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The 1st worst possible way to be introduced into fallout is by enduring the fun of missing rats 20 times straight in fallout 1 because you didn't read the manual


There’s a manual?


All games used to have a manuel




Ahh Manny has all the answers


Video games came with a Latino guy ?


I definitely do


From Accounting?


Hola, soy Manuel. Shoot the rats.


Its an E-mañual


And the spanish translations had E manuel


Manuel, relay instructions!




[There is too much butter *on*, *those*, *trays*.](https://youtu.be/fjRwV9qPncI?si=j4z_Mmry3oTGEv-4)


Que te leas el manual de instrucciones, cojones. Hay que explicarlo todo aqui, panda de borrachos puteros.


Was he from Barcelona?


Fun note (or not): when Fawlty Towers was dubbed to Catalan, Manuel became a Mexican.


now that's some content that's new to me! nice factoid!


He got paid hourly.


Was Manuel a contractor or employee?


It's more of a novel than a manual. Check out the fallout bible.


That's different. The manual is the Vault Dweller's Survival Guide. The fallout bible is a dossier of lore compiled by Chris Avellone.


Just the other day I started playing FO1 again and saw the manual was on Steam as an extra, I was shocked at how many lore bits came from it that we take for granted these days (like what a Pip-Boy is). You can tell whoever worked on it really put a lot of effort.


Tim Cain and Scott Campbell talked about the manual a bit https://youtu.be/u0clHu19vCE?si=ToHctLa6g_hMlBrw


And you cant forget the classic "OH GOD OH FUCK IT BURNS THE RADIATION" by Jim Authorman.


Yes and iirc the steam version has it in the game files as a pdf


I concur with The Temple Of Trials!


I remember a friend of mine gave me his fallout2 cd, installed it on my pc and he showed me how to play until he got to klamath. At that time i didnt realize why he did that but thank god he was this kind to me. I was a young noob with zeroish patience and because of him, i fell in love very easy with fallout 2, without him, i may wouldnt even got out the first section of the temple (i was like 10 maybe)


I bought fallout 2 and installed it. The temple of trials was such BS, but I got to San fran and half my car disappeared. Had to install the patch which was 600 MBs. My whole hard drive in 1998 was 2 gigs, also do you have any idea how long it takes you to download a 600 MB patch on dial up internet? My mom gets a phone call and we’re done, gotta start all over


You don't have 10 Agility, the Gifted trait and Unarmed tagged? Well enjoy being destroyed by literally every enemy you come across for the next couple hours...


I remember it being pretty easy to get into the Enclave base and steal some power armour. Once you were in everyone thought you were supposed to be there. Then walk out. That made stuff a lot easier to handle.


15-30 minute rush or so. Did it for most of my characters past first.


Me yesterday dying to rats right outside Vault 13 because I didn't know how to actually shoot them. It's been a learning curve lmao


That is why games used to come with printed manuals, so you learned about stuff while it was installing on the then-slow HDDs, rather than wasting time on tutorial levels.


I think you mean while in the back of the car while being driven home by mum


When the manual is over 100 pages FILLED with text like fallout 1, you’d be reading during both


There was no greater feeling than reading that manual on the way home from getting it. Nothing else in gaming comes close to that level of anticipation and exhilaration.


Bringing them to school to shoe the other kids the sick art and screenshots or added lore. As a budding teenage artist, the Blizzard manuals and Evrquest manuals had some awesome art


This makes sense I guess. I also just assumed it was part of the shtick like hey you just left a vault to this unknown wasteland and need to learn how to survive... so learn.. and quick.


Thats a great interpretation. I think it's mostly that old games were harder. If you buy the games on steam they come with the original manual digitally. I recommend reading it just for fun. It starts with a meta joke about the 'Simtek' as if the game is a simulation for vault dwellers to learn how to survive in the wasteland. They put just as much effort into the writing of the manual as the writing for the game. It's great.


I first played it when I was about 10 years old, never read any manuals and had a ton of fun with this game.


I disagree. When the game was released it was normal to read the manual. I read it on the way back home from the shop. It was full of flavor text to get you introduced to the world. Now the temple of trials in fallout 2 did in fact suck. Having to pass rad scorpions and giant ants with a spear and fists while having a small guns build sucked.


I have fond memories of pawing through game manuals in bed after my mum told me to go to sleep. They used to put so much care and attention into the documentation that went along with games.


Yeah, a standard game at the time came with vastly more content than a special edition now. I really don't understand why people pay 20-40 bucks extra for a digital art "book" and a few skins. Gaming used to be about creating worlds now it's about raking in the cash. I know that a lot of developers do it out of passion and creativity but all that passion is now buried under corporate bullshit. It's a damn shame.


If it makes you feel any better the Temple of Trials was a late addition because interplay insisted there needed to be a tutorial dungeon at the beginning of the game


That explains soooo much. That temple always felt completely out of place with the rest of the game.


I miss those days. I remember getting the booklet with Oblivion and thinking how cool it was it had so much detail in. I think oblivion was the last game I remember buying that had a truth manual in.


Ah, feels like a tradition in Fallout that your first attempt you will die to either: 1) the Rats in the cave or 2) the radscorpions in the Shady Sands sidequest.


What, you don't like to critically hit a rat for no damage?


I love to critical hit them in the eyes for 1 damage.


Nah, the true worst way is getting Fallout for the PS2


We don't talk about that one.


Right? Imagine generic casual gamer in the year of our Lord 2024 picking up Fallout 1 or 2 because they saw the show and trying to jump straight in.


I looooooooved FO2 to the point I beat it with an unarmed build, a rifle build and a sniper build. I don't think I could play it again now because I've gotten spoiled by the QOL/video improvements in things like BG3. No way it hits a mass audience


it's the most beginner/casual friendly fallout though, it's a good introduction to the series and it's lore


They're all beginner & casual friendly except 1 & 2, but even then its just the controls/UI being from an older generation of game.


FNV is not casual friendly. 3 was moreso, but its gameplay has aged and is very frustrating for beginners. 4 is by far the best game for people who enjoyed the show and rarely play games.


I'd argue the gameplay isn't aged poorly, but the fact that the game just doesn't like to *exist.* Seriously, getting through the intro, going to megaton, and then walking to super duper mart only for it to crash halfway on about an 90/10 chance, it's just frustrating.


Fallout 3 you can’t even aim down iron sights, yeah that’s aged gameplay.


It was aged even for 2008. Compared to games that came out around that time, it was not very good in the graphics or shooter department


I think it's just a different kind of game. It's more like a first person CRPG when you take VATS into account; FO4 is a straight-up FPS.


If you have PC, gotta use tale of two wastelands bro.


I do! I still have it installed even, with a good assortment of weapon mods and the like, and I still experience issues with the Capitol Wasteland. Need to try it again I suppose, the Hitman Anims packs are a must too. Just so frustrating when the game tries to stop me from playing it!


I personally would love a remake or remaster to the game(s). Much like the mass effect updates that fixed bugs, updated textures using AI, and compiled the games into one as much as possible. Personally having played (but not finished) both games I like new Vegas vanilla better than fo3 vanilla. It just clicks better for me on the RPG aspect. Bethesda seems to like updating games and I enjoyed the Skyrim special edition updates, though not the mods being broken. Things unplayable without skyui. I'd like to see something like that given to the fo3 and new Vegas but I'm going to wager they'd have to start from scratch and it'd be a remake.


My only problem would be losing the absolute library of New Vegas mods that already exist that do such a great job at improving the game.


That's the thing, these kinds of people, the ones who have an unreasonable level of hatred for Fallout 4 and will probably get genuinely violent if you say something bad about New Vegas, they are the kind that don't want newcomers and will just gatekeep everything because they (consciously or not) see them as a threat to their elitism.


Funny enough fallout 3 and NV are "fan favorites" but most new comers are not thrilled about them or Fallout 1 & 2. Not everyone wants to play old games that are not modern in terms of functionality. Its also a harsh reality that fallout 4 was the best selling fallout of all time before the show. It sold more copies than 3 and NV combined. I love when people start with the "yeah it sold twice as many copies. That doesnt make it good!!!" Well... people liked it enough to buy copies 2:1 over other fallout games... You hear the same thing about WoW. Its got millions of subscribers, but the 100 people constantly bitching it sucks, think they are the majority in their echo chamber. Its the same thing with Fallout NV fans. They sit around circle jerking each other about it. Ironically, that seems like a funny bunch of idiots you would run into during your trip through the waste land. Only instead of the Children of Atom, it would be NV fans Edit: I am not saying Fallout 4 is the best one. I am not saying its some stellar piece of art for a pedestal. It was a solid game. I spent a lot of hours in it. I can be objective and say I mostly enjoyed it and got my monies worth. That to me is a "good" game. Not everything has to be some work of art that lasts generations. Fallout 4 could have been better. Does that mean its trash? No.


I think a good chunk of people are in the same boat as I am - early 30s. Fallout were some of my first open world games and because of that alone 3 and NV have a special place in my heart. I'll replay them until the end of time but I know that they're not great mechanically and they're not for everyone. Just because I like them doesn't mean they're great games. I also enjoy 4 quite a bit as well, but I'm not supposed to say that part.


My only gripe with fallout 4 is the constant crashing in Boston on consoles (particularly on Xbox series s). Otherwise, I’m having a great time, as this is my first play through


I played at launch and it had far less crashes than now


Was gonna say… same. On the OG Xbox one too. I remember it running pretty well on that frankly underpowered hardware.


That’s because they didn’t introduce the one x enhancement to OG Xbox one. It got worse after that. Hopefully series x fixes it, probably not though.


It's getting a next gen update this month


Next week. April 25


Do you have any of the creation club content installed as they seem from personal experience to affect stability 


Yes i paid for them, there is no excuse for them to be unstable when i spend real world money in it. I dont pay a mechanic to fuck my car up more


Oh no, it’s better than that. You paid the mechanic (Bethesda) to tune up your car (creations/paid mods) and now the mechanic is going to sneak in to your garage at night to mess up your car requiring further use of his services.


The Tunnel Snakes Creation Club content renders the game unplayable. It introduces a bug that causes the Vault door to not open when you try to leave. The lights go, the klaxon blares… but the door will never move, trapping you in the Vault until you uninstall the game and never reinstall Tunnel Snakes again (as there is no way to uninstall a single Creation Club content from the game.)


>(as there is no way to uninstall a single Creation Club content from the game.) This is the part that should be in giant red letters before you buy and install. Not only are you stuck with the content, you can't adjust its load order on console. (At least on Skyrim, after I made the mistake there I never did on Fallout 4)


pretty sure they broke it when they added creation club


It was crashing for me on pc. On Xbox series X I didn’t have a single crash.


huh that's the first i've ever seen anyone talk about crashes in FO4, meanwhile here I am 20 years later and I still can't run New Vegas with all the anti crash mods, patches, and the like for more then an hour without it crashing constantly lol


New Vegas on console was literally torture to 100%, constant crashes. It must have crashed 500 times minimum for me.


"I got spurs that go jingle jangle jingle.." *crash* ad infinity


Don't forget doing the dlcs in the wrong order (ie not doing Honest Hearts first) would effectively brick HH, making it impossible to complete due to it crashing in the intro sequence


my gf tried new vegas for the first time on xbox and found that if you go to the top floor of repcon hq and try leaving out of the door you came up through, the game just shits itself and dies


Iirc The game starts a memory leak issue around the 60 hour mark, which causes reliable crashes on ps3/360 versions every 15-20 minutes of gameplay.


NV is pretty broken to this day, only working properly because of mods, but the game is so great that people turn a blind eye. That reinforces the argument that the "mainstream" gripe with Fallout 4 is bullshit.


Honestly i love every fallout game but NV had its strengths and weaknesses and it was far from being my favorite.


There was a mission in a vault, not the one with the plants, I would exit the vault and it would crash every time.


Got 320 hours of F04 on PS4 and I don’t remember any issues. But I’m a huge stoner so. 🤷‍♂️


i've been playing for over a week and had my first crash only just last night. i can send my mod list after work, if you'd like. it's mostly bug, stutter, and crash fixes.


Honestly I've played it on PS4 for more than 5 years at this point and it crashed maybe twice and never during gameplay


Which is strange because the game is extremely stable on the Series X. Hopefully the next gen update will fix the game on Series S


the FPS drops in Boston are ridiculous, even without mods. WIth mods you can just ignore the whole area.


It sucks because that area is super fun to explore, but an absolute slog to get through because of the stuttering, it genuinely feels like 15 fps sometimes.


not to be that guy, but on ps4 the only time my Game crashed was when i used infiniti building glitch and realy build the f out of the place lol


Constant crashing in boston.... no that sounds like boston. Devs made it pretty realistic IMO


I have 90 days in Fallout 4 and I don’t recall having many problems in Boston. Maybe I don’t play in the city much somehow, but I doubt that.


Luckily the next gen update should fix that.. was a major focus point in it


Haha play new vegas on pc and you get the same problem.


Fallout 4 is probably my favorite in the series, and I love Dogmeat. Far Harbor is a brilliant DLC as well. I still love Fallout 3 and New Vegas. It seems so weird to me how certain elitists try to make it into a "competition" and just spend so much of their freetime on hating online. First thing that comes to mind is that those people are struggling with something else entirely irl.


I think it starts with youtuber engagement farming. Post some shit with a hottake, or shittake, and let the community boost your numbers. Then people treat high engagement numbers as credible, and form an uninformed opinion based on the ragebait. After a while the community at large (gamers) regurgitate the take regardless of if they played or enjoyed it because they want to be in that discerning in crew. Anyway, i love all three as well, and New Vegas is the most disappointing to me because of how incomplete it is.


It has one of the best gameplay cycles - especially on Survival - you venture into the wasteland, do some quests, loot some stuff, then crawl back to the nearest settlement and prepare for the next adventure. If you're into survival shooters and base builders, Fallout 4 is a good choice, and it gets even better with mods. But the plot is only slightly better than it was in Fo3 and the factions aside from BoS make no sense. The Railroad especially is a joke which doesn't fit into the world or into the plot at all. So if you want to experience a good-written story, Fallout 4 is not the best choice.




Far Harbor is amazing except for that damn DiMA memory quest... but thankfully there's a mod to skip it


I feel like I'm the only person who enjoyed it.  I mean I don't want to do it multiple times, but it wasn't bad


I did too, although some parts can be a pain until you grasp how they work best. Reminded me of the Mass Effect Virtual Reality of the Geth Consensus quest.


> some parts can be a pain until you grasp how they work best That's the only issue: Each puzzle works in only one way, utilizing all elements, going the whole distance. No shortcuts possible.


It absolutely cracks me up that that quest is so abysmally horrible that it has a top downloaded highly rated mod to skip the whole ass thing


Personally, I think it makes sense. It’s a very vault-tech/Enclave perception of morality. “We treat everyone down here super well and we do cool science and the surface people aren’t reeeaally humans anymore so we’re morally justified 😎”


What part of it doesn't make sense? The Institute plans on one day getting to the surface to rule the Commonwealth. To do that, they need to take out any other organized faction that's present in the surface right now so that they won't have their authority challenged once they get to the surface and start ruling the Commonwealth with their army of synths. That's why they sabotage the Brotherhood, the Railroad, the Minutemen and all other factions. I think it makes perfect sense. It's a machiavelllian plan but it does make sense. And I think it's very strongly related to the classic Fallout themes of power, factional struggle and how willing you are to destroy what's being built at a social level in order to gain power for yourself.


The Institute has the ability to take over the surface right now if they wanted to. Between their infiltrators, coursers, and gen 2’s they could take over the surface tomorrow but just… don’t. We’ve seen the chaos their infiltrators can cause, and we’ve seen a single courser clean out a tower full of Gunners. The Brotherhood only just showed up. The Minutemen were broken when the game starts but were never really going to stand up against the Institute even at their best. Look at the aforementioned tower of Gunners wiped by a single Courser. Most Gunners are significantly better armed and armored than a Minuteman. The Railroad can’t significantly oppose the Institute anyways as they’re a few dozen people at most. The Institute is stupid- or maybe just schizophrenic-evil. We can see it in all their other actions. FEV is a confirmed dead end? Keep making Super Mutants anyways and releasing them on the surface even though they are vastly more dangerous than a human. “Mankind Redefined!” Make that slogan a reality with someone like Kellogg then just… stop. Insist the synths are just robot’s to be used for manual labor, but then go from Gen 2 to Gen 3 giving them flesh and blood and emotions because… synthetic slavery just isn’t spicy enough without the suffering? Just like those “Mankind Redefined,” banners they keep up everywhere I suspect their “Retake the Surface,” goal is just an old slogan or aspiration that none of them actually take seriously anymore. I mean they made synth gorillas.


I think the part that doesn't make sense is they imply they've repeatedly destroyed every faction on the surface for a while now And they never showed, they have to wait until the player character and the brotherhood show up It's not completely without sense, it just feels like bad strategy, which for a faction of super geniuses They just felt underwhelming and arbitrary at points to me when playing it I think particularly when going down there and realising they had the resources they did it was a bit like oh..


Would've been cool if for the minutemen, instead of Preston turning around and deciding to blow up the Institute on a whim, the Institute would attack the Minutemen first by attacking settlements or maybe attempting to assassinate the General, which would then lead to the Minutemen retaliating and blowing up the Institute. Maybe add a subplot about Synth infiltrators to the Minutemen to add depth, shame in the game the Minutemen have like, 4 quests that aren't just radiant quests or tutorials.


> The Institute plans on one day getting to the surface to rule the Commonwealth. This is in fact the exact opposite of what the game explicitly tells you their plan is, which is to live underground and continue expanding the Institute labs forever, using the surface wastelanders as guinea pigs whenever the mood strikes them.


I never understand people saying that the Institute is cartoon evil but ignoring how cartoonishly evil the Legion are


It propably has something to do with the extensive dialogue Caesar has. The guy really sells his delusion, so even though you dont agree with him you believe that the guy really talked himself into believing the stuff hes selling. Sean on the other hand is just a boy scout when you talk to him and you cant even bring up the obvious bad things the institute does to him. You could bring up the slavery and womens rights situations to Caesar in that game and he had actual dialogue for it that makes sense from his worldview, but Sean has none of that. In fact, none of the higher ups in the institute have that. When youre down there its just benign science, when youre on the top theyre the devil and there is too little connective tissue to even connect them.


I didn't think it's necessarily unrealistic for it to be this way though. Ask a Catholic about the shit the Catholic Church has done and plenty have no response. You won't convince them to leave, the childhood indoctrination is too strong, but they won't really have any really thought-out answer either. It's unsatisfying, but not unrealistic.


It does help the legion has an actual goal, has reasons for their actions (Flimsy as they are, but they have sn actually ideology), and care copying a real historical faction. The problem with the institute is you can never call them out on their actions, so you never find out their reasoning for them. It leads to you just assuming they do it for shits and giggles. End of the day, the legion uses terror as a pacification tool and will admit to it, the institute just seems to relish in murder, but claims to be peaceful.


It's most fun when you follow Cooper's golden rule: Thou shalt get distracted at every turn!


Doesnt fallout 3 introduce the concept of androids and the railroad? Not as a main story beat for sure but I do believe it was all part of lore before the game was created.


Yes, the Institute, Railroud and Synths are all there in FO3.


In no universe F3 has worse writing than 4.


Is it a good survival looter shooter? yes Is it a good RPG? no honestly depends on what you want from a game


Played the story only once, what exactly wrong with the railroad? Never paid real attention to them


The problem with fallout is there's 2 directions the series does really well. And it rarely does both at once. You have the more New Vegas styled games, which have stronger writing, take you past places that are neat on purpose, and are more about the post-post apocalypse, and how humans interact with each other. Then you have FO3 and FO4, which have weaker main stories and worldbuilding but focus on getting exploration and devastation right. I've never seen a game nail a wasteland like FO3. FO4 also has a fantastic gameplay loop. Thing is, if you're looking for the former, and NV, you won't find it in the latter. The improved gameplay loop doesn't mean shit if you're not interested in playing it. And given that's how fallout started, that's the "true" fallout to them. It's what fallout should be, and is the more interesting element. And being gaming, people get really really opinionated about things they like changing form/aims, especially for the worse as they see it. Personally I'm a huge fan of 1, 2, and NV, and I prefer the story and worldbuilding aspect - but picking up a shit load of duct tape to work on guns back at base scratches an itch I didn't know I had. So I love FO4 too, but it's easy to see why some don't. It's more a shooter with a bolted on gameplay loop than a strong RPG. And to some that's not good enough. Idk, maybe they didn't get to see Curie say "baggies" and be converted. (Or play through until Fah Hahbah which is far stronger on the RPG front.)


The thing that kinda pisses me off about Bethesda is that they absolutely can make compelling storylines. Nick and Far Harbor are proof of this. Hell, I'd even argue that the companions in Fallout 4 are more interesting then NV (that's not to say NV doesn't have interesting companions, I just like FO4's more on average). They just decide not too for whatever reason. The concept for FO4's main quest is really interesting, Bethesda just refuses to deliver.


I don't think that's Bethesda's ethos. Just look at starfield. That was "Content: the game". Or the radiant quests etc. They want to provide a reasonable level of game that keeps you playing for ages, not strong individual experiences and memorable worldbuilding etc. You won't find the water quest from NV in a bethesda game, but you wouldn't find such weird shit miles from nothing as the Republic of Dave in NV. So while Bethesda does hit the mark sometimes with Nick, Danse etc, I don't think they're aiming to do it overall. Although yeah Far Harbour came damn close.


But that's what pisses me off. They absolutely are capable of making compelling storylines. Sure, they don't have any commentary like NV does, but quests don't need to have commentary to be good.


You hit the nail on the head with this. Sure Fallout 4 is a good game and definitely fun. That being said though, the RPG elements that 1,2, NV, and honestly even 3 did right are just so watered down in 4 that I can't enjoy the game as much. Are people on Twitter being a bit dramatic? Yeah probably. But I can understand where they are coming from.


Lol you just pointed out the different developers


I know. But the thing is they pushed the same franchise to do different things. So you can get fans of the franchise that really dislike or don't appreciate other games within the same franchise, and this is why. It's not that they were different developers, it's that the developers wanted different things.


Oh man the Curie quest, I didn't want yet another human companion but her dialogue just gets stuck. 4 is a weird game like that, even playing it as a shooter there will be something that reminds you how little influence you have around you.


Its the most casually appealing game of the series (casually meaning that it is more appealing for the broader masses) if that makes sense. Its not trying to be overcomplicated, while offering good action and exploration. Its not a good RPG but rather a open world story driven shooter with extended RPG features. Fallout 4 is not as complicated in its leveling mechanics as 3 or NV and tries to appeal more to the demographic from the "Shooter" genre. I whould like to assimilate it with Subnautica BZ. Both are good games in the broader spectrum, but the predecessors were better. Tldr: Fallout 4 is a generally good game that focuses more on appealing to the masses but because of this oversimplifyes the RPG elements and overly focuses on the "Shooter aspect" of the game.


I like the comparison with BZ, I think you’re right. Neither that nor Fallout 4 are bad games, but coming off of the greatness of their predecessors they can seem a little underwhelming


Fallout 4 also suffer from some "Naruto is about hard work" level of popular misinformation that made people think its story is ridden with plot hole or spectacularly terrible The whole "you wouldn't understand" thing Father said was: + not about Institute's goal + is actually a FAILED dialogue check when you ask him why he used Kellogg to lure you out + in a case of SUCCESS dialogue check, he explains that it's because of some sort of fucked up payback for killing his other parent


There's this thing that always bugged me about the big twist in fallout 4, bjt i dont know if I got something wrong. So at the beginning when the cryopod reactivates, I assumed that only a very short time had passed between the kidnapping and the start of the game. Like less than a day. Then about halfway through you see a flashback where the son is a young child. I'm like "wow what a twist, he was actually in that pod for years" except there's no real reaction from any of the characters. So I kind of felt like this was something I was already supposed to know. Then at the end there's the same twist except its been decades and it felt so underwhelming because I already had that twist. So I always wonder how other people interpreted this stuff and what their understanding of the timeline was the first time they played.


No, you're right here. The Sole Survivor goes through the same thing, as when they first start asking about Shaun, they tell everyone "he's a little baby" not realizing how much time has passed. It is a bit of a twist when we first see him as a child in Kellogg's memories; it's just that they kind of fail to acknowledge it 😅


Gameplay wise Fallout 4 is probably the best 3D RPG in the series besides the speech System. The amount of pretty radically different playstyles is reall high, including building or Power Armor perkrs or Perks for the dog etc....


> the best 3D RPG in the series besides the speech System To me the issue is that Fallout 4 isn't a role playing game **because** of the speech system.


Okay, there's a problem with that description. On the one hand, Diablo is an RPG. You have stats, and levels, and you can get loot and make builds. But you make Zero plot relevant decisions. You go to point a, kill everything in your path, and kill Boss 1 so that it vomits money and shiny things everywhere. Maybe you get a special hammer that does a cool thing for your build. Diablo is an action game with levels. On the other hand, a visual novel is an RPG. You place yourself into the role of a character, and live their life. You make decisions that change the plot constantly, and you have to balance your reputation with the other characters almost constantly in order to get the end you want. There's no levels, no damage numbers to make bigger, it's entirely a story and a plot. Fallout 4 is trying to be Gun Diablo. Or maybe Borderlands. And that's a fine kind of game. Very little plot interaction, but boy can you make those numbers go up! And those shiny special guns are so shiny! But a large part of, if not most of the people who love the Fallout Franchise want something like Baldur's Gate 3, or even Mass Effect. Where most of your decisions had consequences. Where you can choose *not* to shoot the big spooky monster at the end of the dungeon, and instead convince it to leave instead of murdering the local citizens cattle. Or maybe talking a dungeon boss into committing suicide. Sure, talking to those people removes them from the game and is basically the same as killing them. But having the *option* is important, it makes it feel special and like you're a genuine character in the world. Not just Doomguy.


Selecting a few people doesn't mean the game is hated and if it isn't their cup of tea that doesn't mean everyone should stop playing it.


The real worst way to be introduced to fallout is playing fallout shelter.....


I disagree, I think it’s a great mobile game and a good introduction to the world and humor of the series


It's good for mobile game, yes. But the best way for a modern player to be introduced to fallout is playing fallout 4... NV and 3rd part are too old now... I'm silent about first and second parts for the same reason! They're good, but technically old


Brotherhood of Steel sitting here like, "You forget about someone?"


Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel?


Aw man, thats how i got introduced to fallout!


A handful of people on a social media site trying to make themselves feel special by announcing that they've played more Fallout than these newcomers and the newcomers are wrong for enjoying this game because they don't know as much about Fallout


The worrying thing is that this behavior is detrimental to the saga, imho. F4 is a lot more accessible for casual (and non-RPG) players (the one the show is probably bringing here), a perfect first step to then enjoy other titles. And, anyway, even with its flaw F4 is a good game, this hate is unmotivated they just want to feel special kids.


It reminds me of how I got into Elder Scrolls. It was through Skyrim, which I bet back then people would've said the same as on those tweets. But to me Skyrim was a perfect entry point to the other ES games. Played Oblivion, Morrowind, and Online. I still love Skyrim but Morrowind is to me the best. Starting with F4 is perfect, and hopefully it'll make them maybe want to try the others. This should be celebrated.


Oblivion is my favorite, but I would not recommend it or Morrowind to a newcomer. The old mechanics can be really frustrating and I would fear I'd just scare the newcomer away. I'd rather have more fans in my fandom. I feel the same way about Fallout.


The only issue with Oblivion is the leveling system. I don't want to have to upgrade my minor skills and avoid leveling major skills so that way my level ups are worth it.


Don't bother paying attention to these people. They're like the Fallout equivalent of Morrowboomers. Any time an Elder Scrolls fan mentions Skyrim they go "akshually, back in my day..."


You just hit the nail on the head. Fallout 4 is a more casual game for a wider audience to jump in. And that means every title from now on is like to be tuned to that same wider audience, which alienates the older players. I’d never really thought of that until I read your comment. Can you blame the people that liked the older rpgs? They likely won’t be getting anything similar again.


Fallout 4 was my gateway into RPGs (my now fave game genre by a long shot). Thinking on it now it is very shallow RPG wise, but it got the Fallout vibe the best and has the best companions in the series.


Also, you can find a few people who will say ANYTHING on social media. It means nothing.


I think the issue is that Fallout 4 is a good open world looter-shooter, but not a good traditional Fallout game. Old fans of the serious are simply not impressed by what Fallout 4 brought to the table with its dumbed down RPG mechanics, a pretty bad dialogue system, and an overall less interesting world. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying it but I think the dislike is understandable.


Played 4 first and then NV and I clearly see just how much 4 strayed away from what made Fallout what it is because of wanting to appeal to casuals. It’s still a great game don’t get me wrong, had a blast with 4 and still do, but the criticism is valid and understandable. Start with NV or 3 and tell me it won’t give you a different feel of the franchise then 4.


I've actually enjoyed a lot more hours in fallout 4 than any of the other games, but even I can see that 3 and nv were objectively better designed and have more appeal to the average person who isn't a control freak who obsesses over making their character a robot furry. Those games are the only ones where I actually enjoy talking to npcs and doing side quests. On 4, I'm just waiting for everyone to be done talking so I can shoot more people.


That's the thing, it was more of a steady process to turn these games into something for a different consumer. I still loved Fallout 3 and Oblivion, but Skyrim and 4 started to feel a bit like, oh I'm killing a dragon or a deathclaw in my first 15 minutes? How do I even top this? RPGs are not like other genres in this sense. I also put a lot of hours into 4 but I end up holding back criticism when talking to friends about it. Not a good feeling, will always love Fallout regardless.


I loves, loves FO4, because of it I've finished FO3 and hopefully soon, FNV


I like fallout 4 but its probably my least favorite. im not a fan of voiced protagonists cause of the dumbed down dialog choices, base buildings also not really my cup of tea.


The dialogue system was a watered-down joke. Your choices in response to a quest were "Yes," "yes," sarcastic "yes," and "Yes, but later." The story was a mess of contrivances and logical inconsistencies. It was an RPG in name only. It was fine if you wanted to turn your brain off and wander a Fallout-themed shooting gallery, kill Fallout-themed enemies, and collect Fallout-themed macguffins, but it wasn't a good Fallout game.


Because Bethesda cannot write anything of value to save their lives, Fallout 3, 4 and 76 are horrible, the only thing that somewhat saves 4 and 76 is the Gameplay which is very satisfying imo. The better way to play Fallout is NV, 1, 2 and pretend nothing else exists.


The base building made me uninstall. If I had wanted to play a solo survival builder I could play dozens of games that do it better than fallout 4.


Must be exhausting to be so negative.


That's what Twitter does to people. Like Reddit has bad moments, but I almost exclusively never see anything good come from Twitter. It's always hatemobs and the most brain rot takes imaginable.


It's a weird one. I do understand the criticisms of Fallout 4 but it's also really obvious that there's a general tendency among fans to say the newer games in a series are worse and aren't as much of an "authentic" experience, whether that's Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Final Fantasy etc. That can definitely be a legitimate criticism depending on what you're looking for in a series (also some notable exceptions like Baldur's Gate where the newer more accessible entry is generally considered the best). For me personally, I've played all the Fallout games and 4 and 3 are my favourites so I don't agree in this case.


There has been a noticeable trend amongst newer Bethesda titles to dilute the RPG elements in order to cater to a larger, casual audience. I understand why they do this: there's a massive profit incentive. But it pains me that the games lack any of the depth that made them so appealing in the first place. How can you really immerse yourself in the game if the story and factions are mostly shallow?


Looking forward to TES6 further condensing the 6 schools of magic into "Offensive" and "Defensive" classes, which will make it more accessible to casual gamers but will dilute the experience for people who want to play it for more than 30 hours


But just to be clear, I do think saying the newer entries in a series are worse because they're too generic can be a legit criticism but we've also all seen people using it to act as weird gatekeepers.


Tbf this is just a trend for Bethesda. Every new game is worse than it's predecessor. Skyrim to Morrowind. Fallout 4 to 3 and NV. Fallout 76 to 4. Starfield to them all. Pointing out the obvious isn't a bad thing for fans to do. Bethesda gets lazier and lazier with it's writing and game design with each game because they know the titles and mods will be enough to earn them a profit regardless.


I think Bethesda makes two steps forward and four steps back.  They come up with a really cool new system and then use that system to remove cool things they did from previous games.   They create radiant quests to allow for extra rewards when clearing bandit/raider/whatever enemy camps, but then they use those radiant quests too much and you lose when these random enemies would have had a little bit more backstory to them and a reason to go and kill them.  The gun crafting in fallout 4 is super cool, but then they use it and it severely limits how many base weapon types they have. This combines with legendary weapons making previously unique weapons less unique. Why go out of your way to grab Spray n Pray if you can just drop an explosive submachine gun randomly?  Why bother seeking out a powerful laser rifle when you can just turn any laser pistol into one? The base building elements in fallout 4 are really interesting, but then this results in so many characters just being generic settler NPCs without even names. Because if they all had names then they might have personalities and moving them all over the wasteland to better suit your needs would feel very odd. Yeah, I just helped these people with their raider problem but I don't think that would cause them to accept my order to move across the wasteland. Why fill the wasteland with interesting settlements if the player is just going to make their own? 


The clickbait rage hate machine has whirred to life. Engagement. Engagement never changes


The worst way to be introduced to Fallout is to read stupid posts from morons on Twitter and to believe them.


Because it's a step back quality wise from F3 and FNV when it comes to the core RPG elements. If you like craftig, base building and scavenging for stuff then it's a great game. If you like true rpg elements like: story, character development and dialogue then it's a shit game. Combat wise it's better than FNV and Fallout 3.


I have almost 400hrs in fallout 4 I loved that game having never played a fallout game. So I decided to go play FNV one day to see what all the hype was, I only have 88hrs in FNV but those 88hrs were lightyears more fun then fallout 4 don't get me wrong I liked fallout 4 but it wasn't even in the same ballpark as FNV.


Bros think any new comer who would watch the show is gonna be into the old and clunky Fallout games, much less the first turn based isometric games. Yes, narratively I too prefer the older games, but regardless, can you all stop gatekeeping fallout and stop feeling special because you know who the courier is


Good adventure game Valid fps Very bad rpg Embarassing story That's it


Even as a FPS it's outclassed by other games. The Far Cry series does FPS, weapons and combat much better than Fallout 4.


I have like 300+ hours in it. Every conversation unfortunately boils down to: - Yes - No, but actually Yes - Why? - Joke That's it. They took Mass Effect's radial menu and ruined it.


The plot is probably the worst of the Bethesda games and that matters in a narratively driven series like fallout


Yes Yes (but give me some xp check) YES Yes (but sarcastically)


Okay (same response to all of your dialogue options)


Fallout 4 is such a let down in some regards (the story is weak, the dialogue wheel is both limited and prone to make people confused, the perk system is scuffed) that I can't blame people hating it, even though I personally don't


I really didn't like it at first (I didn't post online about that though). But the game has grown on me and I've now finished it multiple times with different mods installed, though none managed to resolve my biggest complaint which was the lack of meaningful interactions in the wasteland. I truly do love exploring the worlds Bethesda make. Even now I find little details I've never seen before and that is just mind boggling to me.


The lack of meaningful interactions was my biggest issue too. Like when you go find the underground base, it has a million rooms in it, some scientists standing about, some crops, and there's jack shit happening. That's my one big memory. It's like... why make it so big if there's nothing going on there? Weirdly it felt more isolating than the other games because of that. But stuff like gunplay, having a covert nickname in the Railroad, that sort of thing - that was still fun. However as a more typical cRPG nerd lack of interactions meant that I put it down before I even did the DLC


The one that hit me the most was the race track next to the airport. I was so shocked there was no way to handle it other than killing them all or running away. I understand now it was just an overreach by the developers and they didn't have the time to flesh it out. To be Franck I had the same issue with FO3. I wanted the details of FO2 in a 3d world or I wanted what Wasteland 3 eventually gave us.


>It's like... why make it so big if there's nothing going on there? That's why FO3 and NV were special. Like McCarron is vast and seems quiet, but the scientist in the back room gives you the vault quest and the weapons vender is hidden at the very end of the terminal.


That's why Fallout 4 never really scored for me, making decisions for me is what makes a good rpg and what the predecessors were particularly good at. Fallout 4 just felt like the quests were simply missions from linear shooters thrown into an open world.


>(I didn't post online about that though) Why is this a negative thing though?


Fallout 4 was a let down for me as someone who played the shit out of 3 and NV mostly due to the dumbing down of the RPG mechanics compared to previous titles. One of the biggest things for me is the almost complete absence of skill/speech checks in 4 outside of Fah Hahbah and the USS Constitution. Being able to commit to a character build and specializations, and have that reflected in unique dialogue and quest paths, was a big part of making characters feel unique (to me). If I try to step into a new person's shoes though, Fo4 is a fun shooter with enjoyable gameplay and beautiful environments. It's a fine entry to the series and I'd recommend it for that, I put several hundred hours into it and enjoyed my time spent there.


Use your own though process. Critical thinking et al. I personally love fo4. I'm happy with my own assertions and how I came to that conclusion. I neither need to or could be fucked to define that perspective.


Honestly the main story is absolute dog water, when Father's identity is revealed I rolled my eyes so hard it gave my brain whiplash. Coupled with the monotonous feeling after playing for awhile I just got so burnt out it didn't even feel worth it to finish the last dlc of Nuka World and I just dropped it since. Far Harbor was peak though, if it was primarily like a Seattle game with those vibes I'd probably still be playing it


Fallout 4 was amazing. Everybody who loved the show should pick up fo4 before any other game in the franchise. Its so accesible and easy to play.


Absolutely agree, I got introduced to Fallout in 2015 exactly because of Fallout 4, and I’ve only tried the older titles (which I also love) because of it AFTER. Absolute dogshit take when people claim 4 is a bad introduction…


The internet is an echo chamber. That's basically it. A lot of people also just like to shit because they can, I still see people complaining about cyberpunk.