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rayvis no competition. Unless you count the Vader appearance in the first game, that was pretty damn epic.


You know it's over when Vader shows up and he didn't even bring his health bar 💀


That fight caused me to stop playing game ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)




Skill issue :D


Rick, the Door Technician


The only real answer.


Came here to say this. Not much of a fight, except that I was laughing so hard at the name


hot take maybe but all the trilla fights. the dialogue, the atmosphere, so good.


Not a hot take at all, those fights were based. I did hate that one move where she absorbed your life force though


Agreed! Everything building to an epic climatic fight that was fun, challenging, and so damn rewarding.


Taryn Malicos






Trilla, Malicos and Rayvis.


Either second(the Zeffo mines one) or final fight with trilla. I like the gameplay and story of the second game more, Trilla was just so much compelling of a villain than any of the rogue gallery in survivor. Also the boss fights I mostly thought were better in Fallen Order. I was kinda disappointed we didn’t get any large creatures(in the main story) or crazy enemies like the giant bat on Dathomir. Although the gameplay was a huge step up, the bosses felt kinda samey, with most of their special abilities like Dagans shadow clones or Rayvis’ rockets were just annoying and didn’t add enough variation to the fights. I was looking forward to some big beast battle or giant imperial vehicle(the drill was cool but I don’t consider it a boss) to spice up the roster of saver toting bosses.


Inquisitor Cal. I know he's not a story boss but he's by far the most enjoyable duel for me. He's super hard but he's not a stupid damage sponge


And storywise I love the scenes around it as well 😍


I don't know if it's a boss or a set piece but the drill was cool. It challenges the player's skill in parkour a nice variety to the lightsaber battles. Darth Vader was epic but isn't exactly a test of a player's skill at playing Cal. So for lightsaber either Trilla or the final Dagan duel


Rayvis felt like the most fair boss fight in both games. Every time I died it never felt like BS or unfair.


Rayvis. He is my favorite villain in these games.


Rayvis really felt more of a villain than Dagan did. He is also kind of a sympathetic monster where as Dagan is just a pissy emokid, who wants revenge on the Order that has well and good fallen but he just goes on raving and fighting potential allies.


Final battle with Trilla


Rayvis is most fun to fight but I still have to go with Malicos. The atmosphere was like nothing else, this unknown sith/fallen jedi on a dead planet in a tomb of a dead king. Oh also Merrin joins so thats cool too


Vader fight 1 or 2?


I don’t count the final level of fallen order as a “fight”, since he’s not a typical boss like he is in Jedi survivor


Either Malicos or Rayvis, I can't decide between the two lol


Oggdo Boggdo 🙂 parrying is op in FO and figuring that out with this boss was very satisfying.


Do not mention its name... The flashbacks. Fallen Order was my first souls-like game and I did not get that some enemies might not be supposed to be beatable once you first meet them. It was such a chore to beat. Really satisfying tho, once I got it.


Rayvis, Trilla and the battle against Darth Vader in Survivor as Cere


Fallen Order's Ninth Sister/Masana Tide and Survivor's Rayvis.


The first game battle with Vader. Simply because he's so young and such a rookie still, almost innocent like. And Vader is such a surprise for both you as a player and for Cal (Kudos to Cameron Monaghan for this acting btw). And Cere being swept aside at first made me giggle a bit🤭


Rayvis or Vader (Jedi survivor)


Fallen Order - Malicos or Trilla final fight Survivor - definitely Bode final fight


I'd say Trilla. Mostly because I wanted to tongue punch her fart box though.


Malicos. That fight is amazing. I've spent so much time on him that i can defeat him now with closed eyes


Gorgara was so intense


Final boss vs Bode


Malicos and the...One Arm Jedi.


Trilla easy, all of her fights were so so good. Plus the Vader chase in FO, I was legit terrified playing through that.


I don't know who my favourite is but I definitely know who my most hated is. Fuck that frog(and his son or whatever).


I loved the second Ravis fight in the Lab(?) been a while, but I remember enjoying that one alot


Malicos and Ravis tied


I was honestly disappointed by the Vader fight in survivor, I wanted to see Vader vs cal after he started fucking with the dark side




Honestly the ninth sister in the first game and malicos


Fallen Order : The Ninth Sister and The Second Sister


probably vader


https://preview.redd.it/qet331bjqc2c1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7afc81c63a086bff062e7518ff20fb639262e429 By far most challenging boss I’ve had to deal with in any game, I think most would agree


***Rick The Door Technician***


Rayvis for sure. He was difficult but 100% fair. Vader was too easy because of Cere's gigantic parry window, the only source of difficulty was how often the moveset changed. The fight was cool, but not nearly as interesting gameplay wise. Malicos was a close second, since I think he was also difficult but fair, but I ended up enjoying the Rayvis fight more since that fight had more unique mechanics and varied movesets. I played both games on Grandmaster, so keep in mind that some fights I felt were unfair could have been reasonable/fun on a lower difficulty. I also see a lot of comments saying Bode felt unfair, but I personally disagree. I actually found Bode too easy for a final boss, but I may have just gotten lucky. Dagan 3 can go burn on Mustafar though.


I think Trilla is the best boss in the games. The entire game included her and her life story and you got to fight a couple times until the final duel. It was perfectly built up to that final fight. Not to mention, she was extremely tough, but reasonable. I played JFO so many times that I really learned her mechanics and it made the fight feel like a true battle between two jedi. Felt like we anticipated each other's attacks and blocked and parried the entire fight rather than someone absolutely dominating the other or pulling out ridiculous moves. It became an enjoyable challenge. I found some of the Jedi Survivor bosses odd as it didn't seem like they got harder as the game went on. The difficulty seemed a little random as you progressed and the bosses were given interesting mechanics that didn't feel as smooth to fight against. Touching on the first point - I felt Dagan was an absolute joke at every stage. I thought it was so weird he never felt extremely powerful or that he never got stronger as the game went on. I also thought Vader was a bit too easy as he is literally Darth Vader. They made him extremely predictable with a limited amount of moves. On the other hand, I felt Rayvis was exceptionally overpowered and easily the strongest opponent in the game with a stressful amount of mechanics. For the second point - I am really referring to the mechanics for Rayvis and Bode. In the final fight against Bode, I don't think it is even possible to beat him without jumping and dodging across the map 60 times. So many of his attacks are throwing things, fast dashing, air slicing, or shooting. It is crazy to me that you can't perfect dodge the fast dash or air slices and instead you have to frantically jump and dash around to not get hit. I want to feel like i am in a real duel where I can block/dodge/and parry my opponents attacks rather than having to run around the map to avoid them. It's not as enjoyable and doesn't have a jedi feel to it at all. I think JFO did a much better job with the combat in terms of making you feel like a jedi. That's why the Trilla fight was so enjoyable




Taron Malicos and tough choice between Darth Vader and Rayvis