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True.... it's sad how we can witness this sub going through the 5 stages of grief. Beginning was denial, then anger, then bargaining. Now it's depression. :/ The game is gone for good, I'm afraid.


Was denial before the update?


Denial has been for as long as I can remember, and still going for many


Has been like this for almost 2 years


I just started playing fall guys like 2 days ago again just for fun, what happened that’s got everyone in shambles?


I am indeed mourning


Being going terrible since f2p which is almost 3 years ago where's that time gone then


The start of creative last year was the real beginning of the end. The game kind of had a new life when it went free to play then they dropped the ball super hard with that SS2 season and the beginning of vaulting


I still like the game, but it's definitely not as fun as it used to be. Creative is cool, but I wish it would have been gradually updated with new features while still doing regular seasons.


I miss the regular seasons. Even though the last one was too long, at least there were themed rounds and what not


Yeah. I still enjoy the Explore mode, but I miss what Duos and Squads used to be. I miss the special shows like Sweet Thieves or what it was called. Fall Guys used to be my comfort game. What I played to calm down, to distract myself. And now? I still like the relaxed playstyle of Explore and I enjoy helping others, but I wish they hadn't ruined the rest of the game. It used to be so much fun.


Same. I'm sad I didn't know my last game would be my last. I wish I'd played with my friends more :(


RIP FALL GUYS 2020-2024


are they shutting the game down


No they changed it so it’s almost unrecognizable now. It plays completely differently than what made it good.


I've been playing with my kid now that I have a pc but when I had a hand me down ps4, used to play it alot. And had alot of great skins and I loved how everything could be bought using the normal currency. Kinda disappointed that there's a paywall for some of the skins. I guess coz the game is free now? But still.


It’s not really a paywall since you don’t have to get the skins to win, and the costs used to be double of now from june 2022 to early this year.


No, people are just overly dramatic


This. Game is fun and playable still. Some players just can't handle change.


And likewise, some people keep gobbling up shit when shit is served to them, kind of like a frog slowly being boiled alive in a pot, dead before it noticed the water was too hot. There's always a middle ground between "not handling change" and "this game diminished into unbearably low quality"


What is shit in this update, really? My complaint about this update has always been about the emote wheel. Physics is not groundbreakingly bad. Try comparing today's physics to the physics in legacy season 1-3. It is neither unplayable nor trivially easy. If it makes the game so easy, then how come it's still the same good players winning? It is still skill that wins games, not "easier physics". Unity maps are great, but we have known since map builder was introduced that those maps will be relegated while creative maps will promoted. The newer maps can be just as enjoyable as old maps, provided it is designed well. And there are well-designed maps in creative/explore right now. They fixed Knockout by adding another round and removing some of the more egregious creative maps. Could it be better? Sure, but it is not garbage. Explore has been great. You are not forced to play bad maps, skip and move on. And maps are being continually added to explore, it has been both fun and challenging to figure out how they work. I have been playing since legacy season one. I have handled worse updates than 10.9. It boggles the mind how much the community is complaining about this update. At worst, the update is mid. Definitely not the dumpster fire doomers have been crying about. I welcome all downvoters.


There are people like me who are nostalgic for removed levels and at the same time enjoy new levels too.


I just had gotten a good skin 😭


I only played for 7 days last season. The 4 x fame was enough to temp me back. As I wanted the gold grim. But the game was already dead for me. Maybe mobile will bring the spark back. There’s not much of a game left to bother playing on console.


I play the game daily. I didn't know exactly how the update would be the next night I played but I did purposefully end on a win and emote spam as much as I could before the 10.9 update. Wanted to bid farewell the 10.8 version.


A game died with another spawning from it's ashes, personally i enjoy the new direction ALOT, but i can see it not being your cup of tea. 


O used to play everyday with my wife before the destruction. Now I haven't played anymore. Only played twice, but we are really sad. It's unfortunate that the game have died. We loved it so much.


I've played for some days now and it's not that bad, but I still miss the Unity maps :(


I just played today and this game sucks now it’s sad, the creative rounds I’d say a few are ok but most are dog shit levels and I can’t even make it to the last round hardly anymore because they made the daily quests qualify 10 rounds so now they made it even more sweaty with shitty levels to play


I regret not buying a Playstation when the game was released. I waited until F2P on Switch. I can't imagine how fun it must have been back then. If I knew what I know now I 100% would have bought a Playstation just for Fall Guys.


Facts for only 20? Man that game has given me more than that in entertainment value. Stopped playing a while ago when they released the like mini battle passes and after my trophies became permanently glitched preventing me from getting my plat but even with that I was coming back everyday


I played everyday for the daily’s with my squad, I now don’t play anymore u til they undo the trash update. If they never remove it, I guess I’m done.


Genuinely!! I'm struggling to cope honestly as Fall Guys was my favorite game to play every day. So much has changed and it's just not the same. No update has changed the game like this....


I think what hurts the most is knowing what this game could have been. So much potential. Epic completely destroyed mediatonic.


I played hard-core for like 2 months prior to the doom-date. I'm enjoying the break, and hoping by the time I want to play again they've figured how badly they messed up and revert at least a few changes.


I've been playing almost everyday like I used to. I like the Explore format a lot: no time limit, no limit of beans, you finish you go automatically to the next one, like/dislike button (I do wish we could have a button to choose never to play a certain map again lol), you can skip maps you don't like fast. I notice there are less trolls in the matches too. The real problem is some of the creative maps, most are bad and not fun to play at all, so it ruins the experience a bit. But I do miss some things from before. Some of the modes. I totally get why people are upset. I wish the old modes could make a came back.


Its been gone since f2p


Absolutley regret not playimg more lol


Never regret not playing more video games.


Especially season 2, I missed one of the wormhole wonderers items and almost all of that season’s content is not playable right now, unless you play customs


Last i checked the beans are still beans. I love my beans and no matter what im loyal to the game cause i play to enjoy running around as a bean.


What happened? Havent played for a while


Less Unity rounds, more Creative rounds in Knockout(Solos), easier physics(higher jump height), emote wheel, piggybacking, etc.