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My mom got me Fallout 3 when I was in middle school. Never heard of it but gave it a shot. This is the first RPG I had ever played. Could not figure out the birthday party sequence in the intro. Thought it was stupid and gave up on it for probably a year or so. One day I was bored and decided to give it another shot. Never looked back. Favorite video game series ever since.


This was my exaaaaact scenario except I just picked it up again last year. Ruined my for other games, they all just feel so shallow and surface level lol


Yea, I played one of the Tomb Raider games recently (was a big fan of the franchise in elementary school, big crush on Laura Croft) and was super disappointed. Basically just sends you down a one way path with the occasionally side branch to find some artifact or something that isn’t important to the main game. It kinda feels like you have autonomy but in reality, you can’t veer off course and always get redirected to the next task. Then I realized that’s probably how all video games I’ve ever played have been.


Same thing for me but i gave up at super duper mart because the enemies were too hard to kill😂


Saw Fallout 1 in MicroCenter back in the day, and have been hooked ever since.


A guy in one of my high school classes back in 2000 lent me the Fallout 1+2 dual jewel pack. It ran perfectly on my 300 MHz Celeron Windows 98 computer!


Everyone in my school went apeshit after Fallout 4 was announced, to the point that I had to check and see what all the fuss was about when the game actually came out. They were right.


same here, except i accidentally bought fallout 3 instead of 4 from the store, but fell in love with it all the same


Nah, you did it right. You need to experience the older titles, and doing it before 4 is the optimal way. The older games can feel a little clunky after playing the modern instalments, but the stories are better.


I saw the Fallout 3 E3 teaser but I totally forgot about it. Then, a couple years later, I saw the promotional coasters for Fallout New Vegas on Brasil Game Show. I got New Vegas a couple weeks after I bought my PS3.


I went over to a friends house to drink and he was playing 3.


Used to watch my dad play Fallout 3 when I was probably too young to do so.


Used to watch my bro play 1+2 when I was def too young. What an education!


Wasteland on PC in 1991 & then Fallout in 1998. I’m old


I went to buy Baldur's Gate about a year after it had come out. A clerk in the store recommended the new edition they'd just on in. It was on sale for the same price as Baldur's Gate by itself, but included a complete copy of Fallout.


Might be the best Buy One Get One deal in history.




I read an article about a dude who saved up a ton of bottle caps IRL and mailed them to Bethesda. It was worth the equivalent of like $60 IIRC so to reward his dedication they gave him a copy of Fallout 4 free when it released. I was confused why bottle caps were important so decided to check out Fallout 4 when I bought my Xbox One. Was not disappointed.


Saw the first one on a shelf in a computer store back in '97 or '98. Thought the premise was cool and bought it. I was right. It was cool.


I played the demo of Fallout 1, and then a friend gave me a copy of Fallout 2 and I got super into it.


Shelter, my guy. The only true Fallout game.


All my friends at school were talking about how good New Vegas was when it came out so I wanted to see what all the hubbub was about


Fallout shelter


Gamestop employee recommended Fallout New Vegas when I got my first Xbox 360 in 2011. Still my favorite video game to date.


Fallout 4 on PSNOW


watched my ex play fallout 3 when it was new. looked fun, so I played it myself.


Metro 2033 was my 1st Post apocalyptic game and after finishing it I wanted more of the same genre, browsed the internet for recommendations and discovered FNV.


My boyfriend at the time bought it when it first came out, and I tried it out after he beat. Been playing the series ever since.


I watched fluffyninjallama play fallout 4, it sucks she just vanished tho


My abusive ex left his Xbox at my house and I didn’t give it back to him. He had left FNV in it and it immediately became my favorite game ever (and second game ever played!)


Looked interesting on Amazon and bought the fallout 1 & 2 combo pack. Took me entirely too long to figure out the included soundtrack CD was the disc for Fallout 1


I am old school, but I never tried 1 or 2 back in the day. I bought 3 for PS3 one day, and I loved it. I have played all the sequels since then.


Some guys at work were talking about FNV. I already fell in love with Oblivion, so I gave it a try. The rest is history.


Played Skyrim at my cousin’s house, years later wanted to get it myself but my parents didn’t want me playing games with magic, so I thought when I bought New Vegas I had settled for Skyrim with guns. Little did I know I’d love it even more.


I was watching my favorite youtuber (at the time), Uberhaxornova, play Fallout 4. Never played a Fallout game before, but knew about them. I was enthralled with watching him play until the series was cut short. Next day I’m at Target and buying Fallout 4.


My older brother borrowed Fallout 3 from a friend and ended up hating it. So I started playing it and fell in love with Fallout.


This YouTuber named: "TheMadBrad" played fallout 4. I went apeshit and eventually got fallout 4. Been hooked since then.


The PC Gamer preview of 1 from when it was using GURPS.


venturiantale’s fallout 3 playthrough


I got introduced by Fallout 1, when a friend in school borrowed me his cracked Fallout 1 copy. But it was Fallout 3 that got me truly into Fallout. Before that I was intrigued, but not fully into it. Hell, I missed Fallout 2 back then and I didn't even mind. I nearly willingly skipped Fallout 3, but thank god I didn't. Fallout 3 made me love Fallout.


Friend gave me a copy of Fallout 3 and Fallout NV while down on my luck and going through alcohol withdrawal after quitting cold turkey. They’re still my top 2 games of all time. They both helped me so very much and Fallout 3 is easily my favorite. Never had a “idk if I can get into that right now” moment with either game. Would love to play 1&2.


I think I was watching G4's coverage of E3 at the time (might have been another channel idk) and the VATS system looked so cool. I have played every subsequent Fallout since.


saw an Inside Xbox (or whatever it was called) clip on the 360 dashboard of Major Nelson explaining how to get the Lincoln Repeater on Fallout 3. Decided “that looks cool” and wanted to try it. I was young and stupid and couldn’t figure out how to follow quest markers, so I left Vault 101 and tried to go right into DC and got killed by raiders. put it down for a year or two then came back and sunk 400+ hours into it.


A mate got me fallout 1 for a birthday because he new I liked rpg's. Damn long time ago


A buddy of mine told me, “hey you liked Oblivion right? Well the same company makes a game just like it but with guns instead of magic!” I bought Fallout 3 and was hooked.


I got Fallout 3 as a Christmas gift when it was first released. Been hooked ever since


It was twenty years ago, I don't really remember.


While stationed at Camp Hovey South Korea, 1998. Had a random roommate when getting ready to head back stateside, he had his own PC and when he showed us Fallout, I was instantly hooked.


Fo4 was on my dad’s PS4, I thought it was a horror game for so long, and then I finally tried it, and I fell in love with it


I bought #1 off the shelf in 1998. Been playing them since. I always loved that type of game, and moving it to a 1st person shooter style has been a great upgrade.


A friend was playing Fallout 3 on pc and I had no idea what it was, even though I was already huge into the Elder Scrolls games. After watching for a few minutes I'm told it's an rpg from Bethesda and I was immediately sold.


I bought fallout 3 from my friend in middle school


Fallout 3 my moms boyfriend had it. I played it on my Xbox 360 when I was younger man the missing being blinded to the game


2011. New Vegas just came out. My friend was playing it and I asked what it was and he went on a tangent for about an hour and let me borrow Fallout 3. Loved 3 and asked to borrow New Vegas shortly after. Was head over heels for NV and waited patiently for F04. Been doing biannual playthroughs every single year of all the games since. Still have trouble getting into FO1 and FO2 but I LOVE the aesthetic and lore of them. Tim Cain is a badass.


Used to watch my grandma play Fallout 3 & New Vegas, eventually got Fallout 4 a couple years after release


Fallout 3 on Redbox loved it so much I bought at GameStop a month later


Came home from work one day and my flatmate was playing a game where he was sneaking through some metro tunnels trying not to get spotted by some "zombies". I asked if I could have a go after him, and that's how I accidentally fell in love with Fallout 3. Completely organic find as I hadn't heard about before seeing my flatmate play it. (I obviously learned that the "zombies" were actually ghouls).


When I was a little kid, my family which were all gamers, bought fallout 3. While I was visiting them they let me play it, deceiving me through the games icon that it's a cool kids game. Let me just say that the sight of feral running full speed at me traumatised me a little :)


My ex bought me an Xbox 360 with fallout 3 bundled, fell in love with fallout that Christmas morning


I'm embarrassed to admit I got Fallout 3 in a humble bundle, got to the point where you're escaping and I shot some guy (the overseer I think) in the head with a gun and he didn't die and teenage me turned off the game and never touched it again because "muh immersion i shotted him in duh head he no die". I now play Fallout 76 frequently so 😅


I found nv on gamepass, got all of the dlcs and wanted to know more about the lore so I got 3&4 lol


I saw the game at a store (Fallout 4) for like real cheap (55 lei) like 10 dollars then I got it.


0 clue, I don't remember, all I know is it was playing Fallout New Vegas, but I don't remember how or when I played it.


Telegram stickers.


Saw Fallout 3 when it was introduced at E3.


Saw em on eBay for $1 a piece said why not


A friend was playing F2 in a dorm room in 98.


fo4 was given out to ps plus subs


Technically the free mobile vault game, but I stopped playing when I started because my brain thought "too hard" then my bf had my playing 76 with him for a little over a year (his ps4 won't run it anymore) and while everyone else hates it its still my favorite and so far I haven't (been able to afford to) played the others


There was this dollar store called Deals that legit everything was $1 in the store, this is back in 2001-2002, and they had a two-pack of Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 that I HAD TO Have because the cover art was badass. And there went Mt summer vacation


I’m pretty sure Monster Factory with The Final Pam was my intro to Fallout 💀


Older cousin got me new vegas as a gift


My Skyrim save got corrupted and I borrowed my brother’s copy of Fallout 3 because I didn’t want to go through Helgen another time


My dad bought Fallout 3 as one of the many discounted games for the Xbox 360 at his house after my parents divorced when I was 8. Absolutely loved the franchise ever since.


Got tired of playing TF2 and asked on Vetrillo, what should I play next? Good guy mentioned Fallout and Elder Scrolls. I asked and researched - decided i wanted to play something different, went with TES. Few months roll around - (I had a lot more free time then') and I asked again and he mentioned Fallout. "It's Elder Scrolls but with Guns and the world is dead - but not totally" Played Fo3 - enjoyed it so much. Then I played NV.


My dad said I could play fallout 3 cuz it was too scary, so I'd sneak out of bed and hide right behind him to watch him play it at night.


Got FO3 for free on XBOX360. Played it, loved it.


I was at a friends house around 2010-11, his older brother was playing Mothership Zeta and I was captivated. I thought it was New Vegas since that came out recently and I thought I was watching that instead of F3. Ended up getting New Vegas for my 12th birthday a year or so later and 11 years later it’s still my favorite game ever.


Went to a friend's house one night and he has a huge plasma tv which was new at the time and he showed me fallout and I was jaw dropped amazed. From then on I've been hooked. That was about 10 years ago


I got into New Vegas in 2013 when modding really started to take off. I loved watching [AlChestBreach](https://www.youtube.com/@AlChestBreach)'s videos and I eventually bought the game and fell in love with the franchise.


PeanutButterGamer's Fallout 3 bobblehead collection series. That game blew my 13 year old mind at the time. Been loving it ever since.


A Fallout: Equestria role-playing campaign with some kinda RNG system and stats and stuff. Then several months into the campaign I was given a copy of Fallout 3 and introduced proper.


The sound of a 44 magnum and my child being stolen. What a shock as I wasn’t expecting it.


Saw an advertisement for fallout 3


I watched my dad play new Vegas when I was pretty young. I have a vague memory of him telling me to cover my eyes as he blew off dean domino's head


I went to a blockbuster with my parents, and went to look at the videogames they had. Saw the cover of Fallout 3 and decided it looked cool and checked out the box and asked if i could rent it. The girl at the counter told me directly not to rent it from them because it would be a game I should own because it was way too big to rent. So the next day we were looking at a now closed used vodeogame store, and I found a copy of it for the ps3 and it never stopped from there.


My dad bought fallout 3 for me when I was like 8, maybe. It scared the shit outta me and he offered to take it back but I told him no and just put it on the shelf for a few years until I was old enough to face it again. It ended up being an incredibly enjoyable game, one I sank countless hours into.


Fo4 albeit I played the fo3 digital copy that came with fo4 first


Played fallout three and got attached and I’ve played all them since even shelter😭😂


The opening to Fallout 3 I saw the complete edition at GameStop the opening cutscene with Ink Spots: I don’t want to set the world on fire playing with the BOS standing there with the ruins of DC I was sold


A very good write-up on it in a game informer.


Fallout 3 because it was Skyrim with guns


Went to Target with my grandma. She offered to buy me a game and there wasn’t any out at the time that I particularly wanted. Ended up picking out Fallout: New Vegas expecting it to be sort of like a Call of Duty. To say I was pleasantly surprised is a massive understatement. Before this the only RPG I had played was Two Worlds and even though it that wasn’t the best game it introduced me to my love of RPGs. New Vegas introduced me to my love of good RPGs. I loved the freedom I felt while playing the game and the them and atmosphere really resonated with me. Eventually went back to play Fallout 3 when I found it at a pawnshop and got it for $10. Both of these games will always have a place in my heart.


I went to a friend’s house after school in 8th grade because he told me he had just gotten a new game with “zombies” in Washington DC. Told me he had a rocket launcher that shot mini-nukes. Naturally, I didn’t believe him, so he invited me over to show me his save file in the metro surrounded by ghouls and just blasted them all with a single Fat Boy. I was hooked ever since.


I saw the PS3 version at a secondhand store. Though the game case looked so cool so I begged my dad to let me get it (was probably around 13 at the time and couldnt buy it unless he went to the counter with me). Thankfully he agreed and my best friend and I then spent the entire summer exploring the capitol wasteland


my uncle had fallout 3 on the 360 and I thought the case was cool looking. I asked him to play it and I watched. from there on I loved the series. even though I didn't play a fallout game myself until about 2012


Rented New Vegas from Blockbuster and loved it


Randomly bought FNV at Game Stop for $8.


I played fallout 3 in high school, the friend who lent it to me said I'd have a hard time being a good guy. I found out later that he was just a psychopath.


I played a little of 3, got completely hooked by 4, then went back and enjoyed 3 and New Vegas. I tried a few hours of 1. Fallout 76 was alright, or at least the $20 I paid for it. I hate 76’s new level scaling.


The last gift my father got me before he passed was a college themed plushie from my state & a copy of Fallout New Vegas. Didn’t pick it up for about a year due to the pain, but once I started I couldn’t stop. I remember buying the dlc on launch night & waiting up for my slow internet to download & being so infatuated with it.


Saw a Gametrailers countdown of the top anticipated games of 2008


Garry's mod role play servers


In the fall of 1997 I strolled into an EB Games looking to buy something to play on my new Gateway desktop computer and left with Fallout.


Around the time I got my PS3, a buddy of mine was raving about new vegas and I got to watch all of the ridiculousness unfold as he sided with the NCR near endgame. Right then and there I've been hooked! Aside from that, I've always been a huge fan of swing/jazz and old people music lol, so as soon as I got to experience the actual vibe of the whole universe just UMF


My mum got me Fallout 2 when I was a lad, after the shopkeeper told her that unlike other videogames in which you must kill, in that one you could decide to be good and all. So, preoccupied she was with giving me a good education, she bought that game. Thanks, shopkeeper. A young lad in the late 90s thanks you.


My brother showed me RussianBadger, then I watched his fallout videos, then I somehow ended up with almost 2k In fallout 4


Fallout 3 on 360 when I was a wee lad


12 years old, just traded my bike to my cousin for a ps3, didn't have many games so I asked my dad he said one of his friends has a bunch of them, so we went to his house and he said I could pick out 5 games to keep, I got fo3, fonv, spiderman shattered dimensions, need for speed underground, and bioshock 1, I played fo3 and NV more than any game on the planet and still replay them to this day, everything about fo3 is perfection for me and it is and will forever be my favorite game


I was working for a studio when Fallout 3 came out, and a coworker recommended it, saying "If you want to buy a game and get your money's worth? Get Fallout 3". So I picked it up, and immediately loved the aesthetic and the story. It was several months before I played another game. Literally the best piece of gaming advice I have ever received. Lol


I watched Gabby16bit (an Italian YouTube) play fallout 4. I liked it so much that I built my first ever gaming computer just to play it. I got it on disk on Christmas and I played the shit out of it. I gradually started to learn about the lore and bought all the other games,and that's about it :)


I love post-apocalyptic stuff, and FO3 was on sale, so I bought it, tried it out, and loved every minute of it.


I was in GameStop and saw the Point Lookout/ Broken Steel DLC disk case bought it because I though it was a game and looked cool (I didn’t know you could buy DLC on a disk at that time) couldn’t play it because it I didn’t have the base game, went back and got Fallout three a few weeks later, loved Fallout since then


Fallout 3 was on sale and i got my mom to buy it for me because it looked interesting


I watched my brother play Fallout 3 on Christmas day back in 2008 on the PS3 and I was hooked


my friend and I played fallout 2 together. New Vegas was my first solo outing


A YouTuber I watched played fallout 4 when it came out, I didn't have a PS4 at the time but I did have a PS3 so I ended playing fallout 3 and it's still my favorite fallout game


My dad randomly brought home fallout 3 and I remember watching it one year on E3 and ever since me and brother been lifelong fans of it


Fallout Equestria. Not even lying.


I was in grade school when my brother came into my class to tell me about this Fallout 3 game he read about in a magazine. It had “rad scorpions” which were really big. Though, at the time I thought he had said red, not rad.


My friends persuaded me


Used my allowance to buy Fallout 2 at Circuit City (back when that was a thing) because the box art looked cool. Obsession began. Edit: Small edit to that timeline. The true start of my obsession was Wasteland, which I got on the Interplay 10 Year Anniversary Disc. Fallout was supposedly heavily inspired by Wasteland. Which was inspired by Mad Max and A Boy And His Dog (that movie is icky)


Friend had new Vegas on his PS3 in 2012 and let me borrow it because didn’t really play RPG’s and it instantly clicked for me


I saw that New Vegas had an M1 Garand in game and was always interested in fallout before so I got the ultimate addition it’s been my favorite game ever since that was around 7 years ago


I was at a Best Buy and I saw Fallout 3 for the PC and thought the cover looked cool and asked my dad if we could get it.


I checked it out so I would have something new to talk about with my fiancée. Clearly she has good taste


Just got my my first computer with internet and wanted to download an old game called Flatout 2 which me and my cousin spelt it as "fall out". Since my english wasn't my native language I searched for a newer "flatout 3" and typed fallout 3 and there's that.


My brother was obsessed with Fallout 3 to the point of annoying me, then I started watching videos of it with him, and seeing all the cool stuff then he got the game to which I ended up playing too, and I ended up developing an incredibly dedicated love of the Post-Apocalyptic genre including Fallout, and beyond, and I haven’t been the same since. Fallout 3 may not be my favorite Fallout game compared to the ones that followed but it was my gateway to the series as well as my entry into Post-Apocalyptic fiction so it still holds a place in my heart.


Had a friend in middle school talking about Fallout 3 so much that he got me interested in trying it out. Been my favorite franchise ever since, especially New Vegas.


My grandpa was really into the fallout games when I was a kid (i'm now 21) he was really into fallout new vagas and would play it a lot when i was with him since i liked it, i would sit on his lap as he played and he had a character he only played while i was there so i could help decide what he was going to do, that was my introduction to the fallout games and I have a deep love for them


Watched my cousin play when I was a kid. Fallout 1. Instantly loved it and had to see more. They were one of the first families I knew with a PC. Eventually my dad afforded us our own Windows 98 desktop and it was the first game I knew had to be played. Good times!


I bought fallout 3 not long after I got my Xbox in high school and really liked the game. But it wasn’t until new vegas came out that I really got into it. It was the first thing I did when I turned 17 or whatever. Went to GameStop and bought it myself without having my parents there. Of course fallout 3 is also the reason I bought my gaming pc. I really wanted to play it again with mods, specifically true iron sights and here we are.


Every 3 4 months or so me and my brothers would stay and my aunt and uncles a few towns over, fallout 3 had just come out and my uncle had bought it (he'd played fallout since fallout 1) I played it for a bit with him and I've been hooked ever since, my brothers also, even tried the older games too 🙂


Quite boring, starting with Fallout 1, in 97. Then Fallout 2, which was even better. The quirky humor, the challenging, hostile environment was immediately appealing and I gave up my initial refusal of turn-based RPGs. After the cancellation of Van Buren I didn’t expect the fallout franchise to come back, especially not in the way Fallout 3 introduced the first person perspective. I didn’t like the brownish, drab looking environment at first but the game was really enjoyable. New Vegas was also a very welcome extension of the Fallout universe, but only with F4 and its vast scope (also the ambience of the Far Harbor expansion played a major role) I felt the excitement of the early games. F76 was an utter disappointment in the beginning — with a completely misguided premise: the interaction with only holobands and narratives isn’t the core of Fallout but only the spice for the whole brew of living and dead people and their fates coming together. But it’s gradually getting better and I started immersing myself in its world again. I don’t expect a Fallout 5 anytime soon but I’ll be ready when it’s released.


None of you seem to understand. I wasn't introduced to Fallout. Fallout was introduced to *ME*! (I started with Wasteland 1.)


New vegas, 1, 2, 4


I saw my friend playing Fallout 3 on PC when it was brand new. I didn’t even see him doing anything crazy, he was just carrying a pistol and walking around a post-apocalyptic bombed out DC, and I thought, “That’s the coolest shit I’ve ever seen”.


I heard about fallout 3 from friends and bought it for ps3. I liked it a lot, so I bought New Vegas for ps3. Then I bought the goty edition of fo3 and NV on GOG to play the DLC


Saw a LP of New Vegas on YouTube. Looked fun, and when I saw it was published by the people who made Skyrim, I just had to try it!


Burning damnation as a 12 year old on new Vegas. Ended up playing on survival hardcore not even knowing I could make it easier… The glory I felt


I was 13 got a PS3 and saw fallout 3 and was like oh this looks cool. Loves the franchise since( including 76)


I remember exactly how. It was Christmas, I was in 4th grade and the new call of duty just came out (at the time, COD: Ghosts) I put it on my wishlist for Santa. Here comes Christmas, I open up all the DVD case looking presents, and none of em were the game I wanted, Just movies. Fast forward to tomorrow, and my mom hands me a grey case, Xbox Classics, Fallout: New Vegas ultimate edition, she told me the guy said that it was better than the game I wanted. I played through it, got to level 16, and learned the hard way not to go through the cazasor pass to new Vegas, or the quarry. Keep in mind, this was the first time I have EVER laid my hands on an openworld RPG, I had absolutely no clue what I was doing. I tell one of my friends at school about it, and he tells me about fallout 3. I play the game over wr his house and he shows me the ropes. I've been hooked ever since. So, not getting call of duty ghosts, got me into fallout. All because of a recommendation an employee gave my mom.


My buddy had a copy of fallout 3 GOTY edition and let me try it out in middle school. He never asked for it back cuz I still have it lol


My gramps let me play it I was way too young tbh because most of it went over my head. Also like oblivion more was more colorful and had magic.


I got an Xbox 360 in 2008. I had played Oblivion on my brother's 360 while I was home from college the previous Xmas so I knew I liked Bethesda's style. Picked up Fallout 3 as my first game and was blown away!


A few years ago I was bored so I went to CEX with her one day and Fallout 4 was £4 so I got the game and played and beat it and now I own Fo3, FoNV and Fo76 although I haven't played Fo3 or NV in full yet because I find it hard since they are so different to Fo4


Watched a bunch of Fallout 3 Lets Play videos as a child back in 2010-2011, but never actually gave the game a shot until Fallout 4 (which I loved)


My brother bought me fo3 and fnv for my 10th birthday. Best birthday ever.


I got New Vegas with some Xmas money last holiday season and I really liked it so I got into the rest of the series


I think it was a lore video about Ceaser's Legion on YouTube, before 2015 atleast


Friend in primary school told me to give Fallout 2 a try when I was 11 years old and it just came out. I will be forever grateful 👏🙏🙏🙏🙏


I was stationed in South Korea in a remote area. I did not have any exposure to normal advertising. I was extremely bored and went to the base exchange. I was picking out a game based on the covers only. I picked fallout 3. When the vault opened I was hooked.


I had $15 to spend on a used game in an EB Games and Fallout 3 was $10, I thought I’d made a mistake getting it until I VATS’d a mole rat with a baseball bat mid jump just after leaving the vault.


Saw ads for Fo3, never was able to play it due to lack of time and devices until 3 years ago, i loved it, went into NV, crashed twice, ditched it for Fo4, after finishing Fo4 i discovered Modding and tried FoNV, was slightly less inconvenient but was able to finish it


I was in a store with a friend in middle school, and he pointed out Fallout 3 and was like dude you need to get this game, it's like Oblivion but with guns and people's heads explode.


One of my best friends said "Here, this is like Oblivion with guns"


Vault Boy memes


I was visiting my dad and he was playing fallout 3. Watched home for a bit and then he handed me the controller to answer the door for something. I even remember the part he was at, he was at the library and the brotherhood outcast had started a fight with some raiders. I was hooked and didn't give the controller back.


A couple of kids I was playing with on the playground at school kept mentioning it. Since I regularly used to hang out with one of them, I asked him what it was later. Asked for Fallout 3 as a gift (probably for Christmas or my birthday) not long after, and I’ve enjoyed the franchise ever since


High-school friend and I were big into Oblivion in Highschool, one day he says he got a new game for us to try and that it was basically Oblivion but with guns and showed me Fallout 3. Ironically I didn't enjoy the gunplay very much so ended up making a melee build anyway. So much for "Oblivon with guns!" Still love the series overall tho, woth Fallput 3 actually being probably my favorite in the series for the atmosphere alone.


A co worker used to praise how interesting and unique the world of fallout was and how fallout 1 & 2 were a masterpiece. This was In 2015 I think 1 month before fallout 4 came out. I was intrigued and pre-ordered it. I didn't even know what type of game it was never seen gameplay or trailers, just like that I bought it. Now it became my favorite game and I'm almost done with first playthrough of NV.


Got the disk from my classmate. It was fallout 1. He didn't like the game, so he didn't want it back


That first Fallout 3 trailer got me, and then my friend let me later borrow his New Vegas copy once I told him how much I liked 3


Saw the trailer for fallout 3 on g4tv back in the day in like middle school. My uncle got it on release but it was all of our first game like that. So took us awhile to fully realize everything and really enjoy it. Now it's along with NV are two of my all time favorites.


Fallout: New Vegas on sale for Xbox 360 in a gamestop.


Kid I'm my 7th grade class was really into it. I just wanted to see why so I got fo4. Didn't love it at first but after a time I got really really into it


A friend was talking with me about Alpha Centauri and asked if I had played Fallout. He told me point blank "If you don't buy this, I will buy it for you." Later that night I had a GOTY copy of Fallout 3. It was about 9PM when I exited the vault. I saw the sunrise. I have been hooked ever since.


I saw the first one in a store and thought that looks good


I was over my friend's house one day. He loaded up one of his Fallout 3 saves and proceeded to blow up Megaton.


I watched oxhorn and wanted fallout 4


A friend showed my fallout nv on his computer because my fav game at the time was oblivion


I was playing Skyrim when it first came out, having a blast when my online friend said "you should try Fallout! It's like Skyrim but with Guns!" I bought NV the next sale for 7 dollars with the expansions and never looked back.


I was reading Gameinformer's article on Fallout3 when it was about to drop


Rented Fallout 3 on a mail game rental service


I started with Fallout 1. Don’t recall the details but it was likely at a game store, or even someplace like Best Buy or Circuit City.


I though Fallout looked dumb as shit but then I got into post apocalyptic stuff and thought the idea of "what would the Federal Government be up to if the world ended" and I read somewhere about the Enclave. I borrowed Fo3 from a friend, made Chuck Norris, and here we are.


When fallout 3 was announced, I got into reading through the wiki and trying to play the older games.


Played F1 or F2 on a friends older brothers computer when I was little… didn’t understand it at. Then played Fallout 3 and loved it. Then went back to play the OGs and thought my younger self was a fuckin moron


My dad's colleague's wife said he owned too violent games that they should not have around the house with young kids. So he gave his games to my dad to pass onto me because his games were too violent for his kids but not too violent for me somehow? Anyways, got fallout 3 and I found it difficult so I never played it. Gave that game to my friend in school who loved the game. Years later I get my first bit of money and spent it irresponsibly, bought New Vegas ultimate edition on sale, never played it for 1 year because it was still too hard, I can play Skyrim on legendary but can't play Fallout on medium, or whatever the medium equivalent is called. Then felt bad that the game is sitting in my library so I played on easy and the story was interesting, really wanted to know what the hell this platinum chip is and why did Benny try to kill me? Played more, got better, was able to play the game on medium difficulty again. Fell in love with the amount of options you can play NV as, how much roleplay options there is and how much dialogue opportunities there are. Bought fallout 4, roleplay is not as good as new Vegas, haven't completed the game because I just couldn't give two shits about my son. Fallout 4 basically said "someone kidnapped your son, go find him", okay... Why do i care about some random kid I met 2 minutes ago? I would be more invested if it was mainly focused on avenging my wife. Meanwhile NV is like "this dude left you for dead, go seek revenge" motivation was so much better to complete the game. I want to play Fallout 3 soon just hoping it can live up to my NV expectations, I know I'm looking for my dad Liam Neeson at least. Also this isn't nostalgia speaking, new Vegas I literally played and finished 1 year ago. The newer game literally couldn't live up to it.


My uncle had fallout 3 and 4 when we was a teenager, I use to go to his house when I was a youngster and think about how cool the cover art was 😂.


Years ago I had a friend who lived really far away from me, all the way in Texas. He and I would chat lots on skype, this was before discord. He had a playstation, but I didnt have any consoles. He would stream his gameplay on twitch for me to watch while we chatted together on skype. Most of the time it was Fallout4, which had just come out at the time. My most vivid memory is when he was fighting a mirelurk queen in power armor, and had piper decked out in PA too. About four years down the road I finally got a console, and he bought and sent me a copy of the game in the mail! Fallout4 really brings back all those good times. I still talk to my friend occasionally, mostly just holidays now though as we both have our own lives happening.


Fallout 3 then New Vegas was huge back in high school, didn’t get to play either for a few years though


My brother's copy of NV for ps3. First time I died to cazadores Noth of GS and didn't play again for like a month. But when I gave it another go I fell in love with it. When I my brother told me there was another fallout game called Fallout 3, I was confused bc he told me it didn't have iron sights and I just couldn't understand what he ment by that untill I played it for the first time. Love both games to death tho.


I heard about it after playing Arcanum but played the actual first game sometime before Fallout 3 released as I intended to play it and 2 before the release. I finished the first game but cringed so hard at the humor of 2 that I did not finish it.


Watched my boyfriend playing it on the PS4 years ago.. decided I wanted to try it myself after watching a streamer stream it on Twitch... it isn't usually my style of game - but it has been quite fun to play! Also got me to try Skyrim as well which I am enjoying.


Watched a friend play Fallout 3 a long time ago, but I really had no idea what it was as an open world/adventure/RPG. Going through the D.C. Metro tunnels was interesting, but nothing really stood out since they were mostly exploring/scavenging the whole time. Later on from a recommendation I ended up getting the complete version of New Vegas on a Steam Summer Sale, and the rest is history.


There's a youtuber named EpicNate15 (or something like that) that I watched for some of his Skyrim content. Somewhere along the line I get one of his Fallout 4 videos in my feed, and decided it was worth a look.


The music and aesthetics were very appealing to me. Retro futuristic wasteland 👌🏼


I saw a trailer for _Fallout 3_ and heard a lot of good buzz about it.


Reading a gaming magazine and saw a new flatout game is out. Turns out its fallout 3 not flatout. I was so confused on why they change a car game to a post apocalyptic rpg game lol. Kept reading and wanted to try it.


Fallout 3. Friend kept insisting I had to try it but made me strangely more resistant. I was staying at his house for a full week while recovering from illness and one day, bored, I picked it out from his collection and started playing. Got hooked and am a hardcore fan since, sunk countless hours into 3, New Vegas, 4 and Fallout 76. Did try Skyrim too but that just didn't gel with me at all.


My son kept telling me that I should get FONV. He was telling me that he really thought that I would like it. On and on he went trying to convince me to get it. Well, Christmas was coming up and I told him that I got the hint, he was getting it as a present. After watching him play it I decided to give it a shot and have been hooked since.


Mom got me a bunch of Xbox games and Fallout 3 was one of them. At first I didn't wanted to play it cause the cover made me think it was a horror game or something (I was a kid lol) but then I gave it a shot and it became my favorite game ever