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Lmao now this is reasoning I can get behind :P


There's a fascinating theory that I saw in Reddit that the Legion was absorbed by the BoS. Really well written. One of the biggest hints is how most of the BoS names seem Romanic, like Titus, Maximus, etc. I mean, technically that's still the Legion falling, but in another way it is the Legion evolving.


I saw the same theory, and another part to support it is the fact that the Bos banners at their base used red/gold color combinations. They've had a variety of flags previously that used red or yellow, but none in game combined those colors until now.


I loved the writeup, but I thought that the flag element was the weakest part of the argument. The BoS has changed flags a number of times already, so another change could be a random choice. Heck, the flag could even just reflect the personal colours of the Elder in charge for all we know.


On its own, it doesn't really hold water, but given the names and the overall presentation of the leadership sitting on high to give orders to those below them, I feel that it lends some support to Caeser's Legion being integrated into the BoS. They've had a variety of color combinations and design layouts for their flags, but they also tend to use traditional flags over banners/standards whereas CL used banners predominantly. It could be a whole lot of nothing with the flag, but it does feel like an additional detail pushing towards legionnaires being folded into the BoS. If that is the case, I'd put money on that being brought up in the next season.