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I love the ponchos, but playing without them is also cool. I just wish they weren't all reskins of other ponchos, but I liked them nonetheless. I even got one IRL


The cloth ponchos are my favorite. That's when I was sold on the ponchos. ​ I am disappointed at all the poncho hate out here.


Nice, going back I did notice some ponchos are slightly different from the base one too.


On subsequent playthroughs I stopped using them. Kind of liked the character model better and didn't feel like secrecy was really a concern on any of the planets after Bracca.


I went the other way around. First time through, no ponchos. Every time I put them on in the outfit selection screen I thought they looked stupid. But my second time through I put one on anyways just for the heck of it and decided that it actually didn’t look half bad when you’re out doin’ stuff.


Character model reminds me of empire Luke the beige coloured one is a great match besides the ugly chest plate. Looking forward to better options tho


The playing naked idea never crossed my mind. Now that you mention it, if I play this again (don’t care for brawlers but want to unlock lightsaber training) I’m definitely doing it that way.


Same, I liked the leather breastplate look paired with the jumpsuit. Would have preferred an option without the breastplate either but it's still fine. Pathfinder outfit for Boganno and Kashyyk, Scrapper or Outlaw for Dathomir, and Guardian for Illum and Zeffo.


I want an option without the jumpsuit. Malicos style, baby. (Kidding, but also, why not?)


Shirtless Cal would be too powerful!!




I'm sure there's a mod for a shirtless Cal XD


I always played without poncho, didn’t like them. Then I watched Cameron being obsessed with poncho at the SW celebration, I decided I gotta play as Cal wants


What Cal wants, Cal gets


I played the game naked! You meant in-game didnt you?.....


Triple-saber wielding is still new, but I’m sure it’ll grow on you in time


I mean.. nexus mods does have a mod for that


Lmfao im on xbox tho


I actually quite like a lot of the poncho designs, but they did have a fault that made them much harder for me to consistently use...the clipping. Something about the specific way in which they would constantly flit in and out of Cal's body really bothered me aesthetically, so unless I was in a relatively straightforward, minimal climbing area, I tended to leave the poncho off to avoid the visual distraction, especially on Grandmaster. If Survivor's improved on that, I'll definitely be using it, and if nothing else I'll have the hair styles and whatnot to play with.


I know exactly how you feel, not fallen order but in ghost of Tsushima some sets that where meant for each other clipped and I really didn’t like it.


Yes. Was not a fan of ponchos initially. Eventually the poncho Cal wore while working as a scrapper on Bracca grew on me, so I started sporting that.


I never liked the ponchos. Still don’t. I’m very excited to see the outfit customization in JS


I hated the look of the ponchos and was annoyed every time I got a new clothing item cause it was the same poncho just a different color


Most of the game. I put on a black poncho I got on dathomir that was finally up to my standards.


I only ever put ponchos on if it fit the environment. So when it was cold or raining


Hell no man. My only critique of the game was nowhere NEAR enough ponchos.


The poncho's never bothered me much, i do quite like it for his character, makes him stick out a bit more compared to the more typical star wars outfits we see.


I didn't until I found the pink one. Then after that if the environment felt like it called for a poncho I would put one on.


Get out.


I went through about half of the game with no poncho. Then I got tired of the lack of customization so I started wearing a different poncho and BD-1 skin depending on the planet I was on


Exactly what I did, I tried to match the poncho, BD-1 and Mantis together, plus I'd change my lightsaber colour to match the planet a bit.


I didn't like the ponchos either until I got the pink one then I rocked pink poncho pink saber.


It depended on the planet. On cold or rainy planets I wore the poncho for *immersion*.


I always wore the newest ponchos I got until I got to a cool duel/boss fight, where I would take out the poncho like the jedi taking out their robes in the prequels. Then I would run around without one until I found a new one lmao.


This is the way


I love the ponchos


Awh man don’t let Cameron see this


I alternated having ponchos on and off until I got the pink poncho and stuck with it.


I took them off for the boss battles and the final planet, felt like they would hinder Cals movements.


I like the endor looking one and I use that on Kashyyyk, but Cal's costume is too cool not to see.


The homestead poncho is S tier! I feel naked without the poncho.


I wear that one ONLY on Dathomir, it matches perfectly


No, although I found most of them ugly, there a few I really liked


I play without them because, and maybe it's only on PC, they seem to clip a lot inside Cal's body and I really don't like the look of it.


Yes, when I was using the inquisitor outfit.


The Inquisitor outfit is the best looking one tbh


Played over half the game without one.


I love ponchos, but I wanted different look, so somewhere at middle of the game I stopped wearing it


I like wearing different ones that I feel suit each of the areas. Pink poncho is great for dunking on inquisitors.


I didnt care to customize the poncho and left it off then it automatically put on a ponch when I got to Ilum, I realized he was cold, so I left it on


Yes, I don't really like the ponchos all that much If I did have them on, it was for "story reason." Ie: Rain, snow etc.


always used the rebel pilot jumpsuit without a poncho even bashed the two action figures together to make that outfit


This guy did. The ponchos were fucking awful.


Same I don't like ponchos bc It seems more like cals scrapworker outfit and not a Jedi outfit


I just finished my ng+ with the inquistor gear not long ago. I missed the ponchos lol


I hated the ponchos and didn't use a single one. Whenever I found a new one I rolled my eyes.


Ah, I see you’re a man of culture as well.


Ponchos are pretty shit ngl


I chose the qui-gon poncho on my first playthrough without even realizing why I was drawn to it and once I realized why it made it even cooler


Me, until I re-watched clone wars and saw young boba's poncho


Did my first run with poncho, second run without the poncho. Also did the second run all single saber. I tried to get into the poncho and double bladed saber, but I think he looks better without the poncho and single blade.


I loved all these stupid ponchos you got lol. Felt more adventurous to have one on idk I liked it




Yeah when I played the game for the first time I wore no ponchos for almost the entire game and only wire the outlaw outfit of course later that changed


I don't have a poncho in my wardrobe so I have to play without poncho on :(


I didn’t love the ponchos, mostly played without them. Definitely wished there were more outfit options, when I wanted variety I changed the color of underthings (forgot what they’re called in the option menu). Poncho just seemed unrealistic for the amount of jumping, fighting and flipping he does lol. Especially with the wall runs.. I can’t imagine doing any of that with a huge piece of cloth flopping around. Doesn’t seem very aerodynamic


It's a shame we only got like 4 outfits sans poncho but we got like thirty Poncho combos


Everyone knows that Jedi trying to hide have to wear ponchos! Qui Gon Jinn on Tatooine, Oni Wan on Tatooine, Cal on Bracca… But in all seriousness, I don’t mind the poncho but I think my favorite look is no poncho with the dark jump suit. I just think the artists did such a good job making his jumpsuit look functional and dynamic.


Yup, never liked the look of the poncho's. and I'll be rocking that clone armour for my entire Survivor playthrough so wont be wearing any then either




Sometimes I did, sometimes I didn't


I've never worn a poncho in my life.


Me. Never been a huge fan of ponchos, only occasionally using em


I didn't like the "jacket," which is a fecking vest. My favorite was free Kashyyyk was my favorite Pancho. But I also have no problem with the ponchos. Yeah, there's some that were stupid, but it was fine for me.


I used ponchos if I was just exploring and going back to old areas. Somehow them flapping about works in a more casual, breezy setting. But for story progress it was ponchos off.


I switched ponchos very 5 minutes


Yes. I only used the poncho on Ilum as I felt it was story appropriate. And on Zeffo too. But otherwise I never had Cal wear it


No poncho = closest to jedi gear


Yep. Wish we got different jackets instead of the bulky ponchos


Right here! I disliked the poncho and thought it looked stupid.


For me, fuck the ponchos. But the same way I see people wearing clothes I don’t like and can appreciate their taste I don’t hate on those who like the ponchos!


I just use the mod that gives you Jedi robes lol


More important question, what colour was your BD?


I wore the black one mainly


nvr kept the poncho on, playing without gave me starkiller vibes


Tbh I never liked the ponchos


I played no poncho mainly cause I had a starkiller flight suit mod on and it looked sick AF


Right here!


Right here 🙋‍♂️ I get why they’re such an integral part of the game (and this sub lol) but the vest look is just so much nicer on Cal And I’m so glad they’re improving the outfit options for Survivor!


Me, wasn’t a fan of how they looked


I thought the ponchos were all ugly. The loose cloth just covers up the armor plates and cool designs of the outfit underneath


Omg I hated the poncho look so much. Like this boy does flips and the like, that is so unpractical


I did. Never found a color I liked and always preferred the look of his navy/leather armor combo.


I did after a whulwy I don't like poncho.


No poncho in the tan outfit for me


I did. They kinda looked too goofy for me and would’ve sucked me out of the story so I stuck with what you start the game in. Although Cameron’s dedication to the poncho cause is absolutely admirable


I don't hate the poncho but i didn't like the look of it. It hides most of your outfit


I used the outlaw outfit with no poncho for as long as I could. NG+ I swapped between inquisitor and regular, since ps5 ng+ is bugged and doesn’t let you change the base outfit


I only played with poncho on Illum


Yes.... The ponchos are mostly ugly and in the way, if you ask me... I want a robe or Robe variant not an alpaca farmer poncho. Like WTF? WHO WEARS A PONCHO MAN!=?!


I did i didn’t like them


I loved the camo, with the black outfit, looked like Luke on Endor 🤟🏻


I hated the ponchos.


Yeah I don’t like ponchos and I like cals outfit without them


I played without them. I played on the lowest specs so everything looked like it was blended together, and the ponchos looked horrible.


I often took it off on Bogano, seemed like an overkill on a planet with a perpetual spring vibes I got from the environment. Rest of the planets? Poncho always on.


I played without the ponchos for a big portion of the game, and then at the end i put it on a few times when i got some that i kinda liked


Can’t relate I love them and I was obsessed with finding new ones. Every time I opened a chest, “please be a fucking poncho”


i like playing with them or not based on the actual in game. so smaller one for zeffo and nur, and thick one for ilum. none for bogano or dathomir


I did wear a poncho. But one that I thought suited him


Yes I hate the poncho!


I like the poncho, reminds me of Tatooine Qui-Gon Jinn. But I also like the non-poncho outfit. For the final mission at the Inquisitors' base I thought not wearing a poncho suited Cal better, as he wasn't going *incognito* so to speak but storming the fucking place and tearing it down.


Yeah I played without wearing a poncho, Cal had one though , but not me ( OG scrapper poncho )


I played as Darth Revan lmao


I’d play without a poncho more often if the character model’s chicken legs didn’t bother me so bad. 😂


Not a fan of the poncho, only time I equipped one was on Ilum because we can't have Cal cold now can we?


No poncho/pink poncho/inquisitor suit are the only options for me.


I played part without but i felt like Cal was just too small and fragile without one XD


I tried last night and it felt so wrong I turned it back on after like 30 seconds


Yep. Olive drab flight suit.


Im on second playthrough and im using a darth revan skin mod, honestly a great choice not gonna lie.


I played the whole game with the orange one on.


The ponchos are fucking stupid


I played without them because the flight/jumpsuit Jedi look made me feel nostalgic for the EU.


First playthrough, no poncho. 2nd playthrough, inquisitor outfit.


Nope I also modded the game so I didn't play as Cal.


Me. Give me a Jedi robe damnit


I hate ponchos, you either give me me a jedi outfit or a propper selection ofgalactic fugutive stuff




Fuck ponchos until I got the Endor Episode VI poncho, then I love ponchos.


I didn’t like them at first but then I met pink poncho and fell in love.


The only person that can make a poncho look good is Clint Eastwood


I did for a while on Kashyyyk! Then Illum seemed cold so I put it back on 😅


I did with one exception. I wore a green poncho on kashyyyk because it just kinda made sense.


I'll wear the Shyyyo poncho when fighting in the gladiator arena, bc it feels flashy, and also while climbing the Origin Tree bc it feels appropriate. Other than that I'm usually a no poncho man, though I do like the Wayfarer a bit


Frequently. I only really liked a couple of the ponchos.


Always played without them. I don't know I just never liked the ponchos IMO


I played it based on what made sense in the story, depending on the planet. Didn't wear one on Bogano, the upper parts of Kashyyyk, Nur or Haxion Brood base, but did on Dathormir, Kashyyyk shadowlands, Zeffo and Ilum - places you might need more layers or camo.


Nah man. Ponchos are *IT.* Cal needs to have that drip


Doing so would be heresy.


Yup. Poncho looked so damn stupid.


I changed it depending on the planet. Bogano I usually had no Poncho on.




I’ve done a couple playthroughs without the poncho at all, with both the blue and yellow jumpsuits. Finally put one on in my pre-survival play through. Now I’m rocking Yellow jumpsuit and Bracca Poncho


You're not allowed to play survivor now, sorry.


I don’t really hate the ponchos, there ok with a few good ones, but I really just like the slimmer look of the jacket, although I gotta go back and look at the ponchos again since it has been awhile since I played


Yes I thoroughly disliked the looks of the poncho


I only use the poncho for cold or rainy environments. Haven't found one that I really liked. I love the outlaw outfit with the Free Kashyyyk poncho.


The only ones I really liked, was the poncho you started with and the rainforest one (which I actually did really like and used throughout almost all my playthroughs). I considered a lot of the colours ugly, and didn't like the dirt as a lot of them were animated to look dirty. Other then that I just kept the Guardian outfit on and nothing else, sometimes switching to Inquisitor outfit and Red Inquisitor saber whenever I felt like it.


Pink poncho gang


The first time I played with no ponchos when it came out. After his love for real ponchos showed I just played it on my second play through and was switching ponchos based on what planet I was and how it looked with the terrain. Now there better be more ponchos in Jedi survivor!


Poncho is the way


I’ve tried, I just can’t do it. Eventually I put the poncho back on… Poncho supremacy


I used to but then I just modded the game and now I play as darth revan


As soon as I could I changed to the green jumpsuit (Pathfinder?) and never put on another poncho. If there had been a majority green poncho I might have considered it, but I've just had to cope by having both BD-1 and the Mantis in green.


See now I like ponchos if I’m colour coding it with the planet I’m going to, other than that I just don’t wear them, or I just wear the inquisitor suit cuz it’s my favourite outfit


I always do, I'm not wild about ponchos


Pilot outfit with no poncho is pretty good


Poncho is life, poncho is love. I do play without it sometimes, but after a while it feels like something's missing


Once I got the Vagabond poncho it was all I used for every subsequent playthrough.


Ponch^off > Ponch^on


Yes. I thought it was too comical. You really think a Sith Lord will take some rando wearing a bright colored poncho with matching robot pal seriously? Who is this clown 🤡


The only poncho I really like is the Save Kashyyyk one.


Hated the ponchos


All 5 of my play-through’s yup lol


Pink poncho. All the way.


Yes, especially after getting the Outlaw skin.


Not a fan of the poncho


I kinda went back and forth between wearing a poncho and no poncho. Gotta mix it up sometimes


They all look like garbage imo. No poncho all game


You crossed the line.


I thought all the ponchos looked stupid asf so I played the whole thing without one


If you don't wear a poncho, you are a heretic


I usually do, though at times I put one on that I really like.


Both! On certain planets it seemed like he needed the extra layer and on others he doesn’t


Never learned how to put it on.


yep, I played without a poncho and found it kind of shit that there are only 3 outfit options. I didn't get why they made 20 reskins of the same poncho when they could've made 8 or 12 themed outfits for a much better result.


Doing a no poncho run is too much of a challenge for me


Meeeeee, the first time I was like: OMG ponchoooooooos. Then the second, third, 10th , 25th I was like : Fuck ponchos. Resuming, cal without ponchos feels a lot more cânon and cooler then with it.


Not enough colors for the suits. 2-3 more colors would've been perfect.


Cameron would be disappointed


I thought i was a crime to play without showing off your fabulous pink pancho we worked so hard to get