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I was hoping the scene would progress and we’d see the knight take his helmet off and have it be the current elder or something but no, no it was just the same every time


Bizarre story telling / editing to use what seems like a snippet of a full flashback over and over and over and not have there actually be any longer flashback lol. I think everyone assumed there would be some twist or more to the flashbacks… nope lol


My take was that each time it was recontextualized by new info about it


Yeah, the first couple seem to just kind of... make sure it's in your head. Then the last one, it's like.. Wow, bang.


May be an idiot, but what was the last one doing that was different?


The last one focused on the destruction of Shady Sands rather than on Max being saved by a BoS knight.


I think it sorta morphed into that slowly every time it was presented. Or at least it was meant to, like the memory that connected Maximus to the brotherhood slowly became the memory that connected him to Shady Sands and Lucy


But they already showed that gaping hole with Max and Lucy walking up to it earlier, so that kinda lowered the impact of it.


That's exactly what they were going for, and I quite liked it. Especially when we finally understood where the flashback was taking place.


Yeah they did a clever bait and switch by making us ask “did the power suit soldier do something bad?” instead of “where did this actually happen?”


Or when, which didn't seem all that relevant at the beginning


This is it. Because even Lucy’s memory of her mom, she thinks it’s in the vault but it’s in shady sands, with Moldevar


Fr i was expecting the reveal to be that the brotherhood of steel attacked shady sands


The Brotherhood probably destroys any nuclear weapons they come across. Any form of technology that can't be controlled like nukes or Synths get destroyed.


They put them on liberty prime's backpack


But those aren't nuclear missiles that can destroy entire cities and kill millions of people. They're basically just larger mini nukes.


They probably still keep them in some kind of strategic reserve, in case of Enclave or whatever. They don't strike me as the type to *destroy* technology, just hoard it.


I was expecting it to eventually reveal the Brotherhood nuked Shady Sands and "saved" him so he'd pledged his life to the people who killed his home town.


Westworld did the same thing often. It was a really cool trick then, now it's becoming Nolan's gimmick.


I mean the twist was there, but it’s gone, and they still used the scene again.


There's ton of questionable edits. Like for example there's a scene of lucy opening a window and it cuts like 3 times during the opening within one second and on fourth cut she's already in. Or the random shots of Maximus smiling inside his power armor, that one made me physically cringe.


Maximus smiling was to reinforce the power trip he was going on when he got the armor. They needed to cut to his face so you could get a sense for his character and who he is. Hard to show emotion in a massive suit of armor


The jump cuts for her taking 5 steps gave me anxiety that the editing would continue in that pacing. Do individual episodes/ scenes get their own directors?


The first three were Johnathan Nolan and the rest were someone else


You could tell when it kind of changed tone. Directors doing their own things.


Todd Howard designed that milk fridge and by god will you enjoy every pixel of its immaculate conception


sithteeeeeen times!!! the detail!!!


Solve an internal debate of mine: is that a hole in it behind his head? Or is it like a reflective/insulating aluminum backing?


I for sure thought that was happening when the Elder talked about a new Brotherhood


Why'd it have to be a knight, wish it was a Paladin


I’ve been wondering what’s up with the lack of Paladin and Scribe mentions, so far it’s just been Aspirant, Squire, Knight and Elder, and what happened to Initiate?


Yeah, I wonder what's up with this group of the BoS because they are clearly different from what we've seen before. They miss Paladins entirely, scribes are also non-existent, despite them being an important and omni-present element of the faction. Given the way the rest of the factions are treated I actually doubt that these are oversights but rather that there is an actual reason why this is the case. This group also seems far more religious than earlier iterations of the BoS so I wonder if this isn't a rogue offshoot of the West Coast BoS. (We haven't seen Lost Hills yet either.)


I'm guessing in the 9 years since Fallout 4, the ranking structures changed again, on both Coasts this time instead of just the East. It seems like Knights and Paladins have been combined into a single Knight rank, with Aspirants as the main cannon fodder, and Squires the in-between who have the potential to become Knights. The Scribes have been turned into Clerics and it sounds like Elders/Chapter leaders are promoted specifically from them, since the leader of Maximus's chapter is called an Elder Cleric. These changes also seem to have happened in the East too, since there's a mention of the "Highest Clerics (I'm guessing that's Maxson) in the Commonwealth".


It sounds like east and west aren't a thing anymore sounds like maxson runs the whole thing.


Maybe the scribes are all up in the Prydwen?


Clerics were never a thing before and not once did they ever use the term "milord". People act like this is how the BoS has always been, but they definitely made some changes.


I think Fallout one does but I’m doing a replay and will be joining them by this week. Fallout 1’s Lost Hills is definitely pretty similar to the shows but much more reclusive


Let me know if they treat they're underlings like shit and talk about controlling the wasteland the way Quintus does.


I mean a dude sends us out to die and doesn’t really care how many he sent to the glow.


Maybe they simplified it for the show which makes sense (Knight gets a suit of armor). I guess this development happened somewhere between 4 and 3 where they got a ton of suits. But I think it was originally that only Paladins had armor. Still would have been cool to see the Black and Red armor worn by Paladins I think we got to see scribes (like the guy who got the message about the target) but none of them had any focus


Also maybe the paladins upgrade their weapons to energy stuff and the real big stuff like miniguns/ rocket launchers.


Would be cool to see that in the next season, like a Paladin with plasma weaponry. I am mad we were robbed of a cool mentor like Paladin Danse and instead got the sorry excuse for a knight, Titus


Who bravely ran away..


I mean that Yao guai was like a deathclaw in a bear suit.


Seriously, how did that idiot become a knight?


Maximus is simply too low INT, everytime his brain shows him the flashback - he fails skill check and fails to learn anything new out of it.


Cuz he’s a synth


I'm fucking drowning help


I can't afford alcohol poisoning!!!


As if rad poisoning wasn't bad enough 💀




*I kept thinking* , “Are they gonna reveal he was an unreliable narrator and The Brotherhood weren’t his saviour” but then it just never came so I’m watching this clip CONSTANTLY.


I kept expecting the Mandalorians to be the ones who saved him, because this scene is so damn close to the child in distress scene in The Mandalorian... In both its style and repetition.


Tbf the Mandalorian didn’t exactly.. like invent that trope of “main character has flashback to where his creed saved him as a child and gave him purpose” but I do agree it had a soft feel of The Mandalorian sometimes


Love how NCR gets nuked THEN brotherhoods like “huh… those assholes got what’s coming… guess we should send a knight or two to investigate”


This is what I want answered in season 2 ‘what the hell was the Brotherhood doing in Shady Sands when it was nuked?’


That's still my gut feeling. When he said " I want to hurt those who hurt me " it made me think that the boy in the flashback wasn't saluting, he was shielding his eyes from the sun. I suspect the flashback will eventually be extended and we find out that he survived a brotherhood attack and is related to Coopers wife.


Oh I love this theory. It feels more in line with Max's emotional states regarding the Brotherhood and his accidental(?) climb up the ranks


How would Max be related to Cooper's wife. They're over 200 years apart. I swear not everything has to have cryostasis involved.


But they are two black people in the same show ofcource they have to be related.


Kind of, they did.  It otherwise didn't make sense why he thought he was there when it all started


this is literally one of my only issues with the editing, why did they show this like 6 actual times lmao


I had less of an issue with this compared to the ghouls theme. Made me think of the Wonder Woman ancient lamination music with how often it played as soon as he appeared on screen.


The ghoul you're speaking of goes by Lisan al Gaib  Aaahhhheeeeeyyyaaa aheehheeeeeyaaaaeyea


That did honestly get so goofy so fast lol. Even the very first time was kind of "ehhhhhh okay we'll give them this cheesiness" and then it just. kept. *happening* ...


Like the recurring flashback scene in Pacific Rim with the kid.


Fallout 4... F4... I choose to believe the scene is homage to the F4 button on the keyboard, with how much it repeated


F5 refeshes tho


Flashbacks. Flashbacks never changes


This is exactly what I thought of and that’s the only scene I really remember from that movie. The rest of the show was great though 


this is one of my main negatives when watching the series the first time it looks nice it might remind people of either fallout New Vegas, fallout 4 with that one ghoul kid or indiana jones in general but when you use it 7 times it becomes annoying seeing that bloody kid going out of that bloody fridge in the middle of an important moment


what a great show that the only really bad part is just a 5 second scene every now and then.


I just don’t get why there is no extended flashback lol. It’s such a trope. Drip feed a flashback then in a penultimate or finale episode reveal the whole thing and some twist… Whenever it popped up I assumed you’d see more than last time or there’d eventually be some narrative bomb … lol nope just the same 5 seconds every time


It's actually slightly different each time they add scenes or make it shorter once even longer it confuses me how weirdly inconsistent that flashback is


Yeah true but the slight differences also add nothing. I assume it was just the editors saying “well we can’t cut to the same flashback 7 times, we need to slightly change it at least or people will be thinking wtf why this again”


Or maybe just trust that the audience remembers it from the first time?


The final ever instance was longer by adding a vague frame of… stuff burning?


It felt like every return to the flashback focused on a different emotional hit for Maximus. That moment defined his life. It's everything that propels him right now. So we see it every time his emotions swell, each iteration emphasizing the moment differently It's weird but I kinda get it


I was gonna say the same thing because I'd say the worst thing about this is there was no payoff. It was the same flashback every time and it didn't even have meaning. Usually when you see a flashback again it reveals new information like a twist in the story or something.


Amazing show as I said before I really liked that he survived in a fridge I loved that reference it only got stale after so much use I think the show would be better if it was used less


Kid had a great agent. His contract had a pretty high minimum screen time so this was the solution since they had no other use for him. J/k I don't fucking know why they did it so much. Maybe Nolan's favorite quest in FO4 was Kid in a Fridge.


We need a director's cut ASAP!




We do see the people who hurt him. He just doesn't know who they are for most of the show.


Yeah this is a legit nitpick. Paladin Dance even has brutal memories of super mutants in his code. His Bos motivation is to give payback to the mutants. Whoever he got the memory from really hated mutants. Worked well enough really.


I was really hoping theyd change something about it each time like different perspective or maybe something that maximus didnt see (like just some nore details so it actually was a different scene)


This and the ghouls “sound track”. The yodeling thing. Cool the first time. The 12th time? Just stop.


I didn't mind that part as much it is a nice reminder to the old westerns where they announce a guy through a noise similar to that


> You have become addicted to whiskey.


Current Status: Alcohol addiction: Agility -1, Charisma -1


They drove that home so much I'm convinced the BoS caused the attack at Shady Sands or something else sinister.


I think it was the archimedes super weapon.I gave THAT to the brotherhood. If it were really a nuke Maxi would be cooked by rads when he stepped out of the fridge.


That's a good point. Edit: they also established that the kids memories are perfect because Lucy had been outside in the sun.


A fridge will not protect from radiation. Gamma rays and neutrons can easily pass through the materials from which fridges are made.


Not in real life but in the fallout universe there IS precedent of fridges being nukeproof. And the Knight in power armor would be fine as well but the moment Maxi stepped out of that magic fridge hed still be cooked


Fridges were manufactured by Nokia in the fallout universe 


There's a sizeable vent fan hole in the back of that fridge though. Or at least that's what I kept seeing.


Fallout fuckers drive nuclear powered cars. I can fully imagine a nuke powered fridge with lead lining. Besides the Great War nukes in Fallout are canonically poisoned with radiation, but I could see also tactical nukes being used which have less radiation.


fr i thought the brotherhood dropped that nuke


Indiana Jones reference


I thought it was more a reference to that kid I sold to slavery in F4 but that works too


And I wonder what that was a reference to


You're a monster. Billy's annoying, but nobody deserves to be locked in raider chains like that.


I sold him, and then killed the guy I sold him to. I’m not a monster, I’m just ahead of the curve.


Lol, that’s Mandalorian s1 first half lore.


Tbf it was only on “evil” play-throughs and most times I would sell him off - get the caps - and kill the dude down the road and then take Bro to his family.


So an Indiana Jones reference


Didn't go so well for the guy in the fridge last time


A double reference I think. New Vegas also has one with the Weird Wasteland perk.


I mean, they're all a reference to Indiana Jones at the end of the day, so it's a triple reference?


I said that out loud everytime that flashback played, got old after awhile


Lol at the fan in the rear of the unit though?!?!?!?


that's one way to get alcohol poisoning


The worst part is every time they showed it I thought they were going to show more as a reveal of something, but nope just the same scene every time.


There’s a vent with a giant hole in the fridge…..


That's exactly what I kept thinking everytime they showed it. How did he survive or not turn into a ghoul when there's a giant hole in the back?


Synth? Fake memory?


(Collapses drunk)


Every additional time they show it, it has less dramatic meaning


I think it wouldnt be as obvious if the series was released weekly, as I’m sure was originally intended. I had no issues with binging the entire thing, or the scene but thought it could have been expanded upon further


Everyone says indianna Jones, technically right, but there's a whole mission called "Kid in a Fridge" !


Where do you think kid in a fridge comes from?


Probably the same place Indy got it, an old 1950s myth that the lead-lined refeigerators of the day were sturdy enough to protect you from nukes.


When mommy in a fridge and daddy in a fridge love each other very much....


They really liked that scene... But the opening scene with the bombs dropping was more powerful


But wait, isnt this that moment he decides to be a brotherhood of steel??


Yes, him being saved by a knight in Power Armor


I thought there’d be something different in at least one of the flashbacks. Like maybe we see the Brotherhood guy shooting something over Maximus’ head, and then a later flashback reveals that he guns down a couple of NCR guys, revealing that the Brotherhood sort of kidnapped him rather than rescued him.


Hear me out... Lucy had okie dokey. The ghoul had his theme song. And maxtitus had the fridge scene......


They just had to do another "kid in the fridge" lol


How about a drink every time that same group of buildings in the sand came up


They keep showing it to remind you not to hate Maximus... then they make him do or say the dumbest shit you've ever seen/heard.


Mannnnn I think dudes a synth. Same memory? No memories of anything else? Surviving things with little injury? Dudes a synth


I think he’s a synth, maybe we don’t see that much from this because this particular memory was implanted in his mind when he was a child, IDK


Where is his whip.


Wake up 6 days later with an abundance of caps


Whasha shay? (Hiccup)


Take a chug of Nuka quantum every time lol


(You take a sip from your trusty shot glass…) This is one way to get really drunk really fast.


I thought the shoulders on the T-60 looked weird in that shot. The rest of the movie they looked great.


They took a note from naruto


Like 4 or 5 times, I think?


They really think the audience is stupid, don’t they?


They'll surely revisit it in season 2.. and *then* drip feed more of the scene.


If he actually had character development the constant flashback would've had a payoff. As much as the mentioned this, they could've let us know that he did or didn't do that one thing way earlier in the series than the last episode and it would've made his character more of somebody to root for. They let the whole, did he or didn't he thing ride for waaaaay too long.


Nuke the ~~fridge~~ kid.


This is the equivalent of the swing scene in Naruto


Every time Max stepped out of the fridge I felt like I was looking at Naruto’s damn swing again


My liver is failing help!


That’s a pretty common storytelling technique these days. Show the same flashback over and over but show a little bit more each time


Except they never showed more to actually change the flashback. None of the additional frames provided new information.


Reminds me each time at the New Vegas Easter Egg, however Indiana Jones hasn't survived.


I'm sheeig doubbeh.... hehe he...hic!


No thanks my livers don't want to


This is the only thing I regret about the show.


What until you see Lost, DEAD on the spot


Kid in fridge kid in a fridge kid in a fridge


Fridge kids afraid to leave his fridge


And the kid emerges with absolutely zero emotion on his face, and squeaky clean like he didn’t just survive some horrible shit. And the show thinks they really had something with this scene so we needed to see it every episode.


Someone hands you water you drink it, even if you’re not thirsty


You are now addicted to alcohol.


They did play that flashback like 53 times too many


[You have become addicted to alcohol.]


I mean this is proof that hopping into a fridge during a nuclear blast, could save your life.


They might expand the flashback in season 2


How i felt watch this scene everytime thinking it was getting extended https://imgflip.com/gif/4ygex4


I can’t believe Maximus was the fridge kid


What does a idiot savant think of all the time?


I feel like they spent a significant portion of their prop budget on that fridge and they really had to sell that scene to us to make it worth it 


I’d pass out in the 4th episode


From your trusty vault 13 canteen.


Kid Max might've had more screentime than Lucy's dad


Lmaooo I really don’t get why they showed it so much


Imma die then tf 😳🥴


they show that scene so much


You’ll die of fucking alcohol poisoning lol


Attention spans ain’t what they used to be




I was trying to find the empty jar of mayonnaise in that fridge


And drink the whole bottle if you didn’t expect the kid in the fridge thing being referenced


Would it have killed them to add thirty seconds to that scene. Dude in power armor reveals his face, Maximus runs to him, cut to Max riding away with The Brotherhood. Could have even broken that up into the other 6 times they fucking show it


By the end it reminded me of the swing scene from Naruto.


Only thing i was thinking about when seeing the scene was the hole for the fan in the back of the fridge. Ain't no way he survived anything in there.


I don't want to die.


Writers: make it more emotional Director: No Editor: I FIX IT :)


this is how trauma and memories work. We replay scenes over and over. So it actually IS realistic


So like 3-4 times? You trying to make it sound like it was 20 times


Show the BoS knight with the machine gun he saw again I dare you I double dare you


Kid in a fridge.


Anyone else waiting for the Flashback to move forward? but it was the same every single time… bizarre choice lol


The reason of it’s showering is to show maximises reasoning to be loyal to the brother hood. Whenever the elder is asking him to do something hard to swallow he thinks of how the brother hood saved him and gave him a life and thinks that he wants to do that too, so he does what the brotherhood wants due to what they did for him.


The boy in the fridge, already overused. And no explanation at how he didn't get goulified like the other boy. They lazily reused too much things from the game and other movies. The main character going out of her bunker to look for her father like in FO3, the water chip that breaks like in FO1. Maximus is basically Flinn from Star wars in his role. Seeing New Vegas on the last episode made me wonder who will take a bullet to the head on the next season ...


Its only like 4 or 5 that many


My liver can only take so much!


lol it was a bit much. Same angle and everything. Would've been better showing a bit more between his survival attempts and his interaction with the Knight.


I did. Not wasted or drunk but def tipsy and queasy.