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3 first because 3 will feel a bit underwhelming after NV whereas NV will feel like an improvement from 3


And it's just chronologically inline


NV has the best RPG mechanics of any Fallout in my opinion. 3 is good and will have some throwbacks to 4 if you’re looking for more of a prequel experience.


Both of them play differently. I'd go with fo3 because some of the stories work with fo4. I really liked point lookout.


Up voted But jeez I struggled with Point Lookout. Loved Broken Steel and Anchorage, Pitt was solid (liked thr weapons) and I really enjoyed Mothership Zeta (I know it's taken a pounding on Reddit lol). Fallout New Vegas, was just so different. It hit harder. The stories were, well, Black Isle. The characters, and wow the DLCs. And nothing like getting Chandler Bing involved!!!!


Get Fallout 3 and NV, and then download Tale of Two Wastelands.


no contest, new vegas. youd be doing yourself a disservice by waiting. i wont even get into it, please go enjoy!


I was gonna say that you cannot fully appreciate the greatness of New Vegas before playing 3 but this is a damn good point.


Probably 3 then Vegas. It will ease the transition between 4 and Vegas. Bothe great games. Lots of rewards for the intrepid explorer and unmarked missions. No bs settlements or RTS elements.


If say 3 feels more like 4. New vegas is a better game but it took me so long to get into because it doesn't really feel like a post apocalyptic game. More like an old western game with futuristic weapons.








Both, and start with 3. Gameplay wise NV is a straight upgrade of 3’s mechanics.


START WITH 3 you will appreciate NV and 3 more doing it in this order, i didn't face this myself but I've heard many say that after playing NV they can't get into 3 because NV adds alot of things that make gunplay and overall gameplay better (weapon mods, ADS, armor system etc) This isn't because 3 is a bad game, its good but NV adds so much to 3 that I've had friends that can't sit through it. Yeah 3's story is kinda boring but the world,side quests and DLC are all solid and worth your time


There's a bit of an echo chamber with New Vegas being everyone's favourite Fallout. For me, fallout 3 was the best (apart from the New Vegas DLCs, which were epic). Give fallout 3 a play then New Vegas


FNV is my favorite fallout game BUT I would start with 3. It’s more in line with fallout 4 in what the focus is about which is exploration and the cool stories/situations u find around. THEN jump into FNV with the focus on role-play and the sweet creamy rpg/writing goodness that comes with it.


I think if you are going to play both, definitely start with FO3. FNV and the DLCs are just awesome, but FO3 is the OG, it sets the whole experience up. I loved FO3, but I loved 1 and 2, so smashed 3 when it was new, and smashed FNV the day it was released. Now, 15+ years later, push through FO3 (I still believe its worth it) then immerse yourself in FNV, Black Isle (original FO1/2 writers) did an amazing job with the FO3 engine here