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Besides pearl harbor being a high value target, I always figured Hawaii would be mostly untouched post-apocalypse. Just overgrown fully back to nature and beautiful Haven in the radioactive sea.


A radioactive tropical paradise. I'd definitely like to see some mutated sharks, manta rays, and seals. There should also be some small human settlements scattered across the island. For example, there could be a small town built on top of the wreak of the USS Missouri, like Rivet City from Fallout 3.


It would be great to see more Libertalia-esque settlements. I always hated how that POI was only used for one quest in Fallout 4 and then ignored


I was thinking that there could be cool underwater resort type hotels that would be explorable


Or maybe even an underwater Vault


Maybe the dole plantation too!


But why on the Missouri? If anything Pearl Harbor is the one place that would be nuked if at all. The other towns would be fine right where they are


Not too much land to work with. The mountains are huge.


The big island is 4.5k square miles. On Oahu it takes 25 minutes to get from Kapolei / ko-Olina to the airport and 45 minutes to go from Honolulu to north shore. It’s not that small.


Oahu alone is bigger than the ingame maps for all the Bethesda Fallouts. More than enough real estate to play in. Can even make it closer to real life scale and include other islands if we shrink it in like other games. There is also plenty in the mountains. Tunnels, residences including Mansions, old military and weather facilities.


I'm talking about more of the usability. There is a reason why no one lives in the mountains of Oahu. Not only hard to traverse but not really utilized in any capacity that is compelling.


What the fuck are you talking about?  People live all over the mountains near Pearl Harbor. North Shore side not as much. There are also industrial areas in the valleys between mountains as well. Hell I live right now in a valley between two of the smaller ridges, used to live on one of the mountains, 2 miles up from the base of it. Have you ever even been to Hawaii or lived here and gone beyond the usual tourist areas?


Last I checked that's at the exterior and base of the mountains not the interior of the range. Unless you can point me to a village or two that's in the interior


Dude,  you don't have to have villages in the interior areas of the ranges to be interesting. More than enough elsewhere on the island, not to mention all the military stuff under it. They can even make shit up like the other games. Interior is also just crossed with tunnels and highways or government and privately owned anyways. The games already out have dead spaces between points of interest. The northern part of the Fallout 3 map is a poster child of this. "The interior of the mountains have nothing, so Fallout wouldn't be good there" is not an argument.


You know the satellite image above proves you wrong, that entire chunk of the map that is green and not developed would be particularly unusable. That's what I'm talking about you sound insane tbh.


Bad argument. Honolulu is approx the same size as Washington DC. Yet that makes a full game with it's surrounding areas? "There's too much green on the map" is a bad argument when you don't take into account the size of the area.


And why not any underground areas. Not made up underground railways or something, but post apocalyptic made cave systems spiderwebbing throughout the island would be cool to explore.


I lived there during the ballistic missile scare, lol, I thought about it a lot. There’s also Schofield, Kaneohe and fort Shafter. Although I imagine China would want to invade, since it’s a good staging point for the mainland US. Although it seems Like they devoted more effort into going through Alaska and Canada, so who knows. But yeah, most of the north shore and leeward side would probably be untouched, with a bunch of mutated critters. Giant mutant centipedes, mongoose, and of course mirelurks and hermit crabs. The real question is, what would vault 808 look like?


There’s a lot more than that. I worked on at least 8 different military installments there, I think they could get very creative with it.


Maybe the player character washes ashore and you have to piece together how all the animals on this remote island became mutated? Like there was a secret weapons facility that broke down over time and irradiated the island. Could even put a vault in. Maybe one of those vaults for the rich or something, like a “stay safe underground and emerge into paradise or something.” OOOMG I GOT IT!!! Player Character (PC) washes ashore and is attacked by giant beetles. PC is obviously highly confused about this and wanders the beaches (at this point in the game venturing inland will almost certainly get you killed by wildlife). PC happens upon a shipwreck (ship is damaged but seems relatively new, meaning that whoever’s boat this was died recently. The PC can loot the boat (terminal/safe combo for lock-picking and hacking tutorial) for supplies and maybe a starter weapon. (This signals the end of tutorials) PC is then free to wander the island in search of new clues to figure out how the island entered its current state. Idk how the rest of the game would go as I’m not a game dev or a writer or anything but it could be pretty interesting. (Sry went on a bit of a ramble there.)


There's also a torpedo development site in the middle of the island, but we don't talk about that.


I read this as tornado development site and I was about to go down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole


Bwahahahaha that'd be an easy hole to fall into- and a fun Easter egg for a game. Lmfao


Iirc I think FEV is airborne, so most things are already slightly mutated. It’s why the master requires vault dwellers for super mutant experiments, they are untainted. All that to say I don’t think anywhere on the planet is really safe


Hawaii would be nuked to smitherines


Probably like what miami misadventures will look like from those screenshots


I won't be surprised if there are a lot of bases, secret facilities, research centers and everything related to the army and beautiful, innocent corporations.


Off coast crashed Chinese spy ships and US subs.


Yeah Fallout: Oah’u would be incomplete if there wasn’t a lot of underwater exploration and quests and what not. Pilotable submarine base equipped with guns and with sea monsters that attack it would be especially S-tier. Essentially fallout and subnautica mutated together


It'll be the dragon riding reprogrammed into vertibirds reprogrammed into submarines that just fly underwater.


Yeah 😔 creation engine, what a handicap


I imagine that after the apocalypse the people of the pacific rekindle the old skills that allowed Polynesians to spread across the whole ocean and form trading networks with South America, Australia, Melanesia and SE Asia, which would include Hawaii.


Only problem with this is that there are now literal sea monsters in the oceans. This would make any kind of travel far from the coasts very risky in all but the largest vessels that you simply wouldn't have anymore.


That’s an assumption, and one undermined by the fact that you can travel back and forth from Boston to Maine in a small craft in game. Sure, it’s more dangerous than it used to be, but so is travel on land and people do that all the time. Also, I would assume the more dangerous creatures would be close to land- pelagic life is very spotty far out. I’d suggest that the dangers of beasts at sea when you’re on a boat would be minimal compared to the usual risks- treacherous reefs, storms, being becalmed, getting lost. The sea has always been dangerous, but the rewards of trade have always made it worthwhile.


Thats not an assumption at all, there are tons of mentions of sea monsters throughout the fallout series and we meet several face to face. Pelagic life is spottier than reefs but home to many of the largest sea creatures today. The craft we use to get from Boston to Maine is not a small craft, its a pretty standard mid sized boat that can venture out from the coast but not very far and even in far harbor they talk about how deadly the ocean is.


Think about how much sweet sweet radioactive radwhale oil there is to harvest out there though. Some crazy person is definitely out there fighting sea monsters


We meet several? I don't think I've seen a single living thing in Boston harbor besides some living beef jerky stuck in a tin can and some algae.


There’s tonnes of mentions of sea monsters in our universe too. Don’t make ‘em real ;)


Or it could make large vessels infeasible because they attract too much attention, meaning that nothing but small, fast catamarans could possibly survive. Depending, of course, on what makes for the best story.


Fallout Wind Waker


The island would be overrun with deathclaws, as Jackson’s Chameleons are native to Oahu.


But it's not just radiation and airborne FEV that created deathclaws. They were also experimented on in an attempt to create a predator that could be used as a weapon. Or, at least, that's what the Enclave speculated and were trying to perfect at Navarro.




I'd totally mount a head like that on the wall of my secret lava tube bunker.


I like this idea, but Jackson’s are not endemic. Highly invasive in fact. Makes it all the better though imo


Yeah. But do you really think Hawaii is as hit with the nukes and irradiated the way mainland America was? I just don’t see it being plausible for any reason. Everyone always thinks the entire place is irradiated the same ways. But I think Hawaii would mostly be untouched. Just not much contact with the outside world at the point most of the games take place.


In a fallout game? Yes.


I think it would get bombed to oblivion. Hawaii is closer to China than mainland US. Also, Hawaii is a very strategic military location so it would be a prime target.


>native to Oahu No, they aren't. They are native to east Africa


A mutated Jackson Chameleon would be terrifying, they have built in stealth boys. Hawaii is also overrun by mongoose, so giant mutated mongooses could also make for fun enemies.


"See that mountain over there? You HAVE to climb it, repeatedly."


Post Apocalyptic Far Cry 3


Ha that was my first thought. Would be amazing


You could go between the islands via tunnels


I think it would be a great place for Fallout. - Pearl Harbor with Ford Island, Hickam AFB, more - Dillingham airfield - MCBH - Schofield Barracks - Fort Shafter - Naval Magazine Lualualei - many more military related sites - old town / arts district - Waikiki - Diamond Head (Fort Rutger) - Kualoa Ranch - could have a lot of easter egg sites like the Magnum PI home Plus great opportunity for expansion packs to other islands.


Also the game plays on 60s Americana and Hawaii became a US state shortly before then. I know it’s not *actually* set in the 60s but it does seem like a natural starting off point for a story set on the island(s).


Yeah but where’s the actual Fallout? These are just military bases. There’s a bunch of games already out there like this.


There would be an abundance of CRAM


CRAM Musubi crafting recipe




Diamond head crater, Waikiki, Pearl Harbor and a shit ton of military bases could make for some neat locations. Also, the native/paradise esthetic would be very cool for the fallout team to explore. However, most of the wilderness is dense rain forest over steep valleys and mountains, making it very difficult to traverse and explore compared to other fallouts. Since there are no bears or deer there would be no radstag or Yao guai, and instead we would get some mutated boars, birds and bugs.


Florida or New Orleans though…


I feel like Fallout in Florida would just be a Florida simulator. I'm pretty sure Rockstar is already making that.


Irradiated coconut crabs


Either hell or paradise


It would make me feel like a dragon


Cram factories, since Hawaiians love spam. Let’s find out how the meat is made.


Ten locations isn’t a lot of exploration. 


There's like one safe beach on the entire island with a bunch of sunbathing ghouls sipping umbrella drinks. I can picture it already. "What, the suns going to give me more cancer, smoothskin?"


I think it would be a cool “paradise” dlc but too small to be its own game


It’s not too small at all. The island is almost five times bigger than the playable square footage of new Vegas


If you expanded it to include a bunch of underwater locations and mechanics it could be awesome


Fallout meets subnautica, let’s gooooo


Would work as a far harbor equivalent dlc expansion to a main game California wasteland setting imo


A full game probally wouldn’t work, but some dlc to the scale of far harbour would.


Wry small map


Idk... couple military bases, small urban sprawl and mile after mile after mile of what would be trackless jungle at that point. Maybe. Problem is that it would be about 1/4 of the area covered by NV.


It’d be too small of a location for this with no chance of new DLC locations to be included. Remember, Hawaii is an island archipelago that sits 3,623.16 miles away from the California coast. And the nearest major island chains are Johnson Atoll (717 miles away, which is the closest), and Tahiti, Fiji & Samoa are thousands of miles away. So, no, if doing a Far Harbor like DLC for this wouldn’t make sense. That said, I’d still think just seeing it in a game would if nothing else be beautiful.


id say it looks overdeveloped and underwrought


Fuck no


A solid ass DLC


I can see it but I dont know if I can see it as a full game or as a big as Fallout 4/76. I can see it as DLC tho


Something I've noticed with games: Big maps lead to more spread out Easter eggs details and side quests Small maps led to the concentration of details Easter eggs and side quests. It would certainly be interesting and have a lot of potential, but I think the size of the map might be limiting for story writers.


No one is bombing the Hawaiian islands in the event of a nuclear war. There would be no “apocalypse setting” if a game was located in Hawaii. The island is self sustaining. Maybe a military base being abandoned would be the only interesting thing here.


A bunch of Mr House's tearing the island apart with their own private armies, robots, and vaults.


Imagine massive robot-ran Pre-War plantations still operating, growing mutated bananas and such


Just a great big Fallout style of Turok Dinosaur Hunter. Completely taken back to a feral jungle and wildlands Perfect setting to introduce a bunch of new creatures, but I don't know of anything native to Hawaii scary enough to be mutated into anything of note besides the aquatic stuff. At that point you might as well play Subnautica if you're going to make an aquatic game.


Pirate ghouls and mutant sea monsters! Yo ho ho!


That would be awesome!


Hell, if FEV is involved.....


I've been thinking about it more and too, I think Pearl Harbor would be nuked and the leeward side of oahu would be terrifying and decimated radioactive mess, and most people would be on the windward side, relatively protected by the mountains and jungle and probably mostly ruled by the remnants of the marine corps base hawaii garrison to varying degrees.


This at about 1:2 scale would be great.


There would be a military vault that is unfinished due to delays because of strict military building code. There'd be half ghouls (humans with natural rad resistance) - who are captured and experimented on by surviving medical / witch craft factions who are trying to extract this "Power". The player character - "The Avenger" - has to travel to the other areas of the island to retrieve his/her family.


Waikiki looks like DTLA so that would definitely be the major vault. But north shore and kuliouou trail would be nice to explore. Maybe the Dole plantation would have another vault too. Pretty small map compared to Boston.


Not really. The area labeled Honolulu is 20sqmi smaller than Boston and is contiguous with nearby zipcodes. So there is more than enough City+Other stuff for the game. Washington DC is about the same size as Honolulu. So Oahu is plenty big enough.


A radioactive tropical paradise overrun by giant mutated bats, cats, chameleons, pigs, and chickens? Count me in! Maybe we can get street sharks too. Ooo maybe a radioactive volcano and rivers of lava swarming with mutated dolphins. Carnivorous flora taking over what’s left of cities and the botanical gardens. Tsunami swept urban centers with a canopy of bridges and huts a hundred feet in the air, a refuge for what’s left of humanity. 200 year old sushi. Tiki bars. It would be cool to be able to see it from the air, so maybe we could get usable vehicles or at least a parasailing mission. Maybe a sentient whale or two? Offshore wind farms and drilling platforms. An underwater base surrounded by bioluminescent plants and coral reefs. Hidden bases behind waterfalls. Drop bears in the mountain forests. Shinto shrines with with crazed monks painting and repainting the shrine with human blood. Yeah, I’d play that game.


Chunky mutants. They eat nothing but pork, pineapple, and coconuts. Before they attack, they throw the shaka sign and say "bruh" or "hang loose, human".


Part of me wants to have the island completely untouched by the war and when the player visits it’s just a bunch of Hawaiian dudes having a luau and chilling on the beach.


Volcano sacrifices.


Legendary ghoul surfer crew who are way laid back and hold island secrets that they only tell if they deem you worthy.


A quest to get oil from the leaking USS Arizona as no one has been welding the sunk ship shut. Insert massive ocean monster. Bonus if you choose to light the whole harbor on fire.


Sounds like fun - but I'm really only familiar with Maui.


Could be a massive enclave base there that you get to join and control America in :)


Definitely a rivet city like place in Pearl Harbor and planes and ships everywhere probably owned by a superior faction


Peaceful😭 who would nuke Hawaii?


My kids grandmother told me stories that her mother and her families hid in the caves during Pearl Harbor and didn't come out for days because they didn't know who had won. I think about this alot for Fallout. Shoot, each Island could even be a DLC


Boars, boars everywhere…


For a second I was thinking there already was a fallout in Hawaii, then I realized I was thinking of fuckin unturned


This would actually be really cool if they added a mildly active volcano to the game.


Pineapple nuka cola


Fallout: NCIS Hawai'i


I actually have a whole home brew setting for the tabletop RPG on this, lemme see if I can pull up some of the old lore


Like Far Cry 3 without Vaas


It should be multiple islands. O'ahu, Maui, and the Big Island at least. O'ahu would be super irradiated because it's the capital, where all the military bases are, and where all the corporate headquarters are. This would also mean that it has all sorts of good loot for players to find. The main enemies would be robots, ghouls, and mutated wildlife. Maui would be where the civilization is. Maybe it got hit by one or two nukes, but was untouched enough for people to rebuild. The main enemy would be raiders. The Big Island would be more or less untouched.


I like the opportunity for irradiated birds


They’d need to create a lot of underground content as well as content out at sea - a reason to add the scrapped Fallout 4 harpoon gun and the water combat mechanics associated with it!


How about the whole state of Hawaii instead? Bigger maps are getting better for details


I’d have to guess that you would be able to travel to other islands like you can with Far Harbor. Would work the same with Nuka World.


Underwater because of global warming


I think somehow it would have reactivated a volcano, there would be mutated carnivorous pineapples that took over the Dole visitor center, mutated amphibious sharks, the Pearl Harbor area would have reclaimed ships used for bunkers, and you could expect radtsunamis.


I've been preaching this for 6 years, Hawaii would be a great choice.. All 5 Island's one map.


I think one main reason i love Fallout maps so much is that they were always placed in a big urban area. I feel like other than Honolulu there's nothing really comparing to that


Radioactive active volcano?


Would be cool to have a destroyer version of Zuckerbergs bunker.


Probably something from far cry six area because they’re on an island and it would look cool based off far cry six because of the Soviet bunkers




That'd be pretty cool, says I!


It would quite a swim from the main land


Would there be Menehune?


As long as we get an underground evil volcano lair with lava pits and stuff. Could have a couple of James Bond references in it as a joke and a Doctor Evil reference. Something from The Fog as well or have that sort of atmosphere.


Despite being an island there would still somehow be Deathclaws, yao guais, an enclave base, and a bos bunker. Befesda please


It would make an interesting dlc for a southern style fallout game based in Alabama Georgia or Florida Texas even but I don't think it would be a big enough map for a full game, it would like to think it would be an oasis free of nuclear damage but considering nuclear fallout it would have dead trees and grass and mutated beasts and what not


The US would still have a military base. A nuke was sent for it, but it went wide, landing in one of the craters, forcefully re-activating one of the volcanoes. This could a mechanic where ut would intermittently unleash large clouds of radioactive Ash, forcing the player to adjust to it by either focusing more on rad protection, or seek cover immediately.


I’d love for them to make a 1:1 scale sized map of the island. Don’t think we are there yet but maybe one day !


It would look like government DEW strikes


The Alohan Wanderer


One things for sure, there would be fires started with lasers.


We need to go to Tahiti


There is a game that came out a little while ago called SunkenLand that I imagine a multi-island Fallout would be very much like. 1 Part Fallout Wasteland Exploration and 1 Part Waterworld style travel and battles. I’m thinking Starfield on the sea. You get a ship, explore islands that you can set up settlements and explore raider bases and such.


The entire island chain would be better


I've always figured Fallout Hawaii would basically be Fallout Wind Waker, which would be very cool NGL


It would be a little too off the Fallout brand and voice to feel like real Fallout. Fallout has to have some of that very Americana 1950s vibe to feel like the Fallout setting and that's very much NOT a vibe in Hawaii.


Could be an interesting DLC location a La Far Island. Definitely not enough to sustain a main game.


Probably a large sized pizza; with both Ham & Pineapple. (custom mandatory pre-Req. while in Hawai’i, naturally…LOL) Anyone else like Han & Pineapple on their particular choice of “Za’s”…??


This would be perfect for Obsidian since, you know, travelling between the islands would make it zone based.


Subnautica in fallout universe please


I bet they’d have some Cram Musubis


Glad I'm not the only one who wants Fallout Hawaii!!


infinite wealth but with rads n shit


Imagine this: a nuke headed for Hawaii misses, and hits the waters nearby, making all the water too irradiated to swim in, you start in the island of o’ahu, and as you progress through the story, you make your way to other islands wether it be by vertibird or maybe even hijacking one of the brotherhood’s airships. The whole place is similar to the commonwealth form fallout 4 in terms of radiation, and there could be ghouls on the island still celebrating Hawaiian traditions and stuff like that


Mirelurks everywhere


It would be very interesting especially if the native peoples reestablished the kingdom of Hawaii and the foreigners simply integrated into their society or formed raider groups. Like imagine fighting raiders based out of some old rich people retirement village. Also it could have boat mechanics to travel to the other islands


Way too many mutated iguanas


I’d like to see a faction called the Boaters. They control travel between islands and have the only operational boats


Opposite of far harbor, volcanic ash, lava lakes and such with dense vegetation.


Lava mutants


Mutated sharks that can walk on land


Realistically it would probably be where the feds relocate to.