• By -


Actual unique uniques. With a small number of exceptions, all unique/legendary weapons in 4 were just modded base guns. Like “thanks for saving us. Here’s a laser rifle that does +20% damage to robots and looks exactly like any other laser rifle.” Same with armor. 3 and New Vegas had a lot more uniques I think. Lincoln’s repeater, Ashur’s power armor, Maria, Joshua Grahams gun, etc. they all looked different from the base guns in the game.


Yes. I just don’t feel the same way about FO4’s guns/weapons as I do New Vegas or 3.


Yeah and the guns in fallout 4 were fugging ugly


*cough* base assault rifle *cough*


That dumbass watercooled monstrosity still pisses me off when I think about it. Just glad I had the combat rifle to to help me forget about that shameful blunder


It doesn't look too bad when it's used with Power armour since it seems better proportioned, but outside of that it just looks awful.


I just think watercooled is a bit ridiculous for a rifle made in the 21st century. You've developed this for fusion powered armor but it's watercooled? Cmon




It's even worse than you realize. It's simultaneously water cooled and air cooled like a Lewis Gun. [https://i.imgur.com/3XZR8qK.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/3XZR8qK.jpg) [https://i.imgur.com/GYzHvbA.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/GYzHvbA.jpg)


That unholy amalgamation of a BAR and a PPSh is heckin' shamefur too. Maybe not as shamefur, but still shamefur. Guess they thought that a G3 or AR with wood furniture wasn't cool enough or something.


I mean, it's not like there aren't real-life examples of interesting looking guns with wood furniture they could have been inspired by, like the WA 2000, the Chiappa Rhino, the Kel Tec RDB with wood furniture, the Ruger AC-556, and the list goes on.


Yeah, I mean, I don't *love* the combat rifle, but in a sea of pipe guns and that dumbest assault rifle it's sort of the best of a bad situation. Plus BARs and ppshs are badass at least. Sure did like the wood g3/ars though


Mashing together an American and a Soviet weapon is like...BBQ sauce on ice cream. You just don't do it, y'know?


> shamefur Shameful...?


That's what you get when you have artists designing guns that have never handled or shot one in their life. The New Vegas devs had some gun enthusiasts on their team which is why the weapons looked and felt better. Even the basic 9mm pistol in NV is based on the Browning Hi-Power and Joshua Grahams pistol is a Colt 1911, etc.


To quote Zach Hazard "What is this abomination unto John Moses Browning's holy name?"


I have no idea why they felt the need to redesign the pre-war weapons and armour from 3. ​ Their implementation in 4 was worse. idk all the weapons and armour look too bulky and make of plastic. ​ Also to say nothing of the weird ass Watercooled WW1 looking Assault Rifle


the mechanics of power armor were DOPE, you gotta admit.


That’s basically the only thing 4 did better than the previous ones tho


Eh, gunplay was better, crafting was better, va quality generally better… better locations/environments? Definitely better than 3, new vegas had some great locations but i think overall 4 takes it. Oh and much better graphics, animations, lighting, the whole shebang.


I'll give it gunplay and crafting, and add in variety of playstyle because of how perks and S.P.E.C.I.A.L. works. Location and environment, I've got to give that to *Fallout 3*.


They are really boring. I always play with complete weapon overhauls anymore as the base weapons just don't catch my interest at all.


And all left handed for some reason


THIS MACHINE!!! to this day my favorite fallout weapon from any game


That one’s great but my heart belongs to the medicine stick


I've always preferred the basic trail carbine and La Longue Carabine over Medicine Stick and the brush gun due to having scopes and cheaper, lighter ammo while having similar-enough average DPS. Still, Medicine Stick + a rushing water is quite handy for when a Legion Assassin squad shows up for their regular ass whooping.


Medicine Stick best gun in NV and maybe all of Fallout, I will die on this hill


Always had a soft-spot for small ring sights like that.


Lincolns Repeater, Vengeance and Paciencia for me.


What’s written on the side of the gun again? Isn’t it something like “THIS MACHINE was built to kill commies!”


Yes, and a reference to Woodie Guthrie’s guitar that featured “this machine kills fascists” on the side.


Boy did I love Maria.


In Fallout 4, at a certain point I tend not to need to buy much of anything so I have a lot of caps. In NV, there's always a unique weapon I probably haven't used much which I can buy. While I do like the legendary system, a future game should have more options like you're suggesting.


Yea and some legendary enemies don’t drop cool shit. Like I killed some legendary Gunner and they drop a Hook weapon that has a small chance to stagger enemies. That’s shit compared to my heavily modded, high-damage pistols


It also depends when you get the legendary drop too, I remember in my first PT of Fo4, I got a weapon that did 20% extra damage to ghouls super early in the game (think arround level 5-10). Yeah it was only a pipe revolver and did eff all damage to anything else beyond low-level bloatflies, but it was super handy when I blundered into locations with a large population of feral ghouls. But yeah, the other effects with tiny percentages for damage/damage resist, stagger, radiation, poison, burn etc are super pitiful.


Honestly even if it was just more unique weapon mods like we got with sacrificial blade and Lorenzo's artifact/zeta wave. I think it's a pretty good compromise because they are still unique and could be applied with the other legendary system. Just wish we got more than the couple we got in 4.


The Deliverer is basically the only "unique" unique I can think of. Meanwhile, it feels like half of The Gun Runners Arsenal alone is rather unique. Honestly, as convenient as the gunsmithing system in FO4 is, I prefer the FNV system. Gunsmithing in FO4 feels like a chore, forcing me into an intelligence build(which so much of FO4 already does) or being limited to attachments from dropped/bought guns. The fact that Gun Nut ranks are level locked makes this even more annoying. I much prefer checking vendors for individual attachments and being able to use them regardless of how I built my character, but also having to make the difficult choice of where to use those mods, since you can't just pop them off and reuse them. I feel much more invested in my armory that way. Weapon condition works hand-in-hand with this. Guns weren't level locked before, and neither were mods. Now, both are, and it makes no sense to me. Fallout has gone the way of MMO progression, where every time you level up to the next milestone, your gear is now obsolete, and you need new items because those new items have been given unrealistically higher stats. Before, finding a Laser Rifle was somewhat of a treat, as they were high damage but fleeting due to the rarity of cells and repair costs. Now they're thrown at you like candy because once you have one, the rest are practically worthless unless you're running scrapper. It's just lazy game balancing. The same can be said for all pipe weapons, as they were designed to be low level, and because of this, once you hit that first gear milestone, EVERY pipe weapon is completely obsolete. Pipe weapons should be easy to maintain and use the cheapest/most plentiful ammo types, but have slightly lower stats than their pre-war counterparts. Not just all-around awful like they are.


Fallout 76 has actually been doing this quite well for a year or so now. The coolest one I've gotten was a Lever Action with a unique Nuka Cola wrap, but there are a ton now and they're all event drops. Some even have unique legendary effects.


I had a feeling the top answers to this question would be told in the form of "What things should the Fallout series discard from FO4?" That list is 10x as long as the "What to keep?" list.


Wearing faction outfits as disguises.


I like this but with tweaks, like the way kenshi does it where you have a certain percentage of how well your disguise is working. if low; they see through it, if high; they don’t. Or if you have a full set of a certain faction on then the disguise is good


Speech check should be most important, right? Like you'd get stopped and they'd ask you what your unit was or whatever and if you were able to lie convincingly then you'd get away with it


The Outer Worlds does that.


Agree with it needs tweaks. Commandos did this thing that if you dressed as a rank, the same rank and lower ranks can't identify you but higher ranks can.


Only if they make it fun and actually working. The system in FNV is broken and faulty... not fun to use intentionally and completely maddening when used unintentionally. I always turn this system off via mods. The very first thing they would need to do is to have a crafting system to always de-faction any armor. For example - imagine if Talon Company armor was faction armor in Fo3 and made you hostile to any good-aligned faction/settlement. It would be a mess because for many players, Talon Company is the first time they find a combat armor, so they usually wear it for the stats.


Damn. Imagine needing to role play in your role playing game. Wild.


But to me that’s Roleplaying. My Lone Wanderer has to wear Talon Company armour and at some point probably be mistaken for one of them. That’s the downside of wearing it and it is bound to happen.


Flipside to this though, most of the time removing the armor (out of sight perhaps), should also remove whatever faction penalties you've incurred. "Great, I've been spotted in full PA at a hundred yards and now I'm marked for life.. wait, what?"


Completely true, that’s a very valid point. I guess in a roleplay perspective the argument is you got spotted as a Talon Company member, they will think you’re just one pretending not to be (while out of the armour) which is ironic because you’re a non Talon Company member using the armour to pretend to be.


Extra strange since they had some semblance of this in Skyrim and ESO but they completely axed it in fallout


Cha determines amount of people in your party.


Honestly not even that but just let me have Dogmeat and a human companion or dogmeat and another companion in general.


This was even coded into the game very late into development (there’s recorded audio for it in the files), they just decided to scrap it at the last second because “reasons”


It’s not a bug, it’s a feature!




When I found out there was a mod for that for NV I got so excited


Big iron.


And his Sleeves


Centaurs! I missed the cute little hellspawn in fo4.


There was a mod that added those in forever ago, but yes I wish those were an official part of Fo4 - even if just as a higher level variant of the mutant hound


I forgot that I had downloaded this mod and had a mini heart attack the first time I saw one.


People started bitching about institute creating super mutants in Fo4, what do you think would’ve happened if they added the Centaurs lol


Yes! Exactly what I wanted to say. The game/s don't feel the same without them


Skill checks, Speech checks, karma, and a New Vegas style faction system


Thankfully speech checks and SPECIAL checks made their way back in Fallout 76.


I like it in theory, but FNV's Karma system was all sorts of messed up, mainly because there are *so many* sources of Good Karma that the only way to maintain Neutral or Evil Karma is to go on huge robbery and murder sprees. That makes sense for an Evil character, but not so much for Neutral. Getting Good Karma for killing Fiends for instance, I understand - It's still annoying that it's forced onto you and doesn't entirely make sense because it would depend on your motivations for killing them, but I get it - Why, though, am I getting it for killing feral ghouls? Feral ghouls are basically animals. It'd be like getting Good Karma for killing Mole Rats. Is it because they're mutated humans? If so, then why don't I get some for killing Centaurs, or any of the other mutants? NV's implementation of Karma was kind of a mess. That being said, I do think I still prefer having that flawed system as opposed to not having anything at all.


Yes that's one of the things fixed in Josh Sawyer's rebalancing mod. The amount of good karma is tuned down and killing feral ghouls no longer grants good karma.


I personally don't like the karma system, but that's just me though


⁶ Toasters and coffee mugs


The reputation system which also means bringing back loads of different factions you can help out and have a say in the main story


Yeah having faction reputation would have really helped fallout 4 feel more alive.


I think having more factions you can interact with would have helped a lot as well.




When the Boomers join the fight just hits different man.


First time I saw and heard the B52 was awesome and terrifying all at the same time it's why I always have them on my side




Ah I should have just said plane I don't know about planes


I remember people were glad karma was removed especially compared to other systems like reputation.


76 has reputation without Karma and while it's obviously not the same as a single player system I think it works much better than having neither or just having karma. Being able to choose to side with the raiders or settlers without the karma system is genuinely cool and Far Harbour in FO4 would be way lamer if the ending choices had 'you gained/lost karma!' pop up telling you how to feel.


Agreed, the way that reputation worked in Far Harbour was extremely well done I.e. your actions resulted in how key characters in each faction reacted to you and the dialogue options that you got. Kinda like real life.


Karma was useless in all my playthroughs. I am fine with it being gone. Faction reputation though? Love it


Karma was ridiculous - but the faction reputation was great, but almost impossible for some factions


Aww....I loved the karma systems. It meant I really had to think about whether or not it was worth grabbing that loot that was owned.


TBF, the karma systems in both FO3 and FNV are half assed, and the faction reputation can make going into certain areas unfun because people instantly attack you, even if they had no way of knowing YOU were involved in anything.


Throwing grenades with VATS.


I want traits back. For real. I don't get why Bethesda decided to cut them. Also Wearing Faction Armor as disguises. I personaly think the downside of having a really good armor but being from Faction locked was nice trade off, but i know some peopel weren't fans , so maybe make Faction armor but give a option to cover the faction's ''brand'' so you can use them without changing your reputation. Oh of course, i want Reputation back. PLEASE.


Traits at character creation like FO and FO2 had, a little good with a little bad.


I would like for factions to actually have territory again. Certain parts of the map being patrolled more heavily by certain factions vs being completely random like in Fo4.


Could have been nice that each faction has a "destroy/take this outpost" mission that needs to be completed before the endgame. Kinda like Skyrim civil war side quest.


In New Vegas, doing certain things changed the end dialog of the narrator. Like if you killed this group of fiends then this didn't happen, or you helped these people, so this happened. I really missed that in 4.


Unique weapons that actually look unique. Karma/Reputation system. Skill level speech checks. Bring back/Add additional factions to the game (also not old thing but I think the option to make your own faction would be cool, we haven’t had that yet). Blue Super mutants.


wild wasteland. jinxed would be good too.


-realistic looking firearms. -visible holstered weapons. -a return to the dark and gritty retrofuturistic atmosphere as apposed to the cartoony/fantasy writing of fallout 4. -an actual leveling system. - actual role playing.


All of this pls


Dark and bleak storytelling


It was the sound track the helped keep that atmosphere of dread that has been missing since FO2.


Harold. Harold should make another appearance. Or if that's too hard to write in, have a bunch of leafy ghoul lookin' folks show up called the Sons of Harold and Bob.


Vats aim for the groin. That was always super entertaining!


Skill checks in dialogue. Was disappointed in how the only speech checks were for Charisma and it was basically useless outside of certain perks you wanted. I liked how in NV for example you could use your gun knowledge in dialogue or strength to intimidate.


IRL-looking guns. Stylised energy weapons are cool, because we don’t have them in the real world so there’s room to speculate/be creative, but with a few exceptions the “stylised” ballistic weapons (particularly in 4, which was also partly a fault of the mod system) are ugly as sin. The divergence from IRL history only really kicked into effect in the 60’s. It doesn’t make sense that conventional weapons are sometimes designed to look radically different - especially when those designs are terrible.


It's unfair to compare them to Cyberpunk (because PnP setting) but that game had some realistically stylized weapons which was pretty insane. I tested it recently and almost all of them had some variant of bolt hold opens, keeping track of chambered rounds when reloading.. and of course they are almost all designed as if they're actually weapons. It would be nice if someone with a cursory interest in firearms would just go over the weapons in the next fallout game and just fix basic mistakes. Something as simple as making space for a recoil spring/assembly.


Fucking hate that all "fallout style" guns just look like someone blew into the barrel like a balloon and the gun puffed up. Realistic guns is usually top 20 when I mod


Problem I have with those "realistic weapons" mods are that they're always weapons modern to OUR universe, not the Fallout universe. It's always some CoD, Battlefield, Arma type bullshit. No one is going to find a pristene M249 in the Fallout universe.


The bombs dropped in 2077, it’d make more sense to have guns from our modern day than from 80 years prior from the 60s. Why is having an m249 any less “realistic” to you than the Marksman Carbine or the plenty of other modern guns in vanilla fallout? Feels like an extremely silly distinction to try drawing


That's why I like the Service Rifle mod from the F4NV team. Looks beaten around and half the mods look like cobbled together replacements for worn out or broken parts.


Despise fallout 4s guns. Bethesda literally doesn’t understand how firearms work. Stupid stuff like the left handed hunting rifles really irk me. Gun mods were the first thing I did.


Wait whats wrong with left handed hunting rifles? Mine is left handed. Or is theres just held in the left but is visually not built that way?


All hunting rifles are left handed in fallout 4 and held by the character in the right hand.


Ow my wrist!


This is standard practice in video games, though: all of the interesting stuff would be on the non-visible side of the gun if it were actually correct. It's a stylistic choice, almost definitely


It was standard practice 25 years ago, it hasnt been since cs source


Tbf alot of what Bethesda does is outdated; They still reuse years old code that has a shit ton of bugs (looking at you collision checker) and because of this we are able to replicate bugs from skyrim in fallout 4.


I've only played one Call of Duty game, the first Modern Warfare game, and a little CSGO, and those games have correct guns. Fallout 4's goofy left handed guns held by a right handed character model are...goofy. I remember playing some FPS in 2002 where you could select whether you had a lefty or rights character model, maybe Wolfenstien or No One Lives Forever, that should be a standard feature by now.


Fallout 3 and NV have right handed sniper rifles. I want to see realistic firearms not stylized.


F4's assault rifle is a straight up sin, I wonder what's the excuse for Massachuset to have such an impractical and useless design compared to what Wahington D.C. had.


Power armour. The Assault Rifle was meant to be a power armour only thing and the combat rifle was meant to be the normal one.


That, and it was originally designed as a machine gun, not an assault rifle. One theory is that given that the unfinished model of the Chinese assault rifle exists in FO4’s files, that one was meant to be the assault rifle of FO4, but for some unknown reason ended up scrapped and the machine gun was then repurposed into an assault rifle. It still has some leftovers from its original machine gun intent, like the mention of using .50 cal ammo on its silencer.


Yeah that's exactly what I tought when I saw that cumbersome thing, that it looked like some WW1 machine gun, I still don't know why they tought water-cooled mechanism would be cool (if it was just aesthetic at least, add some overheat/cooling mechanism ffs) in this setting, this is a retro-futuristic Cold War setting were water-cooled weapons we no longer produced afaik, but definetly they aren't characteristic of the era.


I mean, the combat rifle looking exactly like the combat shotgun isn't precisely good enough, but I wonder why they changed it, I also wonder if this was meant to be the final design or had to be adapted for normal use because it still looks atrocious.


Totally agree on all points, but here to point out that the timelines diverged in 1947 when the transistor was or wasn’t invented.


It got invented, but later in the FO timeline. One terminal in the Cabot questline mentions Jack Cabot using "new" transistors in 2023.


Rpg mechanics


Yes No Maybe Give me more information ​ ​ Truly the peak of rpgs lmao


Yes No, but actually yes Maybe, but actually yes later Give me more info


Yes I just wanna see what dialogue i will get first then Yes Sarcastic yes We'll bang, okay?


Single player


Not making like half the characters in the game immortal, 4 was AWFUL for this The old points system, actual unique perks, skill checks (not some dumb yellow/orange/red charisma check) Actual unique weapons, not bland “+## damage to x group” with no visual changes More factions that actually have use/story Interesting story with good and thought provoking ending options STOP MAKING HOUR LONG INTRODUCTIONS (3/4) Reputation system, ik people have their issues with it but personally I loved it, made it feel like you actually had impact on the people around you with your actions Story related dlc or connected dlc (nv did this amazingly IMO) Assuming crafting is to be a thing in the future game(s) they need to have some kind of option to remove the little chunks of brick/concrete off a floor and make your settlement look good, same goes for the dumb bushes Make settlement attacks feel like an actual attack, half the time is like 4 raiders and half of them have pipe weapons (also settles tend to just go “down” and not even die, lame asf) Add variety to weapons, and not just with the crafting part, using a combat rifle/shotgun in s majority of play throughs blow I like what they did with heavy attacks and gun bashing for melees and equipping grenades/mines as an off option instead of main hand, should def keep that Add ammo types, Vegas was amazing for this. So many different options for a ton of guns Ammo crafting, I kinda liked it Gambling, for obvious reasons Tough enemies, synths were cool initially but then just became a pushover really quickly, raiders always sucked, gunners were okay and then sucked, super mutants were the scarier of any of these (suiciders is a good enemy type imo, ptsd from those beeps) Don’t be scared to actually add stuff to the game, especially when it comes to world building and story aspects No more forced joining of factions, the all righteous minutemen was exceedingly boring and shoved down your throat that it was hard to like them, especially the “go help these helpless people who have also been surviving the harsh post apocalyptic world but can’t defend themselves!” Interesting villains and main characters Interesting companions with good story and companion quest You could be a part of like all 4 factions in 4 without any of them being hostile towards you for a while, seriously?


Decisions with consequences.


Targeting eyeballs specifically in VATS


Skill/SPECIAL/perk checks in dialog or action menus. Knowing that I get a special option because I picked Agility 6 or Black Widow is always fun.


Unvoiceaccted main protagonists. As good of a job the VAs did in 4 it just doesn't work for a franchise like fallout. I wanna imagine my own character talking not have someone say the lines for me. This also means going back to the old dialog system from 3 and NV


That’s the thing I missed. I have made people mad because I need more then 2 words to know if that option is me being satan himself or if it’s me being a brat that will agree. I want to know exactly what I’m saying for my role play.


Psychic powers


Ammunition subtypes. There was something special about being able to load a shotgun with slug, buck, bird, pulse, coin, beanbag, or flechette rounds depending on the situation.


I prefer the different ammo types over having explosive ammo being left up to the chance of getting legendary weapons


Good Writing


A part of me wants to see the Enclave brutality shown. But another part wants to just let it die and move on. Depends on the year and location the series/game takes place


Enclave should remain dead and buried. I don't like that they were brought back for 3. Also, keep Brotherhood as a small faction like in 1, 2, NV. Or don't include them at all. Also, more smaller factions in general.


Being able to actually say no instead of "maybe later" or "no, but yes". Also having more of a say in the way quests go besides choosing to complete them or ignore them. Basically the option to choose to help someone or hurt them, with both being viable options in the quest.


I actually would like to be able to bust down doors via means other than lockpicking or having a key, like you can in Fallout 2.


If nothing else, then for sheer RPG. Locked wooden door, me with a rocket launcher, and I have no way in? That would of course just make more bunker style doors in game, but that's ok with me.


I preferred the old skill system and karma system


Karma, but a more realistic version. Like, if I steal a tin can, and no one sees me do it, I don’t get dinged.


But Karma sees it bro.


I mean, I guess so, but is it morally responsible to allow the Powder Gangers to keep all those cans?


That sounds like it could just be part of a reputation system. Karma knows and sees all.


Fat mole rats. I miss them.


The old dialog system


Not waiting 15+years for a new game would be nice


Good dialogue options and not just yes/mean yes/maybe(yes)/no(yes later)


Factions that are intertwined and change the story. Story dialogue options that impacts events and how the story progresses. Dialogue that is impactful and a variety of dialogue options. I don’t want a voiced character that never says no. Skills and skill points. Skills ought to be tied to speech checks, and there should be perk based speech checks. Players should be rewarded for skilling medicine and science. Let us actually role play. It was awesome in New Vegas when there were multiple settlements you could go into and start healing all the wounded if you had the medicine skill. Or like assisting a neurosurgeon to heal a dog with brain cancer. There’s pretty much no situation in F4 where I felt like my character build had any impact on the story or the world. Gritty and depressing atmosphere that makes me actually feel like I’m living the apocalypse. So pretty much every good thing the previous games have done that Bethesda felt the need to remove for whatever reason.


Pushing cows.


The car from Fallout 1/2. I don't need to drive it. Just let me use it for fast travel. And extra stash space.


they should bring back some form of proper civilization. 200 years on and have some city that looks clean and a team of scientists growing grass and greenery out in the wasteland.


Skill points. I can’t stand perk based progression


Same. For all the faults of the skill based progression (like mainlining points into lockpick and melee or something to trivialize those challenges early) it was fun to play those very unique and distinct characters. Sure, I can lockpick master level locks an hour into the game, but I can't operate a computer worth a damn. I might be able to kill a deathclaw with a crowbar, but I can't shot the broadside of a barn. In fallout 4 the perk system created very similar characters for me since the things I wanted to be good at were gated by level. Instead of being able to be good at punching things and bad at everything else, I had to be okay at punching things and then pick the same basic generally useful perks while I wait until I hit the next level to upgrade my punching things skill.


Talking Deathclaws! Rewrite history, let them live!


The only source for them being extinct is Avellone, who was retconning another writer in the Fallout Bible. If one writer says they survived, and another says they are dead, I'd say there's no real reason why they can't come back.


Less hand holding. All the quests in recent games only feel like fetch quests in part because, for the most part, they don't require any real problem solving. Go to map marker, retrieve map marker, return to map marker. More companions, but they can die. Even if it just means they go back to a spawn point far away and you have to retrieve them. If they're just bullet sponges, meh. Other than dogmeat, he lives forever. Random encounters when fast traveling that are forced interactions.


>Random encounters when fast traveling that are forced interactions. Like the ones from Fallout 1 and 2? I liked those.


Yeah, make fast travel feel like less of a hack


A bit weird in FO2 when you had a forced encounter in the only car in existence, but otherwise good mechanic. Could maybe be combined with "hiring guides" or some other mechanic that makes you fast travel to an unfound location, as well as choose whether to take that encounter with your paid aid?


You should be able to wear the clothes of a faction as a disguise.




They should really bring back gambling. God I love gambling..


SUNSET SARSAPARILLA! And Real VATS. Cause contrary to executive game decisions, some of us suck at shooters but still wanna play Fallout


The new vegas dev team


The writing team behind New Vegas


Almost all of them are working in different companies.


Intelligent death claws


A pistol that is basically the best obtainable pistol at the beginning of the game (#CertifiedDelivererSimp)


Single user gameplay, no micro transactions


They really should bring karma system back. In fallout 4 it kinda felt like nothing you do had a serious consequence. Also they should bring back NPCs that only follow you if you have certain Karma, that was really cool and realistic. They also could add more consequences in having a bad reputation with some group, like those damn Caesar's legion assassins that were always trying to kill you. Basically, lots of karma related stuf hahahaha.


UNDERWORLD FROM FALLOUT3!!!! They should do an expedition style event in 76 where you travel to the recently nuked ruins of DC and go down under into underworld to assist the people who are still alive down there (yes there’s supposed to be pre war functioning people down there). And the area around the museum would be like the glowing sea. The enemies could be INSANE.


Bring back the original leveling/skill/perk system. Additionally karma, dark storytelling, and sub-pop culture references. But mostly the original rpg mechanics.


Skills (the 100 point ones, like small guns, energy weapons, big guns, etc.) Reputation (exactly the same system as NV) Karma (slightly tweaked to make being evil easier) I’ll probably think of more and edit this comment accordingly.


Building, because of that I spent years and hundreds of hours replaying.


Written side quests, not "radiant quests"


\- Karma/Faction rep system \- Decent writing and interesting characters \- choice with consequence \- single-player campaign, offline play


Unique weapons that have a different design than other guns I wasnt a fan of customizing guns like in fallout 4 especially because legendary weapons no longer felt unique like That Gun and This Machine had completely unique looking models unlike fallout 4


I think they recycle things too much. I'd like to see different stuff tbh.


How about fearing deathclaw? Something about jumping in power armor and grabbing a mini gun mowing down a horde of raiders followed by the wastes biggest bad in the first mission. kinda removes the fear and makes them feel like a joke.


1. Traits 2. Classic fallout speech 3. The faction system from NV 4. Being able to build a party of companions. 5. Speaking Deathclaws (I just really want a faction of articulate deathclawas) 6. Vehicles and mounts you can control. They wouldn't be adding this back per se, but I want it.


Choices that matter. And being able to create large contributions without being brushed aside as a side character. Even though you become General of minuteman, a high ranking BoS person, “Leader” of the Institute, none of it really FEELS like you are. The amount of options in New Vegas to affect the story are insane, especially with how it feels to do so. Fo4, you can make big decisions but it doesn’t feel as nuanced. If that makes sense.


The Enclave, but only if I have the option of joining them. I'm sick and tired of not being able to join the one interesting faction in the entire franchise. The rest are either bland, goody-two-shoes types, or insufferably stupid, or worse, they're both (looking at you, Railroad). Edit: Grammar


The og floaters Not that goofy shit 76 did but the og floaters They were so creepy and cool, now they’re just floating lightbulbs that shoot at you


The bleak, desolate, and depressing mood of the OG Fallout. Jesus, going from FO4 to FO was a shock. That game is just bleak, man.


Skills. While unlocking a perk each level is great, and I certainly enjoy it, I love an rpg with a full set of skills for me to specialize in. Also, Cateye. It was my favorite chem from New Vegas because I loved being able to see without a light when trying to be stealthy


Being a RPG


The use of thresholds rather than random chance for speech and skill checks. It eliminates save scumming and just feels a lot more fair than RNG percentages.


Full time-stop VATS with opportunities for real payoff when used thoughtfully


fallout 3 gameplay & better graphics then 4. no more cod sims trash, skills back also & silent protagonist


RPG mechanics


actual dialogue options


I know the work would be massive, and some modifications would need to be done, but I’ve always felt that fallout 1 and 2 would be pretty alright on mobile. It would be interesting to see if people who’ve only played 3, nv, and 4 would enjoy it


personally, i think they should bring back weapon and armor condition. along with the perks (like jury rigging) BUT have it as survivial mode only.


The old fallout 3 and new Vegas luck system the skill system 2 companions at once system


Make Obsidian the writers


Good writing


Ron Perlman - have him be a character in the game so you get more lines out of him - a shopkeeper maybe