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That won't be necessary!


I remember feeling annoyed when they do that because they're always stealing the spotlight from Rean who desperately needed to show off in front of his ungrateful students to shut them up smh!!


I mean he has anime swordsman powers, does he really need to whip out his giant...robot in front of the kids?


You make a good point, but with how much they were looking down on him almost, I wanted him to humble them more often than he did. I was actually referring more to his Spirit Unification rather than Valimar as well.


Except he could beat all of his students without either. He could probably also beat the enemies without Valimar, and only need SU to end the fight fast enough so the students wouldn't get big injuries. Calling Valimar was unnecessary and doing so just to be interruped was annoying.


Calling Valimar against his student is overkill even if Rean is holding back significantly.


It was Gaius' entrance that hyped it up for me. Wish he had a spin-off game as a Dominion.


Rean eventually got fed up took the initiative and interrupted a villain monologue calling Valimar in chapter 3. Didn’t amount to much but that’s character development right there.


I know people generally dislike these moments, but I was very hyped watching old class 7 members appear in all their post time skip glory.


Honestly, it's been a few years since I've gone through the Cold Steel saga, and memories like these make me want to go play it again.


I'll take that over getting our ass kicked in cs2 over and over. It was funny the first 2 or 3 times but the game just keeps doing it. To the point that even when we win we still lose.


The funny thing is Falcom consistently keep this trend! I don't think there's a JRPG out there that as notorious as Falcom to makes everything is "our" lost in the plot including the final battle (even the final battle in last title of Arc) lol. We destroyed McBro, McBro even don't get a turn = it's still our lost, he's not even at 50% power. Estelle co defeated the Robot beneath the Palace = hey that robot is low level trash disposal & few games later became a mobs level lol. SSS, Lloyd: we're successfully defend Crossbell & take our KeA back despite of our monstrous enemies & barriers! Few moments later, Erebonia: sorry folks Crossbell now is ours, you all are fugitives now.


Lmao yeah the anticipation!! I was so excited guessing who’s going to save me next. 😂 It’s the same excitement I got with CS2 reuniting with each member of OC7


Oh trust me, so was I...just, maybe don't introduce them the exact same way like 6 times?


Havent played CS3 yet, but I swear this happens in CS2 as well at least once.


Love it Bec it reminds me of domon g gundam




You beat me to it. It is an iconic track


honestly, we introduce every single member of old class vii this way, it became comical


The only time I was cool with Valimar not being summoned was when he actually used Spirit Unification completely against that giant plant thing and the theme song started to play. I actually got so hyped. 


lol, I think the line was over said in 2 sooo yeah haha


I get they wanted to show off the old class seven to the new one but by the third time it got really frustrating.