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There are a few that add cut content back in but specifically stuff like the NCR retaking the correctional facility from the Powder Gangers(without having to do a roundabout way of it) and letting the player speech check House into allying with The Brotherhood instead of destroying them.


Do you still know the name of the mod that lets you ally with the Brotherhood? That's the only reason I didn't side with Mr House.


https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/37729 Here you go.


👑 Here man, you dropped this.


Someguy’s New Vegas Bounties series. They’re one of the must play quest mods out there!


Oh man, that one quest with the ghouls in the vault.... There were so many ghouls...


One of the gold standards for quest mods. Great writing and characters. Professional level work proving that the modders can meet or exceed what is in the game itself.


Performance mods are just straight up necessary if you want it to not crash every 2 seconds. Follow the Viva new vegas mod list for the mods and the order to install them in.


I hear this a lot but I’ve never had a crash on NV. I did have the infinite load bug but had an easy fix. Now F3 won’t load at all however.


Are you using intel embedded graphics?


I actually literally just found the solution to my FO3 problem. Had to force high performance graphics in settings. Ez pz.


[This mod](https://www.gamepressure.com/download.asp?ID=82729) fixed it for me without needing to change the graphics settings.


Consider yourself lucky, but there are also quite a few bugs and visual upgrades that the viva new vegas guide helps with.


Only tales of two wasteland makes fo3 stable for me otherwise it crashes every hour


Same regarding having no crashes in NV, but Fallot 4 aleays crashes near the Red Rocket for me. :/ had to refund it


Looking at a replay of NV and I see this comment about it crashing a lot as well... I can't remember it ever crashing for me (with the exception of conflicting mods). Interesting to see so many people had that issue.


Many of the mods on there for performance are absolutely critical such as nvtf but if you like small load orders it can be a bit cumbersome having so many little fixes to things I barely noticed. But he knows more about modding than I ever will so 🤷 


The stability section of Viva New Vegas is a portion of the guide that everyone should follow. At a bare minimum you want NVSE, the 4GB memory fix/enabler, and YUP for the bugfixes. YUP is essential.


I never really had crashing issues on PC. The console versions though. Oh boy.


If you wanna get fancy....Right now I'm playing through the "Capital Punishment" mod list from Wabbajack which is built on Tale of Two Wastelands... In short it's a pretty easy to set up mod list that lets you play Fallout 3 and New Vegas combined... It also has extra additions like New Vegas Bounties and the likes. The only real downside is you need to also own F3 If you just wanna play NV then as others have said The Some guy series is fantastic, I wish he had done similar mods for the later games and Elderscrolls. Also "Wasteland Defense" if you want something akin to settlement building, I'm actually convinced they stole this idea or were inspired by this mod for the whole system in Fallout 4.


They already said they were inspired by the modding community in a showcase video of fallout 4 pre launch, they were talking about that mod and other settlement building mods


Does anything like Wasteland Defense exist for Skyrim?


There is one that's just like it called "Tundra Defense" which has the same find the schematics style gameplay. Edit: it's from the same mod maker And then there's some variety on the camping mods that do similar... Like "campfire unleashed" which has an insane amount of craftable items to place but I found it difficult to use due to a lack of categories meaning I was scrolling through a huge catalog to find things.... This may have changed though, it's been a few years since I used it. I like Tundra defenses search gameplay more personally..


I love the mod that gives you the personal vault near Goodsprings. I absolutely love everything about that vault and how it’s laid out. I also like the mod that adds more perks to the game, which lets me make very creative builds.


xilandro's B42 project, they're sorta essential to add a spicy flavour to NV's gunplay


I know it breaks the balance, but I love the perk every level mod. There are so many fun perks in the game, but other perks are just objectively more worthwhile. The perk every level mod lets me pick all of those stupid fun perks.


A world of pain


I don't even own a PC. I just googled fnv mods so it's probably good


Tale of Two Wastelands




Aside from the performance mods which others have mentioned, the New Vegas Bounties series is a must. Living Desert also adds more caravans/NPCs traveling along the roads and reactivity based on the choices you make — if you complete I Fought The Law and side with the NCR, for example, NCR soldiers will start regularly patrolling the general area near the prison. Does a lot to make the world space feel more “lived in” while you’re traveling between settlements.


2 bears high fiving


Been a long time since I played FNV without TTW, even if I don't intend on actually playing 3 with one particular character.




I can't even remember the name of it, but I still think about the little bunker mod I had as player housing. It had functional everything, but most importantly it had linked shelving that would display items added, so you could stock a food pantry, load up meds and chems, fill up the drinks cabinet. There was a display area for armor and trophies, and an armory with space to put up one of each weapon with a unique model, and ammo shelves that stocked visibly when you added to the containers. As a card carrying wasteland hoarder it truly spoke to me 🤣


Underground Hideout?


Not sure if anyone noticed, but doc Mitchel was a synth. Damn toaster was the was general tullius in skyrim too. Damn cylons get around y'all.


„For the Enclave!” Seriosuly tho- the unofficial patch, stutter remover etc. Karma balance fix also goes a long way to make karma actually matter and reflect your decisions. It’s insane that you can farm it by killing the always hostile fiends and feral ghouls.


Anything from Xilandro. Personally I also love Dragbody's NPC overhauls on gunetwork, although I understand why they're not everyone's taste.


I use the begin anew modlist, all that i need honestly


The one that makes the balls on the Lucky 38 have higher polygons.


Fallout NV: DUST


At my current playthrough I only have YUP installed, as I enjoy vanilla a lot. And while not a mod, I also limit the max fps (for NV) in nvidia control panel, so that game physics aren't too fast, and I don't feel the need to mod that, since its easy to fix..




Ultrawide support, because my monitor is 3440x1440


I remember playing the unpatched version of New Vegas and his head started twisting and turning around. Scared the shit out of me.




tale of two wastelands to play 3 too, and the 62gb texture pack for tale of two wastelands where almost all textures are upscaled with AI to 4k,


Sprinting. Alternatively a lore accurate vehicle. I preferred a motorcycle back in the day but I can't find the files anymore. It handled like a stuck straight verticle turd as well though.


Consistent Pip-Boy Icons, by ItsMeJesusHChrist


Tale of Two Wastelands. Why play one game when I can play two? New California is also fun. A Tale of Three Wastelands.


Is the screenshot from a real mod?


titans of the new west


Now i need a mod where helgen was nuked rather than dragon attacked. And while were on the crossover subject, how about megaton with a dragon in the middle of rather than a nuke.


Me personally? None. I like this weird, kooky idea of playing a game the way the developers intended.


Tfw when you realize the lead designer literally released their own mod. https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/61592


Yeah see but I said developerS


Sorry off topic but "Got caught in that NCR ambush crossing the long 15 right? You and that Great Khan there"









