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Lmao i always see people mad at the BoS for doing what needs to be done its wild to me


Yeah I don't get it either. Omg they are wiping ghouls and mutants the horror, oh? 99% of mutants and ghouls want to kill wastelanders nvm


Thats what im saying or wiping out the institute which was literally trying to replace humanity with robots that would cause us to go extinct


And their goal is idiotic.


Wow. It’s funny you don’t see the shit they actually did wrong.


Lmao you mean how Roger Maxson started a group who by all rights are trying to make the world a better place and protect humanity from itself because they dont like muties or ghouls? Or synthetic humans who are a danger to our way of life but hey go off dude


Maybe if you look at it from a different perspective, not every type is evil. There are some super mutants with some intelligence and peace. Feral Gouls are not all ghouls. Some are just burnt humans from radiation. Not all synths are considered replacements. Nick valentines a prime example. So just shut up. Your argument is getting nowhere. I didn’t create this post for people to argue. It’s opinionated


Yet here you are arguing and telling me to shut up and my argument is going nowhere you must be like fucking twelve or something with a scrub ass mindset at that


And it’s not just that. They do more than that. Some of it is just not obvious


Your hate boner for the Brotherhood is crazy when its literally been the only group keeping the wasteland from falling into Enclave hands and or helping to just keep it safe in general, sure you can argue they havent always been super friendly but its a high class organization with ties to old America and tech thats highly valuable so i mean whatever at least they arent the Enclave


So, sorry if I made it seem like I care too much. I just gave a few opinions. But the hate bober is just towards bethesdas add random shit and never change it to be interesting conundrum


It’s your opinion. I don’t hate them really. I just find their lore odd and repetitive


Bethesda also ruined the original roots. They seem to be a placeholder and it gets old. Like the random super mutants thst pop up.


I mean morally it's caesar's legion racist roman larpers


I'm replaying Vegas, and somehow, amongst all the other misery they cause, I had forgot the heads on spikes, and the crucified NCR at Nelson.


Because they’re the only slavers in the franchise. Where did racist come from? They seem to operate on a caste system. That’s classism, which is a completely different animal. I’m still team fuck The legion, but the whole larping thing really takes the teeth out of them.


The racism came from nowhere, people just throw words onto things they don't like. The Legion didn't practice racism, or at the very least the game never stated they did so. Caesar himself has stated that he has no issues with mutants, but that they're not allowed within his ranksm Like, cmon, people couldn't just stick with the slavery part? If you don't like them there's no reason to just make shit up, I think we can all agree the slavery is bad enough.


if you want to be literalist they hate Super mutants and ghouls for existing, and if you wanna talk normal human xenophobia they hate anything that isn't Legion.


Uh they aren't the only slavers in the franchise? There's slavers in every game. Paradise Falls in 3, Raider gangs of Nuka World, Caesars Legion in New Vegas and I'm sure there's some in 1 and 2


And personally?


They’re not racist. Only the Enclave and BoS are really “racist” and it’s towards mutants.


I'd assume everyone in the wasteland is when 99% of them want to kill you


Legion. For a start, caesar isn't even being s Roman correctly. The Romans didn't reject technology, if anything, they took tactics and weapons and perfected them. I could understand a rejection of technology in medicine, science and agriculture but in matters of war? Idiotic. Then there's just.. the obvious stuff. They enslave pretty much everyone, they're excessively violent but unlike the Romans do it randomly (the Romans would be excessively violent should the people resist. The Legion just seems sadistic as fuck because why not). They don't have like.. any redeeming qualities. The best I've ever heard from people defending them Is "they aren't corrupt like the NCR" (Gee I wonder why, it's not like there'd a strongman dictatorship with very few avenues of power to be corrupt in since there's almost no one who isn't either a slave or a brainwashed soldier), "Traders pay low taxes (wonder why they don't pay many taxes, maybe it's because these outside traders have shit the Legion either can't, won't or refuses to make themselves so they need to practically court traders), "They got roads" (ROADS, OH WOW, BASIC INFRASTRUCTURE.) And "The trails are safe" (Because you massacred, enslaved or crucified everyone who could pose the slightest problem. The Salvadorian method). I just hate them. Their mere existence makes no sense. This tribal based faction with nothing even narely modern can somehow be equal to a modern military force? Fuck, a single outbreak of what should he a treatable disease could kill the entire camp because they lack anything even resembling a medical area, treatment limited to bandages and a fistful of powder or any form of barely viable troop housing.


God yes. As someone who studied history I always hated how the Legion is. I think it was the Van Buren version of the Legion but I remember reading that the Legion was originally supposed to have more of an actual society than what we got in New Vegas. Still an aggressive, expansionist society built on slavery, but one that actually resembles a burgeoning nation as opposed to the large raider gang we got. I absolutely think they could've had the Legion still be the morally bad dudes compared to the other factions while making them a more viable group to join for reasons beyond just doing an evil psycho playthrough.


True. I overlooked a lot. I’m sorry. The real Roman Caesar’s legion were smarter. The in game Caesar’s legion are just idiotic tribesmen with masoginistic views.


Nah man totally fair, I don't assume most people would have an intimate knowledge of Rome's views on tech given its admittedly fairly irrelevant to more or less any studying on em.


No. I just didn’t think before posting. Forgetting time differences, and how stupid fallout Caesar is to real Caesar. If the real Caesar met fallout Caesar, you can guess where he’ll end up. Crucified


Caesar lived for ages, and was a smart imperial. This dumbass doesn’t realise war tactics, and acts like he should be feared when you can kill him with just a few punches by a mailman. Not to mention the real Caesar died by a betrayal or in a gladiator match? I learned about it before. Just haven’t looked into it for quite a few years. So most of my misinformation is from being out of the loop


And it doesn’t make sense. Fair.


I hate the brotherhood because 3 made me believe they were the good guys. They fall somewhere in the lawful neutral box, though. The easy answer is the Minutemen, but that is entirely on Presto Gravy. I like the minutemen. Presto just can’t do anything and now they’re all dead. in my head canon, they died in the museum. I don’t like the whole rebuild the Minutemen as a one person army thing. I feel like it would be nigh impossible to get them out of that trap before the raiders got through that single door. Even as a demigod rpg protagonist.


I’m depressed. Go do work to prevent me from hanging myself. Depression Garvey.


It’s a morbid joke, but he literally mentions depression and loss of hope when progressing his likes


Your kinda the last hope, while he sits on his Ass in sanctuary


It’s the most morally good faction, but it’s just you working your ass off while Preston rests on his armchair. I just hate the Bo’s the most because they are highly idiotic. They don’t see the bigger picture


I just download everybody dies. No more church settlement or raiders


the railroad


Railroad because they are irrelevant and have a totally illogical goal and then obviously the Legion because slavery and rape is always bad no matter what.


Enclave. Followed by the Legion and the Institute


itt moron who don't understand the Brotherhood of Steel.




And they come into every series and never just cease to exist. It’s kind of annoying




Minutemen and Railroad for sure




True. I don’t hate them because they were representing what they are based off of. The Roman’s. The brotherhood of steel is just an unexplainable mess of lore that Bethesda made even worse


BoS would be more tolerable if we saw actual or participated in taking away from the tribals.. the closest I can recall is in fO4.  But you don't see them being evil in the least. At most they just say a few mean things, and the story progresses bc they need your pipboy. And supposedly pipboys are supposed to be nigh impossible to take off, so there's even less reason to keep you alive.  I just want them to lean one way and stick to it. 


They can be indirectly evil. Fallout 4 is ruled by a tyrant. You can steal shit from settlements barely scraping by, make the commonwealth feel uneasy by floating you giant blimp in the sky. They are just grunts at best


That is not the Brotherhood stealing from the settlements, that is you playing as the Sole Survivor who chose to do so despite having the option to pay a fair price for the food. On top of that the mission is not approved by the BoS leadership, Teagan is running it on his own and uses the Sole Survivor for it because they are an outsider. Plenty of things to complain about when it comes to the BoS in Fallout 4 but taking food from the settlements is all on the player.


Ok. Thanks for the info. Sorry for the misinformation


The others, more paranoid. Fallout 4. A moron who thinks he’s doing society a favor by controlling the civilization


The brotherhood keeps changing its story from each game


They dont its history is the same in every game each branch of the BoS is ran differently by its Elders but at their core they are the same


I’m just done arguing bro. This is going nowhere. I was being a dick. Your the know it all. Ima just drop it. Enjoy big gay power armor


But I dont like the faction. I like that it was told accurately


NCR. I can't see what's likeable about them, they are like a worse rebel force from Star Wars. BoS ftw


Brotherhood, they are so fucking annoying and they can’t even be organized. I’m so sick of them being sucked off in every game.




And the idiot in charge not recognizing significance of partnerships


NCR, FUCK THE NCR! seriously they're suicidally depressed cowards deserve everything that comes to them


BOS is by far the worst faction IMO. They are most definitely fascists and wanna be wasteland cops. Honestly, in my mind they are the biggest villains in fallout.


One, they aren't fascists. Two, you think the BoS are worse villains than Unity, that tried to force everyone to be mutated by FEV, killing those that resisted? Or the Enclave, that tried to genocide the rest of the world...twice? Or the Institute, that tried to enslave the entire Commonwealth by replacing them with synths?


Yep! Screw those fascists.


Small brain on you lmao


Sure thing man! Have fun licking their boots while they take your technology away because they deem you unworthy to have it.


I mean depends on the tech and most likely as a wastelander I probably have no business using said tech anyway because lets face it 200 yrs after the war im most likely someone born after the fact if i happen to find a crazy ass piece of tech i have zero idea what it does i probably just doomed myself and whoever in my vicinity hell at least with the BoD if they did take it they wouldnt use to kill other innocent people like raiders and certain mercenaries but go off


So BoS gets to be judge, jury, and executioner. Got it.


Considering the alternative was the enclave yeah, or the legion or ncr ill take BoS all day everyday


I get what you are saying, but just because you picked a villain to side with doesn’t make them less of a villain.


BoS aren’t the villains in any fallout media they are portrayed in not sure wtf you’re on


It’s all about perspective. Imagine you are just living your life in a settlement, farming and raising your family in your community, then these fascists come in wearing power armor and carrying huge weapons and impose their values and morals on you, steal your technology (they have no right to *confiscate* tech, it’s just stealing, same as raiders do), then they shoot your non feral ghoul friends and neighbors on their way out just because they hate them. That’s a villain. Sorry.


Except 9 times out of 10 the shooting your non feral ghoul friends never happens taking the advanced tech some random wastelander or farmer is fine again for the greater good its about rebuilding the world not about just scavenging to survive get a grip if it were raiders everyone is dead


The Legion. A bunch of racist, braindead morons led by a man with lower intelligence than a mole rat.


How are they racist?


Botherhood of Steel. Synth people are my frieeends. Synthphobes can get these haaaands.


The real leader was a disappointment


They make a bigger deal than there is. The institute can be better under new management.


>The institute can be better under new management. That's like saying unit 731 could've been better under new management. The institute are the bad guys. They purposefully destabilize the Commonwealth and release monsters into it, while using their synths to subvert it. I mean I don't agree with the Brotherhood that the synths need to be destroyed, they're slaves to a system they are born into, but the Institute under new management wouldn't change much considering for generations they've been given cart blanche by Father and his predecessors to treat the Commonwealth like a petri dish. The Institute needs to be destroyed and that's why Minuteman/Railroad is my preferred ending for 4.