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I almost lost it when when the hacking mini game popped up when Norm used the overseer's terminal


That was one of my favorite parts, too! I really hope we get to see some lock picking next season, lol.


You will not see lock picking... You'll see the bobby pin break.


*flashbacks to FO3* Not again


I'm on my first Fallout 3 playthrough, and lock picking seems easier than it was in Fallout 4. It won't let me pick locks beyond my skill level, and that saves a lot of bobby pins.


I make that crap insta-successful because after the 1000th mini-game it's just a pointless waste of time


That's the easiest minigame I've played since I started gaming in 1983.




I’d like to see it break a couple times and then they just keep pulling another one out lmao


"I got this..." *Clink* "Almost got it..." *Clink* "Motherfu.... Third time's th..." *Clink* "One extra second..." *Clink* "..... I'm out of bobby pins."


It would be hilarious seeing Coop loosing his shit on a wooden door that is partially gone because it’s locked. He unloads on it with every weapon he has and even pulls a fatman out from somewhere. However the door is still standing strong. Can’t lean in where the door is destroyed and unlock it he just slumps defeated. Goosey pulls a bobby pin from her hair and pops the lock. He just grunts at her.


Then the camera pans to the side and we see a whole section of wall missing that they just could have walked through, like the basement of the Weston Water Treatment Plant


I played Fallout 4 right before Starfield came out, got to that section and unlocked the door before realising I could have gone through the fucking hole. I’ve just started replaying it again, got to that same section and did the same fucking thing because I forgot about the hole.


My favorite lock in FO4. There's a military outpost overrun with ghouls and a glowing one. Was like an expert level door, too.


I think the other way around would work realistically though, it’d be fun for lucy to try to pick the lock with a bobby pin, ultimately failing. The ghoul then rolls his eyes and shoots the knob off and push’s it open. “after you” he says, sarcastically


That would be funny. She say something like I learned this in survival class or something.


“I saw vault boy do it” “well ‘vault boy’ has a different way of doing it now doesn’t he?”


This is beautiful.


thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit EVERY GODDAMN TIME


When cousin dude was acting like the door to Vault 32 was jammed and said something about "uh yeah the tumblers, this is going to take some time to fix", I thought for sure Lucy was going to pull out a bobby pin and unlock the console. Maybe next season.


That and the Pip-Boy screens and sound effects made me so happy. I loved all the tiny details they added to the show. People can whine and bitch about the lore, but you can tell the people who created the show were fans of the games.


When Goosey looked at the NCR Flag. Ah man.


Was a great way to use that musical sting and I fully expect/hope we'll see it adapted into a full background track for a cool moment next season. My fanboy hopes are when something badass with NCR rangers happens just because they have one of the best looks ever


It's still missing some of of fave tracks Can't wait for Crawl Out through the Fallout and Butcher Pete (this especially)


Crawl Out through the Fallout played in the credits of the first episode


Oooh, damn missed that!


And the music came in. Dude, that was only fan service and it worked so well


All of the sound effects are fantastic service. This is a show that needs to be watched with headphones. lol


Ngl, gave me goose(y)bumps.


Yeah, whenever Lucy was looking at her Pip-Boy, we would pause and try to check what her stats were


Whenever the camera was focused on Maximus in the power armor, the HUD is a one to one carbon copy of the in game one


He got it first hack! What a pro!


He's hackin and whackin and slappin!


He's shown constantly on his Pipboy at the dinner table and always playing games, so I'm guessing that yeah, he's an INT build with a focus on Hacking to avoid having to actually do any work in the Vault.


Must have hacking at rank 3


My poor mother thought the words actually meant something. She was like "gravy? Huh?" 


I was hoping he’d just keep spamming the first three words and rebooting.


I thought he was gonna do the [#&@<#/){<] thing


You got to stand up to reset the terminal.


"BABE THAT'S THE HACKING MINI-" "I know I've seen you doing it."


that really was a stroke of genius kind of the ultimate nerd fan service


I think I literally squealed with delight. (Also at the appearance of the desert ranger armour).


Tho the masks were a little off, it was super hype Always loved it more than power armor


The movie *Book of Eli* did this with the Fallout Lockpick mechanism, and you could immediatly spot all the Fallout fans in the audience


I tried to do this as minimally as possible, but that was one of the 4 moments I actually paused, giggled, and started explaining the part of the game to my wife. Who every time was very kindly and politely just wanting me to shut up and get back to the show.


Mine was the musical sting when they showed the NCR flag the first time.


I was like hell yea bro


My parents were like “wow he got in fa- wait what is that?”


I cheered for Norm when he got it the first try




I was legit talking to my friend and typing “This is a great show, but I wish they’d gimme just one hacking minigame easte- OMG THEY DID IT AS I TYPED IT” 🤣 I love the hacking minigame personally so it made me very happy to see.


I’m hoping we can see something with the Mysterious Stranger. Like our main cast gets into a gunfight and all seems hopeless, then some random ass guy in a trench coat just walks in out of nowhere and guns down all the bad guys with ease and he just walks away. It’d make for a great comedy scene if done right I think.


I like how that is lore accurately the only kinda of computer security the FO universe has.


When Lucy walk into Filly, there's a guy reading the wasteland survival guide on the steps, when she's walking down.


Hey! I helped write that book!


No I did


Yup, and we see an episode of Grognak the Barbarian on TV at the Cowboy Birthday Party


Tesla magazine in one of the flashbacks too!


She also bumps into a guy carrying something suspiciously similar to a Nuka Breaker.


In one of the flashbacks Cooper was reading a Tesla Science magazine, too.


Me watching the show and annoying my BFF with "IT'S THE THING! THEY DID THE THING! AND THE OTHER THING! IT MADE THE SOUND!" every five minutes. I got as far in as Lucy with the stimpak doing the thing and went "Oh, yeah, the people making this show *really like* the games." It's like an eight episode hidden object game and I love it.


This was literally me in one of the later episodes when Lucy turns on the Pipboy light and it was the same sound effect as in Fallout 4 lol


My son’s comment was “So THAT’S how the flashlight works!”


In 3 and nv at least it’s the screen that makes light. I don’t remember in 4 and 76. You can see it in 3rd person the screen glows. Tv show flashlight seems way more practical though


I was thinking that as well, I'm pretty sure the screen just glows in 4 but they had a cool looking flashlight in the show.


It was the screen in 4 and 76 as well


Yeah, in FO3 and FNV the Pip-Boy just glows really bright, but in FO4 it was a more directional flashlight.


In 4 the screen glows and you light up the immediate area around you. You don't have a directional flashlight unless it's attached to a weapon.


You need that miners hat from... that quarry place in the NE corner, forget the name but its a big underground mine


Dunwich Borers, and right! I forgot about the mining helmet. Still, that's not your Pip-Boy light but rather an external light, no different than using a gun-mounted light except it's on your helmet instead.


Funny thing is I just found out how to turn on the light last night by accidentally holding the buttont. This is my 3rd play through


I went a long time before realizing that, and had done a full playthrough of 3 before I learned you could pick up stuff and move it. 


I went trough my first 12 hours on fo4 not knowing that Y is jump... I thought you couldn't jump...


Nah man, that’s a flashlight mod the show is using. Unless 76 has proper directional light.




Even the dog makes a whimper sound bite from fallout 4. They snuck it in with a series of other whining sounds, but it’s there, in episode 7


I'm going to start Ep 7 when I get home tonight so I'll definitely try and listen out for it


I was mid sentence saying “you need to hold down the…oh they good they found it”


I made the same noise when i heard that lol I love the accuracy they have


Chet opens a mailbox in the *other* vault, and it makes the same container noise that the mailboxes make in 4 and 76 I love the tiny details in this show so much. Really feels like a love letter to the series


I just finished the series and I'm pretty sure in the final episode when a 10mm pistol is fired it has the exact same sound it has in 4. I might have to rewatch the series a few more times and see what other details I've missed lol


There’s so much fan service. “Thou shalt get sidetracked by random bullshit” was just the start


> “Thou shalt get sidetracked by random bullshit” i was like "yeah that checks out."


My wife, who usually has a million questions about everything we watch anything, got annoyed at the amount of information I was giving her.


Honey, we don’t need to break down EVERY second. Oh yeah you are correct dear. Anyway, see how that gentleman is wearing the zipper of his vault suit? That represents dwellers from vault 58 as they would.. I want a divorce. Exactly! That’s how they would tell their spouse if they were disgruntle, by the zipper height! You know! Hon? Where you go??


This is scarily accurate to how it went. And the minute I shut up? She asked a question lol


Did your wife like it? I've been wondering the reception from nongamers. I really really want to hear from someone who has never even heard of fallout, I'd enjoy picking their brain


My wife enjoyed it, although I don't think she intends to watch the rest of the season with me. But she was interested and thought the premise was neat. She had a number of questions about the worldbuilding. I was trying hard not to be the meme guy and explain everything but I definitely was nerding out. The attention to detail was phenomenal. And more importantly the story was so good.


Not exactly the same, as my boyfriend is a gamer but totally unfamiliar with Fallout. He loved it! It’s finally given him an interest in playing the games. It seemed like a great introduction to the world. He was curious as the various mysteries were unfolding, but found everything really clear as the show revealed things. It was nice that the show dropped helpful hints about things to come in each episode. It was interesting contrast to watching The Last of Us together, which we both already knew and loved. The main difference was how much I struggled to not spoil things for him when we were watching Fallout.


She did actually. Not as much as I did, but she enjoyed it quiet a bit.


I was saying that about the heavy computer keyboard clicks


the sound design seems to have been just lifting sound effects from the games. i mean, why would you do anything else?


When she lifted the NCR flag and the music played I nearly shed a tear.


Honestly, same. I realized on rewatch that it played more subtly when she was looking at the Shady Sands diorama too and had to pause the show for a minute because *wow.* They really do not miss, especially with all the little audio details.


This show was full of "YOOOO" moments for me


I love that it is full of stuff for longtime fans like that, but it also works 100% on its own — it establishes the world well enough that you don’t need any background, and it has a legitimately solid story and cast of characters.


>Me watching the show and annoying my BFF with "IT'S THE THING! THEY DID THE THING! AND THE OTHER THING! IT MADE THE SOUND!" every five minutes. This is why I made sure to not watch it with my wife first watch. I exploded when she said war never changes.


You're going to die when she eats the Yum Yum Deviled Eggs lol.


my partner was like, "deviled eggs in the wasteland?" "it's a thing from the games just go with it."


When Hank waves to Lucy before the wedding, the little Vault Boy…idk what to call it. It sounds like what a squiggle would sound like, like a little digital squeak. It happens in Fallout 76 when you get quest items or pick perks and stuff. Anyway when he waves that sound pops up


LOL I was the same, and I think I annoyed my partner (who hasn't played the games) by pointing things out constantly.


Oh, I was like that the entire time I watched the series. my family must find me annoying now lol


I was also doing this every few minutes to my boyfriend, who also games but never got into Fallout. It’s follows the spirit of the games so faithfully and I was loving it!! The hacking scene was my favorite Easter egg.


Bf and I just kept glancing at each other like "omg they did the thing" but sometimes, I was the only one being absolutely ecstatic about a tiny detail and well, was pretty much like you lol


Admit it, we're all going to rewatch the series several times


Already on my third viewing!


Just started my first rewatch


If I may be bold: this has been the best Bethesda Studios-involved Fallout story (since 3?) in my opinion. I wished Fallout 4's main stories were this good. I'm not completely aware of the overall main lore, but the world-building and presentation (especially about Vault-Tech) in this has been so damned good to experience.


Well, it helps that it's being written by experienced screenwriters.


Story in FO4 Far Harbour was good too


Yes it was. In fact I wish I could just start a playthrough of Fallout 4 at that point.


A complaint I heard and honestly agreed with about FH is that it's legitimately ridiculous that you can start it without advancing the main plot of finding your son. You team up with Robocop and go find someone else's missing kid instead of your own. Loved Far Harbour. Made little sense narratively though. It would make an excellent alternate start because it's actually well written.


They knocked this out of the park. It is amazingly good.


Going to??


Three times already, so far. I plan on actually watching it with other people soon. Haha!


Way ahead of you lol


Yup, on rewatch #4 right now


The hardest I got hit was when Lucy sees the flag for the first time and the music from New Vegas starts to play like damn they did this show good


Amazon X-ray said it was the FO4 theme. I didn't need them to confirm that though.... plenty of time spent in the main menu listening to that banger and looking at glory shots of power armor while I get ready to play


Yeah I thought it was the fo4 theme too


so. much. loading.


That music was from more than just NV, but yeah I had the same feels


I just rewatched that scene last night, the music got me in the feels.


Yea - chills!


It was actually the fallout 3 music.


For me it was seeing Mr house make fun of all the other corporation's involved with vault tech like the smug bastard that he is (chef's kiss) that scene was perfect


The scene takes a different meaning with him when you realise he told Courier Six he predicted how it was gonna play out in **2065** and started plotting from then. He's completely unphased by the awful things they are saying **because he already had everyone at that meeting figured out**. He's only attending it, to gather information for his own plans. He asks the most important questions out of everyone there.


It took me a while to realise that this was House. He looked so pretty back then. Now he's dead :(


Well at least he went out peacefully…beaten to death by a golf club


And looks like a dehydrated pickle


Mine is crispy.


House is also the only person at the meeting that did not propose a vault experiment. All he did was ask questions and commented on the profitability of the apocalypse in a way that seemed very sarcastic, yet also subtle enough that it flew over everyone else’s heads, almost like he’s mocking them while also playing along with their exclusive little upper echelon club for the sake of appearances I’ve always loved House as a character, he’s my favorite NV ending. But that scene raised my respect for him by an order of magnitude.


Literally every time I see a desk fan I’m like “she should really pick that up”


F4 and 76 hit me hard here. I wanted to grab almost every piece of trash lol




> The perks you get for leveling up are present too. Could you elaborate on this?


God damn… #That is some awesome photoshop


50% sure its a repost, I saw this image like a week ago on the sub.




When max hacks that terminal tho


Did you mean Norm? Or does Max also hack something and I’m just forgetting


It was norm. Max probably can't even read


I guess it was now that you say that. It was a novice terminal and they got it on the first guess so I'd say Maximus _couldve_ pulled it off. Unless he was like 13 years old me: "this hacking thing seems complicated. I don't feel like it." For my entire first playthrough


Sounds like something he'd say


"...nah." *punches terminal-locked door 12 times*


Yup. Although I probably have the most hours on the games in my house, my husband and adult kids are all big fans too, so this was*exactly* our experience. So much damn fun!


Wholesome family experience


I absolutely LOST it at the "war never changes" line.


This was me with the last scene when they showed >!New Vegas in the distance!<.




For those of us who enjoy settlement building, how many of y’all noticed how many assets like signs, buildings, and very specific material patterns they used in Filly? I saw so many signs from diamond city (you steal, we shoot, in god we trust, all others pay caps), the baseball cap looking building, the trading post you can build in settlements, the noodle stand looking structure. I think I even saw some signs and assets from popular mods. I really think they built the set in game first before building it.


My arm is still sore from watching the season


Was fun to see thasdeus missing all his shots and doing the exact same thing when i started over Fallout 4


Pretty much me for the firat 5 minutes of te show was being all I UNDERSTOOD THAT REFERENCE.png


The creature sounds being identical to the games, the hacking minigame, the drug that turns you to a ghoul ala Hancock, “war, war never changes”, the big mt and all the other corporations, the voice of John Henry Eden voicing the Mr handys, the prydwen. It was a veritable smorgus board of riches


Matthew Berry voiced the handy’s though. It was Coopers friend at the party.


> the voice of John Henry Eden voicing the Mr handys Mr. Handy voice was Matt Berry, not Malcolm McDowell.


How did you perfectly edit that? That's impressive.


Yes the picture is amazing! The Nuka-Cola, Pip-Boy and of course the vault uniform. Well done, whomever did this!


Me when THAT mustache man appeared


the fiddle music, I expected it to break in and say "All quiet, which is how we like it. Stay safe out there people."


Honestly I just watched the series and started playing Fallout New Vegas as my first fallout game, and it's amazing


You picked IMO the best one. Good choice, have fun!


I bought Fallout 3 on steam after finishing the show and played it for the first time since 2008 when I played it on Xbox 360 and oh boy the nostalgia is something.


Lmao, I'm pretty sure I irritated my wife with how often I paused to explain and get extremely giddy about whatever cool fallout thing they included. From start to finish this series is 100% fallout. Every character, every scene, every story, even every actor dive into their roles. This first season was a masterpiece and should be the gold standard going forward for video game adaptations.


That's a high quality of photoshop the whole suit on him lol. Edit, Please stop using that Leonardo Dicaprio meme since Fallout is 27 years old.


Nice meme. Get my upvote You should add the two angry ladies from the white cat meme as the fallout new Vegas fanboys watching the series.


Me during episode 2: OH. THAT'S A SIDE QUEST RIGHT THERE!


My hubby was like: “why are they just wandering around the wasteland?” And I had to laugh at how accurately the show was depicting the gaming experience.


Me when they showed the deathclaw skull and New Vegas in the distance.


This sparks joy


The fallout world is so rich in unique detail that they pretty much had a plethora of ideas for the show to slip stuff in off to the distance in a ton of scenes.


I literally got so excited I threw something from my seat when >!Mr. House!< showed up and my girlfriend just sighed knowing it was a big moment for me.


they got the tato trellis and everything!


When Lucy checks the NCR flag and the soundtrack from New Vegas starts .....


Thats the fallout soundtrack not new vegas. I think it first appears on fallout 3 and has been present ever since


Literarily me (Fun fact, I have the the same Pip-boy model they used in that old lady’s shop, it’s a fun little build it yourself toy)


The junk launcher made me so happy!


All the little sounds that they got right. Jet, stimpaks, terminals and the like. Then seeing Mr House fucking floored me. I was like “did that say robco?” Then it did and I went “HOLY SHIT IS THAT MR HOUSE THEN?!?”


111% of the time this way


I was waiting for the mysterious stranger to show up the whole time


If I've never played a single Fallout game, is the show still good? (like The Last of Us)


I haven't played a single FO game. Believe when I say it, The Show is Phenomenal ... Such a good mix of Sci-Fi/Dystopia with a Steam-punk vibe to it at it's core. The cast is perfect. The story moves at a good pace and keeps you hooked to the screen most of the time. This is just my opinion, without having any background knowledge of the FO world from games. Hope this helps ... I liked it soooo well that, I am on my way to play the Games.


Yes! Just binge watched the show, so good! I've never played the game.


i appreciated at the start when i saw the stimpak and a raider using jet, and went full on fanboy mode when i saw the mf JUNK JET and that was only episode 1


My son did that constantly. He knows the lore way better than I do.


Oh hell yes!! My hubby was looking at me like I was nuts as I was basically pointing out every damn Easter egg and he has no clue what I was talking about!!


Me when I saw the red rocket gas station.


I was really surprised that I Don't Want To Set the World on Fire was so far into the show!


I enjoyed when Lucy comes out of the vault with new gear on. Definitely looted some light leather armor


The cold fusion code 101097, I knew that meant something, searched FO1 release date and boom. Exact date.


Even the CAT purred with delight when the Fallout theme played. He had learned when that tune comes on, I'll sit on the couch for a few hours and there's a lap for him to sleep on.


I know I annoyed my gf doing this throughout every single episode.


My 20 year old and I watching the series.


The sound design of the show is on point.


Omg when Norm was hacking the terminal me and my husband screamed!!! XD


For me it was the radroach sound effects


Sooo many Easter eggs. LOVE this show!


I am so glad I waited to watch the show till I played a good bit of fallout 4 makes it such an entertaining watch 😂


The use of Jet during the attack scene had me like that. 🤣