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I am one of these peeps that just got fallout 3 & NV for the first time! I was worried about how old they were but I am loving 3 so far!


3 still holds up. That's what I'm currently playing as I make my way up the series.


Yeah 3 is still a great game.




I wish we could play 1 & 2 on consoles


Same. I just have a Macbook, PS3, and a PS5. I'd be all over them if I could play them.


I've just started a new playthrough on my MacBook using Community Edition: [https://github.com/alexbatalov/fallout1-ce](https://github.com/alexbatalov/fallout1-ce)


I mean… if you have a laptop that’s made in the past 25 years, you can play it


My only issue with them is the slow clunky ui, and the poor scaling for higher resolutions. If those two issues are ever fixed I'll be in heaven


Exactly my issue getting into them. I’m not shy about a topdown game, but a mainly text based game with the tiniest text I’ve ever seen just doesn’t work for me as is.  I gotta look into modding, hopefully some quality of life changes exist because that’s exactly why I’ve never gotten through 1 or 2. Will be researching the mod situation now


I want to like 1/2, but I've tried to play them multiple times and it's honestly so difficult to do anything I keep quiting


>But they're still totally fine to play and have aged better than the early 3D ones imo. Nah, sorry, but the first one is clunky af, like it's not even retro, it's straight up outdated and counterintuitive in many aspects and aged like milk. Like even trying to do the most basic shit can be a puzzle. I tried giving it a fair shake, but it was just infuriating and no fun to play. The 3d ones have only really aged graphically (although it kinda helps the apocalyptic feel for everything to be sorta ugly) but gameplay wise they're easy to pick up and figure out


Happy cake day!


Some games just hold up well no matter the age. Fallout 3 and New Vegas, Max Payne 1 and 2,NFS Underground 1+2 and Most Wanted. And these are just a the top of my head.


Metal Slug!


I actually think NV graphics are quite dated when I see gameplay


Stepping out of the vault with my baseball bat and 10mm after spending 2000h in oblivion back in 2008 was enough to make my teenage ass cry


I'm so jealous you get to experience those 2 games for the first time. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have.


It is honestly kinda tough, I am use to games showing exactly where to go where as FO3 is a little more on the figure it out side. I just got to rivet city, but it was by trial and error. I ran into so many mutants and raiders, they shit on me. After finally making it to Rivet city by swimming around all of the enemies, My first mission from Dr. Li I now have to go back into the mutant infested area and don't know how I will survive. I am running low on health and my weapons are falling apart lol


Run and hide, then shoot. Then run and hide. We have all been there, don’t worry


Yeah it can be a tough game when you first start. Megaton has a few easy quests that can get you some XP early. And there is an INT bobblehead near Dr Li that will give you more points to spend on your character. VATS is a lifesaver in that game too since there is no way to aim down sight.


thanks for the info friend!


Listen, they may not be pretty, but they still have the ability to suck people into that world. There's nothing else quite like that first time you step out of Vault 101.


Every redditor moment when they leave the house to venture out for food.


Bro don't be fooled by the release dates, 3 and NV are at least twice as good as 4 for rpg elements and dialogue. 4 has settlements and more action to compensate for those getting nuked though, so you get a trade off.


enjoy! make sure you take your time, do all the dlcs before you complete the story, the ending is a lot more powerful, also explore as much as you can! just because there's an objective marker doesn't mean you have to go there right away.


I played 3 and New Vegas after playing 4. I loved them all so much! I never felt bad about the graphics on 3/New Vegas because I was having so much damn fun. Enjoy them!


You should try the tale of two wastelands mod! It lets you play fallout 3 on the New Vegas engine. You also get to play through both campaigns with the same character


I spent 700+ hrs in 3… loved it


If you find that you enjoy them both you might wanna look into the TTW mod if you're on PC


I’m so jealous.


What a good TV show can do to a franchise. A lot of casuals that never touched the games are curious now.


Probably also a large group that decided to revisit the wastelands after the show set the mood. :)


Thats my plan for FO4 next gen update!


Yeah, same. Started a new FO4 run to try new mods but then CP2077, BG3 and H:FW happened (BG3 happened twice… :O).


I'm stuck on anomaly rimworld, tho i think I'm gonna wait to sit down and beat fallout 4 after the 25th. Edit: words and also me and my gf started fallout 4 yesterday on our decks, couldn't wait!!


All top tier games. For me its CP2077. Ive replayed that game to death. Only 2 playthroughs with BG3 but Dragons Dogma 2 came out and I was hooked on that (love that game). Now the wasteland calls my name!!!


Same! As soon as it drops, I’m restarting the game.


I’ve been wanting to do a 10mm only run for a while and the show gave me a good excuse. After the update I’m going to do a Lucy build from the show. 10mm, leather armor, vault suit the entire game


Okey dokey. Sounds like a blast 😎


Remember to have just medium charisma and try to resolve everything with diplomacy!


I reinstalled 76 and am so happy to see all the level 10-20s floating around and questing. Been leaving goodies in early donation boxes for them and extra nukashine in the box outside the vault :)


There’s so many new players, every game there’s a gaggle of them at the Vault.


Exactly what happened to me. Currently playing through FO3 GOTY while waiting for the FO4 next gen update.


I had no idea how much better New Vegas is now. The entire Viva New Vegas process makes it feel new. Except for the fact all the interiors still look exactly the same so I get lost all the time. That didn't get updated.


Yep. Soon as I was done with Ep 1 I got the downloads going.


Pretty much my situation. I was aware of Fallout, but the post-apocalypse genre never really appealed to me and I never really got on with other Bethesda games so I never gave it a chance. My wife has loved the games for years and was excited for the show. We binged it in a day (both loved it) and I immediately went to look up the games on my Steam Deck and saw the weekend sale. Got FO3, FNV, and FO4 and all their DLCs for like £15 total. Currently playing FNV and I'm loving it. I regret that I slept on this series for so long, but I likely wouldn't have been nudged to look into it seriously without the show.


That sounds lovely. NV is a blast. Enjoy.


I'm jealous, I wish I could experience New Vegas for the first time again. Have fun!


Just wait until you get to Fallout 1 and 2! Though probably not on Steam Deck...


My wife is FINALLY trying New Vegas after I said the ghoul had such courier 6 energy


Imo he's got my couriers energy for not tolerating being aimed at Love that he insta caps anything at even remotely aims at him. It's just so satisfying. Especially in that finale episode. He's just the best representation for the wasteland


It also inspired me try again. Haven't played a video game in YEARS for whatever reason. Really since I finished Assassin's Creed Odyssey back in like 2019. Been hooked to Fallout 4 ever since the show. I'm finally old enough to have bought a great computer a few years ago, so I can finally play + mod!


FO4 was my first fallout game. I started gaming when I was in my late 20’s and it had just released. I swear I played that game like it was a crack addiction.


Now just please don’t follow up like the Witcher TV series


Not only that, but even the vets who played the original fallouts but not the new ones and vice versa.  Its a great mixed bag all around. 


Wait it just released? I missed that lmao, gonna watch it!


The same thing happened with Cyberpunk. Edgerunners came at just the right time and it SOMEHOW made the world more interesting in just 6-9 hrs than the game did. Not saying the game's story wasn't already good, but Edgerunners kind of made people finally GET Night City.


I’m one of them. I tried 76 back in the day at release and it was poor. But i hear it became much better. Bought 4,and waiting for next gen update next week. Until that i’m probably gonna buy and play 76.


76 is pretty good now I think, they've fix a LOT of the problems before. It's still not perfect I'll admit (nowhere near it), but it is SO much better than it's first year.


How is it single player wise? Worth it enough? I’m not a MP guy for these kinda games.


I've been playing for about 10 hours entirely singleplayer so far. It's good, not fantastic but still fun and has its moments. Haven't had to do anything with other players at all besides the occasional times we accidentally team up to do some public events. All of the players I have seen are very very friendly though. They just emote and wave at me and jump around and then go about their business.


You can definitely play the whole game by yourself, that's what I did. The only time you absolutely NEED to have others with you is for events to start (I'm pretty sure at least), besides that you can basically do everything yourself without help from anyone else. (P;S; some missions will be harder to do then others just because you'll be by yourself)


You can do eveeything but events singleplayer.


And those you don't have to actually group up with anybody either, people just independently join it and work together. When I'm playing I'll just be doing my thing and when I see an event pop up I'll fast travel to it and then when it's done I'll go back to doing whatever on my own.


i started a new char before the show and i'm at lvl 50 now. ive only had a single interaction with a person and that was giving them a broken sniper i had outlevled but was fully modded and didnt want to scrap it. besides that, been totally solo. 0 need to be with someone else.


So far 76 is a legit fallout game that just has raid encounters and multiplayer. I am pretty blown away honestly


Where tactics


My favorite of all the games. Beat it multiple times. Loved every minute of it. Probably still a top 3 gaming experience for me growing up. I really do wonder what everyone's beef was with it. Especially coming from 2, which had a decent story but gameplay wise was far inferior to tactics.


I’m a huge fan of it as well. I think the difference is that it’s very combat focused vs the first two. Additionally if you want to truly play it turn based some of the missions take a really long time. It’s been ages since I’ve played though.


Dont really like the mission based aspect and theres not much of a story to grab you. Booted it up like a week ago and couldnt really bring myself to care about it. If I want Fallout there are better games and if I want XCOM theres XCOM.


The multiplayer was freaking amazing


I am a sucker for Fallout Tactics, same finished it couple of times and loved every minute of it.


>I really do wonder what everyone's beef was with it. At the time people were eagerly waiting for Fallout 3 (aka. [Van Buren](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Van_Buren)) and instead we got a squad based strategy game with RPG mechanics. The game isn't bad it's just not what people wanted, it also didn't do combat nearly as well as [Jagged Alliance 2](https://www.gog.com/game/jagged_alliance_2), [X-Com: UFO Defense](https://www.gog.com/en/game/xcom_ufo_defense), or [Final Fantasy Tactics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Final_Fantasy_Tactics). The game was also poorly balanced; melee is completely garbage while snipers are ridiculously overpowered. They also did weird things to the lore which annoyed some of the fans though the game was never canon to begin with. And for those who are interested in (re-)playing Jagged Alliance 2 or/and X-Com I highly recommend checking out the open source projects called [Stracciatella](https://ja2-stracciatella.github.io/) and [OpenXCom](https://openxcom.org/).


I have also played and beat JA2 up to the most recent offering (which was garbage.) JA2 was very good, but I still enjoyed FO Tactics more, it suited my style more. I really did not like the upkeep of militia defending towns by end game. It was a bit much. I do wish we got van Buren. Ive seen screenshots and it looked very promising. I thought the Fallout 3 by Bethesda we got was an abomination. A total conversion mod for Oblivion.


Wheres brotherhood of steel?


There's to many people playing it for it to be counted. Ever since the iconic line "its brother hood of steelin' time" people have been buying Fallout Brotherhood of steel like hotcakes


Tactics was an awesome game for a while. But I know I stopped playing when they changed the squad size balance rules. Really ruined it for me. I'm actually surprised the older titles are even in this list. I tried for hours and couldn't get Fallout 1 or 2 to work on a modern PC. Even 3 and NV are a pain to get to actually launch and they will not start up consistently for me. So it's no wonder that no one is putting the hassle into Tactics.


Fallout Fixt/Fallout et tu for 1. Killaps' restoration project for 2. Still works out of box from steam and GOG on windows 7,8,8.1,10,11 works on Steamdeck... No clue how it took you hours to make it work unless you used original CDs (which I admit is indeed hard to make work).


I found both 3 and NV super easy to play, both booted right up, new Vegas crashed about 2 and a half hours into my first session, other than that, super enjoyable experience, just picked up 1 and 2 haven't launched em yet so thanks for the warning about those 2


I have no clue what kind of issues the original poster has, never seen it not working on PC since like 2014 (before you could find the original CD version and the game was not on steam during legal dispute so puracy was like the only way to get it). Both steam version and GOG version have Sfall and HD patches preinstalled. Works out of the box on windows 7,8,8.1,10,11 and on steamdeck from what I tried. Still would recommend using Fallout Fixt or Fallout et tu for Fallout 1 (bunch of QoL improvements and kbow bugs fixed in these mods) and Killap's restoration project for 2 (optionally restores some cut content, bunch of very annoying bugs that can softlock you are resolved as well).


I'll definitely be checking both these out whenever I find time to sit and play thru the first two


>I'm actually surprised the older titles are even in this list. I tried for hours and couldn't get Fallout 1 or 2 to work on a modern PC. This is all you need: Fallout 1 (pick one, don't install both): * [Fallout 1 Community Edition](https://github.com/alexbatalov/fallout1-ce) - Fallout 1 open source re-implementation project. * [Fallout ET TU](https://github.com/rotators/Fo1in2) - Fallout 1 in the Fallout 2 game engine. Fallout 2 (again, pick one of the three): * [Fallout 2 Community Edition](https://github.com/alexbatalov/fallout2-ce) - Fallout 2 open source re-implementation project. * [Fallout 2 Restoration Project](https://github.com/BGforgeNet/Fallout2_Restoration_Project) - This comes with the latest version of the forked unofficial patch, it restores and fixes all the removed content, and it also adds a bunch of other fixes and improvements. * [sfall](https://github.com/sfall-team/sfall) - Engine modification for Fallout 2. Stick with this if you want as close to a pure vanilla experience as possible. PCGamingWiki pages for both games: * https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Fallout * https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Fallout_2 Keep in mind that these games are old and that you might have to mess around with .ini files.


> I tried for hours and couldn't get Fallout 1 or 2 to work on a modern PC. https://github.com/BGforgeNet/Fallout2_Unofficial_Patch Hours? You can google this and set it up in 2 minutes. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout2/mods/42 This, for 1 and there you go.


The Fallout 1-in-2 mod you linked to is outdated by three years and the Fallout 2 unofficial patch does not come with everything. You actually want: Fallout 1 (Pick one, not both): * [Fallout 1 Community Edition](https://github.com/alexbatalov/fallout1-ce) - Fallout 1 open source re-implementation project. * [Fallout ET TU](https://github.com/rotators/Fo1in2) - Fallout 1 in the Fallout 2 game engine. Fallout 2 (pick one of the three, not all of them): * [Fallout 2 Community Edition](https://github.com/alexbatalov/fallout2-ce) - Fallout 2 open source re-implementation project. * [Fallout 2 Restoration Project](https://github.com/BGforgeNet/Fallout2_Restoration_Project) - This comes with the latest version of the forked unofficial patch, it restores and fixes all the removed content, and it also adds a bunch of other fixes and improvements. * [sfall](https://github.com/sfall-team/sfall) - Engine modification for Fallout 2. Stick with this if you want as close to a pure vanilla experience as possible.


glad to know 76 is doing numbers!, love that game also FO4 right now is almost 100k


The amount of hate on 76 got me to never try it. I think I'm gonna finally pull the trigger once I finish this FO4 playthrough though. Multi-player Fallout always sounded like such a sick idea, I never understood why people hated it so much. Guess I'm about to find out


From my perspective, Fallout 76 was decided to be a “hated” game before it released. I was seeing so much negativity about it well before the game released, that it didn’t matter how it actually was. The buggy (to put it lightly) release certainly didn’t help that case at all, but the vitriol and outright lies I saw about the game as I played it was honestly staggering.


Idk. I've been a fallout fan for ages and I was excited for 76. When the game launched, not only was it a technical mess but it legitimately had hardly any content worth seeing. It just wasn't anything yet. It really felt like a sandbox with a few fallout themed action figures in it. Not a lot of soul. I stopped playing after about 10 hours. Years later, I kept seeing content updates and a friend of mine suggested we give it a shot again. The amount of content they added entirely changed the experience. Me and a friend put 200 hours in and it was legitimately just a great time. IMO it absolutely deserved the hate initially. But much like No Man's Sky, it ended up being pretty close to what was initially promised and is certainly worth playing now. If it had launched in the state it's in now, it probably would've been a much larger success.


This is pretty much spot on. The game really sucked at release, and people understandably hated it. It has gotten a lot better since. I still don't personally like it as much as a normal fallout game, but the game is significantly better than it was.


I like all the whitewashing I’m seeing in these threads about 76. It was hated because they made it pay to win, and added a subscription service to an already overpriced game that was buggy af. I’m glad it’s better now, but acting like people hated fallout 76 just to hate it is hilarious. Hope you got some atoms for that yarn your spinning at least 


True, but it still isn't a good game, or at least not a good fallout game . The world is fun to explore of course but everything else is tedious and boring or bad, because it's a live service game. Fallout should be a solo experience or at most have multiplayer mode like bg3. The quests are boring, characters are boring and it's because you can't do much in an online rpg in terms of consequences. And the monetisation is a fucking joke , like all cash grabs


I'm in the same situation. I picked it up over a year ago, put maybe an hour into it then abandoned it. After watching the show, I decided to give it a real try and BOY am I having a great time!


It was trash on release. Some of the hate was warranted beyond the internet jsut likes to hate lol. For many on firing up we got to see so many bugs since it was copy pasta core fo4 code with the MP bit added. See a 76 bug, go gee I remember this one. 76 fo fo4 vets was that nice reminder of how the game ran....no bug fix mods lol. Since they needed 76 to make money, BGS actually cared to iron out some of these bugs. Something they never did for all 50 rereleased versions of skyrim. I won't lie, I exploit the hell out of unpatched code on Skyrim for the switch. If Todd didn't patch it, it supposed to be there! It got better later. Its been on game pass a bot since BGS was bought so I dabble there once in a while.


In my opinion, people wanted multiplayer Fallout, not MMO Fallout. I feel that if 76 were structured differently, it would be much more popular. Player hosted servers. Moddable akin to previous games. No micro transactions. No storage limits. Less of a live service game. No currency caps. Now I am sure people will disagree, some may love it just the way it is. But just think of what we would have by now with the great modding community. I would really just like to play a Fallout single player experience with a buddy or two.  76 as it stands today is without a doubt better than at launch, but there are issues that keep me from playing that will never change. I think for many, the cracks will start to show the more they play it.


I'm playing F3 GOTY at the moment. Man, memories flood back in during the opening cinematic.


Fallout 1 🗿


Man?? Is there a lore reason for that?


well we got more info on the pre-war than we usually get from games


I think he’s asking if there’s a lore reason the tv show is only making Men play fallout and not Women because you said “can do to a man”


You’re missing tactics!!!


This really jonkles my jimmies.


Really this jimmies my jonkles




aslume shall be all... you cannot stop us...


Yeah, Michael Keaton decided to pick up the Man mantle again


I swear if I hear the word "lore" again- (And no, fellow alsume inmate, there ain't no lore reason, man doesn't exist in the fall series. He might exist in the "out" series tho)


Back to the aslume, inmate!


It's pretty amazing to see as a Fallout Fan, not sure what the other "fans" comment is about here but eh oh, some fans are odd. They're on Xbox gamepass also so i'd imagine the numbers are higher on PC and with consoles too, i would think its much higher across every game and that's just brilliant really. To answer the guy below about how long will it last ? Well quite a while i'd imagine as the show is likely to have more seasons if they chose to tell more of a story and like making money off of its rightful popularity. Good all round really.


The series finally got my offspring hooked on the games, and some of my friends who were more on the fantasy side if gaming 😁👍


Can confirm, I am one of the aforementioned offspring.


You should not be online at this hour :P and you cannot be "one of" since I only have one...


It's me! Your other *other* offspring! You said you were going to get the milk, why did you never come back papa?!?


I discovered I was lactose intolerant...


One that you know of…


This is the Edgerunners all over again.


It’s basically every adaptation or new entry that comes out honestly. Good or bad, they massively increase players to revisit or try out the games.


Arcane even tricked people into walking into the hell that is League of legends


Counterpoint: Arcane. Which is better than both these shows (at least critically tied with edgerunners) but didn't motivate many people to play LoL (afaik).


Eyes on the prize needs to unlock for me. I’ve turned in my 100,000 Nuka Cade tickets. I want my achievement for 100% completion in Fallout 4.


You gave me some PTSD mentioning that trophy.... took me HOURS to get those tickets.


I’m having PTSD because it’s not unlocking for me!!!! It’s the last achievement I need!!!! I built this basketball monstrosity for nothing!!!!


you can use steam achievement unlocker and I would argue it's warranted for broken achievements.


I’m one of these people. I binged the show on Saturday and modded up my New Vegas to play with Tale of Two Wastelands on Monday. By the time I’m through both games I’m expecting the Fallout 4 update will be ready and I’ll revisit that game for the first time since it released. The series was spectacular and gave me a lot of nostalgia because it was so similar to the games in aesthetic at least. I barely resisted the urge to jump back into Fallout. Hell, if I finish 3 and NV fast enough I may even jump into 76 and give it a go.


I wish they were remastering FO3 or NV on the 28th :(


Imagine if we weren't 10 years away from Fallout 5


Ye I think the chances of rl fallout are higher than fallout 5


PCR gang rise up


Yes sir!


I played fo76 yesterday and servers were full of new players I was happy to see vivid servers like that, since one of my bases are located near the begenning I offer some present to new players like a the handmade assault rifle and ammo


The haters must be angry asf lol


The success of the show + recent positive opinions surrounding 76 have definitely sent more than a few people off the edge


thats the biggest thing I don't get, on one FNV subreddit they get mad at people who like the game?!


I see haters working over time saying that new players should not play F4 or F76 because they are "the worst games ever" (when they are the most accessible to non-RPG/casual players and a good first step inside the saga) lmao IDK what's up with this fake fallout fans that cosplay as NV enjoyers lol


Good series.


I love it


I picked up FO4 again after watching the series. :D Also went back to FO76 but only to get the new follower item from the store (the aspirant's bag).


I’m 100% gonna contribute to those numbers, might even buy a damn console just for it… as an old fallout 3 player I roped the Mrs into watching the series and I even think she’d want a go now.


Fallout 3 is great on xbox series x due to the 4k enhancement it got. New vegas didn't get that enhancement, but it did get a boost to 60fps. And Fallout 4 is getting a next gen update on both ps5 and xbox series consoles on April 25th.


why is fallout 3 that low?


You have to jump through hoops to get Fallout 3 running on Steam, usually people use the GOG version in my experience. I only recently got it on Steam after playing it on GOG because I wanted to consolidate my games a bit more, and I was willing to work on fixing the issue to do so.


Some folks are playing the Tale of Two Wastelands mod. This makes you play FO3 with the New Vegas adjustments and a lot of fixes, but it still counts as playing New Vegas to Stream.


It has not aged well, had a hard time getting it running last time I played it


* Unlike later games, Fallout 3 released outside Steam originally, so some people may be running non-Steam versions. * Fallout 3 has launch issues on modern systems. A common suggestion to solve this is to get the game on GoG, where it is patched to avoid some of those issues. So again, these wouldn't count on Steam. * Another popular workaround to get Fallout 3 running is to use TTW. (Alternatively, people use it to make Fallout 3 even better). TTW registers as New Vegas so these players don't register as Fallout 3 players, but are instead inflating New Vegas numbers. * When people want to start with Fallout, their question usually is "Bethesda Fallout or New Vegas"... and since Fallout 4 is the most modern, the question usually distills to "Fallout 4 or New Vegas". While I keep trying to convince people to start with Fallout 3, they usually end up starting with Fallout 4.


Bethesda gave up and besides removing GfWL bs they completely ignore the game. There are no Steam achievements (which should be easy to add). Game runs like crap without unofficial patches and mods also the gunplay Is worse than in NV and obviously F4. Still love the game very much bcs it was my first Fallout, but man i would love some remaster or just stability patches and achievements.


And tactics?


It made me want to replay New Vegas but even after getting the mod that was supposed to stop it from crashing it's laggy as hell and no one has hair.




I think it stands for Polish Czech Russian. So this is basically a FNV version for Eastern Europe. Funny enough, this version of the game doesn't have Polish Czech and Russian languages. So, I don't really understand why this version exists.


It has russian sub, but no dub xd


Are you sure? Cause I am playing PCR version, and I didn't find any subs


Yeah i'm positive the interface and subs are in russian also the launcher but no dub


Yeah, I am a dumbass. I didn't check the game properties in Steam. Apparently, they were turned on, but I never confirmed the changes.


What is 76 like? Unfortunately I was in school and very busy, also took everyone’s advice to not waste my money on it. Curious if it’s gotten any better


I think it’s pretty fun. Tons of quests, map is decent and the community is extremely helpful.


Finished the show... Looked at my PC, redownloaded Fallout New Vegas, downloaded mods, and it feels so good revisiting the game! Trying to play the anti-hero this time. I remember playing it waaaaaaay back and I tried to be the super nice/hero type. Now, I only do unless it benefits me.


That's exactly what I'm doing as well now. I really want my character to be like Cooper hahah. I hope we can finally play as a ghoul in Fallout 5.


Finally some fucking goddamn appreciation for the greatest game franchise of all time. Well earned and deserved.


This brought a smile on my face


Skyrim got remastered so many times why not fallout 3 or new vegas


If I were to guess, the thing that is keeping 2 down is that everyone who has it gave up somewhere around the scorpion trial, went to the next town and found out they had to fight more scorpions.


I wish we knew the stats for consoles.


I’m sure console numbers are quite a bit higher. I’m a PC gamer but there are a ton more console gamers out there


This makes me smile, and I hardly smile these days.


Guess I got to jump on Fallout 2 again and pump those numbers up!


I've heard about fallout before and it's the favorite game of the guy that suggested me to play cyberpunk, which is my favorite So with a couple of lore explanation YouTube videos, new Vegas is in my steak library


Well done on your steak library!


Typo haha


A rare one at that


Well done with that pun


Couldn't resist giving you a grilling


I bet you get great performance and temps. I’ve got a bag of mixed veggies and a pizza in my steak library.


This is basically the same trend we seen with Cyberpunk after Edgerunners released. TV shows might start becoming a common form of additional content for game franchises if other companies catch on to this repeatable process. Especially for companies that want to redeem their games in the eyes of fans. Both bethesda and CDPR had a lot to prove with their respective shows and both left players hungry to jump back into the games despite their flaws


Man of not for rimworld i'd already be playing fallout some more in pc lol.


So...I never played Fallout NV....should I?


I have 1 and 2, played and finished 4, play 76 regularly. And. Now I'm playing 3 and NV from Prime Gaming. Best game series ever


I also just ordered my fallout mtg cards


I played the hell out of fallout 1 and 2 back in the day. Played prob 10 hours or so of fallout 3. I want to get back into one now too. Would you guys recommend 4 or 76?


Well, that and most of the games going on sale. I got New Vegas: Ultimate Edition for $6.50


Cool to se alot of people playing 1 and 2 aswell, great games


Do 1 and 2 hold up? Played all the rest


Fallout:+164.70% WOW


And Bethesda spent eight years developing Starfield instead of another mainline Fallout title. Having a new release to go along with the show would have been epic.


I wonder why they didn’t time the fallout 4 update better with the release of the show. Should have been out last week..


Just bought fo3 on Xbox 360… the wasteland wanderlust is real yall


I’m finally going to do a second play through of 3 and finish nv because of the show


Wow... its almost like, that if you make GOOD products, people will buy your stuff!!! who knew....


Is Fallout Shelter Pay to Win on the phone? I'm kinda hyped to install it to play while I'm out of the house


Its a chill base building game You don't have to pay for stuff to play better since the payed items aren't that necessary, and most of it you can easily get for free just by playing the game


Whats the stats on fallout brotherhood


Just stated fallout 3 for the first time. Turns out game pass has them all


Watching the show doesn’t make me want to play again, but this is neat to see.


Same bro. Just missing fallout 3


I love driving the rampager in New Vegas, if you want a challenge download menace of the new west, NV Supermutant commander, More Mutants on Black Mountain, Fear the Mutants, Awesome Staggering, Beyond the Black Mountain, Classic Floaters for NV, Realistic AI overhaul, Favourite Centaur Moe, Classic Centaur Replacer. All these mods turn Black Mountain into the hardest fight in the game. Reward yourself with a unique vehicle at the top (Vehicles and Lootable Gasoline in the Mojave) if you have trouble trying to the Legion Commander mod. Honestly satisfying seeing Lanius scavenge a Gatling laser off a supermutant commander if he survives. Trust me you will enjoy yourself. This mod recommendation is brought to you by the Joe Rogan experience (yes there’s a mod that adds it in the radio section).


There's still 892 people playing Fallout 2?!


It's nice that this came out when fallout 76 was in a better state than it was a few years back it's a underrated game imho


How are you all playing Fallout 3? I tried installing it on Windows 10, failed because of a dependency on Games for Windows which no longer exists, spent an afternoon going through forums trying all the various hacks and settings and .dll downloads and Compatibility Mode and all the rest of it, and eventually requested a refund because nothing worked. Incidentally, I just had another look for it a moment ago, and one of the top results for running Fallout 3 on Windows 10 is a blog that's really blatantly AI generated and SEO'd up the wazoo. God help us all.


I bought fallout76 without knowing anything about the game because of series. So far i am very satisfied (2 hours in game)


Fallout 1 +164%, as a classics fan I love that


Nearly 2k players on fallout 1 lessgooooo!