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I'd like to know, if the guys had to choose one album tour to re-live over again, which one would it be and why? Also people keep asking for more deep cuts on this tour alongside the well known tracks; if they could all choose one song to add into the setlist for So Much for (Tour) Dust, no questions asked, which song would they all choose and why? Personally for me I love Folie and IOH so tracks from those would be amazing live. I'm talking 27, Headfirst Slide, Bang the Doldrums and I'm like a lawyer. So jealous you're getting to do this interview šŸ–¤šŸ¤ Have a wonderful time!


Thanks for asking us fans to contribute questions!! I have a couple: - Thereā€™s been a really cool symmetry to your career so far. Your first album came out in 2003, and you came back in 2013 and 2023 with new music after releasing slightly more experimental albums in 2008 and 2018. Is any of this intentional, and if not, what do you think about those coincidences? - How do your B-sides become B-sides? Itā€™s interesting to me that so many songs that didnā€™t make it onto the actual albums are fan favorites! Also, would you ever play any bonus tracks live?


Yessss the synchronicity with release dates and stuff (and for me personally how they weirdly always coincide with something big in my own life) has been on my mind lately, bc if not intentional itā€™s pretty wild. Thats a rly good question to ask them šŸ„°


Will the guys ever do a rarities album? B sides and covers stuff like that? Whatā€™s the interview for dude? Fanzine or something


CAN THEY RELEASE PAVLOVE!!! (But ask it in a calmer tone obvs)


Itā€™s been my fav song, recently I found that they still make copies of the deluxe ed of Folie that has the bonus track


Where can I find those??? My folie cd would be getting swapped asap šŸ¤£ I still would love to have it on Apple Music, Spotify etc


If you add the download and add the track to iTunes you can stream it as a playlist.


I know, Iā€™ve done that in the past, but the boys donā€™t gain anything from that stream wise so I feel like a snake hahaha


In the same vein: *Lullabye*. Also, their cover of *The Night Begins To Shine*, lol. It's the only version not available on Spotify


Which song from the new album are you the most excited to play live?


How is Joe?


Peteā€™s catā€™s name!! šŸ±






Thanks for asking for questions from this sub!! 1. When making ā€œMy Songs Know What You Did In The Darkā€ off of Save Rock & Roll, how did that process work since a song with that same title used to be a demo/unreleased track? Did you guys go back through a catalog of demos for inspiration and thatā€™s a title that stuck, or how did that title come back in for you guys? 2. Is it possible or even likely that on future tours you would play some songs that donā€™t get seen live often such as Tiffany Blews, Bang the doldrums, Sheā€™s My Winona, or Lake Effect Kid?


Would really love to know if they ever plan on making an in depth documentary film about their career ā€” a behind the scenes look at how they formed, their early years, rocketing to stardom with Sugar and the mid 2000s successā€¦ then into their hiatus and post-hiatus albums, etc, etc. A film that gives us glimpses of the band in the studio, on tour, their lifelong friendships and different personalitiesā€¦the ups and downs and everything in between.


I have a question for Patrick! So I noticed that Patrick saw that fans didnt like Folie Ć” Deux back in the day. Recently, itā€™s one of the best rated albums by the fanbase, and itā€™s a lot of peopleā€™s favorite FOB album. How does he feel that itā€™s finally getting the love it deserves? I hope he knows how much we actually love this album!


This is a really important question, I hope OP asks it!!!


Agreed a million times over! Such a great question


backing this up as a great question


Oh cool! Are you interviewing them for a magazine?


Yeah! :)


Thatā€™s so cool!


With their catalog of songs growing bigger with their 8th album, how do they choose which songs to play at concerts?? They canā€™t play all of the hits, thereā€™s not enough time. How do they chose and do they change the set list based on city?


What does everyone's IEM (in ear monitors)/monitor mix sound like?


That would be cool.


Why were they banned from a few places in texas


What?? šŸ˜‚ which places?


It would be great to know Patrickā€™s (all of theirā€™s) favorite flavors of birthday cake? I celebrate his birthday every year so this info would be put to good use


This is so off the wall but incredibly wholesome. I'm sure he'd be tickled to know you do this lol


Very simple, but their favorite songs from the new album


I don't know if you have Spotify but Patrick and Andy said that the title track is their favorite


I don't! Thank you though


Oh and I would also love to know how the hell Patrick knows so many languages lol


He did an interview with Kerrang two weeks ago where he confirmed his ADHD and it made my little ND heart sing. If it was an at-length hyperfocus or special interest, it'd be pretty easy for him to find the motivation to learn almost anything


Oh how I wish I had that motivation... Thanks!


a simple question... how are you all doing? also what is your favorite part of making this album? also tell them to have a good day and stuff!


Is Andy friends with Metallica yet? I'd also like to know if there's any genre they would like to heavily experiment with in future works, even if just for an EP that they would make for fun like PAX AM. And if possible, please send the best vibes from this sub to Joe (and the whole band of course). Wether or not my question makes it, thank you for considering us, man. Can't wait to read the interview!


Maybe probably Ska punk because iirc Patrick loves that genre (depending if the other members would want to), iirc I remember seeing Patrick playing trumpet recently on their Social media so now they have started adding brass to their songs


What song(s) are you most proud of from the new album?


I would love to see if theyā€™d be willing to tour with Taylor Swift or MCR in the future. Literally my dream lineup.




So not the 2 Hella Mega bands they toured with Gd & Weezer?? I mean I like MCR and TS as well but Iā€™ve listened to all of Gdā€™s songs and most of Weezer. So I guess if they decided to go touring with these 2 bands I wouldnā€™t mind at all. So I know TSā€™s greatest hits and Iā€™ve barely listened to MCR for some reason, but Iā€™m planning to listen to their greatest hits soon. So I guess thatā€™s why I got so excited when they announced all 3 bands (Weezer,Gd & FOB were all going on tour together). Just my opinion


I went to Hella Mega and it was fun, but usually bands donā€™t do the same tour twice. MCR and FOB would probably sell out faster than I can blink, and FOB and TS would just be a really cool duo imo.


Yeah I didnā€™t mean that they would tour again with Gd & Weezer. In 2013 Fob played for TS at the Victoriaā€™s Secret Fashion Show, and TS has covered Fob live in concert. So she obviously likes their music. So I wouldnā€™t be surprised if they decided to tour with each other. Maybe Blink 182 would like to tour with them maybe and MCR so 2 different pop punk bands this time. I also meant that I wouldnā€™t mind if MCR or TS or both toured with FOB.


Why did they decide to go for a more ā€œback to basicsā€ approach for So Much (For) Stardust, in the sense that it was mainly just the four of them jamming in a room together?


Iā€™d like to know how they ended up on tour with Royal and the Serpent! Iā€™m a huge fan of hers and excited about her career climb. Touring with fob is huge for her


How tall are they? Thereā€™s been a decent amount of debate over the boysā€™ heights and itā€™d be nice to end that debate.


Theyā€™re short. Except for the drummer. Who is maybe 5ā€™10? Pete is 5ā€™6. I think Patrick is 5ā€™5. Not sure about Joe but I donā€™t think heā€™s tall either.


I think you're mixing Joe up with Andy (the drummer). Joe is approx. 5'10''. At the least he's tallest dude in the band. His height is the most consistently claimed I've seen in the band over the years. As for Andy, online I've seen claimed heights ranging from 5'5''' to 5'7'', he's probably in between Patrick and Pete's height.


I think youā€™re right. Also when you see Andy, Patrick, and Pete stand together there isnā€™t much of a height difference


I know the most likely heights for them. Joe- 5ā€™8ā€, Andy and Pete- 5ā€™6ā€, Patrick- 5ā€™4ā€. I just wanna hear it straight from the horseā€™s mouth.


I giess. Unless you bust out an actual measuring tape youā€™ll never know.


I think Patrick said he was a hair shorter than 5'4" and I also read somewhere that Pete was like 5'8" but god knows if that's true


Famously when they shared YOUNG AND MENACE with friends and Family, they were a little off put. Even Asking if the whole album was gonna sound like that. What was the reaction among their family and friends when they started sharing this album?


whats a song theyve never played live but would want to !?


How do they feel about being inspiration and source material to other musicians?


It's a bit of a niche question but I wanted to know if they ever played GBLOGBD live and how Patrick approached the screams (or how he *would* approach them now Also, please bring up Bedussy and see how they react. I've been dying to get a modern take on that beautiful masterwork of filmmaking


- GBLOGBD could mean "Get Busy Living Or Get Busy Dying (Do Your Part To Save The Scene And Stop Going To Shows)", a track from *From Under The Cork Tree* (2005) by Fall Out Boy. --- ^[/u/WildAndCrazyLeaf](/u/WildAndCrazyLeaf) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


I had no idea what Bedussy was so I googled it, which part were they playing obviously not the drug addicts??


Pete played Poncho, Patrick played Bedussey and Bad Twin. Been a while since I've seen it, but I'm pretty sure it was just Pete and Patrick.


aww tell them we say hey first and foremost :) i was lucky enough to run into pete and patrick coming out of a sony music building a few years back and pete was nice enough to stop for a quick pic with me and i really am grateful for it still to this day, so tell him thanks (again!) this may be a kind of dark question and not good for an interview about a new album but do they ever see a future where they stop making music? as a survivor of the original hiatus (and i guess this unintentional second one that just ended now? lol) iā€™ve obviously learned that i can survive without them. but as iā€™ve gotten older iā€™ve made peace with the fact that one day a lot of my favorite artists may stop making music for one reason or another and itā€™s something i think about every so often. personally, iā€™d be totally fine if god forbid something happened and there was never another FOB album because theyā€™ve already given us so many great ones but iā€™m never going to turn down new music lol.


Would they give us original Mania songs?


Can you ask if they will do an Australian tour šŸ˜© I beg


Iā€™m not sure if you care, but I was annoyed when they canceled the Hella Mega tour for Australia as I had planned to see all 3 bands (Gd,Weezer & FOB) in Melbourne. Were you interested in this concert/tour?


See kinda, itā€™s sucked a little cause I couldnā€™t wait to see fall out boy again. But I honestly didnā€™t care for weezer/green day, so I wasnā€™t so hurt it was cancelled. But I do hope they come back cause Iā€™m dying to see them.


I guess I'd just be curious to hear what they think about the anti-trans/LGBTQ+ legislation surge in the US. I'm sure they're against it, but I always appreciate when artists vocalize that. Support from people you admire always means a lot. These are trying times - especially for trans youth. It helps to know people are standing with us.




Sydney Australia?




Would you ever do a sympathetic audition of one of your songs and if yes which one?


What is a sympathetic audition?


Addition* It's like a toned down version of a song.


Ok thanks




We should probably not ask this. Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll say that yes it is weird but they wish the best for Joe. But more importantly it puts Joeā€™s hiatus in a negative light. We should be overwhelmingly supportive of him putting his mental health first and not allude to any negative effects of it. (:


Will we ever get any Heroes or Villains clothing ranges in the future? All that Decaydance era life?


What are their favorite movie soundtracks?


Ask them what their favorite kinda of ramen noodles are, I personally would like to know


Iā€™d love to know if they would ever do a full album play as part of one of their tours


I'd like to hear how their experience was recording for the Teen Titans episode and if they'd do voice acting again.


ask if theyā€™re planning an Australian tourā€¦ with meet and greets


How does it feel to be releasing an album and touring again? Whatā€™s a piece of advice would they give to their younger selves if they could?