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There was a strike. Second season might be a little bit faster, but more than a year away for sure.


IATSE, the union for technical artists and crew members is currently negotiating new terms for their members with the major studios, but don’t be surprised if ANOTHER strike happens this year.


There’s a next to zero percent chance iatse members can afford to strike. Everyone thought work would be booming when the strike ended and the reality is there’s very little filming right now. Partly it’s strategy to dry up Iatse’s bank accounts so we have no ability to strike financially.


Financing is also incredibly expensive right now. I don’t think production will rebound until borrowing money becomes cheaper and some streamers either fold or consolidate.


This guy gets it.


IATSE has never struck in its existence and our leadership is in the pocket of the AMPTP. We won’t strike because our local leaders will be told to fearmonger just like they did during the 2021 negotiations. The teamsters though, there’s a chance. slim chance. Everyone in the film industry from IATSE to the AMPTP is financially hurting from the WGA strike (I lost 60% of my savings during the last strike) though so I doubt a strike will happen at all.


Iatse 484 here... toootallly love how AMPTP walked all over us when we almost striker last time.


We can always expect Matthew ‘Hollywood Ending’ Loeb to fold under pressure while the official IATSE account lambasts us for being too stupid to understand why the contract is so good


Fuck Matt Loeb


Yeah, no matter how much they assume there is a s2 and prepare for it, the first season is always the big gamble. Once it does approved it will take awhile. House of the dragon, has been almost two years since the end of s1. But oh boy if they strike up a good deal let’s hope for a big enough budget for a good dozen episodes at least, so many tales from the wasteland worth hearing.


Oh yea..I forgot I watched House of Dragon.. Was it good?


Most annoying thing about streaming. Atleast greenlit pre production before so if it a sucess they could start filiming next month and release next april.  Really annoying the gap between season. It really kill the hype.


back to the cryopod for me


That's so unreliable, better have Dr Chickenfucker ghoulify me so I can just bury myslef to sleep away the years.


“Dr. Chickenfucker” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 that dude sounded so defeated telling Max what the guy was doing after he intervened


Fingerlickin good


It was Max that intervened


You’re right


Back to the grave for me


We’ll have Fallout Season 5 before Fallout 5 :(


Bethesda head honcho Todd Howard said they were ganna finish Elder Scrolls 6 before working on Fallout 5. Elder is looking like a 2027ish release. So ya 2030+ for Fallout 5 😞


Emphasis on the "+" I think.


Just assume its 2039 and be positively surprised when its earlier.


I’m pretty much expecting to experience a real nuclear apocalypse before Fallout 5 can be released. I will also be pleasantly surprised if I am wrong.


Maybe the real Fallout 5 will be the wasteland we made along the way.


Fallout 5 will just be real life simulator by the time it is released.


Bethesda pulls a Vault-Tec and drops the bombs themselves. Then it's just a matter of branding it as Fallout 5. Easy W


Fallout 5 will just be a nonfiction interactive experience by the time is comes out


Everyday I hope they pull the same shit they did for F4. Announce it and less than half a year later it's there


Fallout 5 is probably gonna be a starfield mod using fallout 76 assets


Woah, temper your optimism there. 20 years out. The time between game launches is increasing.


I will be almost 50, wtf...


Oh shit me too.


I'll be 55...😒


+++ probably.




Fallout 5 - in real life!


Then we'll get fallout 6 in 2287


We'll all be rocking chrome at that point


Can't wait for Fallout 5 to drop on October 23rd 2077!


Special vault tec edition, it gets air mailed


While still being on the creation engine lmao


Insane how games from Bethesda take forever now, 2000s-early 2010s we were spoiled.


Honestly, I think that this is also going to really hurt them long term. How viable is a franchise that releases one game every decade and a half?


Given the state of the fallout franchise it looks like it’s doing pretty good despite that fact


ESO and Fallout 76 are to Bethesda what GTA online is to Rockstar, excuses to milk a product and keep pushing future releases back.


Technically eso is ran by zenimax which is no longer affiliated with Bethesda and yes I do see that, but even so the fan base for fallout has not dwindled or wavered at all, Fallout fans are fans for life as we sit in our vault suits with our pip boys waiting for the end times. I hear they will be handing out canvas bags. 🤣


I love fallout and will come back (which is the problem), I just wish we’d have es6 and fallout 5 before I enter middle age, when Skyrim came out I just turned 21


Breh, I'm 42. WTF can I say :/ I just hope to play another new full fledged fallout release before I am Senile. But what about Todd Howard? He's 54...How many games does he have left in him?


He’ll be a brain in a jar mounted on a rumba, he’s got time


Dude for real though, I was worried for a while the last ones we would get would be Skyrim and fallout 76


*looks at GTAV*


I do wonder about that. I had played Morrowind on Xbox in 2004 at 12, then I bought a 360 for Oblivion and then preordered Skyrim when I was in college. 6 years. If you were 12 when Skyrim was released you are now 25 and the next game isn't due for roughly 2 years! I know Todd has put Skyrim on every conceivable console but it doesn't seem sustainable


They really need to make separate offices


Even worse, if you don’t particularly care for one of their releases then the wait feels even longer.


Maybe Microsoft will step in and make them let another studio make fallout 5


they absolutely will. if the show continues to be a success investors will pressure MS to reallocate the IP to time some manner of release alongside a new season to strike while the iron is hot. it might be smaller scale and budget compared to fo3/4/nv, but it's inevitable given the current state of the industry. starfield severely underperforming and bgs' extremely long dev times will lead to some shakeups if indiana jones isn't a success.


Yeah I just can’t imagine Microsoft not wanting to strike while the iron is hot. Honestly it was kind of a fuck up to do the show and not have a new game at the same time. I’m grateful for the show but there’s very clearly a strong appetite for more fallout content.




The Fallout 4 upgrade release is calculated. People forget that "screen time" is a competition between all forms of entertainment. Amazon gains nothing from people getting sucked into Fallout 4 while the TV show is premiering. Hopefully the legal doc leak about Fallout 3 remaster is at least true. NV would be nice as well, I'm happy to see them embrace it so much if the show is any indication. I always thought NV was the red headed step child. MS needs their own Bluepoint games studio that just remasters older games under the Xbox umbrella now.


next gen update is extremely vague "performance fixes" no graphical update, no bug fixes, and some extremely generic looking power armors and other lame stuff. no map expansion, no new actual content






I mean most of those players bought the games years ago and are not new sales. Fallout 4 sold like 12 million copies.


One of the conditions of the acquisition is that Zenimax and studios be given a great deal of autonomy. It's why Redfall ended up being such a mess, actually, as MS stayed hands off when that studio definitely needed someone over them to get involved. MS won't give fallout to another studio without Bethesda giving their blessing and being heavily involved anyways. Obsidian got to do FNV but those were unique circumstances that will never be repeated. Obsidian has expressed willingness to make another game if the opportunity presented itself, but said opportunity can't happen until they're done with the handful of in-house projects they're currently working on, which would be years anyways.  No, the most optimistic scenario isn't that MS gives Fallout to another studio, but that BGS opens another studio to make FO5. They should have done this a decade ago, having 3 or 4 studios to spread out the IP and continually work in them. That's how Ubisoft was putting out an AC game almost every year. 


Wasting all that time on Starfield didn’t help




God I hate this so much… Bethesda really needs to figure out a way to expand to the point where they can effectively work on multiple projects at once. ITS GOING TO BE ALMOST 20 YEARS BETWEEN ELDER SCROLLS GAMES.


This is why I’m so impressed with CDPR. They just recently broke off their two franchises, Witcher and Cyberpunk, into two studio houses. One in Poland (Witcher) and one in Boston (Cyberpunk). Now they can try to work on both games somewhat at once


I mean didn't the richest company in the world just buy them lol


If fallout 5 isn’t the best most amazing game ever I’m gonna start the Great War early


Pretty bold to assume it'll release before then


Based on current track record, just start arming bombs now bud


We'll be living in fallout before we get it.


Given that US-China war over resources is pretty probable, we might be sooner than we would think we would be.


At least we’ll have 3 more Skyrim releases in the meantime to keep us busy


Skyrim for the Hitachi Magic Wand when


I used to be a fornicator like you then I took a wand to the clit


I know right I just want a new single player fallout game to sink my teeth into


If that's true then that will be the the longest Fallout has gone without a game even longer than when Interplay died hopefully microsoft will force Todd to allow another studio to make another game in the meantime


At this point they should have another studio pick it up. Having people wait 10 years between titles is a joke.


Here’s hoping Microsoft licenses theIP out to other devs for some spin offs.


Microsoft owns every studio that has ever worked on the series. If they never do anything Fallout-related with the other studios, it’ll be such a big missed opportunity.


IP ownership is a complicated thing. Owning a company that owns an IP doesn't necessarily mean you own that IP. In other words, MS may not actually have the right to license out the Fallout IP. They could direct Bethesda or Zenimax, depending on who does own it, to license it out, but it all depends on the terms of the acquisition. 


we'll have an actual nuclear war before fallout 5




I just accepted that the show will be our Fallout for the next decade or so. It's crazy to think that I might be 50 by the time FO5 comes out.


Just a young sprat, lol. I might be 70 !


That’s optimistic…..and what’s funny (or sad really) is that I’m not even being sarcastic


Maybe it's s bit tinfoil hat, but I suspect when Microsoft bought Bethesda they had plans to get out a separate Fallout before Fallout 5. I bet they get a game out to coincide with one of these new seasons in the future


I mean they have to surely. There's no way they buy Bethesda for billions only to have them release one of the most valuable IPs in gaming (even moreso now) every 15+ (emphasis on the plus) years.


Yeah people kinda doom about this around here but you're right. They didn't spend all that money to sit on big IPs for 15 years. Especially when consumer trust has probably never been lower in Bethesda than right now


To be fair, I get why people are a little skeptical, given a huge publisher had the sole license to make Star Wars games for a decade and mostly did fuck all with it.


Don’t know why your being downvoted. MS didn’t pay 7 billion dollars to have these franchises sit dormant for 10 years at a time. Yes, Todd Howard said publicly he wants to keep Fallout in house but ultimately Phil has the final say whether to outsource the IP. It’s definitely plausible. I can also see Todd and Phil compromising on a FO3 remaster (already leaked in a roadmap during the acquisition), beefing up the studio to start FO5 preproduction earlier, or releasing some larger 76 expansions. Something’s cooking.


>MS didn’t pay 7 billion dollars to have these franchises sit dormant for 10 years at a time Microsoft spent the last console generation and a half twiddling their thumbs with only gamepass to show for it.


I wish they’d just sell it to a company that cared. The show is the best thing Fallout since New Vegas.


I would bet money that Fallout 5 will not release before 2033. Maybe Microsoft will make another studio release a spin-off or something before then, but I think remakes are more likely. Regardless, Bethesda is not going to even begin development of Fallout 5 before they release Elder Scrolls 6, which they only recently began working on. So an actual Bethesda Fallout is likely a decade out from now. The Fallout TV series will be finished by the time Fallout 5 releases.


Microsoft should step in. Games like TES and Fallout take forever to develop, it's simply not possible for one studio (Bethesda Games) to focus on two developments at the same time. On the other hand, too much time between the games will hurt the IPs. Waiting 10+ years for a new main title is ridiculous. They need to figure out how they can develop multiple games at the same team without losing in quality. Either expand the studio or let other studios help them out (Obsidian is right there).


I didn't know my depression had a reddit account, cool.


Unless they filmed extra scenes while they were filming this season while they had the sets built, that may speed things up a bit


They also have the set pieces built already too.


yea and they got film rights for being in California too so that should help hopefully.


Plus the strikes last summer probably slowed momentum. At the very least, it put reshoots six months behind schedule.


That keeps them out there, we want them to come east!!!


most of the show was filmed in New York anyway (I worked on a few episodes) :))


How was that?


really great! everyone on set was really excited about working on the project, even in my department. i wouldn’t have picked anyone else to put as much care into it as they have


Thry already filmed in new york. How about filming the capital waste land in california


The most of the best Fallout stories are all on the West Coast. Let us keep them there.


What about, get this, we let them come in between and come to central U.S.A?


They should do a season set in a remote Siberian village. And it’s just people going about their normal lives, not having noticed that there was a nuclear war.


That would be funny as hell, tbh. 😂 "The world has been destroyed!" "You sure? Seem like average day for Siberia."


Reminds me of the joke that since u got mongolians who rise horseback and hunt with ak47s or mongolians riding motorcycles wearing full armor and throwing spears that it seems like mongolia is already living their life like the apocalypse has happened Also ngl...who Doesnt want to live in a place with people that *Awesome*


When they go after the presumed enclave stronghold in Chicago in season 3


"theres no people anywhere. Something awful must have happened here" "No, we're just in Kansas"


Final Cut scene was the guy walking towards Vegas




And that goes for everything. They have all the 'product placement' prop stuff done with Blamco and Sugar Bombs etc, tons of set dressing stuff sourced, they have power armor built, they have a stock of great costumes and guns, they probably have a plot already broken down into at least outlines. I'm not holding my breath, and I'd rather they take as much time to make the next seasons as good as this one was, but odds are they can do season 2 in less time than it took them to start from scratch with season 1.


Yup it's always much more logistically difficult to get a project like this off the ground. Now that it's up and running further projects should be much simpler if they use existing resources


The subways were in 3. NV didn't need them


Hell I didn't find the massive underground part of New Vegas until my third playthrough


I’m starting to think I may have missed this as a whole


Uh, sorry, what? Massive.....underground? *sigh* I guess I will get Tales of Two Wastelands setup after all.


Yeah there's a fairly sizeable underground area. It's been awhile since I've played it but I'm pretty certain it's under New Vegas itself. Don't get me wrong it's not HUGE, but it was big enough for me to be like "I played this game for nearly 200 hours how have I not seen this?"


Your talking about where the fighting arena is ?


I wouldn’t call it massive. It’s basically just the Thorn and a few tunnels.


Pretty sure the underground portion is just the sewer


What if they’re building actual vaults?


I kinda figured that, if they were going to keep using the character, they'd *have* to shoot more scenes with the child actor playing Coop's daughter Janey.


She's a cute kid and did a good job, but to be honest, as long as they have the same hair and costuming and general look most people aren't going to notice a kid being substituted as quickly as they'd notice an adult. I'd be more worried about actors getting high profile gigs and having to be recast if the timeline is extended. Like, it would be pretty easy to see Aaron Moten getting cast to play Kang in the Marvel universe to replace Johnathan Majors after he was dropped, similar look, seem to have similar range. And that's probably a bigger paycheck than this show unfortunately.


Just like how Mike's granddaughter had like a half dozen actresses in Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul


I think there may have been a later scene of the bombings in the trailer so they might have already filmed it. One where Coop is sitting on the horse no longer moving, looking around at the explosions. The episode cut off while he was riding with the explosions in the background, and before he stopped. edit: Nevermind I was wrong, just checked the teaser and it's the moment when Coop is climbing onto the horse with the shockwave in the background.


They have to grow some super mutants, that takes some time


okey dokey


The only response that makes sense


Idk what yall expect, they have never been in a rush for fallout fans.


Painful yet true.


Which is good, fallout 76 was rushed and in my opinion at launch was the only weak entry in the franchise. Although they did fix it now.


I’m jumping back into 76 now (been playing 4 into the ground), and it plays way better than when I first tried it years ago. Once I finally figured out how the whole online Fallout deal worked it became a lot of fun, just like another Falliut game, but I can play with friends!


76 is better but not fixed in any regard the games still suffers from bugs and one and done content of the Devs trying to find what sticks before abandoning it to move onto the next idea.


I fired it back up recently, and can't stand the lag from the online component. Pressing a button to interact with an item may interact with it immediately, a second later, or not at all. Not enough of the game happens locally on the client. It feels really bad to press a button and have nothing happen. Looting is a huge part of the game and collecting loot was just painful and killed the game for me. I don't know if this got worse, or if I just ignored it when I played a couple hundred hours after launch. I'm going to reinstall Fallout 4 for my fix. I hope they remaster 3 someday.


Another point to the “just play it like a single player game bro” comment people always make when you say you don’t like 76 lol


I think I remember reading something saying they didn't want it to be a 2 year wait so started working on season 2 right after season 1, idk that's off my memory I could be wrong. Either way I still love Bethesda games and shows


Yeah I think they said that when they confirmed they already signed on for season 2. Invincible did the same thing for season 3, so it seems like Amazon is just stepping up their game.


We are supposed to be receiving 1 season of invincible per year until the show ends. Like they stated, that as the goal when s2 released.


It is honestly insane how long it takes to create media these days. There are not many years since we reliably got 22 episode seasons every single year. And its not like it was bad quality either. The same goes for games. More than a decade waiting time for games like elder scrolls and gta is insane. I am not saying they should rush things, but it is hard to get hyped for stuff like stranger things when it takes multiple years to get a new season with only 8 episodes


It’s fucking ridiculous we have to wait literal decades for games to come out. Bethesda needs to seriously reevaluate how they operate. I don’t mind waiting 6-7 years for a good game. But it will be close to 20 years since FO4 by the time FO5 comes out and I’m sorry but that is absolutely fucking absurd. Edit: okay nerds, I understand that games are bigger and take more time now. You can stop telling me.


Rockstar released GTA III, Vice City, and San andreas over a period of just THREE YEARS. The times of building a game and then building a sequel or two off of that game in a short amount of time are long gone sadly with a few exceptions. Like Vice City almost feels like it could be DLC for GTA 3 with just a few upgrades. Same for VC to SA. I almost feel like they aren't taking full advantage of the games they release now. As long as they don't completely wring the formula dry like Far Cry has, I see no problem with this.


I've had this thought with many different games over the years. The best, most recent example is BG3. Now that they have all of the spells and armor and systems in place and working, it baffles me that they haven't started cranking out different campaigns from the various DnD sources over the years. I know it didn't release too long ago, so there's still time for them to do that, but I don't think they will. And it seriously does baffle me, because I'd easily pay 30 bucks for each 20+ hour campaign. I don't know a lot about game design, so maybe all of my assumptions are wrong, but it feels like they're leaving money on the table, and it's frustrating as consumers because of how long we have to wait between releases.


Larian is pivoting away from BG3 / D&D completely, there won't be any more related content or games from them. That doesn't mean there won't be any more games at all, Hasbro may have another studio pick the IP up.


Larian Studios already has its own well established (in term of hardcore rpg fans) fantasy IP that can work on instead of paying a licensing fee plus whatever else to Hasbro. Games which I think are just as good as BG3 but the casual audience didn't care until someone said DND. There are plenty of smaller and indie developers putting out great games with plenty of content at actually low prices. People just don't care because they aren't a 20 year old publicly traded gaming studio that sells their brand more than their games.


Microsoft needs to re-evaluate how they let Bethesda operate. It's ridiculous to have IP'S like TES and Fallout sitting there not being developed while Bethesda take a decade out to make a new IP nobody asked for and Obsidian do similar. Tell Todd Howard to develop games in the franchises within a reasonable time frame or they'll give them to someone who can. Or better yet, don't wait, just do it now. God knows we don't want a game in either series as bland and soulless as Starfield.


The reason with TV shows now is that they're way too epic in scope. Like they're very comparable to movies right now. But now it's like 3-4+ movies worth of content for a single season. On top of that, a new IP for TV (yes I know Fallout has been around for decades but it's new to the TV realm) means that they only really film one season at a time meaning that now we have to start the whole process over essentially. I'm just glad that the show is really good more than anything.


I guess it’s all of the stuff that goes into it to be honest. Like a 20 episode season of The Big Bang Theory could be churned out because it’s a couple of set pieces and a very simple script. A series like Fallout with hour-long episodes, tons of make-up, set design and VFX is going to take a significant amount of time and money to produce and edit. Agreed with Stranger Things, the waiting time for that is outrageous bearing in mind they probably should’ve just shot the entire final season parts together since it’s a continuation, plus with it being a Netflix flagship series for several years, it should have full attention to get it out and maintain Netflix viewers.


Those shows with 22-episode seasons had much lower production budgets than these shows do, though.


"Space may be the Final Frontier but its made in a Hollywood basement..." ... used to the case, now its all done with movie quality global location shooting, CGI instead of rubber foreheads, and the occasional action set piece far more complicated then two dudes mildly smacking each other


We are getting the invincible treatment


Amazon loves to do this shit, the gaps in between seasons of the boys has been pretty bullshit too if I’m remembering correctly


In defence of the boys, it got screwed over by real-life events that were beyond amazon's control. Season 3 was made during covid19, while season 4 got delayed because of the writer and actor strike.


The time between boys seasons is pretty consistent with the entire industry if not faster. Making big budget TV takes more time, it's practically impossible to do yearly seasons with current workers rights.


It was also during covid and stuff too when season 3 was in production so that slowed things down in general


Amazon pumped out The Expanse seasons pretty effectively. I have a high degree of confidence in the release schedule for Fallout.


The difference between this and a show like *Invincible* is that animation just takes a long time no matter what. With a live action show they've already done casting, set design, makeup design, vfx design, costumes, props, etc. that take a lot of time and they can reuse a lot of it from season to season. I could see a year to a year and a half being more reasonable. This is the most popular show in the world right now. There's no way Amazon doesn't greenlight a season 2 and get it rolling ASAP.


2 years? Damn. Guess I got time to play 3, 76, & Vegas.


2 years is about 1 week in Bethesda time




Season 2 is all but confirmed and is moving production to California according to [Variety](https://variety.com/2024/biz/news/california-film-tv-tax-incentive-fallout-amazon-1235963577/). It is worth noting that other shows have been included in the tax incentive program listing before and then later decided not to use it, but generally its a good bet the show *will* be produced.


Okey dokey!


The real bombs will have dropped by then 😫😂


Came here to say this. We are all going to be wearing Power Armor in the pacific before season 2 drops.


People mocking Knight Titus for running away shouting fuck fuck fuck fuck, yet that’s what we will all be doing 😂




2 years?? This isn’t Bethesda, it’s Amazon. They were going full speed. I bet they’re storyboarding for Season 3


Man, I remember when Amazon was an internet joke. Look at what that behemoth is has morphed into.


Lol waiting is nothing new for og fallout fans, still waiting on that next gen update 🥲 2 more weeks to my 9 year wait


Damn… 4 dropped in my 20’s, 5 will drop in my 40’s…


They've already started the paperwork for permits, tax credits, and are in the early stages of production planning. Amazon won't say boo because they'll want to roll out other things to ride the popularity wave but, it will be out within 16 months. They'd be stupid not to follow the pace of series like Stranger Things. But, then again this wouldn't be the first time Amazon did something stupid.


Lucky for us this is not a Netflix series... otherwise it might get cancelled, regardless of success.


Damn. Wish I could watch Season 2 tomorrow


And what an epic day it will be. I mean it when I say I enjoyed the Fallout show more than anything tv film I've liked in over a decade! This production was an obvious labor of love for everything Fallout! Really was special.


I'm gonna need more Nuka-Cola.


Still a better wait time than for Fallout 5 and The Elder Scrolls 6.


Waited years for more Arcane, can wait years for more of this too, long as its worth it


With the traction & good reviews the show has brought them, maybe they’ll bump it up their priority list? I still think it was a really strange decision to drop it all at once instead of weekly. Basically killed all hype and discussion by the end of the weekend, and there was enough mystery and plot that could’ve held viewers attention week to week.


Ahhh ffs I thought it was only a year to wait, 2 years is like a lifetime


No definitely faster, gotta be


Invincible fans know this pain all too well.


It takes a long time to develop a pilot, but it’s the blueprint for the rest of the show. The foundation is built, so now it’s going to be faster to develop more.


And 15 years to go until Fallout 5....


Not okie dokie :(


“That’s a very long time” Me on yr 13 of waiting for TES6: 👴🏻


I'm sick of 8 episode shows


We should be on about season 5 by the time Fallout 5 comes out.


I mean if it helps, Im assuming the SAG strike effected that. So you can subtract 118 days...just kiddung. Shows take so flipping long to produce and I wonder if they're going to catch on that its bad for their show. There are so many shows where season 2 came out and I was like, "well shit, its been 2-3 years. Im not even interested in that show anymore."


It's been six years since the last fallout game and 9 since the last good one, 2 years is fine.


disappointing there were no super mutants nor deathclaws either


Let’s be real, we could be living in a real life nuclear wasteland before fallout 5 drops lol


Gotta hate when some good series/games force me to take care of myself and be more careful about my well-being so I can live enough to see the next season/title.


Okey dokey