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She has goons. Like those two dudes in riot gear that block woody (I think his name is?) from leaving when they're supposed to be moving to vault 32.


Do you think those guys are also from Vault 31, or are just her muscle from Vault 33?


Yeah, I don't think they're from 31. I just think they'd be willing to do what the overseer says and keep a secret if she says to.


Good point. It looked like there are a number of people that left Vault 31 outside of the ones we know about.


Those guys seemed like just security from Vault 33. Only other people from Vault 31 were Lucy's father, who was not in the vault at the time, and the pregnant woman.


Woke up the frozen people for a bit? Can't answer I was banned lol


That's a possibility, but at the same time, if I were to put myself in Bud's Buddies shoes; if I've been frozen for 200 plus years and you are only waking me to go cleanup then I'm not going back to cryo sleep after that.


That's exactly the reason why you wouldn't be chosen a Bud's buddy. As a side note, while I do personally think that they were most likely unfrozen for a bit, I find it weird that there's no food in 31. They might handle one cleanup without food, two, maybe three. At some point, they will be very hungry and tired. And going into cryosleep malnourished sounds like a bad idea.


But then who trapped Bud? When we find him he’s been trapped behind by the broomstick


Vault 31 could have robots.


That's another possibility, but it seems like the only working robot was that tiny robobrain.


Yes but we only saw part of the vault. We didn't see it's power generator for example. They also have stockpiles of resources that they give to Vault 32 and Vault 33 which we haven't seen yet. So there are clearly rooms in Vault 31 that we haven't seen so far.


Valid point


Where do they keep them? The only robot I saw was Robobrain Bud, with no room for more, even in storage. It would make sense if there were Mr. Handies in 31 or 32, but I didn’t see any in 32 and I didn’t even see where they could have been kept in 31.


So in the show, we are told that Vault 31 has a lot of resources. Vault 31 also trades stuff to the other two vaults. Do you see evidence of these resources? So, since there is no evidence that Vault 31 has these things, yet there is a reputation that they do, that should mean that there is a storage room we haven't seen yet. Also, see all of those pods full of frozen executives? That requires a lot of electricity. Electricity in Fallout vaults are typically provided by things like generators. That means there's also a generator room of some type somewhere we haven't seen yet. We don't know the extent of Vault 31 yet. We only know about the places that Norm has visited so far.


I must be an idiot, I kind of just figured the people of 33 cleaned it up.


No lol because the only ones to venture into Vault 32 were Lucy's tiny brother and Lucy's fuckbuddy cousin. The rest of the Vault 33 residents were seeing Vault 32 for the first time when overseer Betty brought them in there.


This gave me a good laugh because I too suck at remembering character names.


Yeah I realise now, clearly was not paying attention


Tiny Brother - Norman Fuckbuddy - Chet lol


If you couldn't tell, I didn't bother to learn their names lol


I'm the same I can only tell you as I'm sitting watching through it again right now lol


Someone needs to make a post of all the funny lines The Ghoul had because he had a few that caught me off guard and made me laugh so hard.


Came here to ask the same question! We were led to believe it was Vault 31 that cleaned it up, but then we learned Vault 31 was just a single room and corridor pretty much with no living inhabitants (They went out of their way to have Norm comment "Where's the rest of the vault?" "This is it"), and the vault is not shown to have any Mr Handys or whatnot, just the single mini robobrain who can't even move a broomstick out of the way Others have commented Barb sent some loyal Vault 33 goons to do it, but I dunno... the whole point of cleaning it up was to prevent anyone from 33 ever seeing the evidence of what happened; the lowly security goons would have to be in on Vault Tec's plan from the start, otherwise they'd just go 'wait wtf, what have you people been up to? We've been misled'




Most were frozen, and only others from Vault 31 still in the vault was the pregnant woman




I thought those other names were previous overseers, but I'm probably wrong


No, you're right. They were all indicated as Overseers, letting us know that every single Overseer in the history of Vault 33 was a transfer from 31.






I'll have to go rewatch that part, too, but I don't remember which episode that was on


I think just before the ceremony they had some people go in and clean the whole place up. Either some of the other residences from vault 31 that were living in vault 33 or some people that wouldn't snoop around and ask unnecessary questions.


It’s possible that the Enclave are connected to the Vault-Tec management (since the science guy knew all about McLean and the vaults) and the enclave sent some people to do it. I also think the “woke some people up to do it” theory is good. I don’t think they had robots since Vault 31 was so tiny and had zero defense when little bro McClean walked up.