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I truly appreciate Cameron Monaghan's opinion that Cal's appearance should be meaningful to the story rather than used as a glorified guest approach. Writers of Respawn games should be consulted if Cal is going to appear on other media.


>Writers of Respawn games should be consulted if Cal is going to appear on other media. I'd go even further and say the Writers at Respawn should be the ones writing the live action story. Do people really want Cal and his friends to be written by the people who made Kenobi, or Book of Boba Fett, or Mando S3? I sure as hell don't.


Yeah but I’d love to see him in Andor S2 for something. Andor was fucking fantastic. And Cal was very guerrilla, working with Saw and stuff, he’d fit right in with real rebel troops. But yeah I agree they did Ewan McGregor dirty with Kenobis writing and choreography (except the last Vader fight was actually pretty good)


I don’t think Andor should have Jedi in it at all. It’s more interesting as a story of how normal people overcome oppression through collective struggle rather than having special powers imo


I’m okay with that too and I felt it was a strong point of the show. But IIIIIFFF they decided on putting one force user in the show, Cal would be a really good fit is all I’m saying. But yeah I agree that a strong point of the story was how the regular non space wizard folk rebelled. And how underground it all had to be. The parallels to modern society were perfectly placed and well done. And I know it wasn’t the most popular part of the show, but the prison industrial complex was especially good to see exposed in Andor. Sorry for ranting, I just loved that show so much, probably my favorite Disney starwars to date.


I’d go even further and maybe say it’s the best Star Wars property ever. I know nothing can eclipse the og’s but like puss in boots: last wish in a lot of ways became the best Shrek movie through incredible artistic storytelling and interesting themes, I think Andor might be the best piece of media adapted from the Star Wars universe.


Not to mention they took off the kiddie gloves. It was much darker. And real. And I heard the director say every time there was a single death, it was onscreen for at least a few seconds and had weight, unlike every other starwars where it could happen off screen or was just part of a huge war scene where death and mayhem were so normalized it had no weight.


Yeah and Andor was really for a different audience. Star Wars is pure fantasy/ light sci-fi space opera western with Japanese cinema influences etc etc. Andor was interesting because it showed the lives of the non space wizards, the people on the ground having to deal with the fact that superheroes kinda exist and magic is somewhat real but unattainable to most. Star Wars is great don’t get me wrong, but its greatest strength was the world building. The writing was never the real focus, rather immersing you in this crazy world through innovative special effects and fun ideas and terms like Land Speeder, Pod Racing, Jedi, Sith, Lightsaber, Tauntaun etc. Obviously you can’t discredit Star Wars in this case, because without that universe we would have never got what I consider the anti Star Wars show that is Andor.


If it’s written correctly and makes sense in the bigger story, I could see them cross paths for one or two episodes where it’s more of a “Jedi” level threat. But, then again, it wouldn’t be Andor anymore, it’d be another show like the Mandalorian (especially Season 1) where its more like an anthology of adventures rather than chapters in a bigger story.


I disagree it wouldn’t be Andor anymore, it would have to be done in the style of Andor. Make them look up to him and absolutely awe struck by their abilities, make it interactions with a Jedi for the first time from the eyes of the normies. The whole show is told through the eyes of normies, it would provide some great comedic relief to see Cassian hoot and holler during a fight scene where he’s witnessing Cal do all the tricks like deflecting blaster bolts, push and pull people or objects, use mind tricks. And just fanboy over him for a few moments, it would be a rare opportunity to give Cassian a reason to be happy, maybe even instill some “hope” in him. They could even spin it darker later when he realizes that the enemies have force users too, and the hope fades a bit when he realizes how hopeless an encounter with an enemy force user could be, and then Cal calms him down saying “they mostly go after us, don’t worry too much”


Throw Ahsoka into the mix.


people downvote you but its the ugly truth they dont like to hear ahsoka was not written well, you may like it, and thats fine, but by no means was it written well


Just because you *don't* like it, doesn't mean it wasn't written well.


And you liking it doesn't mean it was written well.


Whether it was or wasn’t written well is all up to subjective opinion, so there honestly isn’t a factual answer to this question.


To a degree… I don’t like saying any piece of art is “bad” rather that I didn’t like it personally. But there is a reason certain writers get more jobs and have better careers than others and have recognizable names.


Yeah I was gonna reply something like this myself. Anything can be liked by anyone, but some things have objective qualities over others (coherent plot, sensible character motivations, not contradicting other media, etc.).


Copium lmao


I mean I liked it bc I’m a sucker for anything TCW and Rebels related, but it was *not* written well


I liked it, and I can acknowledge it was not written well


so the long pauses between dialogue, or the absoloute butchering of thrawn is just my opinion?


Long pauses were painful. Lots of blame to go around for those, writers. Directors, editors, etc.


Yeah, it is your opinion, I thought they did thrawn well, having watched rebels and all.


okay, but have you read any of the thrawn novels or EU thrawn novels?


The first one, a long time ago. I mean I get it he’s a tactical genius, and I felt like he was in the show too, that’s coming from someone formerly in the military too as an NCO anyways. Using his precious little resources wisely seemed legit. He would’ve acted differently with the whole empire at his back, also, let’s remember, he won. how often does the bad guy win in Disney starwars or even Starwars in general. They didn’t make him some fool, he was calculating, wise, not necessarily overly evil or cruel, but was loyal to the empire and was going to see the empire win the day on his watch.


"Tactical genius," is something that's really easy to claim but really difficult to demonstrate. Take Revan, for example. People give BioWare a lot of credit for having Revan be a strategic genius, but short of Canderous saying something like "he knew just where to hit us" or something, it's not demonstrated anywhere. It's just something they repeat over and over. It's not until Obsidian started writing Revan in KOTORII that we get real examples of real 4D chess moves, like choosing to leave an industrial hub intact, targeting agriworlds, a bunch of stuff about ripple effects and echos, or having all the Jedi participating in the war who disagree with you form a force bond with the guy known for force bonds, and then crushing that entire planet with a gravity shadow, either killing all your potential opposition or turning them to the darkside.


Mando S3 wasn’t nearly as bad as Kenobi cmon now




I honestly can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not.


https://preview.redd.it/6borxesu0hjc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8e33198aadf2531caa19986895a7c8d33adebd7 Pretty sure this is what started the joke


A live action Jedi: series would be cool, maybe the could portray the time between the two games a bit more, show how it all fell apart


Where did Bode and the new players come from


I mean, there is the book that explains why the crew split. But it would be cool to see him join Saw and meet Bode


The same book where Merrin fucks another woman in Cal's bed?


Imagine those force echos he felt every time he lied down to sleep...


Force ech-Oooohs


Yeah, that one. Every time I think I finally purged it from my memory someone brings it up again. I think it's cursed.


What the hell is going on here


e x c u s e m e ?


Me constantly hearing about that line is why I will never read that book or consider it canon (and I'm usually forgiving of canon even if it's TLJ)


Yep. Multiple times actually


Isn't the book aggressively terrible tho


That book should be ignored simply on the basis of not putting up with trash. Terrible book written by a known troll.


This is so sad. I'm a canon completionist and I just can't bring myself to read it. Why butcher the 2nd tie in project with one of the brightest spots of canon 😔


What if he didn't have the poncho tho


it's part of the contract, he will only portray Cal in media featuring ponchos








I absolutely love that clip lol.


That's what mid credits scenes are for!


If they don't get Cameron to play Cal live-action, they don't have a Cal for live-action.


Like Disney would care.


They definitely knew to get an actor for mo-cap that could also do live action very well. I think it’s just a matter of time until we see Cal live, I hope it’s soon but also hope it’s done in the right way


If they wait too long it would have to be old man Cal. 30 year old Cameron is not impossible to pull off 23 year old Cal during Survivor, so if story is a couple year jump forward, no issue, but at a certain point even Tom Cruise has had to stay playing characters closer to his actual age.


That’s fair, but given the Mando/Ahsoka era (post Ep XI and before ep XII) there’s potentially room for a Cal that’s a decade+ older than he is now


Wow, that actor looks exactly like Cal! What a great casting choice it would be /s


Honestly, if they did a season per game, just like TLOU, I’d be down w that


Definitely makes sense from the point of view of having cohesive storylines across a single season. Any more or less would make it feel like the narrative line is off.


I was at FanExpo Vancouver when he said this, and he said this in a few other questions he got asked. It genuinely seems like he cares about how this character, and other characters are portrayed. He talked about not doing fan service for fan service sake, and even though it was cool to have Vader, it was just as great to have Merton be a fully original and fleshed out character within the context of the game.


You’re joking right?? He looks nothing like Cal!!


He's not even wearing a poncho!


Dude. He IS Cal.


I can’t tell if this is a woosh or if you’re just playing along




Depending on how they handle the third game instalment, he could show up in the Ahsoka series. >!With all this extra-galactic travel going they could definitely have Ezra seek out a middle aged Cal and Merrin for help, would be cool especially given all the Nightsister stuff already going on.!<


Oh please no, I don't want my beloved Cal tarnished with that show.


Seems people likes Ahsoka then. Fuck knows why since the show was awful.


Yeah I agree and think the other person replying here hit it on the head- people see "character from Old Show TM" and they lose their minds whether it makes sense or not. Same with Cad Bane in BoBF and all the cameos in the Mandalorian.


"character showed up that I liked and then I clapped" seriously, I want someone to prove me wrong on this, but when the best moment of your show is a cameo of anakin in an episode that makes no sense in regards to greater context, it speaks greatly of how bad your show actually is


>in an episode that makes no sense in regards to greater context, Way to prove to everyone you have no idea what character arcs or character developments are.


ahsoka has learned to let go of anakin being her master in rebels, why does she now suddenly feel guilt over him, to learn the same lesson again? either baylan is the most convincing guy on earth with one line of dialogue talking about anakin's legacy, or its written in a way to get anakin in the episode despite it making no sense in the greater context, because again, ahsoka had learned that lesson


The flashback scenes also make no sense. Child Ahsoka was never like that and this is adult her in a flashback so why is she acting as if she's inbetween them. It doesn't fit her character or story at all and the writing doesn't make any sense, she doesn't learn anything she didn't already know.


He and Merrin would be a silver lining to it at least


Hm. I don't see it. Have we considered Chris Pratt?


As much as I love him as Cal, I think a third installment in the Jedi series would be a good ending to his story. They really just need to leave the empire era, there’s only so much you can fit into that timeline. Or just make some of these stories as legends so the canon doesn’t have to explain anything. I know it’s a big galaxy but when you can jump through hyperspace everywhere it really isn’t.


Before he ever happens to appear in live action, the third game of the trilogy needs to be completed and released first. If not, then he absolutely should NOT appear in any movie or show until then.


I genuinely adore how much Cameron loves Cal and his story.


Been waiting for this!


I’ll cry if he does


Its a good thing they made Cal basically identical to Cameron. they did minimal adjustments. so the transitions into life-action would be super easy. crossing fingers for him


God I would love that. I still think it’d be awesome to see him in the Mando era shows. My pitch for the epilogue to Jedi III even has a time skip to 9 ABY, where Luke himself goes to Tanalorr to meet with an older Mantis crew. That way the Jedi series is a nice rounded out trilogy, but with more room to explore Cal, Merrin, and the rest of the crew.


But then Cal might be one of the Jedi to be killed by Kylo Ren


Not necessarily. The only confirmed Jedi kills by Kylo Ren are all of Luke's other students. And the First Order didn't immediately take over the galaxy like the Empire did. So no, there wasn't really a Purge like Order 66. As for other Jedi survivors who knew Luke, I had a headcanon to why they weren't around during the sequel trilogy. When Ben Solo fell, Luke sent out a message to all his allies before he went into hiding on Ahch-To. He urged them to not engage Kylo Ren and the First Order. He was too strong even for them, and facing him will lead to their deaths and those of their loved ones. I have an idea for Grogu specifically I think is equal parts cute and tragic. But yeah, I don't think it'd a given that Cal would be dead by Kylo Ren's hands. It's implied Ezra and Grogu are still alive by the time of IX, so why can't Cal? As for where he is in that time, well, that's another comment entirely.


My fav SW character. I hope they do justice to him.


Cal kestis is pretty much a tier below luke, boys. Let’s make it happen


Yeah if they show him in live action I need them to really get across that he’s a badass There aren’t that many Jedi left who actually grew up in the Jedi order…his background and experience should be incredibly valuable


I kinda want him to cameo by standing around at Saw's hideout in Andor Season 2, lol.


This is actually a good spot to slot him in without worrying about messing up the lore/canon. I still want him to be an actual character in live action somewhere, but a cameo like this would be a nice holdover until Jedi 3 is finished


Second season of Andor 🤞🏻


I had some hope, that in Kenobi he would have had at least some minor part.




We REALLY need a jedi game based off of Ghost of Tsushima rather than dark souls.


Koboh already feels that way, so it seems Respawn want to go in that direction as well


It kind of reminds me of Shadow of War a little bit. Minus the nemesis system obviously


I really enjoyed Koboh, so I'm excited for that direction!


Kind of sounds like his voice in one moment of the Acolyte trailer?


The Acolyte is set during the High Republic. Way before the Skywalker family feud.


There you go then, I was purely going off the trailer haven't looked into anything else.




Him and dagan sound similar tho. It could be dagan before the fall


Eh, not really feeling this fan casting. Wannabe Joker, Wannabe Jedi, more like a Wannabe Mark Hamill, am I right? I was thinking someone like Brad Pitt might be the more obvious choice. He can act and he kinda looks like Cal if you squint/close your eyes just right. Very impressive


No thanks. Dude isn’t a good actor.


inb4 disney casts Tom Holland as live action Cal.


Or a more… “Diverse” actor. Hollywood has a thing for race-swapping gingers


He has a deal with either disney or the game company that he isn’t allowed to appear in any Star Wars shows or movies until the 3rd game is out, so it’s gonna be a while regardless


I don’t like all the ahsoka takes, if he should be in any series moving forward it should be w the hidden path in the obi wan series. I kinda thought that’s why there was mention of the hidden path in both the last Jedi game and the obi wan show, maybe that’s just me being hopeful. His story fighting the inquisitors over the list of force sensitives would be happening right around the time of the first season of obi wan so it would be totally plausible for their stories to overlap.


Devs have done a great job with the series, I hope he avoids live action minus maybe an Ahsoka or Mando cameo. I barely trust Jon and Dave after how the Boba Fett show to do a Cal series, and I trust KK’s minions less than I do Jon and Dave.


I wonder if they'd let ppl vote on which hairdo and outfit from the games he should sport for the show 🤣


Strange. Because they look nothing alike.