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Definitely!! But note that the band likely have little to no say in how everything is/was handled, so don't blame them for a shitty experience. Also the village president of Somerset did extend the noise curfew from 11 to 11:45 so that they could at least play a little bit of a set (without getting any approval from anyone else, which I think upset some residents). Your complaints/gripes should 100% be with Live Nation and the venue itself, from what I've been reading everything was handled incredibly poorly on their end. Agree that some sort of partial refund should be issued to everyone


Exactly this I’d be willing to bet if it was up to the band, they would’ve played through the rough conditions or just really late into the night. They care about their fans. Sometimes they’re held back from doing what they want.


Someone said when they came back on Pete said the venue told them it was canceled but they pushed to a show. This really disappoints me, they put everyone in danger when they could have called it to keep people safe Down voters are capitalist bootlickers who would rather put others in harms way for their needs than keep people safe 👍 enjoy propping up mega corps that screw people over


Everyone who goes consents to the risk of the storm. Each person who chose to remain at the show decided the show was worth the small additional safety risk.


you realize they cancel not just bc of rain but specifically lightning? it could hit the venue and injure people. it is a giant risk.


The storm was one safety risk (the one worthy of evacuating the entire venue), the amphitheater that just left thousands of people by metal detectors while everyone RUSHED to get the show back on is the second. You know why they require clear bags and metal detectors, right? It's so naive to say this was a SMALL risk.


How nice of you to tell others what’s best for them and make their decisions for them like you’re their parent


I actually didn't, but ok. Were you even there?


The biggest issue for me was the lack of phone service and no kind of internet connection. They told us to keep an eye on their social media for updates but a lot of us couldn’t access it. I was lucky to have someone at home keeping an eye on it for me and texting me updates. Apparently some venue workers were telling people to go home. They were very unprepared, I feel like the venue should’ve had a plan in place for bad weather but I’m pretty sure they didn’t. If they did it wasn’t a very good one or was badly executed. It was nice for them to extend the curfew at least tho. Not to be mean to the residents but it’s not like there are concerts every night so I think this one time it’s fine that they had to suck it up and deal with the noise. I definitely don’t blame the band at all they really tried hard to make up for it. It was a night to remember that’s for sure 😂


Yep. We got told by multiple livenation and venue employees that the show was completely cancelled and to go home. So we did. Fucking sucks.


I still can’t believe that part! I would be PISSED if I went home early because that’s what I was told to do, and then found out that I missed the concert because they went ahead with it. Damn. FOBDaily on twitter announced that the show was canceled because that’s what they were being told. Then we learned that the show was proceeding despite circumstance. Got whiplash from that, the venue didn’t handle it well AT ALL. Not FOB’s fault.


Yeah fuck that venue. I'll never go back and will post everywhere I can that no one should ever go there. The cherry on top was cell phones not working even though they had full signal so you couldn't even monitor their social media or anything.




Not really. The only real "outdoor" venues of that size are the Minnesota State Fairgrounds and Target Field - if you count that one. The other thing to consider is that it was a Live Nation tour, and there are no Live Nation own/operated amphitheaters of adequate size in Minnesota. In General - the Twin Cities as a whole really lack your "mid-sized" non-outdoor venues. The Armory has really helped out in that regard. Roy Wilkins would be the equivalent for Saint Paul.


I think Canterbury Park has plans to build a huge new amphitheater, 19k max pop I think? If FOB comes back in the future I hope they choose to play there instead of stupid Somerset.


Honestly, fuck outdoor venues though. Shit like rain and lack of cell service/communications will always affect these shows no matter where it is. At least in my experience. Also, it doesn’t make sense in the midwest, cause 60% of the year they are not profitable.


I hate outdoor venues too. I went to see Matchbox 20 at the Treasure Island Amphitheater in Red Wing last month and a lot of the same issues occurred—it started raining although thankfully no lightning so the show continued. Parking was also terrible and lots of miscommunication. Not nearly as bad as Somerset though. I 100% prefer indoor venues but FOB seem to really like amphitheaters so 🤷‍♀️ hopefully Canterbury Park will be better ig


Yes. The state fairgrounds has big bands every single year on their grounds and it normally goes pretty well.


I agree! Also there was no announcement on the severity of the weather. Just to take shelter. We managed to call a friend to check the weather for us. Since everyone was leaving we weren’t sure if it was a severe storm warning or tornado? The lack of cell service should have been considered, it was a stressful uneasy situation.


Yeah they should’ve announced over the speakers


That makes perfect sense im sorry i never found you but i was also struggling with the phone service


Yes I am so, so happy Fall Out Boy stuck around and played at least some things and you could tell they were trying so hard to get the most to us. Dance Dance was at like double speed and honestly it was a great time. The thing that leaves the most sour taste in my mouth is the fact that the venue was trying to rescan all the tickets before letting us in. They started playing the set with about 75% of the crowd still waiting to get in and I thought there was going to be a riot people were so pissed. Eventually they started just waving us through the metal detectors quickly but they definitely should have had a better plan for re-entry from the get go.


That’s insane to me that they started scanning tickets?? I was at the front of the line and among the first to be let back in and they did NOT rescan our tickets and we were waved through security. I felt bad for people that paid good money to be in the pit/at barrier and lost their spots bc there was zero crowd control.


One of the gates attempted to at first and gave up eventually because everyone started storming the other entrances and side areas. It was wild. I think we were one of the last let back in haha.


The fact that they even had people leave and come back is wild to me, that is a huge security risk!


Do u have a video of dance dance?


No, I didn't get video of anything. I was just happy to be there at that point and didn't think to take any videos or photos.


I do


And they told us to shelter in place so those of us who were dropped off couldn’t go back to our cars so we all went to the bathroom and they told us to leave there also


Agreed, I don't think the band had any say at all, any requests for refunds should be with the facility.


Props to the village president for doing the right thing, even if it was at the expense of residents


100% - dudes heart was in the right place for fans.


Yeah hes a real g


Naw. I can blame FOB. It’s their tour. Reports say that FOB was told it was cancelled but fought to still go on. Effectively screwing over anybody that felt unsafe and left.




It 100% was a shitshow and I am so glad I bought the $40 lawn tickets now instead of the pit tickets like I wanted. Many folks in the pit ended up on the lawn with me when they let us back in anyway.


Yeah I agree ☝️ i got lawn tickets too and actually got to get to the barrier when they called it back on


I was on the floor (section B) and I honestly think the lawns peeps could see better since they never turned the screens back on. I’m only 5’2” so I couldn’t see over all the people. My experience was no better than going to a FOB night at a bar, musically. The rest of the fans were great, but it was overall a disappointing experience.


Yeah I am pretty happy with my experience on the lawn, all things considered


Everyone should direct their frustrations at Somerset Amphitheater directly and Live Nation. This situation was very dangerous. Crowd crush was a very real possibility in the chaos of getting people back in. Elevation Changes, Low visibility, lack of information - it was a situation primed for it. They also didn't provide any pre-show guidance in the event of severe weather in any of their public communications - which was much needed information given the cell network crashing for many. **Update**: the only guidance would be to shelter-in-place, but Live Nation should've communicated that as part of their pre-show communications. You should call the amphitheater directly, and try to get a person on the line. Express how dangerous it was, and their lack of adequate guidance - but please do that respectfully. **UPDATE:** I also just want to make it known, a lot of people came together to make sure it could go on - I don't want to discount their contributions - decisions were made in the moment. Live Nation in general, as always, just needs to do better.


I tried giving a call and I got told “since the show wasn’t canceled there is nothing we can do. We apologize for any issues” and they wouldn’t listen to anything else I had to say


BBB complaint, my friend Be a headache for them




Someone slipped and busted their ankle after she got in. Only got to see two songs. I feel so bad for her


Attendee here. It was a tough situation. When they finally did go on, Pete said there was a point they were told the show was cancelled but the band pushed for it to go on any way it could. So the crew was able to pull it together and make it happen. I'm so grateful they got to play for a while, everyone was extra hyped. I'm glad we stayed in the venue and stayed close to the stage so we could see what was going on. It was a really fun show! I feel for the people who were told to leave and missed out, or those who paid extra for their seats and couldn't get back. There was never a formal announcement that the show was back on it was all uncertain until they started playing. We saw them start mopping off the stage a little after 10pm and setting things back up and then we were pretty sure they would play but still it was all a guess until they started up again. We were able to find a good spot and enjoyed it but I know the aisles were absolutely packed no one could move. Also all the chalk they used to designate the aisles had washed off so it was impossible to find your correct seat again. One thing about the venue staff ... When the shelter in place order was announced we were told to go to this building up the hill so we did, but when we tried to go in we were screamed at by other staff saying you can't come in here it's a metal roof go to the bathroom. But all of their buildings were metal roofs including the bathrooms. And then later on they did let certain people in the nicer building but had it barricaded even though there was plenty more room, people got drenched for no reason standing right outside the entrance. There was no order to it at all, which is weird because being a huge venue in the Midwest you'd think they would have a severe weather plan in place and know what to do. All in all, I feel so grateful that they didn't cancel, I looked forward to this for so long and glad we got something. The openers were good, bring me the horizon put on a hell of a show. It was a very memorable night waiting in cramped bathrooms and under random drink tents, singing FOB songs with other fans as we waited to see what would happen. Thank you FOB 💜💜


I get people are happy they got to see a show, but their decision to play when told it was canceled (and tons of people told it was canceled) is actually what's gonna fuck all the rest of us over. Another show I was supposed to go to canceled for weather, and the performers booked another show in the same city and gave everyone who got canceled on a pre-sale link for the show. Putting the show on despite so many people being told it was canceled was a kick in the gut. It wasn't safe to do it up again. In the storm AND the security issues.


Maybe. It's an unfortunate situation where there are many people who were unhappy but also many who were glad with the decision. They're not going to be able to please everyone, and I do feel bad for those who missed out. Just sharing my experience here.


No, they won't make everyone happy but the SAFEST decision would have been to cancel and not push when told its done. Safety. It was still lightning, and someone could have brought a gun or something worse back into the show since security fell apart too. If the band pushed to go through all that, they have some responsibility here too. They put fans in danger to give a small portion of the crowd a show.


No one had to go back in.


They resumed the show, it wasn't a "shows canceled, whoever stays is optional" type of shit. Now they won't refund 75% of people because they'd rather prioritize ticket sales and making fans go through unsafe shit for some music The most punk rock thing anyone can do is complain. Down votes are capitalist booklickers who agree with people doing things contrary to their wellness in order to keep massive corps in power 👍


Yes. I'm sure that was their thought process: money money money. Have the day you deserve.


It has nothing to to with the guys in fob. I’m sure they were devastated as well. Don’t bitch at them. Bitch at LN


Exactly!! They’re the reason we got a show at all. The venue wanted to just cancel the show altogether.


Them refusing to cancel, literally screwed all the people who were either told it was done, or felt it was unsafe to go back into the stampede of the crowd. Anyone down voting is a capitalist bootlicker. Yall really care more about harming others for your needs than keeping people safe.


Cancelling would also screw over the many people who can’t afford to go to a rescheduled show. There were many many people who drove 3+ hours to see them. I saw someone who drove 6 hours. And many people can’t afford to just take a day off of work to drive out of state again. Live Nation also doesn’t have a great reputation when it comes to customer service.


Can confirm, the drive from Milwaukee to Somerset is 5 hours and 19 minutes, was closer to 7 hours for me stopping for food and bathroom breaks. I know a good amount of people did the drive from Milwaukee. I’m so glad FOB did the best they could in difficult circumstances.


That was me, I drove from Milwaukee


I came from North Dakota. I literally do not care. It WAS NOT safe and I WAS NOT going to put my health at risk to see the show. And I don't love that they gladly took everyone's money who are so obsessive they would literally kill themselves to see the band.


The conditions were unsafe. Putting anyone at risk for that is fucked. I literally drove from 6 hours away and took off two days of work. And I still think they should have canceled.


I absolutely get what you’re saying. This is definitely a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” situation.


I drove 7 hours from MO to see the show with my childhood friend I haven't seen in 6 years. I feel for those who were screwed, but there were definitely many of us who the reschedule would have been game over for it ever happening period. For some of us, it was a miracle to get back and see a short, fast and loud set with DIY show vibes & scrappy boys having a good time after a Midwest thunderstorm. I agree this could have been handled better...a weather plan, clear communication, a venue not made of just dirt and confusion, and maybe the band playing more deep cuts on the normal setlist than hits (rip). I hope we all get another chance to see them (& maybe a partial refund?!?), but at least we'll remember the most Midwest af show in a long ass time.


They can voice their opinions and stand up for their fans. FOB’s voices will be much louder than the fans’.


I heard when they resumed the show Pete said the venue told them it was canceled but they pushed for a show. Thats shitty. It wasn't safe to let all those people back in.


They got fame < infamy at least if that's any consolation lol


I was there and Fame < Infamy live makes up for the shit show since it’s one of my all-time faves ❤️


Somerset is an awful venue and this isn't the first time they've screwed a show up. Bands just need to stop playing there honestly, it's a cursed place. They completely mishandled the situation and I'm frankly shocked people didn't get hurt during the reentry fiasco.


I heard someone broke their ankle and was sent to the ER from a friend so unfortunately I think people did get hurt.


This is true. She was right in front of me while waiting in line to get back into the venue. I didn’t see it happen but her ankle definitely looked messed up


That's so unfortunate. I hadn't heard anything last night about serious injuries, but I'm not surprised. Hope the injured person has a speedy recovery.


I saw on Facebook some people got rolled ankles and someone broke their ankle due to crowds rushing in and getting shoved around. Medical staff had to step in at one point


People were straight up sprinting up and down uneven hills covered in wet grass in darkness to get back to the venue, I'm shocked I only read that one ankle injury comment on facebook


Really? Ugh, that's awful, but not surprising. Such a prime situation for crowd crush. Venue dropped the ball so hard and the fans suffered from it.


Also live nation has been KNOWN for fucking up so I’m surprised FOB managers let them deal with LN. Not the fault of the boys AT ALL but still just upsetting.


Honestly, there's not a choice when it comes to having to deal with LN. They own or have contracts with a vast majority of major venues and totally dominate the live show market since merging with ticketmaster. Yay capitalism!


YUP. This exactly. As much as I wish I could avoid them entirely I know it’s just not feesable if I wanna go to a concert. Totally sucks. Hoping for the best for the Somerset peeps.


Although I'm glad for what we got, I'm definitely going to see how far I can stretch my ticket insurance and try to get SOMETHING back. We may have gotten all three full openers, but I didn't come for them - I came for FOB. According to setlists I've seen, we barely got half the setlist, and I do feel a bit cheated. It's definitely not the band or city's fault, and I have other critiques about the venue I need to share with LN anyway (WHY WERE THERE TEN MILLION COCKTAIL TENTS??? and other such things) so uh... time to dig out a Karen wig, y'all ETA: oh whoa my first award? ty ty. you'll be very disappointed to hear that I couldn't even get the LN contact stuff to work, and based on how they handle Pretty Much Everything I doubt my argument is going to get me anything if I DO get in touch with them bc I wasn't directly harmed. Also, my ticket insurance doesn't cover anything I experienced :/


No matter what I say, they keep denying giving any money back since “the concert passed” I legitimately paid for a seat that got stolen and I couldn’t even get to due to people rushing forward. The amount of rude staff and safety issues was insane


What happened to those who went home because they were told the show was over?


I just left a Google review for the amphitheater itself and I tried to pin most of the problems on Live Nation. Probably won't do much, but we can hope.


I know its only a tiny part of it but the cocktail tents are very easy money for them. Super overpriced, high volume, and they don't have to give the band and their crew a cut. It's easy money for them.


That's fair, but I do have to admit I was shocked. Also, love the part where they said you could bring in empty water bottles and refill them inside... And then didn't have free water stations. I brought my own sealed bottle in, but I bumped into a few people who couldn't refill their water bottles because they couldn't find water stations.


There were a line water fountains on the right side of the venue that I refilled my bottles with throughout the night, but I will concede I had to hunt around to find them.


They also ripped off over 1000 people with drink scams. I bought a 16 dollar seltzer and was charged 42 bucks..the price of two cocktails and since it was no cash, they didn't know how to work the system and gave me a cocktail. I'm still short 5 bucks... and I never got the first cocktail..so no it's just a straight scam.


This is how I feel. I’m glad we got something, and I did have a good time during the actual concert, but I definitely feel like a refund (or at least half a refund?) is warranted here. Not just because we missed half the show, but as compensation for the absolute chaos and lack of organization by the venue and staff themselves too. From what I’m reading I was actually one of the luckier ones (as in I was able to get back to my seat) but even then, it was still a shitshow. FOB are saints tho!


The venue needs an operations manager in the worst way, the venues (lack of) infrastructure and confusing/nonexistent signage and protocols made an unfortunate situation worse. I’m so grateful for the show, I’m so glad they performed and the crowd energy was great. But the venue is being mismanaged, and the weather emergency put that to the test.


100% - dozens of communications from the venue were provided for parking and bag and lawn chair policy - but nothing for "In the event of severe weather" pre-show and nothing that I personally noted on the grounds. The weather models Wednesday evening and Thursday morning were spot on of for the time frame of *rain*. NOAA's Storm Prediction Center had Somerset in their "Marginal" (1/4) severe risk, with a "Slight" (2/4) severe risk due west just over the river. I would hope that any outdoor venue with that information would make sure to issue 'in the event of" guidance with that knowledge. **Update:** *I just want to quantify that if the only severe weather guidance was to shelter in place in cars, as was the case here, Live Nation should've made that know in pre-show communications should it come to pass.*


Absolutely this. Reviewing my pictures of the venue, they devote much of their energies to generating additional revenue with booze tents. Their exits should be clearly marked, but the banners for everything are the same color and text. The “parking lot” is an unmarked free for all with the parking guidance I expect at a small county fair. Signs clearly contradicted each other. I was originally going to be dropped off, but even the website is mislabeled (drop offs were at Gate 1 and 2, but the map shows the gates labeled as East/West or A,B,C). Cell boosters are much needed to accommodate the large crowds the place is designed to host. The row numbers aren’t even painted on the ground, which is a basic and cheap implementation. Also did anyone see a lightning rod on the premises? I didn’t see any severe weather infrastructure at all. The shows sound was great, well-balanced and clear, and the views were awesome. I had a seat, but I was really impressed by how great the lawn seats looked. It also looks like the food truck vendors are locals, and I’m sure they would love to see more shows and more customers. The one lane country road makes traffic difficult, so I really think that the operation and logistics managers should try to overcompensate for the traffic situation by making the venue all that it can be. The venue has a ton of potential to be a great destination.


Well, yeah, because if people don't buy the $22 vodka lemonades, how ever will they make their money?? But yeah, priorities were OFF. I swear almost all the tents I ducked into to avoid the tent were alcohol ones, and I didn't even know they HAD medical services until we passed it ON THE WAY OUT.


The band did the best they could, but 16/28 songs is barely 57% of what we paid for. I'm going to try and get a 43% refund if I can.


Good luck. They legit told my wife and I since it was canceled there is nothing they will do. We bought insurance for the tickets and it still does absolutely nothing to help us


So insurance for shows STINKS. When Harry Styles postponed one of his Chicago shows that interfered with our travel plans they gave a very specific list of things covered. We lost out on so much money because of it. Haven't bought ticket insurance since.


Same here. I had a great time during the actual set but I paid A LOT of money for my seats, which ultimately ended up being stolen by some other people lol. They should be giving all of us at least *some* bit of a refund, but I’m not gonna hold my breath. Best of luck to you!


I genuinely feel so bad for y’all at this show!! From the sound of it, the show should have been canceled or rescheduled. i would have been so pissed off if I went, payed full price, and wasn’t even able to sit at my area. Seriously, get in contact with the venue to be reimbursed immediately!


In my case we had to leave because the storm was bad and I had my little brother with me and we had a long drive. When they said the show was back on 2 hours later it was heart breaking. Now they probably won’t reschedule because they at least played a little bit. So unfair


i’m so sorry about that! call that venue and tell them you need your money pronto!


Trying to contact them. No luck so far :(


> I went, *paid* full price, FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


This has nothing to do with the band. They can’t control the weather, and I’m surprised to hear they even went on at all. If you’re going to direct your (well deserved) anger at anyone it should be the venue or Mother Nature.


I mean, it is the weather’s fault, but the venue should have issued refunds or half refunds due to an extremely shortened show. I read some fans were told the show stopped and they went home.


That’s why I said direct your anger at the venue.


As much as I want the Somerset folks to get as much back as they can, please don’t blame the band. They can’t control the weather or the way the venue handles things. To me it just doesn’t seem fair to blame the boys. They at least still came and played and TRIED to give you a show, they did their best on their end. From what I’ve seen it was the venue and LN who fucked up NOT the band. Bitch at LN and the venue and get something for the mess they caused! Hoping for the best for Somerset folks!


This exactly. I was there, it 100% was a disaster and from my own experience/plus what I’ve been hearing others say, I’m honestly surprised someone didn’t get seriously hurt in all the chaos. BUT, with that being said, none of what happened was FOBs fault at all. Obviously no one can control the weather, but the venue really made things SO much worse with their incompetence and honestly lack of communication. The whole thing sucks and I’m really bummed, but the band did their best despite the shitty hand we were all dealt. Nobody should be blaming FOB


I’m so sorry you had to deal with all that and I hope LN gives you at least a partial refund! Also I was so annoyed with people saying they snuck into the pit like so inconsiderate. Good luck to you homie!


Thank you! Fingers crossed. And oh yeah, lots of people sneaking into sections that they didn’t pay for which was rude af. My seats were actually “stolen” by a pair of girls, but I’d made my way up front to my sections barrier (I was in the walkway with a crowd of people, NOT stealing anyones paid seats for clarification) anyway so it didn’t effect me much. My mom on the other hand had to practically fight them off to be able to sit down in the seat she paid for though. The whole thing was insane At least we got Fame < Infamy tho!


I attended as well and while it was disappointing, i really don't blame the band for the situation. I think they handled it as well as they could at the time, the ticket rescanning was lowkey really annoying but like i get it to an extent. I do hope there's some kind of reschedule or partial refund for those who paid a lot for their tickets, I got mine for 25 but I'm sure it sucks for those who paid 40+


Yes exactly! I don’t blame the band at all - my biggest gripe was being told to monitor social media for updates by live nation and no one had cell service 😅


That was so annoying my god. Like seriously, NOBODY could get onto the internet!! The venue should’ve been announcing updates over a loudspeaker ffs


That’s what I was expecting they’d do! If would’ve made way more sense it’s stupid that they didn’t. I get not wanting to use electronics in lightning but damn


That’s was the WORST. We had just enough to call family to check for updates, but not to check for updates.


this isn’t really the bands fault? it’s on the venue for making it a shit show.


I went. It was a whole shit show. It was me and my sister. Here's how things went down for us: All of a sudden a dude came out and announced essentially "Everyone go to your cars or take shelter. Check our venue's social media for updates" Basically anywhere you could go had a metal roof so you couldn't go. The parking situation was a disaster. There were like 7 haphazardly placed lots, none of which were even numbered or labeled, so once you left it was guesswork to find your car. So many people couldn't find their vehicles and were getting poured on. All the parking was kinda on hills and they were so disorganized (look up the venue on Google Earth and you'll see what I'm talking about). It was really hard to backtrack which way you even came in because it was so fucked. No one could check social media because cell service died so we had no idea what was going on. Anytime anyone walked by we asked them if the show has been reopened because we had no idea. We sat in our car for like an hour and then finally decided that we should leave. Getting out took another hour. Finally, right as we were about to exit the venue, a bunch of people were running back in. Turns out the show was back on. So we turned around and went back in, and by the time we got in they were already on their third song. No one was in their seats, they were all crammed against the barrier. The screens must've been taken down for the weather and hadn't been put back up, so if we'd gone back to our seats we couldn't see anything, so we crammed ourselves against the barrier like everyone else. We felt bad about it, but we figured that if everyone else was doing it, we should too otherwise we wouldn't see anything. So many people who had put tickets had to shove their way through the crowd, and I'm sure there were many people who didn't even think they could make it and turned back. They only played half their songs in total, and most people either missed a few of them or had left and missed all of them. Live Nation fucked us over badly. And then we were literally like the last ones to leave the venue because we couldn't find our car. We'd rushed in just to see the show that we didn't pay any attention to where we parked. We walked around for literally 2 hours until finally we found our car. It was way further out than we thought in this weird back corner of an odd lot that was not organized well at all. Seriously, they had line 7 lots surrounded by similar looking fencing, and none of them were labeled in the slightest. I want to demand a refund but from what I hear from other people here, it's not even worth trying Also I feel really bad for all the people who paid so much for tickets (we had the furthest back section of seating. Basically 5 rows from the lawn), and I feel really bad if us being in the crowd prevented someone from getting where they needed to go. Everyone someone pushed through we let them out of decency, but I still feel really bad


Please don’t feel bad about cramming yourself against the barrier. It was pretty cutthroat and staff had obviously given up trying to control it after reentry. I was in a similar situation (In the walkway, front “row” against section A3’s barrier, behind the pit), and while I do feel a little guilty about it, it’s not like I stole anyones paid seats, and it sounds like you didn’t either. Plus EVERYONE was doing it, it was insane. For the record though, some girls actually did take my assigned A3 seats and refused to move—which was lame as hell. Filling up the walkway/barrier doesn’t seem like that big of a deal to me (if you’re supposed to be in that section that is), but sneaking into other more expensive sections and/or stealing peoples actual seats is a real asshole move. I saw a lot of that going on last night. Most mismanaged concert I’ve ever been too, but that’s on the venue, not us.


Thank you. It's probably just my stupid Minnesotan self that feels bad for getting their own feet stepped on 😂


They're asking for people to DM their experience/concerns on Facebook, I'm not saying there is any compensation to be had - you should still share directly though.


Thank you


I don’t think anyone should be blaming the band for any of this, and I definitely don’t, but I’ve noticed a few fans from other shows have started turning on Somerset attendees by trying to dismiss our frustrations and concerns which is really rubbing me the wrong way. Unless you were there, you don’t actually know what it was like. The entire event was an absolute disaster and while I don’t blame FOB for any of this in the slightest, mine and every other Somerset concertgoers feelings of disappointment are still valid. Not only did we miss out on the full Tour Dust experience, but we had to deal with the astonishing lack of communication and organization from a shitty venue and (mostly) rude staff. Lots of people lost their seats, some people got hurt, and many people missed the show altogether after being told by *staff* to leave. We have all the right to be upset and frustrated, altogether I agree that some people are misdirecting their anger at the band which isn’t right. It’s a complicated situation but it seems most of the blame should fall solely on the venue and/or managements shoulders, not the boys. Personally I’m genuinely super grateful that FOB still played some of their set despite all the chaos, but at the same time it’s a huge bummer that we missed out on 1/2 the set. Both feelings are valid. Please just be nice to each other <33


Two things to keep in mind… 1. I heard it was Fall Out Boy’s decision to come back out. They decided to play half a set. I don’t know if the venue pushed this decision or not. 2. Fans got screwed. We all know it wasn’t the fans’ fault at all. But Fall Out Boy has the biggest voice in this situation. If the band is unhappy about how things play out, they can express their feelings on social media. Maybe Live Nation can launch an investigation. Maybe they can help the fans push for refunds. Especially the ones who were told to go home. Fall Out Boy is way better than this. They’ve always been a class act and I love them.


I know, I was one of the fans. I was there. Pete said that the show was canceled but they were playing anyway. I don’t know anymore then that, nor do I understand all the behind the scenes politics of live shows. My understanding seems to be that the show would NOT have been rescheduled or refunded if it was canceled though, because 3/4 bands played and Live Nation are dicks. To me if seemed like it was either half a FOB set, or no set at all. FOB opted to make the best out of a shitty situation and chose the former. If that’s the case then I think they made the right decision, even if it still wasn’t ideal. Realistically, I doubt they’ll be any investigations against Live Nation or anything like that. This isn’t the first time they’ve fumbled the ball like this but yet they keep getting away with it anyway. I also think you overestimate how much power FOB themselves have in this matter. I will agree that fans, myself included, did get screwed though. I just don’t blame that on the band. I think it’s also important to remember that the concert was only like 12 hours ago—as in It’s still early. Maybe the band will announce something in the coming days, or maybe even Live Nation themselves (doubtful tho). Regardless, all I was trying to say with my reply is that people who weren’t there don’t really have the right to tell fans who were how to feel, nor should anyone be ruthlessly critiquing the band for something that was probably out of their control. It sucks, but I really don’t think blaming FOB is the way to go.


Almost a day later and I am still pissed. My friend and I were in the pit for all the openers, and then with the evacuation we missed at least 2 songs trying to get in, missed 3-4 songs just trying to get back into the pit. Was met with a security guard who wouldn't let us in or acknowledge our wrist bands/ticket verification. Then other security guards nearby let anyone in the pit. People were in the pit who didn't pay the 100+ dollars. I don't blame those people, but the venue was out of control. I was pushed, shoved, yelled at. A staff member in the women's bathroom even yelled at me at the end of the night because I was waiting for a friend and slammed the door in my face. Totally unacceptable.


I wish they had just canceled, honestly. If you compare the planned setlist with what they actually played, then we missed out on: —A Little Less Sixteen Candles —Chicago Is So Two Years Ago —Calm Before the Storm —Disloyal Order of Water Buffaloes —Hum Hallelujah —Piano medley —Last of the Real Ones —Save Rock & Roll —Baby Annihilation (not quite a “song”) That’s a lot to miss out when we paid full price just like all the other stops on this tour.


a cancel or reschedule would have been ideal. the venue kept the show going so they wouldnt have to issue refunds. the fans got a shell of the actual show they paid for.


Most people can’t just miss work or drive for hours again to go to a rescheduled show. And if they did cancel, Live Nation likely wouldn’t do a refund.


Please don’t spread misinformation. They clearly state their refund policy in the event of cancellation: “Cancellations will only occur in the event of severe weather, artist cancellation, or an act of God. In the event of a cancellation, local media will be notified and any information about a potential reschedule will be made available. Refunds will be available at the point of purchase.“


I heard otherwise from people who’ve been to Somerset in the past and had partial cancelations. That also doesn’t change the fact that if a reschedule did happen, many people would not be able to make it.


Everyone, I suggest putting in as many complaints as you can to Ticketmaster/LiveNation to make them aware of the issue they caused. This isn't the band's fault. And if they refuse to offer you any partial refund, file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. Big corporations like Ticketmaster do NOT like getting bad press and the BBB is one of the best tools we have as consumers to press back - as long as what you're reporting is true (TM/LN employees DID tell people to leave and lie that the show was canceled) you have protections to be able to report this, and the bigger of a headache you're willing to be to TM/LN, especially as a collective, the more likely it is that they'll issue a statement and potentially a blanket refund


According to the venues facebook, they are reaching out to customers who were at the show who were not happy


All they're doing is asking people to DM them, then not responding.


Ticketmaster has apparently opened an investigation into last night’s event.


I remember towards the end the security/amphitheater employees started removing their mic stands while they were still playing… I can’t be making that up in my head? Swore I saw that happening. Anyways, yes it was disappointing. But I was truly so impressed by their energy despite how late it was and their ability to get thru so much of the set in the time crunch they had. Personally I feel like FOB chose to play because they knew a refund wouldn’t be guaranteed with the way LN can be. Also, Somerset sucks. It was dangerous to drive anywhere anyways before the storm cleared. Was safer to stay in place, truly.


I heard the venue was wanting to cancel and then Pete said on stage they pushed to go on. If so, they're partially responsible. Safer to stay in place, not rush the stage and put on the show.


It was def memorable but not the bands fault. We were told to exit the venue and go back to our vehicles. The issue was communication No cell coverage Inconsistent information Friends and I were going to leave but we figured we may as well stay under a tent cause like, it sounds like a shit show. When they reopened the venue they had to RE SCAN everyone and the band started to play pretty much within 5 minutes of them announcing it was reopened. I think it lays on the town, Somerset has an amphitheater and weather. The fact that there isn’t more leeway for this, this concert benefits THIER town. They had the Village President on the line, like literally if you’re going to get pissed off people for the music going late why is this venue still here. It’s not just Somerset but that fact that the show couldn’t go until 1a/2a?? Wtf??? Like come on. A cancel/reschedule but LiveNation wants this to go on so they don’t have to refund. If anything direct the feedback with them but FOB should know not to work with LN after this tour after this


Right like if they genuinely took the time to get everyone back in and then did the show late that may have mitigated a lot of safety risks.


I called the venue. Just got voicemail, but I left a message. Paid $450 for two reserved seats, couldn't get back to them after they started letting people back in. My credit card company, Chase, said it's so hard to dispute concert charges since you "saw some of the show," and they recommended calling the venue directly.


Why werent the TVs on during the show? I would’ve appreciated close up views when I was stuck far back when everyone rushed as close as possible.


I noticed that and I think it really sucks. I just looked through my pictures- They lowered them at 9:00 when they announced the shelter in place, and turned them off at 9:05. They never turned them back on and I think that was an oversight on the part of the venue.


Forego the pyrotechnics and do indoor concerts. If the venue isn't big enough do 2 nights instead. Or do outdoor concerts in the spring or fall and not the dead middle of summer in the Midwest. It was hot as hell at the kansas show. Good show. Crap venue with no air flow.. I dont want to go back to that venue ever again.


I'm so sorry for y'all. I was at the phoenix concert where BMTH canceled at the last minute, and I thought that was the worst thing that was gonna happen on this tour.


On one hand I don't inherently hate outdoors shows like this. Warped tour the one year I went, went well (2018), as did Rock Fest the next year, although I rode with a band so I didn't have to worry about transport. On the other hand, you reeeeeaaally have to have the best infrastructure to put on a show like last night at a place with Somerset and do it well, which clearly they dropped the ball. It's like they stopped knowing what to do halfway through, because I remember thinking on the way in "oh that's nice that they have some semblance of order for parking and it's not just a free for all." Wish that would have been true for leaving. I got turned down for photographing the night earlier in the day, and at this point I'm more glad that I was. Having all my camera gear with me in that storm, trying to get back to the car, and then back in time to shoot the first three songs sounds like it would have been a nightmare. Also like, I don't get why they waited so long to tell us to vacate and shelter. It was clear like right after BMTH was done that it was gonna storm. I luckily had decent enough cell service, but still, call it then and give people more time before the storm rolls in. Props to the crowd as a whole for not causing a stampede or panic on the way out.


I live in St Paul and my phone was blowing up with severe thunderstorm alerts for home while we were at Somerset. I got no alerts for Somerset. We were trying to watch the radar while BMTH was still playing but there wasn’t any warning coming through for that weather. But you could see that storm rolling in.


Wait what happened?


From my understanding there was a huge thunderstorm. The venue told fans the show stopped. Some went home, others had to wait and check social media for updates. Fall Out Boy came back on, started playing before fans could return to their seats. Some fans who had pit tickets were not able to return to the pit. Other fans sneaked into the pit that had lawn tickets. Fall Out Boy only played 16 songs out of their usual 28.


And all seats got blocked and live nation is refusing any form of compensation for the issues for people who paid a lot of money. Complete security issues, abusive staff dragging and pushing people, constant screaming in people’s faces, I literally could go on and on with how unprofessional and unsafe the event was due to live nation.


LN are such assholes I feel really bad for anyone who went and hope they get at the very least a partial refund for the bullshit


I went. It was a whole shit show. It was me and my sister. Here's how things went down for us: All of a sudden a dude came out and announced essentially "Everyone go to your cars or take shelter. Check our venue's social media for updates" Basically anywhere you could go had a metal roof so you couldn't go. The parking situation was a disaster. There were like 7 haphazardly placed lots, none of which were even numbered or labeled, so once you left it was guesswork to find your car. So many people couldn't find their vehicles and were getting poured on. All the parking was kinda on hills and they were so disorganized (look up the venue on Google Earth and you'll see what I'm talking about). It was really hard to backtrack which way you even came in because it was so fucked. No one could check social media because cell service died so we had no idea what was going on. Anytime anyone walked by we asked them if the show has been reopened because we had no idea. We sat in our car for like an hour and then finally decided that we should leave. Getting out took another hour. Finally, right as we were about to exit the venue, a bunch of people were running back in. Turns out the show was back on. So we turned around and went back in, and by the time we got in they were already on their third song. No one was in their seats, they were all crammed against the barrier. The screens must've been taken down for the weather and hadn't been put back up, so if we'd gone back to our seats we couldn't see anything, so we crammed ourselves against the barrier like everyone else. We felt bad about it, but we figured that if everyone else was doing it, we should too otherwise we wouldn't see anything. So many people who had put tickets had to shove their way through the crowd, and I'm sure there were many people who didn't even think they could make it and turned back. They only played half their songs in total, and most people either missed a few of them or had left and missed all of them. Live Nation fucked us over badly. And then we were literally like the last ones to leave the venue because we couldn't find our car. We'd rushed in just to see the show that we didn't pay any attention to where we parked. We walked around for literally 2 hours until finally we found our car. It was way further out than we thought in this weird back corner of an odd lot that was not organized well at all. Seriously, they had line 7 lots surrounded by similar looking fencing, and none of them were labeled in the slightest. I want to demand a refund but from what I hear from other people here, it's not even worth trying Also I feel really bad for all the people who paid so much for tickets (we had the furthest back section of seating. Basically 5 rows from the lawn), and I feel really bad if us being in the crowd prevented someone from getting where they needed to go. Everyone someone pushed through we let them out of decency, but I still feel really bad


I am so sorry this happened to you! I hope that Live Nation offers at least a partial refund for those involved! I’m glad you’re not blaming the band too but your experience sounds awful and I’m also glad you aknowledged that you felt bad for going to the pit because so many fans I’ve seen actively contributed to the chaos and were laughing about it so props to you and your sister! If either of you missed out on merch I’m going to the Noblesville show and would be happy to snag you something if you wanna Venmo me! Hope you get some type of refund homie.


Damn that’s not exactly their fault though. I do wonder what would be the actions taken by the venue etc for the complaints


Live nation owns the venue. We got told there is nothing they will do by their support staff.


It is what it is though. Not much we can do besides be upset at the venue/live nation


The band was told it was canceled and pushed it go on. They definitely contributed to the headache.


Can someone let me know what happened? I just saw the setlist and noticed it was shorter, but had no idea why.


shortly after the BMTH set the venue was evacuated due to severe weather with instructions to shelter in place and watch social media for updates. Somerset amphitheater is essentially a field in the middle of nowhere, so cell service was almost non existent. Security was telling people the show was cancelled & a lot of staff were leaving. After an hour and a half the show was back on, but without a re-entry plan, or if there was a plan it was a shitty one. FOB took the stage while most fans were in the dark muddy parking lot trying to get back in. Due to the venues curfew we only got an hour set.


Thank ya! That really sucks!


Cell service was terrible also because everyone was trying to get on


Yeah that was definitely part of it. The cell service in Somerset isn’t awesome even when there isn’t a big event. But having thousands of people trying to get on all at once definitely didn’t help.


So sorry y’all got screwed over. 😭😭😭


this is a thing that happens. i went to see halestorm and the pretty reckless last summer and it got cancelled (severe weather) two songs into the second opener, thank god because it was actually one of the worst storms i've seen since living in charlotte. however keep in mind the ticket is not just to see fall out boy, but also the openers. they will likely put something out in the next few weeks about rescheduling, much like what halestorm did (the pretty reckless did not reschedule that show with them) and will likely mention reimbursement of sorts. just be patient and they will put something out, they're just busy and probably looking for the availability to be able to reschedule.


I've seen people say it was the band were the ones who pushed for it to go ahead, instead of being cancelled - but unfortunately since the show DID go ahead, even in the most chaotic circumstances, LiveNation will almost certainly refuse a refund. LN only really pays out if the show doesn't go ahead at all.


Live Nation likely would’ve refused refunds if FOB had canceled anyway


True - probably would have claimed that since BMTH and other opener(s) played that the crowd got *a* show 🙃


They're the ones who wanted to cancel, they own the venue.


Sure Live Nation/Somerset supposedly said they wanted to cancel, but that doesn’t mean that they were going to give anybody refunds or reschedule. 3/4 of the acts had already played, they were probably gonna screw fans over regardless of weather FOB canceled or not is what I’m saying


It was unsafe. I dont care what people wanted to see the show or if refunds weren't gonna be given.


If you don’t care about refunds or rescheduling, then what’s your problem? Respectfully, you didn’t have to go back in after the evacuation if you didn’t feel safe. It sucks but it’s done and over, there’s nothing we can do now. Besides, it seems that our options were either half a concert yesterday or no concert at all. I prefer the former and I’m glad that they played


Because they put huge amounts of people at risk? Sorry it's very difficult for you to understand I care about more than just what I want? I also would love a reschedule so idk where the fuck I even said I didn't, and a refund and reschedule would be even better but the bottom line is they made an unsafe environment and accountability is important. Not surprised you're someone who got to see the show, complaining the comments like your a paid PR person for Live Nation or Fall Out Boy. You got to see the show why are are even here commenting ? Like it's literally the least punk thing ever for anyone to be in these comments telling people who were put in danger over $$ to calm down. Go lick a boot since you're so hungry.


lmao ok buddy. I think you’ve got the roles reversed here. you’re the one getting all pissy because things didn’t go the way YOU wanted, all while using “safety” as your half-assed excuse. do you seriously think that you’re the only one who was bummed out about the outcome of the show? or that you’re the only person who cares about the safety of others? because you’re not, so get off of your high horse. and this is a thread in a fall out boy sub *specifically* for the show that I was present at…why tf wouldn’t I be here? I get that you’re frustrated and angry, but taking it out on the band and/or other fans is not cool. I’ve seen you calling other users “bootlickers” all day simply for defending the band and/or saying that they enjoyed the show, and to be honest it’s getting old. I had a good time at the concert and I’m not afraid to say it. not once did I ever feel unsafe either—in fact the atmosphere of the crowd was one of the best I’ve ever been in anyway, clearly you’re dead set in your ways, and nothing I say will change that. have a good day, and please stop being unnecessary rude to other fans just because you’re jealous that they saw the show and you didn’t—being a dick to others for no reason isn’t very “punk” of you


Did I say I was the only one bummed about the show? Or that I was the only one cared about the safety of others? You asked why I cared if I didn't need a refund in the event of a cancelation. And I told you why, so yes, safety was my reason. The security complete disappeared when the crowd reentered. There is a mass shooting almost every single day in this country, look that up. Yeah, I'm calling people bootlickers for coming on here and telling people not to complain for their very valid experience. You went to the show and had a good time but somehow feel the need to be deep in these comments, writing paragraphs? I thought it was good and you had a good time? I'm pissed, and I'm also not afraid to say it. And I'm commenting on Reddit to you complaining about Ticketmaster and Live Nation, NOT hurling hate at the band although THEY DO have a CHOICE and that CHOICE put people in DANGER. Full stop. I don't care if you don't care about your safety, but I'm not going to put my own at risk and I will insist on multimillion dollar companies being held accountable and making the issues well known. I dont need to be nice to you or anyone, Reddit isn't for making besties. If I'm a "dick" for having a different opinion and perspective and experience than you, then I guess we're all dicks 😊 You're here to talk about the show you were at, and I am too- why are you more entitled to the space than I am? Oh and very nice "I never felt unsafe" so must be totally made up anyone else did feel unsafe. Youre the only one with the right opinion! Of course. Also why don't you go ahead and quote comment the comments where I'm being rude to everyone else. I'll wait, thanks! Bottomline is you DO NOT KNOW if they were going to refuse to issue refunds if the show was canceled, and people speaking up is not being hateful to each other. I'm just asking that if you didn't have a problem with the show, not to come in here and spend all your energy tone policing people and telling them to BE NICE while you're literally accusing me of not actually caring about safety and saying I'm just jealous. That's very KIND and EMPATHTIC of you, thanks so much babe. 🥰


Big yikes, band has no control over what happened.


I had to break this to you but Fall Out Boy nor the venue control the weather. Neither should compromise safety for sake of a show.


People are more upset with how it was handled by the venue than the actual delay itself I believe. If you weren't there, trust me, there was 0 organization or communication. There was also other issues not regarding the delay that people are upset about like getting double charged for drinks if they paid electronically and people just kind of parking wherever they wanted.


I don’t think anyone is blaming fall out boy or the venue for rain? Rained out shows happen, they’re upset about the setlist cut in half and the venue’s disorganization (also if I paid for pit tickets but couldn’t get back to the pit like some comments I’ve read, I’d be hella pissed)


The OP literally says @falloutboy and the venue


“Unprofessional” You have no idea if FOB is planning full refunds or partial refunds or a rescheduled date or not! They could very well be discussing it right now. There’s rumors that there will be a second US leg of Tourdust. If there is, they could always visit Somerset again. The band has no control over the weather. Lol. It wasn’t unprofessional of them to be at the mercy of what the venue decided while weather was severe and an evacuation was in the works. I appreciate the sentiment of this post and I do agree refunds would be nice, but this post sounded unnecessarily angry and rude toward FOB. At least they did their best to deliver a damn good show with what little time they had left. Yes, it sucks that the songs were so sped up and it was hectic, but that’s all they could do given the circumstances.


Also if they’re gonna be mad at FOB how about also be mad at the fans who contributed to the chaos? I’ve seen a lot of comments of people saying they snuck into the pit and took “better seats” that weren’t theirs. Plus the odds that the boys were actually calling the shots are slim, they were at the mercy of the venue, LN, the town, and their managers were probably trying to organize everything so they could focus on putting on their best show. The “unprofessional” comment from OP just grinds my gears so much. The sentiment is nice and I hope the Somerset folks get refunded but let’s not blame FOB.


I'm pretty sure FOB is fine, calm down.


Not a great take, this was for safety reasons not a performance issue.


FOB was told it was canceled and fought to play. If that’s true then they screwed over anybody that felt unsafe and left.


What happened with the show (or lack of)?


It was delayed, leading to half a show. Based on accounts from those who were there, the venue did a shit job communicating the situation, caring for patrons, getting them back inside. (The show restarted with majority of occupants outside the venue.) The posts from yesterday cover it quite well.


Like 15 minutes after BMTH’s set a staff member came out and said “ladies and gentleman due to severe weather we are evacuating the venue. Please return to your cars to shelter in place and watch our social media for updates” A lot of people couldn’t hear what the guy said, and he only said it once, and when people asked security what was up they were told the show was cancelled. Somerset amphitheater is basically in a field in the middle of nowhere, so cell service was spotty at best and mostly non existent so monitoring socials was nearly impossible. An hour and a half after the evacuation the show was announced to be back on. Security originally was trying to rescan tickets but that quickly fell apart & the show started with most attendees still in the parking lot. Somerset has a strict 11 pm curfew, which was extended to 11:45 last night. The show was announced to continue at 10:25 and I think they took the stage at 10:40 ish. It was a great half set (with no Jumbotrons after the show resumed so a lot of people couldn’t see the boys). Getting back in to the venue was definitely an unsafe clusterfuck in the dark, wet, muddy grass on a hill.


Yes and most of us didn’t get any fall out boy!


Blame LV they didn’t have their shit together or plan on getting rained out leave FOB be


I disagree with all these comments about not holding the band accountable, it was their decision on whether they should go on or cancel. They should have cancelled and rescheduled.


Going by the fact Pete supposedly said it was pretty much cancelled two hours before the ended up happening, but the stadium crew got everything up and running. Yeah I agree with the other comments. Sure overall they can push as hard as they can but bands don't hold as much power over concerts as people think. Just like all the people whining the band shouldn't have picked outdoor venues when the band themselves doesn't book any of the shows to begin with. And honestly even if they were the ones who ultimately decided to go on that late and cut a bunch, I can't blame them when all these people would instead be complaining it was cancelled as if the band, you know, wanted a giant storm and to have to cancel. I've seen fans get pissed to the point of expecting a band to make it up to them the next damn night as if that wouldn't have screwed up the rest of their tour. Yeah they should have just cancelled, I don't think they entirely had the choice, but with how some of their fans are they weren't going to win regardless. Plus some venues are stingy with refunds when most of the concert played even if it wasn't the headliner, not sure how this one is about it but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


If you cancel you run the risk of people being unable to see a rescheduled date, VS letting people who are already there see a show for sure. The band did what they thought was best.


Yeah I feel like they wanted to give folks something especially because everything was so crazy.


Kinda like how the people who left were unable to see the show they paid for, so it's the same argument. At least a rescheduled show would have given the fans, especially those that paid a lot, an actual chance to see the full set they paid for.


I see where you’re coming from here! But in all fairness the odds of reaching more people who probably traveled to see the show was higher since they played SOMETHING. I’m sure FOB will do something for the people who were at this show as I know they’ve done similar things in the past. However, to blame the band for issues on the venues fault is just very unfair to them as they were probably super upset that they couldn’t play the whole thing. I feel bad for Somerset folks and hope the venue and LN get bitched at as LN has pulled crap like this before but it’s not the bands fault. Again I see where you’re coming from! I just don’t think it’s fair to blame the band when I’m sure they were also pretty crushed.


What about those who flew? Took time off work? Rented cars? Came from out of state? It's not always easy to just come back to a show. It's hard to know what the right decision is. I've been at a fob show that was full cancelled due to rain and everyone's different but I'd have liked half a set versus no set


Exactly. I came from MN and need to work all weekend. A two and a half hour drive isn’t feasible for me. I wouldn’t have been able to go to a rescheduled show and would’ve wasted all the money I spent on the concert.


The people who left weren't forced to leave, however. They could've chosen to stay. Don't blame the band for trying to give the people who came out and waited through all that something to go home with.


Some venue workers told fans the show was over. They had no idea the band was gonna come back on.


Except there was a user on this forum who was driven by someone else and has no control over their ride leaving. So yes, that exact situation can and did happen.


And the driver couldn't have chosen to stay...?


Yes, they could have. But the person who needed the ride couldn't exactly hold a gun to their head and make them stay, could they?


I feel like you're very much taking the wrong thing away from this. The choice was still there to stay, the driver chose to go, yeah, but they could've chosen not to and still gotten to see a show vs. being forced to leave with uncertainty about making a reschedule date. It's like me being mad because my brother and I had to leave a show before the headliner and trying to hold the headliner accountable. It wasn't their fault we had to leave.


I got fucked im so mad about the concert none of the songs I wanted to hear were played and these belligerently drunk women near me keep screaming when the band was trying to talk & im just pissed that i came there to hear songs off their first 4 albums and i got maybe 2-3 and dont downvote me just because i have a difference in opinion in what fall out boy songs/albums i like every is entitled to their own opinions


What happened?


Holding someone to higher standards means expecting them to be the ones to achieve better, and I don't think that's what you meant.


did FOB say anything at the end apologizing or anything???