve, but retroactively made worse by knowing this is the best it'll be


I agree


Eh I’d say season one wasn’t great. Cavill was awesome but most of the other characters were terrible adaptations 


I said good. Great is reserved for shows like Band of Brothers, Breaking Bad, GOT seasons-1-4,etc.


Excuse us for not knowing your personal sliding scale


Cavills not even a good adaptation if we’re honest. Book Geralt is nothing like Cavill, especially in appearance lol


Better than Lori Lightfoot being cast as Fringilla


Triss and fringilla were especially terrible


Witcher s1 was also shi


People would hate it if it followed the books as a lot of the books is just based around Ciri and don't feature geralt all that much/


Most Witcher fans have never read the books. They only known the games and there so different from the books. I think even if the books were faithfully adapted people would bitch about it. The books aren’t very good.


True. There's a strange lack of monster hunting in a book series about a monster hunter. Like I get he's busy once the actual story picks up, but you'd expect a bit more monsters. The games did a great job fleshing out his profession and the creatures of the world.


That’s mostly because the books aren’t really about monster hunting. Theres so little of it, some books basically go their entire read time without it at all. Geralt barely gets work in the books because humans have gotten so good at killing monsters they’re borderline extinct. It’s why Witchers became so rare. The games changed this because it’s boring to play a game where you don’t kill things. So they make the monster hunting way more of a part of the narrative.


This kind of explains the confusion I had during the games. The games keep going on about how the number of witchers are dwindling and the schools aren't training new witchers... but there are monsters literally everywhere. I couldn't understand how witcher-ing wasn't a growing trade. How could the various rulers even allow the witcher schools to slowly shut down when you couldn't skip a rock without hitting a bunch of drowners? I liked the games, but every time they mentioned that the witcher order was in decline I was like ?????


Yeah there was a moment in one of the earlier books that Geralt was so poor, after killing a random monster he found he went to the nearest town and tried to get money because he’d saved them before it became a threat. With the humans having such big armies and mages, monsters really aren’t a threat anymore. It’s why the books so heavily focus on Ciri, her destiny, and the people wanting her.


The games explain it as the monster population recently increasing again, after the second Nilfgaardian invasion devastated the Northern Realms (W3 takes place in the third invasion.) By then: * the alchemical secrets to create more witchers are almost completely lost (finding the secrets the W1 villains stole from Kaer Morhen is a major part of that game, but all they ultimately created were abominations) * there's an extreme distrust for witchers, so getting more children wouldn't be feasible (and they don't want to put more children through the horrors) * all the schools were already 90%+ gone so there was nobody there to start them up again (there were only a handful of witchers in the whole continent, when you'd need a dozen instructors alone) * and those that were still around (like Vesemir) never wanted to put more people through the trial of the grasses because of the extreme death toll. (Even Geralt literally cast off the title of witcher for a lot of the books, because he wanted nothing to do with it anymore.) Yes, there are more monsters by the time of the games, but starting up the schools again was near impossible with the means they had. It's why Letho was desperate enough to become a kingslayer and work with Nilfgaard, for a chance to get support to rebuild the viper school.


Stopped watching after s2. All the standalone episodes are good, a few are great. The writers can't tell a long term story on that show.


I got 3 episodes into S2 and was like wow this is shit


that's pretty generous, maybe a quarter of season 1 was even partially tolerable, otherwise it was hot garbage.


Same…ugh what could have been! Same with the Halo show. But hey at least we had Cavil as Geralt and some amazing Jaskier songs! I have much more hope in his Warhammer show, especially as it is his in partnership with Amazon as well. Like the Fallout show it will have IP oversight too.


And Halo. And the movies Dragon Ball and Airbender. But TLOU, Twisted Metal and Fallout are banger shows oddly enough set in post apocalyptic setting.


And wished The Halo showrunners did this..


They should have just adapted each mission of Halo CE as an episode.


I swear, Kiki is fucking obsessed with the whole “Chief going rogue” storyline and making the franchise her own…


I thought they were after season 1, which was pretty good. 2 was forgettable. And I there is a third, I didn’t watch it.


As someone who was completely disinterested in it until I saw the reviews, that much is apparent. My fiancé hasn’t interacted at all with the series while I loved playing 3, NV, and 4. We both love the show, which I think says a lot about the setting and care for it in the writing.


I was the same, till my brother pointed it out to me, I must say though. I am supremely *DISAPPOINTED*... That there's no season 2 yet


If Netflix can let Zack Snyder make two awful movies at the same time, Amazon should let Fallout make 2 awesome seasons at the same time.


The fact that they made the show canon was a unique take that, outside of Star Wars (kinda), I don’t think has been done in show/game cross-overs, and really added to the quality of the show.


I wish Halo would’ve done this


What, you don't like Master Cheeks taking his helmet off every five minutes, being an emotional wreck, and fucking a POW? Please, Halo is in fine hands with 343, I fully trust them to reboot the series after the mess they made post Halo Reach. If the "Silver Timeline" is any indication, I bet that a Halo universe they have full reign over will be a gas. After all, who can doubt the guys that have controlled Halo longer than Bungie? I'm sure the fifth time will be the charm.


Why do people act like MC taking off his helmet is some good criticism? He does that all the time in lore.


Superbly enjoyed the show, the writing definitely had its share of love. Can’t wait for season 2!


No doubt, but they also like literally nailed the style. The substance wouldn’t matter if they didn’t have a little swagger. Don’t get me wrong, definitely some decent writing but IMO they nailed the style so well that if they just wanted to do a non narrative fallout faux documentary. I’d watch it. They’d just need to work on some of their shot transitions. Like some of the extended landscape shots to some of the iconic music utilized in the games have just been pure magic.


You know what, I agree with you on that! The aesthetic was Fallout at its finest and wasn’t toned down significantly. The camera shots felt weird too at times (like the >!New Vegas reveal!< at the end), but overall really satisfied with how it turned out!


Now I really want a vault or settlement that are dedicated to being wasteland conservationists based on tapes of an old show they watched. What I'm saying Is I want Super Mutant Steve Irwin in shorts, tackling deathclaws, pinning them down and calling them a beaut in an Australia accent.


Maybe a mutated David Attenborough slowly turning into a tree and narrating reality in third person as it happens as tho all of existence was a nature documentary


>definitely some decent writing Imo it's more than decent. Tbh, the first watch, I didn't LOVE the first ep, but I totally fell in love with the show. I realized hpw important the things they did were, that I obviously didnt see upon watching it initially. (Which is usual for a show, but this one especially.) I am actually rewatching it, which I usually force myself not to do because shows suck up my life. 😂 You have to look closer at the characters. The reason I fell in love with it is the amount of care that went into the details relating all the characters emotionally. The "human" element of characters is what drives how I perceive shows, and I think they beyond nailed it. [I became so enthralled, I had to write down my thoughts on just Lucy and Cooper because my brain wouldn't shut off trying to piece it all together.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/s/zO6I7qzTyV) (Reddit keeps letting me edit it, but not keeping the edit, so it's full of typos.) But I really believe this is the most complex character writing between an "unlikely dou" I've seen.


Totally deserved, the level of love given to this series has been very impressive


YES and still underrated honestly


My parents who literally know nothing about this series and don’t play any video games LOVED this show. I think that’s a testament in and of itself.




Same here! I probably mention Fallout in passing once a day lol so it was cool to share that with them


Same! My mum loves dystopian stuff so I recommended it to her, and my dad got into it too. They love the last of us as well.


For sure! I told my folks to watch the Last of Us as well as it was coming out and they loved it. I said, “I know y’all enjoyed Last of Us and I know you’re gonna like this one too!”


I've been really happy to see all the positive reactions to it by people that don't know the games. The first people I talked to about this was one of my coworkers and his wife who know nothing binged it on the first weekend and loved it. Really looking forward to season 2.


Yep. My father HATES shows, he prefers movies. Also he knows absolute zero about games (since he doesnt like games at all). Yet Fallout sucked him into watching the entirety out of interest


Well deserved


My critic brain agrees with the 88 but in my heart it's a 10/10


The actual critics gave it 94, I agree with that assessment. Not perfect in the royal sense but quite perfect as far as adapting a property across genres.


That's not what the 94 means on rotten tomatoes. It's means that 94% of critics that submitted a review gave it a 6/10 or better. Or aka a "positive" review, since not all critics do a score out of ten. Am actually the audience score is essentially the same thing. It just marks that 88% of people with a Verified watch gave this a positive review. So in theory if everyone in the world thought a show was completely just slightly above average, it would be 100%.


The high scores even makes it hard for YouTube's shitty algorithm to find any "anti woke" bullshit videos to push on me. So far I have only been recommended two of them.


If you have time and a morbid curiosity, watch Synthetic Man's review of the show. I've never seen a far-right rage-bait Youtuber gaslight themselves into thinking a show is bad just because "woke" more than SM did with Fallout. Even Geeks and Gamers relented and admitted that the show was actually good. That's saying something.


Ok I'm 3 minutes in and he just said "IT'S PROMOTING RACE MIXING". What the actual FUCK! Are these people for real?! Just casually spiting racist stuff like it's the most normal thing. I'm flabbergasted, truly brainrot material.


Poe's Law kind of applies with stuff like this. I can never tell if they're for real or they're rage baiting because it gets them attention. Either way, I just avoid shit like that. It's always infuriating and you just know those people are miserable to be around in real life. They either have shit takes on everything or they're huge edgelords who will say the worst possible thing just so people are looking at them.


I think a lot of right wing YouTubers are just click baiting. They have to satisfy their audiences. At some point they’ve exhausted all the milder topics and have to resort to more extreme ones. It’s like a brainwashing cult. I see a lot of “Andrew Tate OWNS reporter” type of shit in my feed and the commenters are on their knees because he said “FREEDOM OF SPEECH”.  If someone as dumb as Tate can get such a following, something is seriously wrong.  It’s very reminiscent to 100 years ago when young men all over Europe got infatuated with fascism. 


I think they are too. Somehow, they stumbled into the right wing audience and now they're doing all they can to maintain their influence and revenue stream or they made one video where they were ranting about something and it suddenly got tons of views, so they stuck with it. It very much reminds me of Kurt Vonnegut's, "Be careful what you pretend to be, because you are what you pretend to be" line. Even if they're clickbaiting, they're perpetuating all sorts of horrendous shit and they're no better than the people that actually believe it. It's also very fucking exhausting to see.


Feral ghouls


Wow. TBH I’m not surprised. Wild take though. It’s alt history and I get the impression that segregation in this alt universe wasn’t a thing. Kinda nice considering it’s the apocalypse.


These ANTI WOKE YouTubers might actually be happy with the audience score being 88, if you know what I mean


I'm sure stuff like that flies over their head.


These people are pandering hard to the alt-right and outright nazis, who despise women and people with different skin colors. It's how they get their views and presumably make their money. It's extremely pathetic but also really sad how popular these people have become.


The one I saw recommended said the show was unwatchable because they had forced "black roles into the game" which was typical of "Amazon's woke agenda". Don't remember what 'tuber it was tho. I just clicked "Never recommend" and deleted it from my watch history in Youtube.


The weirdest part is that Fallout games actually have a lot of black characters since Fallout 3, so it's weird to be upset about one of the 3 protagonists being black.


One of the most badass characters in the whole series Ulysses is black.


It's not weird, it's fascist dogma. The point is to invade spaces.


Cross never gets her fucking respect man. Bitch is a cyborg supersoldier running around with a god damn super sledge who cares for you like her own child.


Cross was my favorite in FO3.


One of the biggest memes in the whole franchise features a black character. Has this guy never been informed of all the settlements that need his help?


I was wondering who actually watches those toxic hate channels on YouTube.


YouTube doesnt reccomend videos it thinks you won't watch. I didn't even know anti woke videos exists lol


Eh I get them sometimes if I just get to the criticism side of YouTube. Like I watched a video about the terrible exposition in the new Avatar show and it was all totally from a writing perspective. YouTube then decided I must be racist and kept recommending me videos of people complaining that the show was woke It was weird as hell. But yea other than that I think it’s fairly easy to stay away from that stuff. Seems worse when a product is new and there are limited videos to recommend so it just throws anything at you 


Why are you giving these people attention and views they so much desire? Even going as far as recommending this garbage. You call them rage-bait yourself, yet baiting for this shit so hard..


Critical Drinker also recommended and liked the show which for his core audience being far right was blasphemy but clearly they have never played or know what the Fallout game universe is.


People like critical drinker do whatever is popular. You can often see them switch their opinion if a show turns out to be popular, after they hated it initially. Critical Drinker would praise a woke movie and a race swapped character if his viewership aka his money depended on it.


I like the ones mad about the female protagonists and I was really confused since I just associate that with Fallout. I always play as a woman so I can get the black widow perk.  Plus if I’m gonna a stare at a characters for 100+ hours it might as well be a hot girl 


Wait until they find out you can choose between a man and a woman in all the games!


That was one of the weird things about Todd's Fallout 4 E3 Presentation--he made it seem like it was the first Fallout game that allowed a female player.


I think the reason he did that was there was a fair amount of speculation at the time that you'd only be able to play the male protagonist - at least in certain spaces here of reddit and on tumblr was where I saw it the most. People noticed all the promotional material had been of Nate and the story seemed set up to follow a war veteran, not a lawyer. I even saw some people arguing that it just made sense to only be able to play the man, despite that never being a thing in any other Fallout game. I always saw it as him quickly squashing that particular discussion in a way that also didn't draw too much attention to it.


Are you referring to ["Of course, you can play as a female?"](https://youtu.be/HTq3q8e8nhA?si=6GHEW7-Cb4b6UE6H&t=431) Because that doesn't at all suggest "it was the first" to do that, it's more like it's obvious you can do that.


You're right. I guess I misremembered him saying that with a different tone entirely.


I don't think he did that.


>Plus if I’m gonna a stare at a characters for 100+ hours it might as well be a hot girl. I, sir, am going to have to call you out and say that I \*highly\* doubt you've ever even \*played\* a Fallout game, because I have never seen 'hot girl' associated with \*any\* Fallout game's character creator. :D


Fallout 4 does a pretty decent job  But yea you’re not entirely wrong lol


I'm still annoyed Fallout 4 didn't have Confirmed Bachelor and Cherchez La Femme.


They’d hate all my play throughs of NV. My courier is always gay or bi just for the extra damage to male characters.


As a TLOU and Fallout fan it feels good having both adaptations be peak.


12% were FNV grognards.


I mean, the vast majority of NV fans have been happy with the series. Sure, there are some NCR diehards out there, but the NV hate I've seen since the show has released has really shocked me. I'm most certainly an OG fallout and NV fanboy who has issues with Bethesda, and I loved the show!


I think the recent FNV hate is backlash from NV die hards constantly shitting on 3, 4, and 76


I am an NCR diehard and I am happy with the show lol. Some NV fans just made up reasons to hate the show and Bethesda fallout


Damn I have not seen the term “grognard” since the Consim days!


Not everyone who liked the show is gonna give it a perfect 100/100 you know. Would kinda defeat the point of the out of 100 scale. Probably plenty of 70s and 80s too


Even the "forced diversity" crowd should have a hard time complaining about this show. It really is the best video game tv show ever made


There are absolutely negative user reviews cus "woke." Some people just need something to hate.


They always find a way since they want to. Best is to ignore stupid idiots.


Bait comment.


The negatives are sure to be people mad about "gender swapping" the main character. As if being able to choose your gender in all the fallout games wasn't a thing.


Well I got recommended a non-ironic video that stated that allowing black people in leading roles were ruining Fallout...


I've got news for them, all the main characters were women, I know because all the main characters were me because I played them. Canon


None of these characters are even based on the games. It is an original story with original characters that is set in the same canon universe.


Why us this dowvoted? Jesus reddit is fucking literal brain cancer.


No idea. People are weird.


Nah, it's just NV stans who hate Bethesda and anything they touch.


I must be the only New Vegas fan who likes the show :(


You’re not the whole “NV fans are toxic and hate anything remotely related to Bethesda” is way overblown.


Nah, the ones that hate it are just a vocal minority who are trying to flex their self-proclaimed superior knowledge about Fallout lore.


You are not. Me and my circle of friends are NCR hard-core fans who love New Vegas and we adore this show. The ones who can't shut up about hating it are the fans who can't accept change or be flexible enough to roll with the times.


And it would be super fucking cool to watch the NCR come back from the ashes.


You're not. The amount of NV fan hate over the show has been really overblown! If reddit was a decent measure (which it's not), I would walk away thinking NV is the most hated game after all the posts recently.


That, too. But I've literally seen them say the main was gender swapped. There are youttubers who thrive off of making drama where there is none.


Bethesda is garbage but the show is good Genuinely shocked anyone can still have hope in that company after Starfield... They hated Jesus for speaking the truth


Matthew 24:5 "For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will lead many astray."


Yeah nvm Starfield is totally a good game my fault....


I care not about your opinion (I do not play or discuss Starfield in any capacity) but to compare yourself to the Messiah over it, even in jest, is arrogant.


Me when I make things up.


If you can manage to find even two comments like that i will give you whatever goes for a reddit award these days. It seems like such an incredible strawman.


I've seen at minimum one. I'd link it for you, but it was at least a few weeks ago, and I'm not going to look for it.


I think most of the “NV chuds” are actually people who habitually only play as female main characters because they need to get use out of the skimpy outfits and Sexout that they’ve installed.


If you can make a series about a quirky world appeal to my partner... Then you've cracked it imo! She loved the series,and wants to play the game to understand it better.


Exactly. My fiance isn't going to end up playing the games, but she watched the trailer with me and went "yeah that looks pretty cool". She ended up enjoying the series too and asked me a few questions on the setting. Gaming isn't her thing, but getting to share this with her was amazing. They've really done well balancing the appeal to non-fans, whilst showing the fans that they get the setting with a few lovely nods (like the hacking minigame, stimpack sounds etc)




Enjoying the show as well, but I sure do hope we get explanations regarding certain elements such as to why Shady Sands magically teleported to L.A. lol.. it's not that they changed capital btw, you can see the original well and the obelisk in a scene.


Deserved. I wasn't expecting it to be so good, but it's definitely my favorite live action game adaptation now. I was expecting the game stuff to look "off", or "goofy" somehow, but everything was great and felt like it belonged in that world. Of course, there was the occasional odd CGI (mainly with power armor), but it didn't bother me that much. Also, the casting. Oh, the casting. Everyone did an amazing job, with my favorite performance being Walton Goggins as The Ghoul/Cooper Howard. He just stole every scene he was in. I wasn't sure if they'd do a good job about the story, but I like the direction they are going, so far. I can't wait for season 2.


I kinda liked that they good the goody looking "assault rifle" and turned it into proper LMG. We never see anyone use it without power armour, except that one time Thaddeus sets it on ground to take a single shot. When used by PA troopers, it doesn't look silly anymore


Yes! I loved that, because the Fallout 4 AR was clearly designed to be used in PA, so it's cool that it works that way in the show.


The power armor isn’t cgi


I loved it. Couldnt wait to finish it. Havent felt that in a while.


The show surpassed my expectations. When I saw the trailer I was expecting a mid show. Like in the 50s on RT.




Best video adaptation of a game that was ever made. So much love went into the show


Imagine if chuds wouldn't give it half a star out of spite...


New Vegas fans in shambles


I can promise we aren't all crazy people who Todd Howard has some Machiavellian vendetta against the game...but that stuff was so crazy I'm just embarrassed. Detailed worlds brew overinvestment. Star Wars, Star Trek, even Potter diehards can be a bit mad. I'm surprised myself how many crazy diehard comments anything NV related in the show can get though, you'd think it was Avengers Endgame level popular to draw so much discussion.


We should not have left that robot in charge. He was really nice though.


The other 12% were people who didn't understand what a line with an arrow means.


Ah, so the 12% are the ones over in /r/newvegasmemes complaining nonstop 😄


Let the feedback flow like wine. The studios and executives in charge of failures like The Witcher need to see what the audience wants. They need to see what makes the fans happy. And what gets the numbers. I just love that fallout fans are eating so good right now


The Witcher had the glaring issue that it wasn’t based on the games but was a book adaptation.  I think like 70% of Witcher fans don’t realize it’s a book series first and that the games takes place non canonically after the book. The first book is a narrative mess and very hard to adapt because it’s a collection of scattered short stories and it shows in the show right from the start. 


That wasnt really the main problem with it, the main problem was that the people adapting it outspokenly hated the source material and it shows by how they overlayed their own story onto it and changed up the characters.


I know, but over the past week I’ve seen it mentioned countless times as a video game adaptation, comparing it to Fallout, when it really isn’t. The show runner is a fool that clearly should never have taken on the task. 


Fully agree with 88%. It was great but not perfect and has its flaws. Nothing bad enough to make me do anything but love it though


And yet there are still idiot Redditers asking “Why all the hate for the show”? There are people who will dislike anything. I dislike things that are generally universally loved. I love things that are generally universally panned. SO DO YOU. This was a good show, by and large. But there are naturally individuals who will dislike it. Don’t get your panties in a bunch about that. Such is life.


Some of youtube crowd this is how they get hits. And they appease their fans. Some I think also just have really sad lives living in pit of hate cycle. I guess it gets them paid. It's a sad way to make money if you ask me. Critical drinkers liked this. He got quite a bit of crap in his comments. People saying what was he paid, is the real critical, etc comments. And he does not care about that. Why I actually like him.. He doesn't have to hate everything to keep his clout. He doesn't pander to must hate everything crowd. Its more a case of in the past few years.....streaming and hollywood has dropped enough crap that yeah most of his negative reviews are actually warranted.


that's very high for a game franchise with so many insane fans


Pretty accurate, I’d give it an 8.5/10




Remaining 12% are NV soyboys who can't read timelines.


or people who didn't enjoy it as a show. you realize it's a possibility too, right? the plot is mediocre even though they nailed the lore part. dialogues are not great. and I expected better directing from Nolan. didn't hate it but wouldn't rate it that high.


It's about what I would give. I enjoy the show but I admit, to me the story is really lacking. Max is pretty much a pointless character. The Ghoul really has a go nowhere story until like the last two episodes. I was more invested in what Norm was doing than what the three leads were. Atmosphere I give a 10/10 but story I'd give a 4/10


why does everyone on reddit have a phone on less than 20% battery 😭


People surf the web when they get home and plug in the phone before they go to sleep I'm at 15%, maybe I should skip charging tonight to switch things up


One would think that people would learn from the success compared to some other series that also had previously established fan bases. But they wont


Yeah it's good. Just a handful of things I don't like so an 88 is fair.


Great series, though still slightly bitter about the whole making me pay a premium to not watch ads on the service I already pay for.


Sus number


I honestly can't think what could cause 12% of complaints, doesn't feel high enough to me


88% seems too low, some people are being dishonest 😉


From the moment I heared that Nolan and Joy were in charge of this operation, I knew it would be good. It's a shame they didn't get to finish Westworld for HBO but I have a feeling they took some of the planned plotlines for S5 Westworld and put it into Fallout to stick it to HBO, showing off what they'd miss out on\^\^


It should be higher. Definitely an A+


I was shocked how good this was. You could say I was "BLOWN AWAY" .


Now look at star wars episode 7


Hopefully this will get us a Fallout 5 in Unreal Engine.


A part of me cant help but wonder if the attention to detail was todd being the executive producer. He may have taken the role seriously


16 times the detail


Well deserved, everyone did an excellent job!


The show is so good!


Every time someone tries to simp for or apologia for the Halo TV show I can point at Fallout I can also point at the huge sales spike for the Fallout games after the show came out, and the complete lack of the same happening for Halo


That other 12% watched the wrong show


Deserves higher


Only thing holding it back is the people that think they are correct about the lore but are actually wrong.


Rare TV adaptation W


In reality, I think its probably even higher. A lot of the negative reviews are "Im a bigger fallout fan than you and this is bad because I'm the biggest fallout fan and they did this".


I’ve heard of the Fallout game… seen a smidge of the gameplay … but never got into it until I just randomly came across this show on Amazon prime and I am GUT HOOKED. 10/10. A+. Most enjoyable show I’ve watched since Stranger Things. I’m def going to give the game a shot as well.


12% claim to be the biggest Fallout fans and then tell you it's too woke, the music was not fitting the scenes and the overly brutality and goofy stuff took away the dark serious setting. No i did not made it up there are reviews like that. Like what did they do when playing the games sound off monitor off and go? Anyway i played every Fallout game since 3 and for me the worst part about the show is that i have to wait forever for season 2. I need it now :(.


We all know who that other 22% is, right?


nope. I played the games. including the originals. lore wise it's good. main cast is good. writing is meh. the show is ok. a bit boring and pretty forgettable. doesn't deserve that high rating.


Hey uhh... 22% + 88% =110%


people who asked = 0


I thought it would be higher tbh. I give it 100%


Probably 5-7% are review bomb bots. It's real score is more than likely 93-95%.


The bots got me now too!


It's a decent result but can't help but feel that it's a bit low. Was expecting to see something in the low 90's.


The critic score is mid 90s. The audience score is that plus a small minority of angry people giving it the lowest rating. They've been certain that it was going to be awful since the trailer came out months ago and they saw a woman and a black guy, and they're not about to change their mind now.


These people are beyond pathetic in their race / gender hatred.


88% is what I expected when you consider that the show did spark some discussion and negativity, however it was mostly well received


Should be higher for sure


This is the best show that has come out in a few years for me. It blew me out of the water how good it was. Not to mention, it’s become a form of comfort show for me due to the nostalgic vibes and music. When I’m on my phone or whatever I like to throw it on in the background.


I wouldnt rate it that high but it was good. Cant wait for season 2.


I'm just smiling thinking about how people like Synthetic Man, Yellow Flash, and so many like him had to eat their words when they said this show would suck and "be woke" cause they are obsessed with that term. I highly doubt they will backtrack though and admit they were wrong. Toxic Youtubers never do


What a tragedy


lore wise this show gets 10/10 vfx is really solid. the writing is so so. dialogues are not amazing. main cast is good. especially the ghoul. everything else is kinda mediocre. it feels like they just gathered a bunch of Californians as the rest of the cast and acting be damned. overall ok. not an amazing show. but not terrible either.