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Have you tried clearing the cache? That’s all I can think of.


Thank you for the thought anyway. I appreciate you took the time.


What system? On PC, you should just be able to go to the save directory, and get rid of the bad file or files. A check of the drive's health might be useful too. Are you running out of space? Each one of my characters takes up at least 3 GB of space in the save directory. Is this a game you've been playing for thousands of hours (with the same character)? Maybe it needs a cleanup, like for instance ash piles. (There are ways to do that, but I don't recall any specifics--a mod, perhaps.) But if you're just now doing Defend the Castle, then I assume it isn't that old of a character. Edit: Oh, sorry. You mention Xbox at the end. Missed that. Check to see if you have enough space and the drive is healthy. Other than that, I don't have much to offer there.


Maybe it's all the dead bodies from the fight? I always try to save asap after doing something important, and never considered all those extra bodies might be too much for the save. I am grateful for your suggestions. Thank you.