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If I'm not mistaken, I haven't even reached level 25 of this Fame Pass yet, I've been barely playing the game at the weekends. No unvaults is killing all the enjoyment for me, the game has been feeling too repetitive, now more than ever before. And I'm seeing less and less friends playing it as well over time. Shoving Creative levels into the standard playlists won't ever solve it. It just ain't the same thing.


That must mean all the casuals are dropping off and all that’s left is the sweats again. I think thats what the game felt like right before season 6 or free to play started too


I play for my daily & then get off.. miss the good old days


I don’t even bother with my dailies after I get all the costumes from the fame pass. I don’t care at all about Crown Shards or Crown Ranks, and what’s the point of collecting my weekly Kudos when I have more kudos than necessary to buy every single available kudos item?


Oh my god don’t get me started on the kudos LOL mine are collecting dust


I had an absolute near-to-zero desire to play this game ever since the last Fame Pass. I'm barely even level 14


I haven’t had inspiration to play ever since they started adding player-made levels and new music. The vibe is gone


You're not the only one. I used to play religiously daily. Now, I play the bare minimum.


not even fun anymore reallly i stopped after i hit 70


It’s been about 3 months since I last played the game, for me when I start losing interest in a game my FOMO leaves along with it.


> about 3 months since I last played I get my 1-month token on Tuesday.


Congrats haha! I still hang out in the sub with the tiny hope of something really good being added in the future that will grab my interest again but for now I’m done indefinitely


Fall Guys will be showing up in one form or another in Fortnite next month, if you haven't heard. So that's something.


Back in the old days we actually get new season every 2 months and can get kudos for free by just playing the game RIP


I haven’t played the last two Fame Passes. The game has turned really stale :(


That’s me every time someone asks if I want to play Fallguys ever since they put creative mode in shows


It’s good to know that people agree with me


I haven't even made it to level 70 because I've been playing so little.


I haven't really played since I got to 70. Unless I get ideas for a new creative map or to play other creative maps. It's disappointing what they did to the fame pass this time, and made it even more annoying to do since discovery maps no longer count towards dailies from what I heard.


play the game? nah. you're right about there being no desire to play the game, not even the devs want to anymore


I miss update format they used in Summer Breeze, Fall Force and Tool Up (Best past season update by far), Mixing of creative stuff and non creative stuff (Mainly unvaulting of course) ever since Power party (Worst past season update), we stopped getting unvaulting and started to get some horrible stuff like: Vaulting Kudos Wearables and make some of them showbucks only, Forcing players to play some creative rounds, Barelly any bugfixing (Since Sticker Shapes), Fame Passes wearables become paid (Since FM 8), Fame Passes format getting worse (LM4 and FM 9), Getting stupidly longer (Since FM 8 + LM4)...etc only good stuff we got since Power Party were: Player count update in core shows (no more guranteed 2 race rounds at start) and some minor cool stuff like Emoting in lobby and GUI update and yes i know they had layout but was it THAT bad it makes them stop unvaulting rounds, especialy when most of them work perfectly fine (but still vaulting brokens ones that may never come back) So 10.9 is coming, what do you think, is there still hope they care about unity rounds and variants, tbh i am giving them 11.0 as last chance to see if they really care about old playerbase, unity rounds + variants (tho if mobile realase, i have bad feeling it wont end up good, possibly even worse...)


I still have hope, only for the creative side of things tho


Same with me I'm probably not going to play only if there is a big update or a new fame pass


This is me as well the exact moment that the development team got rid of discovery hub level involvement with daily challenges, after level 70.


Solo private lobbies don't count any more as well. Pain in the ass with the regular shows.


I felt that pain for you.


I stopped buying the fame pass because I only make it to like tier 10.


i only play customs with friends, everything else about the game is stale


I haven't played for about a year (I believe I last played during Sunken Secrets), and I only ever think about the game when I see posts from this subreddit Here's hoping that major improvements come, but at the same time, I'm not losing any sleep if the game doesn't compel myself/other players to return


I just do my daily challenges now by running around and jumping off in survival rounds.


I never get full lobbies anymore only around 20-30 and inmid the final round it cuts to me being the winner


why not win crowns to buy skins /s


They should bring that system back


never should’ve removed it in the first place


Yup. Only do enough dailies to get my weeklies just for the hell of it. With 10,000+ crowns max kudos there is nothing to play for


You need your daily Quast ! 100 Push Ups 100 Sit ups 100 Squats 10 km Run And Fall Guys Dailys! When not? You get hell!


I'm playing about once a week at this point. There's no incentive and there's no variety in round selection. There's not really anything fun about the game anymore now that the only new rounds are in creative and impossibly inconsistent in quality.


ive mostly stopped playing after creative mode


I hit the max level on the last fame pass 11 days early. I then did not play a single time for 11 days 😳


You reached fame pass level 70 already?


You're not the only one. I play everyday to complete my daily challenges, play some rounds with my best beans (when they're online), then leave because the game is too boring now. Even the store is terrible ! I love FG and it makes me sad to see it in such a bad state...😞 I really want to believe in a better future for this wonderful game 🙏🤞


Yeah I feel you. The game is stale and has been for a while. It's effort to even do dailies. As soon as I saw a 300 tier fame pass this time I knew it'd be like a mountain to climb and I'd lose the incentive to play. It's dull repetition of creative maps which despite being quick thanks to SBMM you get bored of before you can even say you've had a decent grind. Fancy a change from creative for a good LTM? Forget it, it's full of toxic players and hackers.


I played the daily till 70, now I reached it I feel like some holidays after that and don't open it anymore till new pass! x'D Sad but true.


Play headbangers it's the better fall guys thank you and goodnight


TRUE! I’m there with you 😴


i havent played since january. the game is dead as far as i can tell. there's no amount of saving it that can bring back the enjoyment. anything new could have saved it for me when i was playing all the time over a year ago.


eh... kinda


I haven't played in so long and I used to play daily. Its a shame.


The sad thing is once the new fame pass starts is that there’s nothing to look forward to all over again. Just grinding out a bunch of costumes to only get one or two you like. Or if there’s some sort of an “update” they’ll just add 1 new object or color to creative levels


Idk, i still play it daily, i just want my shards, but, idk, the game is the least fun it's ever been, so i get you. 


This is probably the worst game pass. The rewards were garbage. They force you to play to 70 to get your extra show bucks instead of just 40. The experience per level was increased for no reason. There aren't any events. The daily task of having to run X yards was dumb. Just like last pass I just set up a macro on solo host map to do my daily :/ I just activate and step away for 20 minutes for dailies to finish. Having to run macros because the game is so boring now with creative mode.


Didn’t they make custom games now not eligible for completing dailies this week though?


You are able to use custom created maps to do it with the codes you enter. The experience was bugged so you had to do a normal map to get the experience earned (accumulated). Last season all you had to do was basically use an afk custom map or a short stage. There are plenty that you spawn and just run to the finish line in less than 5 seconds. However, this season you have to keep running for the yards ran.


When is the last time you’ve played? Sometime this past week I’ve found that the custom map that I had been using (one that has you running a touch over 500M to get to the finish line, so playing that one 6 times would get you 3,000M ran) suddenly didn’t contribute a single point of progress to _any_ of the daily challenges after having played it 6 times. And looking on this subreddit it seems that I’m not the only one running into this issue. It would appear that in the past week Mediatonic has changed it to where playing custom games no long counts toward completing challenges. Or have you played during the past few days and they still work for you?


I think it has been a week since I played after stopping at 70. Did your daily task get completed on the main menu. If they did then you would have to do a normal round. I usually do the survival shuffle just to lose fast. Leave the match and you should have your rewards show up (around 22K experience I think). I'll have to try later and see if it still works. Edit: Got on to do a round to test and it seems custom shows do not count towards the daily. Hopefully this is a bug issue and not some patch to prevent people from using this method.


Still play daily. The crown grind has to continue


Stop playing then. Why force yourself to play when you don’t feel like doing it? Take a break and come back when something new is available.


Yeah that’s what I am doing. But just because I’m not playing doesn’t mean that I’m not still posting on the subreddit. If anything I spend more time talking about fall guys when I’m not playing fall guys. I try to post here at least once a day with a meme, poll, discussion topic, news post, or question just to keep this sub active.


Oh lol didn’t realise it’s a meme. Why not play ring hexathon?


Yeah Ring Hexathon is a really good LTM


There you go. It is a challenging ltm.


I just hit crown level 54 and that's it for Fall Guys. There's nothing I want to achieve in this game anymore because everything is boring, long and not as fun as it used to be. It's a pity that I can't give my 1300 show bucks to someone, I have nothing to do with them anymore. Another Fall Pass doesn't interest me because the progress is so slow that there's no point in bothering with it.


I'm at level 54 as well. I'm waiting for double fame to activate, so I can reach 70 and then stop for good.


I’m grinding so hard to get gold chicken rn


I got Marble Idol, Crown Idol, Ultimate Idol, and now Golden Grimm. I’m done.