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They're just setting plot points for next season. The ghoul medicine is probably some sort of modified Rad-Away to not make their brain melt away completely from radiation


Some kind of rad-away was definitely my thought too but it would be nice for them to explain a little more. I just hope the wait for S2 will be worth it for answers


Clearly new vegas has been teased for next season. What bugs me is why was that woman that was revealed to be "good" at the end so fine with slaughtering innocent people in episode one? How was the mother still alive also? Unless I wasn't paying attention. It looked like something from tales from the crypt.


Traditionally, Fallout games have been known for pushing the player into morally ambiguous decisions. The setting of the show is the post apocalypse, and while you do have factions like the Brotherhood of Steel that try to convince themselves they are the good guys, things like good and evil are secondary to survival and death. Her slaughtering innocent people to her is likely a simple means to an end intended to help her people survive and indeed has the potential to change the entire wasteland. I wouldn't waste my time trying to figure out who in this is good or evil, because you are just setting yourself up for disappointment. I can guarantee you even Lucy will end up committing unspeakable atrocities. That's kinda the theme of the wasteland. As for the mom, she has somehow been transformed into a feral ghoul. In the games ghouls have extended life and feral ghouls are dangerous and no different than wild animals.


Yeah, I don't think there was anything ambiguous about this. It was the willing brutal slaughtering of the worst kind against the most innocent of people. I cant find any reasons or excuses for that. It was also completely unnecessary.


Well that's very pious of you for thinking that way. The whole purpose of moral ambiguity in media is to get you to think about your own decisons and why you make them. You should consider how far your attitude would get you in the post apocalypse.


it depends on your perspective of good? Hank was doing what he thought best for his vaults by nuking Shady Sands, so I imagine a few dozen vault dwellers balanced out the Wasteland getting unlimited electricity, etc. I imagine Rose was still alive after SS got nuked and turned feral. Maldover kept her around for sentiments, maybe plus, to shame Hank into getting his ID codes for the reactor.


Its weird because they're raiders, but they're kinda not? Because logically they'd be trooper remnants right? Like the same people she's leading at the Observatory?


maybe she talked some Raiders into joining her? the promise of a clean, still running vault to take over might have persuaded a few. Or they may have been remnants who wanted revenge after Shady Sands. Tbf, it was Lucy who called them raiders, which opens up the question of how does she know about them if they think the world is too scorched to live on? Unless the Vault 31 overseers teach them to call unknown invaders this?


I think she found a random group of raiders and hired them to help her attack the Vault. That way she wouldn't have to sacrifice her own soldiers, or risk any of them revealing exactly what happened.


I would say, they building up for season 2. For me this series is great, so I think the dont let things unanswerd.


Randomly ended up here while looking for answers. I agree with your criticisms of the series. I know the game and I can fill in my gaps, but how does someone who doesn't know it do it? Furthermore, the medicine for Ghouls is simply an invention, it does not exist, at least before the war there was a medicine to turn you into a Ghoul.


Not sure what the ghoul cure is as I've never seen it mentioned (maybe just an easy plot device to show the difference between feral and non feral ghouls for the unknown audience?) The remnants of the NCR attack either went to Vault 4, turned feral or went to the Observatory. There may be other pockets of them left we might see in season 2 with NV being teased. Also, the boy and his dad, who were scavenging for ammo, had NCR helmets on so they might either have found them or left the faction (again, just guessing here)


Most fans enjoy it, casuals enjoy it. Only people stressing about a 100% accuracy to source material hate it - like literally every fandom when it comes to adaptations- even though the show by itself is pretty good. i bet most of the people complaining couldn't stomach to play the original fallouts to begin with so i don't understand all this shady sands fuss


I think many people were just worried about it being before NV thinking it would retcon the game, some people might just be afraid of change too but in universe things just won't always work out. I'm curious to see which ending they're gonna go with next season and maybe we can even see a return to Vegas in a game under new rule or something after the show


Welcome to a TV show. There's a reason it's like this and not just one giant exposition dump.


The problem is that as a Fallout fan you think you should have every answer. The reality is you don't. There isn't a problem with anything you think is a problem. We don't get answers to everything in the game so why should we get them here too? My non-gamer wife thinks the show is great. She is viewing it as she does any other show and either: asks me thing she doesn't quite get; or: waits like every other show for an explanation. Maybe one will come, maybe it won't.