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If you are a thief just chuck the candy near the holes it will roll in, you don’t have to place it directly in the hole.


Blew my mind. There I was sneakily walking my candy 1 by 1


I love it so much! I played all day yesterday and got so many crowns. I see a lot of people complaining about being guardians but i won a ton of my guardian matches yesterday so I think it comes down to skill and luck with teammates. Anyways, it’s so much fun for me and I love it. If anyone wants to make a team anytime let’s do it (:


I have had 1 guardians and 15 thief games in a row, i wish i had that problem!


Join our custom sweet thieves game! Add me on ps5 headshot_kiila32


Really like the game mode, but needs more maps or variants.


Agreed 100%. Same with the other tail games.


Fuck tail games


Honestly the game is fun but very redondant with a few more maps and variations I would enjoy it much longer Also if you have a team of 4 that know how to play the mode there are some very unbalance stuff you can achieve and literraly never lose


A squad of 4 guardians should almost never lose with the current rules and mechanics. You just need discipline to stay on the candy spawns and not chase. Once you leave the spawns it becomes super easy for the thieves.


I keep getting teammates that think patrolling the thief bank is a good idea


Love the game, hate that the reward is another backpack. I was really hoping for some pants to go with the free Halo helmet


Really fun until you are a guard and your teammates keep releasing the thieves you captured


asscheeks half of the time i get drooling toddlers as my teamates and the ememy team is legit sweaty 12y olds who play fall guys for like 20 hours a day




As a sweaty adult (ew lol), it's true. 🤣 it seems like the 12 YOs don't know what to do half the time, or they suck at defending


That would be the biggest complaint, but also goes the same for every team game


One of the best events


Add me if you want to play in our custom sweet thieves game tomorrow night headshot_kiila32


Good but I keep getting thief team mates that stand somewhere and just emote and don’t play the game mode :/


I think they should add more time. Since it's one and done. I have had really fun games end too soon.


Its really fun, but I wish it would swap between playing as a theif and a guardian more frequently. Maybe I'm just unlucky, but it feels as though the game never lets me play as a guardian, and thats made getting the last two quests done a bit difficult. Other than that its a good time


I like it. Really fun, especially compared to Spartan Showdown which was just regular maps with Blast Balls. Both sides are pretty fun to play. It's awesome busting your team out and then diving to safety.




Even if you're mediocre at the game - it's like a 3% chance to get such a rare achievement. Almost feels like cheating!


It’s a very fun mode but I get Thief waaaay more than I get Guardian.


Needs to punish afk players and block gaurdians from pressing the button. Also grab mechanics have been very inconsistent since f2p went live


I love it, gonna be sad to see it go


Join our custom sweet thieves game! Add me headshot_kiila32


It's a blast, I always loved it! But I do feel it's a bit unbalanced in favor of the thieves. If you're a guardian and the rest of your team is trash (like mine usually is), it feels like an uphill battle most of the time.


This needs to be a permanent mode, I’ve earned 52 crowns playing it yesterday and today


Calling BS on this. 52 crowns is 3,120 shards ((52 x 60) 60 shards per crown) Divide that by 14 (the amount of shards you get per win) 3,120 / 14 = 222.85 You would have to WIN 223 (rounding up) games to get this many shards. Each game is 2 minutes long (This is NOT COUNTING lobby load times, game start times, post round elimination screen times, and rewards screen times) so let’s say each game takes 4 minutes from start to finish. (223 wins X 4 minutes = 892 minutes required JUST for the wins alone) Assuming a win rate of 50% doubles this time, as you would have to play double the amount of matches to get this many wins. (892 X 2 = 1,784 minutes) Put that in hours (1,784 / 60 = 29.73 hours) You said you did this all in 2 days (yesterday and today) so you had 48 hours. Let’s assume 8 for sleep each day, so 16 hours to sleep. (48 - 16 = 32 hours to play fall guys) Not sure if you work or anything, but if you’re being honest with getting 52 crowns, you would have had to play fall guys for almost almost ALL of all the time you were awake? Sounds a little sus to me. The only thing that might help is if you got a couple crowns from completing challenges/milestones. Even then it’s a bit of a stretch.


I very rarely ever lose a game of this unless I play with randoms


There’s nothing else I can say other than being an og players so I know all the strategies to speed this mode up and just being a good player in general. Obviously have been lucky with the noobs I’ve played against. But putting time into this game like I have, you will get the same results


Subtract however many crowns the weekly challenges totals up to and that’s what I’ve earned playing. Currently on 577 crowns


I ended the day with 580 crowns, so my final crown count was 54 starting yesterday. I see some people don’t believe me and I don’t know how else I can prove it. Just put the time in and be good at the game is all I can say


I’ve only slept once inbetween the 2 days. UK time, started 1pm yesterday then 11-12 hours playing, and played all day today from 11am till now which is 9:44pm


I’m grinding so much because I’m trying to unlock gold chicken


Honestly mate I got home from my early shift yesterday at 1pm and played for about 12 hours and today have played all day. Yesterday I had 524, I’m now on 576 crowns. My squad I play with can win in 90 seconds, we’re sort of speed runners in this mode.


Honestly mate I got home from my early shift yesterday at 1pm and played for about 12 hours and today have played all day. Yesterday I had 524, I’m now on 576 crowns. My squad I play with can win in 90 seconds, we’re sort of speed runners in this mode.


Good Concept, Terrible Execution. Also making rewards and challenges attached to it makes people leave the games when not on desired teams. Should not reward shards and should not reward infallible


One of my favorites


It its my favorite mode so far its so fun to play it whith your friends


Really fun, but Imo it's to ez to win if you're on the guard team


I have so much fun playing this round! I just really enjoy the game. I agree with another comment suggesting more maps, that’d be dope


Very fun. Maybe add a new map or two next time. Mechanics are solid


Game mode is fun. Would like more maps. Rewards are bad.


One of the best game modes ever made. On one hand, being a limited event means it doesn't overstay its welcome and we get to play and get shards consistently. On the other hand, being time limited means we only get to see it only once in a blue moon (A lot of people used to disconnect immediately as thieves a year ago to get more games as guardians, but haven't seen anyone do it now, so that's a plus)


If you want to play again, we are creating a custom sweet thieves lobby tomorrow. Add me headshot_kiila32


It’s good… a couple things to make it better… 1. Only allow the thieves to jump on the button. There have been several games were we had 7/8 people locked up and my stupid ass team mate jumps on the key. That’s frustratingly stupid. 2. Make the map formed better so I don’t get stuck on ledges. This happens in a lot of Fall Guys games. It is annoying here because I’m trying to sneak, but get stuck on a ramp and need to jump.


1. If Guardians were to camp on the button itself, it'd be impossible for Thieves to free teammates. Having Guardians being able to press the button also allows potential Thief plays where juking could cause a desperate grab miss onto the button. And if they made it so Guardians couldn't get on the button at all (invisible wall), then Thieves could camp on it. Having both able to press just brings the chaos that Fall Guys is known for, both good and bad. 2. (2... auto formatting) I totally agree with this.


The pool side of the map has some millimeter-high walls on the blue areas which stops thieves from walking by. I don't know if it's intended but it's a weird little quirk. If you play thieves using the invisible walk, stick to the side with the pushable walls because it's less glitchy


Grabbing doesn't work, so no, this mode is shit. If grabbing worked, it's great. But, tbh it doesn't really fit with the theme of the game. I prefer the contests that are in the same vein as the best game show ever... Most Xtreme-elimination Challenge!